Chapter 43: Pubg mode. *sigh* (Special Event)

(Author's note: I'm not meant to do this but since it's still popular so I'll deal with it and this is just a parody so it's normal to be a bad quality in this chapter. Enjoy!!)

Thursday, 2:00pm...

In a small island as a temporarily waiting lobby for 100 turf war battlers. Or should I say "Survivors".


Lai: Whoa... So this is the new olympic game mode that the company was working on.

I looked at the other 99 survivors were exploring around the island. Some of them were just finding their friends and we're in solo mode. And the stage... I mean the map is in Grassland. Then, I meet up with Whinter as I try to find the others..

Lai: Hey!

Whinter: Hey bro! Aren't you excited for this new mode?!

Lai: Uhm... Not really tho.. And...

Martin and Jaycob had showed up..

Lai: These guys? Who are they?

Martin: Isn't it obvious? We're Whinter's older brothers. And we're the famous twin in Inkopolis!

Lai: I've never heard of you before.. -_-

He gasped as a leaf had just drifted passed along the wind...

Martin: You.. You never heard of me!?

Lai: Uh... Nope, but don't get too worked up!

Jaycob: We're just freelance turf battlers, not that famous actually...

Lai: Oh, okay.. Anyway, where's Clem? I thought she's with you.

Martin: Yeah! Where's your girlfriend anyway? And why there's only boys around this island?

Whinter: Uhh.. Clem and the other girls were actually at the stadium, probably spectating us.

Lai: Spectating... Us?

Jaycob: Didn't you know there's a live streaming around this island?

Lai: *shook head* Nope.

Jaycob: Look over there.

Lai: ?

I looked at one of the drones with cameras that he's pointing at.

At the stadium...

Callie: Hey Lai! *wave hands*

Marie: He can't hear you, Cal.

Callie: At least he noticed me! ^^

Marie: *sigh and grin* Yeah..

Cloud: Go Whinter!! Do your best!!

Clementine: Let's just hope everyone do their best.

Back to island...

Lai: So basically all the girls in Inkopolis were watching us, right?

Whinter: I think you can say that tho. Including my sister, Cloud.

Jaycob: I afraid not...

Whinter: Huh?

Lai: What do you mean?

Jaycob: It's actually broadcast live to the world.

Lai: What!? So that means...!

Meanwhile, in a village at Calamari Region..

Joyce: Dear look! Our son is in TV!

Vincent: Holy Mackerel! I'd never thought he would be famous someday!

Back to island... Again...

Lai: Man, whoever wins in this game will soon become the freshest squid in the world.

Jaycob: That's right.

Then, a Jellyfish had announced from the speaker.

Pilot: Alright, everyone! Please grab your parachute and board into the plane for more further information of this game.

Whinter: Let's go, guys!

Lai: Yeah!

Timeskip... In the plane...

All 100 survivors had boarded the plane. Whinter and I were just sitting beside the window.

Whinter: Whoa... I've never been in a plane in my life. This is so fresh! What do you think, Lai!?

Lai: Yeah.. I guess so.. (No wonder Callie is so ironic during Plane Vs Car Splatfest. She always dislikes the heights.) Hm?

I viewed through the window and saw an island.

Lai: I guess that's our battlefield.

Whinter: That one?

Pilot: Alright, survivors! Welcome to the new game mode called "Playerunknown's battleground". And the rules are simple, the last squid standing, wins! And there's a lot of weapons and gears had scattered throughout the island so good luck, everyone!

Whinter: Alright, I can dig this.

Lai: Hope so..

I open up my map and check for a while. Then, I mark my location at a house in the far west of the island where nobody's gonna go so I guess I should be safe there.

Whinter: What you doing?

Lai: Marking my location. Planning before the game starts..

Whinter: Cool! We should buddy up together as a team!

Lai: Uhm... No, this is a solo mode so you can't come with me. I might splat you in mistake.

Whinter: Oh, okay...

The pilot announced...

Pilot: Dear survivors, we'll open up the hatch once we reach to the island so you can drop out anytime you want.

Lai: *sigh* (Why do I feel this is totally a bad idea?)

Then, the hatch opens up and the wind is blowing in.

All: Whoa!!

Pilot: We had now reached the island! Like I said, you can drop anytime you want!

Inkling boy 1: I'll go first!!

Inkling boy 2: Ng-yes! This is so fresh!!

They both jump down from the plane and the others were followed up to them as well..

Whinter: I'll be going, good luck Lai!

Lai: The same on you!

He left and jumped down from the hatch..

Lai: Well, good game everyone.

Whinter's POV

I just jumped down from the hatch and currently diving down the sky. The wind is blowing me without mercy. I take a look at the island from the sky.

Whinter: Holy carp, this map is huge! Better land before everyone does!

I headed to the farmhouse where I had marked my location. But the question is..

Whinter: Ah shoot! I haven't use a parachute before!

I pulled the line in accident and the parachute had opened which it should be before landing on the ground. Then, the wind is blowing me to the wrong way.

Whinter: No! I don't wanna go this way! How do I turn this thing?!

Then, I drop the parachute bag as I landed on the plain grass.

Whinter: Well, that wasn't so bad. Now where am I?

I took out my map and check..

Whinter: Okay so the plane just flew out from here. And the houses were just some miles away. Maybe I could get some supplies there!


Whinter: Oh what the-!?

I turned around and noticed a Splat Brella is just on the ground..

Whinter: Oh cool! Splat Brella!!

*Gunshots sound*

Whinter: Whoa, getting busy now. I should probably hide.


As I arrived at the house and grabbed some ink tanks and armors. Then, I locked myself in a room and decide to camp for a while.

Whinter: Alright.. *hammer cocks* Bring it on!

*Awkward silence*

Whinter: ...

*Awkward silence*

Whinter: ......

*Still awkward silence.*

Whinter: Well, this games's sucks.. (And Lai was right about it.)

Author's note: Famous last word.

Meanwhile... At the stadium...

Scott: Alright, looks like all the survivors had jumped from the plane and landed to the island in one peace!

Shotbot: And the battle had just begun! This is Scott, I'm Shotbot and we're the host of this game!

Callie: (Hope he's doing fine.)

Back to island... 84 survivors left...

5 minutes after all the survivors had landed on the island. An Inkling boy just entered a house as he was dodging a lot of ink flying around. He took out his Splattershot Pro and went upstairs slowly. Then, he got splatted by Jonquil.

*Splattata* *Splat*

As Jonquil went for looting him.. He unmutes his voice chat.

Inkling boy: Wow dude, really? Really!?

Jonquil: What? What's the matter?

Inkling boy: You're camping! You piece of carp! Learn how to get good in this game!

Jonquil: Oh, sorry. Am I not allowed to do this? Am I... Can I not just stay hearing you? You know..

Inkling boy: Well no, because you're being a coward!

Jonquil: Look, you're the one who's got splatted so you know it's like... It doesn't even matter.

Inkling boy: Yeah right yeah, shut up!

Jonquil: First of all, you're running in as loud as shell. Anybody could hear you and you got splatted because you weren't paying attention so..

Inkling boy: What!? Screw off!! Paying attention!? You're just camp me, bro! You screwed up your ESP!!

Jonquil: Well, you should be careful next time..

He ran from the house after looting from the Inkling boy.

At the stadium...

Daisy: Go Jonquil!!

Inkling girls: Yeah! Go Jonquil Go!!

Shotbot: Seems like his fans were getting excited when he got a splat!

Scott: But that sure was a fierce argument! Right?!

Shotbot: Yeah! Let's change the view to another drone!

Scott: Right!

Back to island... 76 survivors left...

*door slams*

Angelo: Huff... Jesus.. Nearly got me. That was too close..

Then, a car had crashed through the house and an Inkling boy just saw that one from afar..

Inkling boy: Ugh... What a bunch of idiots.

*Pow* He got splatted...

Arnick: That's what you get for laying out in the open, loser!

*Pow* Then, he got splatted as well..

Newbie Inkling: Oh my cod! I got a splat! Holy carp, I just...!

*Splat* He got ran over by a car that just crashed through the house.

At the stadium...

Scott: Alright! What was that?!

Shotbot: I guess it's a chain splats! It's like the victim got splatted by someone and then..!

Scott: The killer got splatted by another one! Am I right?!

Shotbot: Yeah! Totally correct!

Marie: I wonder where is he...

Scott: Alright, let's change to another one!

Callie: Hey look, there he is!!

Back to island... 66 survivors left... At the far west of the island...

Lai: Let's see... Ink tank checked, weapon checked and...

The circle had just ran passed him...

Lai: Oh shoot! The play zone!! I forgot to check!!

I immediately opened up my map and checked the location of the play zone.

Lai: Okay so now I'm here, then I need to get to-!

As I realized I'm far 1.1 kilometer away from the circle. Both of my hands start shivering and I mumbled in panicked...

Lai: 你娘卡好啊.... (Nǐ niáng kǎ hǎo a....)

Without a second thought, I quickly took out the energy drink and chug it all down instantly. I wore my Lvl 3 helmet as well..

Lai: Alright you jerk, let's do this...

Then, I started running out from the house..

Lai: Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot!!!!

At the stadium...

Scott: Well, what was that? What was he saying?

Shotbot: Wait! Let me translate! Oh, he was actually said "Mother of cod" back there!

Scott: Looks like he'll be having a hard time outside from the circle!

Marie: *silenced giggle*

Callie: C'mon Marie, it's not funny at all!

Marie: Pfft! Oh cod, the way he panicks, I just can't take it anymore!!

Callie: *groan* Marie!!

Marie: Alright, alright! I'll stop.. (Pfft.. Still funny tho.)

Back to island... 64 survivors left...

An Inkling boy just got into the house and currently scouting around.. Suddenly, he heard a pan sound. Then, he saw a lot of boxes which is from other survivors corpses in the living room.

Inkling boy: Wait, what the shel-!

*Pong* *Splat*

He got knocked out by frying pan before he could finished.

Cosmo: Oh, seven splats! And he got some Ink tanks, I don't even need that but I'm gonna take it anyway.

At the upstairs...

Logan: Alright.. I guess I can hit him at this range.

*Pow* *Splat*

Logan: Man, this is actually boring.. Hm?

He saw a supply box with parachute just dropped out from the plane.

Logan: That's pretty close.. I could go for it but then again..

He spotted another survivor who's looting the one he's just splatted. Then, he released the shot and splatted him as well.

Logan: Got him!

*Awkward silence*

Logan: Cod, I'm so lonely...

As he lowered his guard, a guy with a motorcycle just jumped up and splatted Logan with his Tenta Brella. Then, he got splatted by falling damage.

Logan: Great... There goes my good game..

Inkling boy: Wait, what the shel-!

*Pong* *Splat*

Timeskip... 49 survivors left...

Martin: Alright top 50, and I only got is just a cod dang Splosh-O-Matic.

The supply crate just dropped beside him..

Martin: Oh cool!

Then, he saw a lot of survivors were coming to his direction..

Martin: Oh, wait no! OH SHOO-!


*Gunshot sounds*

Scott: Wow! Looks like they're having a war over a supply crate!

Shotbot: Yeah! And who'll be the one getting the loot!?

*Gunshot sounds*

Inkling boy: Just get splatted already!!

Then, a Splat Bomb just got threw out onto the ground. Splatted all the survivors in an area. Only left is Whinter.

Scott: Looks like one of the Castello family had reached the drop!

Shotbot: Yeah and looks like he almost died from the war too!

Clementine: Go Whinter!!

Whinter: Yes! I nearly died, but it was all worth it to get this-!

He got just an Ink suppressor from the crate.

Whinter: Ink suppressor... Cool.. -_-

The circle ran passed him..

Whinter: Cool... -_- *Splat*

Then, he got splatted by the circle...

Scott: And the circle just got him fair and square!

Shotbot: Such humiliated splat! Wow!

Clementine: Now that's awkward.. 😒

Cloud: *silenced giggle*

Meanwhile... At a house somewhere..

Citron: Come here!

Sorrel: No!

Citron: C'mon.

Sorrel: I'm not doing it!

Citron: I just want to give you some stuffs to help you.

Sorrel: No you don't! You just want me to come out so you can splat me!

Citron: C'mon, it's not.. You've gotten this far with nothing and I honestly impressed. I don't wish to take you out man. C'mon, you can have my Aerospray!

He drops his Aerospray MG on the ground and Sorrel trusted him by that.

Sorrel: You know what? Thank you, it's nice to know that not everyone's a..!

As Sorrel comes out from the house. Citron starts shooting at him with his .52 Gal.

Sorrel: Ah shoot! Ah shoot! Shoot!

None of his ink had hit him since he always use Splosh-O-Matic. He ran back inside the house and slammed the door.

Citron: Get out the house, you coward!

Sorrel: NO! I knew it! I knew you were trying to splat me!

Citron: Well, of course I'm gonna splat you! That's the point of the game!


Citron: Well now you know better!

*Splat* *Splat*

They both got ran over by a car and it crashes the tree. Then, the driver got splatted by Mandrein.

Mandrein: Ha! What a stupid-!

His network suddenly lag..

Mandrein: Wait, oh no! I can't move my guy!

A suicide bomber had showed up and took out a Splat Bomb while he's lagging. Then, he repeated again after the network got stable back.

Mandrein: Ha! What a stupid-!

*Splatboom* 23 survivors left...

Jonquil: Oh cod, sure glad I'm not in there!

He found himself in a bush with some other survivors.

Jonquil: Well hopefully if I stay completely still...

Then, a bombardment had started and Jonquil and the others got blasted by the bombs.

Timeskip... At the stadium.. 12 survivors left.

Scott: Man, that sure was intense! Right!?

Shotbot: Yeah and looks like seven of them had just knocked out from the game as well!

Scott: So there's only 5 of them were still alive and the circle had got even smaller!

Shotbot: Let's see about that!

Back to island...

Taloupe: Oh my cod, five left.. Okay so there's a guy behind the car. Guy behind a tree. And that guy got..

*Splat* *Splat*

Taloupe: Splatted... Three left.. Wait, there's only two of us here. Where's the other one?

Scott: I wonder where's the other one..

Shotbot: Let's check it out!

They changed the view to another drone outside of the play zone. Then, as they spotted Lai was still running to the circle. All the audiences were shocked and they applaused as excitement.

Callie: Oh, there he is!

Marie: No way...

Clementine: But he's exhausting!

Scott: Looks like he's a tough guy! He managed to catch up the circle!

Shotbot: But he's already out of gas! Will he survived that one!?

Back to island...

Lai: Come on! *huff* C'mon! *huff* *huff* Come on! You piece of carp! Just a.. Little... More! I HATE THIS *Ng-yes sound effect* GAME!


Jaycob saw Taloupe was hiding behind the tree. He aims at him with his Splatterscope.

Jaycob: Alright there you are, you little...

As Lai almost reached the zone, he jumps in with all his might. Then, the shot got into one of his legs that got fired by Jaycob with his Splatterscope. He crashes onto the ground and screams out in agony..

Lai: AAHHH!!!!!

Taloupe: Lai?! What're you doing here!?

Lai: *Huff* *Huff* Gah!!! It hurts!!!

Jaycob: What!? That is ridiculous!! Wait, why am I talking? Why can't I just take another shot?

Then, he got squashed by a car that rolled over to him and he finally got splatted.

Scott: Whoa!!! Did you saw that!? That one was a good save!

Shotbot: Hope he can make it for this one too! Or else he'll get splatted!

Scott: Wait! He walks up towards him!

Callie: 😨

Marie: Oh.. My.. Cod... I can't look right now. *Sweatdropped*

Back to island...

Taloupe: Are... Are you okay?

Lai: *huff* My leg hurts.. And I can't... I can't move..

Taloupe rushed up to Lai and dragging him back under the tree without any second thought.

Taloupe: C'mon, I got the first-aid kit! Just hang on!

He grabs Taloupe's arm to stop him..

Lai: *huff* No need.. Just let me die here..

Taloupe: No! You saved me! Let me help you!

Lai: I said don't! If you do that, there'll be no winner in this game. *cough*

Taloupe: ...

He creeps out a smile at him before he dies...

Lai: Listen Taloupe, actually I don't wish to splat you or anyone else since the start. And I know you don't have the courage to do that either.. But I have something to tell Callie about what's in my mind so..

Taloupe: What is it?!

Lai: Please tell her that I.. *Cough*

Taloupe: Huh?!

At the stadium...

Scott: What's he doing? Is he gonna confess something?

Shotbot: According to my calculation, I think he's gonna confess to someone he loved!

The audience were gasping..

Callie: *Blush* Ehh..!?

Clementine: I bet he really loves you that much, right?

Callie: But in a public like this!? I can't take that much really! >///<

Marie: Looks like the media's gonna go crazy tomorrow.

Back to island...

Taloupe: *sob* What is it?

Then, he took a deep breath and shouted out with full volume.


All audiences went collapsed after hearing his complain..

Scott: *Sweatdropped* Shotbot, I think your calculation must be malfunctioning..

Shotbot: Hey! I can't read his mind at all!

Callie: *Sweatdropped* He sures having a hard time. Ahaha..^^"

Marie: Really? That's all you can say?

Clementine: And I bet he really hates this game that much too.. Hehe... ^^"

Back to island...

Lai: So.. Looks like you win this game fair and square, huh?

Taloupe: ...

Lai: Taloupe?

Taloupe: No, you're coming with me!

Lai: Wait wait wait! Mhm-!

Taloupe seals Lai's mouth by wrapping around with the bandages. Then, he clears out the infected wound and wraps it up immediately as well.

Lai: Mhm- Mm!!! (Ahh!! Be gentle, it hurts!)

Taloupe: Then, you shouldn't scare me like that! I thought you were gonna leave me alone here!

Lai: (Geez... It can't be helped...)

After wrapping with the bandages...

Taloupe: Okay, done!

Taloupe lifts him up slowly..

Lai: *huff* I think I can stand..

Taloupe: Are you sure?

Lai: *nod* Yeah..

He grabbed a hold onto the tree to keep himself balanced..

Taloupe: So what are we gonna do now?

Lai: *sigh* I don't know, how do we even get out from this island? We can't actually swim in the water. Plus, we don't even know where the others would respawned at..

Taloupe: So.. To get out from this island.. One of us must be the winner, right?

Lai: Yeah, got any idea?

Taloupe: Here.

Lai: ?

Taloupe gave him a Splat Bomb..

Lai: What you gonna do with it?

Taloupe: This.

He presses the detonate button and the bomb's gonna blow up the two of them..

Lai: Oh shoot!!! 😨


Scott: Whoa! What was that!?

Shotbot: They blew themselves together!! What a good ending for the first game!!

Scott: Yeah! I couldn't agree more with you!

At the stadium...

*Spawn* *Spawn*

Two of them were spawned in the locker room, meeting up with the others. Taloupe waves at them.

Whinter: You guys did it! Congratulation you two!!

Taloupe: Thanks guys!

Cosmo: Are you okay!? Did you hurt or anything!?

Taloupe: Nope! Lai protected me in the end!

Whinter: Oh yeah! Congrats Lai!

He falls onto the ground and groans in exhausted..

Lai: Ugh......

Whinter: Are you okay?

Lai: No... I ran all the way straight to the circle and I got shot in the end. The worst is, I don't even get a splat in this whole game.

Cosmo: At least you got the pacifist and the "Get down! Mr President!!" achievement.

Lai: Don't joke me with that. -_-

Whinter: But he got point there so cheer up, bro.

He stood up...

Lai: *sigh* Yeah, you're right.

Cosmo: Here, let me blast you a song for saving my Taloupe.

Lai: No, thanks.. So only you two here in this whole time? Where's everyone?

Whinter: Yeah, right after we got splatted and respawned back to the stadium. Then, we were spectating the one who's still alive.

Lai: I mean the other 96 participants?

Whinter: Oh, after they got respawned. They all went to protest against the company for complaining.

Lai: But who's the winner? Both of us were got splatted at the same time.

Whinter: Oh, I don't know.. But they're gonna announced it soon. Let's go check it out!

Lai: Right.

We all exit out the locker room and headed to the stadium. I cover my eyes with my arm from the bright as we got outside, I could hear the audiences were applausing, screaming in excitement and even shouting out Booyah to celebrate for the winner. Then, I move out my arm and looked around. Seeing that everyone was cheering up for us.

Lai: Holy Zapfish...

Scott: Alright! The results are in and we all know who the winners are!!

Shotbot: The winners are....

Lai: Are? There are two winners!?

Whinter and Cosmo: *nod* Yeah!

Scott and Shotbot: Taloupe and Lai!!!

The audiences were applausing even louder and Callie, Marie, Cloud with Clementine piggybacked her were rushing to us, Callie jumps in total excitement and hugs me in pure glee.

Callie: Congrats Lai! You won!

Marie: Though in a peace way tho.

Lai: Thanks! I guess it was all worth in the end..

Cloud: You alright, big bro?

Whinter: Yeah! Don't worry, Cloud! I was having fun back there!

Clementine teases Whinter by shoving a salt on Whinter..

Clementine: And you got splatted by the circle in the end.

Whinter: Ahehe... That was an aciddent! I didn't expect that one coming!

With Taloupe and Cosmo..

Cosmo: Well, they all were excited tho.

Taloupe: Yeah and I can't believe we won!

Cosmo: And here's the gift from me for winning this match.

Taloupe: Huh?

He pulls Taloupe and gives a peck onto his cheek. He got blushed by that.

Taloupe: *blush* Uhm... Thanks, Cosmo.

Cosmo: *chuckle and smile* You're welcome.

Back to Lai and the Squid Sisters..

Lai: Ah~! Finally, it came with a good ending. Man, my legs are tired right now.

Callie: Yeah, so glad you're still fine in the end! I was so worried about you that you might got splatted tho!

Marie: But he's here at last, let's go and pick the prizes already, Lai.

Callie: Nah, I already got a prize just for him.

Lai: Huh?

She pulls my face into a kiss for a while. She closed her eyes and whispered..

Callie: Please accept this... 💜

She locks her lips with mine. Pouring her love into my heart and causing my mind to stop during that; the surroundings melted away and my only focus right now is being with Callie. The Inkling that I deared the most. It was a perfect ending for us.

End Of Chapter.


The next day... 6:00am..

Lai was surfing through the Splatnet and he had found something interesting. He showed it to Callie..

Lai: Whoa, you might want to look at this, Callie!

Callie: "The company went bankrupt and collapsed due to many complains from the Inklings." Seems like this game mode really doesn't suit for our culture.

Lai: So it was a bad idea after all! Glad we don't need to play this anymore!

Then, the door bell rings...

*Knock* *knock*

Callie: Hm? I wonder who's there in this morning.

Lai: I'll get the door!

I opened the door, I saw Cosmo and Taloupe then I noticed they were panting from exhaustion.

Lai: Eh? What you guys doing here and what's with the rush about?

Cosmo: Please let us in!! I'll explain it to you later!!

Taloupe: Eekk!! They're coming!!

Lai: Huh?

I saw a lot of Inkling girls were rushing towards us.

Lai: You gotta be squidding me..

I closed the door immediately as the moment they went in. Callie asks in curiosity..

Callie: Eh? Cosmo? Taloupe? What's wrong?

Taloupe: Uhm... Things getting a bit hard to explain tho.

Cosmo: Since after the game, his fans were kept swarming around his place. We had no choice but to escape from them.

Lai: Wait! So that means..

Cosmo: They're after you as well!

Lai: What!?! 😨

Inkling girls: We love you, Taloupe!! And Lai too!!

Callie: Well, Lai.. Looks like we're gonna spend the rest of our day here~

Lai: I instantly regret that one..

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