Chapter 40: Merry Squidmas! Part 1

(Author's note: This is just a fanfic for the Squidmas eve and it's kinda fun writing it xD. Also Lai and the Squid Sisters had something to say.)

Lai: Hey guys! Before the story starts, Callie and I had added a 2 hours of Classic Christmas Songs so please wear headphones and earphones for the best experience of this story!

Marie: Aren't those were the same things?

Lai: Whatever! Enjoy the story!

Callie: Also...!

All: Stay Fresh and Merry Squidmas, everyone!!


At 8:00pm, Friday. At the Squid Sisters Apartment..

It was currently in night time and the weather is now raining with snow during the winter season, our home were decorated with ribbons and a Squidmas Tree with a Squid Star on top of it and some Super Sea Snails hanging on the branches. Callie seems to be exciting..

Callie: Yay, tomorrow is the Squidmas day! Aren't you excited for this?!

Marie: Yeah but there's no Father Squidmas actually existed tho.

Callie: C'mon Marie, it's real! You gotta believe me!

Marie: It's just their parents giving gifts to the kids, nothing special tho. Plus, can you prove it?

Callie: Uhm... I.. I can't.. Oh! Where's Lai?

Marie: Probably helping gramps for the preparations in Octo Valley.

She frowns...

Callie: Aww...

The door open and Lai just got back home, already tired from the missions he just had.

Callie: Ah Lai, great timing!

Lai: Huh?

Callie: Tomorrow is the Squidmas day! Aren't you excited!?

Lai: Yeah I guess... But let me get some sleep first. *yawn*

Callie: Aww... *sigh and pout*

Lai: What's wrong, Cal?

She looks down a bit.. Then, she lifts her head back up to reply him..

Callie: Nothing! You're right, I'll just get some sleep for tomorrow!

She ran inside her room and closed the door..

Lai: Is she okay?

Marie: She'll be okay.. Trust me.

He sits onto the couch next to Marie who's currently reading novels.. He groans...

Lai: Ugh... I'm too tired to reply her back.. What should we do?

Marie: She'll be fine tomorrow. Just try not to disturb her.


Callie's POV

I jumped onto my bed and buried my face into my pillow. I cried..

Callie: *sob* Why no one would ever believe that Father Squidmas was real... Not even Lai...

I pulled the blanket over me, then I fall asleep as my mind went calmed..

Timeskip... 11:00am..








Callie: (What was that!?)

I got awake by the sound that just made from the outside room. I got scared but I didn't let out a sound. The time's still in midnight so the room was in pitch black as I opened my eyes.. I slowly got out from the bed and as I was about to open the door, I heard some footsteps coming through the door. My body was trembling in fear. Couldn't think what will happen next.

Callie: Woo.. my.. 😨

I slowly twisted the doorknob and push the door open a bit. Then, I sneak out in my Squid Form. I looked around and saw a mysterious figure, I was about to scream out loud as it starts getting closer to me but he covered my mouth with his hand to silence me before I start screaming.

Callie: Mhm!! ><

Lai: (Shh... It's me, Lai!)

I got relieved as I heard it was Lai but I got blushed as well due to that he got too close to me. Then, I noticed that his other hand was holding his Hero Shot as I looked closer enough. I murmur to him under my breath as he let go his hand from my mouth.

Callie: (Lai!? What's going on!?)

Lai: (Someone just break in our home. I gotta check it out.)

Callie: (How?)


Lai: (Wait! I think it's coming from the living room.)

Callie: (What should we do?)

Lai: (You go turn on the lights, I'll keep an eye out on him.)

I nodded and followed his guide. I turn into my Squid Form and sneak through the living room until I reached the light switches. I turn back into humanoid form and switch on the lights.

???: !?

*Hammer cocks*

Lai: Looks like your sneaking skills needs to be sharpen..

Callie: Wait! He's..!

We both were gasping...

Lai: No way... You're..!

It was a Jellyfish with green elf costume and he's also carrying a bag of gifts. Standing next to the Squidmas Tree.

???: Wait! Hold your fire!

Callie and Lai: An elf!?

We all went silenced until Marie got out from her room.

Marie: Ugh... What's with the yell, you two?

She opened her eyes and saw an elf..

Marie: Oh my cod...


Lai: So you're actually working with the Father of Squidmas?

Elf: *drink a sip of cocoa* Yeah and your Cap'n is a friend of our Father Squidmas too!

All: You knew our Cap'n!?

Elf: Yeah! Elves like me was the one who delivering the gifts to every kids during every Squidmas eve. But I never thought that Inklings like you would woke up in the midnight so I guess you three must be the Agents Cap'n was talking about..

Marie: Wait! Give us a moment, please.

Elf: Okay! Take your time!

She drags me and Lai to her room. Then, she starts the discussion with us.

Marie: Guys, do you think this is a scam?

Lai: I don't know. Judging by the looks on him.

Callie: C'mon Marie, I know he's actually real!

Lai: Cap'n didn't told us about them at all. But if he doesn't know about Cap'n, how did he even knew that we're Agents?

Callie: Maybe they're just try to hide their presence from the kids.

Marie: I don't really know much about him but you got point there.

Lai: So should we trust him?

Callie: *nod* Of course!

Lai: Marie?

Marie: I'll give it a shot.

Callie: Yay!

We all went out from her room after the discussion.

Lai: So what brings you here anyway?

He scratches his head..

Elf: Well...

He tugs out his tablet, then a hologram of Cap'n Cuttlefish had displayed..

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Hey!

All: Cap'n!?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Sorry for not telling you, Agents. They're currently in short-handed for the preparations and the deadline is tomorrow so I really need your help right now. And I apologise for disturbing your sleeps in this night.

Callie: It's okay, gramps. So what missions you had for us in this night?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Oh, I want you three to be the bodyguards of Father Squidmas and this guy will take you all three to the Nouth Pole. See you all there!

Callie: Wait!! So we're gonna meet the Father Squidmas!?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: *nod* Yes!

The Hologram closed as the transmission ends.. I burst out in excitement..

Callie: Yayy!!! The Father Squidmas was actually real!! Can't you guys believe it!?

Marie: Well, Holy...

Lai: ...Carp.. That is one shell big of discovery...

Marie: I was wrong, I thought it was just gramps made the disguises all along..

They just stood there, still couldn't believe the fact they just knew..

Elf: Uhm... Are they okay?

Callie: Nah, they just can't take it. Anyway, let's go, guys!!!

He snaps out from his thoughts..

Lai: Wait!! You forgot your sweater!!


We were currently riding on a sleigh led by the eight reindeers flying through the sky and we were now on our way to the North Pole after we grabbed our sweaters, ink tanks and weapons. I was sitting next to an elf while Marie and Lai were sitting behind me. Lai stood out and asked..

Callie: Man!! This is the happiest moment in my life!!

Lai: How much time do we get there?

Elf: Just 20 minutes and we're all there!

He sighs as he falls back onto his seat..

Lai: Man, I'm speechless right now... Plus, I didn't get enough sleep yet. *yawn*

Marie: Me either... How come gramps didn't tell us about this.

Lai: I guess it's a top secret mission tho. And it's an emergency one.

Marie: Whatever, let's just get this over with or else I'm gonna sleep all day during Squidmas.

Lai: Sounds good.. *yawn*

They both dozed off during the ride..


We all three had arrived to the North Pole, gladfully there's no storm at all and I could see the Northern lights glistening on the night sky.. ^^

Callie: Wow!! So that's the Northern lights gramps always talking about! So beautiful!

The ride stopped and we landed on a snow peak.

Elf: Alright, here we are in the North Pole! Just down the slope and we'll reach our place!

Callie: Ah! Thanks for the ride! (Kyaa!! We're actually in the North Pole!!)

I turned around and saw Marie and Lai were still sleeping..

Callie: C'mon, ya sleepy heads! We got road to go!

Lai: Ugh... I'm still tired tho.

Marie: Why don't we just rest here for a while and watch the Northern lights together..?

Lai: *slightly nodded* Agreed...... It's so... Beautiful...

Callie: Aww... *pout*


I was carrying both of them in their Squid Form and start heading to the Father Squidmas's place along with the Elf Jellyfish.

Marie: You gotta be squidding me... -_-

Lai: Zzzz... So warm... 😴

Callie: Hehe... You two are just like babies.. ^-^

We saw a town where all the Elves were living there as we just got arrived. Our eyes lit up with surprise..

Elf: We're here now everyone! Welcome to The Candy Cane Lane!

All: Whoa!!

The weather was still in snowing and everyone were decorating their whole town with lights, Squidmas gifts and a huge Squidmas Tree on the center, also hanging with Super Sea Snails and a huge Squid Star on top of it. The kids were playing snowball fight and the houses were in light brown that it really looks like it was made out with Squidmas Cookies. Lai jumps out from my hug with still in his Squid Form. Then, he turns back..

Lai: Coool! I can't wait to go and visit Father Squidmas in person!

Marie: Aren't you still tired from lack of sleep?

Lai: Nah! Not anymore! Anyway, let's go guys!!

He start running to the town..

Callie: Hey! Wait for me!!

Marie: Another Callie... *sweatdropped and facepalm*

Elf: Let me take you to his place first, shall we?

Marie: No need, I'm worried about those two might lost their way.

Elf: Okay, his place is just a bit on the north west of the center. See you guys there!!

Marie: Thanks..


I was following Lai through the streets while he's looking around the town..

Callie: Hey! Slow down, will you?

He stops and turns around to me. Then, both of his hands were placing behind his head and smiles when he notices me just now.

Lai: Oh, sorry Callie. Didn't noticed you were behind me!

I smile back to him, then I reply to him..

Callie: So I guess you were excited as I do. ^^

Lai: Yeah! This place is so wonderful! It's just like a heaven!

Callie: Hehe! Glad to hear!

The smile on his face, it's like I've never seen it before. Feels like it's my first time seeing him to be so happy during the Squidmas eve. I couldn't help but sport a grin at him. I can feel how overjoyed he is and I feel happy as well..

Lai: But..

Callie Ah! Yes?

Lai: Shall we look around first before meeting the Father Squidmas?

My eyes lit up with surprise.. Then, I reply to him with a beam.

Callie: Sure! Why not!? I'm sure there's a lot of fresh stuffs that we haven't seen in here yet!

Marie: Not if we finished our mission first.. Tigerfish.

Marie caught up with us..

Callie: Hey, Marie!

Lai: Oh you're here! Aren't you tired as well as I do?

Marie: The atmosphere was so lively that I won't get dozed off in here so easily.

Lai: Great! Now we can focus on our mission without falling asleep!

Callie: Let's go then!

We went our way to the place where Father Squidmas was living.


Cap'n Cuttlefish: What took them so long, they should be here right now..

???: Don't be such a hurry, my old friend. They must be fascinated by the decoration that everyone had made in my town!

*Knock* *Knock*

???: Ah, speak of the devil. There they are!

Elf: I'll get the door!

He opens the door for us. We entered and meet up with Cap'n and an old Inkling with Red Santa costume. He has pot belly, a huge of white beard onto his chin and a white moustache as well. We all went surprised..

Callie: Hey gramps! And you're...!

Marie: It can't be...

Lai: The real Father Of Squidmas!?

Santa: Ho! Ho! Ho! Nice to meet you all children! The name is Santa Squid! And you can just call me Santa!

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Glad you all had arrived here safe. I thought you guys had lost your way here.

Marie: Well, these two went crazy about the Squidmas tho.

Lai: We were just excited tho. Not that crazy actually. *sweatdropped*

Santa: Oh, such spirit they have. Come here, I might had you three on my "Nice" list!

Callie: Really!?

He nodded...

Santa: Yes you are, little girl!

Callie: Sweet!

I walked up toward him.. Santa asks me about my name.

Santa: Your name?

Callie: It's Callie!

Santa: Callie, huh?

He reads through the list, searching for if my name was in his list. Then his head raises and he smiles at me and then he nodded as a reply..

Callie: Yes!

Marie: Geez... No need to be excited tho.

Callie: I'm just happy! Now it's your turn, Marie!

Marie: Let's see...

Marie and I were switching place, I walked back to Lai and she walked toward in front of Santa.

Santa: Your name?

Marie: Marie.

Santa: Marie... Hm...

He start searching through the list. Then, he replies to Marie as he had found it.

Santa: Here you are...

Marie: Am I nice as well?

Santa: Well, according to my list, Marie..

Marie: Huh?

Santa: Seven years ago, you told everyone in kindergarden you did not believe in Father Squidmas. Oh, that is unfortunate.

Marie: What!?

Lai: I thought you really were in Team "Nice". 😮

Callie: And Team Naughty little nautilus wins it all! ^^

Marie: Oh shut up, you both. 😒

We both went giggling, then Santa start asking Lai about his name...

Santa: And you? Little boy? You haven't told me your name yet.

Marie and Lai were both switching their place.. He walked up to him with excited looks on his face.

Lai: Lai, just Lai.

Santa: Lai, huh..

He start searching, then he shook his head.

Santa: I'm truly sorry, little boy.

Lai: Huh?

Santa: I couldn't find any of your name here at all...

Lai: What!?! 😨

His knees fall down in front of Santa... Everyone went sweatdropped..

Lai: How am I not even in his list!? 😱

Marie crossed her arms and sways her head..

Marie: Hmph... Serves you right for being so sarcastic.

Santa: Oh, I'm sure they'll add you in the list. It happens every year tho. ^^"

Lai: Really!? So I'm really in your list as well!?

Santa: Yes! The same goes to every kids! Just haven't confirmed yet that you're actually in my "naughty" list or in my "nice" list tho.

Lai: Phew...

Cap'n Cuttlefish: So shall I explain the mission details for you three?

Lai: Oh.. Okay...


We all were sitting on the couch. Listening to Cap'n about the mission.

Callie: So our mission is to protect Santa?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Last night, he received a threatening gift by someone. Saying they're gonna take over the Squidmas this year.

He grips onto his chin as he's thinking.

Lai: I wonder who did it..

Santa: I had no idea, but whoever planned this must be the Octarians.

Marie: Wait, Octarians? They're here too?

Santa: Hm.. Maybe yes.. But I'm too busy for the preparations tho. Can you help me investigate this case?

Callie: Sure! We'll do it! What do you think, guys?

Marie and Lai were both nodded in agreement..

Marie: Sure, why not? We're doing it for the sake of our Squidmas.

Santa: Glad to hear, you can also take a look around my town first if you want, it's my warm welcome for you three!

Lai: Thanks! We're off then!

We all stood up and exit out Santa's house.

Santa: Your kids are sure have spirits tho. Especially that long hair one, I could sense how much purity she had in her spirit.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Ahaha!! That's my grandkids I know!

In Candy Cane Lane...

Lai: So where should we start investigate?

Marie: I don't know.. And I don't even know how they'll strike tho.

Callie: Let's just take a look around and enjoy ourselves first!

Marie: Are you sure?

Lai: Time's 12:00am tho. We still had hours before the sun rises. What should we do?

Callie: Hm... Let's watch the Northern Lights first! Then we'll have a snowball fight just the three of us!

Marie: Count me out from that, I just wanna watch the lights tho.

We all super jumped to the roof.. In the meantime..

Octarian: Report in! The guardians had arrived in Candy Cane Lane.

???: What!? That old man actually sent three little pesky with him!?

Octarian: What should we do?

???: Tell me every movement they made and then I'll start the assault when the time comes.

Octarian: Yes, I'll start following them..

Transmission ends...

???: Ha ha ha! The Squidmas will soon be mine and those bugs can't do anything else, especially that red old man.

End Of Chapter.


Lai: Holy Carp...

Callie: Huh? What's going on?

Lai: You might wanna take a look at this..

Marie: What is it!? What is it!?

Callie: No way...

Callie: Whoa!!

Marie: Check the rankings!! Check the rankings!!

Lai: I'm on it!! I'm on it!!

Lai: Holy Zapfish!! Another first place!!

Callie: I don't believe it!! Our story is actually in the first place!!

Marie: Looks like we had paid all our efforts..

Lai: Yeah, so much thanks for all the readers tho. Oh yeah and there's more screenshot of it as well!

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