Chapter 39: Just Rivalry? Final Match Arc 2

After Whinter had a challenge against the leader of Team Toxink, Belladonna. For a King Of The Hill match in Blackbelly Skatepark. I decided to train the Splat Jam Team before the final. Especially Whinter. This is how I spend our time with the Splat Jam.



Whinter: Ahh!!

Lai: C'mon, still need more mobility.

Whinter: What kind of practice is that!? You've been splatting me for 20 times! And why are you using Carbon!? You know Bella was using a Dynamo one!

Lai: Although Dynamo has a lot of splash potential plus it does a lot of damage. But only lows at attack speed.

Whinter: Oh, yeah you're right.. How come I never think of that..

Lai: Maybe you always act before you think and that leads you to your downfall.

Whinter: Hey!


*Phone call to Tetrox...*

Lai: Hey.

Tetrox: Oh hey, Lai! How's your doing?

Lai: I'm fine.. What about you?

Tetrox: I'm doing pretty well! My teammates are taking a good care of me, especially that Agent Wannabe! I thought they would be very strict in the first time but they're actually nice in the end!

Then, I heard someone was calling her out..

Arnick: Tetrox! We gotta go now!

Tetrox: Alright! Give me a sec!

Then, she went back to the phone call..

Tetrox: Sorry, Arnick is calling me now!

Lai: Why is he there?

Tetrox: Well, I'm actually started to live with him.

Lai: You WHAT!?

Tetrox: Sorry, gotta go now!

She hangs up the phone call..

Lai: Hey!! Tetrox!?

Sunday... At Blackbelly Skatepark..

Marian: Alright team! We're all going to practise like usual! Lai will be standing on top of the tower and you must at least drop him down once or else we can't take the lead.

Whinter: Okay.

Lai: Try to get me without using any of your teammate's support.

I went dumbfounded as soon as I heard a Kraken sound..

Lai: No, not that one..

Then, I saw Whinter had climbed up the tower with his Kraken Form.. I jumped out from the tower immediately..

Whinter: It's payback time!

Lai: Wait! You never use it on girls so that doesn't count!

Marian: He's right! You won't use it on Bella. Plus, Lai would just simply return and claim back the tower!

Vadelma: Maybe he's just trying to get his revenge? ^^"

Marian: Oh my cod.. *facepalm*

Monday at 8:00pm...

Lai: Ugh... *lays on the bed* I really need to counter that Kraken special somehow..

I just got back home after finish practicing. Callie came into my room with a bowl of soup in her hand, I smiled at her faintly..

Callie: Geez, Lai.. You've been working so hard. You should eat something..

Lai: Thank you, Callie.... Sorry for the trouble tho.. ^^"

Callie: That's what couples do so don't sweat it! *wink*

I chuckle happily..

Lai: Yeah..

She sets the soup onto the table next to my bed. I ask her in curious..

Lai: Hm? What's this?

Callie: Watercress soup. I bet that's your favourite, right?

Lai: Eh? How did you know that?

Callie: Well, Vadelma told me that so I made it just for you!

Lai: Really!? You're the best!

Callie: Hehe.. Should I get something from you?

Lai: Well, what do you want? I can do anything for you if it's in my range!

Callie: How about a night with me? We haven't done that for a while and I missed you being my pillow.

Lai: Oh well, I've never thought you were that needy tho. But it's fine for me anyway.

Callie: Yay!

Lai: Geez.. Now I feel bad for missing our date.

Callie: Nah don't worry about it. There's always have another chance to do that!

Lai: *smile and chuckle* Yeah...


Lai: Is she alright, Ms. Lanark?

Orenda: She still doesn't want to talk with us and she still bothers about the past. But she did come out from her room and ate her dinner.

Jonquil: That means she's doing fine right now.

Lai: Yeah, now we all can be rest assured from that..

Wednesday at 6:00pm...

Logan: Still haven't got a word from Clem?

Whinter: No, she haven't replied me yet since that match..

He nudges his phone back to his pocket..

Marian: Alright team, tomorrow is the final match against Team Toxink. We have done all we can and we couldn't be more prepared. And also thanks to Lai for staying and practicing with us in this whole week. So I just want to say, no matter what happens tomorrow.. I'm proud of you.

Whinter: Aww...! She does care!

Marian: Okay! Okay! Enough of that! Now go home and get plenty of rest. *blush*

Whinter: Well, see ya tomorrow!

Thursday.. The day when the final match starts..

At the Plaza.. With almost everyone there, including the Petal Splash and the Vitamin Ink.. The Squid Sisters were hosting the game.

Callie: Hello Sealings! Welcome to the Final Turf War League Match between Team Splat Jam and Toxink!

Marie: This is an exciting match between two old allies, now rival captains! Who will take the win?

Callie: Don't go anywhere! The match will start in a few minutes!

Lai: It finally starts, isn't it?

Jonquil: Yeah, I wonder if she'll be coming or not.

Lai: Beats me..

Then, he noticed Clem had came as well..

Jonquil: Clementine!

Lai: Ah! Speak of the devil..

He ran up to Clem...

Jonquil: Clementine! You came! We all were so worried about you!

Clementine: Hey Jonquil.. I'm fine. I'm just needed time to think..

Jonquil: About the past?

Clementine: *nod* Yes.

Jonquil: Oh, I understand..

Clementine: Yeah.. We need to talk to her. But for now, I'm here to cheer for Whinter and see how they are doing now.

I walk up to them..

Lai: Let's just hope both of them are fine in the end.. Besides, I had taught Whinter a bit but the rest is all up to him.

Clementine: Thanks..

Lai: Don't sweat it. Anyway, what did Bella said to you that makes you wanna leave during that match?

Jonquil: Yeah! What was it?

Clementine: Uhm... She actually told me to forgive her about things happened in two years ago.

Jonquil and Lai: What!?

Clementine: Yeah, I was really shocked back there. Then, my heart feels bad about all the things Jonquil and I had done to her while we're still kids..

Jonquil: Clementine...

I placed both of my palms back of my head..

Lai: Well, you don't have to..

Clementine: Huh?

Lai: I mean, people make mistakes and do silly stuffs in their past tho. But, people will change. Just like Belladonna, we've never thought she would be that soft and she actually seek forgiveness from you. That means she's changing.

Jonquil: Yeah, he's right. She deserves to be forgiven.

Clementine: Thanks but, she's still hold a grudge against Marian and now her team is battling against Splat Jam.

Lai: Well, we can't do anything about that but to cheer them up. It's only we can do right now.

Jonquil: Yeah, let's go to the seat and watch the match together!

Lai: Okay.

The teams all went to the Spectators seat inside the Inkopolis Tower. We could see the Splat Jam and Toxink were on their own sides, preparing themselves for the final.

*Phone rings*

Lai: Sorry, gotta pick a call.

I stood up and went away from the crowd. Then, I notice the caller was from Cap'n and I answered it.

Lai: Hey?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Hey Agent 3! I got a mission for you!

Lai: What is it?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: I just got some news from the Octarians and they sent out a new troop called "Tentakook" to Inkopolis Plaza!

Lai: "Tentakook"?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Yes! He wore a yellow helmet and a pair of skating shoes! Be careful, he's extremely fast and the only way to splat it is to corner it. But, he drops a Splat Bomb while being chased.

Lai: But where is it?

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Judging at his speed, he's now probably sneaking around the tower somewhere. You should check out the surveillance camera in security room first.

Lai: Alright, huh?

I noticed a Tentakook just skate into the security room.

Lai: Well, I already found him.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: I'm counting on you then!

Phone calls ended..

Lai: Ugh, I'm gonna miss the match so bad.

As I headed to the security room. I back out a few steps and turn to the TV. Just noticed Whinter got crushed by Belladonna in their first strike.

Callie: Ouch! That gotta be hurt!

Lai: I feel my effort have been already gone in vain right now.. 😒

Then, I continue my way to security room. I stopped and hide behind the wall as I saw a shark was guarding the entrance. I look around a bit and saw the vent up there. I took out a .52 Gal and attached the muzzle with an Ink silencer. I ink the wall with a few shots and swim inside the vent quietly.


Logan's POV.

The battle just begun and Belladonna had already secured the tower after succeeding with her first strike. I snuck my way to my usual sniping location where it just at the right side of the Skatepark. I took a peek at the tower and yeah.. Belladonna was there, but I can't hit her because of the King Of The Hills rules. Then, I heard a hammer just cocked..

Arnick: If this is a real war... You'd be splatted, boy.


Lai's POV.

I just snuck into security room through the vent. Gladfully, my Squid Form actually fits the size inside of it. I crawled until I reached to the grate and got out from the vent. I turn back into Inkling Form and fall onto the ground.

*Blop* *Thunk!*

Lai: Ouch... Why do I feel another one has been downed already...

I stood up and took out my .52 Gal and proceed with caution. Then, I start chasing the Tentakook as I saw it just skates through the hallway. When I was about to turn the angle of view. I noticed he had dropped a Splat Bomb at the corner. I dodge roll back to avoid it before exploding.

Lai: Ugh... Almost got me..

I saw a thin trail of ink that left by the Tentakook and start followed it.

Lai: You're not getting away from this.



Whinter: Damn it!! She's got the upper hand now.. I need to be sneaky..

He slowly swims through in blue ink and swim up the wall quietly. He notices Bella was turning her back to him.

Whinter: (Yes! She thinks I'm coming from that side. Now's my chance!)

He jumps out and as he's about to swing his Roller at her, an Inkstrike just fall straight down at him and he got splatted again.

Back to Lai..

I was still chasing after the Tentakook in the hallway. But I stopped as I just heard something from the speaker.

Marie: Ow.. That must be hurt too..

Callie: Yeah, it was a direct hit for him by the Inkstrike Belladonna just sent!

Lai: Sounds not good tho..


Lai: What was that?

I rush to the scene where the explosion came from. I saw a guard just lying there in a pool of purple ink created by the Splat Bomb. I went check up on him and lucky that he's still breathing.

Lai: Phew... He's just fainted tho..

Then, I went back on chasing him..


Whinter: Ng-yah!!


Belladonna: I have to give it to ya. You don't give up easily, Roller boy!

Whinter: Of-of course! You hurt Clementine! I can't forgive you!

Belladonna: Hmm... Oh yes! You're her boyfriend! I remember her kissing you at the start of the league! I was watching that match! Hahahaha! Marian's face was so worth witnessing!

Whinter: Don't laugh!!! You almost splatted Clem! Why would you do that!?

Belladonna: ...

She let go her Gold Dynamo Roller, making Whinter fell onto the ground and pinned him down completely..

Belladonna: I know you don't wanna hear this but..

Whinter: Yeah I know! I already know!! Lai told me that!

Belladonna: Huh? That kid again? I don't know why he's so nosy about this but thanks to him, that saves a lot of my breath. I guess you already know that I tried to apologize to her.

Whinter: You tried?

Belladonna: I did... But I never get the answer..

Her attitude suddenly changed...

Belladonna: It doesn't matter! It was a fool's errand anyway! But since it was him who told you all this instead of Marian! I guess she doesn't trust you at all! Just like she didn't trust me!

Whinter: Yeah, I can't believe this at the first time...

Belladonna: I know it's hard to accept the truth about people you care deeply about but-

Whinter: But I can't believe how full of carp you are!!

Belladonna: Wha-? What did you just say to me?!

Whinter: Yeah okay! I know how bad the breakup is and I know how you felt back then! We all make mistakes and act stupid! But what you thought are not the Clementine and Jonquil of today! They are my friends! Even Marian is friends with them! They all have changed! Unlike you...

Belladonna: ...

Whinter: Marian didn't kick you out because of plotting teammates! But because she was afraid of you! Afraid you would continue to be driven by violence and anger! And she made the right choice! You have done nothing but prove her right!

Belladonna: Shut up...

Whinter: And Lai would be very disappointed seeing someone like you who's still clinging to the past and grudges to justify this self-righteous revenge quest!!!

Belladonna: I SAID SHUT UP!!!!

She crushed him with all of her might..



Lai: !?

I stopped for a minute, couldn't think about what just happened..

Lai: What... was that...?

I shake off my mind from my head and back proceed along with a thin trail of ink. When I was about to turn the side, I heard a spawning sounds and a fat stream of ink just sweeping through in front of me. I lean against the wall and took a glance at the situation. There's the Tentakook and two Octarians equipped with a six barreled-cannon. They both fire merciless as soon as they saw me. I duck back..

Lai: Ugh, great... He just brought his reinforcement..

I grab the seeker and ready to toss out. As they stopped firing, I throw it onto the ground. Then, I follow the ink trail created by it. Splatting them in one swoop. The Tentakook got shocked and when he was about to run away, I grab his helmet and lift him up to keep him from escaping. I aim at him with my .52 Gal.

Lai: Any last word?

Tentakook: Wait! I have!

He radios the Headquarters..

Tentakook: Mission failed! We'll get em next time!

Then, he turns off the call.

Tentakook: Okay, I'm done...

Lai: ...

I sighed.. I released him and he fell on the ground. Then, I start to leave..

Tentakook: Wait! You're not gonna splat me?!

Lai: You're not a threat anymore so you can just go back to your place or whatever it is and I just wanna go back and watch the final.

Tentakook: Okay! I'll leave!!

Then, he just skates off from the hallway and I got a call from Cap'n..

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Agent 3, what's your status right now?

Lai: Well, he's just retreated and he's not a threat anymore.

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Well done, bucko! I knew I can count on you!

Lai: Thanks..

I hung up the call..

Lai: Geez... I guess I'm not that cold-hearted after all..

When I was about going back to Spectators seat where Clem and Jonquil are... I noticed sonething after looking around..

Lai: Well... I lost my way thanks to that.. 😒

Callie: This is interesting folks! It looks like Splat Jam and Toxink are playing with some personal rules!

Marie: Yes.. This looks like a King Of The Hill match between the Rollers..

Callie: Oh, you are right, Marie! And it looks like Belladonna is the confident king- Uh! Queen I mean. At the moment!

Marie: Let's see if Whinter can dethrone her!

Callie: Yeah Marie! They still have time!


Marian: ...

Vadelma: Marian! We're losing! What should we do?

Whinter: Nyaargh!!! I swear I'll kick her sac out of that tower if it's the last thing I can do!

Marian grabbed his shirt and he stops..

Marian: Whinter! Stop! Just stop!!

Whinter: But- But Marian. We gotta win! I gotta splat her out from that tower! Tell me what to do! We can't win without your guidance!

She shouts in sadly..

Marian: I don't care anymore!!!

Whinter: Huh?

Marian: I don't care anymore... I don't want to win... It's not worth it to let you battle against opponents like these. I'm so sorry you had to go against someone who wants nothing but to see me lose..

Whinter: But we do... For you.

Marian: Huh?

Logan: Marian.. Without you, I'd be still sitting at home alone. Without any friends. You were also there to help me through those tough times when I lost my mom...

Marian: Logan...

Vadelma: Marian, you're my closest and dearest friend to me. You have inspired me and supported my family's business so much. I really care about you, you deserve to be happy.

Marian: Vadelma...

Then, Whinter walks up to her..

Whinter: Marian... You took me under your tentacles. Taught me how to be a better team player and a battler. I made lots of friends and I was able to finally help my family.. I was a reckless, cocky, loud mouth nobody wanted in their team. No one was willing to give me a chance. No one except Clementine and you, Marian. And now, I'm here playing Turf War League finale! All thanks to you! So the least I can do is to do my best and win this game for you! And don't forget Lai has contributed a lot of his time practicing with us.

After hearing, she wipes off her tear and smiles..

Marian: *sob* Thank you everyone.. I'll do my best too to win this match... For us!

Whinter: Alright! Let's do this! Marian, what's the plan?

Marian: Hmm... Let me think for a sec..

Logan: The bet was to knock her out from that tower. Whinter needs to splat her.

Marian: Okay guys! I have a plan! But are you still remember what Lai had taught you during our practice, Whinter?

Whinter: Of course I do! It's time for me to use it!


*Knock* *Knock*

Callie: Huh? I wonder who's there at this time?

Marie: You go answer it. I'll keep an eye out of the match.

As she walked up and opened the door, Callie and Lai got surprised as they both were just met each other..

Callie: Lai!?

Lai: Callie!?

She whispers to him because they're the host in the middle of the match...

Callie: (What are you doing here?! You're not supposed to be here!)

Lai: (Well, I had lost my way after dealing with something else. Sorry about that.)

She look around outside, then she responds..

Callie: (I guess you can come in, but don't make any sound. We're still hosting the game and the match hasn't ended yet.)

Lai: (Right, can I watch from here?)

Callie: (Yes, you can! You can also sit beside me and there's no broadcast at all!)

Lai: (Can't believe I actually went into V.I.P seat tho.) *sweatdropped*

He went inside and Callie closed the door, Marie turns around..

Marie: (Callie, what took you so-)

She stopped as she noticed Lai was there..

Marie: How did you get here!?

Lai: (Shh! You both still hosting! I'll fill you in after the match!)

Marie: (Geez...)


Belladonna: What are they planning? They have time for one more attack... Huh?

*Echolocator activates*

Cyanthia: ?

She got caught by a surprise Burst Bomb and splatted by Vadelma..

Tetrox: Eep!!

Arnick: A surprise Echolocator attack! Retreat for now!

Then, she got sniped by Logan before she retreats with Arnick..


Tetrox: Outch!!

Arnick: TETROX!? NOO!!

Callie: Looks like the Splat Jam is turning the table now!

Marie: Two down already and one is retreating.. This is interesting..

Lai: (Hm... Arnick does care a lot judging by his reaction..)

In Blackbelly Skatepark...

Belladonna: Why are they doing? Huh?

She saw Whinter just standing there then he turns into Squid Form and submerge inside the blue ink. She called out to Arnick..

Belladonna: Arnick! Use your Echolocator too!

Arnick: Yes, sir!

He activates his special and tagged all four opponents's location.

Belladonna: (Alright! You can't sneak up on me now, Roller boy!)

She tosses out her Splat Bomb..

Belladonna: (Hah! I see you coming. Have a little present.)

The bomb exploded and the one who got splatted was actually Marian. She got surprised by that..

Belladonna: (What the-?! Marian!? Why did she-! Was that a distraction?)

She notices something's coming behind her and swings her Roller to him. But it was Vadelma instead of Whinter..


Belladonna: (Vadelma!?)

She swings her Roller and splatted Logan..

Belladonna: And Logan!? What the shell are you all doing!? Where are you, Roller boy!?


Whinter: I'm here!!!

He grabs his weapon backhanded and they both swung their Roller in their final strike..

Belladonna: Nyaargh!!

Lai: Checkmate...


He finally splatted her out from the tower..

Callie: Oh my gosh!! Did you see that, Marie!?

Marie: Yes! Yes! Tean Splat Jam used themselves as bait and made Belladonna run out of ink! Whinter was then easily able to outpower her!

Callie: Splat Jam is now taking advantage of this sudden change in power! Look at them ink!


Belladonna: ...

Arnick: Sir! Sir! We still have time! If you hurry, you can claim the tower back and-!

Belladonna: No! I gave the Roller boy my word! He splatted me!

Arnick: Oh... Okay..

They all were standing there, watching Splat Jam claiming their turf..

Belladonna: Splat Jam wins... Good job, Roller boy.


Callie: And that's it folks! Splat Jam has inked more turf! Splat Jam wins!

Jonquil: They won!!

Sorrel: Yahoo!!!!

Cosmo: Ng-yes!!

In the "V.I.P" room...

Marie: I wonder why the Toxink just standing there even they're still got time for another counterattack?

Lai: Well, if Whinter able to splat her even once. She would consider him as a winner. And looks like she kept her word for that.

Callie: So Splat Jam wins, right?

Lai: Yup.. Fair and square.. Let's head outside and meet up with them all after this!

Marie: Wait a sec! Mind telling us what's going on back then?

Lai: Well, uhm... ^^" *Scratches his head*


Photographer: And that's the last one! Thank you for the photos!

The Splat Jam walks off the stage..

Marian: Phew... Finally, we're free to go!

Whinter: Hey! Gotta give our fans what they want.

Then, Vitamin Ink and Petal Splash had came to congrats them.

Clementine: Hey! Hope you celebrities got time with your old friends!

Marian: Hahaha!

Jonquil: Congrats, Marian! What a great match!

Marian: Thank you.

Lai: Yo! Don't forget about us too!

Marian: Oh hey!

Whinter: It's the Squid Sisters!!!

Callie: Uhm... Please don't freak out. ^^"

Jonquil: Where are you been in this whole time? You totally had missed the whole match tho.

Lai: Nothing's important tho but I swear I was watching the whole time! ^^"

Clementine: Really?

Lai: (Oh shoot, I don't have any excuses for that.)

As I got nervous, Callie suddenly adds in..

Callie: Well, he was actually helping us during that match!

Lai: Huh?

Clementine: Oh what was it then?

Callie: It's uhm...

Lai: (Oh carp...)

I got even more nervous when she suddenly stops..

Lai: (Callie, I know you're not a good liar..)

Then, Marie butts in..

Marie: I called out to him to help us out by changing the microphone's battery since we both can't leave during the match.. Then, he's been with us in this whole match..

Callie: Yeah! That's right!

Clementine: Okay.. I guess I can trust that one.

I let out a sigh of relief...

Lai: (Thank cod she actually buy that one without any doubt..)

Marie: *smile* Hehe...

Whinter: That's unfair, you only get to watch the match with Callie and Marie!

Lai: Hey! You were able to win in the final match so you should be proud of that!

The others started laughing... Then, they all got disturbed by a cough.. Surprisingly, it was Belladonna and her team..

Belladonna: Marian.. Uhm... Congrats for winning. You.. You got a good Roller there. Don't let go of him..

She turns back and was about to leave..

Belladonna: I... I'll be gone now..

Clementine: Wait! I forgive you!

She stops..

Whinter: Clementine!? What are you talking about? You almost lost your life because of her! You don't have to-!

I reached my arm to stop him..

Lai: Let her be.. It's her decision tho..

Clementine: Thanks Lai.. After thinking about it a few days. I've chosen to believe her apology and accept it. Besides, Jonquil and I are so sorry for how... Messy the rivalry between us got..

Jonquil: Pode crer! We did stupid things as kid. Things we're not proud of.. Shame that we spent so long fighting. When we could have been partying!

Clementine: What we're saying is sorry for all the silly stuffs we did.

He adds in..

Jonquil: Me desculpa..

After they done apologizing.. Marian took a deep breath...

Marian: Belladonna.. It pains me to see you like this. Still driven by your anger. It pains me to see you so sad. That you have to hurt others to feel better. I understand why you feel this way. But I am disappointed how you acted.. But I am also to blame.. I shoukd have done something sooner back then and I apologize. For letting you down as a captain.

She looked down as her tears start rushing down her cheeks..

Marian: As a person.. Two years ago.. I started to slowly realize I didn't know you anymore. I was scared of you and I wasn't in love with you anymore.

Callie went a bit depressed after hearing.. I spread my arm to the other side of her shoulder and pull her a bit..

Callie: *slightly sob*

Lai: Callie...

Belladonna: Wh- Why you didn't tell me?

Marian: Because I was a coward.. I was scared. Scared how you would react. But mostly, scared how I suddenly felt about you. I no longer loved you. I couldn't believe it and I didn't want to believe it. So I went silent, I kept hoping things would magically change for the better. But of course, they didn't.. After keeping all that inside of me for so long. It all lashed out on that night. You didn't deserve to know like that..

Belladonna: ...

Marian: Belladonna.. I am so sorry. I should have been honest with you. Honest with myself. Honest with us! I should have talked to you. Tell you.. I know things can't go back to like they used to.. But, I.. I know it won't be easy but.. Could we try to be friends again? I want to talk with you again.

They all stare at Marian. Then, they stare back to their captain, Belladonna..

Belladonna: You three... You three had changed.. Grown so much.. Apologizing and willing to forgive me.. For what I did back then but also for the present? You.. You..!

Clementine and Jonquil: ?

Belladonna: You're all a bunch of softies!

The Captains went shocked...

Belladonna: So the next time we battle...

She turns back around, with a smile crept on her face..

Belladonna: We'll go easy on ya!

Then, they all were relieved after hearing it. I started to cheer things up..

Lai: Well, looks like the rivalry has been cleared right now. And I'm so proud of you, Belladonna. You're actually overcome the grudges you have and accepted their apologies willingly!

She chuckles...

Belladonna: Heh.. You're such a weird squid. We don't know each other so well but.. Why you're so nosy about this?

I put both of my hands behind my head..

Lai: Well, I guess I have said that for like umpteen times. We're friends! I'm glad that I'd be able to help you and that's how friendship works..

Her eyes widened.. Then, she smiles...

Belladonna: Thanks... I bet your teammates must be very lucky for having a good leader like you..

Lai: Nah... You flattered me..

She snaps her finger, calling out her team..

Belladonna: Come, team! You all deserve a drink! My treat!

Lai: Wait! Why not join up with us since the whole gang is here.

Belladonna: Nah, I would rather have fun with my own team. And I would take good care of Tetrox as I promised..

Lai: Well.. See you then..

The Toxink had left..

Sorrel: So? What was that?

Jonquil: I think that was her way of saying "We're cool".

Sorrel: Oh..

Vadelma claps her hand as she tries to throw a suggestion..

Vadelma: Okay guys! Party at Cafe Cardamari!

All: Booyah!!!

Vadelma: And you three can come with us! We're happy to have you joining our party!

Callie: Really!?

Vadelma: *nod* Yes!

Callie: Cool! What do you say, Marie?

Marie: Sounds great, let's go!

Callie: Woomy!!

The whole gang headed to the Cafe except me.. I looked back at the Toxink as they walked away..

Lai: I hope you'll be doing fine from now on..

Then, Callie calls out to me..

Callie: Lai? Why are you still standing there? Let's go!

Lai: Oh! Okay!

I turn back and start running to catch up with the rest of them..

End Of Chapter.


Author's note: This is the longest chapter I had ever wrote. I took me like decades to finish this but I made it finally..

8:00pm at Squid Sisters Apartment...

Marie: Man, we're home at last.

Callie: We sure had a lot of fun there, right guys?

Lai: Yeah, it all worth seeing them all have became friends from now on...

Callie: Hey..

Lai: Hm?

Callie: Are we perfect for each other?

I got confused in all of a sudden...

Lai: Wha-? What do you mean?

She puts both of her hands together to her chest where her heart is as she worried...

Callie: I mean their relationship.. I can feel the sadness about how bad the break up was between Marian and Belladonna back then..

Lai: ...

Marie: Callie... You know it's not gonna happen to us..

Callie: Yeah but...

Lai: I was thinking the same thing too..

Callie: Huh?

Lai: I was afraid too.. Afraid of our feelings will change if one of us start changing..

Callie: You do?

Lai: Yeah but I'll always remember who you were used to be in the past so I might be able to change you back to your usual self.

Callie: Lai...

She ran and spread her arms to hug me.

Callie: Thank you so much.. For all of this..

I stroke her hair a bit..

Lai: Just don't forget us.. Especially Marie.. She still needs you.

Callie: *sob and smile* Yeah I know...

She released from the hug and went to hug Marie happily..

Callie: I won't forget you both!

Marie: And we love you, Callie..

They both released after a few minutes of warm hug..

Marie: Geez... This scene makes me wanna cry and it actually better than the movies..

Lai: Yeah, that we both might deserve an Oscar tho.

They both giggled...

Lai: So are we clear right now?

Callie: Yeah!

Marie: *smile* Of course... We are Squid Sisters and we're Team N.S.S as always..

Lai: I'm glad to hear that then.. And I'm sure the same goes to all those captains..

Marie: Yeah... I hope so..

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