Chapter 38: Just Rivalry? Final Match Arc 1
(Author's note: The story was originally created by Tamarinfrog but I try to add Lai in the story so the scenario will be a bit different. Enjoy the Chapter, guys!!)
Thursday, 2:00pm at Flounder Heights..
Today's the day when the Annual Turf War League has begun and the match is Team Vitamin Ink versus against Team Toxink in Flounder Heights. The Squid Sisters were the host of this game and I'm currently at the outside of Cafe Cardamari with the Petal Splash Team. Sorrel was trembling in fear seeing Toxink was crushing their opponent like they had did to them in the last match..
Sorrel: Man, they are relentless.
Lai: True... I knew this is gonna happen..
Jonquil: Just hope the Splat Jam can handle them in the finals.
Then, we all saw Tetrox was fighting against Angelo through the live with Cosmo's Tablet. My eyes widened in shock..
Lai: (Tetrox!?)
Jonquil: Hm? What's wrong?
Lai: Uhm... Yeah I'm fine... Let's just watch..
While she battling against Angelo, I notice something's wrong between Clem and Belladonna and they were at the edge of the stage so most of the viewers didn't notice that at all and focused on the fight. But Clem got splatted by Tetrox's Inkzooka during the talk.
Lai: ...
Callie: There you have it folks! Team Toxink takes the win with their crushing 76% vs 24% win!
As during their commentary, we all saw Clementine had ran out from the lobby alone and her team got shocked by that..
Tanrine: Clementine?
Marie: Yes! What a match, Callie! Turf League Veteran Belladonna and her team has performed extraordinarily well! Taking down teams such as Petal Splash and now Vitamin Ink!
Marie: Which means, they will face Team Splat Jam in the finals!
Callie: Now there's a match up I'd call battle of the century! Right Marie? Don't miss that one out!
Callie and Marie: See you next thursday when Turf League's final match starts! Stay Fresh~!
The broadcast ends...
Lai: Well, I'm not gonna lie.. This ain't good..
Jonquil: Yes.. I'm worried about Clem and the Splat Jam Team.
Lai: I'll check them out. You go look for Clem.
Jonquil: Thanks, let's go team!
I enter the Cafe and Vadelma stood up as she notices and bows at me before going back to work. Leaving her seat for me and I sat down beside Marian..
Lai: You guys okay?
Marian: Yeah, we're fine.. You should stay out of this.
Lai: Why should I? Of course, I have my own reason here.
Whinter: What is it?
Lai: It doesn't matter.. Anyway, we have only one week before the final match starts so I'll be staying and practice with you guys.
Whinter: You sure Clem will be okay?
Lai: Maybe.. Her team and the Petal Splash went looking for her right now so no need to worry about and I'll be paying her a visit once I got time.
Marian: Thanks Lai..
Lai: So... Let's get going, shall we?
Marian: Sure, let's go team!
Timeskip... 9:00pm at the Squid Sisters Apartment...
Lai: *huff* Finally...
As I open the door, Callie and Marie was sitting on the couch. Probably waiting for me..
Marie: Hm? Lai? You came back at last..
Lai: You girls eaten yet?
Callie: Yeah, where had you been? We all been worried about you. Had you eaten yet as well?
Lai: *nod* Yeah.. I've been practicing with the Splat Jam all day.
Marie: Why?
Lai: Quick version? Today's Turf League match really bothers me a lot lately.
Marie: But still why? Because of that accidents in two years ago?
I look up...
Lai: Maybe.. But not only that..
Callie: What do you mean?
Lai: Clem left her team and ran outside from the lobby in all of a sudden during the match's results. I bet you all noticed that..
Callie: Yeah, we all do..
Marie: But it's none of our business tho. Plus, we can't help them since we're the host.
Lai: At least we get to know their stories.. The Captains had known each other for a long time in Inkblot Art Academy and Bella was in Marian's team before Whinter.
She added...
Marie: And the Splat Jam always being dead serious beating their number one rival, Jonquil and Clem in Vitamin Ink.
I nod..
Lai: That's right.. Bella always got bullied and mocked by Clem and Jonquil in the Academy because she was adopted by the Jellyfishes who can't even speak Inkling language properly. That's why she punched Clem.. But now, she holds a grudge against Team Splat Jam because she got kicked out by someone that she loved so much.
She gasps..
Callie: That's horrible..!
Lai: Indeed.. Couldn't imagine how she felt at that time..
Callie: What are you gonna do?
Lai: Of course I'll put a stop on her if things get ugly, like I did in two years ago.
Marie: Well, she's a veteran. She probably knows what she's doing.
Lai: *sigh* Let's just hope everyone are fine in the end.
I looked up to the ceiling..
In the flashback...
Marian: Alright team, that's all for today. You can go get some well-deserved rest for tomorrow.
Logan: See you!
Whinter: Bye guys!
Whinter and Logan went their way back to home. Only left is the three of us, me with the Captain and the Cafe Waitress. Then, my phone vibrates...
Lai: Hm?
I grab out my phone as it just received a notification... It was a message from Jonquil..
Jonquil: Hey, I found Clem. She just headed back home!
Lai: Where?
Jonquil: At the Skyscraper Apartment near Blackbelly Skatepark!
Lai: Okay, I'll be there.
The call got ended.. Marian walked up to me..
Marian: Any word from Clem?
I shook my head as a no..
Lai: No, it was Jonquil instead. He said she just gone back to her home so I better get going..
Vadelma: Take care, Lai.
Lai: You too.
I rushed my way to the train station and took a train that rides to the Blackbelly Skatepark. Gladfully, it only took me a couple of minutes to get there.
As I just got to the Skyscraper where Jonquil was talking about..
Lai: Hey!
Jonquil: Oh there you are! What took you so long?
Lai: You didn't send me the address!
Jonquil: Oh.. Sorry. ^^"
Lai: So she lives in this building?
Jonquil: Yeah, let's go.
We went inside and took the elevator.. I lean on the wall to catch my breath..
Lai: *huff* Will she be okay?
Jonquil: Probably not. It must be a huge blow for her after today's match.
Lai: Well, you two are best friends, aren't you?
Jonquil: Yeah..
Lai: Because your dads were used to be best friends as well, am I right?
Jonquil: Yeah.. How did you know?
Lai: Some rumors and a bit of research will always do the trick. Plus, they're pros so most of the people must had heard about them and start spreading rumors everywhere.
I cross my arm, still leaning against the wall as I start to explain..
Lai: Mandrein Lanark. A Scoped E-liter 3K user who is still battling with his family. And, he's also a childhood friend of your father, Hortensio Requeson. They even used to do some treasure hunting together.
Jonquil: Whoa.. You sure did a research during your career.
Lai: Well, you have to know everything you need in order to become the freshest Inkling.
Jonquil: Yeah, of course! Muito Obrigado.
We came out from the elevator as soon as the door opens after it reached to the floor where Clem lives.. We rush to Clem's place and rings the doorbell. Then, her parents came and open the door for us.
Mandrein: Oh it's you, Jonquil!
Jonquil: Yeah, how's she doing?
Orenda: She locked herself in her room since she came back.. I don't know why but something must be bothering her.
Mandrein: And who's this kid?
Jonquil: This is Lai, just a friend of mine.
His eyes started to turn towards mine with serious look..
Mandrein: Which weapons types you specialized in?
Lai: Uhm... Shooter type?
He crosses his arm and shakes his head..
Mandrein: You're not fit for my daughter...
Jonquil and I got collapsed after hearing...
Jonquil: What did I just heard?
Orenda: Ah, he's very protective and caring about Clementine's taste. Sorry about that! ^^"
Lai: No wonder Whinter always stressed out about the date with Clem.. -_-
Jonquil: So it was about the accident from two years ago?
Orenda: Yes.. Seeing Belladonna must be terrified her a lot that she doesn't want to talk with us right now.
Lai: *drink a sip of water* Well, we can't do anything but to give her some time.
Orenda: Oh yeah, about the match. Team Toxink will be facing against the Splat Jam Team in the finals, right?
Lai: *nod* Starts in next thursday and the place will be at Blackbelly Skatepark. That means Whinter will be fighting against Belladonna. I wonder which team you'll be rooting for.
Orenda: Of course for the Splat Jam and especially that Roller Boy! I know he'll win the Turf League for our daughter!
Lai: What about you, Mr. Lanark?
He sways away his head..
Mandrein: Hmph... Just for this time. But it doesn't mean that I'll let him still be my daughter's boyfriend!
Lai: Well, we glad enough to hear it from you.
A few minutes later... At the outside..
Jonquil: *sigh* Too bad we haven't see Clementine yet.
Lai: Just give her some time. I'm sure she'll be coming at the finals. Anyway, it's late right now. You should get some sleep for tomorrow.
Jonquil: What about you?
Lai: Still got things to settle. Don't worry about me.
Jonquil: Alright, see you.
Lai: See you too.
We both parted our way, he's heading back to home while I went to the train station to the Plaza..
Timeskip... 7:00pm at Cafe Cardamari..
As I got there, I saw Vadelma just done locking the doors to close the Cafe and she was about to head home..
Lai: Hey!
Vadelma: Lai? What are you doing here at this hour?
Lai: Just came checking out you guys.
Vadelma: Oh, we're fine. Thanks for asking.
I notice she's heading out anxiously..
Lai: You're worried about Whinter, aren't you?
She stops..
Vadelma: *nod* Yeah..
Lai: Same goes for me..
Vadelma: ?
Lai: We both noticed that Belladonna was watching us during the practice this whole afternoon, right?
Vadelma: Yeah, I'm worried that she might hurt Whinter.
Lai: Well, I'm coming with you. It'll be better that way.
Vadelma: No, you can't!
Lai: It's okay, Vadelma. I have something to ask her in person.
Vadelma: Uhh... Okay.. Hope he's fine..
We both start heading out to Bluefin Depot.
In Bluefin Depot..
As we got there, we already saw Belladonna was talking with Whinter at the Bus Station. Vadelma yells out her name before she takes out her Luna Blaster and aims at her with furious look.
Vadelma: Belladonna! Stay away from him!
I grabbed her weapon and lower down before she fires.. Bella turns around with a smirk.
Lai: Calm down.
Belladonna: Oh, Vadelma... You're not gonna blast me. You remember what happened last time weapons were used outside of Turf War.
Vadelma: I don't care what happens to you or me.
Belladonna: But you do care what happens to Marian. You wouldn't want her to go through this again.
After hearing, she lowers her weapon completely..
Belladonna: That's what I thought...
Lai: ...
Then, she turns back to Whinter..
Belladonna: So, what did you have in mind?
Whinter: Oh! Th- The map in next thursday is Blackbelly Skatepark. You know we Rollers love playing King Of The Hill there? So, I challenge you to a King Of The Hill match!
She strokes her chin a bit..
Belladonna: You know... I came here to check the competition. Expecting a coward. But it looks like you've got guts, after all. Alright, I'll accept your challenge! You versus me in King Of The Hill!
They both shook hands as they both agreed..
Whinter: Alright! Who's standing on top of that tower in the end of the match is the winner!
Belladonna: Heh! If you manage to drop me from that tower even once! I'll consider you a winner!
When she was about to leave.. She stops..
Belladonna: And Vadelma! Still chasing after Marian with no vail? Yeah, don't think I didn't notice how you were looking at her when we were on the same team.
Vadelma: !?
Belladonna: What a pity... You got me out of the way. Yet despite all your efforts, she will never love you like she did for me.
After Vadelma heard it, she went out berserk. Luckily, Whinter had stopped her before she did.. I went to Bella..
Lai: Just stop with your mind games, will you?
Belladonna: Oh yeah, what are you here, squid boy? This has nothing to do with you, you know?
Lai: I came here just to ask.. How's Tetrox doing right now?
Belladonna: Why you care? Oh, Arnick told me you were the one who recommended her to our team.. That's really nice of you. Anyway, she's fine.. I promised I'll take a good care of her.
I chuckle..
Lai: Rewind the history? If it wasn't for Arnick's sake, I wouldn't let her join your team and your ruthless teammates.
Belladonna: Oh, am I ruthless? I'm confused which side you pick on..
Lai: Sorry, I don't pick sides.. I'm here just to stop you from doing something foolish like in two years ago.
Belladonna: But still, why you care?
Lai: We're friends, I don't wish you for making another mistakes in your life.
Belladonna: Stop with that mushy words. It hurts me a lot.. Anyway, see you all in the finals!
As she left, I turn back to Vadelma who's just got herself calmed down.
Whinter: Vadelma! What's going on? I need to know.
Vadelma: I.. I...
Whinter: Please, tell me.
Vadelma: A- Alright...
Tineskip... At 8:00pm, back to Cafe Cardamari..
Vadelma: You guys want some tea?
Whinter: No, I'm fine..
Vadelma: Lai?
Lai: *shook head* No, thanks..
She sat down opposite Whinter and he starts to ask her.
Whinter: So Vadelma, what happened? Belladonna was in your team? Why did you kick her out? And why is she seeking out revenge? How bad was the break up?
Lai: I guess we should let her catch her breath before answering..
Vadelma: *sigh* I met Marian and Belladonna two years ago and they were regular customers in our Cafe. One day, Marian came in. She received the license to start her own Turf War League Team.
Lai: And she found Logan soon after that and the Splat Jam Team was formed.
Vadelma: Yes, at first.. They both lead our team well. But then, we met our number one rival.
Lai: Jonquil and Clementine in Vitamin Ink, right?
Vadelma: How did you know?
Lai: Jonquil told me everything. Including the past. Because of that, Marian and Belladonna were so eagerly to beat their team. And also, he told me Bella was frustrated after when Splat Jam lost.
Vadelma: That's right. One day, we got destroyed by Clementine's team. Belladonna was furious and trash talk went a little bit too far. She punched Clem and then the tragedy happens. But luckily, Lai was there too. I thought we couldn't stop it but he managed to kick the bomb and thanks to him, no one was hurt from the explosion.
Whinter: Whoa.. Nice save.
Lai: It was a close one. I thought I would be a goner if I didn't.. And she was the one who bailed me out after I got caught by the police..
Vadelma: Yeah, I'm glad tho..
Whinter: But still, she hurts Clem. I'll never forgive her with that!
Lai: So what happened after that, Vadelma? How did you spoke with Marian?
Vadelma: Well, our team got kicked out from the turf league due to Belladonna's penalty. She got suspended from turf war for a year and Marian had to make the heartbreaking choice in order to stop this tragedy. She kicked out Belladonna and then they ended up broke up.
Lai: And now she's seeking out revenge to us.
Whinter: So she thinks Marian only cares about winning. And that's why Bella's so obsessed to make sure we lose.
Vadelma: *nod* Yes.. I can only assume that in Belladonna's mind.
He stood out..
Whinter: Well, she'll be severely dissapointed because we'll win!
Vadelma: Yes, you're right!
Lai: That's the spirit..
Vadelma and I stood out and ready to high five..
Whinter: For Clementine!
Vadelma: For Marian!
Lai: I wish the Splat Jam Team wins!
Flashback ends..
Lai: Well, that's the end of the story. Any questions?
Marie: Well, I guess you have to repeat that again for Cal in tomorrow.
Lai: Huh?
I noticed Callie were already fell asleep as I turn to her.
Lai: Geez... Shouldn't expect that from early bird one.
Marie: It's fine, I feel sleepy right now. Mind if you carry me as well?
Lai: No, you can't be serious...
Marie: I am serious right now..
I sighed...
Lai: Fine.. I'll do it.
I carry both of the Squid Sisters in their Squid Form to their own room. Then, I went to my room and fall asleep..
End Of Chapter...
Author's note: Another best ranking!!
Lai: Hey, I got in the first place too!!
Callie: Freshly done, Lai! I'm so proud of you!
Marie: Congrats then. You earned it.
Lai: Thanks, now we're even then. You both got into the first place as well in the Merry Squidmas part 1!
Marie: Yeah in the bonus. Make sure to check that one!
All: Stay Fresh, everyone~!
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