Chapter 37: A fan of Cuttlefish. (Sub stories)
At 12:00pm, Monday.
In Inkopolis Plaza...
Jonquil: Alright team, you guys can go home now!
Daisy and Cosmo: Booyah!
Sorrel: Finally...
Everyone from Team Petal Splash just took their leave from the Tower. Only left is Jonquil and Lai and they're just walked out from the Tower as well..
Lai: Alright I gotta admit it, that sure was a good match. Jonquil.
Jonquil: Yeah, you shined bright, my friend! I almost want to be your disciple!
Lai: We're both leaders and we got our own paths to follow.
Jonquil: Yeah, you're right! It's a pleasure to battle with you anyway, Lai.
Then, someone went interrupting us..
???: Jonquil Requeson! We meet again!
Jonquil: Hm?
We turned around...
Jonquil: Oh it's you..
Lai: It's just Arnick..
Jonquil: Not just that. He carries a famous "asshole" title in Plaza.
Lai: Oh, I don't really know about that actually.
Arnick: And I'd never thought you would hang out with a braggart like him, Lai.
Lai: What did you say?
Arnick: Hmph...
Jonquil: C'mon, let's just go to the cafe and ignore this guy.
Lai: Yeah, I'm tired already. I really want a crabby cake right now.
Arnick: Wait!
We stopped...
Lai: ...What?
Arnick: I've got something that we need to talk about alone.
Lai: ... *sigh* Jonquil, you go first.
Jonquil: Are you sure?
Lai: Just go, I'll see what he wants..
Jonquil: Okay..
He went to the cafe alone, leaving Lai and Arnick in the Plaza. They both went back inside the Tower and currently taking a view. Arnick took out a cigarette from the box and light it up with the lighter.
Lai: Right, what do you want?
Arnick: Actually, you know there's an old man who keeps inspecting battlers like us from that manhole for a long time? You know that, right?
Lai: Uhm... No..
Arnick: Hey, don't try to lie. Everyone knew the rumors about him.
Lai: Then, why you even asking me? (*sigh* This guy...)
Arnick: He stopped and he didn't popped up ever since the start of the Great Zapfish disappears. Another rumor said there was a boy with a hoodie just talked with that guy.
My eyes widened...
Lai: !?
Arnick: But seriously, do you know Cap'n Cuttlefish?
Lai: Uhm... Well yeah, in my school when I was little.
Arnick: How much?
Lai: Wait, aren't you asking too much?
Arnick: I've done a lot of research about him. And I know the disappearance of the Great Zapfish must had been involved with the Octarians.
As I got a bit nervous, I try to pretend that I didn't know anything what's he saying about.
Lai: Octarians? Oh come on, you think people would believe this theory of yours?
Arnick: It's true! I'm sure they did it!
Lai: Can you prove it?
Arnick: No, currently I can't.
Lai: Then, why do you so obsessed researching about the Great Turf War from the old histories?
Arnick: Because I hope that the leader of the Legendary Squidbeak Splatoon will notice my skill and accept me as one of his Agent someday.
Lai: What for?
Arnick: To stop the Octarians from stealing the Zapfishes.
Lai: ...(He sures dreams big.)
Lai: So, let me ask you.. Do you have enemies?
Arnick: Why you care?
Lai: Just tell me, Agent Wannabe.
Arnick: Of course it's the Octarians, especially Octolings!
Lai: ...
I sighed...
Lai: Let me tell you something, you're not fitted joining the Squidbeak Splatoon.
Arnick: What!?
Lai: Your will doesn't fit their goal.
Arnick: Screw you! How many things you know about them!?
Lai: Throw all the swears you want. I'm going to the cafe and meet up with Jonquil and the others. Man, I want a drink from all the talking..
I walked away and took the elevator...
Arnick: ...
He came out from the Tower. Currently heading to the Manhole.
Arnick: Maybe I could find the answer in there.
Then, he entered it in his Squid Form.
At 2:00pm... In the Cafe Cardamari.
Lai: And then...
*phone rings*
Lai: I'm gonna pick the call.
Jonquil: Okay, take your time!
I went outside and answer the call..
Lai: Hello?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Agent 3! I need a hand here!
Lai: What's wrong?!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Please come here quickly!! I can't take it anymore!
The phone call got hung up..
Lai: Cap'n! Cap'n!?
I nudge my phone in my pocket and rush to the manhole without thinking.
Lai: (The Octarians must be attacking! Better be quick!)
I equipped my Berry Splattershot Pro and jumped inside the manhole in my Squid Form.
At the Octo Valley...
As I got arrived here, I looked around and notived that no one's here except Octavio in the Snow Globe.
Lai: Huh? No sign of Octarians here...
Dj Octavio: There's a weird kid just came out from that manhole and keep pestering him until you came..
Lai: Uhm... Thanks?
Dj Octavio: Hmph... You're welcome..
Then, I heard a voice coming from the Cuttlefish Shack. I started walking to the door and open it slowly. Then, I push it and prepare to fire.
Lai: Alright! You're...!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Stop! Hold your fire!
I stopped...
Lai: What's going on?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: There's a kid named Arnick who keeps disturbing me from having my lunch break!
I collapsed...
Lai: Arnick!! What are you doing here!?
Arnick: I should be asking you! Why you even here!?
Lai: Ugh... I'm going insane. I can't believe you done that.
Arnick: Wait! So you're Agent 3 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon!?
Lai: Yeah, got any problems?
Arnick: Damn...
Cap'n Cuttlefish: *taking a sip of tea and sigh* You should learn some manners from Agent 3.. With that attitude of yours, it's imposible to let you join.
I nodded in agreement...
Lai: *nod* *nod* Agreed...
Arnick: But Cap'n Cuttlefish! I can do better than him! Just you wait and see!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Listen kiddo, I admire your ambition but just proving your skills isn't enough to convince me.
Arnick: Then, what should I do?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Give us a moment.. Agent 3? I got a special mission for you.
Lai: Yes? What is it?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: *sigh* I'm not meant to do this but I want you to convince him to give up his ambition and find a better life.
Lai: Are you sure? Cap'n?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Being an Agent isn't really easy and dangerous tho. I can't afford the failure if he got splatted and never get to respawn back. Beside, he's just a fan of mine.
Lai: So what should we do?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: The best way to do is to challenge him 1 v 1 in some casual matches..
Lai: Oh okay.
Arnick: Ahem... What you guys talking about?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Oh for cod's sake, you eavesdropped us didn't you!?
I whisper to Cap'n's ear.
Lai: Wait, I got an idea....
Cap'n Cuttlefish: ?
I turned to Arnick and taunted him with a smirk.
Lai: That's what he is.. An Agent A.S.S who's always got mocked by everyone in Inkopolis. -_-
Arnick: What did you say!?
Lai: What? You mad, bro? Challenge me if you have guts. ^w^
Arnick: Hmph... Don't get too cocky!
Lai: And don't you underestimated me!
We entered the manhole went back to Inkopolis..
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Phew... Nice one, Agent 3. Now I can finally have my crabby cakes, huh?
The plate is empty...
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Who took my crabby cakes!?
Dj Octavio:🎵
In the Plaza...
Arnick: So what challenge you on?
Lai: Just 1 v 1 in some casual matches.. And I bet you're going down!
Arnick: Hmph... Talking is cheap, boy! Actions is what speaks to me!
Lai: That's what I thought..
We arrived back to the tower and met up with Tanrine and Daisy.
Tanrine: Oh hey, Lai!
Lai: What're you guys doing?
Tanrine: Daisy and I were having fun in Squid partying during some matches!
Lai: That's good!
Daisy: But everyone's being competitive and they keep ruining our party.
Lai: That's bad..
Daisy noticed Arnick was with him, then she turned to her cousin.
Daisy: Tanrine, mind if you give us a moment?
Tanrine: Sure! Have fun you two!
Arnick: Hmph...
Daisy grabs my hand and drags me to the back alley..
Lai: Wha- What're you doing? Don't you try flirt with me this time! *blush*
Daisy: No! Why you even brought Arnick with you!? You knew our team had deal with them once!
Lai: Oh relax, I was going to have some entertainment in Squid partying with you girls.
Daisy: With him!? Are you crazy!?
Lai: Relax, Daisy.. Things will be "A" okay if we act natural and pretend we didn't see Arnick.
Daisy: ...
Lai: So what do you say?
Daisy: O- Okay, I think I can trust you.
Lai: Great! Let's get back to the tower then!
We went back to the tower and meet up with Tanrine and Arnick again.
Tanrine: Ehh? That's fast!
Lai: We're just having some discussion! Right Daisy!?
Daisy: Yeah! He's right! And he's joining us in this afternoon!
Tanrine: That's great! The more the merrier!
Lai: Yeah! Let's do it!
Timeskip... Green Team vs Purple Team in Blackbelly Skatepark. With the Octobrush Nouveau equipped as my main weapon.
Tanrine: Okay, where's our party location?
Daisy: How about on top of that tower?
Lai: Sounds great!
As the match start, we brushed our way to the tower immediately. Then, we start our Squid party.
Tanrine: Woomy!!!
Daisy: Woomy!!!
A laser line has appeared...
Arnick: If this was real war, you guys would be splatted. Especially is you, boy.
Before he pulls the trigger, I accidentally tripped and a Splat Bomb had lobbed out from the tower. Lucky is, it threw out to Arnick's direction. He didn't expect that one but he notices it immediately.. He jumped out the ledge and the impact almost got him. He got shocked by that.
Arnick: Wha- What was that?
As he stood up and climbed up the ledge again. A sprinkler had inked up his sniping location.
Arnick: Ugh.. Trying to mess with me, didn't you!?
He inked back with his Bamboozler and then he saw the three of them were still on the tower. Hurling tons of ink blobs around the tower while Squid-Partying.
Arnick: Alright, I won't miss this time!
He released a full charge shot. But it got deflected by Octobrush Nouveau.
Arnick: What!? He deflects it!? That's Inkpossible!
Then, I throw a Splat Bomb and this time, it knocks Arnick out from the ledge and got splatted.
Lai: Oops...
Arnick: Ugh.. That doesn't count. I was too careless. Huh?
He looked around and didn't saw any of his teammates.
Arnick: I wonder what the others were doing?
Lai: Hey Tanrine! Send your Inkstrike!
Tanrine: Okay!
She sends out an Inkstrike...
Purple Inkling 1: Huh?
Purple Inkling 1: Oh shoot!
The inkstrike got him as he failed to escape the explosion due to lack of space.
Tanrine: Hey, I got someone!
Daisy: Nice!
Lai: Let's use our specials too, Daisy!
Daisy: Yeah!!
Purple Inkling 2: Huh?
Purple Inkling 3: Sounds like someone had used Kraken special. Be careful.
Purple Inkling 2: Don't worry, the duration is just a short period of time.
Lai: You sure it's only Kraken?
Purple Inkling 2 and 3: Huh?
Daisy and I showed up in front of them with the "Cann-On-Krak" special technique. I aimed at them as they tried to escape from us. Then, I fired two Ink pillars while Daisy is still swimming forward in her Kraken Form. I got them completely.
Lai: Now that's that!
Daisy: Nice Technique!
Lai: Thanks!
Then suddenly I had recalled something from Chapter 17...
Lai: Wait a minute, are you staring at my booty again?!
Daisy: Yep! Still fresh as new!
Lai: *blush* Don't say that! Let's get back to the tower!
Daisy: Aye, aye! Captain!!
We super jumped to the tower where Daisy had put her Squid Beakon.
Arnick: Alright, I guess two of them had left the tower. I'll take her down first.
As he aimed at Tanrine and released the shot. But it got blocked by Daisy's Kraken Form when they just landed back to the tower.
Arnick: Shoot! I missed again!
He saw Lai is holding an Inkzooka..
Arnick: Oh shoot!
He blasted Arnick before he could throw out the Splash Wall to protect himself.
Lai: Looks like someone's trying too hard.
Daisy: Meh.. I don't feel pity for him tho. He's not my taste anyway. Unlike you~
Lai: Don't do that! *blush*
Arnick: Ugh!! What're my other teammates doing!!
Purple Inkling 1: Ahh!!! This match is cursed!!
Purple Inkling 2: How did we even got splatted during their Squid Partying!?
Purple Inkling 3: At least they're having fun! Maybe we should join them as well!
Purple Inkling 1 and 2: Agreed with you!
They swam up to the Tower and joined the party with Tanrine.
Tanrine: Hey guys!! Wanna party as well?!
All: Sure!!
They all were Squid partying on the top of the tower. Except Arnick and the confused Green Inkling..
Green Inkling: What just happened?
Arnick: Ugh.. They're having a Squid party...
Green Inkling: Cool! Shouldn't we join them as well?
Arnick: NO!!
The match just ended and the Green Team won the game.. Everyone was happy except Arnick.
Timeskip... 4:00pm in the lobby...
Tanrine: Ah~! I had so much fun today!
Daisy: Thanks, Lai! You helped us a lot!
Lai: You're welcome!
Arnick: ...
At the Plaza...
Lai: So Arnick, did you learnt any lesson from them?
Arnick: Shut up!!
Lai: *sigh* You're still don't get it, do you?
Arnick went silenced...
Lai: Listen Arnick, do you know why they need to split up in two teams to start a turf war match?
Arnick: Who cares!?
Lai: Because it's just like Inklings and Octolings in the Great Turf War.
Arnick: What are you trying to say?
Lai: Let me ask you... Do you even know why our teams were joined in Squid partying?
Arnick: ?
Lai: Because we're enjoying, we're actually having fun and that's what Inklings wanted. The same goes to Octolings.
His eyes widened...
Lai: And I'll let you guess one word that everyone wanted the most, including Cap'n from the New Squidbeak Splatoon.
Arnick: What is it?
Lai: *sigh* A history maniac like you still don't understand...
Arnick: Just answer me!
I let out a sigh again.. Then, I answered back to him as he wants.
Lai: It is peace... That's what Cap'n's biggest wish is. He always hope that the Inklings would achieve the peace of the relation with the Octolings one day.. You get it what I mean?
Arnick: ...Is that true?
Lai: Oh, c'mon! Why would I even do that to you, Arnick?
He silenced... Then, he smirks with a grin..
Arnick: Heh... I guess I lost...
Lai: Hm?
Arnick: I always thought Octolings were bad because they stole our Great Zapfish.
Lai: Yeah and it's still a mystery for me. Even tho they already knew their leader were planning for a revenge. They're still working with him loyalty.
Arnick: They did?
Lai: Not "they".. It's just their leader's wish tho. But we captured the leader so I guess it's fine right now.
Arnick: ...So things had came to an end, huh?
Lai: I don't know... Time might gives us the answer.
Arnick: So what should I do?
I looked up to the sky...
Lai: Hm... There was an Octoling girl I just met here from a couple days ago. Maybe you can recruit her joining your team and start taking care of her from now on. Want me take you to her?
Arnick: Yes, please!
Lai: (Man, his attitude changed so quickly tho. At least he don't hold a grudge against Octolings anymore.)
We starr heading to the apartment where Tetrox was living there.
*Ding* *Dong*
Lai: Tetrox? You there?
The door opens..
Tetrox: Oh hey, Lai! What brings you here? And...
She saw Arnick was with him..
Tetrox: Who's this Agent Wannabe?
Lai: Arnick, just a friend of mine. And he's currently looking the fourth member for his team so..
Tetrox: Can I join his team!?
Lai: *smile* Sure if you want to!
Arnick: Wait! Shouldn't we make a team tryouts?
Lai: Well, you can do it in some other day. Anyway, I'll let you take care of her from now on. Hm?
I looked at the time and it's 5:30pm now..
Lai: Shoot! I should be fetching them at this hour! I'm leaving now! Good luck you two!
Arnick: Wait!!
She grabs Arnick's arm..
Tetrox: C'mon! Let's get inside!
Arnick: Hey! Don't leave me here!
Lai: Sorry! Don't forget Cap'n's goal!
I ran from the apartment and heading back to the Plaza as fast as I can.
End Of Chapter.
Lai: *huff* *huff* 6:00pm.. Right on time.
Marie: But you're still late tho.
Callie: What's wrong? You seem exhausted.
Lai: I rushed my way back here after settled some matters tho.
Marie: Feels something sketchy tho.
Lai: What?
Marie: Nothing~
Callie: C'mon! Let's just go back home together! *smile*
Lai: Yeah!
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