Chapter 33: This is where and how I started...

At 8:00pm, In the Squid Sisters apartment...

Tonight's weather was currently raining with cats and dogs. Marie was watching the dramas in the living room as usual. And as for Callie, she got bored and decided to look for Lai. She knocks the door, asking him for allowing her to come in. He replies to her as he heard the knocks.

Lai: Come in!

Callie: Okay!

As she opens the door, she notices that he was tinkering his Splattershot Jr and then along some photo frames on the table as well. She asks him in curious.

Callie: What're you doing?

Lai: Just tinkering.. You got bored?

Callie: Yea and I was looking for you to talk with.

Lai: Well then, what're you wanna start with?

She glances around the room, until she notices a photo of Lai and his parents. In the picture, they were all beaming through the camera while Lai was wearing a newbie clothing and holding a Splattershot Jr in his hand. She grabs it and shows it to him.

Callie: Is that you and your parents?

Lai: Yeah.

Callie: You looked so cute in that newbie gear tho.

Lai: Thanks, I was fully grown from a couple months ago.

Callie: Okay, let's start with this! So how'd you start your career in Inkopolis in the first place?

Lai: It's kinda a long story tho. You sure you wanna listen?

Callie: Yes! I don't mind at all! And I would like to know about your past before we met!

Lai: *chuckle* Alright then, here goes..

Callie: I'm listening~

He sets down his weapon on the table, then he sits next to her...

Lai: Well, It all started from two years ago.. During the december.. When I was became a fully grown Inkling.

In the flashback... In the village at Calamari region..

Lai's POV

I was sleeping soundly in my room. Until the clock was rang. The alarm noises had forcefully woke me up and I quickly turned off the alarm, then I let out a yawn and slightly open my eyes. But I was too lazy to get up so I decided to lay for a while. I mumbled...

Lai: The day has come, huh?

Then, my parents suddenly call out for me and I replied to them in a weak tone.

Joyce: Dear? You woke up?

Lai: Yea, just give me a minute...

Vincent: C'mon! Or else you're gonna miss the train, son!

Lai: Alright, I'm coming...

I got up from my bed and opened the window, today was in winter season so there's like snow everywhere and the sun was shining brightly. I rubbed my eyes as I walked out from my room and start heading to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and taking a shower to clear out my tiredness. Then, I dressed up myself and went downstairs. Seeing Mom was preparing breakfast and Dad was reading the newspaper. I greet to them..

Lai: Morning...

Joyce: Oh morning, dear!

Vincent: Ready to start your journey in Inkopolis?

Lai: Yea! I can't wait to get my turf war license!

Joyce: *smile* That's the spirit..

Vincent: And we had got something for you to start off your career.

Lai: What is it?

Vincent: You'll know soon after breakfast.

Lai: Yes, can't wait for it too!

Joyce: Hey, don't get choke tho!

Lai: Yea I know!

After I got finished my breakfast, I ran outside to meet up with my dad. Then, he gave me an Ink tank, a set of newbie gears and a starter weapon.

Vincent: Okay, here's your starting gears and the weapon.

I got the White Headband, Basic Tee and Cream Basics as the starting gear. And he also gave me the Splattershot Jr and the Ink tank as well.

Lai: Cool, thanks dad!

Vincent: Let me tell you something, son. I'm sure you'll find a lot of fresh stuff in Inkopolis.

Lai: I will!

Vincent: And remember what you had trained for! Might comes in handy during battles, especially in 1 v 1.

Lai: Yea and I will become the freshest Inkling in Inkopolis like you! Just wait and see!

Vincent: Alright! Just put on the gears and come out if you're ready.

Lai: Okay!

I went back inside the house and start changing. I wore my gear on and equipped my starter weapon as well. I got out again and this time, I noticed that he had brought a photographer.

Lai: Uhm... Who is he?

Joyce: Oh, he's a photographer. Your dad wanna take some pictures before we give you a lift to the train station.

Lai: Oh, alright.

Flashback paused...

Callie: So your father was a famous battler?

Lai: Yea and he always told me that turf war is always a popular sports for the Inklings. But now, he had simply got absent from the game due to his age.

Callie: So he's retired?

Lai: Uhm... I think you can say that tho.

Callie: Oh well, let's just continue your story!

Lai: Okay.. When we had arrived at the station, my mom used to nag on me. Like about....

Flashback resumes...

At the train station...

Joyce: Remember to have your three meals in everyday. Oh! And once you get there, try to find a flat for yourself to live in. And don't be alone in the city, you might ended up meeting some bad guys.

Lai: Mom, I'll take care of myself.

Joyce: But..

Vincent: Joyce, he's a grown up Inkling now. I'm sure he'll take care of himself.

Lai: Thanks, dad!

Joyce: Just be safe, okay?

Lai: *smile* I will!

Then, the train had arrived..

Joyce: Oh there's the train!

Lai: Alright!

The door opened and a lot of people had flooded out from the train. I entered it alone, then I turned around and looked at my parents. They were waving at me, saying goodbye to me as the door had closed. I waved back to bid farewell to them as well. Then, I take my seat. Setting my Splattershot Jr and my Ink tank to aside. Playing some games with my phone to fill up the boredness during the ride.

Flashback paused...

Callie: So, is there more newbie Inklings like you were on the train?

Lai: I'm not sure, only knew that it was crowded tho. Couldn't know how many of them are the newbies, sorry.

Callie: It's okay, Lai. Not important at all tho.

Lai: Time's 9:00pm now. Still wanna listen?

Callie: Yea of course! Please tell me more about your past!

Lai: Hehe... Right..

Flashback resumes...

The train ride had took me like three and a half hours to get to the Inkopolis. As I got there, the door opened and yeah, still flooded out with many Inklings and Jellyfishes. I grabbed my stuff, tried to struggle my way out from the train but failed, so I transformed into Squid Form and slipped through them. I turned back as I finally got out from the train.

Lai: Ah.. Finally..

I took a deep breath of fresh air..

Lai: Alright, let's go get the license first.


I went to the registration to confirm..

Staff: So you're Lai?

Lai: Yep! And I'm here to get my turf war license.

Staff: Hm... Let me check... Oh there it is, here's your turf war license.

Lai: Thanks!

Staff: You're welcome. Did you got the newbie gear set already?

Lai: Yea, I'm wearing it right now.

Staff: Oh, okay..

Lai: But where's the Plaza?

He pointed the direction to the exit.

Staff: Through the main street, you'll see a tower in Inkopolis and that's where you go. Just keep heading your way to that tower and you'll be there.

Lai: Oh, thanks a lot!

Staff: *smile* You're welcome... Again.

I went outside from the train station and start heading my way to the Plaza. But, there's just way too many people walking around the street. Then, I saw an alley.

Lai: (Guess I'll take that as a shortcut.)

I went through the alley where nobody was there. I followed the path until I found an abandoned skatepark, with some balloons floating around there.

Lai: Maybe I should do some target practice before going to the Plaza.

I draw out my Splattershot Jr and start aiming at the balloons. Then, I pull the trigger and it fires several blobs of ink at the target. The balloon got popped after taking a few hits. I was shocked as I had used a real weapon in the first time.

Lai: Whoa... The fire rate was decent.

Then, several balloons had appeared along the way. I ink my way through the skatepark while popping all the targets. I swim up the ramps, dash jump across the gap and swim through the grates inside the ink. Then, I found out something else.

Lai: What's that?

I saw there was a saucer crashed onto the ground and some magenta ink had scattered around the place. But I didn't care about that much tho. As I got warmed up enough, I found a launchpad at the end of the skatepark. I ride on it in my Squid Form and it launches me straight to Inkopolis Plaza.

Flashback paused...

Callie: Wait! So you saw the saucer before?

Lai: Yea, but no one was in there.

Callie: Strange... I thought they were gonna steal the Great Zapfish. But they didn't... Why?

Lai: Maybe they were just scouting around and locating all the Zapfishes whereabouts before they strike.

Callie: But still feels weird.. Why they took two years to come up their plan.

Lai: Well, I had no idea.

Callie: Guess we'll never know.

Lai: Yea.. Sorry if I didn't tell you about that earlier.

Callie: It's okay, it's already in past tho. So what's next?

Lai: I arrived at the Plaza after riding on the launchpad.

Flashback resumes...

At the Inkopolis Plaza...

Lai: Finally, I guess this is it.

I looked around, seeing that most of the Inklings were hanging around here. Even some high-ranked players were here as well. They all were wearing their fresh gears and weapons.

Lai: So many fresh Inklings here. I wonder if she's here as well.

Callie, I still remember her name clearly from that time. But, finding her will be like needle in the haystack. I sighed...

Lai: *sigh* Never mind, I'll just take a tour and then level up after some battles, better freshen up myself a bit.

Before I start entering the lobby inside the Inkopolis tower. The screen suddenly shows up. Displaying that there are two idols standing in front of it. As I soon noticed them, I recognized them immediately and then there she is, Callie. And she's with her cousin, Marie too. Then, they started to broadcast today's news.

Callie: Hold on to your tentacles!

Marie: It's Inkopolis news time!

Callie: Let's unveil the current regular battle stages!

Marie: All right!

The screen shows the first stage, Saltspray Rig.

Callie: Where does Judd go while the battle's going on?

Marie: Don't know... Probably eating fish. Doing cat stuff.

Then, the screen shows the second stage, Arowana Mall.

Callie: We did a fan meet and greet here not long ago!

Marie: Stay tuned for more info about the next one!

After they had broadcasted the news about today's battle stages.

Callie: Until next time...

Callie and Marie: Staaaay fresh!

The screen had displayed back to normal after they said their catchphrase and did their signature poses. I muttered...

Lai: Great... There's the answer... 😒

Flashback paused...

Callie: So you didn't try to approach us?

Lai: Yeah I did once, but your fans kept swarming around you two. Besides, it'll be rude or even weird if I try to make you recognize me.

Callie: *giggle* Like a weird guy, right~?

Lai: Yes, totally. *grin*

Callie: Hehe~ So what did you do next?

Lai: Well, I start taking a tour around the Inkopolis Plaza. Just when I first tried visiting the Ammo Knights at the Booyah Base.

Flashback resumes...

In the Ammo Knights...

Sheldon: Ah, you must be new around here. Judging by the looks of you.

Lai: You're...?

Sheldon: I'm Sheldon! The owner of the Ammo Knights! And you'll get the freshest weapons here!

Lai: Cool! Can I take a look around?

Sheldon: Sure! May I have your turf war ID?

Lai: Uhm... Okay.

I gave him my ID and he inspected my status for a while. Then, he gave me back.

Lai: So... Can I take a look around?

Sheldon: Yes, you can but... You'll need to raise your level at least level 4. Then, you can buy our gears and weapons you want! So go freshen up yourself in regular battles. I can't let you handle my firepower with your lowly level 1.

Lai: Okay then...

I exited from the Ammo Knights...

Lai: (Better raise my level. Buy some fresh gears and weapons. Then, I'll get myself a flat to live in.)

I enter the lobby with my newbie gears and the Splattershot Jr. I got matched up with some random players in the lobby. Then, we all got transported to Saltspray Rig. As I and my three other teammates got spawned on the spawnpoint. I felt a bit nervous since it was my first turf war battle, but I still remember the training I did from a few months ago in Calamari region. Then, as the match had started. I dash off from the spawn, start claiming the turf as much as I can.

Flashback paused...

Callie: Hm.. What's wrong?

Lai: *sigh* Can I skip this? Kinda pointless tho.. You know, taking a breath.

Callie: Uhm... Okay.

Flashback resumes...


I went outside from the Inkopolis Tower, I finally reached level 4 and I had earned some cash through some battles. I enter the Ammo Knights, meeting Sheldon again.

Sheldon: Ah it's you again. I guess you had freshened up yourself, huh?

Lai: Yea! And I'm ready to handle your firepower!

I gave him my ID to confirm.

Sheldon: Great! Now I can show you some of my masterpiece for your current level!

He grabs three weapon types and puts it on the counter. There's Splattershot, Splat Roller and Splat Charger.

Sheldon: These are the three basic weapon types for the beginner. Shooter class, Roller class and Charger class. Just pick whatever you want!

Lai: Hm... Decision...

I made up my mind after considering...

Lai: Okay, I'll buy all these three! Then, I'll decide which class I'm in!

Sheldon: Nice! That would be 2500 cash in total! And please come again!

I went outside after paying to Sheldon. And I decided to grab a bite before getting a flat for myself so I went to a cafe called "Cafe Cardamari".

Kirsikka: Ah welcome! What can I do for you, sir?

Lai: Just a cup of lavender tea, thanks!

Kirsikka: Okay, coming right up!

Flashback paused...

Callie: So you didn't join the team tryouts in the first place?

Lai: Yea, I was about to join but... The worst has come. And it's one of the reasons why I never join a team.

Flashback resumes...

I exited from the cafe and continued to explore the Plaza. I saw there's Shrimp Kicks that runs by Crusty Sean, Jelly Fresh by Jelonzo and Cooler Heads for Annie and Moe. I even visited a sea urchin named Spyke that who provides various gear-related services for the Inklings in the back alley. As I had explored so far in the Plaza, I overheard some trash talk. I turn around and saw there's the Team Splat Jam and the Team Vitamin Ink. When I try to walk up to them in curiosity, there's a girl with the Jungle hat named Belladonna just punched Clementine and she pinned her down completely. The scene is chaotic, everyone was terrified included me and their other team members. Suddenly, a Splat Bomb got slipped from her pocket and it's gonna explode.

Flashback paused...

Callie: Wait! You're a part in that incident from two years ago?!

Lai: *sigh and slightly nod* Yea...

Callie: *gasp* My cod...

Lai: You were there too?

Callie: ...Yea...

Lai: I tried to control everything...

Flashback resumes...

Lai: (Shoot!)

I rush as fast as I can and kick the bomb to afar. Luckily, no one got hurt by it. Then, I stop the girl and pull her out from Clementine. I yelled.

Belladonna: Let me go!!!

Lai: For cod's sake! You almost splat someone! What the shell were you thinking!?!

She repels me onto the ground and I got pinned this time. I swiftly move my head and dodge one of her punches. Then, as she was gonna land another hit on me. I headbutt her and she falls back. We both got up then she charged at me. I punched her with all might, she ended up laying on the ground.

Lai: Look at there, I saved your life! So just stop it!

Her eyes widened by what she had witnessed..

Belladonna: Cod...

Marian: But you don't have to punch her! It was just accident!

Lai: Hey, it was self-defense! I didn't mean to-!

Then, the police had came. Without saying a word, they pinned me down and handcuffed me. Dragging me to their police car.

Lai: Wait! It wasn't me! I swear! Let me go!

Police: Sorry! You're only allowed to explain it in the station!

Vadelma: Wait! Let him go!

They pushed me inside their car and got sent to the department.

Vadelma: C'mon, we gotta help him!

Marian: Wait!

Then, she tries to chase the police car.

Flashback paused...

Lai: Callie?

Callie: *sob*

Lai: What's wrong!?

Callie: I'm sorry! Marie and I was there too but I didn't help you! I've really never thought that it was you and you even got caught before we met!

Lai: But I'm still here chatting with you. Besides, it's already in past. So don't dwell on it too much.

Callie: *sob* Okay... But you sure you wanna continue?

Lai: Yea, maybe... I mean I should let you know. Even it's pain or sensitive for me. But you'll get to know about me even better. So don't cry.. Callie...

Callie: ...Right, I guess.. I'm still a bit hurt after hearing about your past.

She cuddles him from behind just for a while, he smiles...

Lai: Well, on the bright side. You did actually noticed me at that time.

Callie: *sob* I did?

Lai: *nod* Of course, Cal! You said you were there too with Marie!

Then, she giggled a bit..

Callie: Hehe... Yeah, true. So, did someone helped you out from the police?

Lai: Yea, Vadelma was the one who bailed me out from there.

In the Police department...

Officer: So you're the one who threw the bomb, huh?

Lai: Dear cod, how many times do I have to tell you? I had said "It wasn't me!" like umpteen times!

Officer: But you kicked it, what you gonna explain about that?

Lai: That was for saving people from getting blast by it! (Jesus...)

Officer: Hey! Look who're you talking to!? Eh?

Then, I heard the door knocks. It was Vadelma and a police was with her as well.

Police: Officer!

Officer: What? I don't have time for this.

Police: This girl's the witness from today's incident. She wanna bail this kid out.

Officer: You did, little girl?

Vadelma: *nod* Yes.


Outside the station...

Vadelma: Hey, thanks for helping us and sorry for all the troubles.

Lai: *sigh* I don't think it's worth it tho. But, thanks...

Vadelma: I'll try to discuss with the captain.

Lai: Yeah yeah.. And there goes my first day in Inkopolis.

Vadelma: Wait, you're new here?

Lai: Yeah.. Can't you judge the looks?

Vadelma: No, I didn't notice. Sorry...

Lai: *sigh* Such a bad experience I had...

Vadelma: No, we all had.

Lai: Hm... Sounds fair enough...

Vadelma: Thanks.. What you gonna do next?

Lai: Guess I'll find a flat for myself to live in.

Vadelma: Hm... Maybe I can help you with that as in return?

Lai: Huh? You think you can do that?

Vadelma: Yeah, I know there's one. Still haven't been sold out tho.

Lai: Sweet then!

Vadelma: Come on! I'll take you to there!

Flashback ends...

Lai: And that's how I started... Callie?

He turns to her and notices that she was already falling asleep on his bed.

Lai: Heh... I guess you're all better now.

He sighs happily as he stands up and opens the door. Then, he slowly carries her in bridal style back to her room. He sets her down on the bed and pulls the cover over her. Before he left, he gives a smooch to her cheek. A tear had formed in his eyes.

"Thank you for listening."

Then, he notices that she's smiling. And she replies back before locking her lips to his...

"Thank you for telling me."

They both shared their kisses.

End Of Chapter.


He closes the door from her room. Then, he walks to the living room and sits on the couch. Marie asks him...

Marie: What happened, Lai? What's with that gloomy face?

Lai: Nothing much... It's about my past tho.

Marie: You must had a hard time right? And now I know why you never join the team tryouts.

Lai: What? You eavesdropped us?

Marie: Yea, don't sweat it, Lai. It's already in past tho.

Lai: *sigh* Hope it won't haunt me.

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