Chapter 31: Team Test.
At 12:00pm, Inkopolis Plaza.
We all geared up and start setting off to the Plaza, Marie was wearing her Squid Satin Jacket, Sun Visor and Blue Moto Boots. She also equipped her E- liter 3k with Burst Bomb as sub weapons and Echolocator as the special. Lai was equipped with his Neo Splash-O-Matic, Burst Bomb as sub weapons and Inkzooka as the special. As for me, I equipped my Custom Jet Squelcher with Burst Bomb as sub weapons and Kraken as the special. Soon, we had arrived to the destination and I took a deep breath of fresh air.
Callie: Finally, now we can have some real battles!
Marie: *sigh* Let's just get in to the lobby.
???: Hey Lai!
Lai: Huh?
Before entering, we all heard someone was calling for us. We look around and notice that a girl was waving at us. It turns out that it was Clementine, the leader of the Team Vitamin Ink.
Lai: Oh it's you, Clementine..
Clementine: Yup! That's my name!
Lai: I see you doing fine, and you got your new team members as well huh? Just like the Splatnet said.
Clementine: Oh yeah! This team needed some fresh ink! And...
Before she asked, she noticed us and got shocked...
Clementine: Squid Sisters!?
Lai: Oh yeah, it's kinda a long story tho. And don't freak out like that, okay?
Clementine: Well, my "winter" will be the one.
Lai: Yea. *Sweatdropped*
Clementine: So what you guys doing here?
Callie: Well, we're gonna have some turf war after lunch.
Clementine: Oh, me too! Why don't you join us at the cafe! Whinter and Jonquil were there for lunch as well!
Lai: Sure.
Clementine: Great! See you there!
She went her way back to the Cafe..
Lai: Okay then, let's go girls!
Marie: You told me that you don't have friends. 😒
Lai: Well, another long story tho. I'll explain it later. *Sweatdropped*
Callie: Let's just get along with them! Plus, we haven't eat anything yet.
Marie: *sigh* Whatever..
We followed her and went inside the Cafe, then we met up with some other teams who were talking and laughing about the jokes they made. I was just stood there with Marie while Lai is doing the talk.
Lai: Hey guys!
Whinter: Hey! Wait, is that...
Lai: Shh!! You try to expose us!?
Whinter: Oh my cod! Can't believe it's really them!
Callie: Ahehe... For eel?
Marie: As I expected from a huge fan..
Whinter: Oh sorry, I couldn't control myself. Cod, this is so cool!
Lai: I guess it is..
Whinter: But still, cool.
Jonquil: Oh hey, my friend! I see you had brought your girlfriend huh? And a nice one.
He said pointing at me.. Clem rolled her eye up.
Clementine: Oh cod, Jonquil.. Please don't.
Lai: Yeah, you can say that I think.
Callie: Ehh?! *shocked blushing*
Whinter: Wait, so she's your girlfriend!?
Lai: *nod* Yea and...
Whinter: Holy Zapfish!
Lai: ...Please don't freak out again. For the love of Great Zapfish.
Callie: *giggle* It's fine, Lai. It's not a big deal at all.
Whinter: Man, lucky you..
Jonquil: My, my. I've seen you grown better now. Mind if you teach me some of your techniques?
Lai: Well, I guess it's the fate decides for us.
Jonquil: Fate huh? That makes sense..
Lai: But uhh... Anyway, aren't you guys having lunch?
Whinter: Yup! And then we'll be having some battles after that!
Lai: Cool!
Timeskip... After lunch..
Lai: So who you gonna battle against with?
Whinter: Of course it's you! Can't wait to battle against the Squid Sisters!
Lai: Uhh.. Us?
Whinter: You three are a team, aren't you? And we haven't battle yet even once.
Lai: Oh yeah, we are.
Whinter: So you on with the Splat Jam?!
Lai: Hm..
Clementine: Wait! How about my team Vitamin Ink? We might needed some fresh advice from your team!
Jonquil: And how about your team versus the Petal Splash? I'm sure we'll make the coolest dance with the coolest Inklings on this planet!
Clementine: You just wanna flirt with them, aren't you? -_-
Jonquil: Nah! I never go on to someone who already had their partner. That would be a chaos.
Whinter: So which team you gonna choose?
Lai: Hm... I can't decide. What do you think?
Marie: Just choose a team. I wouldn't mind it all tho.
Callie: Maybe we should battle all three of them, I bet it will be fun!
Whinter: Are you sure!?
Callie: *nod* Yes and we still got plenty of time after that.
Whinter: Yes! Finally, I can get to battle with them, this is gonna be awesome! I'm going to lobby and tell them right now!
Jonquil: Well my friend, I'll be waiting in the lobby with my team. I'm looking forward to it.
Clementine: Well, see ya! Gotta meet up with my team as well!
Lai: See you guys too!
They went out from the Cafe and headed to the lobby where their teams is. Then, Lai complimented..
Lai: Welp, that's the freshest things I've ever heard from you. *smile*
Marie: That's what Callie does.
Callie: Aww... You guys flattered me. *blush*
Marie: But still... You sure you wanna 3 v 4 with them?
Lai: What? You got chickened out?
Marie: ...No, I...
Lai: C'mon, Marie! We had been through a lot of adventures and we had shared and gained a lot of experiences. I know we can do this!
Callie: He's right! This is also a test for showing how strong our bond is!
Marie: *chuckle* Oh well, guess I had no other choices. Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!
Lai: Yea! That's the spirit!
Marie runs off from the Cafe...
Callie: Hey! Wait for us!
Then, I follow her as well.. Except Lai.
Lai: Wait up!
Kirsikka: Excuse me! You haven't pay the bill!
Lai: Huh?
Kirsikka: Those two ran away so you'll be the one who's gonna pay all of these.
Lai: Wait a sec, so she ran away just because she doesn't want to pay!?
Kirsikka: I don't know, maybe..
Lai: You little..💢💢 *sigh* I'll pay, Kirsikka. Don't worry.. T-T 💸 (Damn you, Marie!)
Kirsikka: Please come again next time!
Timeskip, in the lobby..
Whinter: Hm... I don't see Lai anywhere..
Callie: Oh there he is!
Lai: Hey! *huff* *huff*
Callie: What took you so long?
Lai: Well, you can ask the charger girl. *glare at Marie*
Marie: What? There's nothing to do with me. *smirk*
Callie: What's wrong, Lai?
Lai: Nothing, just forget what I said. (You little piranha, I'll get you next time!💢)
Marie: Hehe.. *still smirking*
Jonquil: Now everyone's here, so which team you gonna pick first?
Lai: Oh uhm...
Jonquil: I'm hearing..
Lai: Let's start with Vitamin Ink first.
Clementine: Yes!
Whinter: Aww... Why don't you pick my team? You know I'm fan of them!
Jonquil: Relax, ladies first. I'm sure Lai knows that very well. Ha!
Lai: Uhm... I just randomly pick a team tho. But thanks.
Jonquil: Oh, that's awkward...
Clementine: Pfft.. Haha!
Lai: Shall we begin, Clem?
Clementine: Alright, with pleasure!
Timeskip, Flounder Heights.
Clementine's POV
My team and I had went to the Flonder Heights as the screens had randomly chose the stage. I'm sure Lai and the Squid Sisters had went there as well. Soon, we all got spawned on the spawnpad. Before the battle starts, I inform my three other teammates.
Clementine: Alright team, we're now battle against an A rank player and the Squid Sisters. We all know Callie was specialized in Roller type and Marie was the Charger one, but still they might got some tricks under their sleeves or even might stronger than S rank player. So don't underestimate them, even it's in 3 v 4 situation. Taloupe?
Taloupe: Yes?
Clementine: I want you to stick up with Angelo and ink as much as you can. I'll support you on the other side. Tanrine, all you need to do is just keep them busy.
Tanrine: Booyah!
Taloupe: Right!
Back to Lai and the Squid Sisters...
Marie: Vitamin Ink, huh? I heard that the Team leader has always preferred a more defensive approach.
Callie: Yea we knew about that.. What do you think, Lai? Or should I say, leader~?
Lai: *clears throat* Alright! This will be our first bonding test and here's my analysis and the plan to our success.
Marie: Oooh.. What is it?! What is it?!
Lai: First and foremost, Angelo. A guy with an Octoling mask is the team's main offensive so let me warn you, Marie. He always targets on chargers first. And he has the ability of Ninja Squid. Also, his special weapon is the Echolocator. If you notices it, just avoid him at all cost or take him out if you can before he takes you out.
Marie: Right, what about the others?
Lai: Oh yeah, Taloupe. Though he's not the offensive type but he always concentrates on inking. So don't underestimate him. He might be with Angelo. Callie and I will take care of them.
Callie: What about the leader and the Inkbrusher?
Lai: We go for them as well. Try to break a huge hole in their defense. Might buy some time for us.
Marie: So you're leaving me behind?
Lai: How? No, you can come with us or stay guard in the base. And we might need your support as well. Just take note if someone has sneak up in our base with your Echolocator.
Marie: Sounds great. I thought you're still holding the grudge against me at the Cafe. *smirk*
Lai: Say whatever you want, Marie. But I'm not that petty and I'm not leaving someone behind.
Callie: Now that's the leader we need. *grin*
Lai: Just stay focus and we'll pass the test with flying ink colors. *smile*
Callie: Well, we better be prepared. The match gonna start in any seconds.
Lai: Oh yeah!
Clementine: There are multiple ways to the center! Spread out!
Lai: Alright! Just give it all you got!
Callie: Booyah!
Both teams had started inking up their turf and make their way to the center. Marie was guarding and supporting Lai and her cousin, Callie while they're advancing. Suddenly when Callie and Lai was about to reach the center, Tanrine had rushed to there first, hurling small blobs of ink and brushing her way straight to the their base recklessly. They got shocked.
Tanrine: Woomy!
Lai: What the-!
But soon, she got splatted by him. Thanks to his quick reflexes.
Lai: Got her!
Callie: Nice shot!
Lai turns around and notices a guy with Splash-O-Matic, turns out that it was Taloupe. Lai approaches with caution, guessing that Angelo could be around him.
Lai: (Better take him out first, might I can lure Angelo out as well.)
He surprises him by performing the Burst Bomb combo. He got splash damage and Lai successfully took him out with just one or two pellet of ink. Then, Angelo jumps out behind him, ready to throw out the disruptor.
Lai: (There he is!)
When he was about to face out Angelo. He throws out the disruptor, Lai tried to dodge from it but he failed. The disruptor had got him, reduced his mobility and ink recovery rate. Also, this makes the victim feels abnormally sick in result. He struggles to get out from the blast radius before Angelo gets him. He got out but Angelo caught him off guard. Lai throws out a Burst Bomb at him and it was direct hit.
Lai: (He's hurt. Now's my chance!)
Before Lai is about to fire with his weapon, Angelo got splatted by Callie. He got himself up..
Lai: Geez... You stole my splat.
Callie: Hey, I saved your life! *giggle*
Lai: *chuckle* Anyway, did you charged up your special?
Callie: Yea! I did what you told me to! It'll be a blast!
Lai: Great! Now let's push forward.
Callie: What about Marie?
Lai: *sigh* I hate to say it but I feel that I can't just leave her behind guarding the base alone.
Callie: What do you mean?
Lai: I mean we should stick up together, not leaving someone. That's why we brought Marie out. Playing and battling together in turf war. *sigh* Maybe I'm just worried...
Callie: Lai... Don't blame yourself... You're just trying to make what's best for the team. I'm sure Marie won't hold this against you.
Marie: Aww... Did someone mentioned about me?
Lai: Eh!? How long you had been here!?
Marie: Well, you two had gone out of my range so I decided to come along. And, that Inkbrusher was such a pain for me.
Lai: So you don't hold this against me?
Marie: *smile* Just do what you gotta do. I'll support you two.
Lai: Marie..
Marie: What? You don't like it?
Lai: Nah.. That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard from you.
Marie: *smile* Geez... Let's just pass the test already.
Callie: C'mon! Let's go!
1 minute left...
After the conversation between them, Callie and Lai went back proceeding deep into Vitamin Ink's territory while Marie was guarding around the center of the stage. Clementine was checking the stage and she shocked as she noticed that most of her team's turf had been claimed by the opposite team.
Clementine: How the-? They pushed us back just the three of them!?
She checks the timer...
Clementine: (Time is running out, better do something fast.)
She glances around the stage, only seeing Marie was on the top center.
Clementine: The other two must be attacking.
She calls up Taloupe and Angelo..
Clementine: Alright, you two try to sneak through their defence and claim as much as you can from their base!
Angelo: *nod*
Taloupe: I will!
They ink their way and try to sneak up to the opposite team's base quietly in their Squid form. But, the sound of their gunshots was loud enough to alert Marie. She uses her special "Echlocator" to confirm. Then, she noticed..
Marie: (Carp! Someone sneak up!)
She turns and aims at them, but they were out of her range so she sneaks up to them as well. But as she caught up, Taloupe was splatted and Angelo was fighting off with his Custom Splattershot Jr against Lai. He's able to keep up the pressure during the fight with Angelo. Marie shrugs and splats him with her E- liter 3k.
Lai: Thanks!
Marie: How did you get here? Where's Cal?
Lai: Well, I super jumped back after taking care of Tanrine. And Clem almost got me before Callie got her. She's probably still attacking and I gotta go.
Marie: Who's Tanrine?
Lai: That Inkbrusher..
Marie: Oh... But we're short handed. What if they sneak up again?
Lai: That's why it was called a test. 4 v 4 might will be much more easier, so deal with it.
Marie: Welp, that will be challenging.
Lai: Let's just do our best, anyway!
Marie: Right!
Lai super jumps directly to Callie's location and Marie just went back to the center. Callie was slowly backing off until a marker had set around her.
Callie: That must be Lai!
Then, he lands smoothly on the marker and these two had met up again.
Callie: Glad that worked up perfectly!
Lai: Way more perfect. I just got another two of them that snuck up to our base.
Callie: Nice! Then, I'll be rest assured with you around.
He nods and smiles at her, then dashes off through the hallway. She follows him as well. They stopped as they noticed the entire team was jumped off from their spawn. Guessing that they might be planning on something else.
Callie: Now's our chance. Let's use our specials!
Lai: Hope it works.
They both use their specials as the timer was just about 10 seconds left, Callie turns into her Kraken form and Lai steps on her, holding an Inkzooka.
Lai: Let's roll out!
Callie: Booyah! Let's make this count!
She swims straight toward the entire team of Vitamin Ink with full speed. Clementine's jaw had dropped as she saw that Lai was actually riding on a Kraken while holding an Inkzooka. Then, she shouts out for her team. Marie quickly notices as well.
Clementine: Everyone, spread out!
Marie: Whoa...
They all followed their leader's order and start spreading out. But the swim speed of Callie's Kraken form is able to catch up to them and the range of Lai's Inkzooka is far enough to reach them. Soon, three of them got wipeout instantly and the only left is Clementine, hiding in a small puddle of orange ink.
Clementine: (They're strong! Even there's just three of them!)
She got out from the ink quietly as they had gone far away. Then, she got splatted by Marie within a few seconds. Marie taunted at her.
Marie: Did you forget about me?
Thr match just ended and Judd is judging...
Stage result... 87.4%- 12.5%
Marie: Not bad.
Callie: We won!
Lai: Holy Zapfish!
Back to Vitamin Ink...
Clementine: *sigh*
Taloupe: I'm so sorry, guys.
Tanrine: It's fine! We can't win 'em all!
Clementine: She's right. They're too strong.
Both teams were met up and the captains were having a little chat.
Clementine: That was a good match. Never thought you'll come up such savage technique.
Lai: Well, we trusted each other and we did our best. So that's why that brought us victory. Right girls?
Callie: Yea, all thanks to you! The technique was a success!
Marie: Hey! What about me!?
Lai: Well, I was going to say.. Thanks for your supports!
Clementine sighs happily, seeing the three of them were getting along well.
Clementine: Man, so envious for them. But anyway, thanks for battling with us, Lai.
Lai: Let's battle again sometime!
Clementine: Anytime!
Both team were returned back to lobby.. Meeting up with the others..
Jonquil: You guys sure put up such a nice match.
Clementine: Ha! They're pros so don't you even underestimated them, they might stronger than yours too!
Jonquil: We'll see in the next match. Right, my friend?
Lai: So you on, Jonquil?
Jonquil: Now, now.. Challenge accepted. Show me what you got!
Lai: Okay! Let's go team!
Lai turns around, he sweatdropped as he saw that Whinter requested the Squid Sisters for their autographs.
Whinter: Uhm... Before you go.. Can.. Can I have your autographs?
Callie: Sure! Lai? Mind giving us a sec?
Lai: ..It's an okay I guess...
Whinter: Yes finally!
They all went having fun with Petal Splash and the Splat Jam after battling against the Vitamin Ink. Spending the whole time in this peaceful afternoon.
Whinter: Well, see you guys later!
Lai: You too.
Callie: Bye!
They all were leaving from the lobby, only left is just the three of them.
Lai: So? What you gonna do?
Marie: Time is now 6:00pm..
Callie: Oh I know! Let's go to the Port Mackerel! Maybe we still have the chance to watch the sunset!
Lai: Then, I'll go get some ice creams. See you there!
Callie: Be quick!
As he went off from the Plaza, Callie grabs Marie's hands.
Callie: C'mon! We should go first!
Marie: Alright, alright! I'm coming!
And they made their way to the Port Mackerel through the train station.
End Of Chapter.
Callie: Hm? What you doing?
Lai: Playing Fortnite with the Nintendo Switch console.
Callie: Cool! Where did you get it?
Lai: Just from some random game stores. But let me warn you, don't buy it unless the Nintendo's Online Service is free again. I couldn't play Splatoon 2 because of that.
Callie: That's why.. Hope they'll change it to free someday.
Lai: *sigh* Me too.
Then, I got eliminated in Fortnite..
Lai: Dang it, so hard to krill someone with controllers.
Callie: How long you didn't play with it?
Lai: *sigh* Since I was little...
Callie: No wonder...
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