Chapter 30: Back to usual day I guess.

At 6:00am, Sunday.

Callie's POV

The bright had shone on me from the window and it wakes me up early in the morning as always. I yawned and stretched myself for comforting, then I laid back and looked at the time.. It was 6:00am...

Callie: Heh.. Always at 6:00am. I wonder if he's awake or not..

But I was too lazy to get up so I decided to lay a bit. I grab the blue squid plushie and hug it tightly, like a mother cuddling its newborn. I buried my face and snuggle it to make myself even more comfortable. Then, I start thinking about the adventure we had yesterday. It was great and fun tho. But, we always got separated and never go on missions together due to the lack of time except when I was with Lai in the 27th kettle. As for Marie... Yea, she haven't gone with me once and neither for him tho. I consider for a while, finally decided to go on turf war with the three of us in this whole day. And then, we'll be having some ice creams at the Port Mackerel like the last time. I mumbled with a grin on my face.

Callie: I guess that will be great for us.

After a while, I got up from my bed and walked up to Lai's room. I slowly opened the door to check on him. Seeing that he's still sleeping soundly on his bed and I could hear a small breathing coming out from him. He's hugging the pillow tightly and his face was half buried in it. I giggled a bit then I closed the door slowly... For Marie, I bet that she's still sleeping in her room as well. Then, I walked to the kitchen to make some breakfast for them. And I also prepare some pancakes for Judd as well.

After putting it on the plate, I walked out from the apartment with my apron on. Seeing that Judd had already woke up from his sleep. I place the plate in front of him. Then, he growls...

Judd: Meow!? (Where you guys had been!?)

Callie: Sorry about that Judd, we kinda late last night and we were busy tho.

Judd: Meow... (Well, glad to see you guys...)

Callie: Thanks.. Here's your pancake tho! I added an extra layer on it!

Judd: Meeyow!! (Booyah!!! Thanks, Callie!)

I smile and walk back inside the apartment. I take off the apron and hang it on the doorknob. I also place two plates of pancakes on the table and I decide to wake them up by myself. I saw Lai just come out from his room, rubbing his eyes to clear his vision.. Then, he saw me as well...

Lai: Morning, Callie. *yawn*

I ran up to him and gave him a loving hug.. He got surprised by it..

Callie: Good morning, Lai! Did you slept well today?

Lai: Yea maybe... Hope I was energetic like you do everyday. Man, still tired tho.. *faintly smile*

Callie: Aww... You go rest for a while, my hero~ I'll call you up later.

He shook his head...

Lai: Nah.. I'll just go wash my face to sober up.. Go have your breakfast first, Callie.

Callie: Oh! Okay!

He smiled.. And this time, it was slightly bigger. He pats my head and brushes my hair a little bit, like he's petting me. Then, he walks up to the bathroom to get change while I'm having my pancakes. Well, this is tasty tho. Even it was made by me.. ^^ After breakfast, Lai just got dressed up and went out from the bathroom.

Lai: Ah~ Much better now. Had you eaten yet?

Callie: *nod* Yup!

Lai: Glad to hear..

As he's about to have the pancakes, I stop him..

Callie: Wait!

Lai: Hm? What's wrong?

I fork a piece of pancakes and reach out to him..

Callie: Here, say "Ah..."

Lai: *blush* Wha- What?

Callie: C'mon~ You don't wanna let a girl waiting for you. *smile*

Lai: This is embarassing... ><

Callie: *giggle* Say, "Ah~"

He reached his face and grabbed a bite from the fork. I can clearly saw a deep shades of red flushing through his cheek. I couldn't help it but keep smiling and giggling his anxiety.. I fork another piece and reach to him again..

Callie: Here comes another one~

Lai: Seriously?! ><

Callie: C'mon, Lai~ ^^

Lai: *sigh* Okay. (I'm gonna faint if this keeps going..)

He grabbed the bite again from the fork.

Callie: How's it? Does it tastes good as usual?

He answers shyly while scratching his head..

Lai: Well... That was great I guess.

Callie: Hehe~ I knew you would say that~

I give a peck on his cheek and wink at him before going to the bathroom..

Lai: Geez... 😶


After showering, I got out and saw he's just sitting on the couch. Swiping and surfing the Splatnet. I walked up and sat next to him, he then notices and asks..

Lai: Oh, did you wake Marie up?

Callie: Nah, just let her sleep. It'll be rude if I wake her up.

Lai: Okay then..

Callie: So what you doing?

Lai: Just surfing tho, too bad the Splatfest theme is now delayed to next friday.

Callie: At least we saved the Inkopolis! *cuddles Lai*

Lai: Yea... So what you wanna do in this morning?

Callie: Let's go for a stroll around the Inkopolis like usual!

Lai: Well, what are we waiting for? Gear up and let's go!

Callie: Alright!

We both grabbed our weapons and gears, he equipped the Splat brella as in case of raining. We walked out from the apartment and start our stroll in Inkopolis. Our arms were entwined each other and I leaned against him during our walk...

Lai: Still as usual, huh? Nobody's around here except the two of us..

Callie: People won't see us in this morning so it's great!

Lai: *chuckle* It is..

The place was quiet as we walked along the streets, passing through some stores and alleys. But I didn't care about that much tho, I just wanna enjoy our moment in this morning. After a while, we walked into the park and sat on a bench together.. He sighs..

Lai: *sigh* Still had no clue what to do today.. You got any?

Callie: Uhm... I got one but.. It depends on Marie's decision tho.

Lai: What do you mean?

Callie: You see.. I decided to bring her out with us for some turf war matches, but she's not the type of "Going out often". Plus, she's a bit shy tho.

Lai: So we just need to persuade her, huh?

Callie: Yea, you think you can do that?

Lai: I'll try..

Callie: Thanks! I'm counting on you then!

We sat for a while and start having some conversation.. He looks at the tree filled with blooming cherry blossoms..

Lai: Still in Spring season tho.

Callie: Yea, what season do you like?

Lai: Hm... Winter.. You?

Callie: Same as yours.

Lai: *chuckle* Okay..

After a while, he asks me suddenly...

Lai: Hey, Cal?

Callie: Yes?

Lai: If we're too busy on our own, will we still be here, sitting and spending our time together?

I reply to him with a grin.. But I didn't think about too much..

Callie: Of course we will!

Then, he asks me curiously...

Lai: How can you be so sure?

Callie: Because we had promised that we'll battle together!

Lai: Did I? Oh, sorry about that...

Callie: Geez... Don't say sorry in all of a sudden..

I noticed that something else is bugging him. Then I start asking him, showing him with some concerns..

Callie: What's wrong, Lai? You seem worried..

Lai: Oh.. Am I? It's nothing...

Callie: C'mon, you can tell me..

He stares at me for a while, then he decided to tell his mind to me.

Lai: It's just you and Marie's career tho and I've been thinking a lot about that..

Callie: Uh-huh.. Go on..

Lai: You see.. One day, you and Marie might start filling up yourselves with "from dawn-to-dusk" works because of the fame. And I'm afraid that the three of us might got drifted apart because of that..

After hearing, I was gone speechless for a while.. Then, I saw tears were forming in his eyes and start running down from his cheek.. He noticed and looked away to hide it, then he stutters..

Callie: Lai......

Lai: I know It's kinda sounds stupid, right? And I shouldn't think about that too soon. But I just wanna stay like this.. I... I..

Without a second thought, I cuddle him to soothe his worries as much as I can..

Callie: Say no more, Lai.. I could feel how much you worried about us. But, the bonds between the three of us will still never be broken.. No matter what happens..

Then, more tears are rushing down from his face and start dripping onto the ground. I could hear that he's crying, even he's holding himself on. And I could feel that his heart is pounding from his back.. I cuddle even more tight to heal up his sadness..

Lai: Callie... *sobs*

Callie: Aww... Don't cry, my cuddlefish.. Things will be okay in the end. Just let it out and I'm here for you.

After minutes of comforting, tears were finally stopped flowing out from his eyes and his heartbeat had returned to normal.. Then, he took a deep breath..

Callie: You okay right now?

Lai: *sniff* Yea I guess...

Callie: Just rest in my shoulder for a while, then you'll be fine! *smile*

Lai: Thanks..

Callie: That was my line.. Geez... But still, thanks for telling me that. I knew you trusted me.

Lai: Yea that's why... Did I trouble you?

Callie: Nope! Instead, I'm happy that you told me! That makes us even perfect and that's what couples do!

Lai: *chuckle* Well, I'm glad then..

We went silent a while for adjusting our moods and sorting out the emotions. Then, I ask him something..

Callie: Now, I want a kiss~ Think you can do that for me?

Lai: Of course! You can trust your cuddlefish!

Callie: Great then!

We both lean against each other, slowly move our face until our lips were met and we kissed. Our relationship went deeper and our hearts were connected.. Luckily, no one's still around here except us. Soon, we broke the kiss.. He smiles and finally says out the three magical words that would satisfy the girl he loved..

Lai: I love you, Callie.. 💙

My eyes widened after hearing what he said. Then, I reply immediately with a grin on my face.

Callie: I love you too, Lai! 💖

We smiled as the things between us had been cleared. And I ask him if he's wanna go back to the apartment..

Callie: So, wanna go back and wake Marie up?

Lai: Sure!

Callie: Let's go then! *smile*


We had returned back to the apartment and checked on Marie as well if she's awake. But still she is, sleeping on her bed like a baby.. This time, her alarm was set at 12:00pm.

Lai: That sleepy head tho. *Sweatdropped*

Callie: *chuckle* Just let her have a nice sleep..

Lai: Ugh.. I couldn't think what to do next.. It's 9:00am right now and still in the morning.

Callie: Hm... How about we play some video games and chill out?

Lai: Sounds good for me, I'll go grab my Wii U Gamepad.

Callie: Alright!

I went to my room and grab my Wii U as well. We both sat down on the couch and start playing Splatoon 1 together.. As we started the game, we created our own characters and finished the tutorial. Then, we got spawned in the hub...

Callie: Look! We're actually in the Plaza!

Lai: Yea, same as the real life one.

Callie: Let's look around! Then, we'll do some regular battles!

Lai: Okay.

We move our characters to explore the hub. There's a lot of other players hanging around and we had arrived at the Booyah Base. Everything is the same like It's based in our real life tho. The characters, the design and literally everything. They even loaded the quotes from Sheldon, Sean, Annie and Jelonzo in this game. After visiting some stores in the base. We saw Judd was sleeping on a blue crate as we walked through the Plaza. Then, we can see the Squid Sisters studio through the window on the second floor and it's just right next to the Battle Dojo. We also saw Marie and I were in there as well, talking to each other like always.

Callie: Hey! That's me and Marie in the studio!

Lai: Yea and keep staring them. They might actually wave at us.

We stared at them for a while, then they wave at us with a grin on their face.

Callie: They noticed us!

Lai: Yea, cute..

Callie: Aww... That's sweet!

Lai: *chuckle* Thanks... Well, let's do some battles then.

Callie: Alright!






The match was just ended as the time is up and Judd is now calculating for the winner. We won the game with the 56.0% total turf coverage by the Blue team and 33.0% for the Orange.

Callie: Yay! We won!

Lai: That's litterally seven in a row tho. *Sweatdropped*

Callie: But still happy that we won fair and square!

Lai: Yup.

As we had played just a couple of battles, I check the time and it's 11:30am now, I turn around and saw Marie had just got out from her room.

Callie: Oh, morning Marie!

Marie: *yawn* Morning, guys..

Lai: There's pancakes on the table, wanna eat it?

Marie: It's almost noon, I think I'll feed it to Judd.

Lai: But she already made it for you tho.

Callie: It's okay, Lai. I don't mind it at all. Ahaha... *Sweatdropped*

Marie: ...

Marie: Actually, I guess I'll have it. It'll be rude if I refuse..

Callie: Great!

Lai: Glad to hear then..

Marie went having her pancakes. Then, I ask Lai if the three of us want to go out.

Callie: Hey, I don't feel like cooking today. So, wanna go out and find something to eat?

Lai: Okay, if you say so.. And we're gonna have some turf war anyway. So I'll talk to Marie first.

Callie: Yea! Good luck then!

I closed the game and put the gamepads back in our room. I grabbed my gears and weapons as well while Lai was talking to Marie, trying to convince her to come with us.

Marie: So you want me to join you in turf war?

Lai: Yea and it was Callie's idea tho. Plus, I haven't seen you in battle so yea! Mind if you join?

Marie: But there's just the three of us. We need one more player to fill up the team.

Lai: Hm...

Marie: What do you think?

Lai: Maybe just the three of us should be enough I guess..

Marie: You sure we can do that? -_-

Lai: C'mon, you don't wish letting your fan sees you during the match..

I walked out from my room.

Callie: Alright! Should we go now?

Lai: What do you think?

Marie: ...Fine, fine.. If we lost, I'll hold that to you. Deal?

Lai: *chuckle* Deal! Let's go then!

Callie: Right!

End Of Chapter.


Before they start heading out to Inkopolis Plaza...

Lai: Here take this..

Callie: Huh? Jet Squelcher? Why you giving me this?

Lai: Well, you'll know soon. Just practice your shooting.

Callie: Uhm... Okay.

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