Chapter 27: Enter the Octobot king!
(Note: Soundtrack for the confrontation with the final boss. Enjoy!!)
At 8:00pm, at the Octo Valley.
As Agent 1 and I had got back to the Sector 5, we finally meet up with Agent 2 and we had saved all the little Zapfishes.
Agent 1: We got all the little guys now!
Agent 2: Good work, everyone. Now let's take a short break first.
Lai: I agree...
We're currently in rest for a while, preparing ourselves for the worst.. In the meantime, Agent 1 is feeding the Zapfishes and I've upgrade my Hero shot to Lv. Max. Which means the yellow flashlight has now turn into a green one. Agent 2 turns to me and asks..
Agent 2: Agent 3?
Lai: Yea?
Agent 2: Are you well prepared yet?
Lai: Of course! There's no turning back now!
Agent 2: Yea but still, please be safe. For the sake of us and Cap'n.
Lai: Thanks.. With the three of us, I know we can do this.
Agent 2: Yeah, we wouldn't come this far otherwise.
We sat on the floating blocks for a while... Seeing Agent 1 is having fun with some Zapfishes. Then, Agent 2 smiles and chuckles...
Agent 2: Heh.. Ever since I met you, you're somewhat promising tho.
Lai: How? What do you mean?
Agent 2: Remember you had a fight with those guys at the alley?
I pause for a while to think, then I recall it that time..
In the flashback...
"I'll protect the Squid Sisters no matter what!"
Flashback ends...
Lai: Yeah I remembered that.. But still why?
Agent 2: Because you're the first one who had ever tried to protect us. And you know that, other people will just ignore and do nothing, just like that girl standing behind those guys.
After hearing what she said, I look at the sky and smile...
Lai: Well, maybe it's just you girls means a lot to me, ever since I had moved into Inkopolis. I always wanted to meet her again so yeah. I'll do whatever I can to protect.
Agent 2: *chuckle* But now you did it.. And you even won her heart tho.
Lai: Yea, I'm glad things were going the right way that I never expect.
Agent 2: Well, be sure to take a good care of Agent 1 from now on tho. *smirk*
I tease her a bit..
Lai: Hey, are you pushing everything to me? Too bad that's not gonna happen because she still needs you! ^^
Agent 2: Hehe.. Alright alright, you got me. *giggle*
We both laughed for a while..
Lai: Geez... Marie, I know you need her as well.
Agent 2: Yeah indeed..
After we rested for a while, Agent 2 called out to Agent 1..
Agent 2: Agent 1! You done feeding them yet?
Agent 1: Yeah and they're so adorable!!
Lai: Remember what we came for, Agent 1! Don't get carried away!
Agent 1: Oh yeah I almost forgot tho, sorry guys! Hehe.. *scratches her head*
Agent 2 sighs happily...
Agent 2: She always being Callie..
Lai: Yeah I agree that one.. *smile*
Agent 1 puts the Zapfishes back into a large aquarium that used to store all the little Zapfishes. She grabs her roller and then we ride the inkrails our way to the launch pad that it'll launch us to the UFO, it is where the final boss kettle had located. As we got there, we jump into the kettle without saying anything else. Then, the UFO starts flying off into the sky. Transporting us to the Arena..
As the moment we got spawned, the three of us saw the Great Zapfish immediately..
Lai: Everyone, look! It's the Great Zapfish!
Then, we all heard a familiar voice from a far. It turns out that it was Cap'n and he got tied up onto the chair with ropes..
Cap'n: Hmm? Agents! It's a trap! Don't approach!
All: !!!
We notice a green light surrounding the Great Zapfish from above. I look up and search for its source. Noticing there's an Octobot floating above it. Then, the Great Zapfish got sucked inside the machine. Powering up the Octobot with its electricity.. As it slowly lands, we could see a guy who's piloting the flying machine. It turns out to be the leader of the Octarians, Dj Octavio..
Dj Octavio: Ggghhl! Gha Gha! I will take back what's mine!
Lai: Tsk...
He fires two Octopedoes at a time from the cannons. I take out one of them and swiftly move aside to dodge the another one. It got took care by Agent 1.
Agent 1: That's a cheap shot!
Then, he launches his giant metal fist at us. Agent 2 manages to snipe it back with her Hero charger. It hurled back to him and he got punched back.
Dj Octavio: Argh!!! Come on, my minions!
All: ?!
Some troopers had spawned in front of us, trying to block our way to get him with their shields..
Lai: Out of my way!!
I throw a Splat bomb over them and they turn their back to us. I take the chance and rush to them..
Lai: Hey! Keep one of those shielded for me, will you?!
Agent 1: Right!
Agent 2: On it!
They were followed my lead and splat all the troopers, leaving one of them with shield. I rush to it and hijack the vehicle by knocking the trooper off. Then, I remove the shield and equip it on my left arm.
Agent 1: Whoa! Cool!
Agent 2: No wonder.. blocking attacks without taking any damage.
Lai: *chuckle* Let's keep moving! Keep your head on the game!
Agents: Right!!
We managed to repel the Octobot back after rebounding all the fists back to Octavio. Then, I take a sight at Cap'n's location, notice that he's near to phase 4. We're now proceed to the next phase and the Octobot got back in balance with its thrusters..
Dj Octavio: Slimy little hipsters... Are you ready for this?!
He launches out his special attacks at us, the massive Octopus-shaped bomb. I jump onto it..
Dj Octavio: Hmph.. Think you can get me just like that?!
Then, they show up, ready to fire their weapon..
Agent 1: Oh really!?
Agent 2: Let's hit it back!
*Splash* *Pow*
They successfully hit the bomb back to the Octobot and I'm still riding on it. I stand up, balancing myself and start shooting at him with all my ink. As he submerges into his own purple ink, I jump out from the bomb and land. Though I didn't get him but still manage to repel the bot..
Lai: He submerged inside that pool of ink, I can't get him.
Agent 2: Well, let's push him back first.
Lai: *nod* We'll try.
As we advanced to the third phase, the Octobot had got up..
Dj Octavio: Ghhrrrgh! I'll get you for that!
A giant megaphone have appear from down below of the Octobot.. It turns out It's a killer wail, currently aiming at me.
Dj Octavio: Let's see how you'll fare against my mean laser!
Agent 2: Agent 3! Dodge it!
I dodge roll to aside, the variation was smaller and takes long to charge up.. We keep defending ourselves from Octavio's attacks, then a group of troopers had spawned around us. We're fighting back to back perfectly in sync. Splatting all the troopers and begin our counter attack to him. I turn my sight at him and quickly notice an Octopedo had flew toward me. I block it with the trooper shield.
Lai: (The durable won't be last long. Better take it off.)
I take off the shield and throw it onto the ground. Then, he tries to fly away.. I follow him as well. Agent 1 turns at me..
Agent 1: Wait! Hold on!
Agent 1 and Agent 2 are following me to the launch pad. We had reached the fourth phase and Cap'n was just near from us. Octavio fires a metal fist on us. We jumped away from it and we got separated.
Agent 1: He's separating us!
Lai: That's fine.. You two go and save Cap'n! I'll hold him off!
Agent 2: Alright, keep him busy.
Agent 1: We're counting on you!
They left and super jump to the Cap'n's location. I turn back to Octavio and he laughs..
Dj Octavio: Gyah Ha Ha! You impudent inksquirts. I'll make... fried squid rings outta you!
Lai: Yeah? I'd like to see you try!
I rush towards him without hesitation. He launches 4 Octopedoes at a same time and I swiftly evade every one of them, even the platforms are now noticeably narrower. Then, he fires the killer wail without mercy and I hop aside. Suddenly, he stops as the song starts playing.. Here's the music...
Dj Octavio: Huh...? What? These are not my spicy wasabi beats!
He panicked as the song plays louder..
Dj Octavio: What's this?! Where's mah beats!?
Then, I remembered it after hearing this song coming from Cap'n...
Lai: Huh? That heavenly melody...
I turn at Agent 1 and Agent 2 as they start playing their song, Calamari Inkantation..
Lai: It's the one and only....
I take a sigh of relief as I saw they had got Cap'n released from the chair.. I said with a grin.
Lai: Squid Sisters... Heh.. Nice work.
Then, I got a call from Agent 1..
Callie: Agent 3! Can you hear our song?!
Lai: Loud and clear.
Marie: Just a little further!
Callie: Time for final push! Chaaarge!
Dj Octavio: You...
Suddenly, he changes his direction and fires a metal fist at them...
Marie: Oh carp... Callie! Watch out! He's targeting at us!
Callie: Uwahh!
*Super jump*
*Clonk!* *Bang!*
As the metal fist was going to hit, it got knocked back suddenly and created a smoke in result. Turns out that Dj Octavio was hit and the Octobot got repelled back as well. The smoke start fading out slowly and Cap'n had opened the bubbler can to protect his granddaughters.
Callie and Marie: Grandpa?!
But as the smoke had went out completely, they found out that in front of them was Lai. Holding Callie's Hero roller with one handed.. They all got shocked by him..
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Agent 3?!
Lai: Did you forget about me, Octavio?
Then, the Octobot got back in balance..
Dj Octavio: Grrrhh... How did you get here?!
Lai: Well, the moment the song starts playing, I noticed that you were turning to them. And as I expected, you were going to attack them so I made my step earlier.
Dj Octavio: This brat...
Lai: You panicked when you lost your beats as the song overrides it, am I right?
Dj Octavio: Ugh...
Cap'n Cuttlefish: That's enough!
Dj Octavio: Hm?
Lai: ?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Octavio! I know you hold a grudge against me! But this is only between you and me! So leave my granddaughters and this kid out of this!
Marie: Grandpa...
Dj Octavio: Hrmm? Ghahaha!
Lai: Tsk...
Dj Octavio: Oh cuttlefish! Your ego is still as huge as ever.
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Hu- Huh?
Dj Octavio: Do you really think I did all this. Just for you, cuttlefish?!
Dj Octavio: Sure. It was you who led the legendary Squidbeak Splatoon and defeated me... I still remember that day clearly... It makes me want to rip that stupid beard from your stupid face with my bare tentacles!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: ...
Dj Octavio: But no.. I'm not here to have a revenge against you.
Dj Octavio: What do you think this is? A childish game?!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Then, what do you want!?!
Dj Octavio: I'm here to give Octarians the victory that was wrongly taken from 100 years ago! And I won't stop there!
Dj Octavio: First Inkopolis... The rest of the territory all belongs to me! But...
Lai: Huh?
Dj Octavio: Dubstomping you into oblivion is a nice bonus! And next will be the rest of you!
He fires a massive sound waves with the purple ink at Cap'n, I push him to aside then I got up immediately.. Octavio glares at me in sudden..
Dj Octavio: You...
Lai: ..!!
He becomes extremely aggressive, firing two fists at the same time then a massive bomb had been shot out from the cannon.. I stood there, preparing for incoming attacks...
Callie: Lai!!
Marie: Watch out!
When they're in my range, I swing with the roller. Parrying his fists back to him then knocking the bomb to the air.. I turn into Squid form and super jump straight to it. As I reached the bomb, I transform back and strike it with full force. Sending it straight back to the Octobot and I land back as well.
Callie: Whoa... That was sick..
Lai: You okay, Cap'n?
Cap'n Cuttlefish: I'm fine, thanks Agent 3..
Marie: Geez.. You're not young anymore.. Gramps..
Lai: Callie..
Callie: Huh?
I gave her my Hero shot with full upgrades.. Requesting her to protect Cap'n..
Lai: Here take this.. And please take care of Cap'n and yourself as well..
Callie: *nod* Okay!
Lai: Marie, I need a supporter!
Marie: Heh.. You got it!
The Octobot got itself up...
Dj Octavio: I'm gonna dubstomping you into oblivion!!
I glare at him with murdering eyes..
Lai: Don't you dare... Lay a hand...
Dj Octavio: !!
Lai: On one of my TEAM!!
Dj Octavio: Ngh!
End Of Chapter.
Lai: Sorry, I had ran out of ideas now.
Marie: There's gotta be one, right?
Lai: I don't know, Marie. I could have write it down if I had one.
Callie: Uhm.. Lai?
Lai: Yes, Cal?
Callie: Actually, you're writing it tho.
I look at the draft and I just noticed that...
Lai: Oh that's awkward...
Marie: *laugh* Oh cod!
Lai: Oh well. Nice one, Callie.
Callie: *giggle* You're welcome~
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