Chapter 23: Against the Fourth, Octomaw!
At 11:00am, at the Sector 4 area...
I was just completed the 19th kettle in Sector 4, currently waiting for the other Agents so we can meet up back at the shack. I look up and see Agent 1 waves at me while calling out my codename. Agent 3 tho... She runs up to me...
Agent 1: Agent 3!
Lai: Oh hey! Took you awhile tho..
Agent 1: Yea sorry, kinda a bit tough with the Octostriker.
Lai: But still you came at last, as well as I did.. *smile*
Agent 1: *chuckle* Yeah.
We both smiled as we finally got reunion from our missions...
Lai: C'mon, we should be start cleaning up the shack and wait for Agent 2!
She grabs my hand and I stop...
Lai: Huh? What's wrong?
She takes off her shades, revealing her beautiful golden eyes and her 'ninja star' pupils. Then, she looks away and asks shyly. A shade of pink had shown on my face...
Agent 1: Are you feeling well right now?
Lai: Huh? Of course I am!
Agent 1: Really?
I gently patted her head...
Lai: Yeah, I still remember what you said to me last time...
She smiled after hearing...
Agent 1: Hehe, glad to hear that from you~
We both went quiet for a while until I start asking to break the silent...
Lai: So... Anything else?
Agent 1: Maybe... So it's just the two of us, right?
I look around here for a while, no sign of Agent 2 and the boss kettle still haven't unlocked yet. That means...
Lai: *nod* Yea, I guess Agent 2 still haven't finish her mission tho..
Agent 1: You know what I want right now~
I blushed and asked shyly...
Lai: Are you sure? *slightly blush*
Agent 1: Yea, now's our chance tho..
Lai: Uhh.. Okay then...
It was a perfect moment for us.. I gently gripped her chin and slowly pulled into a kiss, our heart were skipped a beat. When we almost got to kiss, we closes our eyes to enjoy this moment, but we got interrupted by a familiar voice. We open up our eyes and saw Agent 2 was standing there.. She asks with a smirk.
Agent 2: Ahem.. Having fun you two?
Agent 1: Agent 2!? When did you-?!
Agent 2: I was heading back to the shack and then I noticed you two as I walk by..
Agent 1: Geez, now you ruined the moment!
Agent 2: Okay okay, I'll be going back first. Enjoy you two...
Then, Agent 2 had went back to the shack... I sigh and mutter with disappointment...
Lai: Ugh... We almost had it..
Agent 1: Maybe another time tho..
Lai: *sigh* I'm fine with it anyway.
Agent 1: It's alright, we still can do this after saving Cap'n and the Great Zapfish! So cheer up, Lai!
Lai: *smile* If you say so..
Agent 1: Now that's my cuddlefish I knew~ *hugs Lai*
I can't help but smile and chuckle happily...
Agent 1: C'mon, let's go back and meet up with Agent 2!
Lai: *nod* Okay!
We released from the hug and went our way back to the shack to meet up with her...
Agent 2: You two had come at last..
Lai: Yea sorry...
Agent 2: Now let's clean up the mess, shall we?
Agent 1: Alright, let's do it!
Lai: I'll go grab the broom then.
We start cleaning up inside the Cap'n shack while Agent 2 is analyzing the Octoweapons that Cap'n had gathered. Then, my phone starts ringing out loud and it was a call from Whinter... Agent 1 asks me curiously...
Agent 1: Who's calling?
Lai: Whinter, just a friend of mine. Now give me a moment and I'll be back..
Agent 1: Okay then!
I went outside the shack and answer the call...
Lai: Hello?
Whinter: Hey it's me! Where are you, dude?
Lai: Uhm... I'm in Inkopolis somewhere and I'm currently busy tho.. Why are you calling me in this sudden?
Whinter: Logan was having sick today and Tanrine is currently taking care of him. Anyway, Marian wants to replace him with you since you shared the same color tho.
Lai: Oh, that's kinda sad to hear but too bad. I'm really busy on my own, sorry Whinter...
Whinter: It's okay, I'll talk to Marian. She's probably frustrating right now.
Lai: Good luck then.
Then, he hangs out the call and I went back inside the shack...
Agent 1: Oh you're back! What did he said?
Lai: He told me that one of his teammate was having sick. Funny is, they wanna replace me with him temporarily since I shared the same color with them.
Agent 1: *giggle* I thought you wanna join a team tho.
Lai: Nope, I'd never do that. Except for the Splatfest. *chuckle*
Agent 1: Haha! True indeed!
Finally, we had cleaned up inside the shack and the purple ink from the outside just got vanished after a few hours later... I talk to Agent 2 if there's anything new about the fourth one...
Lai: Hey, got anything fresh?
Agent 2: Yea, about this...
She handed me a picture and a blueprint about the fourth Octoweapon called "Octomaw". I inspected for a while but couldn't figure out its weak point tho..
Agent 2: Well, what do you think?
Lai: ...This gonna take me for awhile tho.. Sorry.
Agent 2: Inspect all you want, Agent 3. I'll go get us some lunch right now..
Lai: Alright then..
She stood up and went to prepare lunch for us. I'm still searching for its weak point through the data. Then, Agent 1 taps my back and look at the picture as well...
Agent 1: What's this? An Octoweapon?
Lai: Yea, it's an Octomaw. It looks like a giant metalic version of the Zapfish except its frog-like feet.
Agent 1: Yea it does. *looks at the picture*
Then, she asks politely...
Agent 1: Can I help?
Lai: *nod* Sure if you want, Agent 1. Might need a hand here tho..
Agent 1: Yay!
She joins the investigation with me and we were inspecting the pictures for a while then giving out the conjecture... I look at her and ask if she have find out something else.
Lai: Hey, you find anything?
Agent 1: *shook head* Nope, sorry.
Lai: *sigh* The data of the Octomaw was too lacked, I can't figure it out..
Agent 1: Yea I agree.. Maybe we'll know during the battle tho..
Lai: Sounds plan but kinda bit of risky..
Agent 1: It's worth a try! Trust me!
Lai: Hope so..
Agent 2: Lunch is ready!
Lai: Right Agent 2! C'mon Agent 1, let's go have some lunch first..
Agent 1: Okay!
Timeskip... At 12:30pm.
After having Cap'n favorite dishes, seaweed stew as our lunch, we all gathered up at the outside from the shack. I had upgraded my Hero shot to Lv. 3 and the purple flashlight has now turn into yellow one.
Agent 2: Okay! After finishing the Octomaw, we'll clear each 2 lairs in Sector 5 like we did in 4. Then, we'll meet up there after every Zapfishes were saved.
Lai: Sounds plan.
Agent 1: Yea!
Agent 2: Alright, so you guys ready?
Agent 1 spins her Hero roller and leans on her shoulder...
Agent 1: Shell yeah!
Lai: *nod* We're ready!
We turn into Squid form and super jump directly to the boss kettle in Sector 4. Then, we entered it in no time and transported us to the Arena..
I look around immediately after we had arrived and got spawned on the spawn point... There's a lot of huge pipes flowing out with purple ink, filling up around the Arena..
Lai: Uhh.. is this some kind of sewer?
Agent 2: Yea, pretty much.
Agent 1: Huh? What's that sign said?
Lai: Huh?
I look at the sign and read, here's the pic...
Lai: "Do not feed the fish with bombs!"
Agent 2: Well, that gives us the answer tho..
Lai: *giggle* Yea totally..
We rode the launch pad and landed to the Arena... The Zapfish is floating above when we encounter it. A maw of teeth had showed up and the Zapfish got snatched by its tentacle. It powers up itself and roars..
Lai: Holy Zapfish..
It submerges itself into a pool of purple ink.. Then, it reveals its metalic shark fin to start its attack...
Agent 2: Everyone! Split up!
Lai: This can't be good!
The shark fin targets to one of us before it starts rushing. I noticed that it's targeting at me when rushing and I got surprised by it... I try to run but I got caught by its maw and surrounded me completely with its teeth..
Agent 1: Agent 3!
I break the teeth that surrounds me with my Hero shot and jumped out immediately, just the time it hops out to chomp its prey.
Lai: Oh my cod..
It got out from its ink and looked at me while its teeth still revealing, giving me a chance to break the rest of them. I grabbed my Hero shot and start shooting.. After breaking them successfully, Agent 1 throws a Splat bomb into its mouth. The bomb explodes inside its belly and reveals the tentacle. Then, Agent 2 snipes it with her Hero charger...
Lai: Thanks, Agent 1. Nice shot, Agent 2!
Agent 2: *chuckle* You're welcome.
Agent 1: C'mon! We got this!
After it got splatted, its metal teeth has now change into purple steel one. Growing back from its maw. Then, it submerges back in its ink again...
Lai: Here it comes.
The shark fin comes after me. But this time, I already expected that and I was able to dodge aside quickly with my Squid form. Then, the three of us start breaking its teeth as fast as we can. Making enough hole to feed it with another bomb.
*Splattata* *Splash* *Pow*
I throw a Splat bomb straight into its mouth again...
The bomb had exploded in its belly and revealed the tentacle. Agent 1 rushes towards it...
Agent 1: This one is mine!
She jumps...
Agent 1: Woomah!
It got splatted and its teeth were growing back again, this time is the golden one in final phase. It submerges inside the ink but the shark fin is heading towards Agent 1 instead of me this time. I dash toward Agent 1 as I noticed it.
Lai: Watch out!
Agent 1: Wha-?
I knock her off from its attack.. Then, I got caught by its maw and surrounded by its golden teeth.
Agent 1: Agent 3!!
Agent 2: Hang on, Agent 3!
I was laid on the ground with purple ink... Trying to get up but failed..
Lai: Ah carp.. I won't be getting out at this rate..
Agent 1 and 2 were breaking the teeth to open an exit for me. Then, Agent 1 gives out her hand to me..
Agent 1: C'mon! Grab my hand!
When I almost got it, It jumps out and try to chomp me with its all might..
Agent 1: No!! Agent 3!!!
Agent 2: Wait look! He's still alive!
They saw me still struggling by forcing its mouth open, I lock my elbow to prevent from getting gulped by it... Thankfully that Rollers are quite strong enough for it, so am I. I take out a Splat bomb and ready to feed it..
Lai: Take that!
I throw into its mouth then I punch it back and jump out from its maw. After I had escaped from its mouth, I fall onto the ground covered with my own ink. Then, Agent 2 snipes the tentacle as soon as it comes out. Agent 1 drops her roller and rushes to me. She bear hugs me with worries.
Agent 1: What the shell were you thinking!? You might get chomped by it!!
Lai: Sorry Agent 1, just trying to get you away from danger..
She cries out loud...
Agent 1: You're such a dummy, Agent 3!! I'll be having nightmares if you didn't make it out from it!
Lai: At least I'm still fine in the end so don't cry, Agent 1...
Agent 1: Don't do that ever again! I don't want to lose you, Lai! *sob*
Agent 2 came back to us with the Zapfish in her hand..
Agent 2: Geez Agent 3, we can't afford any failures if you're a goner.
Lai: Yea I'm truly sorry that I made a bad decision tho.
Agent 2: But you sure put a lot of guts to do that without hesitation.
Lai: Yea and can I get up, Agent 1?
Agent 1: ...Sure, are you hurt?
I check myself if there's any wounds or injuries on my body. Luckily, I don't have any of these..
Lai: Nope, just some purple ink stained on my suit.
Agent 1: Thank cod! *sniff*
She wipes off her tears and I got myself up with her supports. Then, we all got a call from Octavio...
Octavio: ...Scritchy...Scraaaatch...
Agent 1: Who is this?!
Octavio: Gyahaha...Inkopolissss...
Agent 1: You jerk! Give us back Cap'n and the Great Zapfish!
Octavio: mine...yo...
Agent 2: Dude, seriously? Get your own radio channel!
Transmitting ends...
Lai: C'mon, let's go back to our shack..
Agent 2: Need you to say?
The three of us entered the kettle and transported back to Sector 4...
End Of Chapter.
Meanwhile on Team Splat Jam...
Marian: Ugh!!! We can't win with just the three of us!
Kirsikka: Maybe we'll win in next match, right Whinter?
Whinter: *sigh* Yea. (It would be better If Lai was with us.)
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