Chapter 22: Agent 1, 2 and 3!

At 9:00am, at the Octo Valley...

Lai: No... He got Cap'n...

Agent 1 and I went into the shack and it was a total mess, the crabby cakes that Cap'n baked had scattered around the floor...

Agent 1: No, the crabby cakes!

Lai: Yea, the shack got messed up as well tho.. With the purple ink, I guess they just left a while ago...

Agent 1: We have to save Cap'n and Inkopolis!

Agent 1 rushes outside and I follow her as well.. Seeing Agent 2 talking to someone through her phone call..

Lai: Who're you talking to?

Agent 2: Oh, just our manager.. I managed to persuade him and he gave us just two days. So we need to hurry..

Agent 1: But there's 12 lairs and the Fourth Octoweapon still haven't cleared yet! Our time isn't enough for this..

I sighed...

Lai: I hate to say it but, since there is three of us. We can split up and clear two lairs each. I guess that would be fast enough tho..

Agent 1: Wait! Split up!? For eel?!

Agent 2: He's right, Agent 1. We don't have much time..

Agent 1: Are you sure, Agent 3?

Lai: Yea, I'll be safe on my own.. Besides, it just two lairs tho..

Agent 2: Alright, once you had finished these lairs, meet us back at the Valley and we'll be there as well..

Lai: Okay!

Agent 1: Aww... I thought we can go on the same mission tho..

Agent 2: C'mon let's go, Agent 1.

Lai: Be careful you two!

Agent 1 and Agent 2 had took their leave to Sector 4 area.. Then, I proceeded there as well with just a few minutes later... When I got arrived at the destination. Those two had uncovered the all the kettles and they already picked their missions..

Lai: Hope those two are fine on their own...

Then, I accepted the 16th kettle's mission that leads me to Propeller-Lift Fortress...


Lai: Back to work...

I jumped down from the platform and start shooting...

Octotrooper: It's the Inkling! Shoot him down!

They start shooting at me as well and I return the fire to them... Soon, they got splatted and I just received a call. I turned my mic on and It was from the Agents..

Lai: Hello?

Agent 1: Tenga 3, nac uoy reah em?《Agent 3, can you hear me?》

Agent 2: You got it upside down, Agent 1..

Agent 1: Oh..

Lai: *giggle* I think I clearly know what you said, Agent 1. Which missions did you girls picked anyway?

Agent 1: Spinning Spreaders!

Agent 2: Octosniper Ramparts. What about you?

Lai: Propeller-Lift Fortress..

Agent 1: Well good luck, Agent 3! I'll be waiting for you in Sector 4!

Lai: Alright, see you there!

Agent 1 hangs up her call first...

Agent 2: Oh yeah, did you see those propellers attached to the wall?

Lai: Huh?

I saw a three-wing blade propeller attached to the wall and replied back to Agent 2...

Lai: Yeah, why?

Agent 2: Try to ink them consecutively, might gives you a lift to the Zapfish tho..

Lai: Okay, thanks for the tip.

Agent 2: You're welcome.

Then, I heard a charge shot through the mic...

Agent 2: Ugh.. Octosniper... Well, good luck Agent 3.

Lai: Be careful tho..

She hangs up the call as well and I start proceeding...


Callie's POV

I'm currently went on a mission called Spinning Spreaders in 18th kettle since it suits the best for rollers. Marie and Lai went to other missions on their own as well. Hope they're doing fine tho... I start rolling my way to the zapfish with my Hero roller.. Those three Octotroopers should be a piece of cake for me..

Octotrooper: It's the Agents! Take her down!

Agent 1: Not in a million years!

I rushed towards them and jumped, ready to swing with my roller...

Agent 1: Woomah!

*Splash* *Splash* *Splash*

After splatting them, I ride onto the launch pad and it launches me to the next checkpoint...

Agent 1: There's a Sunken Scroll around here, better look around tho.

I splash the wall and swim up in my ink to the upper platform. I got up and inspected the other platforms first, and then I saw a crate and a launch pad located on a floating platform to the right of the second spreader...

Agent 1: That must be it.

I jump to the platform that located to my right and I grab the armor from the crate, then I jump back and proceed to the Sunken Scroll. I splatted the Octocopters before standing on the spinning scrubber that leads me to the Scroll. Then, I got the Scroll and rode the launch pad. It launches me back on the center of the Spreader...

Agent 1: That was easy to find.

I jump and swim up in my ink to the top of the wall, I got up and all the troopers were splatted. Then, I open up the Scroll and start reading... Oh, here's the content of the 18th Sunken Scrolls!

"It's Black Friday every day at the Booyah Base Ultra-Mega-Hyper Sale! Every deal's a doorbuster! If you want to be the FRESHEST squid in Inkopolis, you CANNOT miss this incredible shopportunity!"

Agent 1: Aww... Today's Sunday tho.. had to wait 6 more days for the sale!

I kept the Scroll and rode onto the launch pad to proceed...


Marie's POV

I went on a mission called Octosniper Ramparts in 17th kettle. I was taking a breath behind the wall. Charging up a shot with my Hero charger and ready to fire..

Octosniper: Where did she hide?!

I show myself and start aiming at the Octosniper, I released the shot after the laser was tagged to his body...


He got splatted and I taunted...

Agent 2: To avoid the charger, you have to be the charger and all that~

I noticed a netting on the floor, curious what's under it. I turned into Squid form and managed to get pass the netting since Inklings don't have bones tho.. and the same goes to the Octolings as well. I landed in there and saw a crate, yea.. It's the Sunken Scroll. I opened it up and start reading... Here's the content of the 17th Sunken Scrolls...

"These two cousins from Calamari County won Inkopolis's first annual Youth Folk-Singing Contest. Their remarkable voices earned them a standing ovation from all present and catapulted them into the spotlight!"

After reading it, I sighed dreamily...

Agent 2: Ah~ the good ol' days during our childhood tho..

I kept the Scroll and start inking up the wall, swimming back up through the netting and proceeding to the zapfish... There's two Octosniper on the shifting platform and a wall used to hide from them. I took out the Octosnipers and troopers as well.. Soon, I rode onto the launch pad that launches me to the next checkpoint...


Lai's POV

I just landed on the Checkpoint 3 after using the launch pad. The area was surrounded by the water and there's an Ink Cannon guarded by an Octocopter. It used to blast the propeller lift in the distance. I took down the copter and blasted the propeller with the Ink Cannon to reveal the platform. After the platform had reached enough, I landed on it and it starts shifting back... Then, Some Octocopters and an Octobomber are awaiting me near the end during the ride. Thankfully, I was in... like a full suits of Armor with two antennas attached on my helmet left and right..

Lai: Cod, this gonna be tough.

I held my ground by covering with my ink color until they appeared, start firing blobs of ink at me. I managed to splat all the Octocopters except the Octobomber. It fires a Splat bomb at me and I dodge swiftly, but I accidentally step on the purple ink and stuck since I don't have ink resistance ability.

Lai: Oh shoot!

Octobomber: Any last word?

Before it fires, I secretly grab a Burst bomb and ready to throw at the bomber...

Lai: Here's your present! *throws Burst bomb*

It explodes immediately upon contact to the Octobomber. Soon, it got splatted in result... I raised up my leg from the purple ink puddle...

Lai: Ugh... Gonna watch my step next time...

After finally crossing the water to the next platform where the launch pad is.. I noticed and inked the taller portion one of the wall to the left and swam up onto it. Then, I turn around and saw a crate on the other side of the platform. It's a bit far with normal jump, I gather my speed in a Squid form and jump across the gap. I successfully reaching the crate and grab the Scroll within it..

Lai: Let's see what you got..

Then, I opened it up and start reading... Here's the content of the 16th Sunken Scrolls...

"Before the Great Turf War, there were amicable relations between the Inklings and the Octarians. They couldn't have dreamed that rising sea levels would force them to battle fiercely over the remaining territory."

I sighed after reading it...

Lai: *sigh* Never thought that would be happened tho, because of the sea levels.

I kept the Scroll and proceeded with the launch pad... Finally, I landed to the final checkpoint and the zapfish was just up ahead, there's a whole platform covered with purple ink down below. I bet the Octolings were waiting for me at there. But I guess it would be fine, my armors doesn't took any damage during that previous battle while crossing the water tho... I jumped down and start revealing them. I was right, there were two Octolings. One with a normal red tentacles hair and the other one's with seaweed on their head, the tentacles were black instead of red.

Elite Octoling: You again!?

Lai: C'mon, can we civil about this?

Octoling: Shell no! You splatted me with your bomb last time in Kelp Dome!

Elite Octoling: And you smashed my mask too, you're gonna pay for this!

Lai: *sigh* How coincidence...

They threw their Splat bombs and I dodge, inking up the floor as much as I can. They start firing at me non-stop.. I threw a Splat bomb and it's too late for the Octoling to dodge, soon it got splatted. Only left is the Elite one...

Lai: Maybe we should talk about this...

Elite Octoling: Screw you!

She keeps shooting at me and I turn into Squid form to refill the ink tank, I threw a Burst bomb at her. Then, she falls onto the ground by the explosion, I pointed at her with my Hero shot..

Lai: It's over...

I was about to pull the trigger but I can't... Although she's acting strong but she's panicking even she's an Elite Soldier... I sighed and left her alone here..

Elite Octoling: Wha- Why?! Why you didn't just splat me!

I went silent...

Lai: My mission is to retrieve the Zapfish, not splatting the Octoling... Now just go home, will you?

Elite Octoling: You...

I ride onto the launch pad that launches me to the Zapfish, I break the shield and grab it..

She's still looking at me confusedly, but I didn't care and super jump back to the kettle...

Elite Octoling: ...


I just got out from the kettle and saw Agent 1 was sitting on the kettle. She's currently waiting for me tho..

Agent 1: Oh hey! Agent 3! You came back at last!

Lai: Yea, it was tough in the end. Thanks for concerning, Agent 1. *smile*

Lai: But how long had you been waiting?

Agent 1: I just got here for a while tho...

She notices my face and asks curriously...

Agent 1: Uhm... Are you okay? You looked pale..

I guess I can't hide it anyway so I decide to tell her by handing the 16th scroll to her..

Agent 1: What's this?

Lai: Just read it...

Then, Agent 1 opens up the Scroll and start reading. She gasps...

Agent 1: Isn't that Cap'n?

Lai: Yea and the other guy must be Octavio..

She looks at me with worries...

Agent 1: Are you having a hard time with Octolings?

Lai: Yea maybe, I don't wanna hurt them tho.. I mean, Inklings and Octolings should be reconciled..

She suddenly hugs me when I'm feeling down, trying to lift my mood up. I felt comforted by her warm hug.. Then, she pulls back from her hug and smiles at me..

Agent 1: Don't worry, Lai.. Things between them will be better in the end. And that's what you said to me, remember?

My eyes widened by what she had said... I nodded and smiled back as reply...

Lai: Yea it will, Callie...

Agent 1: *chuckles* Great! Now cheer up, Lai! We don't wanna let Marie be waiting for us!

Lai: Right!

Then, she grabs my hand and we both continued to another missions on our own..

End Of Chapter.


Callie: Hey Marie, what do you think about the three of us would be like?

Marie: Uhm... I guess it's "The Three Musketeers?" I don't know, maybe Lai got the answer tho..

Callie: What about you, Lai?

Lai: "Three Agents, better than Octavio." (Note: In Original, it's "Three stinkers, better than Zhuge Liang." An proverb of Chinese. Means that combined strength is far better than the normal one.)

Callie: Oohh, nice one!

Marie: A chinese proverb? Now that's fresh..

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