Chapter 17: A Lazy Afternoon.

(Note: There's a soundtrack that dedicated for this Chapter too, so hope you enjoy this as well.)

At 12:30pm

I kept my phone back into my pocket and walked up to Cafe Cardamari for some lunch. Talk about Cafe Cardamari, I guess Vadelma and Kirsikka are still working there instead of battling. I went inside... (Lai's Ps: These all Characters were belonged to Tamarinfrog aka Ms Jenna, make sure to check out her tumblr and her deviantart.)

Vadelma: Welcome, Lai.

Kirsikka: Oh It's you, Lai!

Lai: Hi, one piece of crabby cake. Please.

Kirsikka: Okay, coming right up!

Then, Kirsikka went to prepare and Vadelma walks up and sit in front of me. Seems she got something to say...

Vadelma: How are you been lately?

Lai: I'm doing fine, as always. Aren't you going out with your team today?

Vadelma: Oh, today my team are having a day off due to many victories yesterday.

Lai: Sounds it's a good news, huh?

Vadelma: Yea it is, what about you?

Lai: Nothing much I think, sorry.

Vadelma: Why not join a team tryouts instead of battling by yourself?

Lai: I don't know... Trust issues? Avoiding argument? Or because that event tho?

Vadelma: Oh, I understand your situation. I still remember that event tho, everyone was jealous of you.

Lai: Luckily that I don't have a team. So I didn't trouble the Squid Sisters at all.

Kirsikka: Here's your crabby cake!

Lai: Thanks, here's the payment.

Kirsikka: Please enjoy yourself!

I took a bite of crabby cake. I look up at her and noticed her worried look...

Lai: Still worrying about that in two years ago?

Vadelma: *nod*

Lai: *sigh* Trust me, not only you. We all got terrified at that time.

Vadelma: Yeah, at least you saved someone's life during that incident tho...

Lai: Yeah, it was a close call..

Vadelma: And now I'm just worried about everyone's safety. Especially our team captain, Marian.

Lai: Oh yeah, what about the Team Vitamin Ink and Team Petal Splash? Are they doing well?

Vadelma: Yeah gladly, they're doing fine as well. They started to get along with each other and our team, but you haven't met them once...

Lai: Sorry, I'm.... I mean I might a bit busy lately.

Vadelma: Is that so?

Lai: Yeah! Anyway, after that incident. Did Marian had replaced her with someone else?

Vadelma: Oh, and his name is Whinter.

Lai: Whinter? So it's him..

Vadelma: You knew him already?

Lai: Yeah, I met him in Club Nintendo at the Tenta Square. And he's a big fan of the Squid Sisters.

Vadelma: Hehe, so how did you met him?

Lai: Uhm... it's complicated a bit. But I'll explain it...

I explained to her about yesterday, about helping a fan for the merchandise...

Lai: And that's how I met him..

Vadelma: Oh hehe, I get it now..

Lai: Glad you understand.

I took a bite of the cake...

Lai: Mhm, the cake sures tasty tho.

Vadelma: Glad you liked it.

I look outside through the window... Watching the Inklings are hanging out with their friends happily...

Lai: *sigh* I hope everything will be fine in the end.

Vadelma: I hope so..

I check the date...

Lai: Uhm... Vadelma? When will the turf war league start?

Vadelma: Oh If I remember correct, I think it's the end of October.

Lai: October huh? Today's just the end of April. Still early tho.

Vadelma: Why did you ask that?

Lai: I don't know... I have a feeling that your team might need my help tho since I shared the same color with your team.

Vadelma: Hehe, we'll see when the time comes...

Lai: *nod* I'll be there for all of you. I promise..

Vadelma: Thanks.

Lai: Oh, I kinda had missed the Inkopolis news. Can you repeat that for me?

Vadelma: Oh sure.

She repeats all about today's stages and the upcoming Splatfest. It was Squid vs Octopus. Most important is, more zapfishes had been returned back to Inkopolis Plaza.

Vadelma: Okay, that's all for today.

Lai: Thanks for the news, Vadelma.

Vadelma: Hehe, it was nothing at all..

I turn and look at Kirsikka. I ask Vadelma about her curiously...

Lai: How's your sister doing lately?

Vadelma: Oh, she's doing very fine. Even one of her eye was blinded. She's still being herself.

Lai: Nice.

Vadelma: But she has a crush on someone else lately. A guy from Team Petal Splash.

Lai: Oh, who is he?

Vadelma: His name is Sorrel. I don't know how my sister liked him so much.

Lai: Maybe he's charming or something?

Vadelma: You haven't met them yet tho. It's hard to explain.

Lai: Oh, sorry.

Kirsikka: Sis?! I need a hand here!

Vadelma: Oh coming! Lai, I gotta go help my sis now.

Lai: Be careful! I'll be get going now.

I walk outside from the Cafe, still thinking about their status...

Lai: Hope all of them had got it over.

I check my profile. Unfortunate is, my rank just dropped to B- in this afternoon..

Lai: *sigh* Back to turf war.

I equipped my Krak-on Splat Roller and enter the lobby. Preparing for some ranked matches...


At 3:00pm

Lai: Ah... finally, got back to A+ rank. Man, so exhausted...

I check the time and it's 3:00pm only. There's nothing that I want to do but just turf war. Then, I got a notification text. It was from Whinter. Here's the text...

Whinter: Bro! How are you?

Lai: Oh uhm, I'm fine.

Whinter: Did you got Callie's bromide from the Ebisu pawn shop yesterday?

Lai: Yea and no one was around there tho. Plus, they even gave me an amiibo of her as a bonus tho.

Whinter: Sweet! And what are you doing by the way?

Lai: Uhm... I just had some ranked matches after having lunch at the Cafe Cardamari. What about you?

Whinter: Well, I decided to stay at home all day and play "Splat Of Duty: Splatastic Warfare" with Logan and the Inktuber, Cosmo. It's lucky that our team are having a day off today.

Lai: Yea, I heard it from Vadelma. Thanks. And why not we just have some turf war matches by the way?

Whinter: It's "Lazy Afternoon" today. Plus, Logan and Cosmo were thinking the same way. So yeah!

Cod, I was thinking the same thing too...

Lai: Okay, have fun. See you later I guess...

Whinter: See ya dude!

I closed my phone and kept back into my pocket...

Lai: Lazy Afternoon, huh?

I check my cash and I had 42000+ right now. These were prepared for the updates like new weapons or gears. I sigh... I take a look at the calendar in my phone and it was April.

Lai: April, huh? So the next month is May... That's right! May 28!

May 28 is the Splatoon Anniversary, same as Callie's and Marie's birthday. I start mumbling about that...

Lai: *sigh* I know it's too early but the sooner I start preparing, the gift will be amazing.

Then, I planned to take a shopping through the Arowana Mall and I'll be there by taking the train. Might there's some nice souvenirs in sale at the shop as well.

Lai: Although It's Lazy Afternoon today. But for me, everyday still always special...

The train had arrived, I enter it. Currently heading to Arowana Mall.

Meanwhile at the Octo Valley. The radio suddenly transmitting...

???: ...Gg...Gghh...

Cap'n Cuttlefish: Huh? What the shell was that?


Cap'n Cuttlefish: Must be the transmitter malfuntioning somewhat again...

Then, he turned off the radio transmitter...

Back to Lai...

The train had arrived to the Arowana Mall, I got out and took a deep breath...

Lai: Ahh~ finally.. Now, let's see what they got in sale.

I start taking a stroll around the Mall. Then, I bumped into someone. A green Inkling guy with Cycle King Jersey clothing. Beside him was a girl wearing a Layered Vector LS and a bobble hat.

Lai: Oh, sorry about that.

Then, he turned and look at me closely...

???: Hm? You look familiar...

Lai: Wait! You're...

???: Oh my parças! It's you from two years ago!

Lai: I was going to say that, Jonquil...

Jonquil: Oh sorry, Gata. What's your name again?

Lai: It's Lai, got it memorised?

Jonquil: Oh Lai! What a sweet name!

Lai: Yet you still forgot tho..

Jonquil: Haha! And you must be heard a lot from my fans. That's why you're still recognized me.

Lai: Your fans?

I looked behind him. His fans were holding a big sign, wrote with "Jonquil is the best."

Inkling fans: We love you, Jonquil!

I sweatdropped...

Jonquil: And you're still haven't changed yet.

Lai: I'm different from two years ago. I was just a newbie at that time...

???: Who is this guy?

Jonquil: Oh sorry. This is Lai, a savior from two years ago. Lai, this is Daisy. A fine lady with an excellent taste and she's a big fan of mine as well. Haha!

Lai: Yea, no squidding...

Daisy: A savior?

Lai and Jonquil: ...

Jonquil: I'll tell you someday, my parças...

Lai: Still doing fine, Jonquil?

Jonquil: Of course! Muito Obrigado for asking!

Lai: I mean, everyone...

Jonquil: Yes! What about you, my friend?

Lai: Uhm... *nod* yes, I guess...

Jonquil: I heard the rumors about you, Lai. It's a pity that you still don't have a team yet.

Lai: ...

Jonquil: But I wish you luck on your own, savior. We gotta go now, Daisy.

Jonquil and Daisy start walking away, then his fans were following him as well. Only left is me, alone with a leaf drift passed me...

Lai: *deep and depressed sigh*

I check the time and it's 4:00pm right now...

Lai: Great... Only an hour to spare, better be quick.

I check the souvenir store real quick but I can't find anything worth and suitable for those two. Then, something had caught my eyes during the search. There's three stars with different colors. Here's the picture...

The designs was perfect and unique for the three of us. As for the colors, still need to be adjusted a bit. Thankfully, it can be adjustable. I guess these should do the trick. I enter the store and ask the staff...

Staff: How can I help you, kiddo?

Lai: Oh hey, uhm what are those?

Staff: You mean wayfinders?

Lai: Yes.

Staff: Oh, those are unique designs made by the famous designer. It says the three wearers will always be stay in connected.

Lai: Stay in connected? That's meaningful...

Staff: Thanks, you have a good taste.

Lai: Does the color adjustable?

Staff: *nod* Of course. We can adjust the color you want.

Lai: Sweet! I'm buying it.

I asked them about the colors and they start changing it. The green one was changed into Pure Magenta, leaving a bit Black at the end of every tips. The blue one was changed into Lime Green and a bit White at the end of every tips. The orange one was changed into Azure Blue.

Lai: So, how much for these three?

Staff: Oh it's 30000 total.

Lai: Okay..

After paying the price, they're using a gift box as a package...

Staff: I guess it's for your friends?

Lai: Nope, a gift for my sisters birthday.

Staff: Judging the colors you chose, I guess it's for Squid Sisters?

Lai: *nervous nod*

Staff: That's good for you. I won't spread any words about this.

Lai: Well, thanks..

I got out from the store. The time is still in 4pm tho.. But still, better go back to the Plaza. I kept the gift box inside my bag then I took the train back to the Plaza...

At 6:00pm..

I'm currently waiting for them and then Callie says out my name loud...

Lai: Hm?

Callie: Lai! *run and hug him tight*

Lai: Geez, Callie... You don't have to say out my name loud.

Callie: I just love seeing you again from today's work~

Marie: How's your day and your missions tho. Did you got any problems?

Lai: I'm fine, I saved two more zapfishes today and four more to go for the boss kettle.

Callie: Then you must be pretty skilled, huh?

Lai: Yea kinda..

Marie: Of course yes, Cal. Gramps wouldn't recruit him otherwise if he's not fresh enough for that.

Lai: You got point there.

Then, we all laughed...

After having dinner with them and going back to home. I put my things in my room and change my clothes to my pyjamas. Then, I start doing house chores as well. After that, I went back to my room as it's already late in night. I remind myself about what I had bought today. I pick up the Azure blue wayfinder from the gift box. Slowly appreciating it until I heard footstep outside of my room and I immediately kept it back to the box. The door opened and surprisingly, it was Marie instead of Callie.

Marie: Hey, Lai.

Lai: Marie? I thought you were watching the drama in this whole night..

Marie: What? You don't want me to?

Lai: No! I mean you can and you're welcome anytime.

Marie: Hehe, thanks.

We sit on the bed...

Marie: Anyway, do you had any friends even tho you don't have a team for yourself..

Lai: ...Uhm... Can we skip this?

Marie: Just answer me.

Lai: Actually, I don't have any...

Marie: Ehh? For eel?

Lai: If I had friends, they might start driving me crazy by bombarding tons of questions at me since I'm living with you two and I'm Callie's boyfriend tho...

Marie: *sigh* You got point there. Maybe it's good for you to just keep staying by her side.

Lai: What do you mean?

Marie: Well, during the last year's valentines day. Callie always eagerly to find a boy to celebrate. But she can't because of the contract...

Lai: That's unfair for you two... So how you gonna do?

She smiles...

Marie: Glad you asked. Well, for her sake. I'm willing to be her valentine partner.

Marie: But now, since you had appeared in Callie's life and become her boyfriend. So I'll be rest assured.

Lai: What about the contract?

Marie: Oh about that, I'll try talk to manager and convince him...

Lai: Oh... Thanks, Marie. Don't you wanna get one for yourself?

Marie: You're welcome. And I'm fine by myself.

Lai: Okay...

The time is now 10:00pm...

Lai: Alright, it's time to sleep now. Good night, Marie.

Marie: Night, Lai..

We all went to sleep...

End Of Chapter.


Jonquil: Daisy!

Daisy: Yes Jonquil!

Jonquil: I got a job for you, see that cara over there? You know that, daisy.

Daisy: I'm on it! *turns into kraken and swim towards Lai*

Lai: Huh? *sees a kraken* Oh my cod! *start running*

Daisy: Come here! I wanna check your booty!

Lai: Screw you and stop chasing me!

Jonquil: (Those two are really having fun. Haha!)

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