Chapter 15: Callie's biggest fan. (Sub stories)
At 12:00pm. After the three of us were changing back from the hero suit... the Squid Sisters grab their stuffs and walk back to the manhole.
Agent 2: We gotta go now, gramps. Agent 3? Wanna come back to the Plaza with us?
Lai: Sure, I haven't get to know today's Splatfest results!
Agent 1: Alright! See you there! Agent 3!
Those two Agents jump into the manhole before me and they're returning back to their studio...
Lai: Alright, I guess see you tomorrow. Cap'n!
Cap'n Cuttlefish: Be safe and have fun!
I walk to the manhole and jump into it...
After a while...
I just came back to Plaza from the Octo Valley.
Lai: Ahh~ Finally, I can see the light right now...
Then, my stomach growls...
Lai: Yea, I got wore off from the missions. Well, better grab a bite from the cafe.
I had my lunch just now and got out from the cafe. I look up at the Inkopolis Tower. I sigh because I don't have the mood for battling today. Then, the big screen got showed up by the Squid Sisters. They're broadcasting today's news and yeah. They also going to reveal the Splatfest results. Team Lemon Tea vs Team Milk Tea.
Lai: C'mon... Team Lemon...
The results is...
Team Lemon Tea vs Team Milk Tea
Popurarity: 32% - 68%
Wins: 45% - 55%
Score: 122 - 178
It was a 0-3 which means Team Milk Tea had won the Splatfest and our team had completely lost. I sigh again, blaming myself didn't do well for my team. Well, It's just a Splatfest. There's always a chance to win in the future.
Callie and Marie: That's all for today! Stay fresh~!
The screen got shut down...
After they're broadcasting the news, I start making my mind on "what to do" for today's afternoon. I decided to wander around the Inkopolis and check out some fresh gear that might have come out just now.
Lai: *sigh* Let's go, Lai...
Marie's POV
Callie and I just finish broadcasting the news, currently having a rest tho. I give her a bottle of water.
Marie: Here, Cal.
Callie: Thanks, Marie.
She opens it and drinks a gulp of water...
Callie: *gulp* Ahh~ feels great tho.
Marie: It's miracle that we currently don't have a single work to do today.
Callie: So what are we gonna do?
Marie: Uhm... I don't know. What about you, Cal?
Callie: How about we spy on Lai in this whole day?
Marie: Wha-? What!? We don't even know where he is.
Callie: But we might know what he's doing, like he's training or something else.
Marie: Sounds good, I guess. *sigh* Hope it worths it in this whole day.
Callie: Trust me, Marie! It'll be fun!
Marie: Hehe, then if you say so. What are we waiting for? Get your disguise and let's go.
Callie: Yay! You're the best, Marie!
Back to Lai...
I'm just arrived at the city by taking the subway station. Now I remember why I don't usually take the subway because it's always crowded with tons of people. Luckily, I was the nearest to the door. After reaching to the destination, the door open and I got out first. Then, a wave of people flood out from the train. I finally got out from the subway. I took a deep breath...
Lai: Ahh, here I go.
I'm currently wandering around the Splat Street. The same goes all the people tho. I was a bit dissapointed because there's nothing new and fresh was going around here. I walked along the street until I heard a conversation. It was coming from the Children's park. I curiously walk to there and I saw a little Inkling girl and her mother were arguing about something. I stopped...
Marie: Wait Cal, he stopped.
Callie: Huh? What is he looking at?
Marie: Shh... He's listening, Let's hear it...
Callie: Okay..
Ayumi: Come on, mom! You said you'd buy me whatever I wanted.
Mom: No means no, Ayumi! Let's go buy something else, okay?
Ayumi: I don't want anything else! I already told you, I want Callie's stuff!
Lai: (Did she just say Callie?)
Mom: But all the stuffs had been sold in this city.
Ayumi: I don't care! I want her stuff so bad and I love her!
Mom: *sigh* I'll get it for you next time. (She's hopeless.)
She walked away from the Children's park...
Lai: (So, that girl's a fan of Callie. Maybe I could help her with that.)
Callie: What's he gonna do?
Marie: He's going to help her, I guess she's your fan..
Callie: Really!?
I walk up to the little Inkling girl and ask her curiously...
Lai: Hey, you.
Ayumi: Huh? Wh- What do you want?
Lai: Are you a Callie fan?
Ayumi: Y-Yeah, I am.
Ayumi: Oh! Do you like her too?
Lai: Hm? W-Well, yeah. I, um... I've always supported Callie.
Ayumi: Really? I didn't know there were boys out there who like her! You're a weird guy!
Lai: ......
Ayumi: Hey, stranger. Do you know anywhere I can buy some Callie's stuff?
Ayumi: They used to sell it everywhere, but now It's been sold out almost all the store.
Lai: Sorry, I'm not really sure.
Ayumi: Is that so...?
Lai: I don't know...
Lai: Anyway, what makes you become Callie's fan?
Ayumi: Oh, It's because her personalities, not only she's cute, also super cool too!
Ayumi: What about you? Stranger? What did you like about her?
Lai: Same as you did.. She's always been cheerful and optimistic towards her loved ones, even her fans.
Ayumi: Oh, I totally get what you mean.
Lai: Glad to hear that..
I smile...
Marie: Did you hear that, Cal? So envious for you..
Callie: Yea... *hiding her blush*
Ayumi: Huh? Why do you have that big smile on your face, stranger?
Lai: D-Do I?
Ayumi: You're so weird.
We both silence for a while...
Ayumi: I'm so happy that I get to talk about Callie!
Lai: Me too.
Ayumi: I always used to see her on TV, or talk to people about her at school...
Lai: That's good to hear...
She sighs...
Ayumi: I really wanted some Callie's stuff tho. I asked for it for my birthday and everything.
Lai: ...Okay, I'll go find some Callie merchandise for you.
Ayumi: Huh? You will, stranger?
Lai: I will. It's your birthday, isn't it? Think of this as a present.
Ayumi: You mean it!? Thank you so much, stranger! Oh, and my name's Ayumi. What's yours?
Lai: Lai. Just Lai...
Ayumi: Lai! I can't wait for all the Callie's stuff you're gonna bring me!
Lai: Alright, I'm going to get it for you now. Wait for me here, okay?
Ayumi: Yeah, I'll be here! Thanks, Lai!
I walk out from the Children's park...
Lai: Now then, where can I buy some Callie merchandise?
Lai: Maybe I should check over at the Squid Store. They sell practically everything there.
Callie: Look, he walked away, let's go.
Marie: Should we just help him?
Callie: No, we can test him and let's see what he can do for my little fan.
Marie: You got point, let's just follow him.
Callie: Yea, hehe. *said with grin*
Some minutes later...
Lai's POV
I just went my way to the Squid Store to gather some information of Callie merchandise. I went inside and asked the cashier.
Cashier: Welcome!
Lai: (Right, I'm supposed to be helping Ayumi look for Callie merchandise. I should ask if they have any.)
Lai: Uhm... I have a question for you. Do you sell any merchandise here of the former idol Callie?
Cashier: Callie, right? Let me go check in the back. Please hold on a moment.
Lai: Okay.
After some minutes of searching...
Cashier: I'm sorry to keep you waiting. It looks like Callie merchandise has been sold out. We don't have anything.
Lai: Right, okay then. I'll try somewhere else. Thanks.
Cashier: Uhm...
Lai: Hm?
Cashier: You might find something at the Club Nintendo over in Tenta Square.
Cashier: I occasionally see people over there who exchange all sorts of idol merchandise with each other.
Lai: Is that so? You really know your stuff.
Cashier: I spend most of my free time there. Anyway, I didn't mean to intrude.
Lai: Nope, you were a big help. Thanks.
I bowed at him and walked out from the Squid Store. I'll be start heading to the Tenta Square. I wish that girl was still in the park.
Callie: Marie, he's heading to the Square.
Marie: I heard that, Cal. Just keep following him.
Callie: *nod* Okay. Man, I'm so exciting.
Timeskip and back to Lai again...
I had arrived at the Tenta Square where the Cashier had told me. There's an arcade center over there...
Lai: Club Nintendo, huh? This must be the place.
I enter the Club and saw some people were standing there. Looks like they're waiting for someone else.
Lai: All right. Are those the idol fans that guy was telling me about? I should try talking to them.
Timeskip again, Geez...
Lai: Nope, I had asked the people on the 1st floor. They had no idea of that.
I look at the upstairs...
Lai: Maybe there's a hope for me up there.
I went upstairs and saw a Blue Inkling boy. I approach to him and ask...
Lai: Uhm... Excuse me. Can I ask you a question?
???: Sure. What is it?
Lai: I'm trying to find merchandise for an idol named Callie. Know where I can get some?
???: Hold on, did I hear you say Callie? From the Squid Sisters?
Lai: Y-Yeah, I need some merchandise of hers for-
???: Brother!
Lai: Wh-What?
???: If you really are a fellow fan of the Squid Sisters, that means we're brothers! Dude!
Lai: Y-Yeah, they're great. Their songs had really touched my heart.
Lai: I'm building a collection of their merchandise. I had collected Marie's, but I can't find the last one of Callie's. Do you have any leads?
???: I seeeee.
???: Due to the critical sales of Callie merchandise. It's been more rarer as time passes more.
Lai: So that's what happened.
???: However, I just heard the other day about a store that has a super-rare photo of Callie-only in stock.
???: I was about to head over and snag it for myself, but I don't mind surrendering it to you this time.
Lai: Are you sure!? Where is this store?
???: Oh, it was at a pawn shop named Ebisu. It's a collector items, so other people will try to get their hands on it. I wish you the best of luck, brother!
Lai: Right, It sounds like I should hurry. Well, thanks for everything.
???: Wait!
Lai: Huh?
???: You haven't told what's your name.
Lai: Oh, sorry. The name's Lai.
Whinter: And my name's Whinter. Glad we shared the same color.
Lai: Yea but it's not the right time, I gotta go. See you next time.
Whinter: Oh, see ya as well. My girlfriend is calling me right now.
Lai: Okay wish you luck.
I ran out from the arcade and sprint my way to the store where he had told me to...
Callie: Ebisu, huh? So, he's going there for the merchandise.
Marie: Yea, for that girl tho. Let's go..
*pant* *pant* *pant*
I kept finding my way to the store named Ebisu. I ran passed the Children's park and Ayumi was still there, sitting on a swing. Glad she didn't see me running through here. After I had arrived there, I enter the store and ask the clerk...
Clerk: Welcome!
Lai: Uhm... Do you sell any merchandise of Callie?
Clerk: Oh, you mean that one?
He pointed out to a bromide of Callie...
Lai: Yea, how much?
Clerk: It's 37500, due to its rarity.
Lai: ...No kidding...
Clerk: Oh, and this amiibo of Callie is for you.
Lai: Huh?
Clerk: It's a free gift for buying the bromide.
Lai: Oh, okay thanks. I gotta go..
Clerk: You're welcome, please come again.
*With Callie and Marie.*
Marie: Look! He's got the merchandise.
Callie: Really!? Can't believe he got it.
Marie: And he also got the amiibo of you. Anyway, let's go and watch a good ending of this.
Callie: Yea, it'll be nice!
*pant* *pant* *pant*
At the Children's park...
Ayumi: Oh! Lai!
Lai: Oh, hey! Here you go. This is your present.
I hand over the bromide and the amiibo of Callie to Ayumi...
Ayumi: Wow, it's amazing! She's so pretty! Thanks a bunch, Lai!
Lai: Take care of it, okay?
Ayumi: I will! I'll treasure it forever! This is the best!
Ayumi: I'm gonna go home and decorate it now! Bye bye, Lai! Thank you so much!
Lai: Of course. Be safe on your way home, okay?
Ayumi: Mhm!
Then, she walks her way back to home...
Lai: Phew, she seems thrilled with that picture and the amiibo I gave her. It was definitely worth all the trouble.
Lai: Well I guess, mission accomplished...
Marie: Cod, that ending tho...
Callie: So heart touching and cute! Most impotant is, he's so amazing...
Marie: Now, I want a guy like him... *depressed tone*
Suddenly, Ayumi turns around and head back to the park to find me...
Marie: Shh wait, I guess the ending haven't finished yet.
Callie: Huh, there's more?
Lai: Huh? You came back?
Ayumi: Yea, here! I made you a drawing!
Lai: This is...
A drawing of me, Ayumi and Callie. And all three of them are actually holding hands together.
Ayumi: It's me, Callie and you, Lai!
Lai: You included me?
Ayumi: Well, you're Callie's boyfriend. Right, Lai?
I got shocked by her words...
Marie: How did she knows? *covering her mouth*
Callie: It can't be possible. *same as Marie*
Lai: How did you know...?!
Ayumi: I realized it the first time you talked to me!
Ayumi: When you mentioned Callie, your eyes had lit up more than just a friends would.
Lai: ...... (Cod, can't believe I got exposed by an twelve years old kid.)
Ayumi: My dad told me that when a person had mentioned about someone he cared so much. His eyes would lit up like you did.
Ayumi: My dad is so amazing, he almost can read through people's mind by judging their face correctly.
Lai: *sigh* I guess I can't hide it anymore. (Man, people these days. Like father like daughter.)
Ayumi: Anyway, Callie just an idol to me.
Lai: ?
Ayumi: But it's different for you. You probably know like, everything about her, Lai.
Lai: ...You might be right.
Ayumi: Someday, I wanna hang out with you guys. Just me, Callie and you. That's why I drew this!
I look at her drawing...
Lai: It's actually pretty good, they look just like us.
Ayumi: Hehe, thanks. Um, I wish Callie could see it, too.
Lai: (Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.)
Lai: You know what? I'll take it upon myself to make sure she gets it.
Ayumi: Really!?
Lai: I promise you.
Ayumi: Thanks so much, Lai! Oh, it's really late! My mom's gonna be super worried if I'm not home soon!
Ayumi: Bye bye, Lai. Please show this to Callie for me!
Lai: Don't worry, I will. (And It's the right time to fetch those two anyway.)
*You got a drawing of Callie.*
Then, she walked her way back to her home. I checked the time and it's still in 4pm...
Lai: In this two hours, I should be able to get back to the Plaza and fetch them.
I kept the drawing and walk my way down to the subway station from the city...
Marie: How's the ending, huh?
Callie: It's totally amazing! Can't wait for him to show me the drawing!
Marie: Hmph, yeah. It was kinda worth these troubles tho.
They head back to their studio as well...
At 6:00pm, in the Plaza.
Callie: Hey, Lai~! *ran into him and hug*
Lai: Geez, what's with you girls? You two seems happy than usual.
Marie: Oh, nothing much. *smile*
Callie: We just having a nice day in this afternoon.
Lai: Glad to hear that. Anyway, let's go girls.
Callie and Marie: Okay!
After the three of us had our dinner and went our way back home. I almost forgot to show Ayumi's drawing to Callie. I knock her door and open it, Callie was sitting on her bed while playing her phone.
Callie: Oh hey Lai!
Lai: Hey uhm, I wanna show this to you, Callie.
I handed over Ayumi's drawing to Callie...
Lai: It was drew by your biggest fan, how is it?
Callie: It's so nice! But, it included you by the way?
Lai: Well... uhm... Actually...
She mutes me with her finger...
Callie: Shh~ Say no more, Lai. I can tell what you had done today, thank you so much.
Lai: Uhm... it was nothing.. you flattered me.
Callie: Here Lai, you deserved it. *smile*
She gently cups my chin and pull into her warm kiss. I got suprised by that, never knew that she can be so lovely. And It really suits her best.
Callie: Hehe, You're my cute cuddlefish~❤
That made me smile tho...
It was 10:00pm right now, I pull the cover on her before switching off the lamp. I gave a kiss on her cheek as well as a good night. She falls asleep...
Callie: ❤
The drawing was still on the table. Then, I closed the door slowly. Glad that she was satisfied by it. I check up on Marie as well...
Marie: So how's your day going?
Lai: It was great, I think... Actually, what's with you two today?
Marie: Nothing really, It's just many things had happened today tho...
Lai: Oh, I get what you felt...
Marie: Glad to hear that.
Marie: You sure you wanna keep on as an Agent? I mean that mission...
Lai: I just let my guard down at that time... but I'm still fine.
Marie: But...
Lai: Like I promised you, that I'll take good care on both of you. As for Cap'n's sake and yours.
Marie: ...
Lai: And I'm sure we'll be fine in the end. Fist bump?
She's still worrying...
Lai: C'mon, don't make me embarrass...
Marie: Heh, well I don't have a choice but I'll be counting on you...
Our fists were connected...
Lai: That's what I wanna hear from you, thanks...
Marie: You're welcome.
Then, we both went back to our own room and slept for tomorrow...
End Of Chapter.
Callie: Man, I feel something missing with this drawing. Hm.... let me think...
Lai: ?
Callie: Ah hah! Lucky I still have the crayons in my room. Let me modify a bit..
Lai: Uhm... okay?
After some minutes had passed...
Callie: Done!
Lai: What did you do?
Callie: Here! Take a look!
A drawing of Ayumi, me and Callie, it's like almost the same. But, I took a closer look. I noticed that Callie and I were holding hands and there's a red love-shaped had drew above us.
Lai: Holy zapfish...
Callie: Do you like it? Tell me!
Lai: Let me reply with this... *surprise kiss on her cheek*
Callie: Ehh!? *blush*
Lai: So do you like it?
She transforms into a squid and hopping away with her blush...
Lai: I'll take it as a yes. *giggle*
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