Chapter 11: Another day off for the duo.
At 12:00pm
The three of us are currently having our conversation during lunch. Marie tells us that she had things to do so she'll be going out with her own for a while. So it's just me and Callie are staying at home today... Callie is washing the plates right now and I'm currently sending Marie out.
Marie: I'll be going out now, you two take care.
Lai: Be careful.
Callie: Alright, bye Marie!
Marie: And Lai?
Lai: Huh? Yes Marie?
Marie whispers to my ears...
Marie: If you wanna do something nasty to Callie, now's your chance~
Lai: Wha... What?
She was talking about her cousin. Callie, the pure long magenta hair beauty. I look at her for a while and look back. Suddenly, I start blushing madly after hearing what she had said...
Lai: No way! We're not old enough for that! Plus, we even haven't start dating yet. *blush*
Marie: *giggles* Yea, I know...
Marie: But I know your mind filled with that. You know what I mean?
I blush even deeper and harder...
Lai: Stop it! You're making me feel weird!
Marie: Hehe~ Good luck with her then.
She starts going out... I close the door and lock.
Lai: Geez...
I shook my head to clear out my mind, Callie was still washing the plates so I decide to help her out.
Lai: Hey, Callie...
Callie: Hey Lai, thanks for the help, how thoughtful you are.
Lai: Well, I can't just sit and do nothing tho.
Callie: But still thanks anyway.
Lai: You're welcome.
Then, she noticed my face...
Callie: Uhm... Lai? Why you're blushing and what did she said?
Lai: Oh... it was... nothing at all, Callie.
Callie: Okay... *sweatdropped*
After we washed the plates, I ask her about today's "what to do" question.
Lai: Callie...
Callie: Ya?
Lai: How you wanna spend in this whole day?
Callie: Hm... How about some turf war matches? We can freshen ourselves up with that!
Lai: *nod* Okay then! Grab your gears and get ready!
Callie: Yes sir! *smile*
We prepare our gears and weapons, ready to set off to the Inkopolis Plaza. I was wearing a Studio Headphone, Zekko Hoodie and a pair of Blue Power Stripes. Also, I equipped my Custom Range Blaster as my main weapon. As for Callie, she's wearing a Squid Nordic, Zapfish Satin Jacket and a pair of Red Sea Slugs. She also equipped her CoroCoro Splat Roller as her main weapon. Then, we had arrived at the Plaza... Callie took a deep breath of fresh air.
Callie: Ahh~ I haven't been battling for a long time, feels so excited!
Lai: But still be careful, hope they won't try to swarm us tho.
Callie: *sigh* Yea yea... I know that...
I noticed a hint of disappointment in her eyes and a sigh with sadness. I just realized that I had said that I shouldn't said...
Lai: (Cod, what did I said!? Stupid!)
Then, I try to be positive with her. Lifting her up back to her bubbly self.
Lai: But we still can battle together, things between us will be better in the end.
She smiles...
Callie: Yea you're right! We still can battle together, maybe people won't care too much about us.
Lai: That's right! So what are we waiting for? Let's go and turf war it up!
Callie: Right on ya, lil' buddy! *smile*
We enter the lobby in Inkopolis tower and currently searching for six more players to start a match, the stage for this match is Arowana Mall outdoor. We got spawned on the spawnpoint, our team ink color is green and the other team is yellow. Then, I check on my team and saw the other two Inkling girls are gasping, they were surprised about Callie was on their team. She waves at them...
Inkling girl 1: Oh my cod, is that Callie from the Squid Sisters!?
Inkling girl 2: Yes she is! And that boy?
Inkling girl 1: Him? Oh, that lonely boy? He's kinda popular with his own skill tho but still he always alone.
Callie suddenly looks at me, I look away from her...
Callie: (Lai...)
Lai: Geez... rumors everywhere these days.
Inkling girl 2: But why are you together? Are you guys dating?
We both blush and silence for a bit...
Lai: No, we defintely not! We just battling together and that's all!
Callie: Yea, he's right! *grin*
They both had a lenny face. Callie just smile awkwardly while she sweatdropped and me, I'm just look away and sigh.
Callie: Ahehe... *sweatdropped*
Lai: Oh Judd please, can we just start?
After a while, the countdown starts...
Lai: Let's do our best, Callie!
Callie: All right!
Inkling girls: Aww... aren't they cute, are they?
Lai: *facepalm* Just stop it, please...
They all start laughing.
Both of the two teams start inking up the turf with their color. Callie and I are splitting up, I try my best to sneak up to enemy base and start Inking up with my ink color. Then, I saw a charger with E-Liter 3K on the upper platform. Currently aiming at one of my teammate. I muttered..
Lai: Oh no, you don't..
I rush to the upper platform and sneak up on that charger. Then, he got surprised and threw a Burst bomb at me after he noticed me. I dodged it aside and took him out with two blast shots. I look around and as I expected, a roller was rolling around. Leaving an Ink trail behind him and I dash to him as well. Soon, that guy got splatted by someone with a splash. It was Callie, we both meet up each other...
Lai: Hi, how's it going right now?
Callie: It was smooth and we got the central part in no time! What you doing anyway?
Lai: Just messing around their base tho and try to stop them advancing as much as possible.
Callie: Well that was nice strategy you got!
Lai: But it needs enough speed and stealth to do that. Plus, we're in the middle of the battle so see ya!
Callie: Wait, I'm coming with you!
I stopped and turned at her...
Lai: Are you sure?
Callie: Yes, you said that we'll battle together! I can't let you go alone!
I pause a bit, then I nod..
Lai: Okay... just be careful.
Callie: *nod* I will..
We both went to the enemy base and start Inking. I'm sure the central part of this stage was completely inked by our ink color and secured by those two girls I guess. It's me and Callie were taking action right now. We both swim up onto the ramp, taking the higher ground as an advantage. Then, we proceeded deep into the enemy territory. Callie was following me behind while we're claiming some turf. As I saw someone with an inkbrush brushing through the hallway. I approached to her and fired two blast of ink explosion. Soon, she got splatted...
Callie: Nice shot!
Lai: !!
I turn around, notice that it was an ambush. A guy with a carbon roller jumps out from the ink and ready to swing his roller at me. I fell onto the ground in surprised...
Lai: Oh shoot!
Inkling boy: Got you now!
I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain to begin...
Lai: (This gonna hurt.)
But it didn't happen tho, I opened my eyes. Seeing that Callie was holding an inkzooka. I guess that she had took out that roller tho. Then, she offers her hand to me...
Callie: Don't worry! I got your back!
I let out a sigh of relief and grab her hand to get up..
Lai: Heh.. Thanks.
Callie: C'mon! We got this in the bag!
Being saved by a girl I liked wasn't so bad after all I think.. We got each other's back, supporting each other. Better than fending alone by myself. When the time was just in less 30 seconds, I saw the charger again and the laser line was tagging on Callie. I throw a Splat Bomb at the charger and quickly use my Special weapon [Kraken form] without a second thought. Then, I cover her with my two large tentacles, using my back as a shield and I took the shot. Soon, that guy got splatted by me with the Splat bomb...
Callie: Wha-?!
Lai: Ahh!
The shot didn't cause any damage but inflicted a knockback effect for me. Making me fell on top of Callie in accident. My tentacle arms are holding on, my body didn't squeeze her tho. She looks at my face of the kraken form, then it slowly turns me back into humanoid form...
Lai: *pant* I told you to be careful tho...
Callie: Sorry, got distracted by some new gears.
Lai: Geez, Callie.
Her explain reminded me that Callie will easily get distracted by cute, pretty or striking things. Guess I'll note it down from now on. But, I still remember what Marie had said before she's going out. I blush deeply by that again.
Callie: Ehh... What's with your blush?
Lai: Nothing.. please don't ask. (Damn it, Marie!)
Callie: *giggle* You're still cute in your kraken form tho.
The whistle just blew as the match had ended and judd was judging the stage. Our team won the first match. We got up and my other two teammates were shouting booyah as a victory for our team.
Inkling girl 2: Yea! We won! Thanks to those lovebirds!
Our color were changed back to our own. Then, the other team came to us and check, they drop their jaws as they saw us were together. Their reaction tho...
All: WHAT!!!???
At 6:00pm
After some matches, we came out from Inkopolis tower and currently resting at Port Mackerel. There's no battles around here right now. Callie always covered the most turf so she able to be in the first place. The second is me, had been gathering the most splats in the game. The results always the same in almost every matches tho..
Callie: So how's today matches?
Lai: It was amazing I think. We sure had surprised a lot of players.
Callie: Yea It is!
Lai: Sure it is, Callie. *smile* Well, I hope Marie will join us someday.
Callie: Yea, it'll be fun with her! We might make a good team!
Some seconds later...
Callie: Man, I heard this can be a romantic date spot! We should do that in the next friday!
Lai: Wait, you mean a date!?
Callie: Yea, don't you agree?
Lai: *nod* Uhm... I'm okay I guess..
Then, Callie's phone starts ringing with "High-Color Evolution." Song as a ringtone. It was from Marie and Callie answers it.
Callie: Wait, give me a minute.
Lai: *nod* Okay..
We're sitting on the top of the container. Callie is answering the phone called by Marie. I was watching the view of the sea and taking a breath of the wafts from the salty sea air. It's refreshing tho. No wonder Callie will choose here as a dating spot, even though there's a lot of containers around here. I lay down for a while and rest my head with my both hands, I start watching the sky. Then, Callie hangs up her phone and nudges it back in her pocket.
Lai: Well, what did she said?
Callie: Marie just had her dinner and she's already home right now. We should get going as well.
Lai: Ah okay.
Before she goes, I call out to her. She stops.
Lai: Wait!
Callie: Huh? What's wrong, Lai?
Lai: Uhm... About the date. I mean we should do that in the next friday. I'm definitely okay with it.
She turns at me and smile...
Callie: *hug* It's a deal then, hehe~
She hugs me and her lips press against my cheeks. Then, she releases me from her hug and grabs my hand.
Callie: C'mon, let's go!
Lai: Right, Callie. *blush*
And that's how we spent our first day off, having some turf war matches during the afternoon. Then, we rested in the evening and finally have some dinner together. After that, we went back home as well in the end.
At 7:00pm, Callie and I just got back home.
Marie: Oh you two got back huh? How's it going?
Lai: It was fine, the people didn't care too much about us.
Marie: Is that so?
Lai: Yeah and we made a good team tho but still feels a little bad that you didn't come with us. You should join us someday.
Marie: ... *sigh* No, I just don't want to be gossip by the others, neither the fans.
Lai: ... Hope you can change your mind.
Callie: Uhm... let's not force her about this, okay?
Lai: I know, Callie. I get it how she feels. I'm just showing some concern to her tho.
We put our stuffs back in our room. We changed to our pyjamas and I start doing some chores. As for Callie, yeah, she invited me to her room again. After that, I open the door and there she is, just sitting on the bed tho.
Callie: Hey, Lai!
Lai: Hey, something need to talk about?
Callie: Actually yeah, I'm curious why you never join a team?
Lai: About that huh? Well, I'm kinda had some trust issues tho. *sigh* Plus, I need to invest some time on learning weapon's skills so I don't have to rely on my teammates, or maybe just a little bit.
Callie: Oh, I get it..
She nodded as she understands...
Callie: Then, what makes you wanna team up with me for today's matches?
She asked me in curious...
Lai: Uhm...
Lai: ...
I silence for a bit and blush...
Callie: Huh? What's wrong?
Lai: *sigh* Callie, I know it's not the right time to say but maybe this might be the answer... *blush*
Callie: Eh? What are you-?
Lai: Hold still...
I gently grip her chin, slowly move my face to hers. Then, my lips connected to hers as well. Our hearts were skipping a beat.
Callie: Mhm-!
Callie got surprised by my "answer", but she didn't push me back to resist. Instead, she gently held my face to kiss even more. We close our eyes to enjoy while sharing our first kiss. After two minutes of kissing, we break the kiss and start panting due to oxygen. We blushed and I hold her hand tight, working up with my courage and start confessing my feelings to her.
Lai: Callie, the truth is...
Her eyes flickered with hope...
Lai: I like you... Ever since I start living with you and Marie under the same roof. I felt bliss and happy especially whenever spending time with you alone. I think I had fell in love with you so...
As I was going to say that, Callie snatches my line.
Callie: "Will you be my girlfriend?" I guess? *smile*
Her smiles was even more bubblier than she was, I look away and nodded shyly. Then, she hugs me tight and start kissing me with passion. I closed my eyes and wrapped around her waist to pull her even more closer, I could felt her heart was pounding in pure glee and excitement. We break the kiss and then she replies happily..
Callie: Yes I do! Ever since I met you, I do felt the same way like you did for me.
My eyes widened with surprised looks after hearing her respond...
Lai: Callie..
I tackle her onto her bed so I'm on top of her. I whisper to her ear softly but filled with lust.
Lai: Then, let's make our relationship remarkable, shall we?
Callie: *nod and smile* Yes, stay with me in this whole night..
She reaches out her hand to turn the light off. I lay beside her and pull the cover on the two of us. She yawns tiredly and cuddles me tight. I give a kiss on her cheeks as a good and warm night. I can feel her heartbeat tho, almost sync as mine. Before we slowly close our eyes...
Lai: Good night and sweet dreams, Callie... (She smells so nice.❤ I think I'll fall for that as well. Heh...)
Callie: Hehe~❤ Sweet dreams as well, Lai... *cuddles even more tight*
I hold her hand then we slowly close our eyes, spending this whole night sleeping together...
End Of Chapter.
The three of us were walking down the street...
Marie: So Lai, you had confessed huh?
Lai: Yea, why?
Marie: Even you two had shared your first kiss to each other, but still it's a pity that you didn't do...
I put a finger on my lips, signal her to shut up.
Lai: Shh! Don't ask, Marie.
Callie: Huh? Something to say, Lai?
Lai: Nothing! It was nothing at all, Cal.
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