Inkopolis Academy (Non Canon)
*8 Am, Monday, Flounder heights*
The sun shined early in the morning, signaling Inklings and Octolings that it was time to get up. The birds were chirping and jumping around on the road....that is until loud footsteps we're heard by two Inklings, who ran past the birds, causing them to fly away. These two Inklings were Isabella and Miles, who had very worried expressions on their faces, running as fast as they could down the street.
Bella: Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!!! How did I oversleep again?!
Miles: Bella I caaaaaan't.....can we just please super jump to school?! My legs are getting numb!!!
Bella: this is a super jump free zone, idiot!!! We have to run!!
Miles: uuuuugh...but we'll never make it in time!!
Bella: we have to!! I'm not gonna be late this time!!
Bella and Miles began bolting down the street, running as fast as they could, that is until Bella looked over and saw a little squid riding on her tiny bike. Bella ran over to the tiny kid and tapped them on the shoulder.
Bella: yo kid, let me borrow your bike!!
Squid Kid: No.
Bella: please!!
Squid Kid: no! My mommy bought me this bike!!
Bella: *pulls out her wallet* ok, how much do you want for it?
Squid Kid: leave me alone!!
Bella: -_-.......oh shit!! Look, it's the squid sisters!!
Squid Kid: where?!
Bella: I believe they just went around that corner!
The little kid jumped off of their bike and ran down the street, cutting a corner while screaming in excitement.
Squid Kid: squid sisters!!
Bella rolled her eyes and took the bike, then hopped on top of it, peddling as fast as she could to catch up to Miles, eventually doing so and smirking right at him.
Bella: *smiles* get on the pegs.
Miles: where did you get that bike from?
Bella: *continues smiling* get on the pegs.
Miles sighed and hopped on the pegs of the bike, then Bella let out a roar of determination, peddling as fast as she fucking could.
Miles: I can see the school!!! We have 30 seconds!!!!
Bella: I guess it's time to switch into Maximum overdrive!!! Do it, Miles!!
Miles switched into his squid form and shot some Ink out, boosting the bike forward and making them go really fast. At the school, Gabby was crossing her arms and looking at her wrist watch as some Inklings and Octolings walked into the school gates.
Gabby: 10 more seconds.
Bella: WAAAAAAIT!!!!
The school gates began to close slowly, with Gabby raising her eyebrow while watching Miles and Bella try their hardest to get into school.
Gabby: 5.....
Bella: No No No No No!!!
Gabby: 4.....
Miles: Faster!!!
Bella: I am!!!
Gabby: 3.......2.....
Bella: *peddling super fucking fast*
Gabby:'re late.
The gates completely closed and Miles and Bella ran straight into them, flying off the bike and soaring through the sky until they landed straight into a tree on the school campus. Bella and Miles groaned while laying up in the tree while Gabby walked over towards them, scribbling on a note pad.
Gabby: *tsk tsk tsk* late again, you two.
Gabby ripped off two pieces of paper and slapped them onto Bella and Miles' foreheads, then began to walk away from them, towards the school.
Gabby: the principal will be expecting you.
Principal: late again?
Bella and Miles sat in front of the Principal, who was a grown Inkling boy wearing a simple suit. He looked at their two sticky notes and let out his own sigh while Bella and Miles looked away, embarrassed.
Principal: you two need to stop turning up so late all the time.
Bella: s-sir, we were only late by like, a second!
Miles: yeah!
Principal: that does not give you two an excuse. You should've been on this school campus by 8:10 at the latest, but you two showed up at 8:11.
Bella/Miles: we're sorry, sir.
Principal:.....I'll let you two off the hook today...but just...please try to show up to school on time tomorrow.
Bella: we definitely will, sir!
Principal: you said that on Friday.
Principal: just get to class.
Bella and Miles was stood up and awkwardly walked out of the principal's office, then began walking down the hallway together, with Miles putting his hands in his pockets while sighing.
Miles: I knew staying up all night and playing splat dungeons with you was a bad idea.
Bella: it was worth it. We beat the final boss and everything.
Miles and Bella walked up the stairs while continuing their chat until they reached their classroom, opening the door and making their way inside while the Teacher crossed her arms at them.
Teacher: late once again, Isabella and Miles.
Bella/Miles: we're sorry, ma'am.
Teacher: just take a seat. Luckily you two weren't gone for too long, so you didn't miss anything important.
Bella and Miles sat down in their desks next to each other, then when the teacher started to continue the lesson, Bella felt a tap on her cheek so she looked over and saw an Octoling girl with very dark blue tentacles tied up in a regular default ponytail. She had multicolored eyes that faded from black to blue while her skin was very pale. The Octoling had a very sad and concerned look on her face which Bella and Miles smirked at her and waved.
This Octoling girl was Claudia, a very gloomy Octoling girl that mainly slouched around a lot. Since she was an Introvert, She wasn't active at all...mainly spending her time in her apartment reading her manga and eating ramen, barely putting in any effort into school. Instead of calling her Claudia, her friends usually referred to her as "Cloudy" since she was usually walking around upset as if a giant cloud was raining on her from above.
Bella: Hey Cloudy.
Miles: sup Cloudy.
Claudia: you guys are late...*slouches*...once again.
Bella: but this time we were a second late instead.
Miles: Mhm Mhm.
Claudia: *lays on her desk*.......I never understood....*sigh*.....why you guys are so determined to go to school.
Miles: well I don't wanna fail, duh.
Bella: I'm surprised you actually showed up to school today. Today's Monday, and you hate Mondays.
Claudia: Mhm.....I's favorite manga artist is taking....*siiiiigh*....a break.
Miles: you really need to stop sighing so much, Cloudy.
Claudia: *sigh*..........*plays with her eraser*
Bella: *rolls her eyes*
Teacher: late again I see?
Bella, Miles, Claudia, and the rest of the class looked over to see two Octoling boys, and an Inkling girl standing in the doorway. One of the Octoling boys rubbed the back of his head while giving a chuckle to the teacher.
???: Sorry, we lost track of time.
Teacher: Mhm...just take your seats.
The two Octolings and Inkling girl walked over to the back of the class where Miles, Bella, and Claudia were sitting. The Octoling boys sat next to Miles while the Inkling girl sat next to Claudia, then began poking on the Octoling's head with a smirk on her face.
???: Wassup Clouds? *Chuckles* actually showing up to school on a Monday for once?
Claudia:....Mhm........good.......*sigh*..... morning, Lux........
Lux, an Inkling girl with dark skin and red eyes. She had regular default Inkling girl tentacles, but wore a backwards cap and a Takoroka Nylon vintage jacket with shorts and Mint Dakroniks shoes.
Unlike Claudia, who was more on the quiet and gloomy side, Lux was the complete opposite of her. Lux was a very outgoing and courageous, Tomboy-like Inkling girl. Lux was very strong, especially in Turf wars when she would completely destroy squids and Octos who even dared to approach her with her Tentatek splattershot.
Lux: We would've been here earlier but someone got their hand stuck in the vending machine.
Lux looked over to the Octoling boy who was sitting right next to Miles, causing him to rub the back of his head in a joking way.
Lux: Sho.
Sho: Look, I spent good cash on those kelp chips, so I was gonna get 'em.
Sho, an Octoling boy with a regular tentacle resting on top of his FishFry Visor. The boy had white skin and red eyes, wearing a Positive Longcuff Sweater and Red FishFry Sandals.
Sho was a very outgoing and extroverted Octoling who usually spent most of his time goofing around with Lux and pulling pranks on some squids and Octos from time to time. He used his Tenta Brella in Turf wars, using his shield to block incoming attacks so Lux can rush in and take them down.
Lux: they were just kelp chips, dude. You got so riled up over them.
Sho: I-Wha-.......Ami, help me out here.
Sho looked next to him at the other Octoling boy that walked into the class with him. Ami, an Octoling boy who was very, very, VERY quiet and almost never spoke a single word, but instead expressed himself through his actions, which Sho could understand very well.
Ami wore big Toni Kensa guard Goggles that covered his eyes, hiding his eyes from everyone. He had on a Birded Corduroy Jacket and Navy Enperrials, slouching back in his deck and grabbing his materials.
Ami was a boy that mainly spent most of his time following around Sho, seeing Sho as his brother and best friend. Even though he wasn't really an active Octoling, he definitely had skills when he used his Dark Tetra Dualies, usually accompanying Sho and Lux into Turf wars, getting more splats than the both of them, which made him and Lux develop a friendship-rival type bond.
Ami: *nods*
Sho: see?
Lux: *raises her eyebrow* uh-huh.
Teacher: please be quiet in the back.
Sho: *leans towards Miles* I think she's talking about you, dude.
Miles: *rolls his eyes*....
After some time passed, it was time for Lunch, with everyone in the school gathering into the cafeteria to enjoy their meals. Miles pulled out his lunch that he made himself while a Sea cucumber crawled out of his backpack and flopped onto the table they were sitting at.
Miles: finally decided to wake up, Lola?
Lola: *whimpers*
Miles: yeah, yeah, I got your gummy squids right here.
Miles put down a bag of squid shaped gummies, and Lola crawled inside of the bag, eating the gummies while Miles began to eat his sandwich. Miles looked across from him and saw Claudia and Ami sitting and minding their business, with Ami drinking a simple apple juice while Claudia had her face laying on the cafeteria table, gloomy as always.
Miles: you guys should go eat something.
Ami: *shakes his head*
Claudia: school very.......nasty.
Miles: why didn't you pack yourself lunch then?
Claudia: because.....I'm....*sigh*....lazy.
Miles: you need to eat something, Cloudy.
Claudia:...I've went.....days without eating....I'll be ok.
Miles rolled his eyes and reached in his bag, pulling out a muffin and throwing it at Claudia, bonking her on the head with it.
Miles: eat.
Claudia leaned up from the table slowly, only to slouch back in her chair, grabbing the Muffin and opening it, taking little nibbles from it.
Claudia: *slow nom*..............*looks at Ami*.........
Ami: *waves*
Claudia: Hello.......Ami......*slow nom*.....
Ami: *tilts his head*
Claudia: I'm alright........just....... barely got any sleep.......last night.
Ami: *pats her head*
Lux: my cod, that line was long as hell.
Miles, Ami, and Claudia looked over to see Sho, Bella, and Lux walking over to the table, sitting down with their trays of food.
Bella: it's meatloaf Monday......
Sho: *pokes his food* it supposed to move like that?
Lux:...mmm.....hey Ami, you got anything in that bag that I can eat?
Ami: *shakes his head*
Lux: dammit.....*looks at Miles*
Miles: No.
Lux: Miiiiiiiles~
Miles: No.
Lux: c'mon....just one little bite of that sandwich of yours~
Miles: no way!
Lux: why not?
Miles: because every time you ask me for "a bite" of my food, you wind up eating my whole lunch.
Lux: dude, because your food is rawsome!
Sho: hell yeah it is!
Bella: you might as well give them some, Miles *drinks her milk*.
Miles: No can............*blushes*......d-do?
Lux: what are you looking at?
Everyone looked at where Miles was looking to see an Inkling girl walk into the Cafeteria, wearing a facemask and jacket with red eyes and dark purple tentacles. Every squid and Octo moved out of her way as she made her way through the cafeteria.
Sho: Amira.....
Bella: the school representative.....
Claudia: if only......*sigh*.....I could be as fresh as her........
Miles: s-she's coming this way! Guys, act fresh!
Amira walked closer to Bella's table, looking at them while passing by. Everyone looked away from Amira because of her dark red eyes, besides Miles, who looked right at her with an embarrassed smile on his face, shocking Amira a little, but she tried to play it off by walking away faster until she was completely out of the cafeteria, allowing everyone to continue doing what the were previously doing.
Miles: she looked at me!
Lux: dude, you might as well ask her out already.
Sho: you've been giving her goo goo eyes for weeks now.
Miles: sadly I can't.
Bella: and why is that?
Miles: I've told you guys many times before; she's the school rep....and I'm just a lame nobody.
Lux: might have a chance.
Miles: how?
Lux: ok so I already told you guys how Sho got his hand stuck in a vending machine, right?
Lux: hear me out, hear me out. While Sho was struggling to get free, I noticed some new flyers that were pinned on the schools club boards.
Miles:.....go on?
Lux: one of the newest flyers was made by Amira herself! She's starting a club!
Bella: for eel?
Lux: it's called the Splattack club, and it said on the flyer that she'll only accept you into her club if she sees that you've got skills.
Miles: oh....but I'm not skilled!
Lux: c'mon, dude! We've seen you Turf before.
Sho: Yup, you're pretty fresh with those Splatlings.
Miles: but do you think it's enough to impress her?
Bella: we'll never know unless we try.
Lux: so are we all in?
Bella: I'm in!
Sho: In!
Ami: *nods*
Lux: awe come on, Clouds!
Claudia: Clubs.....*yawn*.....are tiresome.......and.....they'll take out some....of my....precious manga reading...time.
Lux: hm....*reaches in her bag* I knew this would come in handy someday.
Lux pulled out a manga with a picture of an Inkling girl on the cover, instantly catching Claudia's attention and causing her eyes to widen.
Lux: yup, the final issue of Low Tide memories~ your favorite manga~
Claudia: b-but...........but....the manga ended......months ago.....and the final issue of the physical manga.....has been sold out ever did you....get that?
Lux: oh, I just got a little help from a friend~ no biggie~
Claudia slowly flopped out of her chair and walked over to Lux, reaching for the manga, but Lux held it higher and higher so Claudia wouldn't get it.
Claudia: p-please......I need to the story ends.....I've been waiting months....for this moment.
Lux: I'll give you the manga IF you join the Splattack club with us, deal?
Claudia: but.....b-but......but....
Lux: awe, I guess you don't want it. I'll just give it to my little cousin then, and send you the video of him tearing this manga to pieces.
Claudia: N-No.....No.....please.....*grabs Lux's jacket* I need it........
Lux: then you promise to join the Splattack club?
Claudia:.......I..........*sigh*.......I promise.
Lux: good.
Lux bonked Claudia on the head with the manga, allowing her to take it. Claudia took the manga, letting out a gasp and staring at it as if it was a national treasure.
Claudia: finally....I can collection.
Claudia sniffed the book, making everyone just...stare at her awkwardly. She put the manga in her bag and sat down, but the second she did, the bell rang, signaling for all of the Cephalopods to head to their next class.
Claudia: no.....please......
Sho: hell!
Lux: yes!
Claudia covered her face with her hands, whimpering to herself and slamming her head on the table.
Claudia: n-not.........not.......
Claudia was standing within a gigantic room with a bunch of cephalopods, wearing shorts and a T-shirt along with a headband, hugging herself in the corner.
Claudia: Gym......class.....
The sounds of basketballs hitting the floor.....the squeaking of sneakers....and the screaming of Inklings and Octolings was enough to make Claudia slouch against the corner, falling on her ass and hugging her knees to her chest.
Claudia buried her face in her knees until she heard the sound of a basketball bouncing getting closer and closer to her. She looked up and saw Lux standing over her while giving her a smirk.
Lux: c'mon, you big baby. Gym isn't THAT bad.
Claudia: it's horrible...........I just wanna go home.........
Lux: well you aren't going home for a while remember? We gotta sign up for the Splattack club.
Claudia:.......kill me please........
Lux: get your ass up, Clouds. We're doing a girls vs boys game.
Claudia: no........
Lux: c'moooooon!
Claudia: I would rather.....*sigh*..... slowly fall into the abyss of death that awaits us all.
Lux rolled her eyes and leaned down to Claudia, wrapping her arm around her whole body and picking her up, holding her over her shoulder.
Lux: you don't really got a choice.
Claudia:............why........why cod.........
Lux placed down Claudia next to Bella, then looked across from her to see Ami, Sho, and Miles smirking at her.
Sho: ready to get destroyed?
Lux: you're funny.
Lux passed Sho the ball, then gestured Bella and Claudia to run off.
Lux: Bella, you guard Miles; Clouds, you guard Ami.
Claudia: I don't.........*looks down*......I don't know how to play............
Sho dribbled the ball while Lux guarded him, smirking while holding her hands up around him.
Lux: whatcha gonna do?
Sho: hmph! Watch me!
Lux: what?
Sho: Ami!! *Passes the ball*
Ami jumped up above Claudia, catching the ball and shooting it, scoring a point for their team while Lux walked over to Claudia, putting her hands on her hips.
Lux: c'mon Clouds, you gotta play. Don't just stand there like a mannequin.
Claudia: I don't know play.
Lux: just shoot the ball when you get it, Kay?
Lux: good!
Bella began to dribble the ball while Miles was guarding her, smirking and trying to swat the ball away from her.
Bella: Lux! *Pass*
Lux: *catch* nice!
Lux ran around the court while Sho guarded her and also tried taking the ball from her.
Lux: Clouds, here! *Pass*
Claudia looked over at Lux and saw the ball heading right towards her, hitting her chest pretty hard, but she caught it and held it in a very uncomfortable way.
Lux: shoot the ball!
Lux:......throw it at the basket!
Claudia looked up at the basket while Ami stood next to her, not even bothering to guard her. Claudia threw the basketball like a child, causing it to fly and hit the rim of the basketball net, flying right back at her and hitting her straight in the face, making her fall to the ground.
Ami: 0-0.....
Sho: ooooh.....that looked like it hurt.....
Bella: oh jeez....
Claudia sat on the Nurses bed with a tissue up her nose. Everyone stood near her while the Nurse came in and sat down at her desk.
Sho: is she gonna be ok, doc?
Nurse:.........I'm a nurse.....and yes, she just got a bloody nose, that's all.
Lux: wow, thank cod we got you to the doctor on time before you lost too much blood.
Nurse: I'm a nurse.....
Bella: so is there any type of medication she needs to take, doc? oooor?
Nurse: -_-.......she just has a bloody nose......and for the last time....I'm a Nurse...not a doctor.
Claudia: am I dead? this heaven?.......
The nurse reached into a jar on her desk and pulled out a lollipop, then walked over to Claudia and handed it to her.
Claudia:.....I like heaven......
Nurse: now get out.
The Nurse sat back down while Miles, Bella, Claudia, and Ami left the room, but Lux and Sho just....continued to stare at her....freaking her out a little.
Lux: *chuckles* doc....mind if we ask you a question?
Nurse: I'm not a doct-*breaths iiiiiiin*.... Fine......ask me your question.
Sho: why did Cloudy get a lollipop?
Nurse: *shrugs* I give one to every kid who gets sent here.
Lux: so why didn't we get lollipops?
Nurse: because you kids aren't injured in any type of way -_-.....
Lux/Sho: 0-0.......
Nurse: what?....
Sho: *gently kicks Lux's leg*
Lux: *falls on the ground* OW!!!! OH MY COD!!! MY LEG!!! MY LEG!!! SOMEONE CALL THE NURSE!!!!
Nurse:......if you two don't get out of my office -_-.....
Lux: *stands back up* well, it was worth a shot.
Sho: looks like we're gonna have to.....ya the thing.....*nods at Lux*
Lux nodded back and reached in her pocket, pulling out a pocket watch and walking closer to the Nurse while swaying it back and forth.
Lux:'re getting very sleeeeeeeepy~.....
Nurse: *sigh*......
Lux: and now....I command you to give us lollipops!
Nurse: you know that only works in movies, right? know what.
Lux grabbed the whole jar of lollipops from off the Nurse's desk, running out of the office with Sho running with her.
Lux and Sho walked down the hallway together while opening two lollipops and clinking them together as if they were wine glasses.
Lux: welp, I guess that's one way on how to get free candy.
Sho: *lick* indeed.
Sho and Lux walked until they saw the rest of the gang standing and waiting for them, confused and concerned.
Bella: we heard screaming. what happened?
Lux: oh nothin' *smirks* you guys want lollipops?
Everyone grabbed a lollipop and began to casually lick them until they heard footsteps coming from down the hallway, and they turned to see two hall monitors standing there, an Inkling and Octoling girl.
Bella: oh, hey Gabby.
Miles: Cynthia.
Cynthia: sup.
Gabby: what are you guys doing outside of class?
Lux: we had to get Clouds do the Nurse.
Sho: yeah, she almost died.
Claudia:.......wait......I'm still.......alive?
Ami: *nods*
Time passed and the second the last bell of the day rang, Inklings and Octolings stormed out the school together. Bella and her friends walked along the inside of the school while Lux was dragging along Claudia, who was reading her manga.
Bella: and the club room should be
Claudia: I regret my life choices
Sho: you guys ready?
Lux: hell yeah. Miles, go and open the door, dude.
Miles: *takes a deep breath*.... alright.....
Miles walked over to the door and opened it looking inside to see....nobody....not a single squid or Octo was present within the room.....except for one...Amira herself, who was looking out of the window, thinking to herself. Miles took a deep breath and eventually brought up the courage to speak to get her attention.
Miles: Amira!
Amira's ear wiggled a little, signaling that she heard him. She slowly turned around and her eyes locked with Miles' eyes....Amira got a little shocked, seeing all of Miles' friends look away from her....scared.....all of them except for him, who looked straight at her with an adorable face.
Miles: we want to join the Splattack club!!
Just a little something I wanted to try, ya know? A little spin off. If you guys like, then maybe I'll do something with this.
Claudia sketch I did.
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