Chapter 9: Lost And Alone
It was a very gloomy morning. The sun wasn't out, the birds weren't chirping, the only thing that could be heard were the footsteps of Bella, Coraline, Yumi, and Obsidian. They were holding up umbrellas from the slight drizzling outside and...all of them were upset. Coraline had a little bouquet of flowers in her hand while Bella had a bag of candy, Yumi had a small clay tablet of some kind, and Obsidian had a little plushie. The four of them walked into a hospital and dried off their umbrellas before walking up to the main counter.
Front desk Inkling: how may I help you?
Bella: we're here to see a friend.
As Bella started talking to the Front Desk Inkling, Obsidian began looking around the waiting room to see many Inklings and Octolings....completely silent. some Octolings were crying silently to themselves while some Inklings were sitting there with very gloomy looks on their faces. The elevator door opened up and an Inkling girl and boy walked out together while holding hands. The Inkling girl was on the brink of tears and Obsidian saw the boy grasp her hand tighter while covering his own face. Obsidian almost shed tears herself but she let out a tiny sigh, clearly feeling bad for the two.
Front Desk Inkling: Miles.....*type type*.room two hundred 'n twelve on the fourth floor.
Bella: thank you.
Bella walked over to the elevator and the three followed behind her while staying silent. when they all got in the elevator, and after pressing the button, the elevator headed up to the fourth floor. The doors opened up once they reached their floor, then they walked out and continued to make their way down the very.....scary hallway. Yumi looked at one of the doors that were slightly creaked open as they walked past and she caught a little glimpse of an Inkling girl on her knees in front of a bed....Yumi could hear the heart monitor within the room let out a very long beep....along with the sniffles of the Inkling.
The four reached room two hundred 'n twelve but when they got there, they saw an Inkling girl leaning up against the wall and crossing her arms and her eyes were closed, shocking all of them.
Gabby slowly opened her eyes and looked over at the four, then got off of the wall while still keeping her casual, stern police squid face.
Gabby: you all finally made it.
Bella: what are you doing here?
Gabby: I'm just here to tell you guys what actually happened yesterday because I'm sure you four are a little confused since this is all so sudden.
Gabby: well...your friend, Miles was attacked in his apartment last night by a girl from the Fireflies squad.
Coraline:......don't tell me....
Gabby: *nods* Willow.
Bella: wait...why did she attack him?
Gabby: we did some research on her and found out that she has......a lot of problems, which is what caused her to lash out and almost kill your friend.
Obsidian: w-well....where is Willow now?
Gabby: me and my squad locked her up in a mental asylum.
Bella: thank the Great Zapfish...
Coraline: Is Miles at least......ok?
Gabby:.....*shakes her hand* eeeeeh.
Bella: sheesh...what did Willow do to him?
Gabby: well she attacked him with a knife....two knives to be exact.
Obsidian: oh dear...
Gabby: and he has a deep stab wound in his stomach along with a stab wound through his hand. He has a deep slash across his torso and a bunch of cuts on his arms. LUCKILY, Willow didn't cause any internal damage...kinda....
Coraline: what do you mean "kinda"?
Gabby: your friend lost a LOT of blood when he was attacked, causing him to pass out. he at least isn't in a coma but...he still needs time to rest and I doubt he'll be up on his feet turfing anytime soon.
Bella: *nods*
Gabby: I gotta hand it to your friend though......he would make a great teacher one day.
Bella: what makes you say that?
Gabby walked almost past Bella...but stopped right next to her and mumbled something that only she could hear.
Gabby: If his little pet didn't know how to use a phone......he'd be dead right now.
Bella's eyes widened a little and she turned to look at Gabby, only to see her walking off and giving them all a careless wave.
Gabby: If you guys are gonna continue to do stupid least do them near me so I can clobber you for it.
Gabby walked into the elevator and The four looked at each other before slowly opening the door and walking into the room to instantly hear a heart monitor. the four of them looked to see Miles, sleeping in his bed in silence. Bella put her hands on her hips and let out a tiny smile to still see her friend alive and at least recovering well.
Bella: at least Miles......looks decently ok.....
The four walked over to Miles and just....stood there for a second. The room became pretty.....silent....with only the sounds of Miles' heart monitor letting out beeps at a steady pace. Bella, Coraline, and Yumi, looked over and saw three chairs near Miles' bed, so they sat down in them while Obsidian was looking on Miles to see a weird....yellow....squishy looking thing on his chest. Obsidian tilted her head a little and walked over towards it, then poked it.
Obsidian: this?
Bella: oh! that's Lola.
Obsidian: Lola?
Coraline: yeah. it's Miles' pet sea cucumber.
Obsidian gasped to herself and smiled in a very cute way. she reached in her hoodie pocket and pulled out some pet snacks, the snacks snapping Lola from out of her sleeping state and she turned around to see Obsidian waving it in front of her face.
Obsidian: c'mon girl! you want the treat? you waaaant it?
Lola jumped up in an adorable way, making Obsidian smile and hand her the little snack, but make Coraline just sit there....very confused.
Coraline: why do you snacks on you?
Obsidian: I keep them on me just In case I run into a cute pet. and I've never seen a sea cucumber before!
while Obsidian was freaking out and Coraline was trying to process what was going on, Yumi was in another one of her deep thought moments. she had her hands folded on her lap as she was looking over at Lola, but she was snapped out of her trance when she felt someone gently tap on her thigh. Yumi looked over to see Bella looking at her, a little concerned, even Bella's concerned looks were enough to make Yumi blush a little because she looked so...innocent.
Bella: you ok?
Yumi:...*nods* mm....
Bella: you sure? looks like you've just seen a ghost or something.
Yumi:....It's just......I was thinking...
Bella: about?
Yumi:...*points at Lola*.
Bella:...what about Lola?
Yumi: I remember seeing sea cucumbers...all the time.....back then.
Bella: oh, yeah. don't those things underground or something?
Yumi: *nods* mm.....the Deepsea Metro was the main way on how Octolings and other sea creatures would get from point A, to point B.
Bella: really?
Yumi: Mhm...sea cucumbers also came in many different colors...ranging from Blue, to red, to yellow, to green....even black and white....I even had one.....back when I was in the army.
Bella: what happened to it?
Yumi:....every Octoling was given a sea cucumber...and they had one protect their owners at all costs....
Bella:.....I'm....guessing yours....
Yumi: *nods*...when moving to the surface...some Octolings kept their cucumbers but...most of them died in battle.
Bella looked over at Lola again and saw her eating some snacks while snuggling into Miles' chest, making her tilt her head a little, but she saw Yumi point towards Lola and keep her emotionless face while opening her mouth to speak again.
Yumi: that's why I was thinking....
Yumi:.....does his pet protect him because she's forced to?......or is she protecting him out of her own free will?
Bella:....sheesh, Yumi.....
Yumi: I.....I apologize....I think about things like this a lot.....
Yumi looked at her Octoling hand, staring at her sharp fingers. Unlike Inklings, who had very flat and soft fingers, Octolings had very tough and sharp fingers, specifically made for combat and killing their foes. an Octolings fingers is one of the main reasons why Inklings are so scared of them and hate them, they could just slit an Inklings throat with ease, without the aid of a knife. I have my own free will?....or am I still a pawn in Octavio's....big scheme?....
Yumi:......what purpose?....
Yumi continued to look down at her Octoling hand, but just as she was about to sink into deep thought yet again, she saw Bella's soft, and delicate Inkling hand grab onto her rough, and deadly Octoling hand, shocking her a little. she looked over at Bella to see her smile....her beautiful smile...which was enough to melt Yumi's heart.
Bella: your purpose is to be with us, Yumi.....especially me.
Bella: but I don't want you to protect me...
Bella clenched onto Yumi's hand just a little bit tighter, then used her other hand to point at Yumi, causing Yumi's cheeks to slightly turn red.
Bella: we'll protect each other......K?
Yumi sat there for a second and just....stared into Bella's beautiful white eyes. She slowly raised her own hand and used her pointy Octoling finger, to gently touch Bella's finger.
Coraline, just stared at the two and gently smiled at them, then looked over at Obsidian, who was walking up to Miles with the plushie she had. she slowly grabbed onto Miles' hand and raised it, then placed the stuffed plushie under his hand.
Obsidian: I made this for you....I hope you have a healthy and safe recovery.
Coraline stood up and grabbed her bouquet of flowers, then walked over to Miles and placed them next to his heart monitor.
Coraline: yeah...
Bella and Yumi looked over to see the two paying their respects to Miles, so they both stood up and walked over to him, with Bella placing down her bag of candy and Yumi placing her clay tablet on Miles' other hand.
Coraline: what's with the clay tablet?
Yumi:.....It's a token of luck and peace.....something that we make to give to a fallen soldier or an injured one.
Coraline: Octolings are very neat.
Bella: wait a minute....I just realized something....
Yumi: hm?
Bella: where the hell is Echo?
Coraline: I'm pretty sure she's at home.
Obsidian: why didn't we....get her?
Bella: I was expecting her to be here! especially considering that....ya know....she has a crush on Miles and stuff.
Coraline: 0-0....
Coraline: since when did Echo have a crush on Miles?
Bella: Since Camp Triggerfish.
Coraline: I-wha-.....
Bella: anyway. I think we should head to her place to make sure she's doing ok.
Obsidian and Yumi nodded and started to walk with Bella out of the room, leaving Coraline in there to turn around and look at Lola.
Coraline: why do they never tell me anything?
Meanwhile, Grey was sitting on his couch in his apartment and reading a simple book while wearing a pair of sweat pants and a tank top. he flipped a page in his book as he heard footsteps heading his way. Grey, looked away from his book and saw Buttercup standing in front of him while wearing some fuzzy socks and pajamas.
Buttercup: are you still using the TV?
Grey: I was never using it.
Buttercup: good! scooch!
Grey moved over a little and Buttercup flopped onto the couch, then turned on the TV. she laid on Grey's lap as he continued to read his book, but soon he looked up to see what she was watching.
*On the TV*
Inkling girl: Please!! I need to know!!
Inkling boy:...
Inkling girl:.....on....a scale from one to would you rate me from how good of a girlfriend I am?.....
The Inkling boy smirked and walked over to the girl, then gently grabbed onto her cheek.
Inkling boy: you're a solid one hundred~
*off the TV*
Buttercup: hey, Grey?
Grey: mm?
Buttercup: on a scale from one to ten, how would you rate me from how good of a girlfriend I am?
Grey: one.
Buttercup: 0-0.....*heart shatters*
Grey lifted up one of his hands and used his finger to gently boop Buttercups nose, snapping her out of her depressed state.
Grey: thousand.
Buttercup leaned up and hugged Grey while smiling, as Grey patted her back gently while still reading his book with one hand.
Buttercup: you're the best boyfriend an Octo could ask for!
Grey: I try.....*sigh* I'm going to go check the mail.
Grey stood up and walked over to the door, but he felt a pillow from the couch hit him on his back. he turned around and saw Buttercup smirking while sitting upside-down on the couch.
Buttercup: make sure to check if my package is in there.
Grey: what did you order?
Grey sighed again and walked out of the apartment after putting on a pair of slides. he walked down the stairs and over to the cluster box where everyone's mail was. Grey pulled out a key and opened up the little slot that had his apartment number on it, then grabbed the mail from the inside and started to look at the envelopes.
Grey looked deeper into the box to see a package in there, which he assumed was the one Buttercup was talking about. he grabbed the small package and looked at it, slightly confused.
Grey:....Buttercup's package?...
Bella: yeah! and I totally became the coolest squid in Camp Triggerfish.
Coraline: by coolest, you mean most stubborn, right?
Grey looked over and saw three Inklings and a familiar face...Yumi. Grey tilted his head a little when he saw all of the girls walking by and only got snapped out of his confused state when he saw Yumi look over at him. the two made eye contact for a couple of seconds until Grey saw Yumi slowly raise her hand a little and give him a tiny wave.
Grey:...*waves back*.
Bella: I was not stubborn!!
Coraline: *clears her throat* "My name is Isabella!! and I will become number one!! you better not underestimate me or I'll beat your ass!"
Bella:....*tiny blush*
Obsidian: *giggles*
Coraline: "Don't you dare tell me what I can and cannot do!! I'll become the best turfer known to squid and octo kind so you might as well write my name down in the history books!! because I'll change everything!!"
Obsidian: d-did all of the Inklings get scared of you?
Coraline: they laughed at her.
Bella: shut up!
Coraline: *giggles* I didn't laugh though.
Coraline: but don't worry Bella, we'll climb to the top together!
Bella: hm?
Yumi:.....why do you....want to become the best?....
Bella:....It's....*looks away*...personal.
Yumi saw a little hint of sadness in Bella's expression when she turned away from her. Bella put her hands in her hoodie pockets and Yumi saw Obsidian looking at Bella, slightly upset as well....almost as if she....knew what Bella's reason was.
Coraline: c'mon guys. thank cod we remember where Echo's apartment is.
The four girls walked over to an apartment with the number one hundred 'n twenty on it, then Coraline gently knocked on the door.
Coraline: Echo?!!
Bella: yo! we're here to see if you're ok!!
Bella:.....*BANG BANG BANG* Echo!!!
Obsidian: maybe she...isn't home...
Bella: I know she's home. *BANG BANG BANG* Echo!! c'mon!! open the door!!
the second Bella stopped knocking, the four could hear some footsteps coming from inside of the apartment, not that long after, the door unlocked and was opened very slightly to show only half of Echo's face.
Echo:....what do you guys want?.....
Bella: ya doin'?
Bella saw Echo try to close the door, but she jammed her shoe in between the door and frame, then glared at Echo, but in a slightly concerned way.
Bella: Echo....
Echo: *sigh*..just leave me alone, guys.....I'm not in the mood for any of this
Bella: oh, and what? you think locking yourself up in your apartment is gonna make you feel better?
Bella: Just let us inside and we'll talk about it.
Bella: Echo.....I've known you for years.....I hate it when you're depressed like this...
Bella: just, please, let us inside.
Echo hesitated at first, but opened up the door, but the second she did, all of them were completely shocked when they saw Echo's full body, with her tentacles all ruffled, bags under her eyes, and she wasn't even wearing her visor that Miles gave her.
Echo:.....are you guys coming in or what?......stop staring at me.....
The four of them walked inside and Echo closed the door behind them. Unlike Miles' apartment, Echo's was more on the.....dirty side, but today it seemed....waaaaay more dirty than usual. There were a bunch of coffee cups and ramen cups on the floor, as well as blankets and paper along with many other things. Bella turned around and looked at Echo, and raised her hands in a "how" type of way.
Bella: Echo......for look terrible.
Bella: you look like someone just hit you with their car.
Obsidian:...I can brush your tentacles if you want...
Coraline: Echo...
Bella: how did you do all of this and make yourself look like a bum in one night? don't understand.....
Echo walked over to Bella and glared at her as if she was about to punch her dead in the face. Echo gritted her teeth and looked Bella dead in the eyes as Obsidian whimpered and slowly backed away along with Coraline, except for Yumi. Yumi's hands became stiff; her sharp fingers were still....but ready to break up a fight if it did happen. Bella glared at Echo and put her hands in her hoodie pockets and Obsidian began shaking in fear from the sudden shift in emotion, that now filled the room.
Echo: What makes you think you know about it, huh!!!
Echo: you can't even relate to how I'm feeling right now, Bella!!! Wanna know why?!...BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN ALONE EVER SINCE YOU'VE LEFT THAT STUPID HOSPITAL WHEN YOU WERE A CHILD!!!!
Bella's glare slowly disappeared when she heard those words leave Echo's mouth. Echo began poking Bella's chest as Yumi tried to hold herself back but....was also questioning Echo's words...
Bella:.... could you possibly know how I feel?.....
Yumi, Obsidian, and Coraline, all looked at Bella and saw her slowly take her hands out of her hoodie pockets. Bella, began walking towards Echo, but Echo, slightly scared, began walking backwards until she was stopped by backing right into the wall.
Echo closed her eyes and expected Bella's fist to land right on her face, but instead, Echo felt Bella's arms wrap around her gently, then pull her in for a hug, shocking the three.
Bella:...I know....I couldn't possibly understand how you feel about this.....
Bella: but Miles....Is still my friend....and I do care about him.....and Obsidian was the only person I had back then....heh.....sure I've had crushes.....but I've never...had a person that I felt like I could be with....forever....someone that I truly have a bond with....
Bella: don't blame yourself....It's gonna be ok...
Echo could feel tears slowly trailing down her face as she hugged Bella back and began to cry into her shoulder. The room stayed quiet and the only thing that was heard were Echo's whimpers while grasping tighter and tighter onto Bella.
Echo: I'm sorry......I just don't know what to do......I can't bring myself to see Miles in that bed.....
Bella looked over to Obsidian and gave her a smile, then nudged her head towards Echo. Obsidian, hesitated, but walked over to Echo and gently tapped on her shoulder, catching her attention.
Obsidian: u-um....would you like a nice bath?......I'll....wash your back and comfort you....
Echo didn't really....speak....all she did was let go of Bella and walk over to Obsidian while letting out a very cute "Mhm". Obsidian smiled and grabbed onto Echo's hand gently, then began to lead her to her bathroom.
Coraline: ooh! I wanna help!
Coraline ran over, and into the bathroom with Obsidian and Echo, leaving Bella and Yumi alone in the Livingroom. the second the door closed, Bella flopped down on the couch and let out a long sigh. Yumi walked over and politely sat down next to Bella, then gave her, her emotionless yet Innocent look.
Yumi: are you ok?...
Bella: yeah.
Yumi: *gets closer* you...sure?
Bella:....uh huh....
Yumi: *gets even closer* positive?
Bella: uh...yes?
Yumi was getting so close to Bella that their faces were now inches apart. Bella began to sweat a little as Yumi just.....stared at her....but in a very adorable and curious way, sinking deep into thought.
Bella: uh......this is a little too close.....d-don't ya think?
Yumi was snapped out of her thoughts, then realized what the hell she was doing and backed away from Bella, sitting back down properly and covering the lower half of her face with her hand to hide her blush.
Yumi: my apologies....
Bella: It's ok....
the two sat there in silence for a little bit until Bella eventually sighed and gently poked on Yumi's forehead to get her attention.
Bella: wanna cook Echo somethin'? I was thinking something sweet.
Yumi:...*nods* Mhm....
Meanwhile, in Inkopolis square, Amira, leader of the Ravens squad, along with her squadmates, walked out of Deca Tower while keeping their emotionless faces. Inklings and Octolings were snapping pictures of them and talking amongst themselves.
Inkling girl: The ravens are so damn cool!
Octoling boy: I want to ask them for an autograph but...I'm scared to.
Octoling girl: I want to become a good E-Liter user like Amira one day.
Inkling boy: *snickers* watch them get taken down by Isabella and her squad, just like the Fireflies.
What that Inkling boy said.....Is what finally caught Amira's attention. She looked over and saw the Inkling boy, not believing he had the audacity to say that, then began walking towards him, confusing her squadmates a little.
Octoling girl: she's coming this way!!
Octoling boy: *oomi*
Inkling girl: why does she....look......more scary....than usual?
Amira walked right up to the Inkling boy and glared at him, with her presence alone was enough to scare the hell out of the Inkling boy and cause him to sweat as Amira looked deep into his eyes, and the Inkling boy was forced to stare back into her red eyes.
Amira: do you care to repeat what you said?
Inkling boy: I-I-I-I....didn't say anything
Amira: oh....Is that so?
Amira slowly lifted her hand and grabbed the Inkling boy by his shirt collar, pulling him closer to her and forcing him to look deeper into her eyes since her mask was covering her mouth and nose. The Inkling boy began to shake in fear as he saw every single Inkling and Octoling in Inkopolis staring at him and Amira, completely silent.
Amira: you know......I don't like liars.....
Inkling boy:...
Amira: I'll ask you you care to repeat what you said?
Inkling boy:.....I.....I......said....w-watch you guys get taken down by Isabella and her squad....just like the Fireflies.....
Amira dropped the Inkling boy and walked off, gesturing her squad to come with her until they were out of Inkopolis and were now walking down the sidewalk. Bryan, Dustan, and Lilith, all looked at each other before looking at Amira, who was walking slightly ahead of them.
Bryan: yo, Amira?
Bryan: you seem pissed.
Dustan: Mhm.
Lilith: what's the big deal?
Amira:.....This Isabella girl....Otto did tell me her name......I want to find her and talk to her.
Bryan: why? they aren't even worth our time.
Dustan: yup. *shrugs* we'll just beat them like how we beat every squad.
Amira: I obviously know....
Amira looked up at the clouds and let out a very tiny sigh while walking and having her hands in her coat pockets.
Amira: I just hope she can put on a good show....
stupid Bella I did ^
Dayna vibes
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