Chapter 8: Love and Blood
Miles pinned Echo against the wall and the two began to fiercely make out as if it was their last night together, while their faces were still flushed in red from being so drunk off MPU. Echo, wrapped her legs around Miles and let his tongue explore her mouth even more, causing her to let out some muffled moans in the process. The two looked completely hung over at that point, their tentacles were all ruffled, their faces were as red as Cherries, and Echo's dress, along with Miles' suit, were pretty wet and dirty from the MPU they were drinking. Miles stopped kissing Echo, then moved his head down a little and began sucking on her neck.
Echo: M-Miles!~.aah!
Miles licked on Echo's neck, then looked her in the eyes with a very goofy looking, drunk, smirk on his face.
Miles: you....are so...cute~
Echo: *giggles* tell me something I don't know~
Miles: you know you love me~
Echo: *smirks* of course I talking and make me yours already~
The two leaned in and kissed again as Miles started to slowly....and surely.....slide his hand under her dress.
Sunlight emitted into the room and shined brightly into the apartment to start the day. An alarm went off and Echo grumbled to herself before flipping herself around and tucking herself deeper in the blankets. The alarm kept going on......and on.....and on until Echo, groaned and flipped herself back around to look at the alarm. Echo reached over and shut off the alarm, then picked it up and sat up in the bed, while bringing the clock a little closer to her face since she wasn't wearing her glasses at the moment.
Echo: holy hell....It's three in the afternoon already?......wait......I don't have an alarm...clock....
Echo put the clock back down and rubbed her eyes before looking down at the blanket she was sleeping with.
Echo: Miles' bed....oh jeez....
Echo got out of the bed and walked out of the room, then down the hallway, hearing the sizzling and popping from what sounded like bacon. she walked into the living room and saw Miles within his connected kitchen, cooking while wearing only a simple pair of shorts and nothing else. Echo blushed a little and walked into the kitchen, catching Miles' attention and causing him to turn around, then smile at her.
Miles: good afternoon, sleepy head.
Echo: Miles...why are you...only wearing shorts?
Miles: I just took a shower not that long ago.
Echo: wait.....what happened last night?
Miles: uh...from what I can remember. The bar tender woke me up and told me how you were KNOCKED OUT, so basically I had to carry you all the way to my apartment why trying not to throw up at the same time. When we got there I put you to sleep and I passed out on the couch. we didn't bang?
Miles: of course not!
Echo: damn...*sits at the table* (so it was just a dream...fuck)
Miles: why are you saying damn?
Echo: oh...because uh.....I smell like MPU.....I'm still wearing this dress.
Miles: oh! don't worry about that. I used your key and went to your apartment early this morning to get some clothes for you. they're on the couch along with your glasses and visor.
Echo stood up and walked over to the couch in the living room to see a little stack of nicely folded clothes with her glasses and visor sitting on top of them.
Miles: you can use my shower if you want.
Echo: thanks.
Echo picked up a pair of her panties that was in the stack. The pair of panties were black and had a little white bowtie in the front of them, causing her to smirk a little and look at Miles.
Echo: you even went through my underwear?
Miles:.....I had to get you a pair...didn't I?
Echo: this is the only pair I have with the little bowtie...are you trying to tell me something?
Miles: I-I grabbed a random pair ok?!
Echo: if you say so. if you have a kink then you might as well spill it, man.
Miles: I don't have a kink!
Echo: sure you don't
Echo walked up to Miles and gently slapped him across the cheek with her panties in a teasing way, before walking away and towards the bathroom. when Echo walked into the bathroom, Miles looked over at Lola, who was on the kitchen table, tilting her head at him.
Miles: what?
Lola: *glares*
Miles: how is getting her panties, perverted?!!
Lola: *looks away*
Miles: shut up.
within the high apartment levels of splat tower, Otto was in his apartment and relaxing in his hot tub while two Inkling girls in bikinis were hugging all over him.
Inkling girl: oh Otto, you're so handsome~
Otto: shut up, baby, I know it.
*Doorbell rings*
Otto: ah, that must be my pizza. Excuse me ladies~
Otto got out of the hot tub and walked over to his front door, then opened it. When Otto opened his door, he wasn't met with a pizza, but instead was met with an Inkling girl in a uniform, scribbling away in a little flip book that she had while having a completely unamused look on her face.
Otto:....who are you?
The Inkling held out her badge and looked at Otto after putting her flipbook away, then she started tapping her foot impatiently.
Gabby: Gabriella. I'm the leader of the S Four, and I make sure everything around Inkopolis and Splat tower is going well without any troublemakers.
Otto: The S Four? The hell is that?
Gabby: *glares* The Supreme Squid Security Squad.
Otto: pssh. so what? are you guys like, mini police officers? That's cute sweetie.
Gabby: yeah, sure. I'm here for a pretty obvious reason just like every month, but you apparently don't have any common sense to remember who I am.
Otto: *rolls his eyes* and what would that be?
Gabby: you haven't paid your bills yet, Otto. and it's been two months and seven days.
Otto:......I-I paid my bills!
Gabby: well our system never lies. *raises her eyebrow* which means you're obviously lying.
Otto: whatever.
Gabby: and I already know what Inklings like YOU spend your money on.
Otto: oh? and what would that be?
Gabby: absolute...fucking...JUNK!
Otto: the shit I buy isn't junk, Miss police squid!
Gabby:....I'm coming in your apartment.
Otto: you can't ju-
Gabby: actually I can. I have a warrant.
Gabby: move aside.
Gabby walked into Otto's apartment and instantly began tapping her foot the SECOND she saw the living room, then looked at Otto while pointing to his Tv.
Gabby: that's new.
Otto: that's a gift from a friend.
Gabby: sure. I'm guessing this new couch you got is also "a gift from a friend"
Otto: How the hell do you even know that's a new couch?!
Gabby: my mind is a steel trap. I remember everything about everyone. That is a black couch and you had a red one last month.
Gabby: and then you had a blue one the month before that.
Otto: *scoffs* can you go be annoying to someone else now?
Gabby: I wouldn't be this strict with you if you'd just PAY YOUR DAMN BILLS ON TIME!!!
Otto: whatever. are you done?
Inkling girl: Otto, the water stopped running in the hot tub.
Inkling girl 2: yeah. we're heading out anyway.
The two Inkling girls left the apartment as Gabby just watched them leave, then shook her head in pure disappointment.
Gabby: a hot tub huh? you didn't have that last month. and it looks like they shut your water off.
Otto: can you please leave now?
Gabby: nope.
Gabby walked up to Otto, then held her hand out to him while tapping her foot again.
Gabby: I want your pay.
Otto: now?!
Gabby: you're Two months and seven days late, Otto. I want your pay, NOW!
Otto: alright damn! sheesh!
Otto walked off and Gabby walked along with him until Otto got to a safe within his room. Otto put in a code and opened up the safe, but when he opened up the safe......only a single coin was seen, shocking him.
Gabby:......Is that it? really blown all your money huh?
Gabby: I see.....*scribble scribble* well then....
Gabby handed Otto a little slip of paper, then he took it and began to read it.
Gabby: Yup. you know the drill. if anyone in splat tower takes more than 2 months to pay their rent, they get kicked from the tower.
Gabby: you have three days to pack your shit and get out.
Meanwhile, Miles, along with Echo, were sitting together in the main plaza of Arowana Mall at a table and enjoying some Tiny snacks that they bought. Miles, was eating a cinnamon bun, while Echo was eating from a tiny bag of Gram Crackers and had a coffee next to her while typing on her laptop. Lola, crawled out of Miles' pocket and up his body, then onto his neck and started whimpering a little. Miles let out a sigh and ripped off a piece of his cinnamon bun, then placed it on the table for Lola, to hop off of him and nibble on it.
Echo: so.....Miles.
Miles: hm?
Echo: you doin' alright?
Miles: yeah...I blocked her on squidstagram....I had over twenty missed calls from her though...
Miles: do you think I shou-
Echo: *shakes her head* don't....she was just using you.
Miles hesitated but eventually put his phone down and let out a tiny sigh. Miles, thought to himself for a second before looking directly at Echo and taking a deep breath.
Miles: Echo?
Echo: *type type* hm?
Miles: I want you to answer me a question.
Echo: shoot, man.
Miles: If you were my girlfriend, what would you expect me to do in the relationship?
Lola:....*tiny cough**looks at Echo*.
Echo's face flushed in red and she stopped typing on her laptop for a second. she looked over at Miles, who had a very innocent expression on his face as he tilted his head at her, waiting for her answer.
Echo: w-w-w-where did this question come from, dude?
Lola: *looks at Miles*
Miles: *shrugs* I'm just curious.
Echo: uh.....
Miles: so what would your answer be?
Echo: I......I......erm.
Echo let out a little adorable expression while looking away from Miles a little. she adjusted her glasses a little, then tried to maintain herself while opening her mouth to answer Miles' question.
Echo: I guess.....I'd mainly expect you to cook for me.....
Echo rubbed the back of her head and began to chuckle a little, feeling her heart start beating slightly faster. Miles let out a tiny "hm", then leaned back in his chair, gesturing her to go on.
Echo: and uh.....I would enjoy hugs from you....and cuddles....I would like to sit on your lap and....stuff....
Lola: *adorable sea cumber sounds*
Echo: maybe eventually when we get really comfortable with each other....I'd expect you to allow me to stay the night in your apartment sometimes....and m-maybe we could...take baths together....o-ok! maybe that's a little too much!! I-I-I mean...If you're fine with it, I'd be down for it! Is it getting hot in here?! maybe I should shut up! yes! that is what I'm going to do right now!!
Miles: I never took you for the "cuddle" type.
Echo: *type type*.shut up.
Miles let out a tiny chuckle, but out of the corner of his eye he saw a cloaked figure glaring at him. Miles raised his eyebrow in confusion at the figure, but then saw it walk away as Echo, tried to think of something to ask Miles in return.
Echo: so um. If you were my boyfriend.....what would you expect from me in a relationship?
Miles:....h-huh?...oh...what's up?
Echo: you ok?
Miles: yeah...I just thought I saw something.
Echo: what did you see?
Miles: It's nothing. anyway, what did you ask me?
Echo: oh!....Um....don't worry about it.
Lola: *facepalm*
Miles: you sure?
Echo: yeah...It was nothing important.
Miles:....If you say so. do you wanna explore the mall a little?
Echo closed her laptop, then placed it in her tiny backpack. she stood up with her coffee in hand, then gave Miles a tiny smirk.
Echo: might as well.
Miles: sweet! also, do you mind if I feed these gram crackers to Lola? you know how hungry she can be.
Lola: *hmph*
Echo: sure thing.
Lola crawled onto Miles' shoulder and he picked up the crackers, then walked off from their table with Echo walking beside him. Miles broke off a piece of a cracker, then handed it to Lola as Echo moved to the side a little, watching little squiddos run past her, causing her to smile a little.
Boy Inkling kid: c'mon! let's go explore the whole mall together!
Girl Inkling kid: *texting*alright big dork.
Echo couldn't help but see those two kids as her and Miles back in their childhood days that they spend at camp triggerfish together. causing her to smile a little and gently touch her visor.
Within Camp triggerfish, in a little cabin of two, little Echo, was sleeping soundly on the top bunk of the bed. But her sleeping was interrupted by her cheek getting tapped a little, causing her to groan and wake up to see a blurry little Miles, smiling at her.
Miles: *smiles* hey Echo.
Echo: mmmm......Miles? what time is it?
Miles: oh, it's two AM.
Echo: why did you wake me? morning drills don't start until five....
Miles: I know I know. but I have something to show you.
Echo: oh....what is it?
Miles: *smirks* It's a surprise.
Miles handed Echo her glasses when she leaned up in the bed. she put on her glasses and eventually hopped down from her top bunk while yawning a little. Miles smiled at her and put on a mini backpack. then opened the door of the cabin that they were in after both of them put on their shoes.
Miles: c'mon. your surprise isn't far.
Miles and Echo silently walked out of their cabin, then ran off from the many cabins in the area, but were still quiet about it, obviously not wanting to wake any of the squiddos. Miles walked over to the woods and Echo hesitated, causing Miles to turn around and tilt his head at her.
Echo: Miles.....the woods are forbidden...we're not allowed to leave the camp grounds.
Miles: I know but I do this all the me..
Miles smiled at her and held his hand out to her. Echo, bit her lip in hesitation, but slowly raised her hand and placed it on Miles', to which he gently grasped, causing his smile to perk up even more.
Miles: ya know....I've never held hands with a girl before.
Miles pulled Echo along and through the woods. the two ran together while stepping on dry leaves and pinecones. Echo was struggling to keep up with her energetic friend, and only managed because Miles was grasping her hand but....not in a tight and painful way, but rather in a very calm and delicate way. The two eventually made it out of the woods and Echo's eyes widened at the sight. The two stood right on a cliff leading into the water, while having a very amazing view of the moon. Miles let go of Echo's hand and turned around to face her.
Miles: beautiful...isn't it?
Miles: *smirks* hmph! well this is only half of the surprise.
Echo: half?
Miles took off the mini backpack and unzipped it as his very energetic and cheerful smile turned into a very calm and simple smile. Echo saw the moonlight illuminating off of him as he slowly walked towards her, causing her heart to randomly beat faster for a very unknown reason.
Miles: you.....are very special to me....
Miles:....we're gonna graduate from camp triggerfish soon....and I.....really want you to accept me as someone more than your cabin buddy.
Miles: I want to stay in contact with you after we graduate because....I don't really have any other friends......when I came here I didn't have any friends to begin with.....but when I was pared up with didn't treat me as a weirdo.....or a never called me treated me as an equal....
Miles: and this is why I'm telling you......Echo....
Miles pulled out a Visor and offered it to Echo, leaving her completely speechless.
Miles: to please accept this as a gift from me to you....a token of our friendship.
Echo: Miles.....
Echo took the visor and put it on her head with a very adorable smile on her face as Miles gave her a thumbs up.
Echo: I love it.
Miles: *smirks* and that's not all.
Echo: huh?
Miles, handed Echo the backpack and put his hands in his pockets as Echo just looked at him, slightly confused.
Echo: Miles, I....already have a backpack....
Miles: *chuckles* no, you dummy. look inside of the backpack.
Echo looked down at the backpack, then reached down into it and pulled out a laptop. her eyes widened in the process and Miles did some goofy jazz hands at the laptop.
Miles: surprise.
Echo: Miles......Is this?....
Miles: yup! the new Zink elite project zero laptop.
Echo:....B-But how?! How did you get this?
Miles: a lot of hard work! but it was worth it! because I did it for someone I care for..
Echo felt her heart skip a beat for a second as she stared at the Inkling boy across from her. she held the laptop close to her chest and looked at the ground. she felt her face get warm and she slowly mumbled to Miles while trying her hardest to avoid eye contact with him.
Echo: you....didn't need to spend all that money....on me....
Miles: well I saw you looking in a magazine and talking about how much you wanted the laptop so...I spent the whole year saving up money for it.
???: WHO'S THERE?!
Echo looked back and began to sweat a little as she saw the light of a flashlight approaching the two along with loud footsteps.
Echo: oh no....we're gonna get in so much trouble....
Miles: not on my watch! put that laptop away.
Echo was slightly confused at first, but put the laptop away in the backpack, then put the backpack on. The second she did, she felt Miles pick her up bridal style and smirk at her.
Miles: hold on tight.
Echo saw Miles turn into his squid form, then super jump away in the sky with her. Miles turned back into his human form and Echo was just speechless as she watched his tentacles flow within the wind and his eyes glisten from the moonlight.
Echo: y-you learned how to super jump?!
Miles: yup! If you want, I can teach you too.
Echo saw Miles give her another smile, but this felt felt as if something new has formed between them. Echo blushed hard and looked away from Miles, then smiled.
Echo:....yes, please...
To Miles, this night was the night of him becoming best friends with Echo.....but to her....It was the night when she fell in love with the goofy idiot.
*flashback end*
Miles: Echo?....Echo!
Echo: h-huh?! what?!
Miles: I asked if you wanted to go into the clothing store.
Echo: oh!...sure.
Miles: alright. just follow me.
Echo gave him a nod and walked with Miles throughout the store until the two walked into store...which confused Echo when she saw all the Inklings and Octolings with their pets.
Echo: said the clothing store..
Miles: yeah.
Echo: this is the pet store.
Miles: I know. *smirks* just follow me.
Miles walked up to the front counter and Echo just shrugged and walked behind him. Miles rang the bell on the counter and an Inkling girl ran over to him with a smile on her face.
Inkling: hello! welcome to aquatic pets. how can I help you?
Miles: do you know which Isle is meant for sea cucumbers?
Inkling: of course. the stuff for sea cucumbers is on isle eight.
Miles: alright. thank you. let's go, Echo.
Miles walked deeper into the store and Echo followed him while looking around at some Inklings and Octolings with their pets on chains, having a nice time with them.
Octoling boy: here's your snack, buddy.
Echo saw the Octoling boy feed a sea star, that was on his back, a little pet snack while giving off a smile. Echo looked in front of her again and saw Miles looking past the isles while Lola was on top of his head and looking as well, but Lola looked way more....excited than usual.
Miles: Isle eight....isle eight....there it is!
Miles walked into the isle with Lola acting completely crazy, as if she was gonna explode. Echo just decided to stay quiet for a minute and look at the two while smiling a little. Miles took Lola off of his head and placed her on the ground, then kneeled down to her and gave her a stern look while holding up one finger.
Miles: you can get one piece of clothing, one toy, and one snack, ok?
Lola: *nods*
Lola cheerfully crawled away as Miles stood back up and looked over at Echo, who was smirking at him and crossing her arms.
Echo: so this is the "clothing store"?
Miles: *chuckles* yeah. This is Lola's clothing store. she always gets super hyper when I bring her to a pet store.
Echo: *giggles* that's so nice of you Miles.
Miles: I always try my hardest to make Lola happy, even if I don't have any money to spend on her at the time.
Echo: ya know...I've always wondered why you never put a leash or collar on her.
Miles: well a leash is literally useless because Lola moves really slow, so it just makes sense to have her stick onto my shoulder or head. and she doesn't like collars.
Echo: the leash part makes sense, but why doesn't she like collars?
Miles: *shrugs* she just told me she didn't like 'em.
Echo: she told you that? I thought Lola couldn't speak?
Miles: I understand her gestures very well.
Echo: really? that's actually kinda cool.
Miles: yeah. or she could just write something on a piece of paper.
Echo: she knows how to write?!
Miles: yeah. I'm teaching her. her hand writing is sloppy but she at least knows her ABC's.
Echo: much did you teach Lola?
Miles: to clean up after herself, how to play videogames, how to use a phone, and a bunch of other stuff.
Miles felt a tiny tap on his ankle, then looked behind him and down to see Lola holding a cute little bow, a tiny toy salmon on a string, attached to a stick, and a bag of some...weird looking food called "Q Cumber Crumbles"
Miles: are you sure that's what you want?
Lola: *nods super fast*
Miles smiled and nodded at the little cucumber, then picked her up and placed her on his shoulder. he took the items from her and they made their way over to the counter, then placed their items down.
Inkling: will this be all?
Miles: yes, please.
Miles paid for the items, then the second they walked out of the store, Lola began to whimper and slide her little arms all on his face, causing Miles to chuckle a little.
Miles: you'll get your crumbles when we get home, Lola.
Echo: really do understand her gestures...
Miles: told ya.
some time passed and Miles was standing in front of his apartment door and across from Echo, who was giving him a tiny smile while having her hands in her jacket pockets.
Miles: thanks for taking me out to make me feel better yesterday, Echo. I really appreciate it.
Echo: no problem.
Miles:....well.....I'll catch you some other time?
Miles: *smiles* see ya.
Miles opened up his apartment door and walked inside, then closed it behind him, leaving Echo to stand there silently and slowly raise her hand, then wave at the door.
Echo walked off, a little bit sad that she couldn't spend a little more time with Miles but she just shrugged it off and gently grabbed the rim of her visor.
Echo:...I love you.
Miles turned on the lights to his apartment, then walked into his room. he placed Lola next to her food bowl and opened up the bag of Q Cumber Crumbles, then poured some into her bowl, to which Lola, Instantly started eating, causing Miles to chuckle a little.
Miles: well I might as well grab somethin' for myself as well. have fun, Lola.
Miles walked out of his room, then through his apartment until he reached his kitchen. he opened up his fridge, then began looking through it and thinking to himself.
Miles: hm....well I'm not hungry so...I guess a juice box will do.
Miles grabbed a juice box, and after stabbing the straw into the box, he leaned against the counter and slowly took sips out of the juice box. the apartment was silent....completely silent, with only the slight sounds of a train in the far distance from Splat Tower, making Miles slightly confused. He took one last big sip from his juice box, then threw it in the trash as he felt a very cold breeze flow past him, making him shiver and rub his arms as he turned around and saw one of his windows open. Miles walked over to the window and closed it while being...even more confused than before.
Miles: that's weird...I don't......remember opening my windows today.....
Miles raised his eyebrow slightly, but then shrugged it off, then began walking back to his room while letting out a sigh.
Miles: Lola! you better not be eating more crumbles out of the ba-.
Miles' ear wiggled a little, and he turned around just in time to see, out of the corner of his eye, a cloaked figure running at him while holding a knife. The figure thrusted the knife right at Miles' chest, but he put his hand up to block the knife, with the knife instead piercing straight through Miles' hand.
Miles: AAAAAH!!!
Miles glared at the figure and tried to punch them with his other hand, but the figure jumped away from him after pulling their knife out of his hand.
Miles:.......f-fuck.....who are you?! If you're trying to rob me then I have nothing to give you that's valuable!!
???: I don't want any of your belongings....all I want.....
The cloaked figure took off their hood and Miles' eyes widened at the sight of Willow, glaring at him and holding her knife with veins popping out of her hand.
Willow: is to see you dead.
Miles: Willow?! what are you doing?!!..why did you stab me?!!
Willow: you left me, ignored my calls.....blocked me on squidstagram....and decided to hang out with that disgusting bitch, Echo, yesterday.
Miles: *grunts*..because Echo told me what was going on! you were just using me to get back with your ex!!
Willow: that is true.
Miles: is that....all I was to you?....I was just an object?.....
Willow: correct.
Willow: you are nothing to me....and you will forever be nothing to anyone.
Willow: how could anyone like an annoying idiot like you? you are just an Inkling boy that can't do anything useful for anyone.
Willow: I have no use for you....I'll find someone new so I can get him back...
Willow dashed at Miles and was about to thrust her knife at him again, but Miles dodged the blade and grabbed her wrist, then gave her a very serious glare.
Miles: Willow......THAT'S ENOUGH!!
Miles raised his leg and kicked Willow straight in the stomach, causing her to fly back and hit the fridge pretty fucking hard. Willow dropped her knife and glared at Miles the same way he glared at her before. Miles then realized what he's just done, then shook his head in an apologetic way.
Miles: Willow I......I didn't mean to do tha-
Willow: fine...
Willow was about to grab her knife, but stopped herself and realized that Miles kicked her right into the kitchen. Instead of picking up her small knife, Willow stood up and looked on Miles' counter to see his knife block, full of knives. Miles started to get super scared when he saw Willow pull out the Butchers knife, the biggest knife in the knife block.
Willow: I can leave bigger wounds on your body....
Willow ran straight at Miles again and began slashing the knife at him. Miles dodged some of the slashes, but some of them cut him pretty badly on his arms. Willow lunged right at Miles and slashed his torso with the blade, causing blood to flow out of Miles and onto the ground as he gritted his teeth in pain.
Willow: you're such a disgrace......the second I kill you, I'm going to go and kill Echo as well
Hearing that, shocked Miles and made him drop his guard a little. Willow noticed this and ran straight at Miles, then thrusted the giant knife at him, and stabbed right into Miles' stomach. Miles didn't even scream in pain....he just.....stood there in shock, and sadness...knowing that he was about to get someone he deeply cared for...killed....blood began to leak from Miles' mouth as tears trailed down his face as well. Willow pulled out the blade from his stomach, then held it back, ready to thrust the blade into his chest next.
Willow: goodbye, Miles.
Miles could feel his vision fading.....he felt weak...hopeless.....even though he wasn't yet....he already felt dead....Miles didn't even try to block Willow's attack.....he just.....accepted it.
Miles:.....(I can't...feel my body......maybe.....Willow's right)
Just as the knife was going to pierce Miles' chest, a large bang was heard throughout the apartment. Willow stood there and stumbled for a second, she dropped the knife, then fell to the ground and behind her stood Echo, holding a frying pan and gritting her teeth in anger as she looked down at her unconscious body.
Echo: That's what you get for hurting Miles!!
Echo dropped the frying pan and sighed to herself before straightening her glasses, then let out a little smirk at Willow.
Echo: I've always wanted to do that to you......are you alright Miles-
Echo's smirk instantly faded from her face when she saw Miles completely covered in his own blood with cuts and stabs all over his body. Miles fell onto his back on the floor and a pool of blood began forming around his body. Echo immediately ran up to him and got onto the ground next to him with a very worried expression on her face, seeing Miles with his eyes barely open.
Echo: MILES!!!!
Tears began to flow down Echo's face and she let out sniffles and hugged Miles close to her, not caring if his blood stained her jacket.
Echo: all my fault....I'm sorry....I'm so sorry...
Miles gave Echo a very tiny smile and he weakly reached up to her and booped her nose.
Miles: take care......of Lola for me......K?.....
Echo: No....Miles it's gonna be ok!! it's all gonna be fine, alright?!!!
Echo saw Miles' eyes shut completely and it felt as if the whole world had stopped around her at that moment. she began breathing heavily and her tears flowed down her face even faster than before.
Echo: No.....No No No....please no......
Echo shook Miles' body but got no response out of him. she began breathing even faster and her body began to shake uncontrollably as her tears dripped down onto Miles' cheek.
Echo: MILES!!!!
Miles and Echo
Just simple sketches that I'll get to finishing eventually
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