Chapter 7: Obsidian
It was pretty early in the afternoon in Inkopolis square. The clouds were covering the sun and a little chilly breeze flowed by as Judd and little Judd were standing next to each other and tallying up the numbers while two teams stood next to each other to see the results.
little Judd: *holds up a flag* *orange team wins*
The orange team jumped in joy together while the purple team groaned and gritted their teeth in anger. an Inkling girl on the purple team grabbed her tentacles and began pulling on them while the other two Inkling boys on the team looked over at their last and final teammate, an Inkling girl holding a Goo Tuber with long, squiggly tentacles that covered one of her eyes. one of the Inkling boys marched over to the Goo Tuber wielding Inkling girl and glared at her dead in the eye and pointed at her.
Inkling girl: uuuuugh!! that was my fifth loss in a row dammit!!
Inkling boy 2: If you weren't using that stupid Goo Tuber then we actually might've had a chance of winning!!
???:.I'm sorry....
just then, the Inklings heard a "hey!" get shouted at them and they turned around to see the orange team glaring at them while crossing their arms in a smug way.
O Inkling girl: if you actually look at the end results of the match that Goo Tuber girl actually got the most splats out of you guys.
P Inkling boy: she?! way!!
O Inkling girl: Mhm. so beat it, you sea salty squids.
The three purple Inklings stormed off and left the Goo Tuber girl alone as she clenched her weapon close to her chest. The Orange team walked up to her and gave her a tiny smile to make her feel better.
O Inkling girl: don't worry about them. salty squids are everywhere in this square.
O Inkling girl: what's your name? is Obsidian.
O Inkling girl: Obsidian...*smiles* don't pay attention to what they said. you were awesome with that Goo Tuber.
O Inkling boy: exactly!
Obsidian:...t-thank you.
O Inkling girl: *giggles* no problem. But we're gonna get back to turfing so we can climb the ranks.
the Inklings waved at Obsidian and began to walk off, but just before they completely leave, the Inkling girl felt a very gentle tap on her shoulder, then turned around to see Obsidian giving her an embarrassed/adorable look.
O Inkling girl: hm?
Obsidian: u-um....may I ask you all a question?
O Inkling boy: sure. what's up?
Obsidian: guys know where splat tower is?.....I'm new here...
O Inkling girl: oh! splat tower? that's easy.
The Inkling pointed outside of Inkopolis to a building in the far distance as Obsidian watched her and made sure to pay attention.
O Inkling girl: you see that building? that's splat tower. Most Inklings and Octolings come from there.
Obsidian: I see. thank you very much.
O Inkling girl: no prob.
O Inkling boy: take care.
Obsidian and the Orange squad parted ways, and Obsidian walked out of Inkopolis to get a better view of the building in the distance. she nodded to herself before transforming into her squid form and super jumping straight through the air towards splat tower to pass the time. While flying through the air, Obsidian turned back into her human form and landed on her feet but stumbled a bit because of how clumsy she can be at times. she looked at the whole tower, then at the welcome rug that was placed outside of the doors.
Obsidian: this big....
Obsidian walked into the tower and looked around to see Inklings and Octolings relaxing, eating food from the food court, or grabbing their apartment keys from the main desk. Obsidian nodded to herself before placing her Goo Tuber on her back and walking up to the main desk where an Octoling boy just grabbed his key and left while replying with an "oomi". she looked at the desk manager, and she began to type on her computer while paying Obsidian no mind.
DM: name?
Obsidian: o-oh uh....Obsidian.....
DM: *type type* hm....I don't see your name on here, squiddo.
The lady pulled out a couple of papers and slid them over the desk towards Obsidian, then handed her a pen as well.
DM: If you're planning on living here then you need to sign here, here, here, and here.
DM: you also need to write down your name, age, birth date, weapon class, rank in your battles, and rank amongst all cephalopods.
Obsidian: ma'am?.....
DM: we still have a decent amount of apartments left so choose which ever one fits you best. as long as you have the appropriate pay of course.
Obsidian: I'm.....not moving here.
the lady took the papers away and put them back before clearing her throat, slightly embarrassed.
DM: my apologies. so why are you here?
Obsidian: I want to see a friend.
DM: I see. Friends name?
Obsidian: Isabella.
DM: *type type* Issssabelllllla.ah. apartment eighty six. the second floor. Just take the elevator to your left.
Obsidian: I see...thank you ma'am.
DM: Mhm.
Obsidian walked over to the elevator and inside of it. she looked at all of the buttons but eventually found the one that led her to the second floor and pressed on it. when the elevator stopped at the second floor, Obsidian walked out of it and continued to make her way down the hallway of many...many doors.
Obsidian: eighty four....eighty five.....eighty six. here.
Obsidian stood in front of the door and held her hand up to knock on it. she hesitated at first but eventually knocked on the door while whimpering to herself a little. she saw the doorknob turn a little, then the door open to reveal Bella, wearing her classic straw boater as always, and eating from a bowl of oatmeal.
Obsidian: *smiles* It's nice to see you again....Bella.
Bella:...*COUGH COUGH!!* *HACK*
Obsidian began to panic a little, then she quickly patted Bella's back to help her and stop her from chocking on her oatmeal.
Obsidian: Oh my cod! I'm sorry, Bella!
Bella: O-O-O-OBSIDIAN?!?!
Bella: I haven't seen you in four years!!
Obsidian: I-I know......I missed you a lo-
Obsidian felt Bella's arms wrap around her super quickly while also holding her bowl of oatmeal in the process and sniffling. Obsidian smiled a little and hugged Bella back, embracing the moment with her and snuggling into her a little.
Bella: you can't just...randomly show up at my door after four years and expect me not to have a weird almost killed me.
Obsidian: It's been a while ever since I last saw you.
Obsidian and Bella, let go of each other and Bella gestured her to follow her inside of the apartment. Obsidian walked into the apartment and closed the door behind her, then looked around to see Bella's nice looking apartment.
Obsidian: I like it.
Bella: It's.....something. *nom* But I have a question.
Obsidian: hm?
Bella: how the hell did you find me?!
Obsidian: *tiny smile* remember what you told me before we split up at the orphanage?
Obsidian: you said "don't worry Obsidian, we'll meet again. if you ever want to come and find me, I'll most likely be in splat tower near Inkopolis making a lot of money because of my amazing turf war skills".
Bella: *blushes hard* I-I really said that?!.
Obsidian: *nods* mm. I see that you've achieved your dream of being rich and living in splat tower.
Obsidian gave Bella an adorable smile while Bella just rubbed the back of her head and looked away from Obsidian, with sweat trailing down her face.
Bella: y-yeah......uh...I achieved half of my dream.
Obsidian: half?
Bella: *stuffs oatmeal in her mouth* Mhm.
Obsidian: what do you mean?
Bella:...*swallow*.I do live in splat tower....but I'm definitely not rich. the rent cost here is a pain...
Obsidian: I'll help you with your rent, Bella.
Bella: no, It's cool. I still manage to make it by.
Obsidian:.....h-have you became number one?
Bella: I'm.....*looks away* getting there...*nom*
Obsidian: what rank are you?
Bella: well....rank.....t-three hundred and twelve.
Bella: yeah I know...It's pathetic.
Obsidian: nope *smiles* I'm so proud of you.
Bella: you are?
Obsidian: of course....but....please don't work yourself too hard, Bella....
Obsidian: remember what the doctor said.....about you....
Bella:....well I HAVE to put in hard work if I'm gonna make it anywhere, Obsidian.
Obsidian: I know.....I just want you to be safe.
Bella: *giggles* all I got were a couple of scratches from training. nothing major.
Obsidian: Phew....thank goodness.
Bella: how's.....your lucky scar?
Obsidian gently smiled and moved her tentacle out of the way of her right eye, showing Bella a scar that completely covered her eye, making her half blind.
Obsidian: still lucky....because I found you.
Bella: awwwwe shucks.
Obsidian: h-how's...yours?
Bella placed down her bowl of oatmeal and turned to face away from Obsidian. Bella lifted up her shirt to show Obsidian a giant wounded scar that went from her left upper shoulder to her right hip.
Bella: still....lucky...because I made the best bowl of oatmeal today.
Obsidian let out a giggle as Bella pulled her shirt back down and straightened her classic straw boater, then turned to look at her again with a heart warming smile on her face.
Obsidian: well....since it's been four years. do you want to go hang out at Inkopolis? I just got back from there and some of the cephalopods there are really nice
Bella: oh hell yeah!
Obsidian: just like old times.....
Bella and Obsidian were walking through Inkopolis and up to Crusty Sean's food truck to grab something small to nibble on. Bella was smiling and gently humming to herself until she looked over at Obsidian and saw her slightly shaking a little with an uncomfortable look on her face.
Bella: you ok?
Obsidian: t-there's more cephalopods here....than last time.
Bella: well the maps just rotated and it's splat zones right now. everyone is here because they love zones.
Bella saw Obsidian shake a little bit more from all of the Inklings and Octolings walking around her and making her whimper a little. Even though Obsidian was a very kind hearted and caring Inkling, she could be very....antisocial at times, especially when she's in crowds. Bella tilted her head at her friend and reached down towards her hand, then grabbed it with her own hand, snapping Obsidian out of her scared state.
Bella: just calm down. ok?
Obsidian:....*tiny nod* you...used to do this all the time to calm me down when we were kids...
Bella: well I'm glad it still works.
Meanwhile, near Grizzco, Yumi and Dayna were walking together after grabbing their bonuses and Dayna smirked at Yumi while twirling her bag.
Dayna: did you see those salmon when they saw me? they instantly ran away in fear because I'm awesome.
Yumi: the round they left.
Dayna: if you say so.....wait, isn't that your baby boo?
Yumi: what?
Dayna: *points*
Yumi looked over to where Dayna was pointing and saw Bella standing in front of Crusty Sean's food truck alongside an Inkling girl that she was....holding hands with?! Yumi stood there as her face went pale and her eyes completely died; she looked down and Dayna looked over at her but couldn't get a clear view of Yumi's face since her tentacles were in the way. Dayna began to sweat a little and she gently poked Yumi's shoulder to make sure she was ok.
Dayna: uh......Yumi?.....y-you ok?
Dayna: you're.....kinda giving off some dark aura right now.....and uh....It's scaring the fuck out of me.
Bella in Yumi's head: (well I've never been in a relationship before)
Dayna: Yumi?......look I know this hurts but...*shrugs* shit happen-
Yumi: that's....impossible....
Dayna:.....what is?
Yumi grabbed Dayna's wrist and dragged her along until they were right behind Bella and Obsidian in the line. Yumi slowly lifted her hand and tapped Bella on the shoulder, then Bella turned around along with Obsidian to look at her.
Bella: oh! hey Yumi!
Yumi: hello....
Bella: and uh *looks at Dayna* who are you?
Dayna: just one of Yumi's friends. uwu
Bella: *smiles* well it's nice to meet ya!
Dayna: *finger guns* same.
Obsidian: h-hello, Yumi.
Yumi: -_-
Obsidian: Bella was telling me.....about you....I hope we can become good friends!
Yumi looked down and saw Bella and Obsidian's hands still locked together, making her dark aura emit even further as she looked down at the ground and slowly began mumbling to herself, making Bella and Obsidian look at her, completely confused.
Yumi: *mumble mumble*
Bella: ok, Yumi?
Dayna: she mumbles to herself when she's stressed.
Obsidian: w-why is she stressed?
Dayna:.....she uh......lost a Rainmaker match today.
Obsidian: oh....I'm sorry to hear that, Yumi.
Yumi: *mumble mumble*
Crusty Sean: here's your food, girls.
Bella and Obsidian's hands separated and they grabbed their food, making Yumi's dark aura shrink a little, then she looked up from her mumbling session to see Bella tilting her head at her.
Bella: do you guys wanna come sit with us?
Dayna: only if you share some of that food. ~w~
Bella smiled and nodded, then walked along with Obsidian and Dayna, with Yumi trailing behind them a little and burning a hole in the back of Obsidian's head with her eyes. Obsidian could feel Yumi staring her down and tried to ignore it as best as she could while sitting down at the table, and Bella sat next to her. Yumi sat right across from Bella, and Dayna sat next to Yumi.
Obsidian: *nom*
Yumi: *glares* mmmmmm..
Obsidian:.*looks at Yumi*...*chew chew*.
Yumi: -_-
Obsidian:....*smiles* do you want some of my food, Yumi?
Yumi: I'm not hungry.
Obsidian:...I see.
Yumi: who are you?...where did you come from?
Obsidian: o-oh! my name is Obsidian ^^. Me and Bella have been close for years.
Yumi:....*looks at Bella*.
Bella: yup.
Obsidian: oh Bella, do you mind if I have a bite from your Seanwich?
Bella: sure.
Yumi saw Bella hold out her seanwich to Obsidian, then the second she saw Obsidian take a bite, she instantly shot her head back over to Bella and opened her mouth to speak.
Yumi: may I have a bite as well?
Bella: but you said you weren't hungry.
Yumi: I'm hungry now.
Bella:....*shrugs* alright...I guess.
Obsidian tilted her head a little when she saw a blush form on Yumi's cheeks as she leaned in and also took a bite from Bella's seanwich. Dayna, looked at Yumi too and let out a sigh, then looked over at Obsidian.
Dayna: (this is gonna be awkward)
within Splat Tower, an Inkling girl was sprinting down the hallway and pushing people out of her way in the process. She had a very worried look on her face as she kept running until she finally arrived in front of a specific door, then began banging on it fiercely.
soon later, the door was opened and the second Miles peeked out, he was pushed right back inside by Echo and she closed the door behind her.
Miles: uh....what's up?
Echo: Dude! yo-......are you wearing a suit?
Miles smirked at Echo and straightened his tie before striking a stupid pose, which only made Echo concerned.
Miles: hell yeah I am! I worked my ass off for this. It makes me look nice huh?
Echo:......yeah but....Miles, I've got something to tell you!!
Miles: well spill the beans. I'm about to go on another date with Willow.
Echo: well
Miles began walking through his apartment and Echo followed him, watching him sit down on the couch and gesture her to sit next to him, to which she did and let out a sigh.
Miles: what's up?
Echo: Miles....I.....I'm sorry.....
Miles: what for?
Echo:....I'm supposed to be your friend and....I keep allowing you to get hurt....
Miles: *nervous chuckle* Echo...what's going on?
Echo: need to understand......after our call ended....I did some research on Willow and.....
Echo: she's not who you think she is....
Echo could already see the pain starting to develop on Miles' face, making her even hesitant on going on. she let out a little sigh, obviously not liking to see Miles upset like this.
Echo: she's......using you....
Echo: to get back with her ex....'re lying.....
Echo:.....Miles...why do you think she wanted to take all of those pictures with you?
Echo: she posted those on squidstagram, hoping that her ex would notice and take her back....
Miles: she.....said she was never in a relationship before....
Echo: she said that so you wouldn't get suspicious of her. she's acting like she doesn't know what she's doing but....she's had you in the palm of her hand this whole time.....
Echo: I actually met up with her ex in private yesterday....he's a part of the Dark Metal Squad.....He told me everything about his experiences with Willow.
Echo: he said that Willow was very......demanding.....she will not take no as an answer and she wanted him to only ever play heavy metal if he wanted to maintain the relationship with her. But one day he broke up with her because of her demanding ways and....he said he didn't want to talk about what happened after that....because he still has trouble sleeping at night because of it an-
Echo heard a tiny sniffle from beside her and looked over at Miles to see him slumped over and covering his face with his hand. Echo looked down and saw Lola crawling over to Miles to try and comfort him by snuggling on his foot, making her feel even worse for him as she watched Miles try his absolute hardest to hold in his tears.
Miles:......p-please Echo....
Miles: tell me you're joking....please...
Echo:....I'm sorry...
Miles began to whimper to himself as Lola tried her hardest to climb up his leg; she reached Miles' lap and scooted towards his stomach, then looked up at his face and began to whimper herself. Echo just sat there and watched, feeling completely terrible that she was the one that had to make her best friend cry. Miles, a happy, goofy, and chill guy...was now breaking down right next to her and she wasn't even doing anything about it. But, Echo grasped the couch and hesitated before scooting over towards Miles, then pulled him into her chest for a hug, hearing the pain in his sobs.
Miles:.....why does nobody like me for who I actually am?....
Miles: I'm sorry......I got....In over my head when I would talk to Willow......I just....I....
Echo: Miles....
Miles: ever since.....Lux......left......I've never been the same....
Echo's mind thought back to that name..."Lux" inkling girl that Miles once knew and loved...being his previous ex and sadly discontinuing their relationship during the shift of Inkopolis Plaza to Inkopolis square.....yet Echo was only confused when the two squids took their separate paths in life......they loved each other....beyond belief to Echo....the meaning of their breakup was still deeply unknown.
Miles:..........I can't stop thinking about her....if I messed up in the past.....
Echo: are special.....and bring to this world things one else can.....and I know that Bella and Coraline could say the same..........
Echo: hang in there.......and we can all do our best to support you....
Echo hugged Miles a little closer and watched as Lola crawled on top of his head and cuddled onto him.
Miles: you're too me.....
Echo:......obviously because I care for you.....I'm sorry I had to tell you Miles....but I just didn't want her to hurt you....
The two separated and Miles let out a little sigh, then took Lola off of his head and began to pet her gently after wiping away his tears.
Miles:...I'm sorry you had to see me like that.
Echo: it's alright man...I'm glad you understood.
Miles: I do?
Echo: I think it's best if you don't talk to her anymore....block her and just...never associate with her.
Miles: *sigh* maybe relationships just aren't my thing anymore.
Echo: n-no! relationships are for everyone!
Echo: Miles....the perfect girl is out there somewhere, you just...*looks away* haven't found her yet.
Miles: I hope so....I still wasted a lot of money on this suit though.
Miles felt Lola snuggle up against his stomach as a hand reached over and tapped him on the cheek, catching his attention to cause him to look over and see Echo giving him a tiny smile.
Echo: how about I go put on my dress and we head to the Undertow together? we can grab some Main Power Up drinks and have a good time. it'll make you feel better and forget about all of that drama.....
Miles:.....yeah....The Undertow sounds pretty nice.
Dayna: yeah you're jealous.
Yumi and Dayna were talking in private, pretty far away from Bella and Obsidian so they wouldn't hear their conversation. Yumi rubbed one of her arms and sighed a little when she saw Dayna put her hands on her hips and shake her head.
Dayna: I honestly never took you for the severely jealous type.
Yumi: I'm's just...when I saw her holding hands with Bella....I felt something different....I felt....upset and mad....
Dayna: yup. That's jealousy my friend.
Dayna: I honestly don't even understand why you're so jealous of her. She looks harmless.
Yumi:.....*looks away and shrugs*
Obsidian: u-um.....Yumi?...
Dayna and Yumi looked over to see Obsidian standing there as nervous as ever, slightly shaking and looking away from them.
Obsidian: I'm sorry....a-am I interrupting something?
Dayna looked up at the sky to see that the sun was setting a little, then gave a tiny smile to Obsidian and started to walk away.
Dayna: nope. You two have fun. See you at home, Yumi.
Yumi: *nods*
Both Obsidian and Yumi just....sat there in silence for a fairly long time in a very awkward way. Obsidian began poking her fingers together, then hesitated, but made full eye contact with Yumi.
Obsidian: Y-Yumi.....I......I'm terribly sorry.
Obsidian: it's just....deep down I can tell that you don't like me.....I'm sorry for whatever I did......I made a terrible first impression....
Obsidian: you like....Bella?
Obsidian:.....I see.....I am really really really sorry, Yumi!
Yumi: and Bella....aren't.....
Obsidian: and Bella are just very close childhood friends. I promise.
Obsidian:.....please.....forgive me....
Obsidian completely died on the inside and felt as if a whole arrow was shot straight through her heart at that one moment. But then, catching Obsidian by surprise, she saw Yumi bow down in front of her in an apologetic way.
Yumi: forgive have nothing to apologize for....
Yumi: I deeply apologize for being rude to you....I don't know what came over's just.....I felt very weird when I saw you two holding hands and....sharing food...
Yumi stopped bowing and looked back up at Obsidian, who was looking away from her, slightly embarrassed.
Obsidian: it's ok....I understand why you acted like that....*smiles* and I will support you and Bella all the way.
Bella: Yo! Are you guys coming back over here?!!
Obsidian: y-yes!
Obsidian gave one last look at Yumi, then smiled at her before walking back over to Bella. Yumi sat there for a second and thought to herself before walking back over to Bella herself as well.
Yumi: ( is this...progression in love?)
Below Moray towers, stood a city known as "Moray City" where most Inklings and Octolings would go to chill and have some fun. Within Moray City was a tiny bar like area called the "Undertow" where inside, Inklings and Octolings were drinking Main Power Up drinks while eating food and acting like complete fools. At the main counter sat Miles and Echo, who were drinking their separate glasses of MPU.
Miles: Ya know....this stuff is amazing...
Echo: yeah...*hiccup* nobody knows what they put in this stuff.
Miles: *chuckles* I wanna break my legs but I realized....I don't have bones...
Echo: yoooo same!! *Chugs Mpu*
Miles: ya know....I don't think I'm that good looking.
Echo slammed her glass down on the front counter and glared at Miles, then grabbed the collar of his Suit and pulled him closer to her.
Echo: hey hey...hey....hey....hey......hey.....D-Don't.
..don't say that shit!!'re beautiful!
Both of their faces were completely flushed red as the bar tender walked over and refilled their glasses. Miles grabbed his glass and let out a stupid nod to Echo.
Miles: you know're right!! *chug chug* a-and...and're...a very handsome squid!
Echo: thank me! Y-you! Thank you! *sip*
Miles: mmmmmm....*sip*....
Echo: M-Miles...Miles...Buddy.
Miles: hm?
Echo: h-have about Willow?....
Miles:....*CHUG CHUG* who?
Echo: that bitch! That whore! That slut! She probably eats sandwiches!!!
Miles: Echo! Y-You eat sandwiches t-too ya know!
Miles: B-Bacon is my favorite vegetable...
Echo: you're my favorite vegetable...
Miles: then eat me!! EAT ME!!
Echo: *bites his shoulder*
Miles: bitch.
Echo: hey! You said told me to do it!!
Miles: *bites her shoulder*
Echo: harder!
Miles: no!
Echo: you're always making me feel funny! Like, do I love you?! Do i not love you?! All i know is you're super hot dude!
Miles: zzzzzzzz.......zzzzzz....
Echo:....*slams her head on the table and passes out*
While the two were completely passed out in the Undertow, an Inkling girl was glaring at them from the window outside of the bar. A vein popped out of her head and she looked at her phone to see that she just recently got blocked by a certain someone.
Willow:.....I'll kill him.
My Obsidian sketch
Obsidian art from strqbeary
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