Chapter 6: Is This A Date?!

The sun rose to start another day in Inkopolis as some Inklings, and Octolings, were getting ready to start their day by putting on their freshest gear, grabbing their turfing weapon, and heading out the door to Inkopolis to get their turf on. within Splat Tower, room eighty three, Miles was sleeping pretty soundly in his bed until his alarm went off and began to beep rapidly on his dresser next to his bed. Miles, opened up his eyes slowly and groaned before reaching over and shutting off his alarm. he leaned up from his bed and rubbed his eye while letting out a long yawn.

Miles: good morning, me.

Miles, stood up from his bed and stretched a little, then began making his way over to the kitchen which was just outside of his room, while taking his phone with him. after placing his phone on the table, he opened up his freezer and pulled out a box of Kraken shaped waffles, then let out a little smile at them.

Miles: Kraken waffles. my favorite.

Miles opened up the box and pulled out the bag to see that it only had two waffles left inside, making him shrug and toss the box in the trash. Miles walked over to his toaster and dropped the two waffles inside, then pressed them down to cook before going into his cabinet to grab a plate and cup for himself.

Despite his looks and personality, Miles, actually had a pretty clean and organized apartment for the most part. all of his dishes were washed and placed in the drying rack, all of his clothes were washed and neatly folded after drying, his carpet was vacuumed, and his kitchen floor was mopped, etcetera. After setting the table for himself, Miles opened up his fridge and looked right at two bottles of juice.

Miles: juice or orange juice?.....well I don't want to have orange juice with waffles so apple juice it is.

Miles grabbed the apple juice and walked over to the table, then poured himself a glass. after putting the apple juice back in the fridge, Miles' waffles shot out of the toaster and he grabbed his plate before walking over to them and placing them on his plate. Miles, grabbed the bottle of syrup along with a fork, then went to go sit down at the table all by himself. he let out a smile before placing his hands together while looking down at his waffles.

Miles: thank you for the meal!

Miles, grabbed the syrup, but just as he did, he felt something weird climbing up his leg from under the table. Miles, looked under the table and saw a yellow sea cucumber gently clinging to his leg, causing him to chuckle a little.

Miles: well good morning to you as well, Lola.

Miles grabbed the sea cucumber from off of his leg and placed her on top of the table, but the second he did, he saw Lola begin to scoot towards his waffles, causing him to hold his hand out and block her from touching them.

Miles: *smiles* this is my breakfast, Lola.

Lola began to whimper a little and Miles crossed his arms at her while raising his eyebrow as well.

Miles: you have food in your bowl.

some silence passed and Miles, eventually sighed when he knew Lola, wasn't going to leave without a bite, so he broke off a piece of his waffle and offered it to her.

Miles: here.

instead of scooting towards him and taking it. Lola, instead scooted towards the syrup bottle, then looked at Miles.

Miles:...*sigh* jeez.

Miles opened up the syrup bottle and poured a little on the waffle he ripped off for her. Miles, placed the waffle down on the table and Lola slowly scooted towards it and began to nibble on it. Miles let out a sigh before pouring some syrup on his remaining bit of waffles. But as soon as he was going to grab his fork and chow down, his phone began to ring next to him, making him pick it up and see who was calling him.

Miles: Echo?'s never up this early *picks up* hey, Echo.

E: hey, Miles.

M: *nom* what are you doing up this early?

E: oh I just...wanted to check and see how you were doing.

M: *shrugs* I'm doing fi-no!!!


M: Lola, that's my apple juice!

E: oh. you're talking to your pet?

M: yeah. she tried to drink my apple juice.

E: yo what's up, Lola?

Miles looked over and saw Lola start swaying her head from side to side, making him smile a little before taking another bite of his waffle.

M: she said hey.

E: Miles, you don't realize how lucky you are.

M: hm?

E: sea cucumbers are pretty damn rare to come across. I read an article that says they're mostly found waaaaaaaaaay below the surface...but nobody even dares to go down there because of how dangerous it is.

M: well I just randomly found her in my apartment one day *shrugs* and she never left.

E: maybe because she knows you're a really good cook.

M: heh...I guess..

E: like...seriously man. how Is your curry THAT good?

M: honestly *sip* It's just a thing in my family. We're all good cooks.

E: I need to come over and get some more eventually. oh I'm getting off topic.

M: what was the topic?

E: I actually wanted to ask you how your date with Willow went.

M: oh! It was amazing!


M: yeah! I actually convinced her to watch a movie with me, she taught me a little of what she knows on the bass, and I cooked her a nice meal, *gasp* and I held her hand!

E: you're acting like you've never held a girl's hand before.

M: I never did.

E: you held my hand before.

M: well yeah, but that was when we were kids and did some partner turf challenges together. plus, you're my best friend. Not my girlfriend.


M: man! remember when we turned into Krakens for the first time?! the memories...

E: Mhm..

M: you ok?

E: hm?...o-oh! yeah I'm cool.

M: you sound kinda down.

E:....anyway, I looked on Willow's squidstagram last night and saw the pictures of you and her...and...sheesh there were a lot.

M: yeah. for some reason she wanted to take a lot of pictures together so.....I just agreed.

E:....that....seems kinda weird.

M: eh. every girl takes a bunch of pictures with the guy she's on a date with.

E: I...guess?

M: wow. speaking of Willow. she just texted me.

E: oh.

M: she's asking to hang out again today?! Ngyes!! Echo, I really think Willow is the one!

E: the one?

M: she's so special, and she's also super cool! plus I have a feeling that me and her would be in a relationship for months or even years! I just need to keep acting fresh around her and everything will be ok.

E: wait...acting fresh?

M: yeah uh...apparently Willow doesn't like it when I at the end of our date she said she wanted me to act more Fresh so I don't embarrass her in the future.

E: wait what?! Mil-

M: anyway I gotta go. me, and Willow, are heading out to arowana mall to go shopping together and she wants me there, wish me luck!

Miles hung up the phone and placed it down, then looked over at Lola, who was shaking her head at him.

Miles: what?


Meanwhile at the reef, Yumi, was sitting all by herself on a bench and waiting patiently for Bella, to arrive. After calling Bella, and apologizing about running off like an idiot yesterday, she asked Bella if she was down to actually hang out with her....just the two of them....together. Yumi shook her head from the thoughts and calmed herself down before she got too flustered however, and since she took Dayna's advice, she decided to actually go with the flow and take deep breaths.

Yumi checked her phone and saw that it was nine fifteen Am, causing her to let out a tiny sigh until she heard her name getting called, then she looked over and saw Bella, running over to her. Yumi began to feel her heart beat faster but she took a deep breath and put her hand over her chest before things got out of hand.

Bella: hey, Yumi!


Bella: I'm sorry I'm late! I was in the shower longer than I thought....

Yumi: It's alright.

Bella: *smiles* you look very nice today. I love your hoodie.

Yumi, looked down at her black hoodie with the kensa logo on it, then blushed a little before looking away from, Bella.

Yumi: t.....thank look nice as well.

Bella:.I'm.....not nice looking in my opinion bu-

Yumi: you are!

Bella: what?*looks away*.um.

Bella: *tilts her head*

Yumi: you.....are.....very fitting....for...that hat.

Bella: oh! my classic straw boater? It's the very first piece of gear I bought when I moved to Inkopolis. It holds a special place in my heart.

Yumi saw Bella give her an adorable smile that melted her heart, making Yumi start to blush a little harder and look down at the ground to hide it.

Yumi: ( just...calm down..)

Yumi put her hands in her pockets and gave Bella, a nod, then kicked a little pebble near her foot near her foot to distract herself from her feelings. It became very awkward between the two so Bella, put her hands in her own pockets as well and began to rock her body back and forth.

Bella: so....what's your plan?

Yumi: hm?

Bella: well, you wanted to hang out here. what do you want to do?

Yumi: oh...

Yumi, turned around and pulled out a very tiny notebook that she had stashed inside of her hoodie pocket, then opened it up to see what she had listed down to do with, Bella, making sure she didn't see the book.

*in Yumi's book*

1. grab a tiny snack.

2. go shopping.

3. ask for her interests.

4: make out with her.

Yumi stood there completely confused at number four in her notebook, knowing that she didn't write that in there. she sighed and assumed it must've been Dayna's doing so she closed the book and turned around to face Bella again.

Yumi: do you want to grab something to nibble on?

Bella: oh, sure. I didn't eat breakfast anyway.

Yumi nodded and the two began to walk along together while getting a couple of stares from time to time from Inklings and Octolings. Both Bella, and Yumi, knew exactly why they were getting stared at, but they didn't let that bother them all that much. The two walked into a very calm and quiet café to hear nothing but some very quiet music and the ceiling fan rotating. both of them looked around and saw some Inklings and Octolings sitting all by themselves with their cups of coffee and tiny meals, giving off a very peaceful vibe within the café. the two walked up to the counter and were greeted by the Inkling girl cashier.

Bella: excuse us?

???: ah. welcome to our café-....


Bella: wait....Coraline?

Coraline: oh, hey, Bella. hey, Yumi.

Yumi: *waves*

Bella: you work here?

Coraline: I've been working here for a while....I told you, like, a thousand times.

Bella: oh....I must've forgot. anyway, where have you been for the past couple of days?

Coraline: oh, we got this new employee and I was put in charge to teach him everything he's suppose to know.

Yumi, and Bella, saw Coraline, point behind her towards an Octoling boy with an Afro, making a simple cup of coffee with a tiny smile on his face.

Coraline: he's new to Inkopolis. But so far from what he's shown, he makes super good lattes.

Bella: *smiles* that's cute.

Yumi: *nods* mm.

Coraline: but that's enough about me. what can I get you two?

Bella: um. can I get a drink?

Coraline: what type?

Bella: just a juice. Strawberry tentatek please. ooh, and a doughnut! Vanilla!

Coraline: got it. how about you, Yumi?

Yumi: muffin.

Coraline: what flavor?

Yumi: burst berry...

Coraline: is that all?

Yumi/Bella: yeah.

Coraline: alright. just give me two seconds.

while Coraline left to go grab their food, Bella turned and looked over at Yumi, who was playing with one of her tentacles with her finger while looking at all of the delicious slices of cakes and pastries that were put out on display behind the glass counter.

Bella: you like Burst Berry muffins?

Yumi: oh....Mhm.

Bella: *smiles* Burst Berry is my favorite.

Yumi: It is?

Bella: yeah. I love it a lot.

Yumi:....*blushes* It' favorite too.

Bella: hell yeah. It's like we were made for each other, Yumi.



some silence passed between the two and Bella saw Yumi, look away from her slightly from the comment. Bella's face grew a little red and she began flailing her hands around like an idiot while sweat started to trail down her face, a little embarrassed herself.

Bella: n-no no no! that's not what I meant!



Coraline: here's your food, guys.

Bella, and Yumi, looked over at Coraline, who placed a paper bag and drink on top of the counter, but they saw her tilt her head at them slightly while raising an eyebrow in concern.

Coraline: hey. why are your faces all red?


Bella snatched the bag and drink, then handed Coraline their payment. she gave Yumi the bag and grabbed her hand, then dragged her out of the café.

Bella: *mumbles* let's go, Yumi.

the two left the café and left Coraline without even saying goodbye, but then a smirk began to form on her face as she leaned on the counter and watched the two walk off through the glass doors.

Coraline: my romance detectors are going off~

Bella placed her straw inside of the cup and began to drink her juice while Yumi, pulled out a vanilla doughnut from the bag and handed it to Bella.

Bella: thanks, Yumi. *nom*

Yumi: *nods* mm....

Yumi, pulled out her burst berry muffin and threw the bag away into a trashcan nearby. Yumi, took a bite from her muffin and let out a little "veemo" in the process, then looked over at Bella and saw her munching down on her doughnut while looking straight ahead and smiling a little. Yumi, began to remember what Dayna said yesterday about "going with the flow" so she hesitated and even blushed a little, but tapped Bella on her shoulder, which caught her attention, and Yumi, held out her muffin to Bella while looking away slightly.

Yumi: you can have a bite...if you want.

Bella: but that's your food, Yumi.

Yumi: it's alright. you said it was your favorite.

Yumi: *nods*

Bella slowly leaned over and took a bite out of Yumi's muffin before smiling and letting out her own "woomy" making it harder for Yumi to contain herself. after Bella, swallowed her muffin bite, she gently grabbed Yumi's chin and made her look her dead in the eyes while giving her a smirk.

Bella: I know why you did that~


Bella: you aren't slick. I can see right through you~


Bella: Mhm~ I know your intentions, you cheeky little Octo~

Yumi felt as if her heart was going to burst out of her chest at that single moment. her own face was just inches away from Bella's and her eyes looked right down at Bella's lips. they looked so....smooth...and soft...and so damn kissable at the moment. Yumi, couldn't help but think of Bella, pulling her in for a kiss at that moment and asking her to forever stay by her side, making her body start to shake a little from how flustered she was.

Bella: just admit that you want it~

Yumi: I...

Bella: c'moooon.I'm waiting~

Yumi: I....*mumbles* I....want it.

Bella: *smiles* now that's what I like to hear.

Yumi closed her eyes and expected Bella's nice, soft lips to land right on her own, but instead of Bella's lips, Yumi felt something else touch her lips. she opened her eyes and saw Bella giving her a smile and poking her doughnut against her lips.

Bella: c'mon. take a bite.


Bella: I knew that you only let me have a bite of your muffin so you could get a bite of my doughnut.


Bella: *shrugs* one of the oldest tricks in the book.

Yumi began to realize what even happened, and her face became super red and steamy as she turned away from Bella, while Bella just looked at her, slightly confused.

Bella: you ok?

Yumi: y-yes, yes I'm ok...

Bella: c'moooon just take your bite, Yumi. It's not fair if I only get a bite from your snack.

Yumi slowly began to calm herself down from the little misunderstanding, then turned around and opened her mouth, taking a bite from Bella's doughnut after realizing it was the closest thing she was gonna get to a real kiss.

Yumi: it's good..

Bella: tell me about it. anyway, what next?

Yumi, thought back to her list and nodded at herself before looking back over at Bella, and pointing at the many stores around the Reef.

Yumi: we can go shopping...if you don't mind.

Bella: not at all. *smiles* This is gonna be super fun.


Meanwhile with Miles and Willow, the two were walking around the mall while Miles was carrying a bunch of bags and Willow was texting on her phone.

Miles: *pant* Willow, can we?...*pant* take a little break? my legs are killing me.

Willow: the bench...for only five minutes.

Miles walked over to the bench and sat down, then placed the bags down before letting out a long groan. Willow sat down next to him and held her phone up in the air to take a picture of the two, catching Miles by surprise.

Willow: smile.

Miles: oh uh....*smiles*

the second Willow was going to take the picture, she saw something moving around in Miles' hoodie pocket, then scooted away from him a little until he reached in his hoodie and pulled out a sea cucumber while smiling at her.

Miles: calm down. it's just my pet sea cucumber, Lola. have a pet?

Miles: yeah! isn't she adorable?! is disgusting.

Miles' smile completely faded from his face and he looked down at Lola, who was hissing at Willow while she texted on her phone.

Miles: oh...

Willow: get rid of it.

Miles: w-what?!

Willow: *text text* if you want to officially be my boyfriend one day, then get rid of that thing.

Miles: Willow, I'm not going to do that.


Miles, placed Lola, on top of his head as Willow, glared at him and completely stopped texting on her phone. Miles, saw Willow's hands start to shake a little and he saw her actually crack her phone screen from squeezing it too hard. Miles, saw a vein pop out of Willow's head, but she sighed and placed her hand over her face.

Willow: whatever......let's just go.

Willow stood up and walked off while Miles just sat there a little scared. he looked upwards at Lola, who was on top of his head, then shrugged a little.

Miles: what was that about?


Bella: ok ok. what was the most weirdest dream you've ever had?

Yumi: weirdest dream?...

Bella: yeah.

Yumi:....*thinks of the dream she had*...uh...

Bella: I'm listening.

Yumi: were in it.

Bella: mmhm.

Yumi: and.....

Bella: yeeeah?

Yumi: stuff..

Bella: you can't leave me on a cliffhanger like that! what was I doing in the dream?


Bella: was I at least doing something cool?


Cashier: will that be all?

Bella and Yumi looked at the cashier and gave him a nod before handing him some money to pay for what they bought. the two walked out of the store and Bella handed Yumi a bag that she had in her hand.

Bella: I bought this is for you.

Yumi: hm? *takes the bag* what is it?

Bella: don't open it until you get home. it's a surprise.

Yumi: oh....I understand.

Bella: I hope it makes you happy.

Yumi:....*mumbles* I'm already happy.

Bella: what?

Yumi: nothing. um.....

Yumi thought about her little list again and began to rub her arm slightly embarrassed, trying to get her words out to ask Bella, that one question that she's been dying to hear the answer to.

Yumi: I.....have a....question.....

Bella: hm?

Yumi: you...don't have to answer it but....what are your....interests?

Bella: my interests?

Yumi: *nods*

Bella: really like skating, playing video games, ooh I love French fries an-

Yumi: no no no.....I meant....gender.....

Bella: gender?....oh, um....well....

Yumi: mm?

Bella: well...I've never been in a relationship before so...yeah. I did have a crush on this one guy but....he called me ugly.


Bella: as for girls....uh...I honestly don't know.

Yumi: would a girl?

Bella: um.....I don't see anything wrong with that.

Yumi felt like she wanted to jump in joy at that one moment, as she felt her face get warm again. Chibi Yumi in her head was grabbed by Chibi Bella and kissed deeply while being as happy as ever.

Bella: why do you ask?

Yumi's thought bubble disappeared and she was snapped back into the real world, then noticed Bella looking at her while tilting her head slightly.

Yumi: o-oh...I was just....curious.

Bella: makes sense. How about you?

Yumi: me?

Bella: yeah. what are your interests?

Yumi: same as you.

Bella: awwwe. I didn't expect you to be the type to be into relationships, Yumi.


Bella: but do you wanna spend the rest of today hanging out?

Yumi: *nods* mm.



Dayna: *watching Tv*

Mia: I still never understood how you can see the Tv....with your tentacles in the way.

Dayna: huh?

Mia: now that I think about it...I've never actually SEEN your eyes.

Dayna: so?

Mia: show me.

Dayna: nope.

Mia: why?

Dayna: it's a secret between me and Yumi.

Mia: you showed Yumi your eyes?

Dayna: yup.


within the span of their conversation, Yumi walked into the apartment and closed the door behind her, seeing her two friends sitting in the Livingroom and watching Tv. Mia turned around and saw Yumi, then pointed towards the fridge.

Mia: I made dinner, your plate is in the fridge.

Yumi: ok.

Mia: oh and also, what do Dayna's eyes look like? she said she showed you.

Yumi:..*sigh*....hubaluba.doo doo.....


Dayna: I told Yumi to respond to you like that whenever you ask about my eyes.

Mia: the fuck, why? just show me!

Dayna: nope.

Mia: Dayna!

Yumi walked off and into her own room while Mia was yelling at Dayna, who didn't really seem to care all that much. Yumi closed the door behind her and sat down on her bed, then pulled out the bag that Bella gave her. she took a deep breath and opened up the bag and saw something shiny inside. Yumi, tilted her head at the object before reaching in the bag and pulling it out to see that it was a very beautiful, yellow, butterfly tentacle clip with a little note attached to it.

*on the note*

"I thought this clip would go really well with your cute golden eyes so I hope you enjoy it uwu" -Bella

Yumi blushed as she looked back at the clip, then she hugged it close to herself, then let out a very tiny smile.


A Little Bella sketch I did and well...yeah.

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