Chapter 55: Our Winter Vacation
After questionable conversations, rushed packing, and annoying navigation through an airport, the entire gang were now resting on an airplane that was smoothly soaring through the sky.....everyone had their own seating, with Gabby and Cynthia sitting next to each other.
Miles and Amira, Erida and Obsidian, Otto and Yasu, the list goes on. The most important seating however was Bella and obviously Yumi......Bella rested her head against the wall and looked out the window as Yumi was eating from a bag of peanuts.
Yumi turned her head to see Bella and noticed her blank state.....and she leaned over towards her and gently poked her, which made her turn to look at her.
Yumi:......he'll be okay.....
*2 hours ago*
Everyone sat within the waiting room for their plane ride, and Bella sat in between Calvin and Yumi respectively. Despite everyone having their own form of luggage, when Bella noticed Calvin's seemed like it was.....too much for a trip.....way too much for a single inkling.....
She opened her mouth to speak, but was stopped within her tracks, hearing a loud voice over the speakers.
Speaker: attention all passengers, flight "J-25" will now begin their boarding process. Please gather your belongings and we can get the procedure started!
Miles: that's us...
Amira: *nods*....finally...
Lux: I call shotgun!
Charlotte: that's not how it have an assigned seat......
Cecelia: Mhm. I picked your seat for calm yourself....
Lux: awe what!?....
Gabby saw Lux flail around like a baby and she simply shook her head with a sigh as she stood up, grabbing onto her luggage alongside Cynthia, who was then accompanied by Otto and Yasu......
One by one...everyone began to stand and make their way over towards the exit for their plane.....and Bella grabbed onto her luggage alongside Yumi, with the two standing up and making their way towards the door, allowing the nice Inkling woman to scan their plane tickets.....
The woman gave them a smile and Bella simply smiled back, then began to walk with Yumi, but immediately stopped for a second, turning her head to see Calvin sitting within his chair still, crossing his arms as he looked at her with a gentle gaze.
Bella: Calvin? zoning out or something?......c'mon, we gotta board the plane.....
Calvin could only sit and look at Bella with a small sigh.......concerning her as she saw him stand up from his chair and walk towards her, completely leaving his luggage behind. Bella stood confused as Calvin approached her more and more......
Calvin: Isabella......I...
Calvin raised his hand and gently placed it on Bella's shoulder, and Yumi turned her head to notice them as well........
Calvin:......I won't actually be tagging along for this trip of yours...........
Bella felt a tiny strike hit her heart only slightly as she stared at him....stumbling...but eventually finding her words....
Bella: what?........why?....
Calvin:......I want to start over......and listen to your advice........I recently was selected to attend and become a student of Inkblot art University.......
While some cephalopods are currently attending Inkblot art academy, only a lucky few get selected to attend the next and more upgraded advancement of schooling, which was known as "Inkblot Art University".
A step ahead from the academy, the University is a much more experienced, expensive, and better school for many young cephalopods who were willing to start their lives and careers.
The university was known for accepting many different forms of art, including painting, digital software, and even music.
Calvin: I'm sorry that this is so....sudden......I just wanted to stay with you all one last time since my plane leaves an hour after yours......
Bella: are you gonna be.....okay?....
Calvin: yes..........and trust me......
Bella looked at Calvin and waited for his words to flow and finish his statement......but first......Calvin gave her a amazing smile......even letting out a small chuckle at her.
Calvin: I will definitely keep you updated.........and I'll miss everyone deeply.........
Calvin: thank you truly are the one who can change the world......and the hearts of others......
In a slightly confused state, Calvin saw Bella inch closer and closer to him, and without a single word or warning, Bella gently wrapped her arms around the Inkling boy, which caught him by surprise when Bella brought him into a soft and loving hug.........
Bella:............I understand.........and I'm sorry.....that you had to deal with so much violence from society.....and from even one of my friends......
Calvin lifted his arms slowly and hugged Bella back, and from a slight gaze, he noticed Yumi looking at them both, and even she had a small smile on her face towards him, giving him a nod to show her means of a "goodbye" better visit.....from time to "ifs, ands, or buts"....
Calvin:........*small chuckle*.....I promise I will.....
The two separated and Calvin looked over to a nearby wall clock to see it slowly ticking before them......
Calvin: I have 55 I'm going to use that time to grab food and try to contact the University early......
Bella smirked at him and raised her fist as well, making Calvin look at it as she even let out a chuckle herself.
Bella: good luck Calvin.........remember that you are your own choose your own path........the bonds you build.....and the battles to fight in.........
Bella: don't let anyone tell you otherwise.......
Calvin lifted his own fist and gently gave Bella a small fist bump, smiling even more than before, feeling a strong sense inside of himself......breaking free...
Calvin: of course.......
The two separated fists and turned away from each other, but waved towards each other one last time until they focused their attention forward, with Bella catching up with Yumi, walking by her side and approaching the plane, yet before Yumi could speak, she heard a small sigh escape her lips......
*present time*
Bella:......yeah.....I know he'll be alright......It just surprised me a bit, because I didn't expect him to take a step like this.......
Yumi: he would've never taken that step if it wasn't for you.......
Speaker: alright ladies and gentlesquids, as you can see we are slowly beginning our descendent towards Calamari Lodge, please make sure to gather all of your belongings and situate yourselves properly at this time.
Otto: Finally!!
Yasu: *chuckle* it was only a 2 hour long flight, Otto.
Otto: *glares* 2 hours too many.
Gabby: how about you both shut up and be respectful. You're not the only ones on this damn plane.
Otto: oh shut up! Don't tell me what do do!
Inkling woman: young man, please! My baby is trying to sleep!
Otto: Fuck your baby!!-
Just then, Yasu immediately covered Otto's mouth as sweat began to trail down his head as he heard the woman let out a gasp.
Yasu: N-Nothing sir!! My friend can be a bit difficult sometimes, so please forgive him!!
The man grumbled and Yasu could hear it from the distance, slowly moving his hand off of Otto's mouth.
Yasu:....calm down, dummy....
Gabby: good almost ruined our vacation before it even started, Dipshit.
Miles: you guys have any napkins?......Lola spilled some juice on my pants.....
Amira: it looks as if he used the bathroom on himself......
Miles: Amira!
Cynthia: you mean pissed his pants? *looks* oh shit, it actually does!
Miles: *glares* yeah, ha ha very funny.....just please give me some napkins.....
Obsidian: I believe I have some napkins.....
Miles: can I please get some?
Obsidian:........uh.....s-sadly they're in my bag.......but I can give them to you when we get off the plane......
Miles: why would you even tell me if you-......maaaan.....uuugh.....
Obsidian: I'm sorry!
Lux: don't worry Blue!
Without hesitation, Lux dramatically hopped from her chair and began to squeeze through the main hall while saying "excuse me" and "pardon me", receiving mean grumbles from the many passengers, which also embarrassed Miles as she finally reached him with a cute smile.
Lux: help is here!
Lux stuffed her hand into her pocket and pulled out a small pink rag that was decorated with flowers, and Miles could only uncomfortably give her a chuckle while pointing at it.
Miles:......uh......why were you carrying a rag in your pocket?.....
Lux: oh, this isn't a rag Blue, it's Cecelia's blanket.
Cecelia: what!!?
Lux: I'll get the mess up for you!
Miles: n-no, no!!! I can do that myself Lu-
Before he had the chance to finish, Lux immediately kneeled down and began to rub the rag over the lower half of Miles's wet hoodie, and Miles could only let out a confused Inkling boy yelp as her hand began to move lower and lower.
Miles began to sweat uncontrollably after feeling Amira's deep gaze on him from behind just as Lux eventually touched his.........area......and she began to rub over it, being completely fucking oblivious on what she was even touching.
Miles blushed as hard as a tomato, and he noticed Cynthia and Gabby looking at the situation, and while Gabby had a more confused face, Cynthia was the exact opposite, slowly extending her phone out, and Miles saw a quick flash and click, which immediately made him glare at her.
Miles: delete that!
Cynthia: holy shit, this is fucking gold!
Miles: L-Lux!!
Lux: *hum hum hum*'s wrong, Blue?
Miles: j-j-just give me the rag!
Lux: but I wanna do a favor for you!
Miles: I can do it myself!
Lux: Let me rub you!!!
Miles: Lux, don't say it like that please!
Gabby: *smirk* you're getting this, right?.....
Cynthia: yyyyyup.
Lux: what's the problem? I used to rub you like this all the time!!
Miles: *B L U S H* LUX!!!
Amira: rub?....
Miles: don't worry about that Amira!! S-She's lying!!
Lux: what? I'm no-
Just then, Miles immediately covered her mouth and looked straight at her, sweating bullets while mumbles came from the passengers on the plane....
Miles:.....*whisper*....Lux.....for the love of the Great Zapfish.....please stop......
Just as Lux was going to respond, they heard a small tick of static coming from the speaker in the plane once again.
Speaker: okay ladies and gentlesquids, we are now landing as we speak, so make sure to sit down properly in your seats.
Miles: uh oh.....
Within the next second, the plane gently landed on the runway, and Lux fell over from the impact, but before she face planted into the ground, Miles quickly grabbed Lux by her shirt, slightly stretching the collar and giving him a small view to see one of the two shoulder straps for her bra, making him freak out even more as Lux regained herself and felt him immediately pull his hand away from her.
Lux: *phew* almost fell on my face there, Blue! You're my hero!
Lux: hm...
Lux looked down and extended her hand out, touching the damp surface of Miles with her hand, giving him a smile with a thumbs up.
Lux: I guess I should say my "dry" hero! My work here is done!
Miles:............*sigh*......cod dammit...
Lux dramatically squeezed her way through the many passengers as the plane came to a complete stop, and Miles finally built up the courage to turn his head towards Amira and see her absolutely confused expression.
Miles:............I can explain......
Speaker: okay everyone, we made a nice and successful landing, so you all can now start to exit the plane within a patient and organized fashion, and Thank you for using SeaFlight Airlines!
One by one, everyone began to exit the plane to slowly make their way into the airport, with Gabby and Cynthia being one of the first out of their friends to step off. Gabby leaned against the wall to wait as Cynthia was snickering while watching the video of Lux and Miles on her phone.
Cynthia: dude, I'm never gonna let him live this down! This is too fucking hilarious!
Gabby: it was funny while it lasted.....
Not soon later, everyone walked out of their plane gate and Gabby counted everyone in sight.
Gabby:....alright......that should be everyone.....
Gabby looked over to see Otto as the only one who wasn't fixated on the situation, but only looking back into the gate to see if anymore cephalopods would wander out. Before Gabby spoke, she noticed Yasu walk over to him and gently grab his shoulder, peeking over it as well.
Yasu: what's wrong?....
Otto:.......*sigh*........there's no way that the bastard ditched us.......
Otto: I just know he was on the plane.......I......ugh.....this has to be a prank.....
Yasu: *smiles* you can't help but respect his choice, Otto....
Otto:.....*tsk* he could've at least gave us all a proper goodbye instead of just telling Isabella......
Yasu: he most likely only told her because he knew you wouldn't accept it alongside others.....
Yasu: regardless......he'll never forget us.....and we'll never forget him...all we can do now is cheer him on from the sidelines.....
Otto: I guess you're right....
Otto turned his head to immediately get greeted with Yasu's face inches away from his, and the Octo could only chuckle as Otto began to feel a bit uncomfortable, reaching up and gently pushing Yasu's face away from his.
Otto:.........too close........
Gabby: alright everyone! Huddle up!
Otto and Yasu were caught my Gabby's yelp, which made them walk towards her alongside everyone else.
Gabby: Calamari lodge is very close from this airport. We're gonna find the nearest exit and head there with a single super jump.
Lux: aye aye captain!
Bella: can we grab food first?....I'm starving!
Obsidian: me too..
Aryll: me three!
Leon: me as well.
Everyone began to ramble and Gabby immediately took their statements into consideration, even patting her own stomach, then letting out a shrug.
Gabby: sure. Let's grab some grub and chill for a bit.
The entire group walked down the airport, with Yasu slouching over Otto and making him sigh, yet deal with it, just as Amira looked at Lux, who was walking and humming while next to Charlotte and Cecelia, seeing the red adult cucumber hold her wet blanket.
Cecelia: I can't believe you used my blanket to rub a man's private area....
Lux: well I just found out it was your blanket actually!
Cecelia: wait what? How long ago?
Lux: like.....yesterday when we were packing......
Lux: before hand I thought it was a wash cloth, so I used it for cleaning! you're the reason why my blanket............
Lux: hm?
Cecelia: you know what.......take it....I'll buy a new one.....
Lux: *gasp* Yes!!
Amira in the distance saw Lux flail the cloth around in joy, and she tilted her head as she began to close the distance between her and the adorable Inkling, poking her shoulder.
Lux: hm? Oh, hi Amira!
Amira: hello.......I have a question....
Lux: what's up? said you used to rub Miles all the time on the plane.......
Lux: rub him? Oh yeah I did say that. Me and Blue were rub buddies!
Lux: Rub Buddies! I rub him, and he rubs me!
Cecelia:....*covers Charlotte's ears*...
Amira: is that so?.....
Lux: Mhm. I wasn't too good at rubbing him, but he was amazing at rubbing me! He's a rubbing expert! massage?....
Lux: in a way, yeah!
Amira: hm.......I you think he'll give me a massage if I ask for one?.....
Lux: nope. Blue is silly and nervous, so i would always start first. looks as if I have to be the first to engage in this activity with him....
Cecelia: (.....*sigh*....poor girl doesn't even fucking know what Lux is referring to.......)
After a lot of debates and arguments, everyone finally settled on grabbing food from SquidDonalds, sitting down within the food court and sharing tables with one another.
Miles carried his lunch tray and looked into the court to catch his friends, seeing Bella and Yumi sitting together, Leon and Mellow surprisingly, Otto and Yasu, and he soon moved around more and more.
Miles: (hm.......looks like everyone has a where's Amira?....)
Just then, Miles immediately spotted the red eyed Inkling girl sitting down at a table as well, and when he looked across from her, she saw Lux sitting with her, flailing her arms around and laughing. Miles could only stand in shock, but a small smile spread on his face just as he began to walk and find his own table.
Miles: ( least they're getting along.........I guess I got way too paranoid to think that Amira would get angry..........then again.......Echo said it herself........Amira is a gentle squid........towards me specifically...)
Miles sat down at a table by himself and rested a bit, looking down at his single burger and small fries, and a drink on the side.
Miles: (....I really hope they're not talking about what I'm obviously thinking....but knowing my luck...)
Miles picked up a fry and nibbled on it, watching the many different sea creatures pass by and make their ways through the airport slowly and surely, and he gently shook his own hoodie to wake up the sleeping cucumber within his pocket.
Miles: wake up and eat Lola.....I got some food for-.........Lola?......Lola!?....
Miles patted his pocket and didn't feel any form of the cucumber, and he immediately looked under the table, on his legs, and all around his body, but she was nowhere to be found.
Miles: where did she go?....
Just then, Miles noticed Obsidian and Erida at their own table, with Ginger on the table and Lola on top of her shell.
And as Ginger ate a piece of lettuce that was placed before her, Obsidian grabbed a fry and offered it to Lola, who was about to eat it, but before she could grab the fry, Ginger stretched her neck and grabbed it first, then began to munch on it with Lola whimpering and whacking on her shell, but Ginger simply continued to eat and ignore her, only making Obsidian giggle.
Obsidian: it's okay, just take this fry instead.....
Lola reached for the fry, but Ginger snatched her food once again and began to munch on the fry, which made Lola jump and hop on Ginger, whacking her faster and yelping. Lola hopped off Ginger and crawled closer to Obsidian, asking for a fry, but instead of giving her a fry, Obsidian pointed towards Ginger.
Obsidian: Look Lola! Ginger wants to share!
Lola turned towards Ginger and saw the turtle inch closer, opening it's mouth and placing down a small piece of the previous giant piece of lettuce from before. Ginger lowered her head and nudged the lettuce closer to Lola, and Lola picked up the small piece of lettuce, bonking Ginger on the head with it and making her retreat back into her shell.
Obsidian: *gasp* Lola!
Erida:.....a strong warrior indeed....
Miles simply watched in the distance and saw Lola flail and whine, which only made him slightly chuckle as he rested his chin on his palm.
Miles:......welp......I guess some time to myself wouldn't be so bad....
Cynthia: heeeeeeey Miiiiiles~
Miles: never mind.....
Miles turned his head to see Cynthia standing right next to him with a teasing smirk on her face while her tray was FULL of food. He could only let out a sigh of embarrassment as the Octoling placed her tray across from him, pulling out the chair to sit down as well.
Cynthia: whatcha sitting over here by yourself for, doofus?
Miles: well....Amira and Lola found other
Cynthia: is that so? Looks like you've been left in the dust, man. *grabs a nugget*
Miles: well you did too.....where's Gabby?.....I thought you'd be with her....
Cynthia: Gabs just got a simple burger and ran ahead. She wanted to get some directions and junk *nom* ya know "Responsible" things that none of us want to do ourselves.
Miles:......yeah....she is a hardworking Inkling........
Cynthia: Very hardworking.....*dip*...I respect that out of her *nom*....trush meh....*chew*......shehs awshome....
Cynthia: *swallow* dude, if she didn't come to the café to blow off steam everyday, she'd be a literal walking devil *dip dip*
Miles: that's true.......
Cynthia: what's up with you, man? You alright?
Miles: oh I'm fine!.....just a bit....ya know....
Cynthia: still embarrassed about the handjob Lux gave ya on the plane? *nom* makes shensh.
Miles: it wasn't a handjob...
Cynthia: *swallow* yeah......"wasn't a handjob"...
Miles: c'mon I'm serious!
Cynthia: dude, she was literally rubbing your dick.
Miles: she was drying up the juice Lola spilled on me!
Cynthia: but she still touched it right?
Cynthia: sheeeeee touched it.
Cynthia: she literally touched and made contact with it, Miles.
Miles: well she touched it yeah, but that doesn't count!
Cynthia: yes it does~
Miles: why do you torture me like this?.......
Cynthia: because I like it when you're flustered. It's hilarious and adorable. You're one of the coolest squids I know.
Cynthia picked up her burger and took a big bite from it as Miles looked at her.....then gently smiled....
Cynthia: mmmph! Nu probem!
Miles: don't talk with your mouth full like that!
Cynthia swallowed her food and only chuckled at Miles's worried state, and she gently licked some ketchup off of her fingers and lips.
Cynthia: damn, this burger is your food! You barely touched it!
Miles: oh!....
Miles grabbed his own burger and took a bite from it himself, looking down at it as he chewed rather slowly, but Cynthia could only look at him and poke his forehead to catch his attention.
Cynthia: hey.......let's make a deal....
Miles:....*swallow*.....I'm already scared....
Cynthia: *smirk* c'mon. This is honestly gonna be a fair trade regardless.
Miles:........*sigh*.....what's the deal?..........
Cynthia: I'm just gonna ask you a simple answer truthfully, and I'll delete the pictures and videos I took of you and Lux off my phone.
Cynthia: come oooooon~ if you don't say yes, I'll just simply keep the pictures and videos forever, and I know you don't want that~
Miles:.............fine......ask away.....
Cynthia chuckled slightly as she reached down and grabbed a fry, dipping it in ketchup, pointing the fry towards Miles as some ketchup dripped off and onto the table.
Cynthia:.........Did you and Lux ever have sex?~............
Miles:...*blush*......c-c'mon Cynthia......seriously?...
Cynthia: you agreed to the have to be honest, dude. *nom*
Cynthia:......any minute now~.......
Miles:........*looks away*.....uh....
Cynthia: trust me Miles, I'm not letting you out of my sight until I get my answer.
Miles: S-Stop rushing me!....I...Uuuugh! Can't you tell what my answer is by my reaction!?
Cynthia: oh I can. *shrugs* I just wanna hear you say it~
Miles: whyyyy!?.......
Cynthia: say it~
Miles sighed and leaned on the table, covering his face from Cynthia a bit, grumbling as he barely opened his mouth.....
Miles:.......yes.......w-we did.....happy now?.....
Cynthia: *nom* yup. I always had a tingly feeling that you were hiding something from me.....and here it is~
Miles: okay w-whatever, just delete that stuff off your phone.....
Cynthia: yeah yeah I know, dummy. A deals a deal...
Cynthia pulled out her phone and unlocked it, then flipped it around and offered it to Miles.
Cynthia: care to do the honors?
Miles leaned up and gently grabbed Cynthia's phone, scrolling and permanently deleting the videos and photos, before letting out a sigh and handing it back to her.
Miles: I'm honestly surprised that you actually held up your end of the deal......
Cynthia: I get where you're coming from. I'll tease you forever, but I still respect you as my friend.
Cynthia grabbed the last piece of her burger and stuffed it into her mouth while smiling in delight before swallowing it, and Miles could already see her completely empty tray.
Miles: eat fast......
Cynthia: only because I haven't had SquidDonalds in a while. *point* are you gonna finish that?
Miles:..............I........*sigh* not really............I wasn't really too hungry can have it if you want.......
Cynthia: say no more!
Cynthia grabbed Miles's tray and dragged it across the table, setting it on top of her old tray and immediately grabbing the burger that Miles only took 1 bite from, then took a big bite from it herself.
Cynthia picked up one of his fries as well and tossed it up in the air, looking up and opening her mouth to let the fry fall down right inside, and after she chewed and swallowed her food, she licked her lips again while looking back at Miles.
Cynthia: what position?.....
Miles: what?....
Cynthia: like, what position were you guys in when you had sex? *lick*
Miles: I'm not answering that. You said "1 QUESTION".
Cynthia: there's no need to be nervous, Miles. You literally told me your biggest secret.......what more do you have to hide?
Miles..........I......I-I know.....
Cynthia: *lick lick* you can't help it though. I'm pretty sure you've never told this to anyone before huh? Not even Echo?
Cynthia: so answer the question. You're acting like I'm going to physically hurt you.
Miles: you already mentally hurt me, Cynthia......I'm obviously keeping my guard up to try and maintain the last bit of dignity I have left.....
Cynthia: Hah! That's fucking true! *nom* how about I ask a different question?
Cynthia: I'll take that as a yes. *ahem* who was the controlling one in the relationship?
Miles:..............uh......I....I guess me?........I was usually the one who planned our dates.......arranged dinner.......the list goes on.....
Cynthia: I see. Also, you two lived together?
Miles: at one point....
Cynthia: I guess allowing girls to stay in your apartment is common for you.
Miles: shut up....
Cynthia: hm~ so that means you were the first one to make a move huh? Specifically for sex too?
Cynthia: yup, bingo.
Miles: it actually wasn't me........
Cynthia: woah, woah, woah! No bingo! Dude, are you serious!?
Cynthia: so you're telling me that......
Cynthia pointed straight at Lux while keeping eye contact with Miles, still in complete shock as Miles grew a blush once again.
Cynthia: her?......she was the one!?
Cynthia: my cod, I heard Otto and Gabs discussing about Lux one time. She was like, a total scaredy-squid, right?
Miles: I mean.....she was I guess..... expected her to have strong hormones.
Cynthia: so I'm guessing you two *ahem* rubbed each other often?
Miles: not answering question.
Cynthia: *snickers* got it. You obviously wore a condom, right?
Miles: of course I did!
Cynthia: Ha! Just double checking!
Cynthia burped and leaned back in her chair with her hands on top of her stomach, letting out a satisfied sigh after finishing Miles's food as well. She looked over at Lux and Amira and simply saw Lux wobbling her body around with a smile as Amira gently clapped her hands.
Cynthia:........I'm glad that Amira is chill with Lux........I was scared that......ya know.......the whole Inkopolis ball situation......would happen again.
Miles: Ditto.....
Cynthia: she's so.......calm about this.....
Miles: do you know why?......
Cynthia: I'm guessing she's in a 50/50 state right now.....
Miles: what do you mean?
Cynthia: she's very confused because she's never been in a serious situation like this before. I'm pretty sure her trust for you built up so much that it's unintentionally keeping her calm.
Miles:............I guess you're right.....she did seem a bit upset during the exams though when she FIRST met Lux.
Cynthia: jealousy at first sight? That's expected. It usually wears off pretty fast for some squids.
Cynthia: oh, and also!!
Cynthia swiftly kicked Miles's leg right under the table and made him yelp in pain before jumping slightly off his seat.
Miles: what was that for!?
Cynthia: you STILL didn't ask her out yet!!?
Cynthia: dude, what the fuck? I figured that you would've done it by now-
Miles: I-I know, I know!.....I just......I'm.....J-Just......
Cynthia: super scared?...
Miles:.......heh.......yeah......I know I shouldn't be......but.....I.........
Cynthia: alright.....let me tell you something, bud.
Cynthia: it's no shocker that Amira is feeling the exact same way about the situation because I asked HER first about this junk.
Miles:.....I figured so....
Cynthia: she told me that the main problem is you two don't usually have any "quality time" together.
Cynthia: don't doubt yourself at all, Miles, because Amira is doubting herself as well. If you had any form of thought that Amira would turn you down, you're definitely wrong. I apologize for me and everyone else who were unintentionally being third wheels.
Cynthia leaned over the table and closed the distance between her and Miles, extending her hands and grabbing his face, pulling on his cheeks while wobbling his body.
Cynthia: She. Loves. You. Idiot!!
Miles: ow ow ow ow okay, I get it! I'll ask her!
Cynthia smirked and pinched his cheeks a bit harder, hearing small inkling grunts coming from Miles, who grabbed her hands to try and pry them off.
Cynthia: you promise?
Miles: yes!
Cynthia: pinkie promise!?
Miles: yes!!
Cynthia: omega pinkie promise!!?
Miles: yes dammit!!
Cynthia let go of Miles and sat back down in her chair, seeing Miles rub his cheeks and whimpering slightly. She couldn't help but crack a smile towards him, but she turned her head towards Amira once again, seeing that Lola made her way over to her table, playing patty cake with Lux's fingers.
Cynthia:...........make sure you do it before it's too late........
Cynthia: Amira's curiosity won't last forever.......and she'll potentially change her view on you and Lux as time moves on..........
Miles:.......*nod*.......I know......
Cynthia: I'm honestly surprised that your relationship with Lux is still this close.......
Miles: what makes you say that?
Cynthia: just cuz......*shrugs* she's definitely a pretty nice and chill girl to this day.....I can tell that she didn't hold any grudges against that definitely means you two had a very nice breakup........that's pretty rare to see........
Miles:....oh....yeah our breakup was.......something I guess.......
Cynthia: did she dump you? Or did you dump her?....
Miles:............s-she dumped me.......
Cynthia:.........shit.....did YOU at least take it well?......
Miles: I'm gonna be honest.........n-no...
Miles:.....I was......v-very upset......for months......
Cynthia: sheesh dude.....she meant THAT much to you?......
Miles sighed and that was enough for Cynthia to get an answer.........she saw Miles look towards Lux......and Cynthia gently tapped her finger on the table......hesitating...... last question...
Cynthia:......why did you two break up in the first place? do you remember?
Miles: oh.....uh...
Cynthia: trust me, you don't have to answer.
Miles: it's fine...
Miles looked away from Lux and diverted his attention to Cynthia.....slightly taking a breath......
Miles: w-we broke up because-
Just then, Miles felt someone rest their hand on his shoulder from behind, which sent a huge shock of fear through his body, and right by his face, he saw Gabby right next to him.
Cynthia: oh, what's up Gabs?
Gabby: found the route we need to take for our destination. It was definitely a pain in the ass though......
Gabby: the hell?.....why is your body so warm Miles? okay?.....*sigh* don't tell me you caught a cold or something.
Miles: me!? Oh I'm fine! Absolutely fine actually! Like, I feel amazing!!....heh...
Gabby looked over at everyone sitting at their separate tables simply talking with empty trays in front of them.
Gabby: alright....looks like everyone is done eating.
Cynthia: you think it's about time we get outta here?
Gabby: yeah.......*ahem*....alright guys let's get out of here! The lodge is waiting for us!
Everyone immediately began to ramble in joy as Gabby put her hands on her hips with a cocky and prideful smirk across her face, and as everyone began to stand to throw away and clean up their areas, Miles saw Amira wave at Lux as she ran off to quickly clean her mess as well....
Lola hopped on Amira's shoulder and he couldn't help but stare at Amira and her beautiful smile as she gently patted the cucumber with her finger.....and he soon saw Amira's eyes look up and gaze into his direction.....until they both made eye contact.......
Miles couldn't help but get embarrassed and worry on if she noticed his awkward staring....but he soon felt the gentle tap on his leg from under the table.....and from obviously knowing who it was, he looked at Cynthia and saw her nudging her head over in Amira's direction, signaling for him to leave.....
Miles understood and slowly stood up from his chair and walk over to Amira, noticing her face turn a bit red as he approached more and more.....then they simply stood in front of each other.
Amira:......H-Hi Miles...
Miles:....Hey Amira....
Amira:.....did you......enjoy your food?
Miles: oh...yeah....well no....I mean yes! Wait I uh.........s-sorry......I barely ate......that's what......I was trying to say......
Amira: *giggle* I see.....I didn't eat much myself.....
Miles: well I guess we both were just not really hungry for fast food......but I'm uh....I'm usually this way....
Amira: what do you mean?
Miles: o-oh I meant like.....I usually just cook for myself......*shrug*.....I only eat out with my friends.......
Amira:.....ah...I understand....ever since we've been living together....I've been feeling quite different specifically for my appetite.....
Miles: wait really?
Amira: *nod*.....I believe it just has to do with your cooking......
Miles: wait is it bad to you!!? I'm sorr-
Amira: No no....the exact opposite actually......
Amira: your cooking is so......immaculate........every time we ate dinner......I felt so......relaxed and soothed......I feel so happy when I taste your food......anything else I taste that's not created by you feels.....odd.... like my cooking.....t-that much?.......
Amira could only let out a small blush as she looked away from him, nodding as she brushed her tentacle away from her face.
Amira: absolutely.......
Miles:.........I-I.......uh...........thank you....very much.....Amira....
As the two shared a moment, Lola took her opportunity to hop from off of Amira and latch herself onto Miles, which caught him off guard, but soon made him calmly shake his head and reach to gently rub her head with his finger....
Miles: you know I was gonna give you my entire lunch right Lola?......
Lola shook her head as if she was having a frenzy from her sudden realization, and let out little squeaks towards Miles, which made Amira look at her as well, making her smile.
Miles: it's too late now, stupid. Cynthia beat you to it.
Miles: don't look at me like that, Lola. Oh, and also....
Miles's gentle rub on her head then soon turned into slightly firm taps just as he frowned at her, seeing her whimper and hold her head with her extended nubs.
Miles: I saw what you did to Ginger, young lady. You better apologize to her soon.
Lola: *hmph!*
Miles: if you don't, I'm putting you on a diet!
Lola:.......*S Q U E A K*.....
Miles: no sweets, no dinners, no juices or sodas!
Amira saw Lola begin to whimper much more loudly, and she hopped straight off of Miles's body, only for him to catch her before she landed on the ground, picking her back up and shaking his head at her.
Miles: nope......I want you to THINK on your apology. Don't just say sorry to benefit yourself.
Lola huffed and Miles simply rolled his eyes at her, placing her on his shoulder just as Amira walked up to him.
Miles: you sure love to argue back, Lola..........
Miles looked over to see Gabby walking down the airport after gathering everyone, and just then, Cynthia walked past Miles and Amira, raising her hands and gently flicking both of them on the backs of their heads.
Cynthia: time to go, love-squids! Let's get this vacation starteeeeed!
Miles and Amira stood blankly as they watched Cynthia walk off as well, then the two began to follow her, with Amira looking at Lola and seeing her huff louder than before. would make a great father......
Miles: oh I.......w-what!?
Amira:....a father.......*head tilt*....did I say something wrong?.....
Miles: n-no I caught me off guard........and you would be.....a Um......great mother...... you mean that?....
Miles: of course.
Amira:.....I doubt so.......I just.....don't feel like I'd be good at socializing.....with my child that is.....
Miles: older sister always explained how parenting takes a lot of time and love.......she had a rocky start when she became a mother to my niece.......
Miles: but now she's a professional........and I love my niece so my eyes you'd be perfect....
Amira blushed a bit more from Miles's comment before looking down to see his swaying hand........and she tensed up as she slowly opened her mouth.
Amira:......excuse me.......
Miles: hm?....
Amira:.......could I......we..........
Miles sat in silent confusion from Amira....but he immediately snapped and felt Amira's hand slowly slide across his.........
Even though she wasn't making eye contact.......Miles understood her intent and blushed more as he wrapped his fingers in with hers.....holding her hand with a small chuckle........
Miles:.........s-sure thing........
The two grasped hands a bit more tightly as they walked down the airport together..........finally starting their vacation within calamari lodge......
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