Chapter 53: Rejected Love
*2 years ago*
The moon shined down onto the world, gleaming through a pair of window curtains, illuminating off of an Inkling boy's blue tentacles to make them shine slightly.
The light faded from the boy not long afterwards due to the movement of inkling girl to be exact.......Lux.......staring directly down at Miles...
Lux and Miles pressed their lips together gently, sharing a kiss with one another. The moon now shined down onto Lux's tentacles instead of Miles, covering the sides of his face....making him feel as if he was enclosed within curtains.......sharing this moment with Lux.....being the only two squids on the planet......
They separated their kiss and Lux whimpered a little after feeling her own blush form on her face, but also noticing Miles who flustered her with an adorable blush of his own.
She leaned up from Miles, simply sitting on his lap, and she looked down and noticed his bare chest, and she placed her hand on his stomach, feeling down his skin slowly.
Miles: w-well......that's what happens when you......battle everyday.....y-ya know?.....and our trips to the gym seem to be paying off......
Miles shifted his eyes down Lux's body, noticing her only wearing a simple bra and panties......he let out an awkward chuckle to try to hide his embarrassment, then raised his hand and touched onto Lux's stomach as well.
Miles: see? You're strong too....
Lux looked deep into his eyes, but instead of an expanding blush, she stopped herself and looked away from him, and Miles began to get concerned as he removed his hand, seeing her blush shrink....
Miles: h-hey.....are you alright?.....
Miles: If that made you uncomfortable, I'm sorry........and we ca-
Lux: it's okay.........I-I was the one who wanted to do this.......I just.......
Lux moved her body backwards and got off of Miles, noticing him only wearing a simple pair of shorts, and just as he leaned his body up, he saw Lux gently grasp the bed sheets and sigh a little.
Miles: what's wrong?.....
Lux:.........B-Blue....I still feel like....I'm holding you back.........
Miles:.....what talking about, Lux? could a.....confused and scared inkling like me.....get with a nice.........a-and strong guy like you....
Lux: I don't......deserve you, Blue.....I always......ruin things........I get splatted so much.......I'm usually the one who makes us lose within our league battles.......I'm too scared to take action........
Lux: you're my happiness...and my stick up for me when Otto tries to tease me........I wanna be like....l-like you.....
Miles leaned up more until he was sitting with his legs crossed in front of her, noticing her ruffled tentacles, staying silent before her........he looked down at her hands and saw scratches........and her rough skin.......showing nothing but proof of her training.....
Lux: I wanna be strong like you.....I train myself hard almost every weekend so I can play better for you during our battles within the upcoming weeks.
Lux: I will never splattershot.......when I hold it.....I remember who I'm fighting for......
Lux soon felt Miles gently poke her nose, which made her wince and whimper, looking at him once more to see nothing but a calm and collected smile.
Miles: hey........c'mon Lux, you know all of those bad things aren't true.....
Miles: I don't care if I win or lose a match......only because you're with always make me smile, even when I slightly glance at you.....I feel myself fall deeper and deeper in love with you......
Lux:.....y-you do?...
Miles: of course *chuckles* you're my battle partner and girlfriend after hold a special place in my heart.........and for years to come, I'll cherish you......cherish us.....and cherish these memories.....
Miles rubbed the back of his head with a laugh as he began to blush even harder than before.
Miles: I'm not perfect either.......I make mistakes exactly like you. Do you remember when I fell and dropped the rainmaker in the water?
Lux saw Miles close his eyes and laugh a bit louder, and her face softened from his look, unintentionally snickering at him.
Lux: y-yeah....
Miles: I was so embarrassed, but I love looking back on it. you remember when you threw a suction bomb and accidentally stuck it to my head?
Miles: we still took the zone and won because of it! Even if you had to be a sacrifice!
Lux: I was forced to be a sacrifice, Blue!
Miles: oh come oooon! That definitely isn't as bad as you getting splatted by a sprinkl-
Lux: no no no! Don't remind me!!
Miles: Spriiiiiiinkleeeeer~
Lux: you have no right to speak, Blue! you ran into a splash wall and splatted yourself on accident!
Miles: the sploosh was chasing me! I didn't have a choice but to run!
Lux: but aren't you the saaaaaame squid who aimed his killer wail in the sky? You wasted your special~
Miles: no, that doesn't count!! That was Sheldon's fault! The killer wail malfunctioned!
Lux: suuuuure~
Miles: shut it, or else I'll bring up the time when you got tossed around like a pinball at Walleye Warehouse!
Lux: no!
Miles: I gave you a bubble from my Zink Mini Splatling, but soon an Inkstrike landed DIRECTLY on you!
Lux: okay okay, Blue no! you win!
Miles: that tornado spun you around soooooo much then launched you from wall to wall~ *shrugs* at least you splatted the rainmaker carrier with that tactic!
Lux: *whimpers* stooooooop!
Miles: and you also threw up on the guy who launched the Inkstrike, so you technically got your revenge~ you flew around and all I heard was "BLAAAAAAA"
Lux snickered a little once more as she looked back at Miles to see him flailing his arms around with a funny expression. Her snickers turned into giggles, which then turned into a full laugh from her. Miles laughed with her, and the two shared their moment....but as he saw Lux smile, his heart began to beat faster, which eventually made Lux slightly confused. there something wrong, Blue?....
Miles: o-oh.......nah....I your's beautiful.
Miles: it just caused me to lock up for a second, ya know?
The two grew silent......but not from an awkward statement.......but simply their love....staring at each other once again......Miles unintentionally began to move his body closer to Lux, placing his hand on her cheek, and the two closed their eyes, connecting their lips once again.......
Lux gently felt on his bare skin as he did the same to her........he slid his hand and heard her tiny moan as he soon made contact with her bra, which made him separate the kiss and hesitate, but Lux simply gave him a nod, already knowing what he was going to ask......
Lux:......I don't mind.....
Lux leaned in closer and hugged Miles, catching him off guard completely, snuggling her face into his shoulder.
Miles:.........I wanna...........s-stay with you.........forever......
Lux moved away from Miles and booped his nose as payback, only making him blush as she giggled.
Lux I do too, Silly.........I love you......
Miles:................I.......L-Love you too.
The two leaned in and kissed once again.....and Miles picked up where he left off, grabbing her bra and gently unclipping it as their hearts began to melt........only covered with thoughts towards each other.....
*present time*
Miles leaned down within the kitchen while opening up the oven door, grabbing onto a large tray of lasagna he recently made. He let out a small relaxed sigh as he smelled the food, walking over to the counter and placing it down.
He took off his oven mitts and placed them to the side before stretching himself a bit.
Miles: dinner is done........Amira did say she wanted to try my lasagna. I hope she likes it.
Miles walked away from the lasagna, but just as he did, Lola snuck into the kitchen and stared at the lasagna, slightly drooling. Lola reached with one of her nubs to grab a chunk of lasagna to eat, but before she had the chance to touch it, a plastic spoon flew through the air and bonked the cucumber on her head, making her whimper and look to see Miles shaking his head at her.
Miles: don't touch it now Lola, let it cool down for a bit before you burn yourself....
Miles grabbed the broom just as Lola huffed at him and curled into a ball near the lasagna.
Miles: don't use that tone with me, young lady.
He heard another huff that made him roll his eyes before sweeping the floor and stepping back while doing so. A sigh escaped his mouth as he collected the dirt and dust into a small pile.
He swept and swept while the smell of his lasagna began to take over, which only made Lola twitch from pure hunger.
Miles: you JUST ate a sandwich 10 minutes ago, Lola. I know you're not that hungry......just a little longer-
Just as he threw away the dirt, he heard three knocks at his door that made him stop in his tracks and look towards Lola, who was also now fixated on the knock as well.
Miles:......I guess Cynthia let her out early......
Miles put away the broom and hummed to himself while walking towards the door, allowing Lola to jump and latch herself onto his arm, reaching over and grabbing the doorknob, opening his door slowly.
Miles: right on time. Dinner is hot and fresh out the ove-
Miles froze in place and could only get slightly confused from the cephalopod who stood before him. An Inkling girl with black tentacles and full moon glasses, casually wearing her Kensa sweater..............but he only tilted his head at her.
Miles:.....can I help ya?....
The Inkling girl only began to shake before him, looking into his eyes without a response. Lola extended her nub and gently poked the Inkling on her head, and Miles delicately grabbed her nub with his two fingers to move it away from the Inkling, noticing her attention shifting towards Lola instead.
Miles: L-Lola no.....I told you not to touch random squids..........*looks at the Inkling* sorry about that......
Just then, Lola sat silently with her little cucumber head tilted at the Inkling. With no hesitation, Lola jumped off of Miles and latched herself onto the Inkling girl instead, embarrassing Miles more as she began to squirm on the Inkling and sniff her.
Miles: N-No Lola!
The Inkling stood stunned from Lola and heard her begin to whimper loudly in happiness from her sudden realization. Miles reached out to grab Lola, but stopped himself after seeing her awkward behavior of her squirming on the Inkling up to her shoulder.
The Inkling let out a small smile that turned into a giggle as Lola nuzzled her cheek, hopping up onto her head and curling her body all over her.
Miles:...........sheesh.......she's never like this around strangers.......
???: *smile* yes Lola.......I missed you too.......
Miles raised his eyebrow at the Inkling girl......and he unintentionally leaned slightly closer to her, seeing her look straight back at him.
Miles: "missed"? I.......know you?.....
???:.....still a little usual........*shrugs*......but this fooled everyone else so........I guess you get a pass............
The Inkling inched closer to Miles, and he quickly moved his head back, seeing a smirk spread across her face. She took a step forward......and he took a step back........putting his hands up with a nervous expression as she led him into his own apartment, using her foot to kick the door closed to keep them inside.
Miles: uh......okay, you're starting to creep me out......
Miles: look, this isn't the first time a stranger approached me in my please just tell me who you friend is a cop!
???: well I know that, doofus........I was the one who saved your life from that incident after all.........
Miles stopped completely and simply watched the inkling grab Lola from off of her own head and boop her face with a adorable smile, seeing Lola go crazy once more with her love and snuggle onto her face.
???'s kinda embarrassing that Lola was able to pick up and recognize your best friend before you, huh?.......c'mon Miles~......
With the widening of his eyes from his sudden realization, he saw Lola hop up and continue to wobble around on her head........then it all came back to him..........he saw her turn her face away and pull out a small container from her pocket, gently taking out her contacts and putting them away.......from the slim corner of her eye.....he noticed her beautiful blue eyes.......
Her face looked back at him once again, and he saw her face......a look of pure embarrassment.....yet happiness and guilt......her voice....her eyes......her smile was all enough for Miles to feel his body tense up before him as she looked down and away from him.
Echo:'s been a while, huh? took everything I had to even show my face to you agai-
Just then, at an unbelievable speed, Echo felt Miles wrap his arms around her and hug her close to him, catching her completely off guard and even feeling his tense shaking as he grasped onto her and buried his face in her neck.
Miles: Echo!......P-Please tell me this isn't a dream!'s's been so long ever since I........
She heard Miles break down and begin to cry before her......and it made her eyes water up as well......but she gently smiled, hugging him back and doing the same to him.
Echo: it's're awake....this is actually happening, you big dork......I'm.......surprised that your reaction is even like this honestly.......
Miles: it wouldn't have been any other way!! I lost you and I felt so much guilt for that long span of time!! I'm sorry for everything!! I-
Just then, Miles was cut off in the middle of his apology by a pinch to his neck, which made him jump and stumble back from Echo, getting a look at her tears that flowed down her face as she shook her head at him.
Echo: d-don't even start........
Miles:.....but I-
Echo: literally have nothing to be sorry for......
Echo walked up to Miles and gently grabbed Lola, sticking her to his face and making him muffle and grunt, trying to pull Lola off, making her smile from his adorable nature after wiping her tears away.
She walked over towards his window and leaned against the wall, taking in the new look to his apartment....seeing some extra bits and decorations thrown around that didn't seem like something he'd do, but rather Amira.....
Lola wailed and stuck to Miles from pure love as he tried to pry her off, and from a single thought of Amira that came to Echo, she could only let out a small sigh of happiness....seeing a fresh tray of lasagna with 3 plates stacked near it instead of simply 2 to symbolize him and Lola........
She saw him finally unstick Lola from his face and saw him look right at her from embarrassment.
Echo: mind taking a walk with me?.....
Miles:.....I..........o-oh yes! Sure thing!
Miles quickly began to scurry around his apartment, tossing on a jacket and shoes, then grabbing onto a umbrella. He saw Echo open up his window and hop out onto his fire escape before jumping down completely, leaving him in his room to look at Lola on his shoulder.
He locked his door, grabbed his keys, and made sure to place a lid over the lasagna before leaving and closing his window behind him. He jumped down from the fire escape and landed next to Echo, then began to walk alongside her out of the back of Splat Tower.
Miles: we could've taken my front door, ya know.......
Echo: not in the mood to go down that slow elevator and make my way through the lobby, dude. This way is much faster.
Miles could feel the very small and gentle drizzle of rain hit his body, and he opened his umbrella, holding it above him and Echo just as they began to walk down the sidewalk together.......he still felt uneasy and tense weirdly enough.....and just as he looked away from her, she felt him nudge his side........'s okay..........I'm not mad at you anymore.....
Echo: sorry that I'm making you act like that........
Miles:........y-you're not making me-
Echo: Miles.
Miles looked at her and saw her sense of concern....but also blunt attention, noticing his awkward nature.
Echo: you're scared of me.........aren't you?........
Echo:........because of what I did.......
Echo reached up to Miles' arm that held the umbrella and slowly slid his sleeve down his arm to see the scar from their bluefin depot incident.....
Echo: I understand why..........
Miles: I just.......don't wanna say anything that would mess up this chance I have with you to redeem myself......t-that's all.......
Echo:......redeem yourself? you actually think you need to redeem yourself for something as stupid as not accepting my feelings?.....
Echo smirked with a tiny snicker at Miles, but when she saw his face, she saw no smile or laugh come back from him, but only saw him sigh and look slightly away from her in shame......
Miles:........a I led you on this false path for a very long time.........I was a horrible friend......
Miles: everything you said about me was right.........I never took the time to acknowledge you or your feelings in my life...........even though we were close friends.....I made you feel like it was one sided.........majority of your negative emotions were BECAUSE of me and my stupidity..........
A car drove past the two and splashed water on it's way past, but Miles tilted the umbrella slightly to stop the water before it made contact with them. The mucky and sour clouds drifted past the two as a little silence began to emit......but then..... was me.....all me........
Echo:..........I was so blinded by my love for you..........that......I began to feel like you were meant for me.....and nobody else........I put those chains on you and locked you close to me......all because I couldn't let go......especially back then......when you and.......a-and....
Miles:.............when me and Lux started dating.........
Miles: it drove you away.....
The two continued to walk and only saw a single cephalopod walk past them while texting on their phone with their rain coat on their body to symbolize the silent atmosphere. Echo opened her mouth.......but then closed it......noticing Urchin Underpass in the distance........the place where Miles and Lux first met.......
Echo:...........I was so happy...b-but also heartbroken..........she had everything you could've ever wanted......I didn't want to feel like a third wheel to you guys......a-and Lux was....
She slid her hands into her pockets as Miles looked at her, then the two crossed the street together, stepping in small puddles within their path.
Echo: so nice to me..........she deeply cared for me but........I kept pushing her away and talked to her as least as possible because of my jealousy and sadness......I couldn't bring myself to even look at her...........and Bella was my only form of support.......
Echo: when you and Lux were dating....I spent most of my time with Bella.......I just needed someone's help.............and over time.......I....I-I fell in love with her.......
Miles' eyes widened and he tightened his grip on the umbrella a bit more unintentionally from his pure shock.......he saw a small blush form on Echo's face from her statement....
Echo: I don't understand why I had so much courage around her compared to you for my love.....I admitted my feelings to her......a-and.....heh....she turned me expected....
Miles: had feelings for Bella at one point?..........I.........w-wow.....
Echo: *nod nod* surprised?
Miles: a bit........but......why did she turn you down?
Echo:......because of you.
Echo: Bella knew that I still had feelings for you......she didn't believe me when I told her I didn't......I was caught in between her and you......she wanted to support me......and she didn't want me to give up on you....and........all I did was throw myself in your shadow.......
Echo: I never asked you out on a date.....threw hints.......or even ask you what your damn love interest was.......I just assumed that with my support'd finally come to conclusions......but that only made me feel worse.....
Miles stayed silent...and Echo noticed him getting overwhelmed with guilt regardless of her words......a moment like was never expected between the two squids...not one bit....and the two knew it...even though Miles was overwhelmed.....Echo felt as if she was getting crushed slowly by the minute from her own guilt too......
The two stayed silent, and every single time she looked at Miles......she was automatically thinking about the many scars that corrupted him.
Physical scars that were visible from his hand that Yuka stomped on, and where Willow stabbed him......then the scars slowly led up his hand to his wrist.......where she was the one to blame.......
Despite his injuries from Willow and Yuka, Echo did the most visible damage to him.........his scars were way bigger starting from his wrist, past his forearm, and concluding above his shoulder, slightly expanding to his chest.........
She even noticed very small scratches on his face due to her violent abuse of kicking him when he wanted to speak to wonder why he was scared.......
Echo:........h-how much-.........
She saw Miles look towards her just as she stopped herself......she thought to herself and looked around to only notice a single car pass by, and just like Lola, Miles waited for her question, but only saw her face away from him and stop in her tracks with him as well.
Echo: not here...........
Echo looked back at him and nudged her head forward in the direction she wanted to go, giving him a "This Way" as a response to his stare. She ran into the road to build momentum before turning into her squid form and super jumping away, and Miles simply saw her stream of slick ink that she left behind.
He looked at Lola and saw her hop off of his body, then he quickly flipped his umbrella upside down to catch the cucumber. He closed the umbrella gently to "pack Lola away" before running as well and turning into his squid form as well, super jumping off and following Echo through the sky.
He soared behind her with his closed umbrella in hand, and he noticed Lola poke her head out from the umbrella and simply looked at the cloudy sky with her bow flowing in the wind. He felt the rain gently hit his body, even making some of his color from his tentacles flow off of him, and when he looked down to see their approaching destination, he noticed Moray City right below.
He smiled a bit, but instead of landing in Moray, he saw Echo bypass it and continue, directing his attention to the large parking garage that stood near the large city, the same place where squids and octos would go to turf: Moray Towers.
He saw Echo land at the tippy top of Moray Towers, right where their spawn would be located, and he soon later landed right next to her.......opening his umbrella once more and allowing Lola to hop up and stick to him before he threw his umbrella over them both once again.
Miles: why here?.......
Echo:............I used to come here to think a lot........
Echo and Miles walked together, and he saw Echo sit down on the edge of Moray, with him only squatting down next to her, which confused her.
Echo: why aren't you sitting? butt will get wet......
Echo: you'll be fine, you big baby. Sit.
Miles groaned a little before pulling down his jacket to add another "layer" of clothing between him and the wet ground. He hesitated and sat down next to Echo, seeing her giggle and gently poke him.
Echo: still a goofball......
She saw Miles give her a gentle smile, but as soon as he looked away, his smile faded........and faded......until it was gone completely.......with his eyes looking down towards Moray City, and Echo couldn't help but continue to look at him.......
Even though the world around them was grey and gloomy at the moment, She still saw his purple amethyst eyes glisten from her view, which reminded her of Amira and her purple tentacles. She wanted to speak, but before she had the chance to bring up the earlier topic, Miles beat her to it by opening his mouth first.
Miles:......w-what were you gonna ask me?....... much do you........
Echo: love much does she....mean to you.......
He leaned up slightly, and she saw him give off a gentle smile, knowing that he was thinking about her at that exact moment.
Miles:...........well I didn' Amira in a romantic way when we first started talking at the Inkopolis ball.........but then we......started to hang out....and she was there to.......h-help me.....
Echo:.....after the ball......and after I left you......
Echo: even if you don't respond......I know that you're agreeing with me, Miles......
Miles:..........I know..........
Echo:.........I'm guessing you started to gain feelings for her......during our drama?.....
Miles:............I-I-It's just because I....I was.......alone.....okay?....she barely knew me, and I barely knew her...but she was there for me when I needed someone............I know you can relate to that........
Miles:.........the way how Bella is to how Amira is to me........
Echo:.........I understand........
Miles:........we started more....and hang was during one night was just......very unintentional......
Miles:...some words slipped out and I called her...w-well......pretty. That was something that stuck with her.....and for some reason....I couldn't shake away the thought of her after that......I-I know it's a dumb reason to fall in love with someone but........I do dumb stuff all the sadly this isn't any different.......
Echo:.......*poke* wasn't dumb.....
Echo: it was......cute....
His blush grew slightly more than before and he looked away to hide himself.......but Echo looked at his hand that was holding the umbrella, gently touching it and rubbing her thumb over his scarred skin.
Echo:.......Amira did something that I could never accomplish.......
Echo: she made you stronger...physically and mentally..........I know you're grateful for that......
Echo: I saw you on Tv during the you two synchronized together....... watched the exams?.......
Echo: and Amira worked hand in protected her, and she protected you...........even when Yuka tried to kill you still held on......I saw everything......
Echo: the more she hurt you....the harder you held onto Amira......because you refused to let her go......
Miles:.......b-because I just-
Echo: it's okay....I know.....and I'm pretty sure........if you and Amira weren't fighting Yuka in the exams specifically...........Amira would've definitely killed her........before she had the chance to take her own life that is....
Echo: she LOVES you, Miles.......more than I ever could...........I saved you from death once.......she saved you from death multiple times......
Echo looked down at Moray city after folding her hands on her lap.......feeling her body slightly shake before him......
Echo:.......she's so strong.....and two have so much in common.........she's better than me in every way possible.........
She let out a little sniffle that caught his attention alongside Lola, and they both saw a tear flow down her face and drip onto her lap.
Echo: I wanted to be like her towards you........but I hurt you instead........
Echo: Amira is such a deadly and menacing girl!! Everyone is scared of her!......but I know that even if she was in my situation regarding you, she wouldn't lift a finger to hurt you!.....but I did.......acting as if she didn't have the right to dance with you at the ball that night!
Echo looked at him while sobbing, and even Lola began to whimper because of her, seeing Echo her grab onto her tentacles and close her eyes as more tears flowed.
Echo: you did nothing wrong!! I regret everything I put you and myself through!!.....dying my tentacles black!! Changing my name and personality!! All because I couldn't accept a "No" from you!!
Miles: Echo please.....
Echo: I don't deserve you, Miles!'re such a happy, caring, cute and respectful guy.......and I did nothing but hurt you........not accepting the friend in front of me............l-look I......
Echo sniffled and wiped her tears just as Lola hopped onto her and snuggled into her with her own whimpers......and she looked away from Miles in shame.....
Echo:......I just wanted to.....apologize because you deserved it........I'd understand if we don't talk again after this...........because I know you hate me deep down.....and........I hope things continue to go well for you and her-
Just then, Echo was immediately dragged into another hug from Miles, and soon felt Lola's nubs stretch and wrap around her as well.......feeling his gentle grasp on her.....'s okay......but I don't want you to think that you're the only one to were right about our relationship.......I never took the time to acknowledge you even though you wanted me to.....
Miles: no......these were things I should've done more......I never.....did anything....with you.........
Miles: I am to blame as're not alone.............and no matter what you do......I would never hate you, Echo....
She sat in silence.....burying her face into his shoulder while he patted her back.......he felt her hands gently grip onto him, pulling him closer than before.
Echo:........c-can we friends?...........
Miles:............*tiny smile*......of course.....
The two separated and she wiped her tears away as Miles gently grabbed Lola and placed her on his shoulder.
Miles: uh......if you don't mind.....I have a question too....
Echo: yeah?....
Miles slouched forward slightly and looked down at the bustling city below that was completely overflowing with cephalopods considering the current state of Turf war, which simply drove most cephalopods to stay home all day, or go to Moray City to satisfy themselves.
Miles:.....where did you go?.......when you left.......
Echo:......... family?.......did you go home like Otto?......
Echo:........*looks away*.....n-no....I met someone just in time....and they took me to a place called Coral City......
Miles: so I'm guessing you crashed with them for all this time?....
Echo:...*nods* she's an Octoling....and her name is Guppy......she showed me everything related to Coral City.....we grew pretty close......
Miles: *smiles*........that's a relief.
Echo: you think so?
Miles: I know so. I'm assuming that you......uh......are you gonna-
Echo: *shakes her head* I already know what you're gonna ask......
Echo: no......I'm not moving back here......I'm sorry......
Miles:....I assumed so.......
Echo: don't take it as a bad thing,'s just..........I'm happy....
She let out a sigh as Miles saw her legs sway back and forth, simply keeping her calm demeanor.
Echo:.........I feel like I just.....belong there, ya know?.........I love you guys from the bottom of my heart......but I'm still serious about my journey to find my true self........
Echo: but don't worry......I'll make sure to visit every once in a while......I just wanted you to go throughout your days knowing that we are on the same terms again......
Miles:......yeah......I-I get still won't stop me from missing you though......
Echo: *poke* I know....... Because I feel the same way.....but this is for the best........
Echo and Miles looked at each other, but then noticed a ray of sunlight beaming down from behind them, catching their attention.......the two saw the light expand more and more, then Miles held his hand out from under his umbrella, feeling no rain hit his palm whatsoever.
He closed his umbrella and placed it to the side as the light opened up more and more until Moray city was covered from the sun, allowing the gloomy clouds to open and drift away.
The symbolism of their newfound bond drifted through their bodies.....and Echo took a deep breath before reaching over and grabbing onto Miles' hand.
Echo:.......hey........there's something big going on at the café.......and I'm pretty sure you know about it.......
Miles: the Angelica news........
Echo: *nods*......I.....overheard their conversation on their plan to fix Bella and Yumi...........and........I made sure to throw in my
Echo:......I sent you some of my cash......please don't ask me why specifically......because you'll know when someone tells you.........this cash isn't for me.....I won't be tagging along with you........but can you do me a solid?
Miles:.....o-oh....I....yeah sure.
Echo leaned closer to Miles more and more, but Miles leaned back and away from her, seeing a small smirk spread across her face just as she lifted her hand and flicked his forehead.
Miles: ow!
Echo: just fucking get with Amira already, dumbass. If you two still aren't dating by the time you get back, I'll definitely get on your ass about it.
Miles was only left puzzled before a little smirk appeared on his face away, snickering alongside Echo. The two shared a beautiful laugh as Lola bobbed her head up and down for no reason whatsoever.
The two felt reunited after so long......and the ink in their bodies began to bubble and feel much more lighter due to their happy pleasure.......and to respond.....Miles lifted his hand and gently poked Echo's forehead instead.
Miles: yeah yeah I will, dummy.
The two could only stare at each other with smiles as Lola extended her nub and gently poked Echo's head as well........getting back together after all of this time..........
Despite the rejection.....the two stood strong and could only see themselves moving forward.....starting something new.........the new story of Miles and Echo.
But when Echo left to even visit Miles in the first place, she remembered that she gave a nod to Bella from their previous plan.......and when they went their separate ways, Bella made her way down to Yumi's apartment....ready to start a stronger bond just like her.......
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