Chapter 52: Calamari Lodge
Within the Octagon, Leon stood in front of his grandmother with Mellow by his side, crossing her arms as the old Octo raised an eyebrow.
Gramps: another case....
Leon:.....g-grandfather.....please.....I know that this is a rare occurrence, but I want to get her back!
Gramps: a shift of "Dual edge"......I'm not so positive if this octoling is willing to give her back to you......
"Dual Edge" is a specific form of infection that takes a physical form from the ink in the bodies of Inklings specifically. With the exposure of Octoling DNA into any open wound or injury to an Inkling, a fusion will begin inside of their body, which kills off slight bits of inkling DNA and they begin a slow process of mutation.
Gramps: you have to properly assure on which one is more willing to stay....that is a decision that they have to choose.
Gramps: I told you this whole process before......I taught you how to deal with the issue, Leon.....on your own.....yet you ask me for a solution......
Leon:......I.....I know........
Leon looked away in shame and embarrassment, but his grandfather simply shook his head and lifted his cane, gently poking Leon's stomach to grab his attention once again, giving him a small smile.
Gramps: I understand that this is most likely didn't have the courage to speak the truth.......but that's okay......
Gramps: amusement and atmosphere is what she needs...places....old objects from her past......or a group that makes them feel a deep emotion from either their Inkling or Octoling self........this is a process of recollection to her body, mind, and who she WANTS to be........once that choice is made..... stays......
Gramps:......and one dies.....
The next day after the incident with his grandfather, Leon sat in the café alongside every singe one of his friends, folding his hands on the table as Gabby typed on a laptop that rested on the counter, grumbling to herself in annoyance.....
Leon turned to see Mellow sitting directly next to him with a miserable expression on her face......Coraline flashed before his eyes, and he began to sweat from nervousness, clearing his throat before properly trying to speak to her.
Leon: do you like the café-
Mellow: it's horrible......
Mellow: *glares* I can't believe she's in love you had the audacity to drag me here.....
Leon: oh....
Cynthia:'re a mean bitch, aren't ya?....
Mellow: I was not speaking to you....this is none of your business.
Gabby: this is her café, so it is her business.....
Otto: if it's none of our business, then why are you saying this out loud, dipshit? Whispering is a thing, have you heard of it?
Cynthia: *shrugs* listen bud, our friend is merged with you right now. We don't wanna start trouble, we just need you to work with us a bit. you even understan-
Just as Mellow began to stand up from the table, a hand grasped firmly onto her arm from behind. She turned her head to immediately see Erida staring down at her, noticing her pitch black eyes with white irises striking deep into her.....
Erida:.......That's enough........
Mellow glared at Erida, but the Hybrid didn't waver in the slightest from her gaze, and instead tightened her grip on Mellow's arm, even slightly digging her claws into her skin. Mellow looked away from Erida with an annoyed grunt, feeling the Hybrid let go of her arm after seeing her sit back down within her chair......
Leon looked down from the drama, only to feel Yasu gently pat his back to make him look at his gentle smile.
Yasu: everything will work out......we promise......
Gabby:.....*Tsk*....still short of what we need.........
Amira: still?...........*sigh*....
Gabby: are you sure you can't spare anymore cash, Cynthia? You're the main moneymaker here.
Cynthia: I wish I could, but I gotta make sure my money is stable to keep this place up and runnin' Gabs. Sorry. it's.....I-it's fine.......ugh....this is just difficult 'cuz we can't even play turf war to EARN the money.....
Yasu: what about Grizzco?
Gabby: gone......
Yasu: wait what!? seriously!? But how long?
Gabby: forever......the building was shut down after inspectors entered the facility to test and see what type of Ink Mr. Grizz uses to kill the salmonid.
Amira: isn't it simply just...normal ink?...
Gabby: nope.....our ink that we use to kill salmonids is much more dense than our ink that we use for battles......the ink pierces through their scales...well some of them at least.....
Yasu: oh wow.....huh....I thought it was the suit that was weighing me down.
Cynthia: same here.
Gabby: well....I did hear rumors about Grizzco moving to a different location anyway......
Yasu: really?....Where?
Gabby: a wasteland or something?.....a city specifically.
Otto: what's it called?
Gabby: *shrugs* I don't know.
Cynthia: I'm gonna call it Splatsville.
Gabby: don't say that....that name sounds so fucking dumb.
Cynthia: *smirk* got a better name, Einstein?
Gabby: it Inkopolis city or something.
Cynthia: that sounds boring.
Gabby: how the fuck is it boring? That's literally just a common sense name for the damn place.
Cynthia: Nu uh.
Gabby: Inkopolis plaza, Inkopolis square, Inkopolis FUCKING CITY!
Otto: I like Splatsville.
Gabby: oh come on.....not you...
Otto: it's just cuz the name is stupid, so it's a perfect description for our society.
Yasu: very true.
Amira: absolutely true.....
Otto: *smirk* thank you, thank you. But back to the main topic, I think we should just pick somewhere else.....or just ask Isabella and Yumi for money.
Gabby: are you seriously willing to ask them both for money when one of them lost her career and the other lost her fucking sister within a short span of time? -_-....
Otto: please don't remind me, dammit!, this whole thing is for those two anyway......I'm getting annoyed by this.....
Gabby: like you're the one to talk. You're not even doing the work and research here!
Yasu: how short ARE we, exactly?
Gabby:..........obviously.....there's a bunch of Me, Cynthia, Otto, you Yasu, that's 5 so far.
Otto: Isabella, Yumi.....Amira....*points at Mellow* this bitch.
Mellow: *glares*
Otto: that's 9.
Just then, Erida noticed Obsidian next to her, who was slightly stuttering, but everyone was already drawn to her even after hearing her quite voice.
Obsidian:....I-I have.......extra cash t-that I was saving.....for college.......but if this makes Bella and Yumi happy....t-then-
Gabby: no, don't strain yourself that NEED that cash.
Otto: mhm. you've most likely been saving it up for a while too, stupid.
Gabby: I respect the offer Obsidian....but I don't want to ruin your future because of this.......same for Cynthia and the café.....we need pocket cash, not career cash.
Cynthia: *nod nod*
Obsidian: s-sorry....
Gabby: don't be....
Just then, Obsidian felt Aryll hug her arm and give her a tiny smile just as her sea bunny hopped onto her shoulder.
Aryll: it's okay... where....were we?.....who did we miss?
Otto: well adding Erida and Obsidian to the number.....also the kid....that's 12 of us.
Yasu: actually.....Calvin makes 13....and we can just ask him. He has a bunch of money to spare.
Otto: don't YOU have a bunch of money too!? You're literally a famous Magazine creator!
Yasu:.........I mean....not really? My money goes to my entire family and expenses. It's not just for me. I DO make a lot, but I gave you guys everything I had.
Gabby: yup....Yasu has thrown in the most cash so far.....and Calvin is in the same situation as him.....that's not HIS's his mother and father's technically just his mother's....
Amira:.....what about Miles?.....
Otto: oh yeah! That bastard hasn't threw in his fair share yet! Where the hell is he!?
Gabby: hold on.......uh....*mumble* that' the 14 of us going....we only have enough money for......10 of us....with Miles and his pay, that's 11....
Otto: 3 short? abo-
Just then, the door to the Café opened up and everyone looked over to see two Octoling girls walk inside. One Octoling, stood with an annoyed glare directed down towards her phone while the other simply kept a relaxing smile on her face while her tentacles covered her eyes, being no one other than Mia and Dayna, themselves.
Dayna: pretty sure this is the place.
Mia: PRETTY sure?.....Dayna, I'm not in the mood to go on this wild goose chase to find this damn location.
Cynthia: wassup? Whatcha lookin for?
Mia: a place called the "Coffin Fish Café".
Amira:.......didn't you see the sign outside?.....
Mia: what sign?
Cynthia jumped over the counter and immediately bolted out of the Café, looking up after getting some distance.
Gabby: *rolls her eyes*
Yasu: why'd you react like that?
Gabby: this happens all the least once every 4 months or something......
Cynthia: MAAAAN!!
Random distant inkling: shut the fuck up!
Amira:......anyway......what do you want to order?
Dayna: oh, I'd like a-
Mia: we're not here to order.....we just want answers...
Erida: answers?
Cynthia walked back inside just at that moment with her pinching the bridge of her nose and letting out a sigh.
Cynthia: I knew I should've wrapped the boarder of the sign in barbwire...
Otto: that's overkill.
Cynthia: hey man *shrugs* don't touch my sign and you won't hurt yourself. Oh, also do you two wanna order anything?
Dayna: yes-
Mia: the inkling already asked, and no once again. I'm not here to even relax. Just answer my damn question: which one of you fuckers texted me and told me to come here?
Everyone stayed silent as Mia showed her phone screen to all of them to see the anonymous text message.
Mia: of you guys texted me "for Yumi's sake, we need you at the Coffin Fish Café tomorrow" this some type of prank!?
Otto:...........*looks at Cynthia*....
Cynthia: I didn't text that! I know I prank call you guys, but I don't do it to random numbers! Especially if it's something serious like this.
Gabby: that's wasn't me neither.....
Otto: nope.
Amira: not me.....
Yasu: ditto...I barely use my phone....
Aryll: *smile* my phone is broken.
Obsidian: I lost mine.....
Erida:.....what is.......a phone?....
Mia: are you serious? we came all the way over here for nothing!?
Gabby crossed her arms at Mia and slightly tilted her body to the side to see Mia's Octo shot strapped to her hip.
Gabby: well at least you had the right thought of bringing a weapon with ya......I'm still concerned on why you even decided to LISTEN to this message anyway.
Mia: it was from someone named Nova.....they told me that they've been friends with Yumi for a while.....Yumi tells us everything......but she never told us about this girl.
Dayna: *shrugs* never heard of a Nova.
Cynthia: Nova?.....
Mia: what's on your mind? look like you know something, Inkling.
Otto:....the name sounded familiar for a split second to me.....but that's all.
Mia:.....wait a minute......
Mia walked over towards Otto as Dayna casually waddled her way inside, then noticed Cynthia offering a egg sandwich to her, which made her slightly drool, completely getting sidetracked.
Mia: you're that boy......the Inkling boy who went missing for a little while.....the same boy who called Yumi a Pit-Dweller........and hurt
Mia: I wanted to kill you, but you changed a bit........and Yumi told me that she received an apology from an Inkling......which I'm guessing is have my gratitude.
Otto: I have your gratitude!?
Gabby: he has your gratitude!?
Mia let out a small sigh while backing off from Otto, shifting her head to see Amira looking at her, and she pointed towards her.
Mia: and're the leader of the Ravens squad.....
Amira:...I "Was"...the leader....
Mia:...I see......and you fought with Yumi during the exams......
Amira: *nods*....
Mia looked towards every single cephalopod within the Café and grumbled to herself when she looked at the message back onto her phone.
Mia:.....who the fuck is-
Everyone immediately jumped at the loud scream to see Lux and Charlotte standing in the doorway, and due to Mia's sudden jolt, she immediately pulled out her Octo Shot and fired a stream of quick ink towards Lux, only for the girl to yelp and immediately jump out of the way, clinging to the ceiling with her tentacles.
Lux: Hey!'re a fast one.....
Cecelia: how are you doing that, kid?...
Lux: hmph! The great and mighty Lux can do anything! Even the impossible!
Lux unstuck herself from the ceiling and landed on her two feet with a smirk directly towards Mia, curling her fists up and holding them up with a chuckle.
Lux: so we finally meet....Nova!
Lux: how dare you claim such a rude statement towards my Blue!? He has a nice butt and you cannot say otherwise!!
Cynthia: *nudges Amira* write that down.
Amira: shut up.
Mia: what the FUCK are you talking about!?
Lux: you know what I'm talking about!! prepare yourself for a big beat dow-
Lux: you're not?........oooooh....sorry!
Charlotte: I told you this was a waste of time......
Lux: wait, if you're not Nova.....then that means this was a trap! Quickly! We must evacuate before we're squished to death by spiky walls! Or shot down by arrows!
Mia:..........she's just in her own little world, huh?.....
Gabby: that's what it seems like....
Dayna: *nom* I like her.
Cynthia: same.
Mia:.....I give up.....
Charlotte: let's just go....
Lux: you're right, Char! We must go! and I will not stop until i find out who Nova I-*GASP* HI OTTO!! HI AMIRA!!!
Otto: oh boy.....
Lux immediately ran towards Otto and hugged him deeply, which made Otto grumble in annoyance as she snuggled into him, and from the back, Charlotte and Cecelia simply watched the hyperactive Inkling and they both let out sighs of their own.
Cecelia: looks like we're staying here....
Lux: oh my cod, I haven't seen you in forever! You're so different!
Otto: y-yeah, i can say the same for you, dork! *grunt* get off!!
Lux: *lets go* sorry, sorry! You look amazing though! I love what you did with your tentacles.
Otto: you definitely hav-...wait, you do? *smirk* heh....well, I styled them myself of course~
Lux: mighty fine craftsmanship! You truly are a blessing for the eyes!
Otto: heheheh, oh stop it you!....just kidding, keep going!
Gabby:.....aaaaaand she's fueling his ego.......
Lux: *chant* Otto, Otto, Otto! *Gasp* Amiraaaaaaa!!
Lux ran and slammed her hands on the counter, which made Amira jump slightly, then the two looked at each other, with Lux presenting a large smile at her.
Lux: I was so impressed by your performance during the exams!! You were AMAZING!!
Lux: oh! That's a really fresh scar on your face!! I have a scar too, but it's on my leg, see!?
Lux posed while lifting her leg high in the air, and pointed towards her very very tiny scratch on her leg, but Amira simply analyzed her......confused mostly as she placed her leg down and got close towards her once again.
Lux: I'd say welcome to the scar clan! It's a little clan I made that has millions of members!
Charlotte: Zero members.....
Lux: Millions! You can be a leader with me, hahaha!! Up top!
Lux held her hand out to Amira for a high five, but she didn't raise her own hand to proceed with Lux's wish. Amira simply glared deeper at the Inkling, and Lux's toothy grin simply turned into a small adorable smile once she realized Amira wasn't going to high five her, and she instead booped Amira's nose.
Lux: welcome to the clan!
Amira:'re the girl who dated Miles?.....
Lux: Blue? Oh, yup!
Amira: Blue?........
Lux: it's his nickname! he said I could still call him that even though we're not dating anymore!
Cynthia:.......oh no.......
Gabby:.......not again......
Cynthia: hey uh, Amira! How about we go in the back and start stocking up the spare pastries-
Amira: answer me this question.....Lux....
Lux: heh?
Amira:.............why did you....and him break up?...........
From that one question, Amira saw Lux completely freeze up as her face flushed red in embarrassment and she began to sweat, completely looking away from her.
Lux: we uh....I......uh...........I jus-.....eeeeeeeeeeeeeh....Blee Bla......uuuuuuum..........HEY LOOK, A-.........
Everyone stared at Lux, who completely froze and suddenly her face slammed onto the table as her inky tentacles bubbled and slight steam emitted from her, unknowingly knocking herself unconscious.
Cecelia: sorry for that, everyone...she does that when she rambles for too long.......or she gets upset....
Otto: burns herself out?......sheesh.......I don't remember her being like this at all....she was as quiet as a mouse....and was always clinging to Miles and hiding behind the guy every chance she could....I'm surprised....but I do like her new personality a lot~
Gabby: shut your mouth.
Amira looked down at Lux and saw her unconscious and dizzy state, seeing slight drool come from the inkling's mouth. Just then, she felt Cynthia gently grab her shoulder, which made her look towards her. uh....okay?.......I didn't want you to get.....ya know....mad and Echo....
Amira:...I'm not mad...........just.......
Amira looked at Lux...analyzing her appearance and personality....comparing her to Miles......
Amira: shocked.......and confused........
Mia: *sigh* whatever....for the millionth time, c'mon Dayna, let's go....
Dayna: awe what?
Mia: this Nova junk and lies about Yumi was a waste of tim-
Otto: here we go again....
Cecelia: *pat* calm yourself....
Gabby: well I know the "lies" weren't really untrue.....the only reason why we're all gathered here is BECAUSE of 3 specific individuals......Isabella....Yumi....
Erida: and Angelica.....
Mia: the name of that bitch who ruined Yuka's life?.......and was the reason why she died in the first place.........that name caught me...........
Mia: what is your plan?
Gabby: it's a simple 50/50 getaway.....a vacation.......we were all trying to add up our money together to go to a nice place called Calamari Lodge..........
Mia: a lodge? that so?....
Gabby: Isabella and Yumi aren't the best conditions at the this is for them specifically to cheer them both up and remind them that we are here to support them......but the only problem is this place is super expensive.....
Erida: is also a means of operation..........while society is in a paused position.....with no ink touching any form of turf, this brings Angelica to a gives us an opportunity to recover and plan out a proper approach to her once the time comes.... that's what all of this is about.......
Lux: well I have to help out Bella! She supported my Blue after all, and Yumi is amazing! I've never seen such a prideful Octoling, and she deserves every last ounce of my respect! No hesitation! really are something else.....
Lux: Hah! pack your bags Charlotte!! We are going out to Calamari Lodge too!!
Gabby: o-okay okay, look we don't have that much money to begin with, so jus-
Mia: say no more........
Dayna finished up her meal and licked her fingers as she finally sat up and walked over to Mia, leaning on her shoulder while she crossed her arms, slightly embarrassed.
Mia: I want Yumi to have me and Dayna will hand in some extra cash......there's no need for us to tag along though.......
Dayna: awe what!?
Mia:.....Isabella will be there for her. We'd only get in the way, Dayna.
Dayna: come ooooon! This sucks.....
Mia: *rolls her eyes*....we'll help with the payment....that's final....
Otto: this is pretty good. All we need now is Miles and-
???: excuse me....
Otto: for fucks sake, how many cephalopods are gonna show the hell u-
Otto turned his head along with everyone to see a tall Inkling woman standing with a beautiful dress and her hands down in front of her body as she held her purse. Her tentacles stood black and faded into a cyan blue, then right behind her, stood Calvin......and everyone instantly realized who the woman was.....
Gabby: *mumbles* good job, dingus....
Otto: I won't hesitate to hurt you.
C Mom: hello Otto....everyone.....good evening......most likely as you can tell....I'm Calvin's mother......and I would like to ask if Isabella was with you all today.....
Gabby: it's nice to meet you ma'am, and sadly no.
Obsidian: B-Bella isn't feeling that well still.......
Yasu: physically and Mentally.....
C Mom:....I see.......I got a text message from someone known as Nova.......they spoke to me on Calamari lodge as well as Isabella.....
Lux: Nova got her too!!
Yasu:.........okay....this Nova person is starting to creep me out..........
Gabby: a stalker........*glares* probably a threat too at this point from the lies....
C Mom: what do you mean?......why would Nova be a threat? Isabella seemed rather happy with her. She's probably a friend of hers.
Everyone except Lux when completely blank from Calvin's mother's statement, but then everyone saw Lux jump in the air and begin to panic rapidly.
Yasu: what are you talking about?
C Mom: it was earlier on in the day specifically.
*2 hours ago*
Calvin's mother simply sat alone within her room, writing within a book just as Calvin stepped inside, gently knocking on the door frame to catch her attention.
Calvin: I believe everything is ready....
C Mom: *smiles* I'm proud of you......
Calvin:.......but......will you-
C Mom: I'll be me-
Just then, Calvin's mother's phone rang before them, but instead for a regular call, the woman tilted her head at the video call request as she picked up her phone with Calvin walking behind her and leaning over her shoulder.
Calvin: who is it?.......
C Mom:.....I'm not quite.......sure.....
The woman hesitated, but then accepting the call to immediately be met face to face with an Inkling girl. While she was confused on who the Inkling was, Calvin's eyes widened in shock instead.
???: hello ma'am....sorry for the awkward call, I'm honestly surprised you picked was definitely a hassle, but I have many ways to gather information.
Calvin:......(the girl........from...the hospital.....who bumped into Otto....)
Echo: the name is.......w-well it was Nova........but just........*sigh* whatever, this isn't about me......
C Mom: that's quite what is this about then?
Echo stayed silent and looked away from her phone, shifting the camera over to Bella, allowing her to grab it and put on a difficult smile.
Bella:......hello ma'am......
C Mom: Isabella.......
Bella:.............I.......I-I know this is sudden.........but......I want....
C Mom:....
Bella: I want to apologize......for.....your son............
She slowly began to breathe a bit awkwardly after losing slight control of herself.....she looked at Calvin, giving him a nod from her grief...
Bella:......Im's all my fault that you're in this situation.....why society hates you........throwing myself on the brink of death and spreading the rumors of you being a murderer.......
Bella: this isn't much like Otto and Amira......y-you........are different, Calvin.......but sadly not in a good way......even though people know now that I'm still alive.........society is still horrible.......they would still hate you from the way you overwhelmed me in battle......
Calvin: don't have to apologize....
Bella: yes I do..........Calvin I........when I arrived back mail was full......from my fans, and the opposite. They said disgusting comments in their letters......calling you horrible names......calling me weak......threatening to kill me......and you too......
Bella:.........I wanted to help you...simply to succeed.....but I barely got anywhere with that progress.......
Calvin's mother looked back at her son, seeing him so much emotion within himself before her very eyes. She tensed up from the thought, seeing him as a completely different son. She noticed his gentle touch on her shoulder, and he grasped her barely tighter than before, then leaned towards the phone slightly more than before.'re.......yelling nothing but you...truly believe you didn't help me?......
Calvin: the day we fought..........I understand.....your flame was burnt out..........but........everyone you know....only grew because of started a chain reaction.....
Calvin:......I don't like seeing you like this, Isabella............but you didn't do anything wrong........your help was soon carried by Otto.......and my father would've never been taken from me if Gabriella didn't intervene........'re never alone for your actions........their love for you Is strong, are strong......a deeply loving and caring girl.....and you make everyone else stronger as a result.......
Bella could only stay silent as she barely covered her face with her hand to hide her flowing tears, developing a embarrassed and depressed state.....
Bella:.............t-thank you.........
Calvin: are you available anytime in the future?.......I'd wish to speak to you about something important.
Calvin nodded back at her as a sign of understanding. The two saw the phone shift away from Bella, going back to Echo, who gently patted her head...
Echo: you mind going to the other room for a second?.......
Bella looked at Echo and mumbled a simple "yeah" before standing and walking away from Echo, who watched her go. Once Bella entered her room and closed the door behind herself, Echo shifted her attention back towards the camera.
Echo:'am........I was wondering if I could get some help from you.......
C Mom: how so?
Echo: I uh.......I walked past a location when I was coming down to see's a place known as the "Coffin Fish Café"........I heard about a important conversation.....and I was wondering could pay them a visit.......I did the same for some other squids and octos.
C Mom: mm?....why?
Echo: they'll....e-explain when you get there....I'm sure of it.......
C Mom:......*looks at Calvin*........
Calvin: you don't need to think too hard......I'll escort you there......I know the cephalopods who work there...
C Mom: I see.......then I suppose we can head over to this location......
Echo: thank you so much......a-and also I'm sorry about the Nova name is actually call me that.....o-okay?
C Mom: I understand.
Echo: thank you ma'am......the only reason why I'm concerned is because this is a plan specifically made for Bella and Yumi's sake......
Calvin: we'll be over there soon. Don't worry.
Echo: *smiles* keep me updated, Calvin.
Echo: but was very nice to meet you, miss.......but I......have to go........I have something important to do......
Echo slightly tensed from pure guilt that ran through her mind.....but quickly shook herself out of it, waving to the two, only to receive a smile from Calvin's mother as she waved back....then ended the call before them.......
Calvin looked away and walked away from his mother, but the inkling woman got up and got close to him from behind, grabbing his shoulder to catch his attention.
He turned around and made eye contact with her, seeing her smile and feeling her warm touch. Just as he was going to ask her about her gaze, she leaned over and kissed Calvin's forehead gently, hugging him close.
C're doing great.....
*present time*
C Mom:.......I understand now.......
Calvin's mother looked towards Gabby, and right beside the police squid stood Erida, who glanced at her as well. She walked past everyone and slowly approached Erida face-to-face. She lifted her hand and gently placed it onto the hybrids cheek, surprising everyone.
C Mom:........I-I'm......upset at your I see through you......
C Mom:.........your love for Isabella......your loyalty.........your pride.....I respect it........
Calvin's mother gently rubbed her thumb onto Erida's cheek, feeling her rough and dead skin that felt like sandpaper in a sense. She noticed Erida accepting her touch, but looked away from her, down at the ground, which only made her move her hand to the back of Erida's head, leaning her forward and placing her forehead against hers, closing her eyes.
C need to understand that he's my there will always be a portion of me that won't forgive not take this thought and overwhelm yourself with guilt.......
C Mom: love is strong..........but love can drive're still young.....and you have much room to grow.......
As the two separated, Erida saw Calvin walk up to them, and his mother stepped away to give him room. Calvin was next to stand in front of Erida, and he held out his hand in front of her.
Calvin:..........are we......
Erida raised her hand and gently shook Calvin's as everyone watched, with Erida opening her mouth to speak towards him.
Erida:......yes.........that sounds pleasing........
Calvin's mother smiled deeply at the two after seeing a tiny smile spread across her sons face.......and once their hands separated, she took a deep breath.....looking towards the laptop....
C Mom:....alright then.......tell me this......plan of yours....
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