Chapter 51: Unwanted Sacrifice

???: Yuka!!

For the very last time.....Yuka opened her eyes and saw nothing but pure white around her.........her body felt light and calm............and she already found out where she was.......just as her name was called once again.

???:.............y-you're still.....

Yuka turned around completely and stood in shock when she saw the cephalopod..........Max..........standing before her with a blush on his face......

Max: more......b-beautiful than ever........


Max it's been a while.....huh?-

Just then Yuka Immediately ran and hugged onto the Octoling boy with all of her love and strength, which only made Max slightly chuckle as she cried into his shirt.


Max: no no.....c-calm down,'s okay........


Max:.......not one bit........If I did.....I would've never bothered to wait here......for you....

Yuka slightly froze........her eyes were red from her sobbing and she looked at Max straight in his face..........


Max: *nods* Mhm.

Yuka:........but I...k-killed you......6 years ago.......

Max: the time didn't matter for me....I just........*blush* wanted to pass along with you.........


Max:.....that day........I knew it wasn't the real a million years........

Yuka couldn't help but stare into his eyes with a slight whimper, and Max rubbed her back gently while pulling her in closer.

Max: Yumi is gonna be okay..........she has everything she needs.......and all of her friends.......will guide her.....


Max:......we can rest now.....Yuka.....

Yuka began to sob uncontrollably and hold Max close to her in the process. As she wailed and whimpered, Max couldn't help but blush towards her....hugging her deeply as well......being completely covered within a ray of pure light....

Max: I love you.....Yuka...


It has been a week ever since the death of Yuka and the sudden shutdown of the entrance exams.....the sky was horrible and gloomy, rain poured down onto Inkopolis square along with thunder erupting to wake any cephalopod from a deep sleep.

The square, the streets, the Reef....the shoal.....and many other fresh hangout spots were completely empty and lifeless. Not a single squid or Octo could be seen anywhere.....and they simply stayed in the comfort of their own homes......all except for one Inking girl that is.....

Gabby grunted in annoyance as she ran down the street with a simple Rain coat on to cover herself. Thunder cracked and Lightning came afterwards, striking a tree in the very far distance. Gabby shook her head as she finally saw her destination right across the street.

She saw some cars drive past her and a large current of water flush down the curbside, flowing down into the drains. She saw no more cars in sight, and she quickly ran across the street towards her obvious hangout spot, the Coffin fish café...........

Gabby opened the door to the café and immediately closed it behind her after slightly fighting with the wind. She hunched over and panted heavily as she directed her attention towards the many cephalopods in the Café.

Since the entrance exams were canceled halfway through, the many competing cephalopods were sent home more early than expected.....with sadly no when Gabby collected herself and caught her breath, she looked over the counter to see Cynthia looking towards her alongside Amira.......maintaining her scar across her eye from her experience against Yuka.

On the other side of the counter sat Otto, and Miles, who was finally reunited with Lola, clenching onto his shoulder more roughly than usual.

Gabby heard a slight mumble from above her, and when she looked to find the source of the noise, along with everyone else, she saw a news squid reporter sitting by themselves within their broadcast, showing a slightly blank and dead face towards the viewers.....


News Squid: within further news, ladies and Gentlesquids, research is still being conducted within the scene, and from what we're hearing from the squid sisters.....higher ups....and Off The Hook themselves......we are still in a very negative state at the moment.....

The Tv cut to many investigation squids within the aftermath of the entrance exams and a picture of Yuka soon flashing onto the screen.

News Squid: after the unfortunate and unexpected death of a young cephalopod known as Yuka, who was the actual older sibling to the famously known significant other to Isabella: Yumi. Every single mode, every single map, and Inkopolis square, alongside Inkopolis Plaza have all been shut down and monitored for investigation and security purposes.

The Tv cut to many stages being taped alongside the Tower, Rainmaker, and the baskets for Clam blitz completely covered with tape.

News Squid: after finding out about the usage of Especial streams being a cause of Yuka's death, they will be permanently banned from ranked and regular battle usage due to this cause. Obviously from the investigation onslaught, Turf War, Ranked battles, and league battles are still shut down until future notice.

The News squid gently coughed in their awkward stare as they flipped through some paper, adjusting their glasses as the picture of Yuka faded from the screen alongside the battle stages.

News Squid: uh...on other.....more lighthearted news....the long lost legendary splatter, Isabella, has been confirmed to be alive and well. She just recently got out of the hospital after her battle with Calvin.....but since the young boy has retired and Isabella herself can't really pick up her weapon at the moment....we simply wait for an answer from the young squid.


Miles:..........*sigh*....this sucks.....

Otto: well no shit.........this sucks for LITERALLY everyone. Nobody can turf or splat whatsoever......and just wait until they find out Isabella is retired.....which I thought you were gonna handle, Gabriella.

Gabby: I am!....I just have to wait for a.....not fucked up moment to throw this out to the public.....

Cynthia:.....I just feel bad for Yumi, sister dying in front of her face like that?.......on live television too?.....

Everyone stayed silent after Cynthia's statement.....remembering the gruesome moment as thunder struck once again and Lola jumped in fear from the loud noise, and Miles gently picked her up in his arms as a result and slowly began to pet her to calm her down....

Miles:......I tried to pay Yumi a uh....ask if she was okay.....but her friend Mia respectively told me to leave.....

Cynthia: it's understandable, man. Many squids and Octos have been crowding up Yumi's home.

Otto: the hell? Why?

Cynthia: cuz of the drama. Her sister just died and most cephalopods are trying to reach her to make sure she's okay. It definitely gets tedious for Yumi's friend to shoo them away constantly......she just most likely mistaken you for a random squid...

Miles:....seems reasonable....I just wanted to check up on her....I've been trying to for the past week.....I'm worried sick for her and Coraline.....

Gabby: ah.....that Octoling that replaced her.........Leon seemed very worried when he saw her.......from that look....he most likely knows about her condition...

Amira: I have not seen them you know what exactly happened to her?

Otto: not a clue.....

Miles:........calm down's alright......

Miles gently rubbed on Lola's head as she latched onto his hand from the storm. Another large crack of thunder emitted from outside which only made Lola fidget more than before. Miles looked over and saw Cynthia prepare a nice and hot coffee for Gabby while also offering him a warm cookie as well, and he politely took it with a small smile.

Miles: thanks.

Cynthia: no prob.

Miles fed Lola the cookie just as everyone went back to awkward silence......Gabby grasped her coffee and could only look at it with a slightly annoyed face.

Gabby:......I fucking hate this......Isabella and Yumi are upset.....Coraline is gone.....society is grey.....we can't turf or do anything related to the Angelica stuff.......which....I....need to look more into when I get the chance.......

Cynthia: nobody asked for you to also work yourself to death too, Gabs.

Gabby: I just need to figure this stuff out quickly. You don't understan-

Just then, the slight jingle from the door bell ringing to signal another customer caught the eyes of everyone. They all saw Erida slowly walk inside of the shop and allow the door to close behind herself. Just as the hybrid shook themselves off from the rain, she looked at Gabby slightly as Cynthia threw a lazy finger gun at her while resting her chin on her other palm.

Cynthia: girl who whooped my ass, what's uuuuup?......I forgot your name.......

Miles: whooped your ass?....

Cynthia: long story.

Erida: It is Erida......and hello, Cynthia...........

Cynthia nodded at Erida as she walked closer to Gabby, and simply sighed towards her before holding up her hand to show Gabby a small vial of black ink.

Erida: I didn't expect to get lucky with such an outcome.......but at this point in time......patience is required to succeed....

Gabby: what are yo-.....wait...this Ink.....the same shit you gave to Isabella to wake her up from her coma.......

Erida: it was a small segment of minus that I fed to was enough to wake her up......but not enough to corrupt her......the minus faded from her body after that one intake.....simply due to her prideful personality....

Gabby took the vial and looked deeper at it as Erida looked up at the Tv to see the blank and grey atmosphere of Inkopolis square being shown on screen. She let out a tiny sigh of relief before looking back at Gabby.

Erida: we are all stuck within a stalemate.......Angelica can't act.....the public can't.....and neither can I.....we need this time to think properly about the earth threatening situation.

Otto: earth?........uh......the whole damn planet? you seriously think this "Angelica" girl is a threat to the WORLD?.......I can understand Inkopolis.......but......the whole planet?.....1 inkling girl? might be over exaggerating there, bud....

Erida: I've known her for quite some time........I can kill her now if I wanted to......yet at the same time...I before.....I said we were at a stalemate.......if she kills me, the world will perish......and if I kill her....we will end up with the same result....

Otto:....................what?...... Angelica is a symbol of herself.....yet also society......she's needed for balance.....

Erida: *nod* understood all of that from a shitty example?......'re just fucking stupid, Otto....

Cynthia: *snickers*

Otto: oh shut the hell up!

Gabby: idiot.......anyway! What are you suggesting to do in this situation entirely, Erida? I want to get this problem done and over with, but we can't kill this what the fuck is gonna happen?

Erida: a large meeting......a way to talk and tell everyone at once....and a way to properly rest and regain your senses due to the exhaustion of the exams......

Miles: that's body shut down at the end of the exams.....I was asleep for a whole day and night.........Yuka packed a serious punch.......

Miles looked down at his hand to see it slightly bandaged up over the wounds and rough markings that Yuka made by stomping on his hand, and he looked over towards Amira to see her giving a small nod from her understanding.

Miles: me and Amira completely shattered through the competition as hard as we could.........Yumi was the main target for the many cephalopods compared to I know that she has more than one reason to look stressed.........and Coraline is......ya know.....

Gabby:....I see......the only reason why I agree is because I'm very close to understanding this whole case.....but I'm still missing some pieces to build out the bigger picture...

Erida:...........the world won't be the same after this.........sadly everything you all did will become nothing but distant you understand?........

Gabby, Cynthia, Miles, Amira, and Otto all stood in silence for a second.....Miles looked away and Gabby saw his face slowly fade into a more depressed state........he looked outside and saw the rain slowly ease up, but still drizzle slightly. The Inkling boy sighed and slowly stood up from his chair to direct their attention towards him just as he left his seat and walked over towards the door of the café.

Cynthia: where ya goin' dude?

Miles:........just remembered that I gotta take Lola to her appointment today.....Yasu was.....supposed to do it, but since I got back early from the exams, I'll just go instead.

Gabby: want an umbrella or something?

Miles: I'll be alright......

Miles opened the door slowly and waved at Amira, giving her a gentle smile in the process.

Miles: food will be done and ready by the time you get home, alright?

Amira: *small blush*.......y-yes.....

Otto:....(...something is definitely on his mind...)

Miles walked out the door as Amira felt her body get more warm and warm by the second, but immediately jumped in fear once she noticed Cynthia next to her and giving her a smirk up close.

Cynthia: looks like you secured his love like I predicted~


Cynthia: so have you guys been doing boyfriend and girlfriend things~

Amira: we......w-we are not....

Cynthia: wait what?....


Cynthia: Amira, please don't tell me you two aren't dating have you not asked him out by now??

Amira: w-we went on a date.....

Cynthia: c'mon, you two should've at least had sex by now. This is depressing.

Gabby: Cynthia, shut the fuck up.

Cynthia: what did I say!?

Amira: it's just and Miles never really......have ourselves..........we are models now....and we usually spend every day with you all...

Cynthia: oh, I see. I'm just impatient, Amira. It's very obvious that you two love each other, and you should've asked him to be your boyfriend forever ago. Literally the chances of him saying "no" is like, 10 percent.

Otto: I'd say 40 percent.

Cynthia: why?

Otto: Lux. She's his ex girlfriend and I saw their relationship in person. They were a perfect match, so when I found out they broke up.....I was seriously surprised.


Otto: The two had so much in common.....I might have to ask the idiot for a reason why the relationship ended in the first place.

Gabby: oh Lux? I remember her. She was very entertaining to watch during the exams. The girl is talented and feels like a completely new squid....I remember seeing her first step into Inkopolis plaza as a newbie. She came to me to ask for directions.

Amira:..........I see.....

Gabby looked over at Amira to see her looking slightly down with a slightly sad impression, which felt like a punch to her stomach, and Gabby quickly realized what she said, shaking her head at Amira.

Gabby: oh shit, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to actually-

Amira: n-no, it's okay...

Cynthia: *pat pat* hey, it's alright. Don't think about it too hard.

Amira looked at Cynthia, who was smiling towards her, but her feelings were gone......and her mind went blank...confusing Cynthia.

Amira:..........I..........j-just truly want to spend some quality time with him.....

Gabby looked down and began to think to herself........obviously trying to lift some weight off of her shoulders....but just then, her mind suddenly clicked.....

Gabby:......I know what to do.....


Miles soared through the air and covered a large distance as the drizzling rain was pouring all over his body. After seeing a building within his area, he slowly descend down until he landed directly in front of the building, letting out a sigh in the process.

Miles: I knew I should've brought an umbrella.......

He shook his head in annoyance before walking towards the building and opening the entrance door. He stepped inside and was instantly met with a quiet atmosphere of the waiting room.

Miles saw a small portion of cephalopods waiting as well with their pets. A sea star was gently clutching onto an inkling girl's tentacle while a octoling boy had a small turtle resting within its shell.

Miles walked up to the counter and rang the bell to get a adult inkling's attention. Within 5 seconds, a working squid approached the counter from the other side, giving him a small smile.

Desk Squid: hello, how can I help you?

Miles: hello ma'am, I have a scheduled appointment today.

Desk squid: alrighty. name please.

Miles: name is Miles.

The woman typed on her computer as Miles stood with one of his hands in his pocket, hugging her very gently to calm her down while also keeping her warm.

Desk squid: aaah, I see. An appointment for your cucumber.

Miles: *nod nod*

Desk squid: alright, I just got you in. you're good to go, and we'll call you back up mostly likely in 15 min.

Miles: thank you, ma'am.

Miles walked away and simply sat down at a chair by himself. He pulled Lola from out of his pocket to see her shake less and less, and she directed her attention straight up to him just as he began to pet her.

Miles: it's alright, Lola. Once we get home, I'll make you something to eat.

Miles grabbed a nearby magazine as Lola climbed up his body and looked at it with him, watching him scroll past the many weapons, pictures, and news articles.

Miles:..........welp....looks like some people are taking inspiration off of you, Lola.

Lola saw Miles point to a page within the magazine to show her another sea cucumber that was posing alongside their octoling owner. She let out a squeaky huff as she turned away, just to make Miles smile at her.

Miles: trust me, nobody is gonna top you in being a model, and that's guaranteed.

???: *gasp* hi Bluuuuuue!

Miles sat in question for a little before turning his head to see Lux walking over towards him with a beautiful smile on her face as she waved at him. He felt slightly embarrassed due to everyone staring at her loud entrance, with Charlotte walking over to the front counter with Cecelia on her shoulder.

Miles:.....h-hey Lux....

Lux jumped up and sat on the chair next to him with a grin while swaying her legs, leaning over and poking his nose.

Lux: I'm so happy that I got to see you again! I thought we were gonna get separated forever after the exams!

Miles: I t-thought the same way......

Lux giggled towards Miles before leaning over his body and gently poking Lola, making her squirm slightly.

Lux: I'm guessing this little cutie is why you're here?

Miles: yeah. Lola has to get her winter shot. She needs it to keep her body temperature up a bit so she can withstand the cold. Sea cucumbers aren't really that durable for cold weather.

Lux: same reason! We have to get Cecelia's shot today as well, but she's terrified of needles.

Miles: Cecelia?

Lux pointed over towards Charlotte to redirect Miles' attention, making him look towards the octoling to see a bigger red cucumber on her shoulder,

Lux: Mhm, Charlotte has a cucumber too!

Miles: oh wow....Cecelia looks way bigger than Lola.......I guess she's an adult then?

Lux: *nods* she is. She's like a mother figure for Charlotte.

Miles saw Cecelia point towards the desk squid while talking to Charlotte, with her nodding in return.....and he simply smiled at their bond......but he soon felt Lola poke onto his cheek. He looked at her and chuckled a bit, tapping onto her as well.

Miles: barely knew Lola for over a year and our bond is already deep.....she makes me happy.....

Lux couldn't help but stare at Miles and his adorable smile towards Lola, which made her feel happy and warm.......a flash of Miles appeared before her, showing the Inkling boy with his old hairstyle, cocky grin, and determined glare............but it only sadly lasted for a moment.....

Lux: you've changed so much......

Miles:.....oh I uh.....I know......I get that a lot....

Lux:.......hey, Blue?

Miles: yeah?

Lux: I asked before.....but we never truly talked about it......


Lux:.........what......exactly happened at the Inkopolis ball?......what made Echo.....leave you?......

Miles sat silently for a moment........he sighed and grabbed Lola, placing her down on the ground and allowing her to continue reading the magazine.....he turned his body to look at her and notice her concern......which made him frown.... friend...she kinda.....p-pushed me and someone else together during the ball.....and that person was Amira.........



Lux: I saw you two working together a lot during the exams...... and Amira....we......w-we danced......talked.....and had fun.....but Echo saw us and.....mistaken it for something else, ya know?........she thought me and Amira were getting a bit....romantic?...


Miles:......she broke the laptop I bought for her years ago......flicked me off.......and left the ball in a horrible mood........ she got a little upset because of Amira?......why didn't you chase after her, Blue?

Miles shifted his body slightly and grabbed the sleeve of his own hoodie, pulling it up to show Lux his horrible scars and cuts from the Bluefin Depot Incident. Lux stayed silent, but gently grabbed his arm as he looked away.

Miles: I tried to......but then this happened.....

Lux: B-Blue....did she? this?....

Miles: No, No, No! Echo didn't do that....I kinda did it to myself....

Lux: how?...

Miles: after the ball......I desperately wanted to apologize to her......but before I had the chance....she left me and jumped away......I just didn't want to....leave it like that......


Miles: I jumped after her and tried to explain what was going on properly....but she refused to listen to anything I was saying......we tumbled and spun in the air, losing control of ourselves.......and we both were heading straight for Bluefin Depot....I didn't want her to get hurt, so I made sure she fell in the water instead....and I took a uh........really painful landing...

Lux: a hard fall.......I never experienced it.....but I know how painful they can be.....

Miles:......and now.....she hates me.......she told me that her choice to be my friend all of those years ago was the worst decision she ever made in her entire life.........and that.....just...

Lux:........broke you...


Lux gently felt across Miles' arm and thought back to Echo......she looked very hesitant.....looking away....but still saw Miles from the corner of her eye....



Lux: I uh.....need do tell you somethi-

Charlotte: we should be in soon for the appointment.

The two Inklings snapped out of their moment together and averted their attention towards Charlotte, who was currently walking towards them. Miles looked back at Lux once more, only to see her put on a smile, and he simply stayed silent as Charlotte walked over with Cecelia on her shoulder.

Lux: that's awesome! Hmph, all in a days work for the great mighty Lux.

Charlotte: you didn't help me at all. You simply asked to come with me.....

Lux: well I didn't want ya to go by yourself.

Charlotte shook her head and sighed as she sat down next to Lux, and at that moment, Cecelia hopped off of her and landed on the ground, looking at Lola, who looked up from her magazine to see her.

Cecelia: another cucumber......that's always a beautiful sight to see.

Lola: *poke*

Cecelia let out a tiny chuckle towards Lola and noticed the magazine below her, which made her look towards Miles just as Lola crawled towards her.

Cecelia: I'm assuming you're her owner, Mr. Miles?

Miles: yes, Miss......uh....Cucumber...

Cecelia: no need to be polite towards me. Call me Cecelia.

Miles: *nods* alright.....C-Cecelia...

Cecelia: I'm quite impressed with you to say the least.

Miles: why?

Lola flopped her body on top of Cecelia and began to rest on her in a adorable fashion just as Cecelia pointed towards the magazine on the ground.

Cecelia: Cucumbers don't mature this early in their lives. You must've taught this child many things in order for her to understand much within her surroundings.

Lux: wait, you taught your cucumber how to read?

Miles: well....that and also many other things......Lola can clean, understand our language, and even write. *shrugs* she's a little shaky on it, but she's getting better.

Lux: that's awesome, Blue!

Charlotte: quite impressive indeed.....

Miles: *embarrassed blush* t-thanks....

Vet: appointment for Mr. Miles?

Miles: o-oh, right here!

Miles stood up from his chair and gently picked Lola up from Cecelia's back, placing her back onto his shoulder while giving Lux and Charlotte a smile.

Miles: I'd love to catch up some more in the future if you don't mind, Lux.

Lux: *nod nod* of course, Blue!

Miles:...oh.....and uh.....Charlotte?...

Charlotte: yes?....

Miles: that goes for you too.

Miles reached down and picked up Cecelia with his hands and handed her back to Charlotte, and she simply laid on the Octo's lap as he waved at the two while walking away.

Miles: stay safe and take care! as well....

Cecelia: such a gentle boy. Amira is a lucky squid to have someone like him.

Lux: yup! That's........

Lux saw Miles in the distance greet the vet properly with a delicate nature, which only made her want to giggle as her gentle smile spread over her face....

Lux: my Blue for ya.......


A simple Inkling girl walked into Splat Tower from the pouring rain with an umbrella over her head. Just as she entered through the doors, she closed her umbrella and placed it within a rack of other umbrellas to dry.

Nobody was in her sight, not even the desk manager....everything seemed dead and lost around her......and all she could do was sigh before walking over towards the elevator within the building.

She walked inside and pressed on the 2nd floor, then the doors began to close before her eyes. Calm music began to play as the Inkling took out her phone and looked at her wallpaper......seeing a old picture of her and another Inkling girl beside her.....

She felt her heart skip a beat as she looked deeply at the picture, she leaned against the wall, and shook her head in disappointment.......specifically at herself........but the elevator doors opened before her and she quickly snapped herself out of her state of mind.

The Inkling walked down the hall before sliding her phone into her pocket.....passing by the many doors to her left and right..........then she saw it....the door she was looking for.

Walking up to it, she raised her hand and she knocked on the door, waiting with a stiff and saddened expression.

???: Bella?.......

Bella: leave me alone please.....I'm not signing any autographs......

???: autograph?......why would I want that?.....I just wanna speak to one of my closest friends.......


???: it's been a while......I talked with you in the relieve some stress.......but now that you're awake.....I wanna catch up properly....

Everything stayed silent within the hallway and the Inkling waited for a response.......however, Bella didn't say a single word....but her footsteps were heard past the door, getting louder and louder.....

The door was then unlocked and the knob turned in front of the Inkling. The door slightly cracked open.....with Bella poking her head out and look at her eye to eye.


???: the first girl......that you met on the surface.........and helped.....with my complex sense of love.......towards you.........and.........towards him.....

Bella stood silent for a second......then her eyes widened in her sudden realization........ cracking the door open more and more.....exposing her overgrown, ruffled hair......

Bella:.............E-Echo?...... the flesh.......


Nova: can you let me in?...........I heard about what happened to you.....I saw.....everything......even....what happened to Yumi.........

Bella didn't answer back to Echo.....but she saw Echo inch closer towards her and gently grab her shoulder with a little smile.'s okay........I just want to help you........exactly like when you helped me while Miles was in the hospital......

Bella looked away from Echo......but she then backed away, with Echo walking inside and past her......Bella closed the door and locked it, and just as she turned around she saw Echo right in front of her, reaching out and touching her ruffled hair........

Nova:.......cod, Bella......

Bella gently moved Echo's hand away from her and walked past her slowly. Echo saw Bella sit down on her couch, so she joined her and sat next to her, rubbing the back of her head from the silence.

Bella: what happened?.......


Echo looked at Bella and saw her turn her head slightly to look at her, showing her concerned, tired, and depressed expression, noticing the bags under her eyes.

Bella: why do you.....look like that?...


Bella: I barely recognized you, your tentacles black?'re wearing white contacts?....and.....your glasses are different........your clothes......your hat......

Nova: well....I'm not Echo...a-anymore at new name is Nova.....


Nova:......I'll explain everything......

Bella shifted her body to face Echo a bit better than before, but her expression only got worse as Echo looked away and sighed.

Nova: knew I loved Miles wanted me to follow my heart, because it'll all be okay in the end......


Nova: but's over....between me and him.....I ended it.....

Bella: what are you....talking about?

Nova: I've helped him for years and kept my anger and sadness in. I built up those negative emotions.....and...then I lost myself at the ball....and let out every last negative emotion and threw it all at Miles........


Nova: when I saw him with Amira...I-I just.......lost control.....I went too far.........and I hurt him.......I broke the laptop he got me all of those years ago.....

Bella:...Amira?.....I-I remember him....telling me that he was gonna go on a date with her before I fought Calvin.......but....

Nova: I was caught me off guard too......I never expected him to get with.........her....and I made dumb decisions......while physically hurting him.......


Nova: all he wanted to do was apologize....and I didn't listen to him....I tried to super jump away....but he grabbed my ankle and didn't let go.....and I started to....kick him....we lost control and......he made sure I landed in the water, because he landed on Bluefin depot......suffering from a very hard and rough landing.....

Echo looked at Bella and took off her glasses and shook slightly in front of her....

Nova: and did I help him? No.....I just made it worse and continued our argument while he was bleeding and crying from the pain........I told him......that "becoming his friend back at camp triggerfish was the worst decision I've ever made in my entire life".........I know that.....changed him....I wish I could take it all back......


Nova: I packed my things and left......leaving him behind.....I changed my identity......dying my tentacles, getting new gear......changing my eye color....and even my name to Nova instead of Echo.....

Echo wiped a tear that fell down her cheek before letting out a sigh.....leaving Bella in pure silence.

Nova: I hate myself......he didn't deserve any of that........I'm so fucking stupid............when I was watching the exams......I saw how Miles and Amira worked together........they protected each other.....Miles refused to let her go.........regardless of what he was going through.........he's....such a caring Inkling.......but when he called me his friend......that is what made me realize that I'd never get with him.....ever.......


Nova: I want to slap some sense into me, huh?.......because I'm complaining about stupid drama.......

Bella:'s okay......I'm sorry for raising up your hopes like that.........I'm the one to blame...... was-

Bella: Me, was all won't change my mind.....I wish I could've been there for you before all of this happened........but I didn't hear anything about it.......nobody told me exactly what happened to you....I didn't see you for the rest of the ball....I couldn't find you......


Bella:....please.....get rid of're not're friend.....and nothing will change that.....

Without hesitation, Bella felt Echo hug her deeply just as she heard sniffles from her....Bella gently patted her back as she cried more and more...closing her eyes....Echo felt her gentle touch, then it all faded.......Nova.....was gone......simply because of those words that came from Bella's mouth....words that she desperately wanted to hear......

Echo: I'm were the only person who knew about this....the only one I could talk to.....I needed you....


Echo:......b-but....Yumi needs you too..........after what happened to her......

Bella:....what happened?......

Echo let go of Bella and sniffled one last time before wiping her tears away, noticing Bella's stare towards her for an answer.

Echo:........her sister front of her face.......o-on live's been all over the news........turf war and ranked battles are closed down temporarily.

Bella's eyes widened in shock and felt her heart drop when she looked at Echo........who slowly pulled out her phone.....typing on it before showing it to Bella....

Bella saw a far camera shot from the end of Tower zoomed in towards Yumi and her older sister.....and once Bella got a clear view of the Octoling.....everything hit her.....

The octoling seemed familiar to her...........she noticed their face.....the smile......her one beautiful eye......the long cyan colored tentacles......

Bella:.......that's Yumi's.....sister?........

Echo: *nod*

Just before her eyes, she saw her chest explode in front of Yumi, which made Bella tense up in shock while hearing the screams from the video, and seeing Yumi....completely covered in blood......stiff as a board until Echo turned the video off and put her phone away.

Echo: we haven't heard from're the only one she'd listen to at a time like this.......


Echo: we need Isabella and Yumi two......can change anything once you step out there to turf....

Bella:..........I........I can't......

Echo: why?....

Bella looked down and away from Echo, clenching her own hands together with a tiny sigh.......

Bella:......I can't turf anymore......I'm permanently banned....... that's why you this?.....

Bella:.....*nod nod*......

Echo:............w-well that...doesn't stop you from visiting both are in a horrible position at the moment..........


Echo: and I know that the only form comfort that can help you two is from each other......she misses you....and you miss her too........deep down...I know you love Yumi.......

Bella felt a single tear roll down her face as her little blush formed as well......Echo took a deep breath as a embarrassed blush formed on her as well.

Echo:......l-let's make a deal.....*smirk*

Echo poked Bella's head and let out a small chuckle from the heartwarming moment, and wiping away Bella's tear in the process.

Echo:.....y-you go.....comfort Yumi.....and......I..........I-I will Miles..........okay?.....

Bella felt Echo's gentle touch once she reached her hand down and grabbed onto her hand, grasping it gently. feels as if we both did the same thing....throwing on a persona of someone we want to be.......but's not......the same.....I was the one.....who lied....and abandoned my old self.......but you...

Bella:..... feels like a persona...but it's are Isabella...a beautiful....kind....courageous...helpful and strong Inkling....regardless of what anyone says.......I KNOW that's the real're not a different squid because you're upset and showing any form of negative emotions....everyone feels anger....sadness....grief....guilt, but what makes you so special is you take that negative energy to make yourself stronger than yesterday....


Echo: we all love you....and we will all be here for you......forever and always. Don't make decisions like me and think you're're have us..............especially.....Yumi...

Bella grasped onto Echo's hand and the two came in and hugged one last time, with Echo gently holding her due to her surgery stitches on her back...

Echo: we got ourselves a deal, dummy?.....



*extra story art*

This is the most cursed pictures I've ever drawn within 10 seconds. Bella seriously looks like a drug addict. It's stupidly hilarious to look at.

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