Chapter 48: Blinding Love
Champions and warriors yelled and roared as they stormed their way through the bloody and decaying dirt. Fallen bodies were spread far and wide as many fought back and forth....mighty warriors.....Vs the heroic champions of the empire that stood tall and proud behind their heroic forces, protected by their pride, along with the mighty stone walls that surrounded it.
A woman sat on her throne with a beautiful smile on her face as her eyes were closed.....she took a deep breath as her hands rested on her sword....she stood up just as her throne doors opened, and a simple soldier ran in directly to the woman.
The soldier was covered in bruises and wounds that even laid visible under his broken armor.....he fell to his knees and panted heavily as he looked up at the woman, noticing his broken sword slide out of his sheath and hit the royal carpet, drenching blood on the material.......
Soldier:.....Q-Queen Isabella!! They are breaching our defenses!!! If this continues, we'll......w-we'll.....
The soldier grunted in annoyance from his own weakness, punching the ground while gritting his teeth. Isabella stared at the young man....then gave him a gentle smile......she picked up her sword and gently slid it into her own sheath as she walked down her steps, approaching the man.....
He couldn't bring himself to look at her....because he already expected a look of annoyance...disappointment....anger.......pity.....a look that would only make his pride crumble before him. The queen slowly kneeled in front of the man, then placed her hand on his chin gently......
She lifted his head and made him look at her.....when he finally glanced at her.....his eyes were immediately caught in her beauty......her delicate smile and dark skin....followed along by her eyes that shined the pure color of golden Yellow and synced perfectly with her Midnight blue hair....
Isabella:.........I'm did what you could........ wasn't enough..........
The queen let out a small giggle, and stood up before him, making him look up at her, before standing afterwards as well.......he saw her courageous stare outwards, towards the battlefield past the mighty glass within her throne room, and with a nice breath....she reached up and straightened her crown.......
Isabella: it was more than enough.........
The queen smirked and let out a little "hmph" of determination as she walked past the soldier and towards her throne room doors. long as I live and breathe.....I will fight......protect the ones I love......and beat the odds.....with my heart being as strong as the steel from my sword!
She grabbed her sword and pulled it out of its sheath, smiling and letting out a little chuckle.....which only left him stunned by her gentle, yet stern and Courageous nature.......
Isabella:.....the second I step onto the battlefield........fear will only be inflicted on one side during the conflict..........and it will be the side that gives my blade a astonishing refreshment of blood and fury!!
She pressed against her door with one hand, opening it slightly, but she looked back at the soldier one last time.
Isabella: even if my body is bloody, bruised, and will never see a single scratch within my crown......mark my words.....
Isabella let out a laugh and ran off....leaving the soldier completely shocked and frozen......and the only thing that he saw...was his broken blade next to him.....he saw his reflection within the blood......then gritted his teeth as his picked it up and ran out to join the battle once more by her side.......
Yuka sat within a helicopter alone and read the last remaining segment of her book as she leaned against the wall...
Yuka: (......."victory was seized.....lives were saved, and the second our queen stepped onto the battlefield, not a single soul was harmed. She protected everyone and fought until daybreak, tearing down every foe within her path. We all won in the end, but at the loss of her simple thing stood true......once her crown was retrieved and placed within her memorial stand, not a single scratch was engraved in it's beautiful material"........"she saved us all and kept her words dear and true.....our spectacular Queen Isabella"....)
Yuka closed the book with a small smile on her face.....she turned her head and grabbed her duty bag and placed her book inside.
Yuka:....(....beautiful.....definitely gotta give that back to him once I get back.....)
*10 hours ago*
Yuka straightened her gear and adjusted her gloves as Max stood by her side with a worried expression, and he gently fixed her backpack for her.....
Max: are you sure you can do this alone?.......
Yuka: it's okay.......*smirk*....I know I can.....
Max:.....heh....t-this is all so sudden....such a title....granted to you.....I'm so happy for you......
Yuka: thanks're right being a leading commander in my own a different region......
Max:....*nod*......yes! And you get to bring Yumi with you, too!
Yuka: not just Yumi....
Max: hm?
Yuka turned her head and poked Max on his nose, which made him stumble in embarrassment as she placed her hands on her hips.
Yuka: I'm definitely taking you with me too, silly!
Max:........y-you are?.......
Yuka: hell yeah! Why on earth would I leave you behind? You're my lifelong partner, dude.
Max felt his body warm up from Yuka's gaze and smile. He saw a tiny blush form on her face as well, and she let out a chuckle while looking straight at him, raising her eyebrow slightly.
Yuka: now wait a minute....didn't you wanna ask me something before I left?.....ya know......before Octavio called me to his sounded preeeeeeetty important, bud~
Max: oh
Yuka: you thought I forgot huh?...hmph....not at *ahem*........Max.....
Max saw Yuka get closer to him as her smirk got wider than before. He felt his body ink boil and his hands tremble before her.........his blush completely took over his face and made him look like a walking tomato.........he wanted to look away.....but his eyes stayed locked with hers.......
Yuka: spill it.........what was your question?.....
Max:.....I uh....I was.........
Yuka reached over to Max and gently grabbed his shaking hands, and they soon began to stop and rest within her grasp.......his heart began to simmer....and he let out a small breath of his nervous state........
Max:.....gonna ask..........I.....I-I was.......gonna..........
Max:.....a-ask...........if.........d-dat....if on...........a d-date.....
Yuka: a date? that what I heard?....
Max:.....I...........y-yes...I'm sorry....I um.....yes......
Yuka giggled and placed her hands on Max's face, touching her forehead against his. He heard her relaxed sigh and could feel her let go of his face only to slide her hands down to his waist. He saw her separate her head from his and smile with pure beauty as she began to hug him close and lift him up.
Yuka: of course I will, you silly dummy! Sheesh, it took you quite a minute to ask me, huh?
Max: *squish* bleh!.....Y-you....knew....
Yuka: well're not the best at hiding things,'re adorable....
Yuka gently put Max down and began to laugh in embarrassment from her rough behavior......she saw Max continue to smile at her with so much glee, and it only made her body slightly warm up more than before.
Yuka heard her helicopter start up it's engine....and she walked towards Max once again after their brief separation.....she placed her hand on the boy's head and gently pulled it towards her, giving him a small kiss on his forehead, which only made him tense up and let out a small whimper when she pulled away.
Yuka: after I get back, alright?.......we can go once everything is complete......I promise!
Yuka began to walk away from Max after waving goodbye, but Max soon hesitated, then ran back over to her and gently tapped her shoulder from behind.
Max: hold on!....
Yuka: what's up?...
Max reached into his jacket and pulled out a small book, then handed it to her....she stood confused at first, but then accepted his offer and took the book, looking at it front and back.....
Max: that helicopter ride is gonna be pretty uh......this is something for help pass the's one of my favorites....... you're right about that.....I'll definitely read all of it most likely.
Max: the whole thing? sure? took me a while to finish.....
Yuka: heh! I'll finish it in this one ride! Watch me!
Yuka heard the pilot scream for her, and she gave Max one last wave and poke on the cheek before running off and hopping on the helicopter with the book in her hand....
Yuka: See ya! Tell Yumi I love her!!
Max held his cheek and saw her smile at him even as the doors closed and the machine lifted into the sky.........he saw her constant wave and pure happiness beam from her face.....and he couldn't help but wave back.......
Max:.....c-come back soon.....
*hours later*
Yuka let out a small sigh and straightened her gloves one last time before leaning over in her chair and looking out the window at the corroded atmosphere.......
Pilot: alright......this is your stop....we can't drop you off any closer because we don't want to alert them with our'll travel the rest of the way on foot.....
Yuka nodded gently and grabbed her backpack, strapping it on along with her OctoShot to her waist. The door opened and before she had the chance to leave, the Pilot handed her a black bag, catching her by surprise. She took the bag and hesitantly opened it to see specifically C4 SplatBomb units within the bag, then he handed her a locked mechanism within a small casing.....
Pilot: here's the bombs.....there's the know what to do......set the bombs.......unlock the button....start the timer.....get the hell out of there......we'll be waiting for you after we find a good spot to it?.....
Pilot:.....blow up the facility and experiments within it.....don't let a single one go.....Boss will contact you in 30 minutes......
Yuka hooked the button to her belt after wrapping the bag over her shoulder. She jumped out of the helicopter and landed deep within a forest alone.....she looked up and saw the helicopter coast away from her, then she let out a sigh as she looked off into the distance in the forest.
She shook her head and ran over to a tree, climbing it until she reached the very top to get a good view over the forest, seeing a small oasis in the middle of the forest where no trees were present.
Yuka:.......okay then.......
Yuka landed back down on the ground, then began to build up speed by running until she shot herself forward with a super jump, turning back into her human form to dodge and avoid the many trees in her path as she flowed with blinding speed.
She dragged her boot in the dirt before jumping to the side and launching herself forward once again, but before she could go further, she slammed her feet into the ground to stop her momentum, then looked straight ahead to see something within the distance.
The Octoling stood confused, but then walked deeper in the forest to notice a ray of slashes on the ground before her.....slashes that seemed monstrous.....she looked against the surrounding trees to see blood on them, and she gently reached out and touched the bark of the tree.
Yuka:.....what the hell are these experiments capable of?.....
Yuka glared in the distance and began to continue on her path, running faster than before until she began to see more blood than before that stained the grass below. She stopped and saw her boots get corroded by the blood....and all she could do was stare......then she saw it....directly in front of her laid a broken and battered building.....completely dull and colorless. She saw the blood that laid around the building.....the drags and long scuffles inside of the dirt........
Yuka:.....(what the hell.....type of monster could've......done this?)........
Yuka noticed the lights within the building, and she kept a low profile while running towards the facility. She reached within her bag and grabbed C4, after C4, implanting them onto the building around until she only had 1 C4 left.
Yuka: (whatever type of monster that professor created cou-......)
Yuka stuck another C4 to the wall, then stopped in her tracks after hearing the loud voice erupt from the interior of the building......making her body slightly shake.
009: yeah yeah, I know!!!!
She immediately switched to a more hostile state, on complete defense until she noticed a window in the distance along the wall she stood near. She tried to process her current state, but then quickly shook her head in disbelief......ignoring the childish tone of the voice she heard....and she gently and patiently made her way towards the window and peeked inside to see a handful of children walking around within a big room that had a large table as its main center for the room's focus.
A child held onto a giant pot of food, which seems to be a vegetable soup of some kind. The pot was placed on the table as a child grabbed the ladle and began to pour soup within every available bowl on the table.
006: soup again.....fucking hell.......
001: you better shut up and be thankful for what you got! The professor is gone with 15 for a while, and you already know I'm next in line when it comes to being in charge.
006: oh brother.....this bullshit again....
The first Code known as simply "one", served the soup to every code at the table, but an Inkling girl lurked in the distance, being the only one not at the table, and began to get closer to the pot.
The Inkling held her own bowl and soon tried to dip her bowl within the pot, but from very brutal and formal reaction timing, 001 turned and immediately swung their ladle at the Inkling, hitting their head directly with much brute force, which made blood slightly leave their skin as they dropped their bowl in the pot of soup.
The Inkling stumbled and soon, 001 grabbed the bowl from the pot and glared at the Inkling. The bleeding inkling's wrist number was labeled as "005", and with one swift stare, 001 threw the glass bowl at the Inkling, making it shatter on compact when it connected to her face.
001: you already know the rules!! STOP TRYING TO SNEAK FOOD FROM US!!!!
006: 5?.....shouldn't you be busy cleaning or some shit?......
004: yeah. The professor wants this place sparkly clean, so don't you dare slack off. I'm not gonna get scolded again because of you.
011: ditto
005: you know it's difficult for a girl to work with a rumbling stomach!!! C'mon!! This is my third day-
001: without food?......yeah, we know...why on earth would we give you any? Like I said, you know the daily rules: in a working ethic and our daily training, the least appealing code doesn't receive any reward.
005: but there's plenty of soup to feed everyone at least 3 bowls worth!
001: *shrugs* professor's orders.
006: we're seriously just waiting for you to die at this point. *sip* when you're gone, life will be way easier because you're the reason why we always get in trouble.
002: you can say that again....
010:....w-well 5.....isn't the one who makes the professor mad all the tim-
006: nobody asked for your input, 10......
The Inkling known as 10, looked down at her bowl of soup and further distanced herself from the argument after hearing 6's mean remark.....she looked at 5, and saw her looking directly back at her. 5 shook her head and stomped away from everyone at the table, and only 006 was the only one to respond to her.
006: have fun eating rocks and dirt, weirdo......
Yuka stood silent after the scuffle from the children......only looking at the dinner table and seeing everyone except code 10 eat her meal.......code 5 bursted out of the building and walked away in annoyance while mumbling to herself in the process, and just as Yuka hid herself once again, she simply watched the girl walk deep into the woods.
Yuka:......(chil.....dren?.......these experiments are..........children?....)
Just then, a slam was heard from the inside of the building, which shocked Yuka and made her look back towards the building, and even though she was farther away than before, not having a simple view anymore, she still heard the many scream and wails of the kids inside, specifically 001.
001: sit down and eat your damn food, 10!!!
010:.....I-I have to use the bathroom!
006: you seriously use the bathroom every single time we eat......*chuckles* like, come on......
002: can you please stop screaming, 1?
001: don't get me started with you.
002: *shrugs* okay.....I swear your ego gets the best of you......
001: what!?
002 shook their head and scooped their soup to eat, but got interrupted by 001 slamming on the table in front of them, making the bowls of everyone shake slightly.
Tension obviously started to build, and 001 stared at 002, and the two cephalopods simply glared at each other while grumbling, just as every other code at the damn table began to wine from the fighting.
010 noticed the building drama and used her time to slide out of her chair slowly and crawl away to try and stay out of sight......she eventually crawled far enough to stand on her feet once more, then she instantly ran upstairs into the upper floor of the facility.
She walked past many doors, with each code sharing a room with simple engravings of their names on the doors going from "Code 1-2" and the next pair of room partners showed their door to be labeled as "Code 3-4", then the process of the labels continued onwards until she reached the "Code 9-10" door.
She opened her room door and walked inside while feeling a large amount of grief cover her entire body. She let out a sigh and gently nodded, walking over towards her bed and getting on her hands and knees to look under it.
She saw a simple container under her bed that was hidden from everyone except herself. She grabbed the container and stood while shifting her attention onto the window that was shining directly into her room. She walked over to her window and opened it, hopping outside and landing on her feet on the surrounding grass.
010 ran off with the container in hand, and all Yuka could do was stare, but she soon felt her curiosity get the best of her, and without any word whatsoever, Yuka continued and began to follow 010 In the shadows.
She traveled long enough until she heard the sound of flowing water.....she hesitated, but then pushed a bush out of the way to see the same code 005 girl from before, sitting In front of the river and aggressively throwing stones to make them skip across the river.
005: stupid......stupid.............
005 stopped, then slightly turned her head and saw 010 behind her......she approached her and sat by her side, opening up the container and showing it to 005.
010: I made you a salad last night......I hope you......enjoy it......I-I don't have a fork though......
005 looked at the salad within the bowl.......but instead of accepting the offer.......she turned and looked away, resting her chin on her hand. don't have to do this everyday, ya know........
010:.......yes.....but.........I-It's my can't tell me otherwise.....
005 took the container and began to eat the plain salad by simply grabbing some shards of lettuce and nibbling on them..........she looked at the river and thought deeply.......eating a bit more lettuce and simple tomatoes.......
005:......hey.......I.....k-kinda have to tell you's important.....
010:. What is it?...
She stuttered.....and as her face began to shift, her toes clenched in the process..........she gripped the container a bit harder.....then slowly opened her mouth.......
005:.......I'm leaving this place.........
005:........*nods*.........I'm going to start my career now........I'm going to the promise land regardless of the professor's orders.........
010:........are you...........a-are you sure...?........I understand why, but........the risk you're taking is could die while making your way up there..... this point.......I'd rather die than listen to them..........
Yuka began to feel her heart beat slower than before, and as she saw 005 eat another piece of lettuce.......she couldn't help but stare at her battered and bruised body structure, with only a large, simple torn cloth as clothing for the young inkling.......
005:.......I'm not just going up there to get away from here...........I'm also doing it because have a path already set...............I will prove to them that I have value........
010: value?.....
005: being called "useless"........."weak".....all because of my disability......I was never trusted with tasks by myself.......and that's why....
005: why I will make it to the promise land and be the most popular and fate changing Inkling ever.....I will prove that I can hold my own......I'll be the best turfer known to squid kind and easily knock away any stupid opponent in my way.............and that's why I'll be gone by tomorrow morning.....
010 saw a slight glisten of beauty from 005's eyes......and it made her tense up, feeling her blood rush through her body, and she slightly hesitated, but then placed her hand on 005's leg....and gave her a gentle smile.
010: then I'll go with you.....
005:.....w-wait no, you can't. I was expecting for you to hang back and tell 15.........I don't want to put.....your life at risk too.....just for my stupid dream....
010: after what you just said.....don't call your dream stupid.......
010: I wanna go there too.......that salad I made......*giggle* believe it or not....but I actually grew those veggies in secret. did? wonder why they taste so good and fresh......
010: I wanna learn more about plant life......I wanna grow plants and fruits and veggies and everything! And.....I wouldn't mind making you food every give you a boost to help you throughout your day.......' that?......for me?....
010: *nod nod*........
005:......but......15......we can't leave her......
010:.......your be gone by tomorrow morning?.....
005:.......*sigh*.....I'll hold out.....for a bit longer........*smiles* until 15 comes back with the professor.......then all three of us can leave.......'ll take their abuse.....just for-
005: in the'll be worth it.....
010: she comes back soon.....potentially by the end of this week.....that's when we can leave....
005:..................but're still positive?.....that you wanna come with me for sure?.....
010: matter what you answer is the same.......we have to look out for each other.....
010 leaned over and hugged 005, catching her off guard. She snuggled into 005's shoulder with a small blush and adorable smile spread across her face...
010: I won't let you do this alone.........
005 returned the hug and as the two shared a beautiful moment, Yuka's body was tense as she stared at them from the distance. Just then, she immediately jumped when her headset began to receive a call.....she stumbled but caught herself before pressing on her headset to start the call.
Yuka: Sir?....
Octavio: I'm losing my patience....I have trackers implanted in every C4 and my data shows me that you didn't place the last explosive.....what is the damn issue?......
She looked in her bag to see the last C4 at her disposal.......her mind began to shake uncontrollably as she shifted her attention towards the two children by the river.........
Yuka:.....these experiments........they are living, breathing children......they're not monsters.....beasts......or anything horrifying you could potentially think of.......
Octavio: what's your point?....these so-called "children" are powerful and we do not know what they're capable are getting the last C4 and escape the are being nothing but tedious at the moment......
Yuka:.......t-tedious? Sir I.......I don't want you to think that-
Octavio: shut your mouth....this instant.....
Yuka:........ that last damn bomb, have a mission.....and if you don't accomplish it......I will not hesitate to take everything from have 2 minutes.....
Yuka: S-Sir, No!!
The call ended immediately with no response from Octavio, and Yuka stood in disbelief.....breathing slightly more frequently than before. She stumbled back and accidentally tripped on an extended root from a nearby tree, letting out a grunt once her body hit the ground.
005:........hey......did you hear that?.....
010:.........y-yes...........a voice....
Yuka saw in the distance, code 005 and 010 slowly begin to stand up and start to walk in her direction. She looked over at her bag containing the C4, and after cursing under her breath. She grabbed her bag and quickly ran down her path once again towards the facility, and within the nick of time, 005 and 010 walked in the exact spot and searched the location themselves.
Within the distance, 005 noticed a mysterious object in the grass, catching her eyes immediately. She walked over towards the object and leaned down to pick it up.
005 flipped the book over and saw the title, with a beautiful woman standing on the cover, having a prideful smile as she grasped her sword, wielding a crown that glistened to the point where any reader would notice.....her Midnight blue hair that stuck out so beautifully it caught 005 in a trance.......gently feeling and rubbing her thumbs on the book's firm cover......finally making her look above the woman to see the title......
005: "Passionate smile:.........Queen.......Isabella".........
005 didn't understand, but her body simply felt as if it was moving on its own due to her own uncontrollable curiosity..........she grabbed the book's cover....opening it to immediately see a small message written in pen on the back of the cover.
"I will always support you"
Yuka grabbed her last C4......she breathed heavily......looking at the building...........her heart pumped uncontrollably at a fast pace....and she looked down at the C4.......witnessing her hands shaking before her own eyes.
Yuka:........(.I.......said that.......I'd do body won't........let me move.........I can't.......why?........)
Yuka felt a single tear flow down her face after her constant thoughts overwhelmed her to her limit........clenching the C4 harder than before........
Yuka:.........(what would Yumi think.........if she found...........out about this?.........that I was desperate take on a mission to kill........children........because of my for her?.......)
She walked closer and closer to the building.........extending her hands towards the wall to attempt to place the C4.....her body felt numb, she heard faint ringing within her ears........but from her side.......she felt a slight poke to her cheek........she looked, yet nobody was there....which only made her freeze up......specifically from the essence of the simple touch that sent a course of multiple uncontrollable emotions through her body..........and that one faithful moment is what made her mind blank.......sending her back....
*13 years ago from present flashback time period*
A small 4 year old Yuka sat on the couch and within her arms was Yumi, seeing her smile and reach her hands up towards her. Yuka smiled at the baby Yumi while feeding into her urge to play by teasing her with gentle pokes.
Yuka: you've been in a really big and happy girl today, Yumi!
Just then, Yuka felt a slight poke on her cheek from her side. She turned her head to see a beautiful woman with light skin and green eyes, along with long cyan tentacles, holding a baby bottle in her hand.
Yuka: mommy, you took foreveeeeer!
Y Mom: *smile* you have to be patient with things like this, Yuka......making sure it's at the right temperature, fresh and healthy, and willing to wait until they're done or satisfied.....
Yuka: I'm 4 years old! I'm the most patient girl in the world!
Y Mom: you still have room to I beg to differ, sweetheart. Here, I'll feed Yumi and you can go play-
Yuka: No!....I....I will feed her this time!
Y Mom: *smirk* are you sure?.....last time, you fell asleep while feeding her because it was "boring".....
Yuka: I-It wasn't boring! I was just really sleepy!
Y Mom: sure~..
Yuka: I can do it! Pleeeease!?
Her mother looked down at Yuka, shifting her eyes to Yumi within her arms, noticing her golden eyes looking at her other sister, which only made her smile. Their mother gently handed Yuka the bottle and sat down by her side. She saw Yuka's smile widen and she carefully began to feed Yumi.
Yuka: there ya go, Yumi. Mama can thank me later!
Y Mom: you really are a ray of happiness, Yuka........I'm so thankful to have.....a daughter like you.....
Yuka: hm?
Yuka's mother couldn't help but tear up from simply looking at her daughter, gently reaching her hand over to Yuka and placing it on her cheek.
Y Mom: the day Yumi was born......and when she laid her eyes on you for the first time..........she stopped crying........she stared............that was when I knew you caught her heart........
Yuka: of course I did, mama! She knows that I will be the best sister ever! The best in the whole world even!
Yuka looked back down at Yumi to see her eyes were now closed as she drank from her bottle. Her cute smirk covered her face, and she held Yumi slightly more closer to her than before.
Yuka: just you wait, Yumi, your big sister Yuka will make sure you are happy forever! We will cook together, play together! *gasp* we can both help Mama when we go shopping with her! I will teach you the ways of making perfect peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches!
Y Mom:......always remember, Yuka.........patience is the key for strong bonds........okay?
She removed her hand from Yuka's cheek just as Yuka looked back over to her, and slightly tilted her head in the process.
Yuka: what?....
Y Mom: we talked about it a little bit ago, yet you already forgot, silly. *poke* answer this:.....exactly what would you do for Yumi?......
Yuka: anything! I will always do my best to help her!
Y Mom: an example: would you steal something for Yumi?......
Yuka:..........*smile* yes!
Y Mom: no no........your answer was supposed to be a big no, Yuka.
Yuka: why?.....
Y Mom: would if Yumi doesn't want you to steal things for her?......
Yuka:....but if it's something she wants......t-then......
Y Mom: you show resilience......knowing what to do and how important you are to her. You are her role model........with enough patience and prideful work......your deepest desires are gifted.....
Y Mom: I know there will be times for you when your mind is.....stuck.....because you have deep emotions and attachments to the ones you care for.....but.......I just need you to always know and never let your love blind you, Yuka.....
Yuka's mom patted her head slowly, looking down
Y Mom: because the second you open your might see something that will change you..........I entrust you with mark her path.......but.....if you destroy all of her future become her new......and only fear.....
Yuka stared at her mother.......and from her made the young octo sit in a completely selfless state.....confused........and as she tried to think on her words.......but her mind only got more and more foggy from that moment......a gentle hand on her shoulder was enough for reality to flow back into her mind.
Y Mom:......promise?......
Yuka:.......I....I promise-
Yuka:........(I was young.......too young.......I didn't truly understand what......she meant that day.......pouring out your love......your heart.......Your the one you wish to protect.........)
She looked at the C4 one last time.......backing away from the building uncontrollably.............
Yuka:...(that's the's..........)
She thought deeply as she noticed a tear fall from her face............falling directly on the C4.......which only made her grit her teeth and close her eyes.
Yuka:.........(I want to take.......her away......from that horrible place.........that's...............that is the right'm the best.......sister on..........the planet...........).......
She opened her eyes to look at the building of she felt the wind flow pass her body......she took a deep breath........taking a minute to calm herself..............she fixated her eyes on another C4 that stuck on the wall............she thought.........she nodded...............then she walked.
She reached her hand out towards the wall to grab onto the C4 and attempt to rip it off..........but just as she ripped a quarter of the C4 off the wall, her body stopped, just as she heard a voice deep into her ears from her headset.
Octavio:......I see.........I knew it was too good to be pupil.......
Yuka: s-sir!
Yuka: sir, we can plan properly!.....t-take these kids in, just as a means of investigation!
Octavio: I don't need to investigate these disgusting experiments.....I simply found them......and I entrusted you with one singular task........
Yuka: s-sir.....I'm sorry.....I just.......setting these bombs off....I can't do such a thing........m-murdering these children.......
Octavio:........what happened to your confidence?...........I thought you'd do anything for your younger sister?........
Octavio:......but I understand you......I know why you won't set these bombs off..........but I forgot to tell you..........
Octavio: that you aren't the only one.......who can pull the trigger for these explosives, Yuka......
Yuka's eyes widened and she looked over at the C4s on the wall she placed prior.......Yuka felt her heart drop and she stumbled before trying to run as fast as she could away from the building..............but soon......
The area rumbled.......a large explosion erupted from the building, blowing the nearby trees and alerting Code 005 and 010........the two felt the harsh and swift wind rush past their bodies, meeting the experience of the hot air completely wrapping around their bodies.
005:....GGGH!! WHAT HAPPENED!!!!?
Yuka ran as fast as she could, feeling the extreme heat drive past her body. She grunted and turned her head around to look at the explosion, which only made her stare in shock........
With no form of reaction.........Yuka saw a large...........separated fragment of the building within the distance..........but the fragment wasn't on the ground.......nor buried the rubble..........but above....within the flowing air........slowly approaching her.....
Before she could even move her body.......Yuka felt the large stone from the building hit the right side of her body from behind........due to the immense force of the explosion......the rock was launched at such a speed that Yuka's body was only displaying the durability of a single piece of paper compared to it's size, speed, and force......
Before she knew it, the fragment tore into her skin from behind while not losing any momentum......she only felt the burning impact at the beginning from its touch, but then, half of Yuka's upper body was immediately taken away by the blast, ripping through from her shoulder down to her waist, destroying her body along with her right arm in the process.
She didn't even have the stamina or will to scream due to the immense pain........the Octoling's momentum was immediately stopped after she tripped over herself and fell to the ground, with her body and face laying in the grass...........she laid in shock.....only feeling a drastic amount of blood leave her body and sink deeply into the soil below her......her eyes lost color.....and all she could do was listen to the large amount of footsteps that came from the distance.
Octarian boots began to immediately stomp quickly past Yuka's body, and not a single soldier stopped to treat her..........realizing that Octavio had a backup plan from the start.............she felt invisible to them......and to her own horror...........she watched....with only a single eye being able to look above the grass in front of her face.......
She saw soldiers running into the rubble......she saw certain children completely burned beyond belief, yet still barely alive. She watched as the soldiers murdered the codes one-by-one.............stabbing, breaking, shooting as many as they could spot with no form of mercy..........
The flames in the distance was what stuck out the most.........instead of only a single tear flowing down her was a stream of constant regret that drifted down her body.
Just then.......she heard the noise of a familiar girl.......the voice got closer, accompanied by another.......just then, the voice yelped, and she saw an inkling girl fall in front of was her........code 005........Yuka wasn't able to speak or even express anything to indicate that she was still alive.......but for that split moment, she was looking at 005........pure eye contact......seeing her white eyes in horror as she yelped and quickly jumped up after noticing her decaying body.
She saw an object within 005's was the book......the book that Max gifted to her for her within the hands of the child.......because of the quick-paced battle, she saw 010 grab 005, then tried to quickly pull her away.
010: this is our only chance!!!! We have to go!!!!!
005 felt her heart beat uncontrollably and roughly as she began to let out more heavy breaths, but before she knew it, she ran away with 010 with the book in hand, leaving her like the team of soldiers.
She felt her body slowly begin to lose its strength as seconds passed......rapid tears blended with her streams and she noticed a tiny drop of her own blood that rested on a strand of grass in front of her face........a small ladybug flew down and rested on the strand.......her head began to spin.......but for one last time.........she heard his voice.......once again to come back.......and haunt her.....
Octavio: would ya look at of the C4s didn't go off.....
Octavio: do you know which one that was?.......
Yuka felt blood flow from her mouth as she shifted her eye down towards her lower body to see a single lump within the grass near her foot.................more tears flowed rapidly down her face...........her body went numb........and all she heard was a sigh come from her headphones,
Octavio: the one C4 you didn't place like I told you to..............looks like this one will basically put you out of your misery.............a pure vessel of worn potential.........
Yuka saw a tiny light flicker from the final explosive..............she closed her eyes, but her tears broke through............just as she began to hear the hollow beeps of the explosive begin to speed up.........
Octavio:..............goodbye, child............
And with that, the last explosion was finally set off.......and Octavio simply stared at the destruction through his screen.......shifting his attention over to another microphone, grabbing it and speaking to the many soldiers......
Octavio:.......code 005 and 010.......they ran within the direction of her corpse........catch them.....and kill them......or you'll end up exactly like her.........
*Extra story art*
Very random but Fnaf is definitely my second favorite franchise below Splatoon, so I randomly decided to draw Yumi as foxy a while back.
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