Chapter 45: On The Surface

Otto gritted his teeth slightly in annoyance, looking at 3 cups that were placed in front of him as he sat at the Café's front counter.

Otto: do it....

Behind the cups was Lola, who lifted her body up and stretched out 3 of her nubs, grabbing onto the cups and she began to shuffle them around. Otto payed close attention to the cups, and right by his side was Yasu, who was also paying attention to the best of his abilities.

The cups shuffled quickly and fluently, and from the other side of Otto, Gabby was resting her chin on her hand while leaning over the counter and glaring down at the little cucumber.

Gabby: what the hell is Miles even teaching you nowadays?.......

Otto: shut up! You're throwing me off!

Gabby rolled her eyes at Otto and watched the two boys stare down at the cups in unison. Cynthia leaned against the wall behind the counter, sipping her coffee while also watching the cups shift together.

Just then, the Café's doors opened, ringing a bell to catch Gabby's attention. She looked over and saw Calvin walking into the Café by himself, and greeted him with a simple nod in his direction.

Gabby: hey Calvin.

Calvin: good afternoon.

Otto: oh my cod! Shut the hell up!!

Otto glared over at Calvin for a split second, then looked back at Lola to see that she was done shuffling the cups, using one of her nubs to gesture for an option.

Otto: you can't be serious....I looked away for a second!

Yasu: *chuckles* looks like you got distracted.

Otto: be quiet, dammit!

Cynthia: hm.....I'll go with the right cup.

Yasu: I'll take left.

Otto:......*sigh*....whatever....middle cup....

Lola lifted up all 3 cups at the same time to reveal a tiny marble that was under the right cup, yet nothing was seen under the other two.

Otto: come on!

Yasu: huh....You're good at this, little cucumber...

Cynthia: *smirks* easy.

Yasu: how do you always win?

Cynthia: *shrugs* it's pretty simple.

Otto: to you. Who knows what you do outside of this Café.

Cynthia: you don't wanna know.

Gabby: trust don't.....

Lola let go of her cups and flopped down once again, squirming over to Otto and resting on his hand, catching his attention, and when he looked down at her, she looked back up at him, making him slightly sigh.

Otto: yeah I know...

Otto grabbed Lola with his other hand and gently placed her on top of his head. Lola snuggled on his tentacles, but her head shot up once again when she saw Cynthia reach into the display pastries and pull out a sugar cookie, breaking off half of it and handing it to her.

Cynthia: there ya go.

Otto: not on my head! She'll get crumbs on me!

Gabby: deal with it.

Otto grumbled at Gabby before Cynthia looked over at Calvin and tossed the other half of the cookie towards him, to which he caught.

Cynthia: *shrugs* enjoy. It's obviously on the house.

Calvin:.....I appreciate it..

Calvin began to eat the cookie as everyone sat in peaceful silence. The calm scent of coffee and pastries filling the Café, along with the warm heat blowing onto all of them due to the cold weather outside.

Since everyone was too busy watching the entrance exams, Turf War and Ranked battles were barely happening, and not that many cephalopods were seen outside due to it.

Cynthia leaned over the counter with her nice smile, looking up at the Tv to see the live camera that was pointed at the top of the Tower for the entrance exams, and within the tower, Cynthia could spot Yumi wearing the straw boater everyone knows and loves.

She began to think about the hat, and within a second, her smile slightly faded from remembrance of Bella. Cynthia looked over at Gabby to see her sipping on her coffee silently, quietly enjoying herself.

Cynthia: Yo Gabs....

Gabby: mm?...

Cynthia: you have an update on Bella's condition?.....

Gabby stopped and slowly lowered her cup. Everyone's attention was directed towards her, awaiting an answer. She let out a tiny sigh and rested her elbows on the countertop, covering her face with her hands.

Gabby:........the doctors said she's showing no signs of recovering......



Otto: *tsk* are the doctors even trying anything at this point? Do they even understand what happened to her?

Yasu: True....I'm also curious on how she threw herself in that state honestly....

Gabby: basically.....a while back....Amira mentioned to every cephalopod on live television about Bella's disability.......

Otto:......fuck.....I remember that......

Gabby:.......Unlike every cephalopod...Who's able to hold 100% of their ink within their ink sacks in their bodies, Bella is not like that. Her Ink sack was damaged when she was a kid, and she's only able to hold 50% of her ink within her ink sack at all times.....

Otto:.........*looks away*.....

Gabby: what?......


Gabby: no, you look like you have something to say, so spill it.......

Everyone's attention shifted towards Otto, and they all saw him let out a tiny chuckle and reach over his head and grab Lola. He took the cucumber off of his tentacles and placed her down on the counter in front of him, watching her whimper and hug onto his finger, which only made him let out a little smile.

Otto: back in Inkopolis plaza......throughout our years of battles....I'd notice that Bella would never fight me on a full tank...........I asked her about it once though......and she refused to answer.........I guess it was because of how rude I was back then.......I assumed she was being cocky towards me.....not going all out....

Otto tried to pull his finger away from Lola, but she held onto him tightly, which made him shake his head and pick her up once again with just his finger, resting her on his shoulder instead of his head, and she finally let go, snuggling into him.

Otto: If only I knew......I'm so stupid....

Gabby: look...don't say it as if it's your fault on why she's in the spot she's in right now, doofus.

Cynthia: *tiny smile* yeah dude.....Bella would be so proud of you right now.

Yasu: look how much you've grown, bud!

Otto:......I disability is what shut her body down when she fought Tuxedo boy?


Gabby: well.....her disability got worse........

Yasu: how so?

Gabby:.....when she clashed with Calvin while using her Bella bomb..........her ink sack exploded inside of her body...She pushed herself too hard........

Everyone stayed silent and Gabby shook her head in annoyance, looking down at her coffee and pinching the bridge of her nose.

Gabby: after she was rushed to the hospital immediately.....the doctors barely managed to save her life. Her ink sack is only able to now hold.......25%.....

Cynthia:.....damn man......I just......I'm lost for words.......


Yasu looked over at Otto and saw his reaction to Gabby's news. She saw him gritting his teeth and clenching onto the counter; but then, Otto aggressively stood up from his chair and looked at Gabby, who stared back at him.

Otto: Ugh!!....I......Just can't anymore!! Just tell me!!

Gabby: tell you what!?

Otto: since you know everything about Bella and her situation, Tell me!! Why is all of this being kept a secret!? Why does the public still believe that Bella is dead!? why is it getting announced over the news!? Magazines!? Billboards!!


Otto: I'm sick of all of this!!! Do you understand how many times I saw her lifeless eyes on my Tv!? When I scroll through squidstagram!?

Yasu: Otto...calm yourself-

Otto: No!! Who is doing this!? Who is allowing this shit to even appear on the news like this!? You should know, right!? So why don't you stop it!?


Gabby also stood up from her chair with her eyes locked with Otto's gritting her teeth at him.....but after she saw Otto's face tone down....hers did as well......then the two sat back in their chairs......

Otto: what do you mean?

Gabby: I seriously don't know......I don't know who's spreading this lie......

Yasu: didn't they go out of their way to give her a very separate hospital room as well?....

Gabby: yes...but I'll definitely try to get to the bottom of this.....because of this false news...Inklings are rising above Octolings again and everything is going back to the way it was.....Octolings are losing hope......

Otto: I'll make sure to do my part....

Gabby: how?


Yasu: what's up?

Otto: get that damn camera ready.....

Otto stood up along with Yasu, and the two looked at each other, with Otto glaring while pointing down at the Octoling's camera wrapped around his neck.

Otto: you're making a new magazine.....the title is gonna be "Isabella is truly alive"!!!!!

Yasu: a symbol of proof?.....I see....well I'm already on board with ya!

Otto shifted his attention over towards Calvin, who's been very silent within the café, but began do slightly tense up when he saw Otto's glare.

Otto: Tuxedo're helping too....


Otto: it's time to clean this fake blood off of your damn hands....

The three boys stood together, and Gabby even stood up with her hands on her hips and looking at Otto's annoyed glare.

Otto: now then..........let's get starte-

Inkling boy: T-There!! There he is!! It's him, okay!? I swear!!!!

Everyone in the café stopped in their tracks.....their attention was averted straight towards the front door.....the door was opened and there stood an Inkling boy, who was getting held by his shirt against his own will.

The boy looked battered and bruised, as if he was beaten down......Gabby looked at the hand that was holding onto the Inkling's shirt......a sharp....rough Octoling hand......but when she traced up the arm....she noticed the dark and cracked skin of the cephalopod......making her freeze in confusion......

The cephalopod came into Gabby's clear view.....she had dark eyes with white irises....around her eyes were cracks that expanded to her eyebrows....her hair was a mixture of Inkling and Octoling hair, showing suction cups on the inside and outside of her tentacles.

She saw a slight bit of the inkling boy's blood on the girl's fist.....showing that she was the one who aggressively took control of him.....she saw the hybrid cephalopod look directly into the café, but not at her, but rather at Calvin.....and when Gabby noticed her was a showing that the hybrid had a thirst for blood.....making her deeply cautious.

The hybrid let go of the Inkling, allowing him to fall down, but quickly run away in fear, her eyes never broke from Calvin, and from her intent alone, even Cynthia stood up and looked at the girl in concern.

Cynthia: yo uh.....can you?....

15: code 15......

15 walked into the café and the door closed behind her...then she stood directly across from Otto, who was in front of Calvin and Yasu.

Otto: *glares* do you need something?

15 tilted her head past Otto.....and slowly lifted her finger, pointing directly at Calvin, which confused Otto slightly, but 15's cold presence didn't allow him to move or speak no longer.....and only Gabby was the one to slightly move once again....especially after seeing the code 015 on the hybrid's wrist.....


15:......for years........I searched for her..........I killed........many.....who stood in my way...........

Otto: w-what the hell are you-

15:.....I shall spare you all.......if.....

Calvin took a singular step back, and Yasu lifted his arm in front of him to protect him....and Gabby slowly reached behind her back, pulling out a pocket knife with a glare on her face.

15: you allow me to take his he......can atone for his sin.....

Otto:....why are you talking like a emo weirdo!? is this some type of joke!?



Otto felt the cold aura around him get more dense and push him down, but he tried to calm himself, then glared into 15's eyes.....

Otto: get the hell out of here.......


Otto: I won't tell you twi-

Within a simple blink of an eye, 15 was already swinging her claws towards Otto, ready to slash his throat and kill him. Before Otto even had a chance to react, and just as the claws were going to make contact with his skin, Gabby rushed in and grabbed onto 15's wrist, completely pulling out her pocket knife and swinging it towards the hybrid.

15 dodged the swing and Otto was aggressively kicked back by Gabby for protection Just in time, and Otto saw her quickly move her head out of the way from a very quick punch that only grazed her skin.

Gabby let out a tiny grunt of annoyance, then quickly pulled her own wrist back to try and stab 15 once again, but 15 hit onto Gabby's hand with her own, making her drop the blade in mid air and giving her a brutal kick to her stomach, forcing Gabby to release her other hand from her grasp.

Gabby held her stomach to soak in the hard pain from 15, but within that split moment, before her blade even properly touched the ground after she dropped it, 15 grabbed it mid air and dashed towards Gabby, thrusting the blade towards her face to stab her directly through her eye.

Before Gabby could get stabbed and killed, all of a sudden, Cynthia jumped over the counter and delivered a mean kick of her own to the back of 15's head, stunning the hybrid slightly, then she looked over at Calvin and pointed towards the door of the Café.

Cynthia: Dude, Get out of here!! Run now!!

Calvin hesitated, but then Yasu grabbed onto his wrist and quickly ran out of the café with him. Cynthia saw the two run away, and when she reverted her attention back to 15, she saw that she already recovered from her kick earlier, swinging her hand towards Cynthia, attempting to backhand her.

Cynthia ducked under the swing and threw her own punch towards 15's stomach, but the hybrid grabbed her hand and forcefully dug her nails into Cynthia's skin. Cynthia grunted, but then used her other hand and swung her Octoling nails towards her, cutting her in the process.

15 did not flinch whatsoever, but she let go of Cynthia's wrist after hearing Gabby approach her from behind. Cynthia held her bleeding hand as Gabby threw one punch at 15, and as she dodged it, she swung her claws at Gabby as well, only for Gabby to swiftly evade the slash and throw a kick of her own, actually succeeding on hitting 15 in the stomach.

15 stood stiff for a slight moment after the kick, and Gabby put up her fists while glaring at her, but when she glanced down at 15's stomach where Cynthia also slashed her, she saw the wound heal itself, which made her look back up into her eyes.

Gabby: you're definitely the one Code 6 was telling me about.............

15 stared at Gabby and didn't say a single word, and instead put her own fists up to fight the inkling. The two faced off and glared at each other, then 15 threw her own punch at Gabby, only for Gabby to block the punch, but she still winced in pain from the force behind it.

Gabby threw her punch and the two began to brawl, dodging while also trying to hit each other. Otto stood within the distance of the two, he looked down at the ground and saw Gabby's pocket knife laying down from earlier. He gritted his teeth and quickly picked up the knife, then, when 15 had her back turned, he threw the knife directly towards the Hybrid's head.

15 swiftly dodged one of Gabby's punches, and within the same motion, she dodged the knife that approached from behind her, grabbing it in mid air and using to try and stab Gabby.

Cynthia dashed in and grabbed 15's wrist before the blade could penetrate Gabby's stomach. She kneed 15 in the stomach and Gabby followed up by elbowing her directly in her face.

15 was slightly pushed back, then she saw the two girls approach her once again, now fighting her at the same time. 15 dodged the two over and over, grabbing onto Gabby's wrist and swinging Gabby's entire body around, hitting Cynthia in the process and pushing them both back.

The two slammed into the wall, and before 15 could proceed to attack them, Otto ran up to her and threw a punch towards her, which she easily avoided, only for Otto to use his other hand to splash hot coffee in her face, which stunned her slightly and gave Gabby and Cynthia enough time to stand and recover, looking at Otto, who helped them up.

Otto: look!! I can't fight like you losers, but get up!! Dammit, who the hell is this bit-

Just then, 15 delivered a swift strike to Otto's neck from behind, making the Inkling boy stutter before passing out in front of Gabby and Cynthia. 15 grabbed Otto from behind and aggressively threw him behind the counter, making him crash into multiple glass containers that were filled with essential coffee beans.

Cynthia saw 15 glare at the two with her burned face, only seeing her heal and put her fists up to continue in their fight, only making Cynthia shake her head in disbelief.

Cynthia: this just fucking unreal........

Gabby:.......*tsk*......she doesn't even look exhausted.......

Gabby wiped blood from her face and put her fists up again, but before she had the chance to attack first, 15 cut her off and dashed forward, immediately throwing multiple punches back to back towards the police squid.

Gabby grunted in annoyance as Cynthia stood on the side of the fight, immediately rushing in when 15 delivered a clean punch to Gabby's face, knocking out one of her teeth in the process. Cynthia swung her fist and punched 15 directly on the side of her stomach, but she simply saw the hybrid turn her head and glare at her as if she took no damage.

Cynthia saw 15 swing her heel to kick her, but she leaned back, only putting herself in a bad position to avoid her next attack. 15 began to overwhelm Cynthia with her speed, punching the Octoling directly in her stomach and making her cough up blood as her vision began to fade.

Gabby saw Cynthia lose consciousness and fall down on the ground in front of 15, and when 15 was about to finish her off, she ran in front of Cynthia and defended her, glaring at the hybrid, which made her stop within her motion of attack.

Gabby: d-don't you fucking dare......


Gabby: you're gonna have to kill me first before you even get the chance!!

Within the blink of an eye, 15 dashed and elbowed a tired and worn down Gabby right in her chest to knock the wind out of her. Her legs shook uncontrollably, and she fell to her knees, seeing the hybrid mercilessly glaring at her with her dark eyes. Gabby passed out next to Cynthia, and 15 looked at the two unconscious girls on the ground, and she got ready to finish the two off, but when she looked at Gabby, she saw a tear roll down her face, making her freeze up once more.

15 stood in deep thought, feeling a slight sense of warmth in her body....she simply took one last look at Gabby before leaving the Café, sparing their lives.........but she obviously knew......that she was still on the hunt.......

Yasu: we need to keep going!!

Calvin and Yasu quickly jumped through the air, and Calvin looked behind himself to see the Café in the far distance. The two boys soared through the air, and Calvin let out a tiny grunt to himself, seeing the Café get smaller and smaller, but something caught his eye only slightly, and before he had the chance to say anything, Yasu quickly yelled towards him to get his attention.

Yasu: Inkopolis square!! Maybe we can hide there!!

Calvin thought to himself, feeling his Tenta brella flow in the wind on his back. Back from the Café, below the ground levels from the buildings, Calvin noticed a long stream of ink that made its progress towards them at tremendous speed.

Calvin: she.........already caught us.......


Calvin stared and saw the unnatural speed and reaction timing of the hybrid. Noticing her super jumps she used to launch herself forward, low to the ground instead of in the air, quickly following up by running on the ground, dodging multiple cephalopods, benches, poles, bus stops, and many other obstacles in her way.

Throughout these unrealistic feats, Calvin still noticed the hybrid never take her demonic eyes from off of him the whole time, watching him jump from building to building above her as she ran below him. Inkopolis square stood in the distance, but before the two boys could reach it together, 15 quickly super jumped towards Deca tower and landed on it, then launched herself towards the two boys, immediately aiming for Yasu and drilling her knee directly into his stomach without any warning. Yasu had no breath to yell, and before he could regain himself, he was launched to the buildings below, making him tumble and fall deeply unconscious before Calvin's eyes.

The citizens of Inkopolis looked in the sky and saw Calvin directly above them, along with 15, who spun her heel down to hit him, but he quickly pulled out his tenta brella to block the attack, only for it to send him down directly in the middle of the square for all to see.

Calvin let out a little grunt as he pushed himself back up, and right before his eyes, 15 landed right in front of him and also the many innocent cephalopods. 15 looked over and saw distant magazines with Calvin battling Isabella on its cover, and she looked at the boy before her, seeing him grasp his tenta brella.

Instead of holding up her fists for another battle, she instead closed her eyes and pulled out her own weapon of choice, a splattershot pro that looked really modified and abnormal from commonly known weapons of squid kind.

15: stand properly........face me.........

Many cephalopods began to back away from the conflict, seeing 15 and Calvin directly in the middle for all to see within the square, and Calvin gripped his brella with a glare towards her.

Octoling that?.....

Octoling boy:.......heh....I-I guess you could say Isabella is getting her.....rematch.....

Inkling boy:....Isabella....but....she's dead.....

Inkling girl:......looks like she crawled herself out of that see her tentacles?.......I knew she was a Pit-Dweller this whole time........

Octoling boy:....that's.....not an Octoling......

Inkling boy:.....or an Inkling.......

With no warning, 15 immediately dashed towards him and began to fire in his direction. He blocked her shots with his brella and responded with a strong and swift shot that erupted and splatted ink through the plaza, making many back away even further than before.

Gasps and screams were heard when 15 jumped and shot her weapon towards Calvin, approaching him from above, trying to kick him from above, and Calvin expanded his brella, which allowed her to land on his shield, aggressively slamming her feet down and shooting through it with no mercy, making Calvin grunt from
His struggle and swung his brella shield to make 15 jump off of it.

The hybrid landed on the ground and dashed towards Calvin, throwing a suction bomb, only for him to dodge and kick it away, but 15 quickly dashed in front of the suction bomb once more, and she jumped up from the ground, spinning her body and kicking the bomb with her heel directly back towards Calvin before it hit the ground, making him jump away to avoid the explosion.

Calvin jumped in the air, seeing 15 in the air after her previous kick, and he aimed his brella at her and shot, only for her to turn into her squid/octopus form and spin her body to avoid the brutal shot, turning back into her human form and reaching towards him to grab him, but Calvin leaned his head back to avoid her hand, only getting slightly scratched by her fingers.

More and more cephalopods began to record the battle from below, seeing Calvin grab 15 by her shirt and throw her down to the ground, but the hybrid landed on her feet and caught herself.

Calvin dashed down from the air to shoot 15, but she held her hand up, exposing a suction bomb for him to run directly into. Calvin gritted his teeth and expanded his brella, allowing his shield to take the explosion, yet still knock him back.

Calvin landed on his feet, then reached to 15 and tried to overwhelm her with nonstop aggression, dashing towards him and shooting him, but he quickly dodged the shots and aimed his brella at her face directly.

Calvin pulled the trigger and all that was heard in the square was a large explosion of ink, but to Calvin's shock, 15 leaned her entire body back to avoid the point blank shot, only receiving a slight scratch of his ink on her face.

15 placed her hand on the ground and kicked Calvin, but he blocked the kick barely, making his body fly over to ammo knights. Calvin slammed through the doors of the shop and made Sheldon duck in fear as he slammed into the wall.

The Inkling boy grunted and stood up, only to see 15 run and throw a punch towards him, barely missing his face and making her drive her fist deep into the wall.

He shot his brella, but 15 pulled her hand out of the wall and moved her body, allowing the ink to splatter all throughout the weapon shop. She shot her weapon at Calvin, but he managed to dodge and shoot at her once again, making Sheldon hide completely behind his desk. 15 grabbed onto a dry dynamo from the wall and swung it at Calvin, making him use his shield to block the attack, but make him slide back outside the store.

He landed in the middle of the plaza once more and the same dynamo roller then flew from the shop, and Calvin barely moved his head from the weapon, seeing it crash through the shoal from behind him. Pearl and Marina looked through the glass with their jaws completely dropped as they watched the ongoing battle from within the plaza itself, looking at themselves slightly.

15 shot at Calvin and made him jump up to Deca tower to dodge the attack. She followed him up the tower by jumping up to him. Calvin was thrown on major defense and used his shield to block many of 15s brutal attacks.

Calvin looked at the hybrid and saw a slight tear seep from her eye as she attacked him, but it was quickly washed away by the mighty wind from her nonstop aggression.

Calvin: WHO ARE YOU!!!?

Calvin reached the great Zapfish, and from slightly cornering himself, he jumped off the tower, hearing the many cephalopods gasp and scream from down below.

15 jumped after him and he managed to dodge her single punch, but was too slow to dodge her knee straight to his stomach, but he quickly swiped his brella to hit her, only for her to kick off of him to put herself above him.

He saw her raise her fist and glare directly down towards him, ready to splashdown onto him, seeing her bloodthirsty glare.


15 slammed her fist down onto Calvin's brella, cracking his shield greatly and making his eyes widen in shock. The two made contact with the ground and erupted a large explosion of ink, and from the aftermath, many cephalopods moved from behind debris and cover that protected themselves from the explosion to see Calvin on the ground with his broken brella next to him, and on top of him, 15 kept her foot firm on his chest as he grunted in pain from being covered in her ink, on the brink of getting splatted with no form of respawn.

She leaned down and grabbed Calvin, then held her weapon up to his head with a glare, ready to end him.


15 lowered her finger on the trigger, but then, from the distance, her and many other cephalopods heard the scream of a certain girl.....15 stopped.....she directed her attention towards the voice.....

From the distance....she saw an Inkling girl with black tentacles that faded into a beautiful purple as they covered one of her eyes.....tears flowed from her eye......and she sniffled greatly......but her sent a strike through 15s body.......a strike she's never felt for many years.....

Obsidian: ERIDA STOP!!!!!

Erida.........15's real name that she was once reminded of again........her body stopped......she felt washed from disbelief.........and felt her grip from
Calvin slowly get weaker and weaker the more she stared at her......



Many stayed silent from Obsidian's words......their complete shock from her statement.........and from the recording of made them stand and forget their sense of thrill and excitement from the fight.......and just like Erida........her words echoed through their heads.......

Obsidian: HE DIDN'T KILL HER!!!.....BELLA.......SHE'S STILL ALIVE!!!


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