Chapter 4: A Bubbly Feeling
Yumi, was sitting on her couch while only wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top. She scrolled through Tv channels until she heard a familiar voice calling her name, actually catching her attention and forcing her to look over and see Bella standing there while only wearing a bra and panties.
Yumi, began to blush at the sight from Bella's beautiful body, and she saw Bella begin to walk closer....and closer...causing Yumi to crawl backwards on the couch, but Bella crawled onto the couch and continued to move until she was right above Yumi.
Bella: I want you, Yumi~....
Yumi didn't even have a chance to respond because she suddenly felt Bella's lips connect with hers. Yumi was shocked at first but her eyes slowly shut and she embraced the kiss by using her hand and gently began to caress Bella's cheek.
Yumi: Mmph~...
Yumi began to muffle a couple of moans from Bella's gentle, yet seductive touching, slowly rubbing all over her body and sliding her tongue into her mouth. Eventually the two separated and Bella was sitting right on Yumi's lap. Yumi could still feel the trail of saliva on her lower lip that used to connect them, causing her to actually blush even more and whimper a little.
Bella: do you want me, Yumi?~
Bella gave Yumi a little smile and rubbed her hands on Yumi's belly under her tank top, slowly getting closer and closer to Yumi's breasts. Yumi whimpered again, and saw Bella give her another look while letting out little seductive noises.
Bella: I'll ask you want me, Yumi?~
Bella: I know you do~.....I just wanna hear you say it~
Yumi was a complete blushing mess and she was so confused, yet aroused on what was even going on at the moment. She looked away in a shy manner and slowly opened her mouth in a adorable way.
Yumi:.........I do want you.
Bella, smirked a little and let go of Yumi, then leaned back up again and grabbed her own bra.
Bella: well can have me~
Yumi's eyes shot open and she instantly sat up in her bed while panting heavily. Yumi could feel sweat trailing down her face as she grasped onto her own chest and felt her heart beating way more fucking fast.
Yumi: what.....was that?.....
Yumi felt on her cheeks to feel that they were super warm as her heart finally began to stop beating so rapidly, going back to it's normal pacing. she sat there for quite some time until her cheeks weren't warm anymore and she finally could let out a long sigh, and looked over at her room window to see that it was raining outside, making her just.....sit there and watch as the rain flowed down her window with the light of the moon illuminating in her room.
Yumi:...why.....why do I feel so weird?
Yumi could feel a bubbly feeling within her gut, making her even more confused on what was going on.
Yumi:...this feeling.....could I be sick?
Yumi stood up from the bed and walked out of her bedroom and over to the bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror and started to just....think. Yumi looked down at her body to see herself wearing her "pajamas", which consisted of a tank top and pair of shorts.
Yumi knew her pajamas weren't flashy but honestly, she didn't care because sleep is sleep, and she's gonna wear whatever the fuck she wants, and what she thinks feels comfortable while she sleeps.
Yumi, walked out of the bathroom and up to a door within the hallway. she opened the door and peeked inside to see Mia sleeping with her tentacles all ruffled. after Yumi, got home after the match with the Fireflies, Mia literally scolded her for about a good hour about kissing an Inkling, and actually playing on a squad with three of them.
Mia in Yumi's head: (what the hell is the matter with you?! playing on a squad with Inklings?!..I would've let that slide but you kissed one of them, Yumi!! YOU KISSED ONE!!! once I get my hands on that Inkling girl I'm gonna....blah blah blah blah blah blah.)
Yumi shook her head from the thought and slowly closed the door to Mia's room to let her overprotective friend sleep. Yumi walked over to a door next to Mia's and opened it up to see Dayna sleeping in her bed while her blankets were all on the ground and she was sprawled out like a starfish. While Yumi and Mia were pretty quiet and calm sleepers, Dayna was......the opposite of the two; She would snore really loudly, drool everywhere, kick around, talk in her sleep sometimes, and take up the whole damn bed, literally sleepovers with this Octoling were impossible.
Dayna: *snooooore*..*snooooore*..*snort* mmmmm. no....don't leave Mr. ice cream man...I still didn't get my scoop...*snooooore*
Yumi shrugged and closed the door quietly to Dayna's room, then walked out of the hallway into the Livingroom. she walked into the kitchen which was connected to their Livingroom, and opened up the fridge to see one final can of Fizzy Splattersplash soda, making her let out a sigh of relief that Dayna didn't drink them all. she grabbed the can and after closing the fridge, walked over to the pantry and grabbed a bag of sour cream and onion flavored Hydra chips. Yumi took her little snack and walked back into the Livingroom with it, then flopped on the couch and grabbed the remote, turning on the Tv and began scrolling through the channels until she found a random show called "Inkopolis High".
*on the Tv*
Inklings and Octolings were roaming through the hallways and grabbing their things for next class, a Inkling boy walked up to his locker and opened it while letting out a long sigh.
Inkling boy: I can't believe I flunked that test....
just then, a letter fell out of his locker and landed next to his shoe, causing him to get confused and pick up the letter, then start inspecting it.
Inkling boy: this handwriting is waaaaay too neat to be mine...who....put this in my locker?
The Inkling boy began to read the letter as a Octoling girl was peeking at him from around the corner with a little blush on her cheeks while an Inkling girl was peeking as well.
Octoling girl: h-he's reading it.....he's reading it!
Inkling girl: I can see that
Octoling girl: I really hope he says yes to go to prom with me!
Inkling girl: well...he doesn't even know that YOU wrote that letter.
Octoling girl: hmhmhm! don't worry, I told him to meet me by the front entrance of the school on prom night, that's when I'll confess to him!
Inkling girl: are you sure he'll accept you? I mean....even if he're an Octoling....and he's an Inkling...I'm sure the school wouldn't react very well to that.
the Octoling girl looked away for a second, but then puffed her cheeks in confidence as her Inkling friend looked at her a bit concerned.
Octoling girl: it doesn't matter if we're different species...I'll still try...
*off the Tv*
Yumi was actually a bit interested from the show and by the Octolings words, making her grab another Hydra chip and eat it while sinking into deep thought Inkling and Octoling's not like it was against the might as well be in the eyes of society.
an Inkling and Octoling could never be together in that way......but Yumi has seen Inklings and Octolings on very rare occasions, holding hands and snuggling together....and they instantly gained her respect for sure. Yumi wasn't really the....romantic type.....actually...she sucked with badly.
Yumi didn't know how to properly kiss...or act around a significant other...but then's not like she ever had one to begin with. Yumi would admit that she has had Octoling boys flirt with her before, but usually when that happens she begins to lock up and feel a little uncomfortable, obviously knowing that the Octoling boys only wanted to have sex with her. but usually when situations like that happened, Mia would help her out and tell the Octoling boys to fuck off for her.
But.....a significant other.....It's not like Yumi, didn't want to be in a relationship. she wouldn't mind being in one but....she just felt like she would ruin everything because she didn't know how to do anything romance related, plus she hasn't really....found the one yet. she began to think about her new group of friends one by one as she grabbed a chip and ate it.
Miles, wasn't really attractive to Yumi like that, but she actually thought he was pretty fresh, plus he already is in love with someone. Coraline, was.....unique...Yumi thought the girl was fresh as well but she was pretty hyper....a little bit too hyper for her liking. then there was Echo....she was really fresh to Yumi but...she was too glued to that laptop of hers, but Bella said something to her yesterday about Echo's charger skills an-....
Yumi felt her heart skip a beat for a second when she mentioned Bella's name in her thoughts....she didn't really...know how to describe Bella. she held onto her chest and felt her cheeks get warm again.
Yumi:...(why... I was just fine, but the second I think about her....I-)
Mia: what are you doing up this early?
Yumi, almost super jumped out of her skin when she heard Mia's voice behind her, making her almost drop her chips and spill her soda as well. Yumi, looked behind her to see Mia, rubbing her eye and looking down at her, then she leaned down and grabbed a chip from Yumi's bag.
Mia: wow....*nom* why are you blushing so hard?....I've never seen you blush before.
Mia: *looks at the Tv* were watching a stupid romance show.....I never expected you to blush from one....especially one like this.
Yumi:.....*looks away*
Mia:...again with the silent treatment? you are so random, Yumi.
Mia: what's the matter?
Yumi:.....just tired.
Yumi handed the rest of her chips and soda to Mia, then walked out of the Livingroom while thinking to herself.....she'll just ignore that weird bubbly feeling and it'll eventually go away.....right?
within splat tower, Bella was sleeping in her apartment and letting out soft and slow breaths while snuggled deep into her blankets.
Bella slowly opened her eyes in annoyance and let out a little yawn as she threw her blankets aside and stood up for a second and stretched before walking over to her door, opening it up to see Echo standing in the empty hallway of apartments while wearing a little carrying bag, which Bella could only assume that's where her laptop was.
Bella: hello, Echo -_-
Echo: hey.....uh....
Bella: what?
Echo: *points* why are you only wearing panties and a tank top?
Bella: because I was sleeping......and I like sleeping in my underwear.
Echo: why?
Bella: because it feels comfortable...
Echo: weirdo....anyway, let me in.
Bella: why the hell are you even here at four in the morning?
Echo: I got something to show you.
Bella: shouldn't you be asleep as well?
Echo: I'm a night owl. you know that *shrugs* and I also drink a lot of coffee.
Bella: I'm surprised you're never hyper from putting so much caffeine in your body.
Echo: you get used to it, but like I said *gently begins pushing Bella* let me in.
Bella: h-hey!
Echo basically forced herself into Bella's apartment, then shut the door behind her as Bella sighed while walking over to the wall and flipping on the light switch.
Bella: ok....what do have to show me?
Echo: I will in a sec, but first, do you have any Squiddy cakes? the pantry.
Echo walked over to the pantry and opened it up to see a bunch of different snacks, then smirked a little.
Echo: wow, you really went all out when you went grocery shopping.
Bella: Mhm.
Echo grabbed the box of Squiddy cakes and opened it up, then pulled out a squid shaped pastry cake wrapped in plastic before putting the box back in the pantry. she opened up the plastic and grabbed the Squiddy cake, then took a bite out of it.
Echo: mmmm...these things will forever stay delicious.
Echo sat on the couch and pulled her laptop out as Bella sat down next to her and watched her boot up her laptop. she typed in her password as she nibbled on the Squiddy cake, then showed Bella her screen, causing Bella's eyes to widen in shock.
Echo: this is what I wanted to show you.
Bella:....w....what the hell?!
Bella snatched the laptop and looked at the picture closer, then her heart instantly died, causing her to let out a groan.
Bella: this can't be happening....
Echo: yup......that's a picture of you....and Yumi....kissing from the match yesterday...that was posted to squidstagram.
Bella:....wait...who even posted that image?
Echo: Otto, did.
Bella: OTTO?!!!
Echo: Mhm, I guess this was his revenge for you...literally slamming a Booyah bomb into his face yesterday.
Bella: I am going to fucking kill him when I see him...
Echo: also he said in the post "look at Isabella kissing all over this disgusting Pit-dweller"......followed by like....twenty throwing up emojis.
Bella: my life is ruined.....
Echo: it's ok, at least the post has over one thousand likes.
Bella: yeah, and those are most likely other Inklings agreeing with him.....
Echo: hm.....there's a decent amount of comments as well *smirks* let's read them, shall we?
Bella: please don't.
Echo: "awwwe that's so cute" "heart emojis".
Echo: "don't hate on their love" "rolling eyes emoji".
Bella: >->
Echo: "I don't think you have the right to call her a Pit-dweller but ok bud" "annoyed emoji"
Bella: are you skipping past the bad ones and only reading the good ones?
Bella: *whimpers* this sucks.
Echo: at least there are more good ones than bad ones.
Echo: do you want me to read some of the bad ones?
Bella: I'm good.
Bella sighed and covered her face with her hands, then slouched over on the couch while Echo continued to chow down on her Squiddy cakes.
Bella: what am I gonna do?
Echo: *nom* don't worry. I've been thinking of a full proof plan that will make everyone forget about this.
Bella: you have?
Echo: Mhm.
Bella: tell me, please!!
Echo: it's super simple.
Bella: *stares at her*
Echo: we simply do...
Echo: *breaths iiiiiiiin* nothing.
Echo: we do nothing. It's that simple. just let time pass and eventually everyone will forget that ever happened *shrugs* that's how it works when it comes to something big on social media.
Bella: I....I guess you're right.
Echo: I know.
Bella: can you....leave now, please? I want to go back to bed...
Echo: nah *type type* I was planning on spending the night anyway.
Echo: come oooon.
Bella:.....*sigh* fine
Time passed and it was now in the afternoon of a beautiful day after all of that rain last night. Miles was walking down the hallway of the top floors of splat tower, getting stares from Inklings and Octolings alike.
Miles: *text text*
Inkling girl: who is that?
Octoling girl: he's that boy that was a part of the squad that defeated the Fireflies yesterday....
Inkling girl 2: that's him?....he kind of looks...poor
Inkling boy: well he must have SOME skill if he defeated the Fireflies yesterday.
even though Miles, could definitely hear those Cephalopods talking about him he just played them off and continued to walk and text Willow. Miles knew he stuck out like a sore thumb within the higher floors of splat tower and he knew he didn't belong there for sure. Inklings and Octolings up on the higher levels looked They wore expensive looking clothing while Miles just wore a turtleneck sweater with jeans and classic shoes, which obviously gave off the look of "poor" when being up here, but Miles didn't really care all that much anyway.
M: I'm making my way there now.
W: k. the hell am I supposed to respond to that?...uh*text text*
M: yeah, I can't wait.
W: mhm.
Miles: *looking at his phone* -_-.*text text*
M: yeah but...I'll knock when I get there so see ya.
W: k.
Miles put his phone in his pocket and let out a very long sigh as he was walking down the hallway. Miles, continued to walk until he eventually reached apartment two hundred thirty six, which he pulled out the card from yesterday to see if the numbers matched up, then gave himself a little nod.
Miles: This is the place.....
before even knocking on the door, Miles took in a long deep breath and began to think to himself.
Miles: ok Miles......a quick check before you even knock on that door. hmmm....shower taken? check, cologne and deodorant so you don't smell terrible? check, tentacles brushed? check, brushed your teeth at least 3 times before coming up here? check, clean your ears? check, breath mints?
Miles reached in his pocket and pulled out a pack of mints, then threw one into his mouth before putting it back.
Miles: check...*sigh*...let's do this.
Miles was about to knock on the door again but instantly stopped and turned around from the door and began thinking to himself.
Miles: maybe another shower wouldn't hurt?......a change of clothes?......nah.....
Miles turned back around and was about to knock on the door AGAIN but he stopped and his face instantly turned pale. he turned away from the door yet again and gritted his teeth in frustration at himself.
Miles: I don't know what to say when she opens up the door!!..uuuugh I knew I was going to forget something!
Inklings and Octolings: *looking at him* >->
Miles: dammit...uh....I can just think of something to say right now!"hi"? that's stupidly awkward and bland..."sup girl"?....ok that's just dumb....
Willow: *opens the door*.
Miles: *finger guns* "yo baby"......uuugh that's stupid too!!
Miles: ok...maybe uh...
Willow: Miles...
Miles instantly turned around when he heard Willow's voice, and saw her just...staring at him, causing Miles to blush really hard and jump back from her.
Miles: WILLOW!!
Willow:... much did you hear?...
Willow: "yo baby"
Miles felt like a demon cupid just shot him in the heart with a deadly arrow when he realized that he was basically making a fool of himself in front of her just moments ago. a little thought bubble popped up above Miles' head as he began to sink into deep thought.
Miles: (it's over....she's gonna throw me out like a piece of trash....and the date didn't even start yet!!)
within the thought bubble, a Chibi Miles just got kicked right in the balls by a Chibi Willow, causing Chibi Miles to completely die inside while falling to the ground and holding his balls.
Chibi Willow: this date is cancelled *walks away*
Miles continued to just drift off in deep thought until he got a tap that snapped him out of it...a little tap on his nose, causing him to blush when he realized that Willow was the one who did it to get his attention while looking slightly up at him since she was shorter.
Willow: are you coming inside or what?
Miles, walked into the Apartment and behind Willow, taking in his surroundings. within her Livingroom hung a flat screen Tv and a really nice couch that definitely looked super expensive, which is what Willow flopped right on without a care in the world, while Miles, just stood there.
Willow: *text text*.
Willow: *text.....text*..*looks at Miles* are you going to sit down?
Miles: oh! I...didn't know.
Willow: you can do anything around the apartment....just don't break anything or make a mess.
Miles: alright....
Miles sat down on the far side of the couch away from Willow to give her the space she would most likely want. awkward silence filled the room and Miles began tapping on his leg and thinking to himself.
Miles: (c'mon Miles! start a conversation!)
Miles looked around for something to talk about until he laid his eyes on Willow's flat screen Tv, which was currently off at the moment.
Miles:, what type of movies do you like?
Willow: I don't watch Movies.
Miles: seriously? then what do you watch?
Willow: Goo tube videos.
Miles: oh....makes sense.
Willow: Mhm.
Miles: what else do you do on your phone?...if you don't mind me asking.
Willow: *text text* I listen to music...squidstagram.Splatchat.*shrugs* and like I said...Goo Tube.
Miles: ah....
*awkward silence*
Miles:.....well...what type of music do you listen to?
Willow: heavy metal.
Miles: nice! Me too!
Willow: cool.
Miles began to sweat as yet again...awkward silence filled the room. even though he was obviously fazed by the awkwardness, when he looked over at Willow, she didn't seemed fazed at all. all that was heard was the sound of Willow texting on her phone. Miles looked down at the ground and bit his lip on what to do, with him eventually standing up from the couch and pulling out his phone.
Miles: oh phone is ringing..brrrr. do you mind if I step out to take this?
Willow: *shrugs* go ahead.
Miles literally bolted out of the apartment and slammed the door behind him. he stood on the outside hallway of Willow's apartment and began scrolling through his contacts until he saw Echo's phone number, then pressed on it before holding the phone up to his ear.
Miles: *sigh*.come on Echo....pick up.
E: Miles?
M: Echo!
E: yeah? wait...aren't you supposed to be on your date right now?
M:....uh...yeah that's the reason why I called.
E: did she ditch you or somethin'?
M:'s just....uuuugh! it's super awkward!
E: oh....well I saw this coming.
M: *sigh*...maybe I should just head back home....I have a feeling like I'm bothering her.
E: oh no you don't!
E:....Miles....don't give up man. You're a very goofy, nice, caring, and loveable guy. You stood up against the Fireflies and betted your whole reputation JUST to get a date with this girl, and you're just gonna give up on this date because it's "awkward"?
Miles leaned against the wall and let out a tiny sigh while letting Echo's words sink in for a second, then slowly opened his mouth to respond to her.
M: I just...don't know what to do.
E: just talk to her normally, dude. so what if she's your crush? in the end she's still a regular Inkling girl. Don't try to impress her or make her laugh, just talk to her and act normal.
E: hm? what's so funny?
M:'s just......what would I do without you, Echo.
E: yes yes I know I'm amazing. Go get her, Tiger shark.
Echo hung up the phone and sighed while covering her face with one of her hands. she slouched over and a little blush formed on the Inklings cheeks. Echo eventually removed her hand from her face and looked at Miles' contact picture, which was a picture of her and him throwing up peace signs together.
Echo: why do you have to say shit like that? idiot.
Bella: *smirks* awwwwwe!
Echo literally jumped up from the couch for a second and almost dropped her phone in the process, but she caught it thankfully. Echo's blush grew even wider as she looked right at Bella, who was smirking right at her.
Bella: Echoooooo!!
Echo: shut it.....*looks away* you already know anyway.
Bella: I know *sits down* why don't you tell Miles how you feel already?
Echo: because it would ruin everything.
Bella: how? Echo, you've loved Miles for years!
Echo: I would already know his answer. Miles doesn't feel the same way.
Bella: because you're not putting in effort.
Echo: I am putting in effort....towards our friendship...
Echo: I always give Miles advice to try and help him whenever a new girl catches his eye...
Bella saw a little hint of sadness in Echo's eyes when she said that, making her feel bad for her. Echo has had a crush on Miles, for literal years but Echo never really built up the courage to even try to hold Miles' hand throughout the years. Bella, sighed and put a hand on Echo's, shoulder to grab her attention.
Bella: well.....maybe you should take your own advice every once in a while, Echo.
Echo sat there for a moment in complete silence, then thought to herself before letting out a nod and closing her laptop.
Echo: yeah....I guess you're right.
Miles smiled before putting his phone in his pocket and slowly walking back into the apartment to see that Willow was still laying right on the couch and texting. Miles smirked and walked over to Willow, then took her phone out of her hands.
Willow: what are you doing?
Miles: I believe you forgot this was a date, Willow.
Miles: which means today is gonna be all about us.
Willow:.....about us?
Miles: Mhm.
Willow stood up and she gave a little nod to Miles before walking over to him and giving him a hug, causing him to blush a little.
Willow: well Miles...
Miles: y-yeah?
Willow: show me why you wanted to go on a date with me...
Miles was shocked at first from Willow, but smirked and let out a little chuckle.
Miles: alright then. I'll make you some of my delicious curry.
Willow: I see...
Miles smiled and actually felt as if Willow...was truly the one for him. He felt like Willow was the girl that was destined to be his future wife. What could possibly go wrong?
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