Chapter 38: Romance and Rivalry
A small Charlotte was walking with a small box of chocolate, feeling her heart thumping rapidly as she approached her destination. Her hands began to shake, but it wasn't because she was was because she was flustered. A blush formed on her face as she turned a corner and saw Inkling girl with pink tentacles and orange eyes.
The girl's hair was long and beautiful, flowing in the mysterious wind as she sat on a bench that was right in front of a cliff, with the bottom of the cliff consisting of a gigantic field of black flowers.
The Inkling girl turned around and saw Charlotte, letting out a nice, calm, and soothing smile that just made Charlotte's heart melt. Charlotte let out a little gulp and walked closer to her, seeing her wave at her, with Charlotte responding by waving straight back. Charlotte sat down on the bench and placed the chocolates on her lap, looking at the cliff and seeing the field of flowers that seemed to go on forever.
Coraline: Char! *Giggles* this is a first. You never actually invited me anywhere before....and I'm jealous that you've never showed me this's so beautiful.....
Charlotte:....It's.......the abyss of endless memories.......this is where we would dispose of the fallen soldiers from battle, dropping them down in the abyss.....and their body would eventually turn into ink....seeping down into the dirt.....which would make a flower grow and bloom, representing their loyalty and honor.
Coraline:.........all of these flowers.....these represent......all of the Octolings that died?
Charlotte: *nods* I come here to think at times......and I.....can sense the happiness and joy from their souls after being released.
Coraline:.....that's why I can....feel slight shivers from my body ink.
Coraline: mm?
Charlotte shook a little more from nervousness, but she managed to build of the courage to adorably scoot a little closer to Coraline and hold out the box of chocolate to her.
Coraline: you got me chocolate?! Awwwwe, Charlotte, thank you!
Coraline gently took the box and rested it on her own lap, then sat back a little, chuckling while looking at Charlotte, who was looking away at the moment to hide her red face.
Coraline: I'll definitely eat all of these once I get hom-
Charlotte: N-No!
Charlotte: b-because.....I put.....something in there....something that I want you to see.....
Coraline: two presents in one?! Awe yeah!
Coraline began to open the box as Charlotte continued to look away from her, not watching her see the other awaited prise for her inside of the box. Charlotte heard Coraline grab the present from out of the box......and she stayed silent....
The silence grew longer and longer...that is until Charlotte just couldn't take it anymore......she twiddled her fingers and took a deep breath.....looking down at the ground.
Charlotte:......I wrote it because.....I.....I lov-......Love you.......and I......
Charlotte was so embarrassed that she began to laugh a tiny bit at herself to distract herself from the nerve-racking situation. Charlotte slowly turned her head around to face Coraline after finally controlling herself properly.
Charlotte: so......I.....I just wanted to know to be my gir-
Charlotte's eyes widened in shock from Coraline's facial stopped her heart for a second. She saw Coraline under the influence of fear....sadness.......depression.
Charlotte:......... it?....
Charlotte:....*cute nod*.....
Charlotte saw a drop of sweat flow down from Coraline's head, and Coraline stood up with the present in her hand, shaking like Charlotte.....but her shaking seemed much more odd...and fearful.....
The world around Charlotte stopped completely, she felt her heart drop hard, hitting her stomach and strangling her insides.....she couldn't was as if her lungs simply just.......collapsed.......causing her to breath in and out.....noticing that her vision was getting very blurry and twitchy........
Charlotte knew it.......she was about to cry.......cry right in front of her......she was going to embarrass herself in front of Coraline more than she already did. With her hands on her lap......she squeezed onto her thighs......stopping herself from crying just a stopped her mental pain.........but that only caused her physical pain....
She clenched her thighs so hard that she felt her Octoling claws dig deep into her skin.....making her fingers bloody as a result....she could feel the pain......but it didn't faze her expression at was the least of her worries at the moment. Coraline saw this action taking place, but just as she was about to open her mouth and tell Charlotte to stop.....but she simply just stopped on her own, then she slowly stood up, and only saying two words.
Charlotte:......I'm sorry.......
Charlotte backed away from Coraline, then turn around to hide the tears that started to roll down her face. Coraline saw Charlotte start to quickly walk away, making her shocked and sad she quickly ran over to Charlotte, putting her hand on her shoulder, instantly feeling how warm her body was, signaling the embarrassing and pressurizing event weighing her down completely.
Coraline: Charlotte, No!!
Charlotte:.....*sniff*......I'm so.....stupid.....
Coraline: no you're not!
Charlotte: I just...I ruined it....everything.
Coraline saw Charlotte start to shake more and more....breathing in heavily as well......Charlotte's cheek scar began to hurt her greatly, making her hold her cheek in pain, and her tears to flow faster.
Charlotte: please.......g-go......... it's embarrassing.........
Coraline: no! I'm not leaving you!
Charlotte: Coraline......please.......
Coraline tightened her grip on Charlotte's shoulder, feeling tears start to form in her eyes as well, while Charlotte's embarrassment grew and grew......sniffling as her hand twitched more and more.
Coraline: Charlotte, I want to talk to you about this! you are the most important girl to me!
"The most important girl".........Charlotte felt a strong pulse from her scar.....which flowed through her whole body, making her stand there like a crying statue, remembering........her......
Within Charlotte's thoughts....she saw a woman.....holding her like a baby...bright light flashed inside from the window in the house, covering the woman's face entirely.
Charlotte reached out to the woman with her small hands, but she was too far away to grab.......even now.....she could somehow feel the woman's touch. It felt very delicate and soft, putting her at peace.
???:......Charlotte.....I know you'll do amazing things one are the most important my entire life. I love you so daughter.
She shook more......her bloody fingers dripped with her blood from earlier. She held it in as best as she could.....but then.....
Charlotte: I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
Charlotte, without looking where she was swinging, quickly swung her Octoling claws back straight at Coraline, cutting her deep in her stomach, knocking her on her back.......seeing her blood spurge out onto her. Coraline screamed in pain.....and Charlotte stood in front of her on the ground........scared and shocked........realizing that what she just did.........would change her entire life.
Charlotte saw Coraline look up at her with if she was a monster that ruthlessly attacked her out of nowhere.....she hesitated hard......but then took a step forward......towards her, only to see her back away on the floor, confirming Charlotte's thoughts.....
Charlotte:.........Coraline.... I-
Not even listening to Charlotte's words, Coraline quickly got up and ran off from her, crying her eyes out and dropping the present in the process, and it landed right at Charlotte's feet. Charlotte bent down and picked up the present, looking at it one last time......
"May your beauty shine past the whole sea, just as your voice feels like a melody. I want to grow with you by my side, being inspired from all of your pride. I want to start fresh with you and me, together as one, much closer than before, much stronger than before, but with what I'm about to say, don't be surprised if I flee.
Coraline, will you be my girlfriend?"
Tears began to fall onto the piece of paper, and Charlotte sniffled more and dropped the paper, seeing it land in a pile of bloody ink......blood that trailed on.....far away from her....Coraline was gone.......
Charlotte:..................I......didn't mean it....
The sun rose up for another was the day.....the entrance exams will finally begin.....Coraline's eyes slowly opened as she laid in her bed by herself. She calmly twisted her body and sat up in the bed, placing her feet onto the carpet floor.
Coraline stood up and walked over to her bathroom, instantly looking at herself and letting out a tiny sigh.....she felt her stomach pulsate once.....then again......and again.....sending surges of pain throughout her body.
Coraline held her stomach in pain, leaning over the sink and grunting hard......but then the pain started to slowly sooth down......and Coraline quickly reached over to the side of her sink, grabbing a tiny bottle and a syringe, staring at them both..... watching the clear medication sit still within the container until she stuck the syringe into the container, extracting the necessary amount for herself, placing the container back down....then....stared at the syringe silently.
Young Coraline sat on a bed as her mother shouted at an Inkling doctor with tears rolling down her face. All Coraline could do was look away in shame as her mother pointed at her, raising her voice more and more.
Doctor: M-Ma'am.......we don't know...this is something that we've never seen before.......
Doctor: we're researching as hard as we can at the moment.....but....for now....I just recommend that she takes the medication that we prescribed to her.
C Mom:..........
Doctor: we gave her a syringe and some cooling medication. It seems whenever the girl's body acts like this, it's when she's having negative thoughts about something.....the medication will sooth the pain and relax her mind, slowing down the flow of ink in her body. But from the way it looks.....she might need to take this medication for the rest of her life.
Coraline looked down at the syringe and medication in her hand.......Feeling as if the doctor just stabbed her deep in her heart......not even knowing how to respond to him....
Coraline sighed at the thought of the medication........she lifted up her shirt and saw her scar, seeing weirdly colored ink flow within it........she readied the syringe as she looked down at her scar....getting ready to inject herself......but then......she stopped.
Coraline:........(it's been a week......since I've last taken my medication).....
Coraline thought deeply to herself....then put down the syringe and slid her shirt back down......she looked back at herself in the mirror and saw a miserable squid. Her tentacles were ruffled.....she had bags under her eyes......she looked like she was ready to end it all.....but she simply shook her head and used her two index fingers to form a smile on her face.
Coraline:.......positivity..........that's what you have to don't want your friends seeing you like this......
Coraline gave herself a tiny thumbs up in the mirror, then started to get herself situated for the day by taking a shower, changing into new clothes, brushing her teeth, and brushing her tentacles.
Coraline walked over to her bed and saw her N-Zap leaning against the wall. She took it and strapped it to her back before turning around and heading towards the door. She opened the door and was instantly met by Miles, who was just about to knock on the door, but then noticed her while Yumi and Amira were right behind him.
Miles: ready?
Coraline:.........*fake smiles* yeah!
Callie: c'mon c'mon!! It's about to start, Marie!!
Marie picked up a bowl of popcorn and slowly walked over to the living room, placing it down in front of the two while the TV was Live streaming the exams. Callie munched on the popcorn with a cute smile on her face, but when she looked over at Marie, her smile disappeared....seeing Marie looking down with a concerned expression on her face, so she reached over to Marie and gently poked her cheek to catch her attention.
Callie: you've been acting so....distant for the past couple of days, Marie....I'm starting to get scared.'s nothing, Callie......
Callie: it is something....I can just tell that something is bothering you....tell me what it is.
Callie: please......I don't want you to keep this bottled up forever......
Callie: yeah?
Marie:.............have you ever......felt deep guilt before?......
Callie: uh......what?
Marie:.......something that you did in the past......and you regret it today. times.....why?
Marie:........because.....I killed someone....
Callie:........w-wait what?!....
Marie:............Isabella.........I had a chance to save stop stop the fight......I saw the pain that she was going through during the fight.....but I didn't do anything whatsoever......I allowed her to die in front of my eyes.
Callie: Marie.....don't blame yourself....
Marie: I even talked with her before the fight......but.....her smile.........It was as if she knew.......what was gonna happen to her.....but she didn't show any type of fear......some others.....including me at times.....hide behind a smile that's riddled with lies......but when Isabella smiles before......after....or even during a shows her pride.....her courage.......her strength......despite her disabilities......she's proud of who she is and......she's never gonna let anyone else tell her otherwise.
Callie: I can tell you wanna have a deep talk with her.......but....this is something you don't understand......
Marie felt Callie poke her cheek with a piece of popcorn, confusing her a bit. Callie gave Marie a delicate smirk and waved the piece of popcorn around in front of her.
Callie: if you already know this about Isabella......why aren't you confident in her pulling through this? She's not dead, so Have hope, Marie.
Callie tossed the piece of popcorn in her mouth as Marie sat there....completely speechless. She looked away from Callie and looked up at the TV....letting out a tiny smile.
Harlow, the announcer Inkling girl herself stood with a microphone in her hand and a bright smile on her face, standing in the commentator booth above the arena.
Harlow: good morning everyone!! Welcome to the official entrance exams of our current year!!
Since there wasn't a crowd watching, every squid and Octoling that was sitting at home, roared and cheered in front of their TVs. Harlow let out a little giggle as the camera squid followed her along and presented the arena to all of the viewers.
Harlow: now then....I shall present a big event that's brand new to our Cod Willow culture. This trial is known as a "Double Duo trial". I said on the first day that there would be 2 duo trials and 1 squad trial, but since we have a double Duo trial, it will take up the slot of two trials in one, yet your teams are still split in two! then.....let me explain the big event......ladies and gentlesquids!! Welcome to Clam raid!!!
The arena was presented to all of the viewers, showing off a gigantic arena in the shape of a clam. Trees filled the area completely and rose above the arena walls themselves. On the walls of the arena were 20 doors littered across the wall that spread all the way around. Each door had a number on it that represented their current status in the Inkopolis ratings, reaching from 11 to 30.
Harlow: now then! Let's present the squads!!
All 20 of the doors opened at once, then the squads walked out of their doors with little wristbands that had their number written on it. Rank 12, the unknown squad, walked out of their large door, consisting of Ami, Sho, Yuka, and Charlotte herself. Ami held his Tenta Brella, Sho held onto his Dark Tetra dualies, Yuka held onto her Neo splash-o-matic, and Charlotte held onto her Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose. Charlotte saw nothing but trees in front of her, looking over at Yuka and seeing her stare off into the woods just like her, giving off a murderous aura.
Rank 11, the Slaughter squad, walked out of their door, being led by Lux who had a smile on her face while putting her hands on her hips and her teammates stood right by her side, trying their best to look menacing for their leader.
Rank 25, the Phantoms squad, walked out of their door, which was led by Yumi who was holding onto her custom dualie Squelchers, looking over at Miles and seeing him holding a new type of splatling, confusing her a little. Coraline stood next to her squad and watched them as they.....showed no signs of fear...but her.....she couldn't get rid of the weird feeling in her made her hands tremble as she held onto her N-Zap, but she tried her hardest to hold it all in, looking down and seeing a box in front of them.
Harlow: Clam raid is a very unique type of mode, so allow me to explain. Around the map are going to be clams that spawn in and need to be collected. Instead of Clam blitz, where you have to score clams in your enemies basket, with clam raid, you have to score clams in your OWN basket.
The squads looked forward and saw the arena floor glow, then spawn in a bunch of brown clams in front of them.
Harlow: there are 5 types of clams that you can find within this mode; Bronze Clams, Silver Clams, Golden Clams, Gloomy Clams, and the Diamond Clam.
Harlow leaned over from the camera and dragged a white board with cute clam doodles on it, pointing to it and showing the viewers.
Harlow: each clam is worth a certain amount of points when collected. The Bronze clam is worth 2 points, the silver clam is worth 5 points, the golden clam is worth 15 points, the gloomy clam is worth -20 points, and the Diamond Clam automatically wins you and your squad first place for the event!
Harlow flipped the board around and showed 4 stick figure squids holding clams and throwing them into a cutely drawn basket.
Harlow: In clam raid, the objective is to collect clams and return them to your basket, and also try to put your enemies at a disadvantage by running to their baskets and stealing their clams and throwing gloomy clams into your enemies baskets, which negate their points by 20.
Harlow pointed to a giant word on the board, showing the words "Collectors" written in red, and "Defenders" written in blue.
Harlow: your squad will be split up into partners for this event; Two cephalopods will be the clam collectors, and the other two will be the raid defenders. The clam collectors are the two that'll run out into the woods and collect clams for their team, then return it to their basket. The raid defenders are the opposite of the collectors, they will stay behind and defend the basket from any approaching threats. If you guys open up the box in front of you, there are bandanas that represent your role.
Yumi walked over to the box in front of them that Coraline was standing in front of. She picked it up and opened it to show two red bandanas, two blue bandanas, and 4 weird looking tablets strapped to belts.
Harlow: this event will be 30 minutes long. For the first 15 minutes, two squad members will be the defenders, and the other two will be collectors, but at the halfway point, the collectors will switch out with the defenders and the roles will be reversed. Since this arena is maaaaaaaasive, getting lost in the woods is a possibility, so I gave you all map tablets that indicate you and your partner's location, along with your team basket. At this time, please equip your belts and map tablets.
Yumi handed out the belts to the other phantoms, then the 4 wrapped them around their waists, with the tablets turning on and glowing and showing them their current location.
Harlow: Super jumping is banned from this event completely, but if you do wanna get high in the sky, there are jump pads around the maps that launch you high in the sky, allowing you to scope out any clams or enemies in the area. The deeper you go into the woods, the better clams you will find. Bronze clams are located on the outer area of the arena, Silver clams are just a bit deeper in, Golden clams are really far into the woods, the gloomy clams can be found anywhere around the map, and the Diamond Clam.......hmhm....that's something you guys need to find on your own.
Harlow pointed to another cute clam picture that she drew, showing the clams and unknown numbers next to them.
Harlow: these clams have a limit when it comes to carrying them. You are only able to carry 10 bronze clams, 5 silver clams, 3 Golden clams, and 3 gloomy clams. There is only 1 diamond clam, so make sure to keep your eyes peeled for it.
Harlow moved her finger once more and showed a red stick figure shooting and splatting two blue stick figures, with the word "boom" written above it.
Harlow: defenders! This is very important information! If both of you get splatted, your basket will explode and scatter your collected clams everywhere around the map, starting your squad back at square one, so I recommend you put in everything you got just to prevent that. To everyone, If you do get splatted you won't spawn back at your basket.
Harlow pointed to the sky and showed the viewers a large floating platform in the middle of the arena with a giant white ink spawn pad on top of it.
Harlow: if you get splatted, you will respawn at the ink neutral spawn station, then you can drop down into the battlefield with a big boom! Try to rank up as many points as you can, and now I'll give you all the time to pick who will be your first collectors and defenders for the first half of the trial.
Yumi grabbed the 4 headbands and looked at her team to see Miles holding his hand out to her, gesturing her to give him a headband.
Miles: I think it would make sense if me and Amira stay back for the first half of the game. We can both defend the basket with our range, giving us an advantage.
Yumi: I see.......that sounds logical, so I'll go by your word.
Yumi gave Miles two blue headbands, then Miles took the extra one out of his hand and offered it to Amira, who didn't respond to him whatsoever. Amira simply just grabbed the bandana and wrapped it around her head, concerning Miles while Yumi and Coraline put on their bandanas.
Ami: me and Yuka can stay back to defend for the first half. You can Sho can go out and whoop some inky ass!
Charlotte simply gave Ami a nod and wrapped the red bandana around her head while Sho wrapped the bandana around his arm instead, since his mask was in the way.
Ami: we'll get our turn, Yuka *chuckles*
Yuka: *glares at Ami*
Harlow: alright! I hope everyone figured out their strategy because it's finally time to get this show on the road!!
All of the squads readied their weapons and stared off into the woods as Harlow let out a smirk and watched them from above.
Yumi: *exists*
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