Chapter 37: A Girl He Once Loved
*4 years ago*
*Urchin Underpass*
An Inkling girl with dark skin and orange eyes, let out a nervous whimper as she held onto her Dual Squelcher, shaking in fear, staring at a roller that was right in front of her.
Roller: it's over!
Lux saw the roller getting ready to dash at her and splat her in a single shot, and to respond, she closed her eyes and got readied herself for the worst. Lux heard the roller run straight towards her....but....then she heard a loud splat in front of her, making her open her eyes a little....seeing an Inkling boy....standing right in front of her.
Lux saw that the Inkling had dark skin, purple eyes, and a backwards cap, holding a splattershot. Instead of the Inkling boy wearing his tentacles in a ponytail like everyone else, he had his tentacles down, touching the sides of his face.
The Inkling boy turned around and looked at Lux, and Lux looked right back at him, seeing his beautiful amethyst colored eyes, and she saw the boy walk over to her, holding out his hand to her.
???: Are you okay?
Lux let out a tiny nod, reaching up and grabbing the boy's hand, feeling now warm and soft it was, making her slightly embarrassed. The boy pulled her up and gave her a nod, then began to walk away, but was stopped by Lux's words.
Lux: wait!
???: Hm?...
Lux: I......I-I.....
The boy stood in silence, eventually catching on with the girl's nervous personality, making him smile just a little. The boy walked up to Lux, holding out his hand once more for a handshake while chuckling a little.
Miles: the name's Miles.
Miles: *Snickers* where's your headgear?
Lux: my...headgear?
Miles: yeah! must be new here, huh?
Lux:....*tiny nod*....
Miles took off his backwards cap, then placed it onto Lux's head, causing Lux to twitch just a little, feeling something surge through her body, confusing her a bit.
Lux:...w-what....was that?...
Miles: strength of courage and pride. I worked my ass off to perfect that cap.
Lux: what do you mean?
Miles: it has a whole lot of Damage up on it, the effects kick in and it'll enhance your performance during battle.
Lux: wait, r-really?!
Miles: yup, and it's not like I need it anymore, I'm planning on doing something related to run speed.
Lux: why?..
Miles: because I wanna learn how to use splatlings.
???: *Sigh* what are you doing, Miles?
Miles turned around and saw an Inkling girl with default white tentacles, wearing a visor and holding a splat charger. All Miles could do was laugh a little while rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.
Miles: sorry Echo, I was just helping out a squadmate.
Echo looked over at Lux, raising her eyebrow at her, which only made Lux slightly scared and uncomfortable from Echo's glance.
Echo:....Echo.....that's my name.
Echo: nice to meet ya....but let's talk later. we should focus on doing the actual objective.
Miles: right! Let's get to it!
Echo dashed off, and when Miles was about to follow right behind her, he felt Lux gently grab onto his hoodie, which averted his attention back towards her to see the Inkling girl shaking.
Lux: I.....I don't...wanna go back into battle....
Lux:....I'm scared......they'll splat me....I don't want to feel the pain of getting splatted....
Miles felt Lux tighten her grip onto him, and all he could do was give her a comforting smile, reaching down and touching her hand, making her shake less and less....until her shaking stopped entirely. Miles took Lux's hand off of his hoodie and held it gently, grinning a little at her.
Miles:'s impossible to go throughout your life without feeling pain.....feeling could happen at anytime and anyplace....those are our greatest weaknesses.
Miles: can turn them into your greatest strengths. Embrace your fear and accept it...fight through the pain inflicted onto you...don't let it consume you and turn you into a coward.
Lux felt her heart stop for a quick second....and it was as if the world around her slowed down...Miles' hand gently tightened around hers, and when it did, her heart thumped as if it was going to burst out of her chest.
Miles: so....wanna win this game with me?
Lux was standing outside of the main enlistment tower for the centerline matches, gently feeling her cap, still feeling the strength surging through her....making her smile and lose herself in her own thoughts while looking up at the clouds.
Octoling boy: Lux!
Lux snapped out of her trance, then looked over to see her squadmates looking at her as the Octoling boy was holding out a paper for her to sign.
Octoling boy: this is the paper for you to sign, matching you up with Charlotte for tomorrow.
Lux: *giggles* you guys didn't have to go out of your way for me.
Octoling girl: we insisted, Lux.
Inkling boy: we owe you greatly for everything you've done for us.
Lux simply smiled at her three teammates, then took the paper and signed it, and just as she was done signing it, the Octoling boy took the paper and nodded to her.
Octoling boy: I'll return it for you as well!
Octoling girl: no! I wanna return it!
Inkling boy: Lux, if I return the paper, will you help me achieve my especial stream?
Lux: *chuckles* I'm already helping all of you with that. Unlocking an especial stream takes time and patience.
Inkling boy: maaaan!
Just then, the Octoling boy dashed off with the paper, catching the attention of the Octoling girl, who gritted her teeth at the boy, chasing after him.
Octoling girl: nooooo! I wanna return it!!
Lux placed her hands on her hips as she watched them dash away, letting out a nice sigh. From out of the corner of her eye, she noticed him....walking down the sidewalk...with his squadmates with him....making her smile even bigger than before, taking a step towards her goal.
Miles: you're not gonna sign up for the centerline matches, Yumi?
Yumi: I don't want to risk the chance of losing points....with the schedule we have....I'm planning out a good way to win.
Miles: well, what's your plan?
Yumi:....It' development....once I get a good grasp on Charlotte's especial streams...we can win.
Miles: wait....streams?...they can have more than one?
Yumi:.......yes....*sigh*....and I know Charlotte has some type of trick up her sleeve.
Yumi: a trick that she's going to use on me specifically....
Miles: what do you have against Charlotte? You're talking as if you knew her back then.
Yumi stayed silent for a second after Miles' question, but then slowly opened her mouth to give him a proper response, just as she was about to, she heard the voice of another girl cut her off entirely, getting her out of the scenario.
Miles felt his heart drop just a little, and he turned his head to see Lux walking over towards him with a nice smile on her face. Miles began to sweat a little after feeling Amira's gaze straight on him as well, knowing that she was getting too suspicious.
Amira: Miles.....
Lux: Blue!! What's u-
Miles: Uh, yeah! I gotta go!
Miles turned into his squid form and super jumped away from everyone, shocking Lux a little.
Lux: *grins* so you wanna play like that, huh?
Lux super jumped straight after Miles, leaving Coraline, Yumi, and Amira in the dust. Coraline looked over at Amira, seeing her lost in her thoughts, so Coraline walked over to Amira and poked her cheek to snap her out of it.
Coraline: um.....wanna go....check out the stores?
Miles soared through the sky, looking behind himself to see Lux right behind him, smirking at him, which only frightened him a little from her speed.
Lux: you can't escape me, blue!
Miles: must have me mistaken for someone else!
Miles landed on top of a building, then jumped off once again, with Lux following straight behind him, catching up more and more.
Lux: awe c'mon! I'd recognize your eyes from anywhere.
Miles:....(h-how is she so damn fast?!)
Lux reached out to grab Miles' shoulder, but Miles turned into his squid form and dodged her, diving straight down onto the ground below, landing on his feet, then running into an alleyway, hopping in an empty box and hiding in it.
Miles:.....*sigh*......I'll just wait in here until I hear her pass by....
Lux: well, it looks like you'll be waiting here for a while, Blue.
Miles looked to his side and saw Lux smirking at him, causing him to scream and stumble out of the box, but before he could run off, Lux pinned him down on the ground while giggling, watching Miles' embarrassed blush form all throughout his face.
Lux: caught ya!
Miles:....*looks away*....hey Lux....
Lux: why were you running away from me, Blue?
Miles:.....I*groans* your presence caught me off guard, okay?! I saw you challenge Charlotte....but I wasn't....100% sure if that was actually you....
Miles: ever since we went our separate ways.......I wasn't expecting to ever see you again...I got embarrassed when you shouted my nickname like that....
Lux: oh...
Lux slowly got off of Miles, then extended her hand down to him, which Miles took and allowed her to pull him up. Miles dusted himself off while Lux put her hands in her jacket pockets and simply looked at him.
Lux: sorry about that; I didn't expect you to get embarrassed like that.
Miles: it's okay...
Lux: hmph! don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt ya or anything like that.
Miles: I hope not, because I can tell you've gotten way stronger....way stronger...
Lux: hehe! Hard work and dedication, Blue. That's what you told me.
Lux gave Miles a little punch on his shoulder, then began to walk through the alleyway, with Miles tagging along with her while rubbing his arm a little.
Lux: hey, do you mind if I still call you Blue?...even though that was a silly nickname from years ago.
Miles: *shrugs* if you want.
Lux: good! Because I wanna catch up with you!
Miles: how so?
Lux: well, first of all, how's Echo been doin'?
Miles saw Lux chuckling as if she was a proud and prideful superhero, throwing jabs while hopping around next to him down the sidewalk.
Lux: I can't wait to see her again and fight her in some videogames.
Lux: what?
Miles: me and Echo.....we uh.....we aren't friends.......anymore.
Lux:.....wait what? Blue, what happened?!
Miles: s-some Inkopolis ball stuff and...yeah.....
Lux: you went to the Inkopolis ball? I'm guessing some type of drama went down, huh?
Lux:.....well......not all friendships last forever......I bet that Echo still thinks about you from time to time.
Miles: doubt it.....she hates me.
Lux couldn't help but feel a little bad for Miles, seeing the pain in his eyes. She looked down at Miles' hand and saw a long, painful-looking scar. She reached down and grabbed Miles' hand, catching him off guard and embarrassing him once more.
Miles: Lux, what are you-
Lux: you really have been through a lot....
Lux: this wound goes all the way through your hand, Blue....who did this to you?
Miles: oh...uh....I did that to myself.
Lux: stabbed yourself?
Miles: it was an accident, and uh...the knife went straight through my hand...when I was cooking one day.
Lux clearly wasn't buying Miles' lies, but just as she was about to simply leave the conversation at that, she saw more scars under Miles' sleeve. Lux grabbed Miles' sleeve and moved it up, showing her a large scar going all the way up his arm.
Lux:......I know these types of scars.....
Lux: rough landing from a super jump, huh?
Miles:...*nods* in a little fight...but um....I'm still in one piece.'ve been busy throughout the years.
Lux gently slid his sleeve back over his arm, then flicked on his forehead, trying to lighten the mood for him a little.
Lux: also, I saw you with Amira, I didn't know you knew her.
Miles: I could say the same for you.
Lux: oh, I met her last year when we fought in the entrance exams. I fought her right before my centerline match.
Miles: really?
Lux: yup! She sure knows how to use an E-Liter, but I managed to actually beat her with your splattershot.
Miles: wait what?
Lux: remember? At the end of the match when we first gave me your cap and also your splattershot.
Miles: you...still have my splattershot?
Lux: Mhm! I keep it on display at my home now ever since last year.
Miles: but I told you to use what weapon do you use now?
Lux: "weapons" to be exact.
Miles: I'm guessing you use dualies then?
Lux: close to them, but you'll see tomorrow. They're gonna blow everyone out of the water, especially Charlotte!
Lux: yup! They're a part of the Nex Tep Brand.
Miles: the what? What the hell is Nex Tep?
Lux: *GAAAASP* Blue!! you don't know Nex Tep?!
Lux grabbed Miles' shoulders and looked him dead in his eyes, only for Miles to look away from her, a bit uncomfortable.
Lux: Blue! You have to get a Nex Tep Brand weapon!
Miles: what? why?
Lux: because they are amazing! Psssh, I'm guessing you have some type of Sheldon's picks volume two brand down in Inkopolis, huh?
Miles:........*looks away* no...
Lux let out a very evil grin, scaring Miles just a little. Lux wrapped her arms around Miles, then picked him up and hung his body over her shoulder, making Miles embarrassed, knowing that a bunch of cephalopods we're staring at the two, but Lux didn't care, because all she did to respond was raise her hand and slap Miles' ass while laughing in her superhero tone once again.
Lux: C'mon Miles! Let us give Chase to find Nex Tep Industries!!
Miles: you didn't have to pick me up!!
Lux ignored Miles and dashed off with him, leaving a trail of dust and many cephalopods confused.
Ami: dude! You're not beating me this time!
Ami and Sho sat on the couch together, with Ami mashing the hell out of his buttons while Sho simply tapped on his, which still made him combo Ami into oblivion and win the game entirely.
TV: player 1 wins!
Ami: fuck! One more rematch!
Cecelia: don't you two think you've played the game a bit too much? The sun is starting to set. Get over here and eat your dinner and take your asses to sleep, you all have a big day ahead of you tomorrow.
Ami saw Sho put down his controller, making him sigh and put down his controller as well. The two stood up and walked over to their little apartment kitchen, seeing Charlotte wearing an apron and holding a bowl while standing in front of a big pot on the stove, with the smell instantly catching Ami's attention.
Ami:...that smell....awe hell yeah!!
Cecelia: *sigh* be thankful...the kid is tired, but she decided to actually treat you guys tonight.
Ami: Thank the great zapfish! Char, your gumbo is the best!!
Charlotte didn't respond to Ami's compliments, but simply placed down a bowl of her family driven gumbo down on the table. Ami and Sho sat down at the table, and Charlotte placed down a bowl in front of Sho as well. She saw Sho give her a tiny nod, while Ami gave her a thumbs up.
Ami: thanks for the food Char!
Charlotte: Mhm...
Charlotte looked down a hallway that led to her room. She held a bowl of gumbo in her hand, slowly taking a step forward, but Cecelia's nub wrapped around her arm, catching her attention.
Cecelia: you sure?....
Cecelia let out a tiny, annoyed sigh, releasing her nub and allowing Charlotte to walk down the hallway. Charlotte approached the door and reached down to the knob, turning it slowly and opening the door, seeing an Octoling girl looking out the window, clearly miserable.
Charlotte: you haven't eaten.
Charlotte: this is for yo-
Yuka: I don't want your disgusting meal. Get out.
Charlotte: you forget that this is my room as well.
Charlotte walked over to the TV stand and placed down the bowl of gumbo, then looked back at Yuka, seeing her shaking her head in disappointment.
Yuka: all of these young surface kin....they disgust me....I wish I could throw them all down in the underground so they could see what it's like....they're too weak.
Charlotte: caring about random surface kin is should only focus on Yumi. are correct.....focusing on my sister is my main then.
Yuka stopped leaning on the open window frame, then turned around and walked over to Charlotte, looking her dead in the eyes, but Charlotte didn't show any sense of fear.
Yuka: stay out of my way....I could care less about winning this dumb event.
Charlotte: excuse me?
Yuka: you heard me...Yumi is my prey.
Yuka walked around Charlotte, trailing her sharp claw around her neck, but Charlotte didn't flinch whatsoever, even when Yuka's hands began to glow with her especial stream.
Yuka:....look at you....the queen who couldn't rise up to her full potential because of my sister, who stole the spotlight from her....
Yuka: you want to HURT Yumi....I want to KILL her......your reason for hating my sister is child's play.
Yuka stopped playing with Charlotte, leaving the girl alone and walking back over to the open window, looking out at the night sky.
Yuka: one touch from my especial stream....and you're dead......don't you hate my sister because she stole your father away from you?....that's pathetic.
Yuka: she stole EVERYTHING from me...even my honor towards your disgusting father.
The second Yuka said that, Charlotte dashed straight towards her, catching her off guard completely from her speed. Charlotte grabbed Yuka and shoved her body out the window, but kept her held there by her jacket. Yuka looked at Charlotte's eyes, seeing them let off a menacing green aura.
Charlotte: don't.....insult my father.....
Charlotte used her other hand and held her claw straight in front of Yuka's neck, threatening to penetrate her throat.
Charlotte: you must've forgotten who controls who in this scenario....I beat you back in Urchin belong to me.....
Yuka grunted and regained her balance before shoving Charlotte off of her, walking towards her and clenching her fists at her.
Yuka: do you understand what I went through?! MY PRIDE!! MY HONOR, MY LIFE WAS DESTROYED BECAUSE OF HER!!!
Yuka raised her hand and brought it down, hitting Charlotte's bowl of gumbo off of the TV stand, spilling it all over the floor in front of her. Just then, Charlotte heard bangs at the door, and she heard the doorknob twist and turn, but she locked the door as she walked into the room, not wanting them to deal with Yuka.
Ami: Yo, Char!! Is everything good in there?!
Cecilia: Kid!! Open the door!!
Yuka: you call them your comrades? Even though you know they'll betray you one day......friendships don't last for's common knowledge. We all are made for the sole purpose of combat....but this bond that you have with those's disgusting.
Charlotte: the only reason you find it disgusting is because you've never felt a'll forever be alone...what will you have if you manage to kill Yumi?
Yuka: I'll have my honor back...I don't need anyone....maybe I should kill your friends as you can understand my point.
Charlotte took one step, which led into a instant dash towards Yuka, but Yuka was prepared for Charlotte this time, raising her claws and aiming straight for her heart while Charlotte aimed for her throat, and just as Charlotte was going to slice Yuka's throat and Yuka was going to penetrate her chest, a voice stopped both of them completely.
???: Now now now...calm down you two~
The two Octoling girls looked over at the window to see Angelica sitting on it with one leg hanging out, smiling at the two. Charlotte saw Yuka instantly get on her knee and hang her head low in respect towards Angelica, but Charlotte simply stood there, holding her ground.
Yuka: my apologies, Miss Angelica....
Angelica: how come I had a feeling this would happen~
Angelica stepped into the room, slowly walking over to Charlotte, then placed her hands on Charlotte's face, gently feeling all over her and smiling at her.
Angelica: Char Char! It's been a while! know you....
Angelica: of course ya do! I was your best friend of course....well...besides Yumi and uh...what was the other one's name....oh! Coraline!
On the other side of the door Ami had his ear pressed up to it while Cecelia was also listening in, instantly recognizing the voice.
Cecelia: that voice......
Angelica walked behind Charlotte and grabbed her from behind, getting close to her ear and whispering while grabbing her hands.
Angelica: such a broken've lost way too much....don't you think?~
Angelica: don't you miss her?~....your mommy?~.....she was the nicest woman eeeeever~ mother?.....
Angelica: Yup! Me and you are pretty similar....I know exactly how you feel.....I lost my mother a long time ago.....but....I'd consider you the lucky one~.....because your mommy is still alive~
That single word..."alive" was enough to stun Charlotte completely...not knowing what to say....clenching her fists, feeling Angelica's negative presence behind her.
Angelica: ya know....I could take you to your must do something for me first~....
Angelica spun around and stood in front of Charlotte, grabbing her gently by her chin and forcing her to look into her eyes.
Angelica: ya know....Yumi has been a big pain in everyone's side....including yours. I already had Yuka on this wouldn't hurt to have another cutie doing my dirty work~
Charlotte:.....what are you.....getting at?..
Angelica: *giggles* it's simple, I want you to kill her, silly~
Charlotte felt Angelica slowly trail her finger down her neck, licking her lips, and all she could do was stand there....feeling deep under deep that her body felt as if it was cold and frozen in place.
Angelica: c'mon....I know deep want her dead~
Angelica: now isn't that another reason why Yumi was chosen over you? Your father saw you as a hesitant girl...even though you were his couldn't bring yourself to hurt her?......
Charlotte:.....not every conflict has to end with death.....
Angelica: are you sure?~....because this conflict right now....I believe death is the perfect answer~
Angelica placed her hand on top of Charlotte's head, giving her a cute smirk as Yuka listened in on the two....hearing Angelica's menacing words....pushing Charlotte to her limits.
Angelica: think about it! If you killed Yumi, your father would welcome you back with open arms because you proved to him that you are the'll finally get to see your mother after these lonely 19 years! Everything would go the way you want!
Charlotte's hand twitched violently as Angelica leaned close to her ear once again.....veins started to pop out of Charlotte's hand, just as Cecelia squeezed herself under the door and pointed her nub straight at Angelica.
Angelica: your kid?~......*giggles*....I'm surprised you have the willingness to say that.....because you'll just abandon her.....just like how you did with the last one~......
Cecelia:......h-how did you.....
Angelica: I know everything, Cece~
Just then, Angelica quickly jumped away from Charlotte, dodging a very vicious slash of her Octoling claws, aiming straight for her stomach, but all Charlotte managed to do was barely rip Angelica's dress. Angelica, Yuka, and Cecelia looked at Charlotte, seeing her glare straight at them as her hands twitched fiercely with the intent to kill.
Charlotte: no matter what type of deal you offer me.....I won't accept it....I want to find my mother....but I wouldn't take someone's life....not even Yumi's....just to do so.....but you......I'd gladly take you away from this world....
Angelica: awe poo~...I thought you'd accept such a good offer....welp....
Angelica walked past Charlotte, climbing into the window frame and looking back at them, mainly in Charlotte's eyes.
Angelica: you just missed out on a great opportunity ~.......but......suit yourself
Angelica: good luck tomorrow~.... you're definitely gonna need it, Char Char~
Angelica left by jumping out of the window, and as Yuka stood up from kneeling down, she looked at Charlotte to see her thinking to herself deeply.
Charlotte......(I will win.....this time)
Miles and Lux walked into a very fresh weapon shop that honestly looked very different compared to Sheldon's back in Inkopolis. Lux presented the store while smiling at Miles and using her jazz hands to make things more "interesting" and fun for him.
Lux: Blue, I present you to!! NEW TEP!
Miles: Nex Tep....huh....this place is neat.
Lux: you bet your splattershot it is! This place has the most freshest weapons EVER!!
???: Hmhm! You're definitely right, Lux!
Miles heard a new voice from somewhere, and he looked around to find the source of the voice, but didn't see anyone...that is until he looked up and saw an Inkling girl standing on the ceiling, scaring the shit out of him.
Miles: what the hell?!!
Lux: hey Nex!
Nex: hello! I see we have a new guest here~
Lux: yup, I'd like you to meet my bestie, Miles!!
Nex: Nice to meet you, Miles!
Miles: uh....hey....can you please explain why and how are you standing on the ceiling?
Nex: oh! *Smiles* Of course!
Nex squatted down on the ceiling, then jumped towards the floor while landing on her feet after switching her body around. Nex walked over to Miles and pulled out a vial of galaxy-looking black and purple ink that looked similar to dark matter.
Nex: gravitational ink!
Nex: it's very simple! I'm working on a new stage that's going to implement Gravity pads on the ceiling, and walls! When you're close to them, you will be pulled towards the pad, and I have a bio component that gets attached to your Ink tank that turns your ink into gravitational ink!
Lux: wait! For eel! So does that mean I can splat my enemies while standing on the ceiling?!
Nex: Mmmhm!
Lux: sweeeeet!
Nex: it's just a little experiment that'll take time to develop. Anyway, you need anything?
Lux: hmhm! I'm here to get Blue a weapon!
Miles: wait what?
Nex: you need a weapon?! Hmph! Say no more!
Miles: I....kinda don-
Lux: Blue! The Nex Tep weapons are amazing, plus, she just got verified!
Miles: what?
Nex: I had to ask the Twins of Turf if my weapons were safe and secure for battles, and they said yeah! Haha! Nex Tep weapons are officially up for sale, baby!!
Miles:.....I uh.....
Just then Nex walked closer to Miles and inspected him all over, even smelling him a little, which kinda creeped Miles out. Nex backed away and stood there in silence as if she was thinking to herself, then she gasped and pointed straight at Miles with a confident smirk.
Nex: you're an experimental guy...I like that.
Miles: experimental?
Nex: you're a splatling player! found that out by smelling me?
Nex: Yup! I could smell your inner Ink! Most of your thicker and faster flowing body ink flows in the upper half of your body, meaning you must be a heavy weapon user considering that you have a lot more upper body strength than lower body strength, so all I had to do was a little more thinking to find out WHAT heavy weapon you use, then I saw your hands and instantly found out.
Nex grabbed Miles' hand and flipped it over to show him his own palm, making him see the slight scratches and cuts on his hand.
Nex: your palm nowadays is slightly rough and covered in scratches, and I call that splatling sting.
Miles: splatling sting?
Nex: it's just a funny thing I thought of. Basically it happens to squids and Octos who hold onto their splatlings too much, especially hydra users, because they have to grip their weapon more firmly to maintain positive control.
Miles:...huh....I've never noticed this....that's impressive, Nex.
Nex: hmph! are talking to a pure genius after all.
Nex let go of Miles' hand and walked into a backroom, laughing like a weirdo, making Miles look over at Lux, but all he got as a response was a little shrug from her.
Nex: I got the perfect weapon for ya!
Miles heard a lot of crashing and rumbling in the backroom, then saw her walk out with a very unique-looking splatling. The splatling was made of pure medal, yet Miles could see some Ink flowing through it as if it was a futuristic machine. a blade was attached to the main barrel of Ink that was hanging on the side of the splatling, sheathed, yet ready for use.
Lux: *GAAAASP* it's gorgeous!!
Nex: I know, right?! This baby packs a lot of firepower! And it's equipped with a Whirlpool sub and Ink Jet special.
Lux: the Whirlpool?! Maaaan! I wanted that on my splattershots!
Nex: I'm not giving that sub to a very versatile weapon!
Miles: what's the whirlpool?
Nex: *smirks* you'll see. Also, I gave you an ink blade sheathed on the side of the tank that you can use just in case you're in a bit of a pickle.
Lux: you should definitely use it in battle, Blue! It's awesome!
Miles:....I uh....
Nex: *giggles* yeah, you better listen to your girlfriend, Miles.
Miles stood there, completely frozen in embarrassment, and as he was about to open his mouth, he heard the voice of another Inkling behind him....a voice he recognized all to well.
Amira: Girlfriend?....
First 2 of 4. Chapterly art:
Cursed Angelica from my boy Tadayoshiscott
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