Chapter 35: For Isabella
A train sped down the tracks with remarkable speed, taking a track that lead to a distant location. The Phantoms squad all sat together in their own seats, hearing the excited voices of Squids and Octos talking about Cod Willows.
Yumi was leaning against the window, looking out at the passing grass and beautiful flower garden. She reached up to her hair, but instead of feeling her hair clip, she instead felt Bella's Classic straw boater, sending a nice, bubbly feeling throughout her body.
*A Couple hours ago*
Yumi, Amira, Coraline, and Miles all stood at the train station, saying their temporary goodbyes to their friends. Miles heard Lola let out a bunch of whimpers while sitting on top of Yasu's shoulder, but he just simply gave her a little smile and patted her head.
Miles: we'll be back as soon as possible, Lola.
Cynthia: *smirks* you gotta at least bring me back 1 souvenir.
Miles: *chuckles* I'll try.
Mia: *sigh* this is all so sudden...but....
Mia gently placed her hand on Yumi's head while Dayna gave her a little thumbs up.
Mia: good luck.
Dayna: we'll be rooting for ya.
Yumi: thank you.
Gabby: Yumi!
Yumi looked over and saw Gabby pushing her way through the crowd of squids and Octos, but when Gabby eventually made it through, she couldn't help but shake her head in annoyance. Gabby held up her hand towards Yumi, and Yumi looked down to see Bella's Straw Boater in Gabby's hand.
Gabby: I'd figure she'd want you to wear it.
Gabby: think of it as a good luck charm.
Yumi took the hat from Gabby, then reached up in her hair and unclipped her hair clip. Yumi then clipped the hair clip onto the ribbon on the boater, then put it on her head, hearing Gabby let out a little "hmph" while letting out a tiny smile.
Gabby: now you better win. Remember who you're Turfing for.
Yumi:.......(I'll win....for you...)
Inkling woman: Snack Track! Snack Track!!
Yumi was snapped out of her thoughts, then looked over to see an Inkling woman pushing a little snack cart along, eventually stopping in front of some squids and Octos.
Octoling boy: uh...can I get a box of Ink Zingers?
The Inkling woman let out a smile, then reached into the cart and picked up a green box of hard splat-shaped sour candy. The Octoling boy paid the woman some cash, then she handed him the box. The second the Octoling boy opened up his box of sour Ink Zingers, an Inkling girl next to him reached into his box and took a piece of his candy, tossing it into her mouth.
Octoling boy: h-hey!
Inkling girl: mmmm! So....sour!
Octoling boy: *sigh*...
Inkling girl: c'mon man! I had to at least have one. I love Ink Zingers.
The Octoling boy couldn't help but smile at the Inkling, then start to eat his sour candy while the Inkling woman continued to push her cart down the train.
Inkling woman: Snack Track! Snack Track! Last chance to get a snack!
Miles: excuse us? Can we get a snack?
The woman looked over and saw Miles raising his hand while Coraline was raising her hand as well. The woman pushed her little cart full of goodies over to them, then Miles began to look through the cart with Coraline.
Miles: you have any chips or crackers?
Inkling woman: of course! We have Hydra chips, Kraken crisps, sour cream and onion bristles, Clam Blitz Barbeque, and we also have Cheddar Jalapeño piranha crackers.
Miles: mm....I guess I'll have some Kraken crisps, please.
The Inkling woman gestured Miles to insert his phone into a tiny machine, which he did, and it extracted money from his account, then the woman gave Miles his little box of kraken crisps.
Inkling woman: thank you for your purchase.
Coraline: ooh! What candies do you have?!
Inkling woman: *giggles* we have Ink Zingers, Guppy gushers, Ink strike strips, squid gummies, Megalodon Milk chocolate, pufferfish poppers, and Turtle twizzles.
Coraline: they all sound so good! My mouth is watering!
Coraline grabbed Yumi and began to shake her violently while letting out whimpers, making Yumi a little dizzy in the process.
Coraline: what should I get, Yumiiiii?!
Yumi gently grabbed Coraline's hands and stopped her from shaking her, then gave her a tiny shrug.
Yumi: whatever will last the longest.
Coraline: mmmm....m-maybe....uh...
Inkling woman: *smiles* if you're truly interested, we also have pastries.
The woman reached down and opened up a little door on the cart, showing them cupcakes, muffins, little slices of pie, squiddy cakes, and Octo buns, making Coraline drool even more.
Coraline: aah! How can you have so many delicious things on this tiny little cart?!
Miles: *nom* just pick something.
Coraline: mmmm....uuuuh.....C-Can I have a-
???: Excuse me....
The second Coraline heard that voice...that.....familiar voice...her mind went blank....the Ink in her body stopped flowing properly. She sat there, silent, confusing Yumi a little, it was if her personality just completely changed. Coraline didn't respond or even was as if she was a statue....a cold, lifeless....statue.
Yumi looked up to see an Octoling girl with a mask over her face and a simple pony tail....just from her appearance alone, Yumi already knew who the hell she was, shocking her a little.
Inkling woman: *smiles* how can I help you?
Charlotte: a bag of Guppy gushers.....
Inkling woman: sure thing!
Ami: Yo, Char! Get me some Ink Zingers, and also, Sho said he wanted an Octo bun.
Charlotte:........*sigh*...Ink zingers...and an Octo bun as well...
Inkling woman: gotcha!
Charlotte inserted her phone into the machine, allowing it to extract her money. While Charlotte was waiting for the transaction to finish, she looked over for a second, connecting eyes with Yumi.
The two stared at each other for a second.......and just by Yumi's look alone, Charlotte could tell that she remembered her, surprising her a little.
Charlotte looked down and saw a girl sitting in front of Yumi....a similar looking Inkling girl with pink tentacles, but Charlotte couldn't quite make out the girl's face since she was looking away from her, so Charlotte simply let out a tiny "hm"...then she took her phone out of the machine.
Inkling woman: here you go; thank you for your purchase!
Charlotte took her snacks, then gave Yumi one last glance before walking away, easing the very meaning tension between them.
Miles: *nom* yo, Coraline, you alright?
Miles: *chuckles* you look like a ghost right now.
Inkling woman: little missy?
Inkling woman: are you going to pick something to snack on?
Coraline:........*looks away*....I'm.....not hungry.....anymore.
Inkling woman: that's alright.
The Inkling woman walked along the train while yelling "Snack Track" once again to all of the squids and Octos on board. Miles looked over and couldn't help but smile when he saw Amira sleeping and resting her head on his shoulder. He gently poked her nose a couple of times, causing her to shimmy a bit, then slowly open her eyes.
Amira leaned up and rubbed one of her eyes while looking around, letting out a tiny sigh in the process. long.....was...
Miles: you were asleep for about an hour.
Amira:....are we close to Cod Willows?
Miles: yeah. They said we were about 3 minutes away, so we should grab our stuff and get ready to get off the train soon.
Amira gave Miles a nod and looked out the window to see Cod Willows in the distance. The train rode down the tracks for a bit longer, eventually approaching Cod Willows, and Miles couldn't help but stare at the beautiful area, then look over at Amira.
Miles: Amira, I thought you said this was a little town?!
Amira: it is.
Miles:....this is a whole damn City!
Amira: it'll be explained once we arrive. Trust me.
Speakers: arrival at Cod Willows will be in 1 minute, please gather all of your belongings and prepare to depart.
Miles, Amira, and Yumi grabbed their luggage together, and Yumi looked over at Coraline to still see her sitting there...blank. Yumi tapped Coraline's shoulder, snapping her out of her trance.
Yumi: grab your stuff.
The train slowly came to a complete stop, then all of the cephalopods stood up and began to make their way out of the train. Yumi, Miles, Amira, and Coraline followed within the crowd of cephalopods and made their way out the train, then stood in front of the giant city with everyone else.
When everyone left the train, they all began to chat with each other while looking around in amazement. Yumi looked over in the distance and could see a gigantic arena far from their location, but before she could think more about it, a loud voice called out to all of them from above, catching everyone's attention.
???: Hello everyone!! Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!!
Everyone saw an Inkling girl with giant studio headphones and a cute skirt jump down from one of the buildings above. The Inkling girl landed in front of everyone and smiled at all of them. She had crimson eyes and long, yellow tentacles that faded into sky blue, and she gave everyone a cute little thumbs up while letting out a giggle.
Harlow: Welcome to Cod Willows!! My name is Harlow, and I'll be your supportive guide and main host throughout your 3 day journey to become the best of the best!!
Harlow clapped her hands together and smiled at everyone in a proud way, and all Yumi could hear from around her was the slight mumbling from the Inkling and Octoling boy's and girls.
Harlow: congratulations for making it within the top 30!! It's always good to see new faces, and you all look so determined and strong!!
Harlow began to walk back and forth in a very derpy way, putting her finger up as if she was a professor, smirking at all of them.
Harlow: now, you all are probably thinking "Wow! This place is huge!" But I must make something clear to all of you! Cod Willows is a gigantic Battle facility, and 80 percent of this City is dedicated to Turfing and stomping on the competition. 20 percent of this City is just for relaxation and daily life, so think of Cod Willows as a town more than a City, kay Kay?
Amira: *looks at Miles* see?
Miles: is gonna be interesting.
Harlow: for today, you all are allowed to explore the town and enjoy yourselves, but you cannot go past the gigantic red doors.
Harlow pointed in the distance and everyone saw two giant red doors, so high that it would take a fully charged super jump just to barely make it to the top.
Harlow: those red gates lead into the battle zone, and they will not open until tomorrow. If you are caught within the battle zone today, or after hours, you and your squad will be taken home and will not be able to participate within the competition.
Harlow saw an Inkling boy raise his hand in the crowd, then she smiled and pointed over to him.
Harlow: you, in the back.
Inkling boy: why are you so strict about the gates? *Snickers* What, are there zombies behind there or something?
The crowd began to laugh a little, besides Yumi, Miles, Amira, and Coraline. Harlow simply shook her head and pointed back to the gates with her thumb.
Harlow: well, not zombies, but there are things behind that gate that can make you go KABLOOWY!!
Harlow: like I said: it is a battle zone. The place is littered with neutral Ink mines and such. One step on an Ink mine, and your body will explode bigger and worse than a Steelhead's, ladies and gentlesquids. These aren't regular Inkopolis Ink mines.
Octoling girl: W-What did she just say?....
Inkling girl:.....I didn't expect it to be this dangerous...
Harlow: so, if you wanna go past those gates, be my guest. The entrance exams are no joke. If you wanna be in the Inktastic ten, you gotta be Swift, you gotta be strong, you gotta be durable, you gotta be smart! This is no place for whimpy whimps! Any more questions?
Harlow: good. Now, the entrance exams will take place for 3 days, as I already said. Within those 3 days, you will have 3 trials within those days. You will have 2 duo trials, then 1 squad trial.
Harlow held up two fingers to everyone, then smirked at them all while everyone watched her.
Harlow: your duo trials are simple: your squad will split up and you will partner up with one of your squadmates, you and your partner will have to complete a trial on your own while your other two teammates complete their trial.
Inkling boy: dude, wanna be my partner?
Inkling boy 2: hell yeah.
Harlow: remember! Even though this is a duo effort, it is still a team effort as well. Getting 1st place isn't how you win these trials. Depending on your placement, is how many points you'll get for your team to qualify for the next round of trials. For example.
Harlow then held up 4 fingers at everyone, then put down one of her fingers.
Harlow: if your team scores 3rd place, you will gain 8 points for your team, if you get 10th place you'll only get 1 point. Like I said, if you get 1st place, it isn't super important, you just need to get within the top 10 In order to get points.
Miles: a points system?
Amira: *nods*
Harlow: the most points you can get for a trial is 10, which is 1st place. So, 1st place is 10 points, 2nd place is 9 points, 3rd place is 8 points, bla, bla, bla, you get it? Any placement past 10th will net you no points at all.
Harlow crossed her arms and looked at everyone in a serious way, letting out a little "hmph" in the process.
Harlow: remember everyone, the main goal of these trials is to test your teamwork. How much you're willing to risk, how far you're willing to go just for your squadmates. Which is why we made a penalty system as well.
Everyone groaned in the crowd while Harlow giggled and held up 10 fingers while smirking at them all.
Harlow: let me put you in a scenario; if you and your partner are in a race, and your partner gets splatted, or you abandon your partner entirely, BUT you manage to cross the finish line at 1st place and gain 10 points. Your points will be reduced by half. So, instead of gaining 10 points, you'll get 5 points, if you got 3rd and gained 8 points without your partner, you'll instead get 4 points. This only applies to the race trials.
Everyone in the crowd sighed and groaned at the bullshit point system, but Yumi simply crossed her arms and looked over at her squadmates, letting out a tiny sigh as she felt Bella's ribbon from her hat slowly flow within the wind.
Harlow: teamwork is key! Make sure to coordinate with your squad as much as possible, THAT will net you the proper victory.
Harlow pointed up to a gigantic building near them, making everyone look over at it and let out "woahs", "oohs", and "aahs".
Harlow: this building is called "Surface Station" and this is where you'll be staying with your squad. *Giggles* think of it like splat tower, but you share apartment rooms with your squadmates.
Inkling boy: woah!
Octoling girl: I call the softest bed!
Octoling boy: no fair!
Harlow: I am happy that you all brought your weapons, but just in case you wanna switch up your team composition, we also have a weapon armory, so make sure to check that out. There's one last thing I want to tell you all!
Harlow looked over at the red doors, then pointed at them one last time, smirking at them all.
Harlow: the entrance exams are starting at 10 am tomorrow, so make sure to eat, wash up, and get plenty of rest and training. You all will meet me in front of the red doors, ready with your weapons in then....*smiles* have fun!
Everyone scattered and ran around the town, while Yumi simply looked over at Amira to see her pointing at the building and looking back at her.
Amira: I recommend we get our room before we explore.
Yumi: *nods* alright.
Yumi and Amira walked towards Surface Station, but Miles looked behind him and saw Coraline looking down at the ground, silent still. Miles walked over to her and gently put his hand on her shoulder, giving her a concerned look.
Miles: you alright?....did something on the train spook ya or something?....
Coraline:....*looks away*....
Miles: hey...c'mon, tell me. you mind if I tell you later tonight?.....
Miles: if that's what makes you comfortable, then sure.
Coraline gave Miles a little smile, then slowly raised her finger and poked his forehead.
Coraline: but in the meantime...I'll try to have some fun.
*The deepsea metro*
The subway train rode down the infinite tracks throughout the majestic ocean-like environment. 15 was sitting inside of the subway car, keeping her hands on her lap and drifting off into deep thought.
15's shoulder was gently tapped, catching her attention only enough to make her look over a little towards the short Inkling girl with a bento box.
Mercy: mind if I eat here? *Chuckles* the sea angles in the other car are very loud.
Mercy: I'm gonna take your silence as a yes.
Mercy sat down next to 15, then opened up her bento box, smiling at her food while 15 continued to mind her own business.
Mercy: *nom* mmmmm~ sushiiiiii~
15 simply looked forward and away from Mercy as she ate her food, seeing a tiny clam boy sitting on the seat across from her. The boy looked at 15, then waved at her, but 15 didn't wave back, she just simply lowered her head a little and closed her eyes, but then she felt something cold touch her cheek. 15 looked over at Mercy to see her holding up a piece of sushi to her, giving her a tiny smile.
Mercy: here, you gotta eat too.
15:......*looks away*.
Mercy: c'moooooon! Eat, dammit! I'm being generous!
15 looked down and away from Mercy's sushi, and she saw something that caught her attention that was on Mercy's hip. 15 saw a very black, yet flowing red Dualie weapon. The weapon had a chain attached to it that went around Mercy's back, and also a little blade on the top of the Dualie. Mercy looked down and saw what 15 was staring at, then looked back up at her, a little curious.
Mercy: what? Do you like the weapon?
15:...*looks closer*...
Mercy: well, they're pretty out of the ordinary, huh?
Mercy picked up both of her dualies while tossing sushi in her mouth, then showed 15 a more closer view.
Mercy: these are the ember dualies. I use them for self defense down here.
Mercy: they are pretty Swift and nimble. The shots are so fast that they can penetrate straight through an Inkling's body.
15 took one of the Dualies, then looked at the blade on it. The blade looked dull and weak, as if it was a toy. Mercy tossed another bit of sushi in her mouth, then pointed at the blade, catching 15's attention.
Mercy: that's an Ink Blade. Some weapons have Ink blades attached to them for simple melee combat, mostly short ranged, or very long ranged weapons.
Mercy: the reason why the blade looks so dull and toy-like is because it is. The blade on the weapon is very very weak and not sharp at all.
Mercy grabbed one of the Dualies, then grabbed 15's hand, then she began to rub the Ink blade on 15's hand, leaving no type of scratch or mark whatsoever.
Mercy: see? But if you were playing within a ranked battle, then the blades would send out an echolocation wave. If the blades detect opponents within the proximity, they'll glow in your Ink color, allowing you to use the blades and deal significant damage to your opponents.
15 didn't respond, but simply gave Mercy back her ember dualies, then continued to do absolutely nothing.
15:.....*looks at her*
Mercy: you can talk....right?, do you have a voice?
Mercy: I don't know, I'm just curious!
15 was silent for a second, but just as she was about to continue ignoring the girl, her ear wiggled just a bit, then 15 quickly looked away and up at the ceiling of the subway car, confusing Mercy.
Mercy: what? What is it?
C.Q: Mercy, is everything going well back here?
Just then, both C.Q, and Mercy saw 15 stand up and walk her way over to the train doors. 15 dug her claws in-between the two doors, frightening C.Q a bit, and he raised one of his nubs at her while Mercy was just staring at 15 like she was a psychopath.
C.Q: u-uh, ma'am! I highly recommend that you don't do tha-
15 ignored C.Q, then opened up the subway doors, looking out at the endless abyss of the sea, allowing her hybrid tentacles to rapidly flow within the wind of the fast train.
Mercy: F-Fifteen!! What the hell are you doing?!
15 looked up and jumped a little, using her Octoling claws and digging straight into the metal ceiling of the subway car. 15 flipped herself out of the subway car and landed on top of it, standing on the top of the train as it rode down the tracks super swiftly.
15 saw an Inkling girl sitting on the top of the train, humming to herself and swaying her head back and forth. 15 saw the girl turn around and the second she saw her, the girl gave her a nice, toothy smile.
Angelica: Erida~.....long time, no see....
Angelica stood up and turned herself around, watching as 15, but known by her as Erida, glared at her with high murderous intent.
Angelica: the only code that gained the privilege to get a name~....and here we are.... meeting once again~
Angelica: we both are so different...yet so rebelled against your creator.......all because of.....Izzy boo.....
Angelica: your creator killed my mother out of jealousy~.........but if you think about it~....
Angelica looked up at the ocean surface, watching it slowly and calmly shift with the sun beaming down on it, letting out a little smile while placing a finger on her chin.
Angelica: it seems we both were created for the sole purpose to kill each other....
Angelica: but I'll tell you this, are nothing compared to me......
Erida saw Angelica's face switch completely to a very serious expression as she raised her hand and pointed at her.
Angelica: just by looking at disgusts me.....unlike you....I'm a pure were created from a chamber. And since your creator took something from me.......
Angelica let out a tiny giggle as she reached under her dress and pulled out a knife, then gave Erida a crazy smile.
Angelica: now I'll take something from you!~
Angelica dashed straight at Erida, slashing her knife at her at rapid speed. Erida dodged Angelica's slashes, then grabbed Angelica's wrist, stopping her entirely. Erida grabbed Angelica's face and overpowered her by picking her up and slamming her head down onto the subway train.
Angelica quickly retaliated by clicking her heel of her maid shoe on the ground, triggering a knife to come out of the front of her shoe. Erida noticed the blade in time, then let go of Angelica, grabbing her ankle before she could kick her, then threw her off of the train, but before Angelica fell off the train, she used her knife and stabbed Erida straight through her forearm, keeping her from falling.
Erida looked at the blade that was completely through her arm, and she didn't scream in pain, nor grunt, or even change her face. Erida simply used her Octoling claws and attempted to slash at Angelica's throat while she was hanging by the knife, but Angelica giggled and flipped herself upwards, dodging Erida's attack while pulling her knife out of her arm and landing back on the top of the subway car.
Angelica looked at Erida's arm to see weird components of black ink start to absorb Erida's blood and slowly start to convert into Erida's arm, shocking Angelica and making her smile.
Angelica: your body can regenerate at a slow guess that's the privilege you get for being an experiment~
Angelica: this makes everything much more fun~ now I can see how many tiny pieces I can cut you into over and over again~
Erida saw Angelica dash at her once more, thrusting her knife forwards, but Erida dodged to the side. Angelica giggled and shifted her other wrist, pulling out a smaller pocket knife, clicking it open and slashing at Erida, aiming straight at her neck. Erida simply dodged it, then began to dodge two blade swings from back to back.
Erida saw an opening, then ducked under one of Angelica's slashes, palm striking her wrist and making her pocket knife pop out of her hand. Erida kicked Angelica in the stomach, pushing her backwards, then Erida grabbed Angelica's knife from mid air and threw it straight at her like a dart.
Angelica dodged her head to the side while smirking at Erida, allowing her tentacles to glow and her knife began to glow as well from Erida's blood.
Angelica: Especial stream~.....
Angelica licked Erida's blood off of her knife, then her eyes began to rapidly shake from the sensation. Angelica's eyes glowed red, then she stabbed her blade within the train car as black ink began to form around her.
Angelica: Violets of chaos~....
The black ink surrounding Angelica began to morph and make weird noises. The black ink formed into little tiny doll like versions of Erida with glowing red eyes.
Angelica: do you like our babies?!~ they're so cute!~
Angelica pointed straight at Erida like a psychopath, gesturing all of the tiny black ink creations to go after her.
Angelica: kill her!
The creations had inky Octoling claws of their own then all ran at Erida. Erida simply grabbed her weapon from her back, which looked like a weird fusion of a splattershot pro, and a splat charger. Erida shot the little creations 1 by 1, splatting them, but hearing weird noises from behind her.
Erida turned around and saw a creation in the air, diving down to slash her, but Erida shifted her Splattershot pro and aimed at the little creation, sniping it out of mid air....but something was off....whenever she splatted a creation, their ink wouldn't disappear, it would return back to Angelica.
Erida looked over at Angelica and saw her glowing with yellow Ink. Angelica was holding a giant golden bow that had Violets blooming from off of it. She readied a gigantic, powerful looking arrow, aiming it straight at Erida.
Angelica: one of my little buddies taught me this~ thank you for powering up my babies~ I appreciate it very much~ the stronger attacks you hit them with, the stronger my arrow~
Angelica: Violet of peace~
Angelica shot the ink arrow straight at Erida, and Erida simply glared at the arrow as it approached her. Erida's hand started to glow with black ink, then she used her hand, dodging her head to the side and forcefully grabbing the middle of the arrow.
Angelica stood there, shocked at Erida, watching her arrow convert from a golden ink to a black dark matter version of itself. Erida roughly flipped the arrow around in mid air and threw it straight at Angelica. Angelica barely dodged to the side, and saw the converted arrow completely run straight past her body, giving off a hot, burning, Inky aura.
The arrow shredded through the lower half of Angelica's maid dress, ruining it and burning it up. Angelica stood there in silence as Erida simply glared at her.
Angelica: w-why....must everyone...stand in my way?.....
Angelica laughed once more, gritting her teeth so hard that she started to make herself bleed. She clenched her blade and glared straight at Erida as blood ran down her mouth.
Erida:.......Especial stream.....
Just from Erida's voice caused Angelica to freeze up for a second. It sounded as if a pure, cold-blooded demon was speaking to her, and she felt the ink rush through her body, but instead of shaking in fear, Angelica smiled even harder and began to shake from excitement.
Angelica: it's been forever ever since I heard your voice!! Even today, it still gives my body shivers!!
Erida:......alternative ending....
3 booyah bombs formed from Ink from around Erida, and Angelica couldn't help but smirk when she saw the 3 bombs. 1 bomb was made of pure white ink with a light blue core, and it shined with a golden radiance. Another bomb was grey and had an alternating core of blue and red, giving off a grey radiance. The last bomb was completely black and had a dark red core that bled with rage, giving off a red radiance. Erida pointed at Angelica, then slowly opened her mouth.
Erida: Heaven.....
The white booyah bomb quickly zipped away from Erida, then it split itself into multiple needles of pure Ink that targeted straight at Angelica. The needles rushed straight towards Angelica at really fast speeds, but Angelica quickly jumped and dodged the incoming needles, but the needles turned around in mid air and continued to target her. Some needles pierced through her body, but it didn't cause that much damage, and eventually the needles faded away, and Erida simply opened her mouth once more.
The Grey booyah bomb rushed at Angelica at a little slower rate, then the bomb split into two tentacles, a red Octoling tentacle, and a blue Inkling tentacle. The two tentacles began to swing and hit Angelica, with the Octoling tentacle doing more damage, but the Inkling tentacle moving faster. Angelica laughed as she got hit, then she grabbed onto the Octoling tentacle, stabbing it and making it explode, then she threw her knife at the Inkling tentacle, stabbing it in mid air and making it explode as well.
Angelica: don't tell me that's the best you got!!
The black booyah bomb was completely still....then it slowly moved down into the subway car. Angelica stood there for a second, confused a little as she saw the bomb sink down into the car below.
Then, out of nowhere, Angelica quickly reacted and used her knife to block her body as it got pushed up by a giant red spike. Angelica saw multiple red ink spikes pierce up from the subway car, causing her to jump back to avoid them, hearing the souls and screams of the dead. The spikes chased her and made her jump back, but the spikes only reached her from so far, and they stopped in their tracks. The spikes of ink dissolved, then Angelica couldn't help by giving Erida a nice clap.
Angelica: almost got then.
Angelica dashed up to Erida, then stabbed her straight in the stomach while giggling, twisting the blade within Erida's body.
Angelica: Die Erida.....disappear...
Just then, Angelica felt Erida's claws pierce into her stomach, catching her off guard and making her cough up blood a little.
Erida: my body is incomplete....broken...I do not have nerves in my system....I do not feel pain.
Erida: your words....your attacks...are meaningless......I feel no pain....I listen to no one except my two members of our clan.
Angelica:...*tiny smile* that's fair...
Angelica felt their blood drip down from their bodies, falling onto the car below them. The two stood at a stalemate...silent.....
Angelica:...I hate you......all of you...with a passion....
Angelica: especially you........stay away from my Izzy boo...
Angelica: or should I say.....code 5?
Angelica: you remember! Code 5 is going through her evolution!
Erida:.....*glares*........if you touch her...I'll kill you....
Angelica: but I already diiiiid touch her~
Erida swung her claws from her other hand at Angelica's face, but Angelica quickly moved herself out of harms way by pulling herself, away from Erida's now bloody fingers, and pulling her knife out of her body.
Angelica: your whole journey is just to reunite with her?~
Angelica hummed while twirling her bloody blade through her fingers and leaning against the edge of the train.
Angelica: the time you see her....she'll already be dead~
Erida saw Angelica laugh, then she fell off of the train and dove straight down to a station below. Erida stood there...still....she felt on her throat, feeling the weird feeling that her voice gave her after not speaking for months. Erida shook her head and reached in her pocket, pulling out a little bracelet of sea shells.....
*Flashback, 10 years ago*
Within a cage, 15 sat alone, in an enclosed room. 15 didn't speak a single word....she didn't know how to speak.....she simply knew only 1 thing...that she was the perfect creation. 15 hugged her knees to her chest, but then she heard the door open, allowing the light to shine within her dark room.
15 looked up and saw an Inkling was her.....again.....for the 7th time....the Inkling girl quickly ran over to 15's cage with keys in her hand, then she leaned down and waved at her.
5: Hi Fifteen.
The Inkling gave her a smile, then showed her a key while giving her a tiny chuckle.
5: I'll let you out tonight, I have something big to show you.
5 unlocked the cage and grabbed onto 15's hand, pulling her out of the cage. 5 dragged 15 along and ran out of their base. 15 looked at the back of the girl's body and saw bad bruises on her arms and legs from her beating yesterday.
5 would get beaten horribly by the professor if she let 15 out of her cage, and 15 never understood.....why didn't she......learn her lesson?.... She's taken 6 very brutal beatings....yet....she still came back......why?
15 saw 5 pull her along to a little shack, then open the door to the shack while letting out little giggles.
5: Ten! I got her!
10: h-hi, Fifteen...
15 didn't respond to 10, but....she looked at 10 and saw the same bruises on her as well.....making her body cold and stiff....5 let out a little "ahem" before walking up to 15 and smiling at her.
5: Code 015, I hereby declare you an official member of the C.S.C!!
5 held out a little bracelet that had beautiful seashells on it, and a rock in the middle that had "C.S.C" engraved into it. 15 slowly took the bracelet, then looked at 5, seeing her put her hands on her hips in pride.
5: made it myself. What do ya think?
10: o-oh! The C.S.C stands for "Cool Squids Club".
5:....whenever we see're so alone...and upset....we can't bear to see anyone like that. It makes us feel so terrible.
5 gave 15 a little smile, then grabbed her bracelet and slid it on her wrist, shocking her a little.
5: which is why we want you to be our friend.....our clan only has 2 members: me, and Ten, but we want you to be a part of it, Fifteen. Our clan of friends!!
5: 0-0....what?
Just then, 15 began to cry....for the first time....and only time within her life....she cried. 5 and 10 began to panic, then ran over to her and hugged her tight while trying to calm her down.
10: We're sorry!! We're sorry!! Please don't cry!!
5: whatever we did wrong, we're sorry, Fifteen!!
15: f....fa.....*sniff*...s-sho....sta....jwe...yu.
10:....I don't think she knows how to speak properly, Five.
5: why? She's with the mean lady all the time, She should've taught her.
10: well....professor did tell us that talking is useless when it comes to combat....
5:.....Fifteen, Say my code number.
15:.......F....Fi....ob.......h....he... were good...then you lost me.
10: *gasp* we should teach her!...I mean...we all managed to teach ourselves, so we should help Fifteen!
5: teaching? But would if the mean lady catches on? Because she most likely knows that Fifteen can't talk.
10: hm.......
10 walked over to 15, then raised up her pinky while giving her a nice smile.
10: Fifteen....we'll teach you how to speak and say cool only talk if absolutely necessary, ok?
5: you only talk to me, and Ten, and any enemy that comes our way!
15 hesitated......but then she locked pinkies with her a little nod...starting their bond.
5: man...I still wish the mean lady gave me a name.....Erida...that's so fresh...
*5 years later*
A now 13 year old Erida stabbed an Octarian straight in the throat with her claws, making her fall to the ground in front of her. Erida looked behind her and saw the destroyed facility that was just recently bombed....she stood in silence.....then quickly ran inside of the facility, moving past rubble and broken equipment.
Erida searched throughout the facility, then she saw a gigantic pile of stone, and saw a bloody hand sticking out from under it. Erida leaned down and looked at the wrist of the hand to see the code number 003...and silently stood back up, continuing her search.
Erida searched and searched throughout the facility.....seeing her dead code 001, 002, 004, 008, 009, 011, 012, 013, and 014.....but no 005 or 010 to be found anywhere.
Erida:...some survived.......but...not all...there's....a chance....
Erida clenched her fist and her voice became a bit more cold and dead...and the cracks around her eyes deepened and gotten wider.
Erida:......I'll......find...them........and kill...anything that stands in my way.....
*Chapterly art*
Species swapped Gabby and Cynthia
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