Chapter 34: Jealousy

Within the deepsea metro, a group of 4 cephalopods were walking around and looking at the rundown area. An Inkling boy smirked and pulled out his phone, then started taking pictures around him while the Octoling girl next to him was twiddling her fingers, nervous and scared for her life.

Octoling girl: g-guys.....are you sure that this is safe?

Inkling boy: *click* yup. Plus, this place isn't even that scary.

Inkling girl: I'm kinda getting some spooks, it feels as if souls of dead creatures are crawling on me.

Octoling boy: yeah...also didn't a group get killed down here a little while ago?

Inkling boy: awe c'mon, stop being such a wimp.

Octoling boy: I-I'm not....I'm just.....a little creeped out. There's a difference.

The four of them walked down a tunnel of train tracks through the silence. The only thing that was heard was the sound of little water droplets falling from the tunnel roof and onto the rails.

The four walked out of the tunnel and saw a subway station in front of them. The Inkling boy climbed up from the tracks and began looking around a bit more, amazed from the scenery.

Inkling boy: woah...this place looks so cool and ancient.

Octoling boy: if you say so.

The Inkling boy started a video on his phone, then held it up in the air, smiling at the camera and wrapping his arm around the Inkling girl.

Inkling boy: this is amazing, don't you think?

Inkling girl:...I guess...

Inkling boy: uuugh! don't tell me you're scared too.

Inkling girl: I'm not! It's just....we are traveling a bit too low down here.

Octoling boy: yeah, would if we get lost and don't know how to find our way back up?

Inkling boy: *smirks* I memorized our path, we'll be alright.

The Inkling boy walked with his group until he saw something on the ground in the distance. The Inkling boy tilted his head, but continued to walk forward as his friends walked behind him.

Inkling boy: woah....

Inkling girl: oh my that a dead body?

Octoling girl: y-yeah ok, I think it's time we head back....

Inkling boy: hold on now...

The Inkling boy kneeled down to the body, seeing that it was a dead Octarian soldier. Her throat was slit multiple times as if it was from Octoling claws. The Inkling boy pulled out his phone then took a selfie with the dead body as all of his friends stared at him, annoyed.

Octoling boy: dude, seriously?!

Inkling girl: now's not the time to take selfies! We need to get out of here!

Inkling boy: *chuckles* c'mon guys, you're way too paranoid, things down here die all the time.

???: Indeed....he is correct....

The Inkling boy's heart dropped, hearing footsteps in the distance slowly approach him. The Inkling turned around and saw an Octoling girl with Cyan tentacles and tan skin across from him.

The Octoling girl had bandages covering her right eye....but her left eye was pure red.... glaring straight into the boy's soul. The Inkling boy stumbled back a little... seeing the Octoling's left hand holding onto a splash-o-matic while her right hand looked as if it was infected and corrupted with....a weird type of Ink.

???: I suppose you four are next in line....

The Octoling boy and girl, along with the Inkling girl began to shiver in fear, slowly backing away as the Octoling raised her corrupted hand and pointed straight at them.

???:........your deaths will be painful.... least they'll be quick.

Inkling boy:.....

???: Since there's no spawn pads in the metro....a splat will suffice....since your souls will have nowhere to disgusting surface kin.

Just then, a little radio on the Octoling girl's chest began to shake around, then a voice came out from it.

Radio: Yuka! Where are you?!

Yuka, the menacing Octoling girl, grabbed onto her radio, then spoke into it while glaring straight at the four cephalopods across from her.

Yuka: I'm.....taking care of something.

Radio: well make it quick...she wants to speak with you!

Yuka put away her radio, then the four cephalopods saw her point her splash-o-matic at them.

Yuka: alright.....I'll make this quick.

Inkling boy:.....h-heh.....guys...this is a prank...c'mon.

Inkling girl: what?!

Inkling boy: it's almost Splatoween, this girl is obviously just messing with us.

Octoling boy: a-are you nuts?!

The Inkling boy pulled out a splattershot pro, then smirked at Yuka.

Yuka: so you wish to fight back?......I see.

Inkling boy: hmph! I'll play along with your little game.

The Inkling boy dashed at Yuka, then began to fire his Splattershot pro at her. Yuka easily dodged the boys shots, then her corrupted hand began to glow.

Yuka:......Especial stream......

Yuka dashed at the Inkling boy with rapid speed, catching him off guard completely. The Inkling boy then saw Yuka right in front of him, and Yuka thrusted her Octoling claws forward, stabbing the Inkling boy in the stomach and piercing her fingers through his skin.

Yuka: swift agony....

Yuka pulled her claws out of the Inkling boy's chest, then the boy stumbled back and began to twitch a little. He dropped his Splattershot pro as his eyes began to bleed with black Ink.

The boy began to scream in pain and his body began to expand. All of his friends watched in fear, seeing him explode from the corrupted ink, then they saw his little soul disappear in thin air. surface kin....are more foolish than you look.

Octoling boy:....Y-You......killed him......

The Octoling boy gritted his teeth and pulled out his Octo brush, then ran at Yuka, causing her to sigh and raise her corrupted hand up at the Octoling.

Yuka: Especial stream......

Yuka snapped her fingers, then black smoke came out from her hand, hitting the Octoling boy.

Yuka: Inculcation.....

The Octoling boy stood still in front of her. The boy's eyes turned pitch black and his ink color completely changed to her corrupted ink, then Yuka pointed straight at the Octoling girl.

Yuka: splat her.....

Octoling girl: W-What?....

The Octoling boy turned around and glared at the girl, then dashed at her with his brush, hitting her right on the head with it, making her fall to the ground and hold her head in pain.

Octoling girl: p-please stop!!

The Octoling boy hit the girl over and over until her entire body was covered in corrupted ink, then the Octoling girl exploded, and the second she did, Yuka walked up to the Octoling boy and stabbed his throat with two fingers, making him explode as well. Yuka looked around and raised an eyebrow after seeing that the Inkling girl was nowhere to be found.

Yuka: one of them ran........well then.

The Inkling girl was running down the metro tunnels as fast as she could. Tears were flowing down her face and her heart was beating at an extreme rate. The Inkling girl's skin turned pale when she heard fast footsteps coming from behind her.

The Inkling girl turned around to see how far away Yuka was, but when she did, she only saw an Octoling claw directly in front of her eye. Yuka pierced the Inkling's eye, causing her to scream in pain and fall to the ground.

The Inkling girl held her eye and began to twitch violently as her body slowly began to expand. The Inkling girl exploded and all of her Ink was spread onto the tracks. Yuka simply walked away and placed her splash-o-matic on her hip, shaking her head at them.

Yuka: didn't even make me use my weapon......

Yuka walked down the tracks, but she suddenly stopped after feeling a sharp strike of pain go through her arm. Yuka let out a grunt and grabbed onto her arm, feeling the corruption flow through it fiercely, but after the pain started to simmer down, Yuka started to walk once more...thinking to herself.

Yuka: (a blessing.....yet....a curse)


Cynthia: entrance exams, huh?

Yumi was sitting at the Café counter with Miles and Coraline on opposite sides of her. Yasu sat next to Miles with his coffee in front of him, and Amira handed Miles and Yumi their coffees. Yumi simply responded to Cynthia by giving her a nod as Amira pulled out a freshly baked cinnamon bun from the oven, then handed it to Coraline.

Coraline: yeah. I have to admit...I'm a little nervous.

Yasu: you're going up against tough opponents, so i could understand why.

Cynthia: so Bella's gonna sit out for this one?

Miles: *nods* she deserves to....she works harder than all of now it's our turn.

Amira: I'll be taking her place for now.

Yasu: *tiny smile* that's nice.

Lola: *whimpers*

Miles: Lola, we went over this last night.

Lola: *shakes her head*

Miles: you don't have a choice; you're staying with Yasu for the next couple of days.

Yasu: yup. *Chuckles* don't worry, I know how to cook up a good meal for you to enjoy.

Lola:.....*looks at Miles*

Miles: that's final.

Lola: *slouches*

Just then, they all heard a little "ding" from the door opening. They all looked over and saw Aryll slowly make her way inside of the Café, a little sad, making Cynthia give her a little smirk and rest her chin on her hand while leaning on the counter.

Cynthia: what's on your mind, kid?'s just....Obsidian....

Cynthia: oh....

Yumi:..... that I think about it, she must be having a hard time....processing all of this.

Coraline: her and Bella were close, so it makes sense.

Aryll: can I get some apple juice, please?

Cynthia: gotcha.

Cynthia grabbed a simple cup while Amira grabbed a bottle of Apple juice from the back. Aryll sat down at the counter and let out a little sigh, then she saw Lola crawl over to her and cuddle against her hand, making her smile a bit and pet the little cucumber.

Amira poured the Apple juice in the cup, and Cynthia handed it to her, then Aryll grabbed her cup and took a nice, long sip.

Yumi:...Is...Obsidian alright?

Aryll:...Mhm....or....well, I think.....

Miles: what do you mean?

Aryll: she locked herself in her room.....I try to talk to her, and she speaks to me sometimes....but not a lot.

Coraline: I'm guessing she hasn't seen Bella in the hospital yet?

Aryll: she can't bring herself to go and see her....she only leaves her room to make me dinner or tend to her plants.

Miles: well....maybe I'll pay her a visit. I could try to talk to her about it.

Aryll: I don't think that's a good idea.

Miles: why?

Aryll: when I tried.....she started to cry terribly, and she kept saying that this was her fault.

Coraline: her fault? But what Bella did has nothing to do with her?

Amira: it's most likely because Obsidian knew of Isabella's limit and disability ever since they were young. She possibly saw this coming ever since the very beginning, but she did nothing to stop it.

Yasu: true, I'd feel guilt as well if I was in her shoes.

Cynthia: hm....gimmie a sec.

Cynthia walked into the back room of the Café, leaving everyone in silence, that is until the door let out another "ding", catching everyone's attention. Everyone looked over and saw an Inkling boy walk inside the Café with a scarf over his mouth. The boy moved his scarf down to show an embarrassed blush on his face.

Miles: Otto?

Coraline: what are you doing he-

Otto: shut it....

Otto looked straight at Yumi, then walked a little closer to her while reaching in his pocket, scoffing and blushing from embarrassment.


Otto: Yumi!...


Otto:...I-I just.......*siiiiigh*....I just wanted.....

Everyone:..... say *looks away*....that I'm...*mumbles*

Yumi: *tilts her head*...

Otto: Ugh! Are you deaf?!


Otto:....alright.......look....I just wanted to say.....that I'm sorry......


Otto:.....for back then......ya know?....calling you a Pit-Dweller, underestimating you.......and.....posting that picture of you and Isabella....on Squidstagram.


Otto:....and to pay you back for all of the bad things I've done....I've decided to chime in and lend assistance, so you better be thankful.

Otto pulled out a little booklet from his pocket, then handed it to Yumi. Yumi took the book and read the title of it to see "fall entrance exams guide and information".

Otto: it's a little booklet that shows everything that's gonna be in the entrance exams, including the teams that'll be participating.

Miles: wait, for eel?!

Otto: *sigh* yes.

Coraline: *giggles* awe, thanks, Otto.

Otto: shut up and open the book.

Yumi turned the book open and everyone gathered behind her to look in it as well, while Otto sat down and slouched over the counter.

Otto: there will be different trials throughout the 3 days, also it shows the rank that most squads from Inkopolis are in.

Miles: so, from rank 11 to 30 will be in the exams?

Otto: yes. I was going to actually tell you something important.

Coraline: what?

Otto stopped slouching, then looked over at them, glaring at them while giving them a thumbs down.

Otto: everyone participating in the exams are weak besides 3 squads....and these 3 squads are what you need to look out for the most.

Miles: who are they?

Otto: the first squad is known as The Slaughter squad, and they're known for their quick burst options and slaying skills. They'll completely destroy you if you go in blind.

Coraline: I'm guessing they all use strong weapons?

Otto: yes. Their leader is a girl named Lux....she is very unique and shifty with her movements. She is also ambidextrous, so she uses 2 Splattershots instead of me, you'll know exactly who she is when you see her.

Miles: what about her squadmates?

Otto: I don't remember their names, but all I know is they are very coordinated with Lux. One uses Dapple Dualies, the other uses a Tri-Slosher, and the last one uses a range blaster.

Miles: well I could outrange them all if I bring my ballpoint Splatling.

Otto: outranging them is inevitable; they all have Ninja Squid and will always close the gap between you and them.

Coraline:..I guess we'll just have to fight fire with fire then.

Otto: second squad is known as the Nebula squad....and......*sigh*....think of them as the opposite of the Slaughter squad.

Yumi:...passive and defensive....

Otto: Mhm. *Looks at Amira* you remember the Nebula squad, right?

Amira: I do. Comet is the only one we must look out for.

Miles: Comet?

Amira: indeed. Comet is a very strong, yet passive girl. She isn't even the leader of her squad.

Otto: *tsk* Almost lost to her and those bozos.

Miles: wow, really?

Otto: I wasn't joking when I said there were strong opponents in the entrance exams, idiot!...*sigh* anyway, the third squad is the unknown squad.

Amira:.......*looks away*....

Miles: I'm guessing you know them as well, Amira?

Amira: deeply....yes.

Otto: *sigh* unknown is the main squad you have to look out for. They are a very strong squad, and they're rank 11 at the moment.

Yumi:...who is the strongest?

Otto: all of them are fairly strong.....but the one you have to look out for the most is a girl named Charlotte.....*shivers* cod, I hate her.


Miles: Charlotte?

Otto:....*sigh* she's a strong Octoling girl.......I hate her so much...but....she honestly deserved to be in the Inktastic ten more than me. She's the daughter of Octavio.


Miles: u-uh....what?

Yumi:.......I.... believe I know....*looks away*....nevermind. said that.....she was an Octoling as well?

Otto: Mhm.


Otto: is there a problem?

Coraline: n-no!.......Just thinking.....

Cynthia: yo guys, sorry I took so lon-

Cynthia walked into the room once again, holding a box full of cinnamon buns. Her eyes averted straight at Otto, and she let out a smirk, causing Otto to roll his eyes at her.

Cynthia: awe, came back to Inkopolis because you missed me?

Otto: *scoffs* I didn't miss you one bit.

Yasu: *tiny chuckle* you missed it; Otto apologized to Yumi.

Otto: shut it, camera boy!!

Cynthia: *gasp* you did?!

Otto: shut up!!

Amira: you know Otto, Cynthia?

Cynthia: of course. The guy would always come here to get some coffee, but he definitely didn't like me.

Otto: that was back then!

Cynthia: *chuckles* even though I was a Pit-Dweller, he'd still come back here because he loved my coffee.

Otto: *sigh*.....

Cynthia: don't worry, I'll make you a cup, on the house. Think of it as a welcome back gift.

Otto:....I suppose.

Aryll: Cynthia, what's in the box?

Cynthia: oh, Cinnamon buns. I want you to give these to Obsidian. My grandpa always told me "there's 2 ways on how to make a woman feel better; 1: thrust and release, or 2: give her cinnamon buns"

Miles: *confused disappointment*

Aryll: *takes the box* thanks Cynthia! I'll give these to her right away while they're still warm!

Aryll hopped off of her chair, then began to make her way to the door, but she stopped for a second and looked right at Otto, who was looking back down at her, and Aryll gave Otto a nice, little smile.

Aryll: even though you're tough, you are still a big softie. *Pokes Otto* thank you.


Otto saw a tiny glimpse of his sister through Aryll, then he slowly raised his hand up and rested it on top of Aryll's head, Patting it gently and looking away from her.

Otto: just.....go give that crybaby her cinnamon buns, kid.

Aryll let out a tiny giggle and waddled out the Café, then Otto let out a tiny sigh of relief, but when he turned around, he saw everyone starting at him and smirking.

Coraline: hmhm...cute.

Otto: I hate you all -_-


*Flashback, earlier*

Yuka walked into a simple chamber in the metro. She scanned her finger print and a door opened up to a room filled with crates that contained Octarian weaponry and technology.

The door closed behind Yuka, then she kneeled down and lowered her head in respect.

Yuka: you called....

Yuka heard a giggle, then looked over to see an Inkling girl in a maid outfit hop down from the top of the crates, softly and quietly landing right in front of Yuka.

Angelica: oooh, what took you so long, Yuka?~

Yuka: I apologize....I was taking care of business. The metro had Surface kin dwell within our territory once again.

Angelica: *giggles* the Surface kin truly are weirdos...but...I'll let your lateness slide this time~

Yuka: I am thankful...

Angelica: now then~....Yuka....I truly am disappointed in you...but....I can understand that this wasn't your fault~

Yuka: what do you mean?

Angelica: my gift....and your sister...colliding?...this is quite a weird turn of events.


Angelica: it seems you failed to kill your sister like I told you~


Angelica: you hesitated.....

Angelica walked up to Yuka and pulled out her knife, shocking Yuka a bit. Angelica kneeled down and very gently traced the knife over Yuka's neck while smiling at her.

Angelica: do you mind explaining to me what our contract was again?~ me strength....

Angelica: Mhm~

Yuka: and I.....give you my loyalty....

Angelica: *Pats Yuka's head* good girl~

Angelica stood up and gestured Yuka to stand as well. Yuka stood up and watched Angelica slowly dance and spin in circles while twirling her knife in her hand.

Angelica: so when I told you to use your power to kill your sister....I didn't mean beat her down and throw her in the trash~


Angelica: deep down, you still care for her, don't you?~

Yuka:........definitely not...

Angelica: hmhm~....I smell a liar~


Angelica: why do you still care?~.....your sister took everything from you~....she's considered a prodigy...and you're her older sister?~

Angelica walked around Yuka while gently tracing the knife on Yuka's body, leaning close to her ear and smiling with her sharp teeth.

Angelica: that's pathetic....don't you think?~ Yumi surpassed you....she's better than you...she'll always be better.


Angelica: she took your place as a leader of an elite Octarian squad....and you had to obey her orders?~


Angelica: soon, Octavio kicked you off the army completely~ he turned you into a simple girl that had to clean the bathrooms and serve the soldiers food~

Angelica saw Yuka shaking a little, then saw her clench her fists, making her smile even wider in delight.

Yuka: everywhere I was always about her......Yumi this....Yumi that........

Angelica: Mhm~....

Yuka: it made me sick...... everyone treated me as a joke.......all because my younger sister was stronger than me.....

Angelica walked away from Yuka, then continued her dancing once more, letting out more giggles and gritting her teeth with a fierce smile.

Angelica: Yumi is ruining everything....her affection for Izzy makes me very angry~

Angelica's eye twitched and she clenched her knife so hard that veins were popping out of her hand. Angelica let out a little giggle....then it became louder....and louder until she was laughing with her mouth wide open, staring at the ceiling of the facility.




Angelica stopped herself, then lowered her head and let out a little sigh. She shook her face and went back to her normal self, then turned around and faced Yuka.

Angelica: but.....that's your job....

Yuka:....I understand...

Angelica: if Yumi continues to exist, she'll change Izzy boo...she'll take my toy away from me~....

Angelica pointed her knife straight at Yuka, inches away from her forehead, then her face switched to a very serious expression.

Angelica: kill Yumi....overwhelm her body with your Swift agony until she dies....if Izzy boo completely falls in love with mother's goal will never be achieved.

Yuka:....your wish is my should I proceed with this?

Angelica switched to a smile and reached into her dress, then she pulled out a little book and handed it to Yuka.

Yuka: "fall entrance exams guide and information"

Angelica: *dances* it seems that Yumi and her two little buddies are heading to Cod Willows to compete in the entrance exams. The travel trains will be arriving tomorrow~

Yuka:....I see....

Angelica: *giggles* and luckily my Char-Char is missing a 4th member on her team~


Angelica: Mhm! My little Char-Char, the daughter of Mr. Octavio~ I know you remember her~

Yuka: too well...

Angelica: she is such a talented girl~ unlocking the sense of Low tide at the age of 13~ developing her Especial stream at 15~....but her daddy didn't care~ he only cared about Yumi~....

Yuka:......*looks away*

Angelica: but're 23 years old and still haven't unlocked Low tide or developed an Especial stream?~ why, why, why?~

Yuka: I.......don't know how to properly answer that...

Angelica: but then I came into your life~ I gave you the power you wished for~


Angelica: *smiles* so, do you understand?~

Yuka: *glares*.....I do.

Angelica: *giggles* good!~

Angelica began to walk away from Yuka, but before she completely left, she turned back at Yuka and gave her a smirk.

Angelica: oh....and if you fail your mission.....I won't hesitate to kill belong to me now~


Yuka walked down the street while wearing a long jacket to cover her corrupted arm. She walked into urchin underpass and immediately heard talking in the distance. Yuka walked farther until she she saw two Octoling boys sitting down while an Octoling girl was sitting a little farther from them, writing in a journal with a big, red sea cucumber next to her.

Charlotte, a simple Octoling girl with a long ponytail, and a mask that covered the lower half of her face, sat alone and wrote within her journal while her sea cucumber, Cecelia, slouched next to her and let out a tiny sigh.

Cecelia: writing another poem, kid?

Charlotte:....*tiny nod*....

Cecelia: well I can't blame ya. That guy was pretty damn harsh when he said he didn't want to be a part of our squad anymore.


Cecelia: hm...lemme see what you got so far.

Charlotte let out a tiny sigh and placed down the book in front of Cecelia. Cecelia shimmied up to the book, then began to read it while Charlotte picked up her Cherry H-3 Nozzlenose and looked over at her friends, Sho, and Ami.

Cecelia: "within this shell I stay, secluded from the negative radiance of others. I wither within my streams of thoughts, believing he'll notice me one day. Days, weeks, months, years, no response. When my shell cracks, I almost escape, only to get dragged back into the depths of hell from betrayal. What have I done wrong?"......that's a deep one, kid.

Charlotte:...I suppose.

Yuka: Charlotte....

Charlotte, Sho, and Ami all turned their heads around and saw Yuka standing across from them while holding the entrance exams book.


Yuka: it has been sometime ever since we last saw each other....and now you live with these....surface kin....

Charlotte stood up while holding her Cherry H-3 and glared straight at Yuka, seeing her showing the book out to her.

Yuka: do you wish to compete in the entrance exams at the moment?

Ami: we were, but our squadmate bailed on us at the last second.

Yuka: well, I'd say that's a good thing.

Charlotte: why is that?

Yuka: I have important business to take care of in the entrance exams....and I know how much you want to get into the Inktastic ten, Charlotte.


Yuka: I'll play as your fourth member for the time being. Think of it as a temporary alliance.

Yuka walked up to Charlotte and held out her hand for her to shake it.

Yuka: I get what I want....and in return, I'll lend assistance on your progression to qualify for the Inktastic ten.

Charlotte raised her hand slowly, and just as she was about to shake Yuka's hand, Yuka opened her mouth to speak once more, stopping Charlotte.

Yuka: however.....I'll be the one in charge; you all will be taking my orders.


Yuka: you heard me....I will not repeat myself.

Silence was completely flowing through everyone, with Charlotte slowly lowering her hand, denying the handshake and surprising Yuka.

Yuka: hm....I suppose you have no thought of winni-

Just then, Yuka saw a barrel of a Cherry H-3 right in front of her face. Yuka dodged to the side and jumped away from Charlotte's shots from her weapon, then saw her give a menacing glare towards her.

Charlotte: the only way you'd take my place is if I was dead. tell me, Charlotte....

Yuka pulled out her splash-o-matic, then Sho, Ami, and Cecelia all moved away from the two and watched as Yuka pointed her splash straight at Charlotte.

Yuka: do you fear death?

Charlotte: fearing the inevitable is a sin to my pride.

Yuka:....well then....

Yuka pulled out a burst bomb and threw it at Charlotte, and Charlotte quickly dodged it and shot her H-3 burst at Yuka. Yuka dodged the shots then ran straight at Charlotte as her corrupted hand began to glow.

Yuka: Especial stream....Swift agony

Yuka thrusted her claws forward at Charlotte, but Charlotte used her H-3 to push Yuka's hand away from her body, avoiding the attack.

Charlotte looked at Yuka's other hand to see her splash-o-matic, getting ready to shoot at her. Charlotte quickly ducked under the shots, placing her hand on the ground and kicking Yuka straight in the jaw. Yuka stumbled back and could taste the blood in her mouth, then looked over at Charlotte to see her ready and waiting for her. expected from the daughter of Octavio...


Yuka: you have talent....I'll give you that-

Charlotte dashed straight up to Yuka once again, then the second she was about to shoot her H-3, Yuka pushed her weapon away with her arm, making Charlotte's shot miss her completely, then she began to shoot back with her splash.

Yuka's ink from her splash-o-matic covered a good amount of the area, making her hair glow, signaling that her special was ready. Yuka summoned her suction bomb rush, then began to throw suction bombs at Charlotte.

Charlotte kicked away some suction bombs, then pulled out her splash wall and stood behind it to protect herself. The second Charlotte's splash wall was destroyed, Charlotte looked up and saw a suction bomb straight above her, falling down towards her. she used her H-3, then shot the suction bomb, juggling it in the air for a second.

Charlotte jumped up in the air, then kicked the suction bomb straight back at Yuka, but she moved out of the way from the bomb before she got hit. Charlotte landed back on her feet, letting out a tiny sigh before looking up at Yuka once more.

Yuka: why aren't you going all out on me?... there a need?....

Yuka: I thought you never doubted your opponents.....

Charlotte: I never had doubts about you. This is just a test to see if you can keep up.....I'm impressed.

Yuka: *tsk* don't talk to me as if you're superior.


Yuka: I wish to see what you're capable of as well.


Charlotte let out a long sigh, then closed her eyes; blue streams of ink began to flow from Charlotte's eyes, when Charlotte opened her eyes, her eyes radiated with the blue sense of Low tide, surprising Yuka.

Ami: uh-oh...

Cecilia: *sigh* just let it happen.

Yuka: Low tide......I'm surprised you can access it so must've taken a lot of training.

Charlotte's tentacles began to glow, then she raised her hand in the air and summoned her bubble blower. Charlotte took a stance while Sho, Ami, and Cecelia watched from the side.

Charlotte: Especial stream........

Yuka readied herself with her splash, watching Charlotte closely as she shifted her feet while having a calm expression on her face.

Yuka: alright then...come at me-

Yuka's eyes widened in shock when she saw Charlotte dash at her with incredible speed. Yuka pulled out a burst bomb and threw it at Charlotte, but she simply dodged it with ease. Charlotte saw Yuka shoot straight at her, but she ducked under Yuka's shots and sweep-kicked her off of her feet.

Before Yuka could fall to the ground, Charlotte used her bubble blower and swung it past Yuka's body, trapping her in a bubble.

Charlotte: illusion prison....

Yuka, from inside of the bubble, saw a bright flash of red, then everywhere around her was was quiet...but then...Yuka saw Yumi rise up from the red ink below, looking at her with glowing blue eyes.

Yuka: Yumi........ will never surpass are weak.....mother and father would be disappointed in you.....

Yuka gritted her teeth and used her Octoling claws to slash at Yumi, but her slash went straight through Yumi's inky body, causing no damage at all.

Yumi: I have achieved what you never could.....admit matter how hard you'll never be better than me....

Yuka didn't know how to respond...her body was frozen....her hands felt cold and numb, and all she could hear from behind her was Yumi's laughter...

Yuka heard a simple pop, then she looked around and noticed she was back in urchin underpass. She took a deep breath and let it out, then looked over at Charlotte to see her leaning against the wall with her Cherry H-3.

Yuka: your Especial stream......what was it?

Charlotte: illusion prison.....I made you witness your greatest fear...

Yuka: *grunts*.....I.........see....

Charlotte: it will lower the mental state of anyone. Using it on chargers makes them more shakey and scared, meaning they're more likely to miss shots.


Charlotte: my illusion bubbles don't pop and splat, but they will leave your brain in ruin.

Charlotte reached down and picked up her bubble blower, then looked over at Yuka again.

Charlotte: do you wish to continue?

Yuka:......I are skillful.

Yuka walked over to Charlotte once more, then held out her hand to her again.

Yuka: I'll allow you to lead.

Charlotte hesitated, but then shook Yuka's hand and let out a tiny sigh.

Charlotte:......temporary alliance indeed.


*Chapterly art*

Bella: *starts to gain feelings for Yumi*


Memey meme ^

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