Chapter 33: A Prodigy
*Piranha Pit*
*Splat Zones*
*Enemy Team: 26, Yumi's team: 73*
It was the next day; Yumi was surrounded by enemy Ink, and she began to look around for the Sploosh who was using Ninja squid to sneak around her.
Yumi heard a little shift in the ink, then she jumped up and away from the sploosh, who came up from behind her. The sploosh quickly saw Yumi in the air, and he aimed upwards to shoot at her, but the second the sploosh began to shoot up at Yumi, Yumi dodged the shots by quickly using her Kensa Splat Dualies to dodge roll down to the ground.
Sploosh: *grunts* (how is she so fast?!)
The Sploosh was about to shoot at Yumi once more, but Yumi quickly dashed up to the boy and pulled out a suction bomb. Yumi slammed the suction bomb onto the boy's face, sticking it onto him. The boy tried to pull the suction bomb off, but it was too late, and the bomb exploded, splatting him and taking control of the second Zone they needed.
*Yumi's team is in control*
Yumi heard the siren go off, meaning that it was overtime. She looked over at the enemy's spawn base, then saw an Octoling girl using a Custom Jet Squelcher. The Octoling girl activated her sting Ray, then began to pierce through the stage with it.
Yumi dodged the stingray, but one of her teammates, a Hydra Octoling boy, got splatted behind her by the lazer. Yumi dashed up to the stingray girl, but she tried to turn the stingray to shoot at Yumi before she could approach and splat her, Yumi turned into her Octopus form and swam in the ink to go under the lazer.
Yumi's tentacles began to glow, showing that her Baller was ready to use, and the second she was about to splat the stingray girl, Yumi noticed enemy shots flying at her from a different direction. Yumi jumped away and missed her opportunity to splat the stingray while she was vulnerable, but then she looked over and saw a Kensa Splattershot pro, glaring at her as her tentacles began to glow as well.
K Pro: you're pretty nimble, but let's see if you can handle this!
The Kensa pro began hovering in the air as ink armor formed around her body, Yumi heard the enemy team start chanting Booyahs, which powered up her booyah bomb.
Yumi noticed a Lazer pointing right on her body, so she quickly dodged it by jumping in the air, but then she saw the Custom Jet Squelcher start shooting at her in mid air. Yumi turned into her Octopus form and spun herself to dodge the Splat charger's shots and Jet Squelcher's shots.
Yumi landed back on her feet, but just as she did, she saw the Kensa pro glare at her from the sky, then throw her booyah bomb downwards.
K Pro: splat her!! Go!!
The booyah bomb hit the ground and began to explode in front of Yumi just as the Custom Jet Squelcher began to rush her down, running into the explosion where Yumi was.
The Kensa pro landed back on her feet and let out a little smirk, but when the explosion disappeared, she saw Yumi sitting in her Baller, which was now badly damaged due to the booyah bomb.
K Pro: s-she used her Baller herself?!
Yumi's baller exploded and splatted the Custom Jet Squelcher, then Yumi dashed straight at the Kensa pro. The girl let out a grunt, then pulled out a splat bomb and threw it at Yumi. Yumi quickly used her leg and kicked the splat bomb away from her, kicking it straight at the charger, hitting him on the head and making him fall back.
Yumi quickly dodged the Kensa pro's shots, then completely destroyed her by shredding through her with ink, splatting her.
*We've taken the lead!*
*Game! Stop battling!*
Yumi let out a tiny nod, then walked off from the middle of the map. Yumi returned to her spawn point, which was glowing, ready to take her back to Inkopolis. Yumi stood on top of her spawn pad and turned into her Octopus form, allowing the spawn pad to transfer her from Piranha Pit to the main Lobby of Deca Tower.
Yumi walked out of Deca tower and put away her Kensa Splat Dualies before making her way through the square. Yumi walked out of Inkopolis and made her way down the street before passing by an Alleyway. Yumi stopped in front of the Alleyway and looked inside, seeing the garbage can that she got thrown in all of those months ago....
Yumi's barely conscious body was being carried through the alleyway slowly. Her vision was blurry, and her body felt numb and lifeless. Yumi was thrown into the trash can, and with barely any energy left, Yumi looked up and saw an Octoling girl glaring down on her.
???:......ever since you stole my title.... I've hated you....
Yumi felt the Octoling's hand touch her cheek, feeling her rough claws poke her skin.
???: Stay in the garbage where you belong....if I ever see your face ever again....I'll make sure to kill you this time.
Yumi could feel her vision fading, and just as her eyes were about to close, the Octoling let go of Yumi's cheek and grabbed the lid of the garbage can.
???: Just you wait, Yumi......I'll prove to Octavio that I'm better....I'll no longer be outshined by you.
The lid was shut, and Yumi's eyes completely closed, falling unconscious in the pile of garbage.
Yumi shook her head to forget about the memory, but she quickly jumped a little when she felt a tap on her back, and when she turned around to see who it was, she saw the two little children looking up at her.
Sol: there you are! We've been looking all over for you!
Luna: indeed. two....
Sol grabbed Yumi's hand and let out a nice little chuckle as he pointed off in the distance.
Sol: c'mon! We'll talk to you about it.
Luna: *nods nods* mhm.
Calvin sat on the edge of his bed silently while holding his music book. Calvin began to sketch out music notes in the book, slightly tilting his head and tapping his foot on the floor.
Calvin:....maybe....a higher key here-
Just then, a loud thud was heard outside of Calvin's room, shocking him a little. Calvin stood up and placed his book down, then walked over to his door, opening it up to see an Inkling woman struggling to push herself back up on her feet. Calvin quickly kneeled down and helped the woman on her feet, then let out a little sigh.
Calvin:...mother.....I told you not to clean without me.
Calvin's mom looked very tired and worn out; she had bags under her eyes and Calvin could feel how weak her body was, causing him to get a little concerned for her.
C Mom:...I'm sorry....I knew you were working on your music....I didn't want to be a bother.
Calvin: you need to rest. I'll take over from here.
C Mom: N-No,'s alright, Sweetheart.
Calvin: Mother....please.
Calvin gently supported his mother into his room, then sat her down on his bed. Calvin began to walk away as his mom placed her hand on her own head, letting out a tiny groan.
Calvin: lay down and relax.
C Dad: now who the hell do you think you are?!
Calvin stopped in his tracks, hearing his father yelling from downstairs. He walked over to his stairs and walked down to the living room to see his father in front of the door, standing across from an Inkling girl.
Gabby: *glares* we are the Inkopolis police, sir. We have some complains about you.
C Dad: about what?!
Gabby rolled her eyes and reached into her pocket, pulling out a tiny container of poisonous ink, showing it to Calvin's father, shocking him and Calvin.
Gabby: an Inkling boy showed up to the police station and handed this to us. He said it belonged to you. Care to explain?
C Dad: *smirk* It didn't belong to me, it belonged to my son.
Calvin saw his father turn around and point straight at him, then gesture him to come over. Calvin couldn't believe it at first, but the second he saw his father's glare, he slowly walked over and stood next to his father, looking away from Gabby.
C Dad: you see, Calvin felt completely disgusted from Isabella's words when they fought. When Calvin found out that the girl was still alive, he bought the poisonous ink to finish her off for good.
Gabby: *raises an eyebrow* listen here, you dirty, money grabbing, selfish sewer fish, I don't know how many police officers you've ran into in your life, but I'm different from the rest. I'm not fucking stupid.
C Dad: *scoffs* you clearly don't know who you're messing with, little girl.
Gabby: I clearly do. I just listed what you basically are in my eyes. Do you want me to list more things about you? Trust me, I have a lot of insults for eyesore pricks like you.
Gabby pulled out her phone and began to scroll through it, then she held it up to Calvin and his father.
Gabby: we did a bit of research and logged into your house cameras to listen to the audio.
--Gabby's phone--
C Dad: I'll order a good amount of hitmen, and order them to kill Octoling after Octoling with this ink....until every Octoling in Inkopolis is wiped out, and it'll scare the ones still in the underground so much that they won't even want to come up to the surface. but before I do that....I need you to help me.
Calvin's father stood up and walked over to him, then handed Calvin the container, making him just freeze up from overwhelming thoughts.
C Dad: as you must know....I did my research, and I found out that the stupid bitch you fought a couple of days ago is still alive....the Doctors are just keeping her within an enclosed area in the Inkopolis Hospital.
Calvin: I-Isabella's alive?!
C Dad: why the hell are you so excited about it?
C Dad: it's not like she'll be alive for much longer anyway.
C Dad: I want you to take that Ink and inject it into Isabella's body; she'll be our first victim. It's best to get her out the way while she's at her weakest.
Calvin: you....want me to.....kill.........her?
C Dad: finish her off, indeed. She'll die from the poison and the doctors will simply believe that she finally bit the dust due to her injuries.
C Dad: once she's dead, I'll invest in more poison to take out these Pit-Dwellers. Her greatest mistake was talking down on me.....that'll be the one thing I'll make sure she'll regret.
C Dad: after Isabella is officially announced dead, Octolings as a whole will crumble and leave their guards down, giving us the perfect opportunity to ambush one after another and kill them off.
Calvin:....f...father I....
Calvin held out the container to his father, then shook his head while feeling very uncomfortable deep down....the room stayed silent, and all Calvin's father could do was glare at him.
Calvin: I-I cannot......I can't bring myself to commit a crime.........
C Dad:.....
Just then, Calvin's father grabbed onto his neck and slammed him against the wall, slowly tightening his grip on him. Calvin's eyes widened in fear when he felt his air slowly get blocked off more and more from his father, but his father simply looked straight into his eyes and gritted his teeth at him.
C Dad: now you listen to me, I gave you the container, which means I entrust YOU to do the task.
C Dad: unless you want me to kill off my own son and wife. I wouldn't hesitate..I'll kill you......your mother....then Isabella...then every Octoling on the surface.
C Dad: did I make myself clear?
Gabby slid her phone back in her pocket and pulled out a note pad, then began to scribble on it.
Gabby: so you said you'd kill Isabella with the poison? *Ahem* that's attempted murder. *Scribble* that's one charge.
C Dad:......
Gabby: also you grabbed your son by his neck and began to violently choke him. *Scribble* that's child abuse, another charge.
C Dad:...Y-You fucking-
Gabby: oh! You said once Isabella is dead, you'd invest in more of that poison, correct?
C Dad:....
Gabby: and since you bought that poison illegally, that means you were in possession of illegal items. *Scribble* ANOTHER charge.
C Dad: you really are a piece of fucking shi-
Gabby: oh, and you also threatened to kill your son and your wife if he didn't poison Isabella? Which is a Class B misdemeanor, aka: making your son fear for his and his mother's life *Smirks* c'mon...c'moooooon...guess what I'm gonna say.
C Dad:.....
Gabby: you can do it, c'mon, it's simple. It's a very, very, very easy answer.
C Dad:....
Gabby: another fucking charge -_-...
Just as Calvin's father was about to open his mouth and yell at Gabby, Gabby put her hand up, gesturing him to shut up, then she began to scribble on her paper once more.
Gabby: I don't care how "powerful" you are. I'm the law, and the law can still bite your fucking ass, no matter how much of a "big boy" you are.
Gabby tapped her foot on the ground while tapping her pen on her chin, and all the two could do was stand and watch her.
Gabby: now where was I? Oh yeah, Considering that you also said you'd kill your wife as well, means you see her as disposable garbage, correct? So if I use my brain right now, and the power of common sense. I could only assume that you treat your wife like shit. *Scribbles* that's domestic abuse.
C Dad: *glares* you don't have any proof that I abused my wife!
Gabby: oh, really? Calvin.
Gabby walked up to Calvin and glared straight at him, then pointed her pen at him.
Gabby: be completely honest with me...did you ever see your father hit or abuse your mother in any type of way?
Calvin could feel his father's glare on him, making him shake a little. Gabby rolled her eyes at him and grabbed onto his shoulder, soothing him.
Gabby: just tell me the truth...nothing bad is gonna happen to you.
Calvin:.....I..........y-yes.....I have....he has hit my mother on multiple occasions...and sometimes doesn't even allow her to eat dinner with us if she doesn't clean the house properly.
Gabby: boom, proof.
C Dad: *glares* I think you're hot stuff, you little bitch, I'll order a hitman an-
Gabby: threatening a police officer? Huh...another charge? I think that's another charge calling my name and saying "please scribble me onto the paper".
Gabby scribbled one last time and slid her pen in her pocket, then began to sarcastically read the note pad in front of them.
Gabby: now let's see...1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 charges on ya, buddy.
Calvin's father glared straight over at Calvin, then clenched his fist at him. Calvin saw the veins popping out of his father's forehead, scaring him a little and causing him to step back.
C Dad: you did this, didn't you? You set me up!! You reported me to the police!!
Calvin: N-No!!
Calvin's father raised his fist and was about to hit him, but before he could, Gabby shot her taser at the man, electrocuting him and making him pass out. Calvin looked at Gabby to see her putting away her taser just as his mother walked into the living room.
C Mom: m-my....goodness....
Gabby kneeled down and hand cuffed Calvin's father, then let out a tiny sigh while shaking her head.
Gabby: what a disgraceful man...
C Mom: what are you going to do with him?...
Gabby: take him to prison obviously....but.
Gabby looked at the vial of poisonous Ink, then showed it to Calvin, confusing him.
Gabby: I thank you for this. This ink could possibly get me some new leads.
Gabby: on the F.O.S.E case.
Calvin:...oh....I see.
Gabby grabbed the man and lifted him up with both of her hands, then slouched him over her shoulder. Just as she was about to leave, she sighed and poked Calvin on his forehead.
Gabby: I understand that the guilt of Isabella's problem weighs on your shoulders. does...
Gabby: Isabella is a strong girl, and you're underestimating her way too much. She'll be fine, so don't cry about it.
Calvin:....but....why is the hospital keeping her a secret from the public?
Gabby:....that's something that even I don't know about.
Calvin looked down at the ground, thinking to himself, but before he could say anything, Gabby spoke before him.
Gabby: also....the twins want to speak with you....they want to discuss something important....
Yumi walked with the twins down a hallway, staying silent and keeping to herself. The twins opened up two large doors and they walked into a weird assembly room with a large table in the middle. Yumi looked around the assembly room and saw the squid sisters, Miles, Amira, Coraline,....and...Otto? The six sat in their own seats, then the twins gave Yumi a little nod before gesturing her to take a seat.
Sol: sit wherever you wish
Luna: Mhm.
Yumi sat down next to Miles, then everyone watched the two twins sit in their classified seats, with Sol smiling at all of them.
Sol: Otto.
Luna: Amira.
Sol/Luna: please stand.
Otto and Amira looked at each other, then Otto rolled his eyes while standing up along with Amira.
Sol: started it all. You were once known as a skilled Inkling along with your squad.
Luna: but you lost everything....and it was all because of Isabella and her friends.
Sol: you've dropped in the've dropped in society....but you still have talent.
Otto: hmph. Of course I do.
Luna: were once a girl searching for someone...whether that be a lover...or a powerful opponent.
Sol: you were quiet and cold....but now you've found people that you truly feel comfortable around.
Luna: your squad abandoned you...and without you....they're...struggling...
Sol: they are dropping down in the ranks even more.....this is proof that you were their key star.
Luna: your fight with Isabella has changed society....we are happy.
Sol: you two can sit now.
Otto and Amira sat down, and Otto looked over at Amira to see her looking straight back at him. The two stared at each other for a moment before Otto looked away and crossed his arms at her.
Luna: Coraline....Yumi....Miles. please stand.
Coraline, Yumi, and Miles all stood up, slightly confused at the twins, but then they all saw Sol smirk at them as if he was interested in them.
Sol: since you beat Amira....we've advanced you all from rank 312 to rank 110.
Luna: we are very impressed.
Sol: but sadly your leader isn't in the best condition right about now.
Luna: she lost to Calvin...but since your rank was pretty low, it didn't change. You all are still rank 110.
Miles:.....*looks away*.....
Sol: you all need to defeat Calvin...once you do, you can progress to the entrance exams.
Coraline: the what?
Luna: the entrance exams: you will travel to Cod Willows. Every squad from Inkopolis that is within the top 30 will travel to Cod Willows if they want to enter into the Inktastic ten.
Callie: *gasp* Cod Willows! I love that place!
Marie: it's pretty far though....but yeah.
Miles: what's Cod Willows?
Amira: it's a little town where qualified squids stay at to compete in the entrance exams.
Otto: *sigh* Mhm.
Yumi: how long are the entrance exams?
Sol: exactly 3 days.
Luna: your squad will have to overcome a bunch of trials to earn points to keep yourselves in the competition.
Sol: The more points you have, the higher chance you have to be qualified for the Inktastic ten.
Luna: Isabella should recover by the time you all are ready for the entrance exa-
Just then, the doors to the meeting room opened and everyone looked over to see Calvin slowly walking inside of the room. Miles gritted his teeth at the boy, then clenched his fist, but he felt Amira grab onto his fist, which made him let out a tiny sigh and calm himself.
Sol: Calvin!
Luna: you've finally arrived.
Calvin took his seat, then the room was silent... everyone stared at Calvin and saw him look down at the table.....not saying a single word.
Luna: you should train a bit more for your rematch with Isabella's squad. This time it'll be a 3 v 1 instead.
Sol: considering that Isabella was able to unlock the sense of low tide and almost defeat you shows that her teammates have the same potential and skill.
Calvin looked up from the table and looked over at Miles, seeing his menacing glare towards him.
Miles: we'll pick up where Bella ended...we WILL defeat you....
Miles: we're doing this for her....I refuse to live with the guilt of almost getting my friend killed.
Miles: This is Bella's dream.....and I'm fully dedicated to being her squad member....from this moment...I'll never leave her side for a battle.
Miles pointed straight at Calvin, shocking him a little along with everyone else in the room.
Miles: let's fight tomorrow!! I want to get this done and over with so we can head straight for the entrance exams!!
Calvin:........I......deeply apologize.....but.
Calvin reached inside of his Tuxedo and pulled out a badge with his name on it...his emblem. Calvin placed the emblem down on the table, shocking Miles.
Calvin: I will not be fighting your squad......I do not wish to turf anymore.
Calvin: I didn't want to come here...but I chose to so I could announce my retirement. I wish for you to take me off the rankings.
Sol: retirement?!
Calvin: even though I beat Isabella, deep down, I see it as a loss....for years I've been controlled by my father as if I was his puppet......Isabella....and Otto....helped me....and I appreciate it very much.
Otto: *looks away*...hmph..
Luna walked over to Calvin and gently grabbed his badge...then tilted her head at him.
Luna: are you positive?
Sol:...huh....that is very unfortunate.
Marie: what happens now?
Luna: since Calvin is retiring, the opponent he last fought will be brought up in the rankings. It will count as a win for them.
Sol: since he last fought Isabella, her loss will shift over to a win. Luna, do you mind doing the math for this?
Luna pulled out a laptop and began to type on it, taking Calvin's name out of the rankings.
Luna: since Calvin retired, this brings the Phantoms squad up to rank 25.
Miles:....please tell're joking....
Everyone looked over at Miles, then saw him angrily stomp over to Calvin. Miles grabbed Calvin by his tuxedo and looked at him straight in his eyes.
Miles: Don't give me that bullshit!!! I don't want a cheap win!!! I don't want to accept it!!
Miles: you can't throw in the towel now!! Fight us, dammit!!! Please!!
Coraline: Miles, stop!
Miles: don't be a fucking coward!! You're retiring the second we want to fight you and show Bella that we're sorry?!!
Miles: say something!!
Tears started to flow down Miles' face, and his arms trembled, loosening his grip on Calvin's tuxedo.
Miles: I......don't want to live with the guilt......please....
Coraline walked over to Miles and grabbed him from behind, gently pulling him off of Calvin. Calvin looked away and felt ashamed, then let out a tiny sigh.
Calvin: I understand your feelings...I feel the guilt....of almost killing her. I noticed her pain.....but I didn't say anything. I am to blame.
Calvin stood up in front of Miles, then gently placed his hand on his shoulder.
Calvin: I retired because I wish to follow in my own dreams.....take care of my mother.....and qualify you all for the entrance exams.
Calvin: Isabella beat me......nothing will change my mind about that.......defeating me will only get you so far....I wish for you to go to Cod the world what the phantoms can truly do. You all...truly have potential.
Miles wiped away his tears and looked away from Calvin, sighing and shaking his head at him.
Miles: I hate you....
Marie: wait so...they basically qualified for the entrance exams now?
Sol: yes. and the next entrance exams start soon. So this is perfect timing.
Coraline: but....we don't have a 4th member....Bella is still in the hospital.
Amira:....I'll fight by your side....
Yumi, Coraline, and Miles looked over at Amira to see her stand up and give them all a simple nod.
Amira: I'll take Bella's place.......this thanks to her.
Luna: a temporary alliance...I see.
Sol: I must warn you all....these squads that are going into the entrance exams, they have much need to unlock your sense of Low tide or High tide as soon as possible.
Luna: indeed, along with your Especial streams.
Coraline: Low tide?....High Tide?
Yumi: Especial Streams?
Luna: Low tide and High tide are split enhancements to your body.
Sol: yup. Inklings and Octolings are quite different from each other, so they can only unlock their desired Tidal shift.
Luna: Inklings are faster and more durable than Octolings, but when an Inkling unlocks the sense of High Tide, it enhances their body ink to give them the advantages of an Octoling.
Sol: it makes the ink in your body more dense and heavy like an Octoling, allowing you to deal more damage to your opponents. The sense of High Tide advances your reaction timing and thought process in battle tactics as well.
Luna: Low tide is the opposite, It lightens the ink in your body, allowing you to move faster and out-maneuver your opponent. It also increases your durability to withstand more attacks than your body normally could.
Sol: Octolings are restricted to Low tide, and Inklings are restricted to High tide....but.....ever since Isabella unlocked Low tide....we've started to become more curious.
Luna: she's an Inkling...yet she unlocked an ability exclusive to Octolings....
Sol: she's also unlocked an Especial stream...she has the ability to covert enemy Ink into her own.
Luna: it's very Interesting. Especial streams are unique abilities that Inklings and Octolings have, but it takes a strong mental state and understanding to unlock.
Sol: Especial streams are very powerful, and they can shift the tide of battle if used correctly.
Callie: *nods* Mhm Mhm. Think of it as an extra special.
Marie: yup. Your opponents from now will most likely have these abilities, so just watch out for 'em.
Yumi, Coraline, and Miles looked at each other, then nodded.
Yumi: (......we'll win.... we'll win for you....Bella)
*Chapterly art*
Amira, Miles, and Yasu
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