Chapter 32: Rich Frenemies
The Inkopolis Hospital.....a simple, quiet building with a lot of patients. Calvin looked up at the building from the outside, seeing the logo of a medical squid. He looked at his hand and saw the bottle of black and green ink......shaking his head....feeling the weight of his Tenta Brella, which was strapped onto his back, weigh him down......not because of it's weight....but because of the guilt it was inflicting onto him.
Calvin slid the container of Ink into his pocket and slowly walked into the hospital, passing all of the Inklings and Octolings in the waiting room, and he began to feel their stares right on him....making him feel even worse.
Octoling boy:....Calvin....
Inkling boy: the he doing here?
Inkling girl: maybe he has sick relatives.
Inkling boy:.....or maybe he came here to taunt on Isabella even more.
Octoling boy: she's not even in this hospital.
Inkling girl: how do you know?
Octoling boy: because she's dead. Why would they keep her corpse here?
Calvin heard more and more mumbling, but he tried his hardest to ignore it. He walked up to the counter and instantly caught the desk manager's attention.
DM: Calvin. Here to see someone?
Calvin leaned a bit closer so all of the other cephalopods couldn't hear him, then began to whisper to her.
Calvin: I'm see Isabella.
DM:......I........ don't know what you're talking abo-
Calvin: I'm not idiotic.....I know she's still alive.
Calvin: my father has insight into everything....tell me...
The Desk Manager stood up from behind the counter, then began to walk away while gesturing him to follow her.
DM: right this way, sir.
Calvin began to follow the Desk manager through the hospital. The desk manager walked through the hallways until she reached a simple door.....a door that was closed off from the rest of the hospital rooms.
They didn't even take the elevator....and Calvin couldn't help but question the did look normal, but it still made him uncomfortable when he found out it was secluded from the rest.....The woman grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened the door, allowing Calvin to walk inside.
DM: don't be surprised if she doesn't say anything.
Calvin: pardon?
Calvin walked inside and the woman closed the door and allowed Calvin to be in the room....all by himself. Besides the heart monitor, The room was very silent....the ceiling fan slowly spun in a circle, and Calvin couldn't help but feel his heart drop to his stomach when he saw Bella.
Bella was sitting up in the hospital bed with the blankets only covering the lover half of her body, with her hands laying down on her thighs. Bella's tentacles were completely white...and he could see her eyes completely white and lifeless.....he walked over towards her....slowly...but he didn't see her look up at him at all.
Bella looked as if she was already dead...with her eyes open, but he looked over to her heart monitor.....seeing it let out very very slow beeps. Calvin felt as if he got stabbed right in the chest at that moment........realizing....that he did this.....that he was the one who made society even worse, the one who killed Isabella......the one who denied her request for help.
Calvin: my Brella fixed.....
Bella:............... you destroyed it with your Bella was very impressive.......
Bella's skin was completely pale...she looked as if she was a she was fading in and out of existence. Calvin let out a tiny sigh.....then he looked on the table next to Bella's bed and saw an empty syringe....he grabbed it...feeling his body shake more and more as the guilt began to overwhelm him.
Calvin opened the container of poisonous ink, then used the syringe to suck it up into it. He looked at Bella once more.....seeing her not even moving or responding to his actions....she still looked as if she didn't move a single bit ever since he walked into the room.
He walked over to Bella and grabbed her arm, then held the syringe up....getting ready to inject her with the poison. Calvin gritted his teeth and couldn't help but start to shake even more....feeling how cold and dead Bella's body felt....he felt a single tear roll down his face....then he looked away from her in shame.
Calvin: the one time I need answer me.....give me any refuse to give me anything......
Calvin: for these last couple of days.....I... couldn't get you out of my overwhelmed me.....controlled my emotions.
Calvin snapped, squeezing Bella's arm fiercely and forcing her to look at him. Calvin looked straight into her lifeless eyes while holding the syringe.....allowing his tears to roll down his face.
Calvin: Answer me, Isabella!! I need to know!! How do you do it?! How do you know what to say?! What to do to squids like me?!
Calvin: what type of gift do you have?!! How can you change people by just simply talking to them?!!
Calvin looked down, watching his tears drop off of his face and onto the blanket of the bed......he looked at the syringe....then Bella.....and slowly let go of her arm.
Calvin:.......when I talked to Amira at the Café when I first met you.......she seemed different........Amira was so ruthless and cold towards others back then.....but's as if she's a completely different Inkling........
Little beeps from the heart monitor were heard throughout the room. Calvin saw Bella's face completely stay blank and emotionless as her chest slowly moved in and out with every little breath she took.
Calvin: she changed so much after she met you.........I've..........changed so much ever since I met you......
Calvin: I've tried getting therapists throughout my let out my thoughts of my father's abusive actions, but they weren't that helpful.....there was only so much they could do against a powerful man like him......
Calvin:........what you told our battle......was more than enough......*tiny smile* even though you're a hollow shell at the moment.....I still feel like I can strike a perfect conversation with you. I guess you were father.... doesn't care about me at all....
Calvin took a deep breath, then let it out while looking at the lifeless girl....
Calvin:....he threatened to kill me and my mother if I didn't kill you.....he really wouldn't....hesitate to cast me aside...even though I'm his only son.
Calvin stayed silent for a moment, but the silence was broken by the door of the room opening up, shocking him. Calvin quickly turned towards the door and hid the poison filled syringe behind his back, but when he saw who entered the door....his mind...went blank.
He saw a simple Inkling boy with a very unique hairstyle, dark skin, and a serious expression on his face. The two stared at each other for a second, then the Inkling boy kicked the door closed behind him, then crossed his arms at Calvin.
Otto: Suit boy..........fancy seeing you here.
Calvin: W-What......what are you doing here?....
Otto: *shrugs*.....I saw the news....and I came to pay a little visit to my rival.
Calvin: your rival?....
Otto walked closer to Calvin and glared straight at him, then pointed straight in his face.
Otto: yeah, is that a problem?
Otto: unlike every other Inkling and Octoling.....I'm not fucking stupid. I knew Isabella wasn't dead, that's why I forced them to let me in here.
Otto looked past Calvin and saw Bella in the bed...then couldn't help but tilt his head slightly at her.
Otto: but by the way she looks right now, she might as well be labeled dead.
Otto got a little closer to Calvin, making him slightly uncomfortable, then Otto winced his eyes in a suspicious way.
Otto: so, Suit boy, what are YOU doing in here?
Calvin: just.....*looks away* having a simple talk.....with her.
Otto: *raises his eyebrow* oh really?
Otto grabbed Calvin and quickly reached behind him, snatching the syringe of poisonous ink from out of his hand, then glared at him while shaking the syringe a little.
Otto: care to explain?''s not what you think.
Otto: not what I think, huh?
Calvin began to sweat bullets while Otto looked at the syringe in a very sarcastic and stupid way, basically teasing him.
Otto: from what I can tell, this is some very lethal poisonous ink....but not any type of poisonous ink....very deadly ink only found within the metro. A very dangerous form of ink that was converted from sanitized ink.
Otto: you could've just simply poisoned Bella with any normal type of toxin...but you decided to use poison that would kill her on the spot, huh?
Otto: I've did my research on this poison, and it's pretty damn expensive and hard to get your hands on, but that shouldn't be a problem for someone like you, huh, Suit Boy?
Otto: ya know....I could simply call Gabriella and, oh, I don't know, have you arrested for attempted murder....*shrugs* just sayin'.
Otto let out a very smug chuckle, but he stopped when he heard sniffles from Calvin. He looked over at Calvin and saw him looking down while clenching his fists, causing Otto to roll his eyes at him.
Otto: dude, seriously?
Calvin:....please........I........I didn't have a choice..........Otto........I......I-I....
Otto:..........*looks away*........*tsk*....But!...
Otto:....I still couldn't believe you didn't mention me when you were talking about people Bella changed.
Otto: sure, I may be the same dickhead a little, but I'm not gonna turn into some lame goody two shoes like Amira did. *Scoffs* who do you think I am?
Otto looked down at the syringe and watched the green ink flow within the black ink, slowly shifting and swaying around. He let out a tiny sigh, then walked past Calvin and over to the container that was once full of the poisonous ink.
Otto injected the poisonous ink into the container and closed it back up, then turned around and handed it to Calvin.
Otto: when I got kicked out of Splat Tower...I've had some time to think to myself.
Otto looked over at Bella, then rolled his eyes at her before grabbing her blanket and properly putting it back over her, then he placed his hand on top of her head.
Otto: you better stay idiot.
Calvin watched as Otto stretched a little while walking past him, then opened the door, looking back at him in the doorframe, pointing out of the room.
Otto: c'mon suit boy, let's go grab something to bite, because I'm starving.
Calvin hesitated for a second, but then gave Otto a simple nod and walked with him. Calvin gently closed the door behind them, then looked back at Otto to see him still holding the now empty syringe.
Calvin: why are you still holding that?
Otto: well I don't want them to find your fingerprints all over this and arrest ya, so I might as well get rid of the evidence.
Calvin:....I see.
The two began to walk off while Otto simply let out a sigh and looked back at Calvin.
Otto: like I said...let's go grab some foo-
Just then, an Inkling girl bumped into Otto, causing the two to stumble a little, but Otto caught himself and grunted a little, then glared at the Inkling.
Otto: hey! You have eyes for a reason, asshole!
Nova: sorry sorry, I..........Otto?....
Otto: *tilts his head* I know you?
Nova: was....just heh...haven't seen the fireflies in a while and I was wondering where you've been.
Otto: are you my friend?
Otto: family member?
Nova: no.
Otto: then it's none of your business where I've been, so move.
Otto walked past Nova, and Calvin, just gave Nova an apologetic nod for him, then walked along with him. Nova simply shook her head and put her hands on her hips while glaring at him.
Nova: it's been months....and he's still a dick.
Otto and Calvin walked out of the hospital, then Calvin looked over at Otto to still see him spinning the syringe on his finger.
Calvin: how are you going to get rid of it?
Otto: simple.
Otto tossed the syringe into the street, then it was instantly ran over and completely destroyed by a truck, along with many cars, and all Calvin could do was stare, slightly confused.
Otto: now the syringe is destroyed.
Calvin: I....suppose that's one way to do it.....even though there's now shattered glass in the street.
Otto: just shut up and let's go get some food.
Otto and Calvin walked down the sidewalk together, and Calvin couldn't help but look back at Otto, seeing him casually stroll on by while having his hands in his pockets, looking up at the clouds.
Calvin:.....why are you taking me out for food?
Otto: just for a pep talk. You definitely need it.
Calvin:.....I understand...
Calvin and Otto walked past the Coffin Fish Café, and Calvin looked inside the Café to see Amira serving an Octoling girl her Coffee with a very calm expression on her face. Calvin thought to himself while walking, letting the gentle breeze flow by and push leaves around.
The two eventually arrived in Inkopolis, then walked up to Crusty Sean's food Truck, catching him by surprise. Otto reached in his pocket and pulled out two tickets, then slammed them down on the front counter.
Otto: two Crusty Seanwiches, please?
Crusty Sean:....Otto?...
Otto: did I stutter? I even said please.
Crusty Sean: o-oh! Yeah, I'll get started right away.
Otto let out a "hmph" then walked over to a table, with Calvin silently following him from behind. Otto casually sat down, and Calvin sat across from him, looking down at the table and tapping his finger on his thigh uncomfortably.
Otto: you better be thankful that I'm wasting one of my tickets on ya.
Calvin: hm?....oh....yes, thank you....
Otto: what's got you so tense?
Otto looked around Inkopolis and saw some certain squids and Octos staring at them from a distance, but he just simply rolled his eyes and shrugged them off.
Otto: you're feeling the threatening stares, huh? Don't worry, you'll get used to it.
Calvin:...are you positive?...
Otto: I mean, I was getting those stares when Isabella beat me, so it's no biggie. I'm pretty sure Amira got the stares as well.
Calvin: I'd hate to say...but I believe my scenario is slightly different from yours.
Otto: hm....true. after all, you are known as "The Guy who murdered Isabella", wooooh, scary.
Otto: trust me, once the public sees that the idiot is ok, then things will go back to normal.
Soon later, Crusty Sean walked over to their table and placed down their Crusty Seanwiches. As he walked away, Otto instantly grabbed his Seanwich and took a bite while Calvin simply just looked down at his Seanwich.
Otto: mmmm...damn, these things always hit the spot. could you just....disappear for months...
Otto: *nom* hm?
Calvin: then...come back and act like everything is normal?
Otto stayed silent...swallowing his food and putting down his Seanwich. He sighed at Calvin while grabbing a napkin and wiping his hands off gently.
Otto: hmph! I'm guessing you all thought I was dead or something, huh? Sleeping in a box on the side of the road?
Calvin: *nods*....
Otto:....uh....well um.....things were...rough, that's all.
Calvin: how so?
Otto: well, when I got kicked out...I didn't really have anywhere to go honestly....well...I didn't have anywhere I WANTED to go.
Calvin: what do you mean?
Otto:.....*sigh* honestly I was hoping that I could bunk with Willow, or Ryan, or even Mandy for a couple of weeks so I could get started again....but...yeah, things kinda went south for some of them as well.
Otto simply rested his chin on his hand, then tapped his finger on the table, shaking his head a little.
Otto: Mandy shot me down right away because she usually is off doing her stupid slut things with her boyfriend....or well....boyfriends....she just recently became a stripper in the Moray City Splat Strip Club.
Otto: *chuckles* might pay her a visit just to piss her off.
Calvin: I see...and.....Ryan?
Otto: after the loss, he told me he was moving away to start fresh, ya know? Now he's in college. The guy is going places....he's definitely the most...successful one out of the four of us. After he found out Mandy was cheating on him back then, I guess something just clicked in his head.
Otto:.....*looks away* yeah, she's definitely the one I don't like talking about.
Calvin: why?
Otto: apparently Willow lashed out and attacked Miles. I heard about that and....honestly, I wasn't surprised.
Calvin: so the rumors about the attack in Splat Tower were true....
Otto: when I first recruited Willow to my squad, I heard the same story from her ex boyfriend. She tried to kill him when he literally canceled a date with her because he was busy that day.
Otto: when the guy told me "she tried to kill me, dude" I thought he was that's honestly why I was a little hesitant to accept the deal that Miles made with me all of those months ago.
Otto: Mhm. If Isabella's squad beat us, then Miles could go on a date with Willow.....and uh....I'm guessing something went wrong and that all went to shit.
Otto: yup, I almost got the guy killed, but he luckily survived the onslaught and Willow was taken to a mental institution....where....she is being tended to.
Calvin:....I where did you go?
Otto: hometown.....yeah.....*sigh*....
Otto looked away as if he was embarrassed....making Calvin a little confused.
Otto: when I was little.....I didn't exactly grow up in the richest family struggled quite a bit.
Otto: didn't help the fact that I had parents that were different species.
Calvin: you're a hybrid?
Otto: well...not all that much...I'm mostly an Inkling on my mother's side. My dad was an Octoling.....and my little sister was an Octoling as well.....
Calvin: you have a sister?
Otto: yeah...I just....don't like bringing her up a lot.
Calvin:....then....why were you so rude to Octolings? hated them......but you had some as family?
Otto:....*tsk*....because....whenever I'd see an Octoling......they made me think of my father....and I hated it....
Calvin: why?
Otto:....well...since we were struggling quite a father resorted to drugs and alcohol to cope with his stress....the guy was pretty stupid. Whenever I'd get home, he'd always be drunk, high, or both.
Calvin:...I see...
Otto: and one father was driving all of us back home because I officially got enrolled into Camp Triggerfish.
Otto: and mom noticed that my dad was drunk, so she offered to drive for him, but he refused and they got in a little argument.....and we got in an accident....a very bad one....
Otto: *sigh* I don't remember the details, but when I woke up I was in the hospital and the doctor told me that my mother and father survived the crash, but my sister didn't make it.
Calvin saw Otto scoff and look away, aggressively shoving his hands in his pockets and looking over at a Jelly skate by....then he slowly calmed himself down.
Otto: ever since that day.....I hated that old man.......for what he's done....he's annoying to think about.
Otto: then......I started to distance myself from my family more...becoming more and more selfish and rude...and when I left my family to go to Camp Triggerfish, I didn't even say goodbye.
Calvin: do you regret it?
Otto: of course I do. But after I got kicked out of Splat Tower, I went back to my home and found out that my dad committed suicide....which....really fucked me up, ya know?
Otto: it showed me that even a guy like him.....still felt that guilt for killing my little sis.....luckily my mom was still managing though...and.....*tiny smile*...she took me in and treaded me so nicely.....even though I treated her like shit back then...
Calvin: *nods* your mother....sounds like a very nice woman.
Otto: she is....and as the weeks passed...and I saw Isabella defeat Amira on live TV....I really started to believe that......if it wasn't for that girl...then I would've probably turned out to be a terrible person like my father.
Otto: *chuckles* I mean, I literally spent every last bit of cash I had without even realizing it. Growing up within a poor neighborhood.....*shrugs* it was the reason why I was so blinded by cash. I was making so much....and I never seen that much before.
Calvin: I am happy that you've changed your ways, Otto.
Otto: in some degree, yes. I'm still a sly asshole....just a....more toned back sly asshole.
Otto looked around and saw the many Octolings walking around the Square...then couldn't help but smile at them.
Otto: now...whenever I look at Octolings....I don't see my father anymore....I see my sis....
Otto grabbed his Seanwich and took another bite of it, then pointed towards Calvin while letting out a snicker.
Otto: when I saw Isabella lose that match, I knew I had to rush over to the hospital just to rub it in her smug face.
Calvin: you weren't worried that she...potentially died?
Otto: *nom* trust don't know Isabella like I do. If she were to die, she'd go out in a more honorable way.
Calvin: *tilts his head* I can't tell if you hate her or not...
Otto: oh, don't get me wrong, I hate her guts, but we've been at each other's throats for years, so it's basically normal.
Calvin: years?
Otto: me and Isabella first met at Inkopolis plaza a while back. I whooped her ass so hard, she'd challenge me every day until she'd win.
Calvin: so you always beat her?
Otto: back then, yeah. And when I got into the Inktastic Ten, oh boy, was she pissed off.
Otto finished up the last bit of his Seanwich, then pointed to himself in a cocky way.
Otto: me and Isabella are like Oil and Water, but if anyone is gonna beat her down to an inky pulp, it's me.
Calvin:....I see...
Otto: you didn't even touch your Seanwich....*glares* eat.
Calvin grabbed his Seanwich slowly and took a little bite, and Otto nodded at him, then rested his shoes on top of the table, leaning back in his chair in a calm way.
Otto: all I have to say to you're not the first squid that this has happened to. Don't overthink things.
Otto: I guess we both can relate to having shitty fathers, huh?
Calvin:.....I suppose.....but it feels as if I'm stuck with my father....
Otto: not really.
Calvin: huh?
Otto: let me see that container.
Calvin reached into his pocket and pulled out the small container of poisonous ink. He handed it to Otto, then he slid it in his pocket while letting out a cocky grin.
Otto: thanks.
Calvin: what are you going to do with it?
Otto: you'll see soon enough.
Nova sat within the hospital room, looking over at Bella and shaking her head a little.
Nova: I'm guessing you don't....remember be.
Bella:........'s me.....Echo.....b-but I changed my name to Nova...I hope you don't mind.
Nova:.....I'm sorry about leaving......I just....I felt like it was a necessary option to take the first step into something new.
Nova slouched over and let out a little sigh....she looked down at the ground, feeling the ink in her body get more cold and stiff.
Nova: when I saw you collapse like that on TV....I felt my heart drop as if it just weighed a thousand tons.....I got so scared.
Nova: it pissed me off so hard when I found out they kept your hospital room enclosed from everyone else's. Why did they do that? Why are they keeping this a secret?
Nova pulled out her phone and scrolled down it, then tried her best to let out a smile that would probably lighten the mood.
Nova: ya know....I made a new Squidstagram account. You should follow me when you get the chance.....
Nova stayed silent for quite some time... looking away from Bella and just....letting out a long sigh while twiddling her fingers.
Nova:....I feel so terrible....Bella...please...
Nova placed her hand on Bella's, then looked at her with a worried expression.
Nova: if you're still clinging onto life...please say at least 1 word to show me that you're ok.
Angelica: oh~ Izzy boo is already dead~
Nova quickly turned around and saw Angelica standing in the room while grinning, then Nova gritted her teeth at the girl and pointed towards the door.
Nova: I don't know who the hell you are....but if you're going to be negative, then you should just leave.
Angelica: me? Hmhm~ I'm just a simple girl who's keeping a close eye on her Izzy boo~
Nova: *tsk*
Angelica strolled up to Bella, then climbed on top of the hospital bed, which really ticked Nova off. Angelica got up in Bella's face then poked on her forehead while letting out a little giggle.
Angelica: my little cutie is going through her evolution~
Nova: excuse me?
Angelica: *smirks* I can't wait to see what she'll turn out to look like......
Nova:.....*grunts* get off of her! You're probably hurting her!
Angelica: but she can't feel pain...she's just a decaying corpse after all~
Nova: a corpse?! She's still alive! Look at her heart monitor!
Angelica looked over at the heart monitor and saw it letting out slow beeps, then she looked over at Nova and giggled a little.
Angelica: I'll let you believe what you want~
Angelica gently raised Bella's head up and looked at her eyes, then licked on her cheek while blushing from just Bella's appearance alone.
Angelica: oh Izzy boo~....just you'll belong to me...and me alone~
*Chapterly art*
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