Chapter 31: Aftermath

It's been a couple of days ever since the.....incident, and days have been pretty dull ever since...society was silent....well...mainly Octolings. Trees slowly shifted with the wind, and rain droplets slowly fell off the branches, onto the leaves on the ground.

Within Flounder Heights, Yumi slowly opened her eyes to witness another day. She stayed there for a minute....then slowly leaned up in the bed, rubbing her eye and placing her feet on the cold hardwood floor. Yumi stood up and walked towards her door to start her day, opening it and leaving her room, heading towards the bathroom.

Yumi looked at herself in the bathroom and saw her ruffled tentacles within the mirror, along with her miserable expression. She shook her head at herself and grabbed her toothbrush, then added her water and toothpaste. Yumi began to brush her teeth slowly while just.....thinking to herself.

Yumi didn't want to make herself gloomy....because...that's not what Bella would she quickly shook away those thoughts and finished up brushing her teeth. Yumi rinsed her mouth out and left the bathroom, walking into the living room and hearing the sound of the TV and straightening her tentacles from the ruffles.

She walked past the head of an Octoling girl who was sitting on the couch, casually relaxing with the Tv remote in her hand. While Yumi walked into the kitchen, the Octoling turned around and noticed Yumi, making her smile a little and give her a tiny nod.

Dayna: hey Yumi. How'd ya sleep?

Yumi: *opens the fridge*............better.

Dayna: still bummed about your girlfriend?

Yumi: *grabs the eggs*....she wasn't my girlfriend.

Dayna: *chuckles* ok, your semi girlfriend.

Yumi: *looks at Dayna* -_-....'ve really been slowly returning to your old self.

Yumi slowly grabbed a pan from a cabinet, then placed it on the stove after turning it on, then leaned against the counter to wait for the pan to get hot.

Yumi: hm?

Dayna: like, I've been a little worried.


Dayna: but I understand why. With what happened to your Inkling friend, Squidstagram has been blowing up for the past couple of days.

Yumi:.....*takes an egg*

Dayna: but ever since that, you've been acting like your old self.

Yumi:........*crack*.......where's Mia?

Dayna:...oh, she went to Mako Mart to get some sugar. We were running low.

Yumi: I see......

Awkward silence filled the room...Dayna couldn't help but just feel terrible for her friend. She tried to open her mouth again and say something, but she stopped herself, turning back to the Tv and looking at a commercial to see a squid dressed like a mummy, and an Octo dressed as a vampire.

Tv: Splatoween is coming up, Ladies and Gentlesquids! Splat up your turf while spooking the whole competition!

Dayna: *gasp* yo, Yumi! What are you planning on doing for Splatoween?

Yumi: *flips the egg*.... staying home this year.

Dayna: awe what? C'mon, you do this every year!


Dayna: even Mia goes Trick or Treating with me. You just stay at home and watch top level games while passing out candy.

Yumi: *crack*.......not interested.

Dayna:......*sigh* c'mon Yumi.....

Yumi simply ignored Dayna, flipping eggs on the stove and grabbing some bacon as well. Dayna simply slouched on the couch and groaned to herself while looking down at the dining table in front of the couch to see a magazine.

Dayna: oh yeah....I actually was meaning to show you something. I wanted to wait for you to wake up, but a weird magazine came in the mail.

Yumi:....*flips bacon* magazines always come in....

Dayna: I know but...I think you wanna see this.

Dayna stood up and walked over to Yumi in the kitchen, handing her the magazine. Yumi grabbed the magazine with one hand while tending to the food with the other. She looked at it to see the cover page of the Flowing Reef Magazines.

Dayna: that's a different magazine brand than the Marine life Magazines, but look at what they did.

On the cover page, Yumi could see Bella's unconscious body and lifeless eyes on the cover....making her freeze up for a second......the cover of the magazine said "Isabella? More like Losabella?"

Dayna: yeah, those magazines have been trending a little. "Losabella"? That name isn't even creative.


Dayna: usually nobody reads the Flowing Reef Magazines, but this is what brought the attention to the-

Dayna saw Yumi stop cooking for a second, then she grabbed the magazine with both of her hands, digging her claws into the paper and ripping the entire magazine in half. Dayna could see literal veins popping out of Yumi's hands and forehead, but she didn't respond; she simply saw Yumi sigh and toss the magazine in the trash, then continue cooking.


Dayna:'re starting to scare me, ya know?

Yumi:.....I apologize....

Dayna: it's ok....I...understand this is hard for you.

Dayna stretched a little and was just about to walk away, but the second she did, she felt Yumi tap her on the back. Dayna turned around and saw Yumi holding a plate of eggs and bacon in front of her.

Dayna: oh, thanks. Where's your food? was for you....

Yumi grabbed the pan and spatula, then opened up the dishwasher, sliding them inside along with some other dirty dishes. She turned on the dish washer, then walked past Dayna, who was now holding her plate of breakfast, slightly concerned for her.

Dayna: you don't want a bite? You made it after all.

Yumi: *shakes her head*

Dayna: then what are you gonna eat?

Yumi: I...was going to go down to the food truck.

Dayna: oh, makes sense. I believe Crusty Sean is still serving breakfast at this time.

Yumi walked over to the front door and grabbed her shoes, putting them on and grabbing her Kensa coat, slowly sliding it on her body and zipping it up.

The second Yumi was about to grab the doorknob, she instantly forgot something, then ran back into her room. She entered her room and looked over to her desk to see the butterfly hair clip sitting on top of it. Yumi grabbed the hair clip, then grabbed her tentacle, clipping it on and letting out a tiny sigh of relief.

Yumi walked back into the living room and saw Dayna back on the couch, eating her breakfast, but then looked over at Yumi and pointed her fork at her.

Dayna: what are ya using today? Gloogas? Forge pro?

Yumi: *shakes her head* I was planning on buying a new weapon....

Dayna: as usual. *Nom* welp, I won't hold you here no more. Go out and try to have fun.

Yumi nodded and opened up the door to her apartment, then walked out while closing it behind her. Yumi walked along the apartments and down the stairs until she exited Flounder heights and started walking down the sidewalk.

It was pretty gloomy today, mainly since it rained last night. Yumi looked at the street to see cars pass by and water drift down the street into the drains. While Yumi wasn't paying attention, she accidentally bumped into an Inkling girl, then Yumi stopped in her tracks and gave the girl an apologetic nod.

Yumi: I'm sorry.

Inkling girl: watch where you're fucking going, Pit-Dweller.

Yumi watched the Inkling girl walk off and scoff at her while aggressively putting her hands in her pockets. Yumi just let out a tiny sigh and continued to walk in the opposite direction of the girl.

Yumi slowly reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, turning it on and seeing a picture of her and Bella at the Inkopolis Ball, taking a selfie together. She shook her head a little and swiped her phone up, putting in her password and opening it. She scrolled past Squidstagram, and SplatChat, and all of the other famous social media apps until she saw an Icon with a Cash coin symbol with a lock over it.

The app was called "Turf Battle Bank" and it was basically a squid or Octo's bank account to show the amount of cash they had. Obviously squids and Octos make a lot of cash during their battles, and they can't carry it around everywhere, so their money gets transferred to the "Turf Battle Bank" app.

Yumi opened up the app and put in her password once again to her Battle Bank account, and she saw that she had 300,000 splats of cash in her account, so she began to think to herself, reaching in her other pocket, only to pull out a used Crusty Sean ticket.

In Inkopolis, Crusty Sean tickets were pretty rare to come across most of the time, but when you did get one, it was basically a free meal or drink entirely. The best place to gain tickets would be from Mr. Grizz, but some squids would take the tickets from their Grizzco shifts and illegally sell them in shady looking locations, completely overpriced.

Literally, a Swim-Speed Apple drink ticket would get sold for 100,000 splats of cash? Obviously most squids and Octos wouldn't take the deal, so that's why the shady Squids would mainly aim for the dry newbies, since they're oblivious to idiotic things like this.

If you didn't have any tickets on you, that's not really that big of a deal, since you can just simply buy Crusty Sean's food with regular cash, but it's pretty expensive.

Yumi thought to herself for quite a minute...she didn't have anymore tickets...and she doesn't really like applying for salmon run shifts on her own. Her stomach growled a little, so she sighed and slid her phone in her pocket.

Yumi: I'll....get something small.

Yumi looked up and saw Deca Tower right around the corner....realizing she really did think to herself for this long without even paying attention to where she was going. She walked down the sidewalk a bit more, then saw Inkopolis square.....taking a deep breath before walking into the square and minding her own business.

Since it was pretty early, Crusty Sean's breakfast menu was still up and running, which made Yumi feel all warm and relaxed inside. Crusty Sean's breakfast was amazing and always made her feel nice, putting her in a good mood for splatting.

Luckily there wasn't even a line at the truck, besides one Octoling girl who was looking up at the menu. Yumi got behind the Octoling girl and stood there silently, watching her look up and down the breakfast menu while letting out "ooh"s and "aah"s. Yumi couldn't help but notice the girl's clothing....she...looked if she was new to Inkopolis. She wore a white headband, Fresh Octo Tee, and simple cream basics while having a splattershot Jr strapped to her back.......yup...this girl was a newbie.

???: Uh.....I'm sorry.......I.....

Crusty Sean: don't worry, take your time.

???: It's just.....everything looks good.....A-And....

The Octoling girl turned around and she looked straight at Yumi. Yumi got a good look at the Octoling's face, seeing her also wear a pair of half rim glasses, with adorable freckles on her face. The Octoling girl let out an "eep" when she saw Yumi, then quickly bowed down to her in an apologetic way.

???: I-I'm sorry!...I..

Yumi:....a Burst berry Blue whale...

???: A.....w-what?

Yumi: I recommend's nice.

???:...I......I-I do like burst berries.......

Yumi: *nods*

???: C-Can I have that, Mr. Cookie Sean?

Crusty Sean: It's...C-Crusty Sean, and sure thing. *Points at Yumi* Is that for you as well?

Yumi: *nods*

Crusty Sean: on it. Two Burst Berry Blue Whales on the way. The price for your breakfast will be 25,000 splats of cash.

???: T-T-Twenty......five....but....I don't have that much.....I don't have any money at all.

Yumi: *dumbfounded*

Crusty Sean: you have a ticket?

???: A ticket?

Crusty Sean: yeah, a truck ticket.

???:.....*shakes her head*.

Crusty Sean: well...I'm sorry, but I can't-

Yumi: I'll pay.

Yumi walked past the Octoling girl and slowly pulled out her phone, opening up her bank account, but concerning Crusty Sean a little.

Crusty Sean: sure?'s 50k in total?.....For me and her?.....

Crusty Sean: oh.......yeah.

Yumi:....I see...

Crusty Sean: w-well....then just click your phone in and I'll extract the cash...

Yumi turned her phone around and walked up to a little machine with a plug. Yumi clipped her phone into the machine and slowly saw her cash go down from 300,000 to 250,000. Yumi unclipped her phone, then walked off from the truck, leaving the two stunned.

Crusty Sean: um...your orders will be out soon.

Yumi walked over to a table under an umbrella, and pulled out the chair, then sat down and began scrolling through her phone casually. She looked through the normal news and saw a black and yellow Jet squelcher with the forge logo on it, and she slightly tilted her head at it.

Yumi: (Forge Jet Squelcher in development.....the research shows that the kit will have splat bomb and Ink Storm)

???: U-Um....excuse me?

Yumi looked up from her phone and saw the Octoling girl from the food truck looking at her, a little upset, which just made Yumi confused.

???: If you could.....p-please take your money back!

Yumi: *tilts her head*

???: I....I don't deserve the meal....You shouldn't have paid for me back there.

Yumi: it's alright....I still have a lot of cash.

???: Y-You do?....

Yumi: *nods*

The Octoling couldn't help but whimper to herself and debate on what to do, but her stomach growled right in front of Yumi, causing her to get embarrassed. She looked at Yumi and saw her gesture her to sit down in the chair across from her. The girl slowly sat down and took her Splattershot Jr off of her back, then placed it on the table.

The two sat in silence for a while...but the Octoling started to rock back and forth in an uncomfortable way while Yumi just simply sat there and looked back down at her phone.


Yumi: hm?

Emma:...t-that's my name....I-I still don't know how you're so ok about this.

Yumi: *shrugs*....

Emma: I....I want to win in Turf War and win you your money back.

Yumi:.....that would take too long.

Emma: W-What?

Yumi: you don't have to pay me's fine. You have to play ranked anyway to get a good amount of currency....Turf war only gets you pocket cash.

Emma: I-It does?!

Yumi: *nods*

Emma:......mmmm....but I can't play ranked yet.....the Crab man said I couldn't handle it.

Yumi: mhm.

Emma: B-But I never even played Turf War before.....I just arrived here an hour ago...

Yumi:.....what have you been doing for that hour?...

Emma: W-Well I've been walking around and seeing things....t-that arcade place is uh.....f-fr....fre....

Yumi: Fresh.

Emma: Yea...but.....when I was walking around.....some Inklings were calling me....mean names....

Yumi: oh....

Emma:...t-they..called me a...."Pit-Dweller"?.....I don't understand.....I-I put on deodorant today, and I'm pretty sure I don't smell...

Yumi: that's not what it's referring's....something mean that Inklings say to Octolings....


Just then, Crusty Sean walked over and handed the two their plates of Burst Berry Blue Whales. Emma looked down at the plate and saw it was a nice stack of sweet smelling bread, but it was molded into the shape of a whale. She saw little Burst Berries inside of the whale bread, then even saw a cup of syrup next to her.

Emma looked up at Yumi and saw her already eating her meal. Emma just simply sighed and grabbed a piece of the Whale Bread, then took a little bite, feeling the warmness of the bread sooth her body and make her let out a whimper.

Emma: this good.

Yumi : mm...*nom*

Emma ate more and more of her meal, enjoying every second of it. She looked up at Yumi to see her slowly taking bites out of her if something was on her mind...Emma stopped eating for a second, then poked Yumi's hand.

Emma: y-you never told me your name.

Yumi: my name?....

Emma: mhm. name is Yumi....

Emma: *gasp* w-wait! You're that Yumi? The one who kissed Isabella? you know as well......

Emma: w-well it was only a tiny thing that spread throughout my hometown. I can't believe I'm meeting you in person.'s not like I'm a celebrity....

Emma: I know, but in my eyes you are.

Yumi felt a cheerful glow illuminate from Emma....something that made her question the girl...even though the day was gloomy and grey, she still kept a smile on her face.

Yumi picked up her plate and walked away from the table, shocking Emma a bit. Yumi threw away her plate and put her hands in her pockets, walking down the square all by herself and passing by all of the squids and Octos.

Yumi looked up at the Ammo Knights sign, then walked inside to instantly be met with a warm breeze from the store, considering that it was a little chilly outside after all. Yumi walked up to Sheldon who was behind the counter, then she was greeted with a nice smile.

Sheldon: good morning. Wooh, it's a little chilly today, huh?

Yumi: indeed.....

Sheldon: well, what can I get ya?

Yumi: I was wondering if you still had a pair of Kensa Splat Dualies in stock?

Sheldon: Kensa Splat Dualies? Ah, yes, I have a couple more. I'll go in the back and get you a box.

Sheldon walked into the back of his shop, then Yumi just stood there in silence, hearing some squids and Octos look at weapons within the shop. An Inkling boy picked up a Tenta Brella, then pointed it at an Octoling girl while chuckling.

Inkling boy: look! I'm Calvin! "Blah blah blah, daddy issues, blah"

Octoling girl: *giggles* stop it.

Inkling boy: I'm not wrong. does this guy hold this thing with one hand? It's so inkin' heavy.

Octoling girl: I can't believe you say that, but you use a Flingza roller.

Inkling boy: rollers aren't that heavy.

Octoling girl: yes they are.

Inkling boy: *smirks* you probably think that because you use an N-Zap.

Octoling girl: *whimpers* shut it!

The Inkling boy chuckled once again, then got closer to the Octoling girl, kissing her on the nose and making her let out a tiny gasp as she began to blush like crazy.

Octoling girl: n-no, no......I-I told you we can't be lovey in public.

Inkling boy: it's okay. I understand you're nervous, but I've seen some Inkling and Octoling couples a lot recently. Isabella really did give them that push to express their love.

Octoling girl: b-but...she's dead....and a lot of Inklings......even some Octolings...hate her.


Inkling boy: well there's no official proof that Isabella is dead.

Octoling girl:...I...guess you're right. I hope she's still alive.

The Inkling boy let out a nice "Ngyes" then hugged the Octoling girl, and she hugged him back gently while cuddling into his chest. Yumi was stuck on the couple's conversation, but she was knocked out of her thoughts by Sheldon placing down a black box right on top of the counter.

Sheldon: there ya go; One pair of Kensa Splat Dualies.

Yumi looked at the box in front of her, seeing it's slick and pitch black exterior. She saw the Kensa logo on the box, along with a picture of the Dualies. She pulled out her phone and opened up her bank account once more.

Yumi: how much?....

Sheldon: 240,000 splats of cash to be exact.


Sheldon: if you can't afford it, I'll put it in storage for you so nobody buys it before you do, so no need to feel worried.

Yumi just stood there, not even believing in the price at first, but she still couldn't help but understand why it was so damn expensive.....because it's Kensa...literally everything in Kensa's brand was expensive. Usually if there was a squid or Octo walking around the square decked out in Kensa gear and a weapon, they'll already be considered top tier fresh and skilled by the public. Kensa's stuff was expensive....but to most was worth it.

This obviously wasn't Yumi's first time buying Kensa weapons....she bought a Kensa .52 Gal of her own, but even that was expensive as hell. she did use Mia's Kensa Octobrush, along with Dayna's Kensa Splattershot pro from time to time....but she was working up to buy this weapon after all she could do was sigh and click her phone into the little machine, watching her 250,000 splats of cash go down to a simple 10,000.

Sheldon: *chuckles* oh, you did have enough after all. Well, thank you for your purchase!

Yumi gave Sheldon a nod, then grabbed her box and just as she was about to walk out the store, she saw Emma barge inside and walk straight up to her, clearly upset.

Emma: y-you left!

Yumi: *tilts her head*

Emma: I thought we were friends can't do that to a friend.

Yumi:...oh...I apologize.

Emma: it's ok........W-What's in the box that you're holding?

Yumi:....Kensa Splat Dualies....

Emma:.....they look super nice. How much were they?

Yumi:.....a lot.

Yumi opened up the box and pulled out the two black Dualies, unwrapping them and looking all around them. She spun the Dualies on her fingers then pointed them at Emma as if she was about to shoot her, causing Emma to let out an "eep" and cover herself in fear.

Yumi:.....the grip feels nice....I suppose Turf war would be a good start to test these....

Emma: t-turf?....

Yumi: mhm.


Emma reached behind her and unhooked her Splattershot Jr from her back, then tried to do a cool pose back at Yumi.

Emma: C-Can I join you?

Emma spun her Jr on her finger, but it didn't last long at all, and her Jr flew straight at her and hit her on the head, making her rub her head while whimpering, and all Yumi could do was give a simple nod.

Yumi: I guess so.


Within a mansion not too far from Inkopolis, Calvin was sitting down at his desk within his room, wearing a simple buttoned up T-shirt and pants. He was looking in a book full of music notes, gently tapping his pencil on his chin while tilting his head a little.

Calvin:.....I suppose.....a lower note would add more meaning to the song....

C Dad: Calvin!!

Calvin dropped his pencil and flinched a little, then stood up from his chair. He walked over to his door and opened it, poking his head out of his room.

Calvin: yes father?

C Dad: come here, I need to speak to you.

Calvin walked out of his room and slowly made his way down the stairs, walking into the Living room to see his father sitting down on the couch and smoking another cigar.

Calvin: F-Father?....

Calvin's dad looked over at him, then put out his cigar in the ash tray while letting out a little groan.

C Dad: stand in front of me.

Calvin walked over and stood up across from his father, then saw him lean over on the couch while resting his chin on his folded hands.

C Dad: ya know Calvin......I'm really starting to get sick and tired of the bullshit that's been happening lately.

Calvin: you mean by that?

C Dad: *tsk* our society, boy! Have you been sleep walking lately?!


C Dad: these Octolings really are starting to piss me the hell off...*scoffs* they're trying to stand up for themselves and it's all because of that damn Isabella!

Calvin: isn't that a good thing, father?

C Dad: a good thing?! These Pit-Dwellers deserve nothing more than the privilege to lick the dirt off of my fucking shoe.

Calvin saw his father give a very scary if he was plotting something...Calvin began to feel a little uneasy, seeing his father tap his foot a little while opening his mouth to speak once more.

C Dad: don't you wish they could all just disappear, son?

Calvin:......what are you....talking about?

Calvin's father pulled out a little container of black Ink, flowing with streams of green. Calvin was slightly confused, but after seeing his father's grin, he already knew this was bad news entirely.

C Dad: do you know what Sanitized Ink is, Calvin?

Calvin: *nods*

C Dad: this container is full of a...much more dangerous....poisonous....toxic substance formed from that ink.


C Dad: do you get what I'm trying to say? couldn't...

C Dad: I'll order a good amount of hitmen, and order them to kill Octoling after Octoling with this ink....until every Octoling in Inkopolis is wiped out, and it'll scare the ones still in the underground so much that they won't even want to come up to the surface. but before I do that....I need you to help me.

Calvin's father stood up and walked over to him, then handed Calvin the container, making him just freeze up from overwhelming thoughts.

C Dad: as you must know....I did my research, and I found out that the stupid bitch you fought a couple of days ago is still alive....the Doctors are just keeping her within an enclosed area in the Inkopolis Hospital.

Calvin: I-Isabella's alive?!

C Dad: why the hell are you so excited about it?


C Dad: it's not like she'll be alive for much longer anyway.


C Dad: I want you to take that Ink and inject it into Isabella's body; she'll be our first victim. It's best to get her out the way while she's at her weakest.

Calvin: you....want me to.....kill.........her?

C Dad: finish her off, indeed. She'll die from the poison and the doctors will simply believe that she finally bit the dust due to her injuries.


C Dad: once she's dead, I'll invest in more poison to take out these Pit-Dwellers. Her greatest mistake was talking down on me.....that'll be the one thing I'll make sure she'll regret.


C Dad: after Isabella is officially announced dead, Octolings as a whole will crumble and leave their guards down, giving us the perfect opportunity to ambush one after another and kill them off.

Calvin:....f...father I....

Calvin held out the container to his father, then shook his head while feeling very uncomfortable deep down....the room stayed silent, and all Calvin's father could do was glare at him.

Calvin: I-I cannot......I can't bring myself to commit a crime.........

C Dad:.....

Just then, Calvin's father grabbed onto his neck and slammed him against the wall, slowly tightening his grip on him. Calvin's eyes widened in fear when he felt his air slowly get blocked off more and more from his father, but his father simply looked straight into his eyes and gritted his teeth at him.

C Dad: now you listen to me, I gave you the container, which means I entrust YOU to do the task.


C Dad: unless you want me to kill off my own son and wife. I wouldn't hesitate..I'll kill you......your mother....then Isabella...then every Octoling on the surface.


C Dad: did I make myself clear?


Calvin's father let go of his neck, then Calvin instantly began gasping for air while falling onto his knees. His father walked away, but before he left the room, he looked back at Calvin, glaring at him once more.

C Dad: I expect it done by tomorrow....

His father walked away, and all Calvin could do was sit there In silence... looking at the container in his hand, then letting out a tiny sigh.

Calvin: I apologize.....Isabella.

*Chapterly art*

Just a closer view of the creepy bitch.

Angelica concept design that I made.

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