Chapter 3: The Bet
Otto: A bet? *scoffs* why on earth would we make a bet with a nobody like you?
Miles: actually, you're right.
Otto: what?
Otto, Mandy, and Ryan, saw Miles give them a shrug with a smug grin on his face, obviously with the intention of teasing the Fireflies just a little.
Miles: why on earth would me and my friends waste our time on a rematch with you guys? we would just embarrass you guys in front of everyone.
Miles saw a vein pop out of Otto's head, showing that he was actually getting under his skin to piss him off, which was exactly what Miles wanted; this made his smirk grow wider when he saw Otto walk up to him and look him dead in his eyes.
Otto: I believe you got your words mixed up, bud.
Miles: do I? now that I think about it, Otto, me and you didn't encounter once when we fought last time.
Otto: *grunts* because we're the backlines, you idiot! we aren't supposed to encounter each other that much!
Miles: oh it could be that *shrugs* or maybe you were avoiding me on purpose because you know that I'm a better splatling main than you.
Miles saw another vein pop out of Otto's head, and even saw Mandy, and Ryan, glaring at him from behind Otto. Miles, definitely knew he was pissing Otto off, but Miles didn't want to egg him on too much because he obviously didn't want to get punched in the face, so Miles just put his hands in his jacket pockets and shrugged at the Fireflies before walking away.
Miles: but suit yourselves.
Miles only walked away for a split second before he felt a hand grab onto his shoulder, causing him to let out a smirk. Miles turned around and saw Otto glaring at him while gritting his teeth in pure anger, but then Otto let out a sigh and let go of Miles' shoulder and backed away from him.
Otto: what type of bet are we talkin' here?
Miles: just a simple bet.
Mandy: well...spit it out!! we're busy squids ya know!
Miles, looked over at Willow, to see her staring at her phone screen while having her headphones on, causing him to let out a sigh of relief; even though, Miles knew Willow kept her music blasting in her ears all the time....he definitely wanted her to keep them on so she wouldn't hear what he was going to say.
Miles: one match, Rainmaker, the reef.
Ryan: ooooh, someone's confident in themselves.
Mandy: Rainmaker is the mode we fucked you guys up in last time *shrugs* and it's the mode we're the best at so I recommend you rethink your choices, bud.
Miles: nope, I'm sticking with it.
Otto: one match huh? hmph, well, what are we betting?
Miles: well....if you guys win.
Mandy: which we will
Miles: me and my friends will admit we're trash, and never show our faces near you guys ever again.
Otto: *smirks* I like the sound of this. well, what's in it for you guys if you somehow manage to win?
Mandy: *cough* which they won't.
Miles: if we win...
Miles looked over at Willow again and let out a tiny blush, but then smirked as he raised his hand slowly and pointed towards Willow, making the other Fireflies confused.
Miles: you guys have to let me go on a date with Willow.
There was complete silence between Miles and the Fireflies for a good five or so seconds, but then, Miles saw all of them begin to snicker a little.
Their laughter didn't faze Miles at all, he just kept a smirk on his face as he put his hands in his jacket pockets, letting the Fireflies get their moment of laughter out before finally regaining their composure and wiping their tears away. Miles looked over at Willow to see that she still didn't look up from her phone, making him feel relieved but also a bit concerned for how loud this girl was blasting her music.
Otto: this is priceless.
Ryan: dude, you can't be serious!
Miles: *nods* I'm serious.
Mandy: as if Willow would even want to speak with you!
Miles: what's the matter? scared?
Otto, Mandy, and Ryan, instantly shut up when they heard Miles say that and saw that stupid grin on his face. Mandy scoffed at Miles and put her hands on her hips while raising her eyebrow.
Mandy: excuse me?
Miles: you heard me?
Mandy was about to walk over to Miles, but Otto, grabbed her shoulder and gestured her to stay back. Otto walked over to Miles and stood right in front of him so they were face to face.
Otto: are you underestimating us?
Miles: oh, not at all.
Otto: you have some nerve for a nobody.
Otto, leaned a little closer to Miles, and glared at him with a threatening look.
Otto: may I remind you who you're talking to? We are rank ten in the Inktastic ten!! The Fireflies squad!!
Miles: oh I know.....but.
Miles, gave Otto a very teasing smirk and shrugged at him.
Miles: you guys are technically the worst out of the Inktastic ten.
Otto: *grunts*...w-why you!
Miles: rank ten....still at the bottom of the barrel.
Otto, gritted his teeth at Miles, then let out a long sigh to release some anger. He held out his hand towards Miles, and gave him a smirk of his own.
Otto: fine then, Buster. Shake my hand and the bet is on.
Miles: how do I know you guys won't hold up your end of the bet?
Otto: us Inklings, always keep our word in bets! Any bet. It's in our blood.
Miles, did look away for a second and realize that Otto, was actually right. Inklings are very serious when it comes to bets and always kept their word, even the most disgusting and despicable Inklings would as well. Miles thought to himself for a quick second before slowly nodding and shook Otto's hand.
Otto: twelve PM, tomorrow, don't be late.
The Fireflies smirked at Miles, and walked away from him, giving him time to think and let out a sigh.
Miles:...I'm an idiot
*The next day*
Bella: Miles.............MILES!!
Miles opened his eyes and looked around quickly to see Bella running towards him. Bella jumped and tackled Miles, causing him to drop his jet squelcher as green tenta missiles hit where he was standing.
Bella: you have to pay attention. You almost got turned into calamari.
Bella got off of Miles and helped him up off of the ground. The two had on their orange Grizzco uniforms with white shirts, and green gloves, with caps as well. Bella sighed and put a hand on Miles' shoulder.
Bella: dude....are you alright?'ve been zoning out all day today.
Miles: I'm uh....*looks away* I'm cool..
Bella: are you sure?
Miles:...Mhm..., I guess.......anyway
Bella pointed her splattershot pro at a Flyfish, then looked at Miles with a tiny smirk on her face.
Bella: help me take out that Flyfish.
Miles:.....*nods* got it.
Bella ran over to the Flyfish and Miles grabbed his Jet squelcher from off of the ground, then followed right behind her. The two ran up to the Flyfish, then got their bombs ready.
Bella: which side are you takin'?
Miles: I'll take right
Bella: gotcha
The Flyfish opened up it's missile cockpits and Miles, and Bella, threw their bombs into the two. The bombs exploded and the Flyfish crashed down on the ground and exploded, causing three golden eggs to drop.
Bella: nice!
Miles: let's get these eggs to the basket.
Bella, and Miles, did a little fist bump before grabbing one golden egg each, and swimming towards the egg basket.
While Bella and Miles were off delivering their two eggs, a Snatcher, came out of the water and swam up to the last golden egg. The second the Snatcher was about to grab the egg, it felt a boot step on it's head.
Echo: yeah...I don't think so.
Echo kicked the snatcher back into the water, then grabbed the egg while letting out a little sigh.
Echo: let's deliver you, little guy.
Echo swam over to the egg basket and tossed the egg into the basket as the timer started to count down from ten seconds.
Coraline: *smiles* good job, team!
Echo: mhm
Bella: what was our quota?
Miles: eighteen eggs, and we got twenty eight.
Echo: an extra ten, nice.
the time ran out and Bella, Miles, and Echo, watched as Coraline began squid bagging like there was no tomorrow.
Mr. Grizz: alright, you kids can head back to the boat now. good work.
the four of them turned into their squid forms and super jumped back to the boat, then landed on it after a hard day of work. Eventually after getting back to Inkopolis, the four walked out of Grizzco and into Inkopolis seeing Inklings, and Octolings, having a nice time within the square in their own daily lives; whether that be eating, relaxing, or turfing.
Bella: it's so pretty out today.
Coraline: agreed.
Coraline, Miles, and Bella, grabbed their weapons and sat down near a table along with Echo, who didn't have her weapon with her, but instead, her trusty laptop. Bella checked her phone and saw that it was eleven thirty AM, and stood up from her seat.
Coraline: leaving already?
Bella: yeah, me and Yumi planned to hang out at twelve.
Echo: *type type* finally got out of the "awkward zone"?
Bella: yeah, and now I feel like I can finally get to know her more.
Echo: well I think you might have to reschedule.
Bella: wait, why?
without looking up from her laptop, Echo punched Miles on the shoulder, causing him to jitter a little and hold his arm in pain.
Miles: OW! you didn't have to hit me THAT hard!
Echo: *type type* shut up and tell them, you big dingus.
Bella: tell us what?
Coraline: yeah.
Miles: well guys know uh......the Fireflies.....yeah.
Bella: what about them? like....I uh....possibly made a bet....with them.
Miles: aaaaand...if we lose the bet.....we don't show our faces around them ever again.
Coraline/Bella: 0-0.....
Bella:....Miles....before I beat the hell out of you...please tell me what we get if we win this "bet".
Miles: *sweats* oh....uh......well this is the part that's gonna knock your socks off!...
Bella: -_-
Miles: we uh.....we....get one hundred thousand coins each if we win!
Coraline: wait....FOR EEL?!
Echo: *sigh* no, he's lying.
Echo looked at Miles and put her hand on his shoulder in a concerning yet non-caring way as Miles, was sweating straight bullets.
Echo: dude....stop lying and don't beat around the bush...just tell them the truth.
Echo: if push comes to shove, I'll call an ambulance for you.
Miles: *sigh*.thanks, Echo.
Miles saw Echo give him a thumbs up before continuing to type on her laptop and do her own thing. Miles took a deep breath and let out a little sigh, then opened his mouth to speak.
Miles: if we win......I get to go on a date with Willow.
Coraline: awwwwwe! you're willing to risk it all just to get with a girl, Miles. That Is so adorable!
Miles blushed a little at Coraline's comment, but his heart and soul instantly died when he saw Bella glaring at him with the intent of murder in her eyes.
Bella: yeah....risking it all.
The Fireflies walked out of deca tower together while laughing. Otto, and Mandy, were holding their weapons by hand because they were too heavy and big to strap onto their backs, but Ryan, and Willow, had their weapons strapped on their backs since they weren't too big and they were pretty light in general.
Willow: *text text*
Mandy: man! did you see the looks on those losers faces?!
Ryan: exactly, you could see them begging for mercy!
Mandy: *siiiiigh* it feels good to win.
Otto: well well well....look what Judd dragged into Inkopolis.
Otto said as he pointed towards Bella, to see her strangling Miles while gritting her teeth at him, making Mandy, and Ryan, look over to see them as well.
Bella: why would you make a stupid bet like that?!!!
Miles: ACK!!...I'm s-sorry.
Otto: Isabella.
Bella stopped strangling Miles, then looked over to see the Fireflies giving them their smug ass looks as always.
Otto: the third day in a row huh?
Ryan: *rolls his eyes* we just keep running into you, losers.
Mandy: I'm pretty sure your little "horny friend" told you guys about our bet?
Mandy said as she pointed her finger right at Miles, making Bella roll her eyes at her and open her mouth to throw a smart remark right back at her, but someone spoke up before she could.
Echo: *type type* like you have any type of right to say the word "horny".
Mandy: excuse me?
Echo, stopped typing on her laptop and looked over at Mandy while letting out a long sigh.
Echo: you heard what I said.
Mandy: are you calling me a slut?!
Echo: yes
Ryan: you better shut up and back off my girl before I make you regret it.
Echo: your girl?
Ryan: that's what I said!
Echo: I'd hate to break it to you bud but....she's not just "your girl".
Mandy stayed silent as Ryan glared at Echo and gritted his teeth at her.
Ryan: what the hell are you talking about?! Me and Mandy have been together for a whole year now!
Echo went on Mandy's squidstagram page and showed Ryan a bunch of pictures of her throwing up piece signs and smiling.
Ryan: ok? they're just her selfies.
Echo: actually.
Echo pointed at her laptop screen and showed Ryan a specific Inkling boy within her selfies in the background, an Inkling...that wasn't him.
Echo: this Inkling boy has been showing up in literally every single one of Mandy's posts for the past 2 months now, playing as a background guy so he wouldn't get noticed, then after doing a bit of research, I found out that this Inkling boy is a member of the Frosty Fresh squad; a squad that the Fireflies fought exactly*sarcastic* woah, 2 months ago.
Echo: coincidence? I think not.
Echo: so yeah, bud, your "girlfriend" is a slutty squid, and this isn't the first person she's cheated on you with. were cheating on me?
Mandy:.......whatever! I'm just going to go do my makeup before this stupid match starts.
Mandy stomped off as Miles, Bella, and Coraline, stared at their friend slightly frightened by her.
Miles: remind me to never get on your bad side, Echo.
Echo: just stay away from social media and I won't be a threat.
Otto: *sigh* as expected from someone like Mandy, anyway, twelve o'clock.
Otto walked away as Willow, and a depressed Ryan followed him. he glared at Bella one last time while giving her a devilish smirk.
Otto: I'll see you on the turfing grounds, Isabella.
Bella and her friends watched as the Fireflies walked off until they were out of sight, then Bella sat down and slouched in her chair.
Bella: Echoooooooo.
Echo: *type type* I'm not helping you guys beat the Fireflies.
Bella: come ooooon!! Whyyy!!
Echo: I already told you yesterday.
Bella: but this match is BIG! And we need you're help!....I really don't want to play with a random person on our team again.
Echo: why don't you just ask Yumi?
Echo: yeah, you said you were gonna hang with her at twelve, and the match is at why don't you guys just spend your "hangout" session playing the Fireflies.
Coraline: *gasp* that's actually a good idea, Echo. I heard that turfing is the best way to bond with someone.
Miles: where did you hear that?
Coraline: an article I read.
Bella:......alright I'll try.
Bella pulled out her phone and walked away from her friends before dialing Yumi's number and holding the phone up to her ear.
Bella:.....*sigh*.let's do this
Bella was sitting and waiting very impatiently, sweating bullets and tapping her fingers together like she was a seaweed addict, waiting for her dealer to arrive. All of her friends just....looked at her in concern, causing Miles to lean over and put his hand on her shoulder, startling her a little.
Bella: w-what what?!!
Miles: I think you should....calm down a little.
Coraline: yeah, Yumi will be here soon.
Bella: I hope!! It's eleven fifty seven!! where is she?!!
the second Bella said that, she heard a familiar voice and let out a sigh, then turned around to see Otto standing there with his squad.
Otto: It's eleven fifty eight now. get your asses in deca tower so we can get this over with, losers.
Bella stood up and walked up to Otto, then crossed her arms at him while slightly gritting her teeth at his annoying and cocky glare.
Bella: give us a second....we're waiting for someone.
Otto: oh, so you're not going to play with a random squid on your team this time? wow *claps* you guys are reeeeeeally getting up there.
Bella clenched her fist at the cocky Inkling, but from out of the corner of her eye, she saw Yumi running into Inkopolis square in a slightly adorable way while wearing some original leggings that all cephalopods wear, a normal black shirt, some Mint Dakroniks, and a small backpack.
Bella: Yumi!!
Bella literally shoved Otto out the way and ran over to the Octoling girl to see her instantly bow her head at Bella in an apologetic way.
Yumi: I'm sorry that I was late.
Bella: no you're right on time. Do you have your weapons?
Yumi gave Bella a nod and removed her cute little backpack. she opened it up and pulled out a pair of Dualie squelchers, making Bella gasp a little.
Bella: you use the Dualie squelchers?!
Yumi: *nods* mm
Otto: oh my cod...*snickers* I can't believe you are actually going to have a pit-dweller as your squadmate.
Bella: save the trash talk for after the match.
Bella turned at Yumi and held out her fist while giving her a smile.
Bella: show us what you can do, Yumi.
Yumi gave Bella a gentle nod and gave her a fist bump, then they glared at the Fireflies and all of the Inklings and Octolings crowd around to see what the commotion was all about, not knowing that a serious match was just about to go down.
*The Reef*
*make it rain!*
Pearl: yo yo yoooooo!! what's up cephalopods?!
Marina: it's Off the hook, coming at you LIVE from within the commentator booth of the Reef!!
Inklings and Octolings roared within the outskirts of the Reef and Inkopolis, even from at their own homes. Dayna was sitting in front of the Tv and somehow watching as the Fireflies team spawned in along with Bella's squad, with the Fireflies being the yellow team, and Bella's squad being light blue. Dayna let out a tiny smile when she saw Yumi standing with Bella and her friends and giggled a little.
Dayna: hey, Mia, come look at this.
the bathroom door opened and Mia, walked out of the room with a towel on her body and her tentacles wrapped up in a towel as well. she walked over to Dayna and raised her eyebrow, obviously questioning what she wanted, but Dayna didn't say a single word, she instead pointed at the Tv, directing Mia's attention towards it, but the second she saw what was on the Tv her eyes widened in shock.
Dayna: she's livin' the dream.
Bella let out a look of pure annoyance when she noticed that there were a SHIT ton of cephalopods watching than what she was used to.
Bella: I'm guessing Otto, told everyone huh.
Miles: so.....many people.
Coraline put a hand on Miles' shoulder and gave him a adorable and heart warming smile while holding her Bobby.
Coraline: don't worry about them. let's get out there and show them what we can do!
Bella: wait!!
Bella: but first....who's carrying the rainmaker? because I don't want to do it and Yumi shouldn't either because me and her are the main slayers.
Coraline: I'm gonna sit back and play support.
Yumi/Bella/Coraline: *look at Miles*
Miles:.....why do I always have to carry the Rainmaker?!!
Yumi: you're the's your job to do the objective.
Bella: plus, you got us in this mess.
Coraline: Mhm Mhm
Miles: I....*sigh* fine.
Coraline, Miles, and Bella let out sighs of determination, signaling that they were ready, while Yumi was actually thinking to herself again and opened her mouth to speak.
Yumi: they have a slow comp....
Yumi: all of their weapons are powerful....but slow to use.....if we can play aggressively and rush them down....we can win.
Bella, Miles, and Coraline looked at Yumi in shock before smiling at her and giving her a nod. the four of them glared at the Rainmaker and got ready to run straight for it.
the four of them ran straight from spawn and towards the Rainmaker. Miles stayed back and fired off his heavy splatling remix at the Rainmaker shield along with Bella, Yumi, and Coraline, as the Fireflies began shooting at the rainmaker as well. the shield began to expand more in blue than yellow, causing Otto to grunt and look at his squadmates.
Otto: back up!! they're going to get the pop!
Mandy and Ryan gave him a nod and jumped back as the Rainmaker shield exploded and blue ink splattered everywhere. Willow stood at her post and aimed her charger right at Yumi, but Yumi luckily noticed Willow's laser just in time, causing her to dodge roll back and just BAIRLY out of Willow's range.
Bella: Coraline, you maintain bridge, I'll try to see if I can flank.
Coraline: can do. ^^
Bella jumped off the bridge of the Reef and the second she did, she inked and swam up to the Fireflies side of the map. Bella saw that they didn't noticed her and she was about to attack them from behind but saw a laser pointed at her chest.
Bella: dammit!
Bella jumped out of the way and threw her splashwall down, causing Willow to shoot the wall instead, but her shot made enough noise to alert the other Fireflies and they all looked at her.
Bella: uh oh....
Otto: Mandy.....Ryan...take care of her.
Ryan: on it.
Mandy: whatever.
Bella saw both Mandy and Ryan run at her and start attacking her. Mandy flicked her Golden Dynamo while Ryan shot his Grim Blaster, but they were only hitting her splashwall. Bella knew her wall wasn't going to hold out for much longer, so she began shooting at Mandy and Ryan to try and splat them before they get her. Bella's wall broke and she saw Mandy get ready to flick her roller again, but Yumi ran up and shot at Mandy, almost splatting her but Ryan, shot at her and hit her with a direct shot, splatting her.
Ryan: know your place, pit-dweller.
Bella gritted her teeth at Ryan and clenched on her kensa .52 gal, then dashed at them and began firing at the two; before Mandy could flick her Dynamo again, she was splatted by Bella since Yumi made her weak from her shots. Bella then ran at Ryan and shot him once, with Ryan missing one of his shots since Bella was getting too close to him.
Bella: stop calling her that, you dicks!!
Bella shot at the same time as Ryan and the two hit each other. both of them got splatted and Otto looked over and saw what happened, then looked at Coraline sloshing her bubbles on the bridge where the rainmaker was.
Willow: *nods* mm.
Willow jumped off her sniper post and shot Coraline in Mid air, splatting her as she landed on her feet, leaving only Miles on the battlefield. Willow ran up and grabbed the rainmaker, then shot at Miles, making him move back as Otto ran in front of her to defend.
Otto: looks like little Miles is aaaaaall on his own.
Miles grunted and jumped back from more of Willows Rainmaker shots, but once he landed, he saw Otto charging up his own splatling.
Otto: you disgust me...
Otto shot at Miles and splatted him, then ran along with Willow towards Bella's team pedestal, leaving the crowd in shock.
Pearl: holy carp!! all of the.....uh......other teams members are down!!
Marina: the Fireflies are pushing the Rainmaker pretty far....seventy......sixty.....fifty!!!.....
Pearl: let's hope the other team can get out there quick!!
Bella and Yumi spawned back in and Bella grunted at herself before stomping her foot on the ground at herself.
Yumi: my apologies....
Bella: it's ok, I let my anger get the best of me. anyway, let's stop that Rainmaker from moving!!
Yumi: *nods*
Yumi and Bella ran out of spawn and began pressuring Willow and Otto, causing him to let out a grunt and look back at Willow.
Otto: you're on your own, Willow.
Otto turned into his squid form and super jumped back to spawn, making Willow let out a sigh and Bella, and Yumi just.....stare.
Bella:.....did he just.....bail on her?....
Yumi shrugged and pointed her dualie squelchers at Willow, who has already accepted her fate at this point. Yumi splatted Willow and the Rainmaker shield spawned back around the barrier.
Coraline: wow...Willow sniped me and....I deeply felt that.
Miles: Yumi, you didn't....shoot Willow, too aggressively, did you?
Yumi: I gave her light shots.
Miles: *phew* thanks.
Yumi gave a nod and saw Bella shooting at the Rainmaker barrier all by herself so she walked over in a adorable way and shot it with her while Coraline smirked at Miles.
Coraline: you are such a caring guy.
Miles: w-well yeah.....I care for everyone close to me.
Coraline: yeah, you'd make a great boyfriend.
Miles blushed a little but the sound of the Rainmaker barrier popping, startled him and he looked over to see Yumi and Bella looking back at him and Coraline.
Bella: let's try this again.
Yumi nodded at Bella's statement, then summoned her tenta missiles and looked around the map with them.
Yumi: two are on right....and Willow spawned back in.
Bella gripped onto her .52 Gal and ran away from the Rainmaker as Yumi fired off her tenta missiles and ran off with her. Coraline gestured Miles to follow her and Miles grabbed the Rainmaker and followed her.
Pearl: now's that squad's chance to figure something out as they got the .52 gal and dualie squelchers out on full offense and the Bloblobber on full defense guarding the Rainmaker carrier!
Bella ran and saw Mandy standing there with her Dynamo, then glared at her.
Mandy: get out of my way, loser
Bella: why don't you make me?
Mandy got ready to flick Bella with her Gold Dynamo, but Bella dodged the swing and got closer to her. Mandy's eyes widened in shock when she realized that she couldn't even see Bella swimming in the ink, making her grit her teeth in anger.
Mandy: you're wearing Ninja Squid you slick bitch!!
Mandy began swinging all around her to try and find where Bella even was but she couldn't. Mandy began panting in exhaustion but she felt the barrel of Bella's Kensa .52 Gal on the back of her head.
Bella: maybe you should watch your back more.
Bella shot at Mandy, from behind and splatted her, making the crowd roar.
Pearl: and the Kensa .52 Gal manages to take out Mandy!!!
Bella smiled, but then her smile went away almost instantly when she heard the sound of the Rainmaker holder getting splatted. Bella looked up at the score board and saw that they only pushed it to seventy three, while the Fireflies pushed the Rainmaker to thirty five.
Bella: ugh....dammit.
Some time passed and both teams went back and forth with pushing the Rainmaker...except....the Fireflies now pushed it to twenty six while Bella's squad only pushed it to sixty two. All of Bella's team was standing in front of the Rainmaker barrier and Miles let out a deep sigh, causing all of them to look at him.
Miles: I'm so sorry guys.....
Miles: I....let my love for Willow get the best of me......and now thanks to me, we're in this shitty situation.
Coraline: we still have a chance.
Miles: no we don't. There's thirty seconds left in the match....and I doubt we can get through them.
Miles covered his face with one hand and Bella walked over and gave him a gentle pat the back while smiling.
Bella: it's ok man....hmph...but I believe it's not over just yet
Miles: what do you mean
Bella's tentacles began to glow, signaling that her booyah bomb was ready and she gave her friends a cocky smirk.
Bella: we can still win this.
Coraline: *smirks* well what's the plan "oh fearful leader"?
Bella looked at her hand and let out a deep breath before looking back up at her friends, but she saw that they were all really confused, which is what she wanted.
Bella: it's a technique I thought of myself. It's kind of risky's also hard to pull off. I've been practicing it in the training room for a while.
Bella shot at the Rainmaker shield and saw that the Fireflies were approaching. The Rainmaker shield popped and Bella gave her squad a thumbs up.
Bella: no matter what, just keep whispering booyah as many times as you can.
The three nodded and ran over to the Rainmaker, which Miles picked up and there was only ten seconds left on the clock. Yumi looked back at Bella and saw her gesture her to go on without her, which Yumi replied with a nod.
The three of them began whispering booyah as many times as they could when they reached the bridge and saw Otto, Mandy, and Ryan glaring at them.
Mandy: looks like it's game over for you guys!
Mandy readied her flick and swung her Dynamo roller right at Miles, but just as it was about to hit him, Coraline got in the way and took the hit for him, with it splatting her. Now there was only Yumi and Miles, so they chanted booyah a little bit louder, leaving the Fireflies really confused along with the crowd.
Pearl: w-what's going on?!
Marina: why aren't they fighting back?!
The game went into overtime and Otto let out a grunt, then walked up to them while charging his splatling, and Mandy walked up as well and held up her Dynamo for another flick.
Otto: *glares* any last words, Miles?
Miles:....hmph......just one....
All of the Fireflies watched as Miles took in a suuuuper deep breath and squinted his eyes.
Everyone was silent...even the crowd. Otto began to chuckle a little and smirked at Miles.
Otto: really? You serious?
Miles: *smirks* yup
Miles looked up and so did Yumi, making Otto confused until he looked up as well and saw Bella dashing down from the sky with a booyah bomb in her hand.
Otto: W-What the hell?!
Bella gritted her teeth at Otto and slammed the booyah bomb right onto his face and slammed him into the ground with it.
Otto: *grunts* T-This....can't be....happening!!!! Me!!!....getting splatted!!!!
Bella: see ya! ^^
Bella splatted Otto and the Booyah bomb exploded, splatting Ryan and Mandy as well, leaving only Willow.
Bella: now's our chance!
Everyone in the crowd roared in excitement and Pearl and Marina's jaws completely dropped from the sight as Bella, Yumi, and Miles ran and began gaining points.
Pearl: what the heck was that?!!!!
Marina: the other squad is gaining points fast!! Now they're at thirty five!!
Pearl: just ten more points and they win!!
Otto spawned back in with a vein popping out of his head and he was gritting his teeth with all of his might. He looked over and knew he wouldn't make it in time to stop them, but he saw Willow aiming right at Miles and smirked.
Willow threw down her sprinkler and pointed her charger right at Miles, which Yumi and Bella both noticed.
Bella: oh no you don't!!!
Bella ran up to Willow along with Yumi and they both began firing at Willow, but she jumped back and continued to aim at Miles, while charging her shot.
Bella: don't you!!..*trips* dare?....
Bella tripped right over Willow's sprinkler and stumbled forward, and right behind Yumi. Bella called out to Yumi, but only got her attention was too late. Bella fell right onto Yumi and Willow looked at the two to see that their.....lips...were connected.
Mandy: what the hell?!
Ryan: ugh!! Disgusting!!
Yumi and Bella just looked into eachothers eyes in shock and Bella got off of Yumi, with a tiny trail of saliva that still connected the two.
Bella: Y-Yumi!!! I'm so sorry!! I....I tried to warn you but!....
Yumi got up and gave Bella a nod, then actually felt on her lower lip to still feel the little bit of saliva that had connected them before, but was now broken.
Bella: (nice going Bella.....nice fucking going!!)
Bella: w-what.......
Bella and Yumi looked over to see that Miles actually snuck past Willow with the Rainmaker, and gave them a smirk in return from their confused looks.
Pearl: and the unknown squad actually wins against the Inktastic ten, number ten squad, the Fireflies!!!
The crowd roared and cheered for Bella and her squad, then Bella turned around to see that Coraline was running up to them with her Bobby in hand.
Coraline: WE WON!!
Bella didn't really respond right away, but instead look over at Yumi to see her actually confused and...well....just fucking confused.
Bella: yeah.....we won.
Otto stomped over to Willow and glared at her in complete anger.
Otto: all you had to do was land that one shot Willow!!!
Willow: *shrugs* oops
Otto: oops?....OOPS?!....WE JUST FUCKING LOST!!
Willow texted on her phone and shrugged at Otto, then she walked away, leaving him completely pissed off. She walked over to Miles and he already began to blush.
Miles: W-Willow!....hey.
Willow reached into her pocket and pulled out a little notecard. She handed it to Miles and he looked at it to see it say number two hundred thirty six, and a phone number at the bottom.
Willow: meet me at my apartment tomorrow at one.
Willow put on her headphones and walked off while scrolling through her phone, leaving Miles as a blushing mess, and Coraline wrapped her hands around him from behind and smiled.
Coraline: someone's got a daaaaate.
Miles:.....s-shut it...
Bella walked up to Yumi and tapped her on the shoulder, snapping her out of her deep state of thought.
Yumi: y-yes?
Bella:...Yumi we're....still friends right?....I truly am sorry
Yumi gave Bella a nod and a tiny "mhm" to make Bella give her a smile.
Yumi: yes....we are....friends...
Bella:....*smiles* good.
Bella rubbed the back of her head, a little flustered but still managed to give Yumi a smile.
Bella: let's...put that kiss behind us ok?
Yumi: *nods*
Bella held out her fist at Yumi and put her other hand on her hip and her smile changed to a smirk.
Bella: welcome to the squad
Yumi was shocked at first by Bella's words but actually felt something bubbling up inside of her....yet....she couldn't describe it.
Yumi:...thank you
Yumi fist bumped Bella and even though the two agreed to forget about the kiss.....Yumi felt like that was going to be....a little bit difficult for her.
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