Chapter 27: Captains and Codes

Deep within the Deep Octarian base stood up high, with Octarians walking back and forth, guarding the entrance. The Deep Sea was quiet....with only the sounds of shifting water from above....and floating GameCubes to give any type of esthetic.

In the main control room of the base, a sanitized Octarian sat at her desk, with kelp flowing off of her tentacles, folding her hands and not saying a single word, that is until a lower rank Octarian busted into her room with a worried look on her face.

Octarian: C-Chief! An intruder has infiltrated the base!

Chief Octarian:......*tsk*'s probably Agent 3.....he won't get past our front gates.

Octarian: Chief.....I........I don't believe this is Agent 3..........

Chief Octarian:.......what do you mean?

Octarian: this......cephalopod......looks different........she killed the two guards at the front gate.

The Chief Octarian looked over at her cameras and noticed that the Octarians that were once guarding the gate, were now laying on the floor, bleeding with giant holes through their chests.

Chief Octarian:......sound the alarm....

The Octarian nodded and slammed a button on the wall, causing a loud siren to buzz within the facility. The Chief grabbed a microphone with a very annoyed expression on her face, gripping a knife that was under her desk.


All of the Octarians heard the siren, then grabbed their weapons, ready to take on the intruder, but the second they approached the gates to move into the main area, all they could hear was the screams of pain from one of their Octarian troopers......causing them all to stop in their tracks.

Octarian: AAAAAAAAAAH!! PLEASE STOP!!! P-PLEASE....s.....sto......

The Octarians heard very gruesome noises coming from the other side of the door, then the body hitting the ground.


Octarian:........*looks at another Octarian*.....w-well....go check it out!

The Octarian hesitated, but she eventually mustered up the courage to walk over to the doors, but the second she was about to open them, they bursted open, causing her to fall onto her back.

All of the Octarians looked at the......Inkling......No.....The...Octoling?.... slightly confused.

Octarian: an Octoling? she's betraying her own kind.

Octarian 2: I.....don't think that's an Octoling....she looks like an Inkling....

Octarian 3: but...her Octoling claws...

Octarian 4: her Inkling eyes....

Octarian 5: her Octoling teeth.....

Octoling 6: she has suction cups on the inside and outside of her she?

The Hybrid had completely black eyes, with only her irises being white.....she had cracks around her eyes that seemed to actually be seeping into her skin. Mist formed from the cracks, making her glare alone enough to send a shiver down your inky body.

Her tentacles were unique, unlike anything that's ever been seen before. They went far down her body, and were pitch black as well, with purple glowing streams of Ink flowing through her tentacles along with the suction cups that were on the inside and outside.

Octarian: we're gonna give you one chance! Walk away, or die!

The Hybrid didn't respond, but instead took a single step forward, then stopped and looked down to see the Octarian cowering in fear while on the ground. Before the Hybrid could do anything to the defenseless Octarian, a suction bomb flew straight at her, making her dodge to the side and grab it out of mid air, shocking the Octarians.

The Suction bomb began to glow black, then change from dark pink to black. The Hybrid threw the bomb back at them, and it exploded right in front of them, splatting one of them.

Octarian: s-she.....

Octarian 2: she can shift enemy Ink and make it into her own.....*tsk* that means bombs are useless against her!

Octarian: looks like we'll have to attack her head on!!

The Octarians ran at the Hybrid, and listening from inside of the fortress was the Chief Octarian, who was wearing a big captains hat with the C.Q metro logo on it. The Chief began to hear grunts and struggles behind her, causing her to turn around and see an Inkling girl with Yellow eyes and Black default tentacles that faded into blue. The Inkling girl glared at the Chief, gritting her teeth in anger.

???:...Y-You.....give me back my hat!

Chief:...*smirks*....hush down, little squid. I'll kill you shortly after we take care of this.....problem.

The Hybrid girl saw an Octarian jump up with her roller and swing down at her, but the Hybrid dodged and used her sharp Octoling claws to slice the Octarian's throat, causing blood to flow out as she dropped her roller, falling to the ground slowly.


Octarian 3: you're gonna regret stepping foot on our turf!!

The two Octarians dashed towards the Hybrid, one holding a Splattershot, and another holding a Ink brush. The Hybrid girl looked down near the dead Octarian, then stomped her foot on the roller that they dropped, causing it to fling up into the air. The Hybrid caught the Octarian's roller, then used it to bash straight onto the Ink brush, breaking straight through it and hitting the Octarian right in the head, knocking her to the ground.

Ink brush Octarian:....*grunts*.....(I.....I can't......hear......anything......just.... she?)

The Ink brush looked up and saw the Hybrid swing the roller down onto her, splatting her and showing her mercy. The Splattershot shot straight at the Hybrid, but she dodged the shots and dropped the roller since it was no longer needed.

The Splattershot's tentacles began to glow, and she dashed at the Hybrid even faster, then jumped in the air in front of her, getting ready to splashdown.

Octarian: DIE!!

the Octarian dove down and tried to splat the Hybrid, but before she could slam onto the ground and finish her, her fist was caught by the Hybrid herself, stopping her in mid air and shocking her.

Octarian: (s-she stopped my splashdown?!)

The Hybrid swung the Octarian onto the ground, making her scream in pain, but the second she tried to stand back up and grab her Splattershot, she felt the Hybrid's hand reach down and grab onto her wrist, pulling her up from the ground.

The Hybrid tightened her grip onto the Octarian, digging her nails into her skin, making the Octarian grunt in pain and try to force the Hybrid off of her.

Octarian: G-Get off of me!!!

The Hybrid girl did nothing but drag the Octarian out of the base, tightening her grip even more, making blood flow from her wrist. The Octarian tried her best to loosen herself, but it was as if a parent dragging their crying child through a grocery store.

The Metro was beautiful, yet deadly, and stations were always above gigantic pits of death. The Octoling realized what the Hybrid was gonna do, but she couldn't do anything about it. The Hybrid stood near the edge, holding the Octarian above the giant abyss.

Octarian: P-PLEASE!!! DON'T!!!! I BEG OF YOU!!


The Hybrid loosened her grip, dropping the Octarian into the giant abyss, hearing her loud screams slowly get more and more silent. The Hybrid looked up at the base and noticed a window, so she super jumped up to it and crashed through it, rolling safely inside the base, only to see nothing but complete darkness.

The Hybrid stood still....stiff....and quiet, allowing her to hear footsteps behind her. The Hybrid swung her claws behind her, hearing a grunt in the darkness, and she felt the blood from the Octarian seep from off of her fingers.

Pure silence filled the room once again, and the Hybrid's ears wiggled quite a bit, trying to sense the Octarian in the dark room. From the side of her, the Hybrid heard a quick shift towards her, so she used her hand and grabbed the Octarian's wrist, dragging her towards her and using her claws to stab straight through her chest, making the Octarian cough up blood.

The Hybrid noticed that she killed the Chief herself, watching her fall onto the ground in front of her, but before she completely closed her eyes, she Chief glared at the Hybrid and cursed her. should've died years ago.


{Mission Passed!!}
{Code 015}
{Rescue the victim and eliminate all enemies}

The Chief took her last breath before dying, and the Hybrid walked over to a giant computer that was inside of the room, turning it on, making the room light up once more. The Hybrid looked over and saw a chained up Inkling girl, panting, while looking tired and weak.


The Hybrid walked over and grabbed onto the wrist cuffs, breaking them with her hands, setting the Inkling free. But when the Inkling's feet touched the ground, she instantly swung her fist at the Hybrid, only for her to catch it with ease.

???:.....*pant*.....*pant*......*pant*....I know're the one who's been killing the innocent Inklings and Octolings that enter the metro!!


???:....why don't you kill me too then? right now.....end me.....

The Inkling girl glared at the Hybrid, but instead of receiving death, she saw the Hybrid let go of her hand and shake her head.

???:..........w-why.....why are you...


The Inkling looked at the Hybrid's wrist to see a weird symbol and a number 015 below it, making her scared and shocked a little.

???: You' of those codes....


???: *Tsk* why did you save me?

Hybrid: *holds up a C.Q device*

???:.....Sea cucumber....he sent you?

Hybrid: *nods*....

???:..........I see.....

The Inkling girl walked over to the Chief, who was dead on the floor. She grabbed the big hat and put it on top of her head. The Hybrid couldn't help but stare at the Inkling......noticing how....short she if she was an actual child. The Inkling looked back at the Hybrid, then tilted her head a little.

???: What?


???:.....*sigh* I know that look....I'M NOT A CHILD!!


The Inkling girl let out a "hmph" then straightened her cap while glaring at the Hybrid. name is Mercy......I work for C.Q Industries......and I'm older than you! I'm 24!

Hybrid:....*nods* you're not the one that's going around and killing the innocent squids and Octos that come down here?

Hybrid: *shakes her head*


Mercy thought back at the numbers on the Hybrid's wrist.....015, making her look back up at the very broken and decayed girl.

Mercy: you're the 15th guess I'll call you 15.


Mercy: *crosses her arms* you don't talk much, do ya?


Mercy: *tiny smile* it's fine....I like that personality. But for now, I believe I can call the metro train to come and get us.

Mercy held her head and sighed to herself, pulling out a C.Q card.

Mercy: why did you even do this station?

15: *points up*.....

Mercy:.....the promise land, huh?.....

15: *nods*.....

Mercy: I see.....well then.

Instead of running like a normal squid, since her legs were so short, Mercy looked as if she was shuffling when she dashed past 15, making 15 just....stare.

Mercy: just follow me and I'll be your guide.

15:.....*follows Mercy*



*The Inkopolis Ball*

Within the ball room, Obsidian was standing within the corner all by herself and holding a tiny box with a ribbon on it along with a note that was attached to it saying "For Bella", letting out a tiny whimper.

Obsidian:....Y-You can do this......

Obsidian mustered up some courage and let out an adorable "hmph". She walked around the Ball room, but couldn't find Bella anywhere, that is until she walked into the bar, where she saw Gabby leaning against the wall while Amira was helping the bar tender clean up Cynthia's puke.

Obsidian: U-Um.....Gabby?

Gabby: *looks* what?

Obsidian: do you know...where um....Bella is?

Gabby: I believe she went out to the courtyard to look for Lola. Miles lost her.

Obsidian: p-perfect.....privacy....

Gabby: hm?


Obsidian waddled away and clenched on the tiny box while walking towards the courtyard with a tiny smile on her face.

Obsidian:........(after 18 years.......tonight... I believe I......can tell you how I really feel.....Bella-)

Obsidian's thoughts were cut off when she walked out to the courtyard and saw Bella and Yumi together......deep in a kiss....Yumi's hands we're wrapped around Bella, while Bella's hand was gently rested on Yumi's cheek....Obsidian stood there......speechless.....she didn't know how to properly react.

Obsidian felt as if she was frozen...unable to act....but that all changed when she felt a tear roll down her cheek. She felt her cheek, but she couldn't tell if they were tears of sadness....or tears of joy.....maybe both? Obsidian let out a smile as more tears rolled down her face, but she quickly wiped them away, shifting her attention to her little gift.

Obsidian: (I guess I was too late...but...I'm so happy for you.......I knew this was a bad idea.....I know you by heart......that's why....I was always so scared to ask.....and I always told people....that we were just friends.....)

Obsidian giggled a little, then began to walk inside after seeing Bella stand in front of Yumi, a little confused and awkward.

Obsidian: (I never expected this....but I'm glad she makes you smile)


Aryll: Obsidian?.....Obsidian?!

Obsidian felt a little poke on her cheek, which woke her up and made her look over at Aryll looking down on her, concerned.

Aryll: you've been sleeping all daaaay.

Obsidian:..oh.....sorry.....*whimpers* you want breakfast?

Aryll: breakfast? It's 5 in the afternoon. *Giggles* I said you were sleeping all day like, 2 seconds ago.

Obsidian:...*embarrassed blush* o-oh...

Obsidian leaned up from her bed and put her hand over her forehead, letting out a tiny, yet adorable groan.

Aryll: are you ok, Obsidian? You've been acting a little different ever since the ball.

Obsidian:...I-I'm alright.

Aryll grabbed Obsidian's hand and helped her off of the bed. Obsidian's tentacles were completely ruffled and messy, and she was wearing simple shorts with a tank top. Obsidian straightened out her tentacles while walking out of her room with Aryll following her.

Obsidian: do you want a sandwich for lunch then?

Aryll: *shakes her head* I'm not hungry.


Aryll: *tilts her head*

Obsidian:...I'll....make myself a fruit salad.

Obsidian walked past the living room to see Ginger inside of her shell while Sidon was sitting on top of her, watching the TV. Obsidian walked towards her fridge and opened it, then started to grab homegrown fruit and some lettuce while Aryll sat on the couch.

Aryll: *smiles* I love this show!

Obsidian: *places down a bowl* what is it?

Aryll: it's called "when we were young squids" *squeals* it's going over the life story of two lovers!

Obsidian: *puts lettuce in*....uh-huh....

Aryll: do you wanna watch it with me? You don't have to.

Obsidian:....*puts chopped up fruit in*.....uh-huh....

Aryll:...this is about to be so much fun!

Obsidian: *puts dressing in*......uh-huh



Deep within a facility of the deepsea metro, a completely black and purple toddler Obsidian was walking down a very weird area filled with plant life. Obsidian saw a completely purple toddler dragging her along while letting out some giggles, making her concerned.

Obsidian:...5...w-what are you doing?

Bella: just you wait, 10, I got you something special!

Obsidian and Bella stopped within an area with very moist dirt. The area was next to a giant lake, and Bella let go of Obsidian's hand, then gestured her to stay in her spot.

Bella: don't move! I'll be right back.

Obsidian saw Bella jump into the bushes and start rummaging around while letting out some grunts.

Bella: hmph! Come here, you little dummy!

Obsidian: *confused*

Bella jumped out of the bush while smiling and holding something in her hands, making Obsidian curious.

Bella: got ya!

Obsidian: W-What....what did you get?

Bella snickered and walked over to Obsidian while covering up what she was holding.

Bella: hmhm! Happy birthday, 10!

Obsidian looked at Bella's hands and saw a very adorable baby turtle, shocking her a little, and even causing her to whimper.

Bella: I found her yesterday! Isn't she cute?!

Obsidian:....*sniffle* my birthday?

Bella: of course I would. Why wouldn't I?

Obsidian saw Bella hand the turtle to her, and she took it while trying not to cry her eyes out.

Bella: *smiles* you decided to give me purple tentacles on my sacrificing your own body this is how I'm gonna pay you back.


Bella: I was planning on naming her Ginger! What about you?

Obsidian:...y-yeah....Ginger sounds beautiful.


Aryll: Obsidian?!

Obsidian's head shot up and she rubbed her eyes while noticing that she spilt some dressing on the counter.

Obsidian: m-my cod!

Obsidian grabbed paper towels and began to clean while Aryll and Sidon watched her from the living room, looking at each other, concerned.

Aryll: are you sure you're alright, Obsidian?

Obsidian: *clean clean* Mhm...

Just then, Obsidian's doorbell rang, catching her and Aryll's attention.

Aryll: I'll get it!

Obsidian:....*cleans more*

Aryll walked over to the door and opened it up to see an Octoling girl looking right back at her, making her actually smile and hug the Octoling.

Aryll: Yumi!


Obsidian looked over at the door to see Yumi giving Aryll little head pats, making her feel awkward and uncomfortable. Obsidian finished cleaning, then grabbed her bowl of fruit salad, which she luckily didn't over dress it, then grabbed a fork and began to eat while walking into the living room as Yumi walked into the apartment and closed the door behind her.

Obsidian: Yumi?.....

Yumi: Hello....

Obsidian: is there something you need from me? *Nom*

Yumi: *nods*..... luckily I remembered the number to your apartment.

Obsidian nibbled on her salad while walking over to the couch and sitting down next to Ginger. Obsidian pulled out a piece of lettuce and offered it to the turtle, so it stuck it's head out of it's shell and nibbled on the lettuce. Obsidian saw Yumi sit next to her and she began to twiddle her fingers in an uncomfortable way, confusing her.

Obsidian: *tiny smile* what do you need?

Yumi:......I need to know more about Bella.....


Yumi: I....I just want to learn more about her..........I want to understand her better.

Obsidian:....... did you break through her? never explained that to me...


Yumi: when we first met.......I saw you and Bella holding hands together.....and it made me.......confused.....

Obsidian: o-oh.....sometimes I get very nervous when I'm in crowds. Bella holds my hand to calm me down and make me feel safe.

Yumi:.....I see.......even though you told me that you and her were friends....I still.....sense a deeper bond between you two.


Yumi: I couldn't shake the feeling.....

Obsidian: *looks away* because me and Bella have known each other for 18 years.....


Obsidian: *giggles* our whole lives. I already know what makes her laugh, what makes her cry, what makes her flustered......she knows the same things about me. two have....that big of a bond....

Obsidian: *nods* I've always tried to follow in Bella's footsteps throughout my life......I'm a cowardly Inkling......but.... whenever I look at her......I get a sense of courage.......a sense of pride.....I want to push myself to be just like her....because I want.........I-I.......I want to make Bella proud........of me.

Even though Yumi secured the kiss....she still couldn't shake the feeling of Obsidian in her mind....she curled up her hands on her lap.....then shook her head to ignore those feelings.....

Yumi: I wish to have something like that with her.......but.....can I.......can I really achieve such a feat? you have any advice? patient with takes a while for her to open up.....*nom*


Obsidian: show her that you truly care....

Yumi: I....I do truly care.....but.....this is confusing....I'm an Octoling, so how do I-

Obsidian: Yumi......

Obsidian gently grabbed onto Yumi's hands, catching her off guard a little. Obsidian gave Yumi an adorable smile....but even through that smile....Yumi could sense some sadness coming from the Inkling.

Obsidian: just try your best, ok? When the time'll know what to do.


Obsidian: just because you're an doesn't mean you and Bella can't be together.



Yumi felt so happy, yet it felt as if something was piercing straight through her heart at the same time. She mustered up the courage to let out a tiny nod, making Obsidian let out an adorable woomy.

Obsidian: good. As long as Bella is happy, then I'm happy.


Obsidian let go to Yumi's hands, then stood up and picked up her pet turtle while walking over to the kitchen.

Obsidian: Ginger?....wake up you want my remaining Fruit salad?

Ginger got out of her shell slowly, then saw a bowl of Fruit salad in front of her. Obsidian couldn't help but smile, seeing her pet nibble on the salad while Sidon hopped off of Aryll and decided to join Ginger in the feast.

Yumi looked back at Obsidian, watching her begin to wash some leftover dishes from the other day, making her clench her heart a little....but her thoughts were interrupted by Aryll gently poking her cheek a little.

Aryll: Yumi?...


Aryll: *smiles* do you want to watch the rest of this show with me?


Yumi couldn't help but push her thoughts away for a while, then look over at the Inkling, giving her a tiny nod.

Yumi: Mhm.

Aryll: yes! We shall learn together that romance sucks!


*Chapterly art*

Code 015 ^

Name: None

Age: 18

Species: 50% Inkling, 50% Octoling.

Hobbies: None

Personality: silent...but deadly. Only killing the ones that get in her way.

About: a mysterious hybrid girl who is searching for the truth.

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