Chapter 26: Magazine Models?!
Within the police station, inside of a very small interrogation room, Gabby sat across from 6, who was wearing handcuffs and giving her a tiny grin.
6:....ya're a very beautiful girl.
Gabby: cut the shit and answer the questions I'm going to ask you.
6: *shrugs* if you say so.
Gabby pulled out a file and opened it up, showing 6 the ruins of a testing facility. 6 saw Gabby point at the paper, then glare at him.
Gabby: exactly 18 years ago was the start to a very very VERY illegal experiment. The News called it the "Fusion Of Species Experiment"....or "F.O.S.E" for short. Do you know what I'm talking about?
6: *smirks* of course.
Gabby: your code number is 006, correct?
6: yup.
Gabby: what is your real name?
6: don't got one. don't?
6: none of us had real names. We all refered to each other as our code numbers.
Gabby: how many of you were there?
6: just 15, girly girl~
Gabby:....*sigh*....mind telling me what the whole purpose of the experiment was about? Why were you trying to fuse species?
6: it was quite simple.... Inklings and Octolings are both similar....yet completely different in their own ways, right?
Gabby: *nods*
6: Octolings are stronger and smarter....while Inklings are faster and more durable....the professor wanted to create the perfect Hybrid between the two species....a Hybrid that could rise up and solve everything.
6: *chuckles* yeah...I remember her....she was such a strict woman.....testing us day and night....just so she could get her results.
Gabby: she tortured all of you?
6: mm.....I'd say it was more like brutal training if anything...but oh man, did the professor HATE code 005.
Gabby: Code 5?....was something wrong with that one?
6: yes, a very defective Inkling...she was useless. The professor usually worked code 5 the hardest out of the rest of us just because she hated her
6: but no matter what happened to her, Code 5 always kept a smile on her face...which would always piss the professor off.
Gabby:....I see.....I have another question.
Gabby pulled out another page within the folder that showed a flipped over truck.
Gabby: around the same time period of when this illegal experiment was underway, Grizzco industries was struggling quite a bit.
6: *smirks* how so?~
Gabby: the cargo trucks that were taking Golden eggs to the industry were getting hijacked back-to-back. The Octarians were struggling during this time period as well, but when the facility was bombed, everything was back in working order, care to explain?
6: you sure do a lot of research.
Gabby: I'm a cop. Just answer the damn question.
6: *tiny chuckle* well, you do know that Golden eggs are a source of power, correct?
Gabby: *nods*
6: during those times, the professor would usually hijack these trucks and steal the golden eggs from the inside, using them for the facility. my predictions were correct then.
6: Mmmmmhm. Octarians use golden eggs to power their weapons and machines, which is why they were struggling so much at that time. to me more about this hybrid experiment.
6: the perfect blend of Inkling and Octoling DNA........a 50/50 ratio....that was her goal.....
Gabby: and you were....
6: the 6th creation, yes. Every single one of us has a little blend of Inkling and Octoling DNA within us....some of us have noticable features, but I was not one of the few. I am 95% Octoling and 5% Inkling. *Shrugs* not much.
Gabby: what about Buttercup?
6: who?
Gabby:.....code 007
6: ah...she's the same ratio as me.
Gabby: the facility got bombed. who survived?
6: Only 5 of us survived.
Gabby: mind listing the 5?
6: Me, 007, 005, 010, and 015.....the perfected creation.
Gabby: what?
6: code 015....the perfected one.....the perfect blend of Inkling and Octoling....she is a creation of pure balance.
Gabby: and where is she now?
6: pssh, most likely somewhere in the deepsea metro....I haven't seen her ever since the bombing....but I do know that she's still alive and kickin'....
Gabby:......why the hell are you telling me this so willingly?
6:....hmph........because I don't care.
Gabby: *glares* what do you mean?
Just then, 6 looked straight back at Gabby and glared back at her. Gabby saw a look of....fear..within his eyes, but she didn't respond to it.
6: because I failed my mission........I have nothing left to lose.
6 leaned over the table and gave Gabby a nice, yet cocky smirk.
6: now all I can do is sit back and see if 15 brings balance and peace to the world.
Within the Coffin Fish Café, Cynthia leaned over the counter and handed a little Inkling girl a paper bag, giving her a calm smile.
Cynthia: there ya go, little squiddo; two chocolate doughnuts.
Little Inkling: *smiles* extra sprinkles?
Cynthia: *nods* extra sprinkles.
The little Inkling jumped in joy and thanked Cynthia before running out of the Café, with Cynthia just letting out a nice sigh.
Cynthia: *stretches* has been slow today......
Cynthia tapped her fingers on the counter in boredom, letting out a sigh and slamming her head on the front counter.
Cynthia: I kinda regret giving Amira the day off.........and Gabs is busy today too....
Cynthia groaned to herself until she heard a "ding" from the front door, signaling that another customer came inside the Café.
Cynthia: *rubs her head* welcome to the Coffin Fish Café. How may I help yo-...
Cynthia's eyes widened a little when she saw an Octoling boy approach her with a very calm and curious look on his face. A little silence filled the Café for a minute, but Cynthia spoke up after shaking herself out of her shocked state.
Cynthia: w-woah. You're Yasu; the guy that makes those magazines, right?
Yasu: *nods* yes.
Cynthia: nice to meet ya. The name's Cynthia.
Cynthia held out her hand, and instead of Yasu shaking it, he grabbed her hand gently and looked at her fingers, seeing all of the scratches and scars.
Yasu:....what happened?
Cynthia: those scars? I could go on for hours, but to sum it up: Octagon.
Yasu: really? I heard that place is very dangerous, and they don't take outsiders so kindly.
Cynthia: *shrugs* I manage.
Yasu: I'm guessing that's where you got that burn mark as well?
Cynthia: yup.
Yasu:....well....I'm glad you're still in one piece......kinda.
Cynthia: think of me as a toy; Even though I don't have my batteries anymore, I can still make you feel happy.
Yasu: I was never really interested in toys when I was a child.
Cynthia:....*chuckles* I wasn't talking about those types of toys.
Yasu: *tilts his head*
Cynthia: nevermind. Anyway, what'll you have?
Yasu looked up at the menu, then thought to himself for a minute before raising his finger to request his order.
Yasu: I could go for an Espresso please.
Cynthia: coming right up.
Cynthia began to make Yasu's Espresso, and Yasu looked around the Café, taking in it's beautiful interior, and feeling the warm vibe flowing through his body, the amazing smell of freshly made coffee, and the sound of Cynthia calmly doing her job. His thoughts were interrupted by Cynthia's voice speaking to him, making him look back at her to see her grabbing a jar of sugar.
Cynthia: I'm guessing you're a Mama's boy?
Yasu: o-oh....well....I wouldn't consider myself one.
Cynthia: *adds sugar* you sure?
Yasu: I do deeply love my mother though....I just recently turned 18 a couple of months ago, and ever since then, she's passed down the magazine making to me.
Cynthia: that's why the magazines have been pretty fresh lately.
Yasu: yes. I was honestly surprised of your reaction when you first saw me...
Cynthia: how so?
Yasu: you didn't start screaming In joy like any other Inkling or Octoling girl who sees me. You're normal.
Cynthia: *chuckles* normal is the worst way to describe me, buddy. But I can understand why you were surprised, it must suck having a paparazzi follow you around everywhere.
Yasu: *nods* it does.
Cynthia: *adds a bit more sugar* well if you ever need a place to go where there's not that much commotion, the Coffin Fish Café is your go-to., Yes, I remember now.
Cynthia walked up to Yasu and placed down his Espresso in front of him, then raised her eyebrow in confusion.
Cynthia: whatcha mean?
Yasu: the actual reason why I came here is because I saw a boy come in here yesterday.
Cynthia: a boy? you kinda have to elaborate a little more, bud. I get male customers a lot.
Yasu: I he was wearing an Eggplant Mountain Coat, he had purple eyes that shined like amethysts, he also had a Sea cucumber on top of his head.
Cynthia: oh! Yeah, that was my buddy. His name is Miles.
Yasu: Miles.........what an extravagant name.....
Cynthia: what?
Yasu: it describes him so suits him.
Cynthia: how do you know him?
Yasu took a little sip from his Espresso, then placed it back down, tapping his sharp finger on the table.
Yasu: I saw him yesterday with you. I wanted to speak to him, but I saw that you closed the Café when you all walked inside. I assumed he must've been an employee here and you all were just closing up shop, so I decided to head home and come back tomorrow.
Cynthia: oh, he's not an employee, we were just playing videogames together before those two love squids decided to head home.
Yasu: love squids? you mean that female that he was holding pinkies with yesterday?
Cynthia: Amira? Yeah.
Yasu: Amira?, I remember her now. *Sip*
Cynthia: you know her?
Yasu: *nods* she was a part of the Ravens squad. I couldn't recognize her because I've never seen her without her mask off.
Cynthia: huh....well, I guess it makes sense.
Yasu: she used to model for me. *Sip*
Cynthia: 0-0......wait, huh?
Yasu: *nods* Amira used to model for me a couple of months ago. She was my first model when I was starting off.
Cynthia: did you choose her?
Yasu: Mhm....Amira gave off a very fierce and dark inky aura whenever you were near her. She seemed menacing and deadly. Considering you were hanging out with her yesterday, I'm guessing you felt that inky aura too?
Cynthia: uh...not really.
Yasu: how so?
Cynthia: Amira has softened up a bit ever since she started working here. She's not the same like how she used to be. She's much more talkative and interactive with us.
Yasu: I it because she's dating Miles?
Cynthia: oh, well uh....they're not really dating. it's complicated romance?..... perfect.
Cynthia: perfect? what do you mean?
Yasu: it's nothing to be concerned about, don't worry.
Cynthia looked down and saw that Yasu was done with his cup of Espresso, so she took the cup and began to wash it out while Yasu sat there, thinking to himself.
Cynthia: so, you said Amira modeled for you, right?
Yasu: correct.
Cynthia: why'd she stop?
Yasu: she stated that she didn't want to continue anymore because even though she was on the front of the Marine Life Magazines, she felt as if she was getting more and more isolated from everyone.
Yasu: I never understood what she meant that day.
Cynthia: oh....*wash wash*....well, what type of modeling are you talking about, exactly?
Yasu: it depended on the season. Since I started back in early January, she usually modeled with some nice winter clothes, posing with her E-Liter.
Cynthia: so, you never saw her naked?
Yasu: w-what?! No, I don't do nude modeling!
Cynthia: makes sense *puts the cup away* the most I've ever seen a squid or Octo nude in the Marine Life Magazines is just down to some swimwear.
Yasu: *nods*...yes....simple bikinis...or swimming trunks.
Yasu placed down his cash on the counter in front of Cynthia, then stood up and dusted himself off.
Yasu: I thank you for the cup of Espresso. It was very soothing and calming.
Cynthia: no prob.
Yasu: do you mind telling me where I can find Miles by any chance?
Cynthia: uh...I don't know his apartment number, but I do know he lives in Splat Tower.
Yasu: I see....thank you once again.
Yasu waved at Cynthia before walking out the Café, leaving Cynthia in silence, and making her slam her head on the counter again.
Cynthia: aaaaand...I'm bored again.
Yasu looked in the distance and saw Splat tower, then super jumped through the sky until he landed right in front of the tower, catching the attention of many Inklings and Octolings who were on the outside.
Inkling boy: Is that......
Inkling girl: Yasu!~
Octoling girl: *purrs a veemo*
Yasu rolled his eyes and walked by while ignoring the cephalopods who were staring straight at him in amazement. The second Yasu entered splat tower, he caught the attention of many more Inklings and Octolings, causing him to feel a little more uncomfortable, but he ignored it and began walking up to the front counter.
Inkling boy: Isn't that Yasu?
Inkling boy 2: *scoffs* the money grabbing, girl stealing Pit-Dweller? Yeah
Inkling girl: *whimpers* he's so cute!
Inkling girl 2: I know, right?!
Octoling girl: Yasuuuuuu~
Octoling girl 2: *whispers* why do you think he's here?
Octoling girl 3: *shrugs* doesn't matter, but he's hot~
Inkling girl: I think he just looked at me!
Inkling boy: he's such a dick...
Octoling boy: who do you think you are, man? He's probably only in here to flex his wealth.
Yasu sighed, and just as he was about to make it to the front desk, an Inkling girl and Octoling girl ran in front of him, holding magazines of their own.
Octoling girl: can you sign our magazines, Yasu?
Inkling girl: pretty pretty pleeeeease?!
Yasu: I'm sorry....but I do not have a pen or marker on me right now....
Octoling girl: Y-YES!!! PLEASE!!
Yasu saw the Inkling girl and Octoling girl run past him and over to the other cephalopods in the lobby to ask for a pen or marker. Yasu took this time to quickly walk over to the front desk manager, who instantly knew who he was, putting down her Marine Life Magazine that she was reading.
FDM: Yasu, Yasu,'re back.
Yasu:...indeed. I need directions to a certain apartment.
FDM: resident's name?
Yasu looked around to make sure nobody was breathing down his neck, then let leaned over to the Front Desk manager and whispered to her.
Yasu: Miles.....
FDM: *type type*
Inkling girl: DO YOU HAVE A PEN?!!!
Octoling boy: N-No!! Get off of me!!
Octoling girl: PLEASE!! ANYONE?!!
Yasu: *taps his foot uncomfortably*
FDM: ah...Miles...his apartment number i-
Yasu: whisper please...
FDM:...*giggles* fine, fine. His apartment number is 91.
Yasu: I appreciate it.
Yasu walked over to the elevator, then pressed the second button, but the second he did, he saw the Inkling girl hold a pen in the air with a crazy look in her eyes.
Inkling girl: YASU!!!!!! I FOUND A PEN!!!!
Octoling girl: THERE HE IS!!! THE ELEVATOR!!!!!
Inkling girl 2: I want my autograph too!!!!
Octoling girl 2: sign my face!!!
Yasu began to spam the button a little faster, watching the doors close as the girls in the lobby began sprinting towards the elevator like fucking zombies.
Inkling girl: YASUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!
Luckily the door of the elevator closed JUST in time for none of the females to get inside. Yasu sighed and leaned against the wall while putting his hands in his pockets, but then, he could still hear the girls chatting.
Octoling girl: NOOOOOO!!
Luckily, the elevator doors opened on the second floor on Splat Tower, and Yasu walked out of the elevator, noticing that the hallway was THANKFULLY quiet and empty, with not a single Inkling or Octoling in sight. then....apartment 91.
Yasu walked down the hallway while looking at the apartment numbers, slowly reading them to himself.
Yasu: 89......90.......91. here.
Yasu stood across from Miles' apartment door, and just as he was about to knock, he heard rustling and rummaging on the other side of the apartment.
Miles: alright Amira, hold it like this. I...doing it right?
Miles: move your hand up and down slowly.
Yasu hesitated for a second, but he shook the thoughts from out of his mind and gently knocked on the door. There was silence for a while, but Yasu eventually heard footsteps coming towards the door, and it opened up to show Miles standing there with Lola on his shoulder and he wore an apron that said "Kookeng Keng"....making Yasu confused a little, but he ignored it and looked right at Miles.
Yasu: it truly is you...we meet once again.
Miles: uh....what? do not know who I am?
Miles:........*looks at Lola*
Lola: *shrugs*
Miles: sorry man, I don't.
Yasu: *tiny smile* that makes this even better.
Yasu held out his hand and Miles couldn't help but tilt his head a little at him.
Yasu: my name is Yasu. I'm the developer of the Marine Life Magazines.
Miles: *shakes his hand* Marine Life Magazines? Oh, I heard of 'em before. Coraline would never shut up about them.
Yasu: I'm guessing you don't read magazines?
Miles: *chuckles* nah, I spend most of my time playing my bass, hanging with my friends, cooking, or taking care of Lola.
Yasu: Lola?.....*points* I'm guessing that's the cucumber on your shoulder, correct?
Miles: yup.
Amira: Miles....who are you associating wit-...
Amira stood behind Miles while also wearing her own apron that spelled out "Kook Rukkie". Amira glared straight at Yasu, and he responded to her glare with a simple wave.
Yasu: long time no see, Amira.
Amira:.........get lost.
Amira slammed the door in Yasu's face, completely surprising Miles in the process. Miles looked at Amira, only to see her walking back over to the kitchen and letting out adorable "hmphs".
Miles: Amira, what was that for?
Amira: do not associate with him.
Miles: why? He seemed pretty fresh to me.
Lola: *nods* mm mm.
Miles:......I'm guessing you know this guy?
Amira:........I do.....
Miles: do you have some type of connection with him?
Miles:....uh.....wait, he isn't your ex, is he?
Amira: no........he was.....uh........I do not wish to speak of it.
Miles: if you don't tell me, I'll just let Yasu in and he'll explain himself.
Amira: you wouldn't.
Miles raised his eyebrow and began to walk over to the door, surprising Amira a little and causing her to shake her head really fast.
Miles: tell me.
Miles: *grabs the doorknob*
Lola: *glares* hmph.
Miles: *sloooooow twist*
Amira:.....*looks away*....I used to be his model.....
Miles: O_o.............
Lola:......*tiny cough*
Before Miles could even say a single word, Amira stormed out of the living room and into the bathroom, closing it and locking herself inside.
Miles: I.....uh....Amira?!
Miles: *looks at Lola* you wanna go get her?
Lola: *salutes*
Miles placed Lola on the ground and watched her hop over to the bathroom, so while she was busy with Amira, Miles opened the door and saw Yasu still standing there, slightly concerned.
Yasu:...I apologize if I was interrupting something.
Miles: it's ok. I was just teaching her how to cook.
Yasu: do you mind if I come in? I also need to get these females off of me.
Miles heard loud footsteps from down the hall, so he quickly signaled Yasu to come inside, which he instantly did and Miles closed the door, hearing a bunch of footsteps slowly approaching his apartment.
Inkling girl: where is he?!!!
Octoling girl: ugh! He isn't on this floor either!!
Inkling girl: let's try the third floor!!
Miles heard the footsteps slowly get quieter and quieter, making him feel relieved, but then he saw Yasu walking around his apartment while looking at all of his decorative furniture and items. Yasu slid his finger on a Tv stand, then looked at his finger to see not even a single speck of dust.
Yasu: your apartment is spotless....
Miles: *chuckles* well uh...I do like to clean. Plus dust makes me sneeze a lot....
Yasu sat down on Miles' couch, then pointed right at his apron.
Yasu: did you make that apron?
Miles: o-oh! No, Lola made it for me. She made Amira one too.
Yasu: is that so? The Cucumber looks fairly young.
Miles: she is, I'm just teaching her the alphabet early on in life, ya know? She's um......getting better at her spelling. She gets frustrated when she has to deal with Cs and Ks though. are perfect.
Miles: what?
Yasu: I came to ask you a certain question, Miles.
Miles: oh, what?'s pretty simple...but will yo-
Just then, Amira bursted out the bathroom and looked straight at Miles, shocking both of them while Lola was on top of her head.
Amira: don't answer it.
Yasu: Amira.....
Amira: Yasu.....
Yasu: it has been quite some time actually. You look more happy and healthy, my little Ruby.
Miles: wait what?
Amira: *looks away*
Yasu: I would usually give my models nicknames at times. Something that made them stand out.
Yasu pointed over to Amira, while also pointing at Miles, straight at their eyes.
Yasu: Amira has beautiful eyes that glisten like a Ruby gemstone. Your eyes remind me of an amethyst shining within the moonlight.
Miles: u-uh.....thanks?.....wait, why are you giving me a nickname? I'm not a model.
Yasu: *tiny smile* well, not yet at least.
Yasu reached into his pocket and pulled out a purple card, along with a red card. He handed Miles the purple card and he looked at it to see his name along with a simple tag that said "Marine live industries" above it.
Yasu: Miles....I'd wish for you to be my next big model for the Marine life Magazines.
Yasu looked over at Amira to see her looking away, from him and Miles. Yasu stood up and walked over to Amira, gently grabbing her hand and placing down the red card on it. The card read "Amira" on it, while also having the tag of "Marine Life Industries" above it as well.
Yasu: I'd wish for you to join once again as well, Amira. This time, you won't be modeling by yourself.
Yasu saw Amira look over at Miles to see him looking at the card, still slightly confused. She saw Yasu bow down in front of her in an apologetic way, letting out a tiny sigh in the process.
Yasu: I do apologize if my modeling for you back then made you fairly uncomfortable.
Yasu looked up and saw Lola whimpering on top of Amira's head while waving her numbs around, causing Yasu to chuckle a little and reach in his pocket to pull out a tiny sticker, and he put the sticker right on Lola's nub.
Yasu: yes, you can join too, little cucumber. You are a key part in this modeling.
Lola: *hugs the sticker*
Miles: w-wait wait! We never actually agreed to this yet!
Yasu: I understand. Miles, I do not wish for you and Amira to see me as any type of threat, or someone who's trying to downgrade you. When I saw you both, I saw pure beauty, perfection, excellence.
Yasu: Cynthia told me that you two are close, but you're not dating just yet. This is an interesting concept that can benefit us all.
Miles: *blushes hard* you talked to Cynthia?!
Yasu: *nods*
Amira: *blushes and sighs*......
Yasu: I'm already going to call you both "My little Gemstones". You both have unique traits about each other that make you stand out, and it leaves cephalopods questioning about you.
Yasu: The first pose could possibly be Amira letting out a beautiful blush while Miles stands across from her, holding out a rose. Lola would be on top of Miles' head to add an extra bit of cuteness to the cover page.
Miles: w-wait a sec-
Yasu: I would call it "Shining Romance""Glistening Romance"
Yasu let out a tiny chuckle, but then he looked back at Miles and Amira to see them both completely embarrassed from him. Yasu rubbed the back of his head slightly, starting to feel embarrassed as well.
Yasu: I deeply apologize.....when I really like something related to art or photography, I zone out and think too much.
Miles: it's alright....I uh....understand
Yasu: I can tell you two don't know how to respond to this question. I won't pressure you, so just take your time.
Yasu reached in his pocket and pulled out another little card, then walked over to Miles and handed it to him while giving him a calm smile, then walked over to the door and opened it up.
Yasu: if you wish to me.
Yasu closed the door and left the two speechless...not knowing what to say. Amira took the card from Miles and looked at it a bit more while Miles looked around to try and find Lola after noticing she went missing.
Miles: L-Lola?!
Miles heard squeals of excitement down the hallway, so he walked away and into his room to see Lola on his bed, holding her Inkopolis Ball dress, ready to put it on, but Miles took it from her and shook his head.
Miles: don't get too excited. We didn't even decide yet.
Lola: *whimpers*
Miles: *gives it back* can wear it around the house.
Lola: *happy cucumber noises*
Miles sat down on his bed and thought to himself before Amira walked into the room and looked at him, slightly concerned, but then saw Lola take the card out of her hand and look at it.
Lola: *reaches for Amira's phone*
Amira: no.
Lola: mmmm!
Amira: no.
Miles watched Lola hop off the bed and hop after Amira while reaching her numbs out to try and take Amira's phone from her, and Amira adorably backed away to dodge Lola's attempts, making him smile.
Miles:......(*sigh*......what have I gotten myself into?)
*Chapterly art*
Name: Yasu
Age: 18
Species: Octoling
Main: Kensa Splattershot.
Hobbies: photography, reading, watching high level Ranked matches.
Personality: calm, supportive, curious.
About: Yasu is a very popular Octoling boy....especially with the women....he is mainly known for his good looks and being the creator of the Marine life Magazines, the freshest Magazines in Inkopolis. Many Inklings and Octolings would try to get in touch with him just for the freshness bonus, sex, or money. Yasu doesn't want that...he just wants a simple friend who doesn't care about his status.
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