Chapter 24: Code 006
Within the police station, Gabby was sitting at her desk and writing down on a little slip of paper while an Inkling girl sat across from her.
Gabby: Mhm....*scribble scribble* last question.
Inkling girl: y-yes?....
Gabby: when did he exactly go missing?
Inkling girl:......4 days ago....I haven't seen him since.
Gabby: *scribble* I see....well....just give us a couple of days and we'll see what we can do-
Inkling girl: a couple of days?.........a couple....of days?
Gabby stood up and pinned the piece of paper to her wall while giving the Inkling girl a nod.
Gabby: yes. We'll search for your boyfriend as soon as we can.
The Inkling girl stood up and grabbed Gabby by her uniform, holding back tears and trembling a little.
Inkling girl: t-then start today!! Please!! I miss him!!
Gabby grabbed the girl's hands and gently moved them from off of her. Gabby gestured the Inkling to sit back down, so she did so, sniffling and rubbing her eyes. The Inkling girl saw Gabby sit back down herself and slide a box of tissues in front of her, allowing her to take some.
Gabby: listen....I feel bad for you...I really do...
Inkling girl:.....*looks away*....
Gabby: but you're not the only one experiencing these problems.
Gabby pointed to the wall where she pinned up the Inkling girl's note, showing her a BUNCH of different notes.
Gabby: Octolings have been going missing lately, and I've been busy trying to solve these cases.
Inkling girl:....I....I understand.....
Gabby: good. But I promise that we'll find him as soon as we can, alright?
The Inkling girl nodded and stood up from the chair, walking towards the door and opening it.
Inkling girl: thank you for your time....
The Inkling left, and Gabby let out a very long groan, slouching down in her chair and covering her face with her hands.
Gabby: what the hell is going on?....
Cynthia: yo, Gabs.
Gabby uncovered her face and saw Cynthia standing in front of her. Cynthia placed down a bento box and a coffee beside it, giving the girl a little smirk while putting one of her hands in her hoodie pocket.
Cynthia: brought ya lunch.
Gabby:...thanks....I could use it right now.
Gabby opened her bento box and began to eat slowly while looking as grumpy as ever, but she loosened up when she felt one of Cynthia's hands touch the top of her head.
Cynthia: don't work yourself too hard, Gabs.
Gabby: I know....*sigh*....
Cynthia: got any leads?
Gabby: *nom* all I know is whatever is taking these Octolings isn't that big of a threat.....possibly
Cynthia: Mhm.
Gabby: after Coraline told me about that weird voice message....whoever, or whatever sent that message, is sending it to a lot of Octolings. The Octolings don't seem to be hostile when it controls them that's good at least.
Just then, Gabby's office door opened once more and Bella, Yumi, Obsidian, and Aryll walked inside. Gabby placed down her lunch and looked at them all with a curious glare.
Gabby: anything?
Bella: I checked Piranha Pit...I couldn't find anything related to this.
Obsidian: I-I...searched near Sturgeon Shipyard....but I didn't find anything either.
Yumi: Walleye warehouse....nothing...
Gabby:....*sigh*.....*looks at Aryll*....kid?
Aryll: me and Sidon searched near Snapper Canal...all we could find was an Octoling boy who was banging his head on the wall....
Gabby: wait, for eel?
Cynthia: did you get that shit on video?
Gabby: *punches Cynthia's shoulder* tell me any details.
Aryll: details?
Gabby: yeah like, was he doing anything in particular besides banging his head?
Aryll: um...I went a little closer to him...and it sounded like he was mumbling something?
Gabby: do you know what he was mumbling?
Aryll: sounded like he was saying Parasites?....and Plaza?
Gabby: welp, at least we know whatever is controlling these Octolings, does not like Inklings.
Aryll: but what about the plaza part?
Gabby:.....I believe I know......
Gabby walked over to Aryll and patted her on the head while giving her a very tiny smile.
Gabby: you did good, kid.
Aryll: *gasp* yes!
Gabby: *glares at Bella, Obsidian, and Yumi* you guys are fucking useless...
Bella: wha-
Miles slowly opened his eyes, groaning a little while feeling something cold on top of his forehead. He slowly reached up and grabbed a wet cloth from off of his head, looking at it and just... leaning up and sitting there in silence.
Miles: I guess....I really did pass out.
Amira: Mhm...
Amira walked over to Miles and sat down next to him, taking the wet cloth from his hand.
Amira: Miles, you shouldn't push yourself so hard.
Amira: these past two've barely slept, and I know you're....upset.
Miles: well...of course...but I have to find Lola........
Amira:....but you must rest for a minute...catch your breath....
Miles: I know...but.....who knows what's happening to her right now? She could be getting tortured......I know she's scared....she's just a little cucumber....
Miles slouched over and let out a long sigh, but he felt Amira adorably pat him on the head.
Miles: it's just......Lola is the only thing I got now......
Miles:....Echo left me........and I just.....
Miles rubbed his eye a little, looking away from Amira, but letting out a sniffle, catching her by surprise.
Miles: I wish for her guidance right now.....
Miles: she'd know what to do.......she'd know where to find Lola.....without her...I just feel so fucking alone....
Miles gently grasped his own chest and began to shake a little, holding in his tears as best as he could.
Miles: ever since she felt as if half of my purpose to live has been stripped away from me.......she meant that much to me......
Miles: the only thing that makes me happy now.....the only thing that keeps me going........and without her....I don't know what to do....
Amira began to feel a little bad for Miles, watching his tears slowly fall down his face and onto the floor. She felt herself tense up once more, thinking on if she should say what was on her mind. Amira reached over and grabbed Miles' hand, feeling more embarrassed than usual, but yet so determined to try and make him smile.
Amira:.....I understand.....that to us.....we see Lola as your pet.....but to see her as something more.....
Amira gently clenched a little tighter onto Miles' hand, feeling her emotions run wild within her body, but she ignored it and just looked straight at him.
Amira: Miles.........I........want to be there.........for you......
Amira: you have....been in my head....for quite some time........whenever I think about you...the ink in my body begins to bubble and are the first one to ever make me feel this way.......
Amira: do you remember what you told me when I went to your apartment? About....having..."the crush"
Miles:....*tiny nod*
Amira: you said the crush is when you really, really, really like someone...more than just friendship.....You want to have more with that person, share memories with them, care for them, love them dearly.
Amira:.....I....wish to have that with you.....I believe.........I believe I.......have....the crush....on you, Miles.
Miles sat there...completely shocked and not knowing what to say.....he knew Amira just confessed her feelings to him.....but.....he didn't expect it at all....his body began to feel a little warm inside....the same feeling that Amira explained to him...his ink bubbled and boiled if he wanted to open his mouth and respond...but he didn't even know what to say.
Amira: I may not ever be as important to you like Echo was.....but....I wish to at least hold a tiny place within your heart.
Amira let out a tiny sigh, then looked away from Miles, slowly letting go of his hand.
Amira: but first.
Amira: we should focus on Lola.....I do...possibly know where she is, and Leon... do?
Amira:....when you collapsed today, I took you to my apartment, but along the way....I saw an Octoling....mindlessly walking in a certain direction...then I saw another....following it. you believe...that they are all going to the same location?
Amira: *nods*.....I wish to wait until nightfall....but....I do want to tell Coraline about what I've seen....she should come..
Amira stood up and walked away from the couch, but she felt Miles grab her hand, causing her to look back and see him staring at her while looking a but uncomfortable and embarrassed.
Miles:.......about your having a crush on m-
Amira: *shakes her head* wish to tell you everything after this conflict is over. That is more important.
Miles:....*nods* yeah. Let's go get her.
The sun slowly set outside, and Coraline let out a tiny sigh while putting on a simple bandana. Miles reached over and patted her on the back, catching her attention and making her smile a bit. Miles had a Kensa Mini Splatling strapped to his back while Coraline had her bobby sitting next to her.
Miles: we'll get him back.
Coraline: thanks....
Amira walked into the room while wearing her gear back when she fought Bella, along with her E-Liter strapped to her back. Amira let out a sigh and straightened her facemask a little, making Coraline look away from her menacing glare.
Miles: so....where are we going?...
Amira didn't answer Miles, but instead walked over to Coraline's backdoors that lead out to her balcony. Amira opened up the doors and looked back at the two, gesturing them to follow her.
Amira: let us go.
Amira super jumped off from the balcony, so Miles and Coraline, a little confused, decided to super jump along with her. The three soared through the sky, and Miles looked down to see some Octolings slowly walking along by themselves, but in a very dead and emotionless way.
Amira: more of them are getting attracted to it....
Coraline:...this is bad....
Amira: *shakes her head* it's most likely a host sending out radio waves that effects them and lures them in.
Miles: so, if we take out the host?
Amira: then the Octoling's should return to their senses.
The three soared across the sea, but when they started to lose altitude, they landed on top of a floating building within the water. Amira looked back and saw a bunch of Octolings super jumping over them, past them and to a certain location.
Miles: where the hell are they going?
Amira: you'll see soon enough...
Amira, Miles, and Coraline turned into their squid forms, then super jumped again, soaring through the sky along with the Octolings. Miles looked to his left and saw an Octoling boy, who was twitching a little and mumbling to himself.
Coraline: Look...
Miles looked down and saw a familiar looking tower......deca seemed different...while the Octolings landed right in front of it, Amira, Miles, and Coraline landed on top of a similar looking building.
Amira: *nods* not many Inklings know about this, but Octolings usually come here to play Turf war instead of Inkopolis Square. place was abandoned by us Inklings when Inkopolis square became the new hot spot.....
Amira: *nods* at times, Octolings would come here to have fun....but it seems that this place turned out to be some weird area to gather them.
Coraline: but didn't you say something about there being a host?
Amira: correct....there must be something giving off that sound...or someone.
Miles: but how will we find the-
???: My Octoling comrades!
Amira, Miles, and Coraline laid down on top of the building and inspected from above, seeing an Octoling boy walk in front of the crowd of Octolings. The Octoling boy had wacky hair, a cocky smile, and light skin. He raised his hands in the air towards the Octolings, giving off a very bad vibe.
???: I've gathered up a good amount of you tonight.....*tiny smirk*....
The Octoling boy put his hands in his pockets, then shouted for a number...confusing Miles, Coraline, and even Amira a little.
???: code 007.....approach me....and hand her over.
Just then, an Octoling girl walked over to the boy, actually shocking the three Inklings watching from afar when they saw her face.
Coraline: that?
Amira: Buttercup. The Octoling girl from the Hybrids squad.
Miles:...the hell is she doing here? And the hell was with the numbers he called her?
Coraline: wait...guys look at what she's holding.
Miles and Amira looked at Buttercup's hand to see her holding a squirming yellow object, an object that Miles recognized all too well.
Miles: Lola!-
Amira: *covers his mouth*....
Buttercup firmly held Lola in her hand, then offered the cucumber to the Octoling boy, while showing a completely different side to herself...a side that none of them had ever seen before from her.
The Octoling boy, or 006, took Lola and glared at her while letting out a nice smile.
6: hello little's been a while.....
Lola shifted and squirmed within the boy's hand, trying to break free, but the boy tightened his grip, even digging his Octoling claws into her a little, causing her to let out a little whimper.
6: I can't believe you decided to run away from your master.......disobeying me.....and you retreated to the surface as well?
Buttercup: I knew it was her....the second I saw her.....with a boy.
6: a boy?....who took my inquiry from me?
Buttercup: that doesn't matter.....all he said was she randomly showed up in his apartment one day and never left.
6:.....*glares at Lola* so you decided to find a new owner?.....
6 tightened his grip around Lola once more, forcing her to let out a louder whimper than before while he gritted his teeth and glared.
6: now you listen to me! You do not belong to anyone else besides me, got it?!!! Your job is to protect me when I am in battle!!! That is all you stupid cucumbers are good for!!!
Amira looked over at Miles, seeing him gritting his teeth and glaring straight at the Octoling boy.
Miles: no....that's it...
Miles hopped down from the building, landing right in the middle of the plaza and catching the attention of Buttercup and 6.
Miles: HEY!
6: an Inkling?.......I thought you said that Inklings do not show up to this place anymore?....
Buttercup: that's what I-
6: you're so fucking useless....
Miles: give me back Lola, YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!
6: *chuckles* you mean the cucumber?
6 grabbed Lola's little bow that Miles bought her, taking it off and tossing it away while smirking at him.
6: I can't believe you actually fucking named this thing.
6 tossed Lola over to Buttercup, then began walking towards Miles while glaring at him.
6: last time I checked, squid; you're an Inkling. Inklings don't own cucumbers
Miles: so this is why Lola was so scared when she first showed up to my apartment...she was scared of you!!
6: she just couldn't handle the pressure of battle...I call that a weakness....but sadly I was stuck with her....and....
6 lifted up his shirt to show Miles a gigantic wound on his stomach, shocking him a little.
6: a cucumber's main purpose in life is to protect and serve their owners......all except for "Lola" of course.
6: within the heat of battle, I was badly injured because that cucumber abandoned me.....she was too scared to protect her master.....I should've died that day...but luckily I survived......
Miles: in all honesty.....*glares* you should've died that day....the world would've been better off without you.
6:...excuse me...
6: that is a cucumber pur-
Miles: purpose this, purpose that. YOU ABUSED HER!! LOLA HAS A LIFE TOO!!!
Amira and Coraline were completely shocked from Miles, seeing him glare straight at 6, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists.
Miles: I hope you die a horrible and painful bastard....
Miles: let these Octolings go......and give me Lola bac-
6 tightened his fist and swung straight at Miles, punching him across the face and grinning in the process, but to his shock, Miles swung straight back at him and punched him right in the face as well, making him tumble back a little.
6 felt blood trail down his nose slowly, which made him shake as he glared straight at Miles, who reached behind him and pulled out a Kensa Mini Splatling, making him realize what Miles wanted.
6: so that's what you wish?.......
6: I see......then so be it.....we shall fight here in the Plaza.....
6 reached behind him and pulled out an Octo Shot, glaring at Miles, but before they started to fight, 6 reached under his shirt and pulled out a necklace, pressing a button on it and talking into it.
6: give us space....
Miles looked around and saw every single Octoling walk backwards until they were on the edge of Inkopolis plaza. 6 took off the necklace and tossed the necklace over to Buttercup.
6: keep them in check....that's at least one thing you can do right...
Miles watched 6 look straight back at him, then point his Octo shot at him.
6: let us begin....
6 dashed at Miles with incredible speed, getting right up in his face, but Miles luckily jumped in the air to avoid his shots, charging his mini Splatling and shooting down at 6, but he dodged the shots with a grin on his face.
6: I see you have amazing reaction timing......
Miles:....*sigh*....(he's fast....luckily I brought my mini Splatling instead of a regular one.....)
Miles reached behind him and grabbed a Toxic mist sub, glaring at 6 while holding it in one hand.
Miles: (might as well use this mist to slow him down so I can get some clear shots.....)
While Miles and 6 were battling, Coraline ran through the crowd of Octolings searching for Leon, but when she finally found him, his eyes were completely emotionless...and his pupils were red, but Coraline looked next to Leon to see Grey in the same state, completely under 6's control.
Coraline: Leon.....Grey....
Coraline felt someone aiming straight at her, and she looked up and saw Buttercup aiming her Splattershot pro straight at her, but before Buttercup could shoot, she turned into her Octopus form and dodged an E-Liter shot in mid-air, landing back on her feet to see Amira walking towards her with her E-Liter in hand.
Amira: return the Octolings to their respective homes...
Buttercup: as if I'd ever listen to someone like you.
Amira:.....fine then....
Amira dashed straight at Buttercup, throwing her off guard for a second. Buttercup tried to shoot at Amira, but she dodged her shots and flipped her E-Liter backwards, hitting Buttercup straight in the gut with the back of her E-Liter, knocking the wind out of her and causing her to stumble back.
Buttercup held her stomach in pain, looking up at Amira's devastating glare. Her red eyes pierced straight into her soul, and her body gave off a very dark and menacing inky aura.....
Amira: you hurt Lola.......meaning you hurt Miles in the process.....
Amira: you are within a high rank....are you not?...
Amira summoned her bubble blower as Buttercup's eyes widened in fear.....unlike other times....when Amira didn't mean to glare at people in a menacing way.....this time....she meant it deeply.
Amira: I have no need to hold back against you then....
Miles and 6 went back and forth shooting at each other, with some of 6's shots barely missing Miles.
6: you might as well give up.....I only need to splat you once...and it's over.
Miles' tentacles began to shine, so he instantly summoned his ultra stamp, shocking 6 in a curious way.
6: so these are the specials you....Inklings have now.
6: I'll give you've lasted pretty long within this I'm going to assume you are skilled with that hammer.
Miles: looks like you have common sense....
6: *chuckles* don't underestimate me either.....because unlike you....
6 pulled out an Inkzooka, shocking Miles completely as he let out a devilish smirk.
6: this Octo shot is the oldest model....meaning I still have my same arsenal from many years ago.
6 aimed his Inkzooka at Miles and laughed in a very creepy way.
6: let's see if you can dodge this with that reaction timing of yours!
6 shot his Inkzooka and a giant Ink tornado quickly approached Miles. Miles grunted and held his ultra stamp in front of him, completely blocking the Inkzooka shot, but it knocked him back a lot.
Miles:....jeez....I forgot how powerful that thing was......
Coraline: yo, Miles!
Miles looked over at Coraline and saw her smirking at him with her bomb launcher strapped onto her back, holding a suction bomb in her hand.
Coraline: wanna try that cool tactic we were planning?!
Miles:......*smirks*.....hell yeah!
Miles got into a stance, confusing 6. Miles held his ultra stamp up like a baseball bat and nodded at Coraline.
Coraline: Ultra suction bomb barrage!!
Miles: hit me, Coraline!
Coraline threw a suction bomb at Miles, then he swung his ultra stamp like a bat, hitting the bomb and making it fly towards 6. 6 dodged the bomb, amazed and confused on their tactics, but when the suction bomb was a massive explosion behind him, shocking him.
6:....(impossible........suction bombs aren't that.....powerful....what is the meaning of this?)
Miles: here comes another!!
Miles hit another suction bomb that Coraline tossed at him, sending it straight at 6. He noticed that the suction bomb was glowing with bright ink....and ink flowed from off of it like an Inkling's hair when their special was ready.
6: (.....I see.....)
6 saw 3 more suction bombs fly his way, but in random directions, causing him to jump around to avoid the giant explosions created by them.
6: ( his power and ink from the ultra stamp......when he hits the suction powers them up even more....making them stronger...)
Coraline: *toss* *toss* toss* take him down, Miles!
Miles: *hit* *hit* *hit* on it!!
6 dodged the bombs, but more and more came his way, causing him to start to get irritated.
6: (I guess I'll have to taking him out)
6 shot his Inkzooka once more at Miles, but Miles looked over at Coraline and nodded at her once more.
Miles: Up!!
Coraline: throwing uuuuup!!
Coraline tossed a bomb upwards, and Miles jumped above 6's Inkzooka shot, hitting the bomb downwards and making it hit his Inkzooka, knocking it out of his hand and exploding.
Miles landed back down and his ultra stamp disappeared along with Coraline's bombs. Miles saw 6 rush at him with his Octo shot once more. Miles jumped back while throwing down a toxic mist, but when Miles was about to land, he saw a suction bomb behind him.
Miles: (w-when the hell did he?!....)
Miles jumped away while looking at the bomb, completely taking his eyes off of 6. Miles heard 6 behind him though, and the second he was about to turn around and counter attack him.......he didn't feel any shots of ink hit his body.......but....instead felt something penetrate his back......something sharp.....Miles' eyes widened, as he felt 6's hand grasp onto his shoulder from behind.
Coraline: MILES!!!!
6: sometimes you gotta play dirty to win....
6 saw something dash at him from the corner of his eye at great fucking speed. Before he could put up his hands to guard himself, he felt Amira stab and completely pierce straight through his right shoulder with the barrel of her E-Liter, making him wince in pain from the stiff, hard metal.
Amira: I agree.......
6 lifted his blade that he stabbed Miles with, but before it could slash Amira, she grabbed his wrist with her other hand. 6 could see the veins popping from out of Amira's hand...clearly showing that this girl was fucking pissed. Amira squeezed the boy's hand hard, making him drop the blade.
6: Y-You.....fucking....parasite!
Amira kneed 6 in the gut, making him grunt once again in pain. 6 tried to escape, but he couldn't, Amira's E-Liter was still pierced straight through his shoulder, holding him in place, seeing her glare completely send a strike of fear through his body.
6:....*pant*.....007!!! Help me!-
6's eyes widened when he saw Buttercup completely unconscious on the ground, covered in Amira's ink, making him glare at her with murderous intent, but whenever 6 tried to break free from her grip, Amira would tighten her grip instead, completely overpowering him.
6 looked over and saw Lola whimpering while looking up at Miles, who was holding his back while panting in pain. Making him completely pissed.
Lola did nothing but look away and climb onto Miles' leg, making 6 more pissed and aggravated.
6: that...fucking...
Amira: we're done.....
Amira headbutted 6 hard as hell, making his vision blurry and causing his ears to ring.....6's eyes slowly closed and Amira let go of him, pulling her E-Liter out of his shoulder and watching him fall to the ground.
Amira pulled out the necklace from her pocket that she stole from Buttercup after she whooped her ass, then pressed the button on it.
Amira: return home.......this never happened.......
Amira dropped the necklace and stomped on it, and the second she did, all of the Octolings began to groan in pain, holding their heads. Leon whimpered to himself, but was instantly met by a hug by Coraline.
Coraline: Leon!
Leon:...w-what......where am I?......
Octoling girl: I just...have the urge to go home...
Octoling boy: what the hell happened?
Meanwhile, while Octolings were completely clueless, Amira walked over to Miles to see him holding Lola and hugging her, with Lola wrapping her nubs around his head.
Miles: Lola!! *Sniff* I missed you so much!!
Lola: *whimpers while sniffling*
Amira: M-Miles....your injury.....
Amira: do you wish for me to patch it up for you when we get back?
Miles: *smiles* sure....luckily he didn't hit stab anything important. *Chuckles* at least I don't have to go to the hospital this time.
Gabby: Miles? Amira?
Miles and Amira looked over to see Gabby, Cynthia, Bella, Obsidian, Yumi, and Aryll walking into Inkopolis Plaza, through all of the Octolings.
Miles: hey guys.
Gabby: well I guess you guys dealt with the problem before us, huh?
Miles: *Ngyes*! I got Lola back!!
Lola: mm!
Aryll: *gasp* Lola!!
Amira walked over to Gabby and handed her the now broken necklace device, giving her a tiny nod in the process.
Gabby: is this the thing that was controlling them?
Amira: yes... can give this to the team...they can check it out...after they fix it, of course.
While everyone was discussing and joking around a little. Bella and Obsidian were kneeling down to the Octoling boy that's was unconscious on the ground, looking at his wrist to see the same symbol that was on their wrists, with code 006....shocking them both.
Obsidian:....he.....died in the bombing....didn't.....he?
Just then, Grey walked over to the two while holding Buttercup in his arms, clearly looking a little upset.
Grey:.....I.......never knew......
Obsidian and Bella noticed the same symbol on Buttercup's wrist, with code 007.
*Chapterly art*
Dating advice from Gabby? Would u take it?
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