Chapter 23: A New Life

Nova stood on top of a cliff, looking at the sun as it began to rise slowly.....she sat down and let out a little sigh, hearing footsteps approach her from behind. Nova turned around and saw....herself....well...her old self.....

Echo: you're really willing to leave this all behind....huh?


Echo sat down next to Nova....hugging her knees up to her chest and looking out at the sunrise as well.

Echo: remember all of the cool memories though?....


Echo: *Snickers* remember when you made Miles laugh so hard that he shot milk out of his nose?

Nova:...*nods* Mhm...

Echo: or that time when Lola hit him right in the crotch when we were playing baseball?



Echo reached over to Nova, grabbing her shoulder and giving her a tiny smile.

Echo: even though times are tough for you right now....I can tell.....that deep deep still care for that idiot..

Nova:...... have to apologize eventually....

Nova:...who says I have to? Bluefin depot.......what you said to Miles that day.....really broke his heart.....


Echo: he may not love you in a romantic way....but he loves you as his closest and dearest friend.....his best friend.

Nova: why do I have to listen to you, huh? You don't even exist!

Nova looked away and clenched her fists while gritting her teeth, trying to hold in tears.

Nova: it's always Friend this, Friend that!......what am I missing?......I've love him for all of these years......and I did everything for him.....and he never did anything back in return.

Echo:.....c' know Miles is oblivious to shit like this. He's a very nice guy...he would never hurt anyone unless they hurt him or his friends you know Miles didn't intentionally ignore your feelings.

Nova:.....just go away.....


Nova:.....I'm done talking.....

Echo stood up and gave Nova a tiny smile as she slowly started to fade away.

Echo: as you wish....I hope you enjoy your new life.......but please.........if you ever see him again.......apologize....

Echo faded away completely and left Nova all by herself. She let out a tiny sigh and watched as everything around her began to turn white.

Nova:....there's no going back now......


Guppy: Nova...Nova!

Nova felt taps on her cheek from a very pointy finger, causing her to groan and open her eyes to see Guppy standing over her and smiling.

Guppy: good morning!

Nova: mmmmm....

Guppy: you feel asleep on the train, so I decided to pick you up and take you to my apartment. Also you are a very heavy sleeper.

Nova leaned up from the bed and rubbed her eyes slowly, then looked around in the apartment, noticing that it was a little messy, with some ramen cups on the floor and water bottles.

Nova looked at Guppy and saw her wearing weird looking pajamas, causing her to tilt her head as she grabbed her glasses from off the table next to the bed.

Nova: what are you wearing?

Guppy: my seahorse onesie! Do you like it?! Look, it even has a cute tail!

Guppy turned around and began shaking her ass, swinging the seahorse tail back and forth while giggling.

Guppy: seahorse, seahorse, seahorse.

Nova: oh....also, what time is it?

Guppy: it's 1 Pm. You slept for HOURS.

Nova: well I haven't slept in

Guppy: *smiles* well, you're all healthy and rested now. C'mon, I made breakfast.

Guppy skipped out of the room and Nova slowly got out of the bed, placing her feet on the cold, hard wooden floor. Nova walked out of the room and into the Living room to hear the Tv on, playing some random show.

Nova walked past the living room and saw Guppy sitting at a table and smiling while humming to herself. Nova sat down across from Guppy and looked down at her "breakfast" to see that it was just a simple cup of ramen.

Guppy: heh....yeah, I can't I just made this instead. I hope you like it.

Nova: *nods* it's alright, neither can I.

The two grabbed their chopsticks and began to slurp up the noodles together. Guppy slurped up some noodles, then looked over at Nova to see her slowly chewing her food.

Guppy: mmmm.....alright, I have a confession to make!

Nova: hm?

Guppy: I've never had a girl-friend before! But I've always wanted one so badly!

Nova: *tilts her head*

Guppy: so when you said you were moving to Coral City...I kinda just...saw the opportunity and took it, ya know?

Nova: *nods*...I guess.

Guppy: so.....*breaths iiiiiiin*

Guppy slammed her hands on the table and glared at Nova, Confusing her a little.

Guppy: Nova! Will you be my girl-friend?!

Nova:....uh....what exactly do you mean by "girlfriend"?

Guppy: N-N-No! Not THAT type of girlfriend!! I meant like, girl-friend! GIRL FRIEND! a friend that is a girl! You're a girl and I'm a girl, so-

Nova: *chuckles* ok ok, calm yourself.

Nova slurped up the last bit of her noodles before standing up and walking over to the trash, throwing her cup away and yawning while Guppy was waiting impatiently and nervously for a response.

Guppy: so is that a yes? A no? A Ngyes?

Nova:.....*sigh*.....well, I do wanna start not?

Guppy: *gaaaaaaasp* you mean it?!

Nova: sure, we can be "girl-friends"

Guppy: Eeeeeeeeeeeee!

Guppy stood up and raised her fist in the air while happily squealing while Nova just stood there and couldn't help but smile at the adorable Octo.

Guppy: I can't wait! Now we can watch boy drama movies, and read magazines, and get our hair done, and paint each other's nails!

Nova: Inklings don't have nails.

Guppy:.....and you can paint my nails!!

Nova: I suppose....

Guppy: hehehehe! I can't wait to tell Zip about this!

Nova: Zip?

Guppy: yeah, he's my friend and he builds weapons. He's so fresh! why don't we go meet him? I do wanna explore this city after all.

Guppy: hmph! Say no more, my girly friendo. We shall!

Guppy ran into a room, then literally came out almost instantly wearing regular clothes and a little backpack. confusing Nova for a second. did you change your clothes so fast?....

Guppy: that is a story for another day. Now!

Guppy tossed Nova her shoes and socks then sat down on the couch while hopping up and down.

Guppy: c'mon, c'mon, c'mon!

Nova: alright, hold your seahorses.

Nova sat down next to Guppy, sliding on her socks and shoes while Guppy swayed her head from side to side, humming in the process.

Nova: I have never seen an Octoling so....energetic like you before.

Guppy: I can't help it. I wake up and I feel so happy and pumped up!

Nova: *tiny smile* well that's nice...

Nova stood up and Guppy skipped over to her door, opening it and gesturing Nova to walk out first.

Guppy: my girlfriend~


Nova walked out of the apartment as Guppy closed the door and locked it behind them. Nova took a nice long look outside, seeing the vibrant colors that the city gave off....the tall buildings, the Inkling's and Octolings riding along on their bikes or skateboards, and the sound of cars passing by.

Nova: so.....this is Coral City?

Guppy: yup!

Nova: welp, let's get going. You super jump and I'll follow yo-

Guppy: oh no, no, no, we can't do that.

Nova:....wait, for eel? Why?

Guppy: this is a super jump-free zone. you're only allowed to super jump in and out of the city, but you're not allowed to super jump from place to place within the city.

Nova:....well that's lame.

Guppy: that's how most populated places are.

Nova: *taps her foot* so, what's our form of transportation? 

Guppy: hmph! You underestimate me, dear friend.

Nova was confused at first, but saw Guppy click the heels off her shoes together, letting little wheels pop out from the bottom of her shoes.

Nova: woah.......oh yeah, you were using roller skates when you bumped into me.

Guppy: I said I was sorry....anyway! these are the Sea shell Shredders! My prized babies!

Nova:...well, they look neat.

Guppy: they double as shoes and rollerblades, So I just use these babies to get to places.

Nova: alright, but we have a problem.

Guppy: hm?

Nova: I don't have roller

Guppy: you sure love underestimating the mighty Guppy, don't you?

Nova: what?

Guppy turned around so her back was facing Nova, then she pointed to her backpack while smirking.

Guppy: you're gonna be riding in style. want me to get in there?

Guppy: well duh!


Guppy: it's either that or we're walking all the way there. I refuse to take the public bus.

Nova hesitated, but eventually sighed and unzipped the backpack, turning into her squid form and hopping inside, making Guppy smile.

Guppy: good, now hold on tight!

Guppy began skating her way down the apartment complex pretty fast, making Nova peek out the backpack and watch from behind, seeing the Octoling skate around cephalopods and obstacles.

Guppy: *dodge* excuse me!

Inkling boy:.....*sigh*....

Guppy: *jump* sorry!

Inkling girl:....*rolls her eyes*'re going to kill someone....

Guppy looked back at Nova, then gave her a thumbs up with a cocky, yet adorable smirk.

Guppy: don't worry, I'm a pro at this.

Nova: bench....

Guppy: what?

Nova: The bench, Guppy!! Look out for the bench!!!

Guppy turned back around and saw that she was about to run straight into a public bench, but she reacted just in time and jumped in the air, then grinded on the back of the bench, safely making it by.

Guppy: I told you, I'm a prooooo!

Nova: I take back what I said. You're gonna kill US before you kill someone else.

Guppy: I've been doing this for years, so we'll be ok.

Nova: you literally crashed into me when we first met.

Guppy: ok, that doesn't count! You walked out of the bathroom and I couldn't react in time!

Nova: uh-huh. I thought you were a skater pro?

Guppy: hmph! I am!

Nova: If you were a pro, then you would've dodged me instead, hmmmm?

Guppy: *puffs her cheeks* hush!

Nova let out a tiny chuckle and took the time to appreciate the beautiful City. She felt the breeze flow by from how fast Guppy was going, causing her to look right at the back of the Octoling's head, finally noticing how wacky her hair actually was, making her a little curious.

Nova: your tentacles are so crazy and cool looking.

Guppy: awe, thanks!

Nova: did you dye the tips?

Guppy: *shakes her head* nope. I was born like this.

Nova: woah...I didn't even know that it was possible to be born with tentacles like this.

Guppy: it's very rare. *Shrugs* sadly nobody ever believes me when I tell them.

Nova: so, why is your name Guppy? Is it because you're small or something? And a Guppy is a very small fish?

Guppy: *whimpers* why does everyone think thaaaaat!

Nova: I thought it was obvious.

Guppy: my name has nothing to do with my height! Hmph! Just because I'm shorter than the average Octoling girl, doesn't mean you can make fun of me for it.

Nova: ok, ok, sorry. So, why is your name Guppy?'s my hair.


Guppy: a Guppy fish's primary color is red, but they can come in many different colors, ya know? That's why my mama named me that, also because when I was born, the doctors....mistaken me for a Guppy fish....


Guppy: It's not funnyyyyy!

Guppy cut a corner and stopped right in front of a shop, clicking her wheels back into her shoes.

Guppy: anyway, we're here!

Nova hopped out of Guppy's backpack and turned back into her human form, looking up at the sign to see it read "Mackerel Munitions".

Nova: Mackerel Munitions?....huh....neat name. The weapon shop I went to was just called Ammo Knights.

Guppy: oooh, with that crab guy!

Nova: I suppose. Anyway, let's head in.

Nova and Guppy walked inside of the store to see an Inkling boy in simple overalls, goggles, and boots working on a metallic type of weapon. He had tan skin, black eyes, and his tentacles were tied up in a simple default Inkling boy hairstyle.

Guppy: Ziiiiiip!

Zip: *looks up* oh, Guppy. How was your trip to see your cousin?

Guppy: it was rawsome! We went everywhere together!

Zip: uuuuh huh.....*screw screw*...mind tossing me that wrench next to ya?

Guppy looked to her side to see a wrench that was placed on top of a shelf. She picked it up and tossed it over at Zip, then he caught it while giving her a sweet smile.

Zip: thanks.

Guppy and Nova walked closer to the desk that the Inkling boy was working on, and Guppy put her hands on her hips while pouting a little.

Guppy: you work too hard, Zip. You have to take a break every once in a while.

Zip: *twist twist* eh, I just got off break. Also, who's the girl next to ya?

Guppy: oh, This is my girlfriend! Nova!

Zip: *grabs plyers* woah Guppy, I didn't know you swing that way.

Guppy: wha- no no no!

Nova: she's basically trying to say I'm her friend. Also, nice to meet you.

Zip stopped working for a second and looked up at Nova, placing down his plyers and chuckling a little while raising an eyebrow.

Zip: right back at ya. I've never seen your face around here before, are you new?

Nova: *nods*

Zip: where did you move from?

Nova: oh uh...Inkopolis.....well, I used to live in Flounder heights to be exact.

Zip: Inkopolis huh? I've heard many good and bad things from over there.

Guppy: *nods* Inklings over there are pretty mean.

Zip: a bunch of mean slurs come from there. But that's slowly dying down thanks to that one girl...uh...*snaps his fingers* what's her name......

Guppy: oh! Isabella?!

Zip: yeah, yeah, her. She was trending on the news a couple of weeks ago. that so?...

Guppy: do you know who Isabella is, Nova?

Nova:....*looks away* k-kinda, yeah.

Zip: she's a pretty nice girl. She's inspiring many Octolings to stand up and defend themselves.

Guppy: *punching the air* yeah, yeah!

Nova: uh....A-Anyway, Zip.

Zip: hm?

Nova: do you run this shop all by yourself?

Zip: at times.

Nova:'re just a kid?

Zip: *gasp* excuse me, I'm 18 years old! *Crosses his arms* I'm legally an adult.

Nova:'re pretty smart for an 18 year old....what are you even working on?

Zip: oh! Something that's gonna blow squids and Octos sky high!!

Zip picked up the metallic looking creation, then gestured Nova and Guppy to follow him.

Zip: you came just in time. I was just finishing up with it.

Zip opened up a door to the back of his shop, showing Guppy and Nova a testing facility with test dummies.

Nova: woah....

Zip: watch this.

Zip pulled out a splattershot and sprayed the ground with his ink, then held his creation up for Nova and Guppy to see. It looked like a very deadly, sharp, metallic fish....with large fins and long teeth.

Zip threw the metallic fish into the Ink, then a loud beeping noise was heard and a fin popped up from the ink like a shark. The fin swam closer and closer to one of the test dummies, then when it was right next to it, the fish jumped up and bit the dummy, latching onto it and exploding like a splat bomb.

Guppy: Wooooooah!!!!

Nova: what was that?

Zip: like I said, a new creation of mine.

Zip walked over to a table in the testing facility, then picked up another one of the metallic fishes that he had stacked up.

Zip: I call these subs, barracudas.

Nova: exactly does it work?

Zip: in a similar fashion to an Auto bomb. Once thrown, Barracudas use echolocation to find their target, then they swim in the ink towards them at rapid speed, and if it manages to catch the target, it'll hop up and latch onto them like a sticky splat bomb, exploding for a guaranteed splat!

Guppy: that's so coooool!

Zip: buuuut! That's not all!


Zip: let's just say you and your friends get a team wipe, and the enemies are in their spawn, yes? Watch this.

Zip stood in a different angle from the test dummies and tossed down the Barracuda sub, but instead of the Barracuda chasing a test dummy, it stayed in place and sharp teeth shot up from the ground where Zip threw it.

Zip: bam! If the Barracuda can't find a target to chase, it'll stay in place and act as an Ink Mine instead.

Nova: sweet.

Zip: the only downside to these bad boys is they don't have that much range on their echolocation, and they won't chase their target for long.

Nova: well, how do you avoid them?

Zip: just dodge to the side, or you can shoot the fin of the Barracuda as it's chasing you. It'll do damage and destroy it.

Guppy: that's so coooool! Can I try them?!

Zip: m-maybe soon! I still need to work out the kinks, ya know?

Nova leaned against the wall and watched as Guppy tried to take the Barracuda from Zip's hands, but he held it away from her. Nova sighed a little, then looked up at the clouds.

Nova: (.....welp.....this is just the beginning)....


*Sturgeon Shipyard*

Yumi, Miles, and Bella were sitting within the Coffin Fish Café and watching the Top level match between Squad Rank 65, The Angel Squids squad, and Squad Rank 70, The Venom Ink squad.

Cynthia: *cleaning a plate* which team are you guys rooting for?

Yumi:....Venom Ink...

Bella: *shrugs* either.

Miles: I honestly don't know.

Amira: *hands Miles his coffee* Venom Ink and Angel Squids have been at each other's throats for months I believe.

Yumi: *nods* every time they would fight, the Angel Squids would win and take the place above Venom Ink.

Bella: yeah, but I have a good feeling about today though.

The Angel Squids squad consisted of all Inklings, with two Inkling girls, and two Inkling boys. One Inkling girl used the regular Dynamo roller, while the other girl used the N-Zap. One of the Inkling boys used the regular Splattershot, while the other used the Ink brush.

The Venom Ink squad consisted of all Octolings, with three Octoling girls and 1 Octoling boy. The Octoling boy used the Custom Jet Squelcher, while the first Octoling girl used the Kensa Splat roller, the second used the regular .52 Gal, and the third used the Custom Hydra Splatling.


*Angel Squids have the Rainmaker*

*1 minute left!*

*As: 45, Vi: 52*

The Kensa Splat roller respawned and cursed to herself while stomping her foot a little.

Roller Octoling girl: *sigh*....we're gonna lose again....

Just then, the Octoling boy respawned next to her and patted her on the back, giving her a tiny smile.

Squelcher Octoling boy: we have a minute left, don't lose hope.

The Roller nodded and the two super jumped to their Custom Hydra Splatling, who was standing up at her post, shooting down at them.

Hydra Octoling girl: they're holding the rainmaker in their spawn area. They're too scared to move out because of me.

Squelcher Octoling boy: good, watch out for the Dynamo. Also, where's our .52?

Hydra Octoling girl: she's rushing in there to splat the Rainmaker carrier.

The Squelcher Octoling boy looked at the Roller Octoling girl, giving her a nod.

Squelcher Octoling boy: you know what to do.

The Roller Octoling girl nodded and ran off while the Hydra Splatling and Squelcher stayed in the back to defend.

Within the Angel Squids spawn, the Dynamo roller swung her roller right at the .52, but she jumped out of the way just in time, losing her balance in the process and falling on the ground, dropping her .52 Gal.

Dynamo Inkling girl: when will you Pit-Dwellers learn your lesson?......

The .52 tried to stand up, but the Dynamo kicked her back onto the ground, putting her shoe on top of the Octoling's head and laughing at her, getting their Ink all over her face.

Dynamo Inkling girl: cry, Little Pit-Dweller, Cryyyyyy!~

The .52 gritted her teeth and quickly lifted up one of her legs, kicking the Dynamo Inkling girl straight in her face, knocking out one of her teeth. The Dynamo held her mouth in pain as her squad stared at her, and the Rainmaker carrier glared at her and charged up a shot to splat her.

Dynamo Inkling girl: t-that....bitch!...

Brush Inkling boy: you're gonna regret that, little Octo....

Just as the Brush Inkling boy was going to shoot the rainmaker, a Kensa Splat roller hit him straight in the face, splatting him. The .52 looked up to see the Roller standing in front of her to defend her, clenching her roller while glaring at the Angel Squids.

*The Angel Squids lost the Rainmaker*

Roller Octoling Girl: pick up your weapon and let's win this fucking game.

The .52 nodded and grabbed her Gal, standing right beside the roller, and across from the Dynamo, The N-Zap, and the Splattershot.

Splattershot Inkling boy: you Pit-Dwellers just don't know when to quit, do ya?

N-Zap Inkling girl: go back to the underground where you belong!!


The Roller and .52 charged at the N-Zap, Splattershot, and Dynamo. The N-Zap shot at the .52, but she dodged out the way and fired shots of her own, but before she could react, the Dynamo jumped up from behind her and was about to swing straight onto her.

Dynamo Inkling girl: This is what you get for knocking out one of my teeth, you disgusting Octoling!!!!

The Dynamo swung down, but before she could hit the .52, the Kensa roller jumped in front of her and clashed rollers with the Dynamo, blocking her attack and knocking her back.

Dynamo Inkling girl: *scoffs*.... disgusting.

Roller Octoling girl: instead of Insulting me, *points* you might wanna focus on what's behind ya~

The Dynamo turned around and was quickly met with a spinning Hydra Splatling right in front of her.

Hydra Octoling girl: *smirks* Boo~

The Hydra completely melted the Dynamo, splatting her and standing alongside the .52 and Kensa roller.

N-Zap Inkling girl: *grunts* fall back!

The Splattershot nodded, but the second he took a step, he stepped right onto an Ink Mine, exploding under him and making him fall on the ground. Just then, the Custom Jet Squelcher jumped up from above and pulled out a burst bomb, throwing it right onto the Inkling boy, splatting him.

N-Zap Inkling girl: Y-You-

Hydra Octoling girl: *splats her* let's go!

Squelcher Octoling boy: bubbles ready?

Roller Octoling girl: yup!

The Venom Ink squad popped the rainmaker shield and grabbed the rainmaker the second Overtime occured.  The Jet squelcher Octoling boy ran with the the rainmaker while the Hydra stayed behind him and the .52, and Kensa roller stayed in front.

The Kensa roller summoned her bubble blower and blew two bubbles in front of them with one behind them.

Hydra Octoling girl:.....the brush....he's here....

Just then the Ink brush jumped above the squad with his tentacles glowing. He jumped up to use his splashdown while glaring at the 4 Octos.

Ink brush Inkling boy: it's over!!! Just give up!!!

Roller Octoling girl: Now! Shoot the rainmaker down!!

The Jet Squelcher shot the rainmaker down right at the ground, and just as the Inkling boy was going to splashdown right on top of them, the rainmaker shot explosion caused the bubbles surrounding them to explode and splat the Inkling boy before he hit them.

The Venom squad ran ahead into their squad, and the match ended the second Judd mentioned that they've taken the lead.

Roller Octoling girl: YES!!!

.52 Octoling girl: we won?

Squelcher Octoling boy: *nods* yeah.

Dynamo Inkling girl: that's not fucking fair!!! They can't win!! That's stupid!!

Roller Octoling girl: *shaking her ass* ooooh, what's wrong?~ *Smack smack* sea salty because you just got beat by a bunch of Pit-Dwellers?~

The Dynamo Inkling girl got so angry at the Octolings that her tentacles began to bubble and boil as she gritted her teeth and gripped her Dynamo so hard that veins popped out of her hands.

N-Zap Inkling girl: *scoffs* you guys got lucky.

Hydra Octoling girl: not guys were just....very predictable.....

Splattershot Inkling boy: excuse me?

Hydra Octoling girl: *rests on her Hydra* you Inklings underestimate us...but you do know that Octolings are stronger and smarter, right?

Brush Inkling boy: ok, and Inklings are faster and more durable, so what's your point?

Hydra Octoling girl: we will rise up and defeat you disgusting parasites.

.52 Octoling girl: just like Isabella and Yumi!

N-Zap Inkling girl: *Snickers* you guys actually believe in them?

Hydra Octoling girl: *glares* every Octoling does....just you wait...

The Venom Ink squad started to walk away, but the Roller Octoling girl looked right back at the squad and pointed to her phone.

Roller Octoling girl: also, I recommend you check the rankings~

The Angel Squids looked onto their phones and all of their jaws dropped in disbelief.

Dynamo Inkling girl: R-Rank 134?! What the hell?!



Cynthia: shit....Octos really do look up to you two, huh?......

Bella: well, I'm glad that I'm giving them hope....

Bella looked over at Miles and noticed that Lola actually wasn't on him, causing her to get confused and point it out.

Bella: hey dude, where's Lola?

Miles: Lola?

Bella: yeah, she's usually always on you.

Miles:....uh.....well she probably went with Leon to the store or something, I think.

Bella: what?

Miles: well when I showed up to my apartment earlier this morning after being at Amira's, Leon and Lola were gone, so I just assumed he took her out for a walk or something.

Just then, Coraline busted into the Café with a worried look on her face, making everyone confused.

Coraline: do you guys know where Leon is?!

Bella: nope, he's probably off sniffing flowers with Lola or something.

Coraline: No Bella! Something's wrong!

Coraline opened up her phone and walked over to all of them, scrolling through her contacts.

Coraline: when I called Leon today, someone picked up the phone....and it wasn't was this weird message that sounded very......awkward.

Coraline played the message and all that was heard throughout the Café was a very weird voice speaking through the phone, but Bella, Miles, Coraline, and Amira stood there confused and unfazed by the message.

Bella:...this sounds very stupid.....Yumi, do you know what's going.........on?

Everyone looked over to see Yumi and Cynthia twitching violently while gritting their teeth in pain. Coraline turned off the message and the two Octolings just.....stood there and held their heads in awkward silence.

Cynthia:......well....that was an kinda reminded me of...

Yumi:....the shades......Octavio.....

Yumi held her head in fear while everyone stared at her, even Cynthia seemed a little.....uncomfortable and different.

Yumi: I.....saw my past.....flash before my eyes....

Bella:....what the hell?....


Might stop the Inktastic ten plot here tbh. I'm trying to use this Wattpad story as a storyboard for my future comic of this after I attend art school, ya know? The Inktastic ten plot makes it a little too Similar to the Splatoon manga, so I don't really want that, might just focus on filler, plot, and romance from going forward if that's oki with u guys? Hope u can understand.

*chapterly art*


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