Chapter 21: Love Is Confusing
Down the road near Blackbelly Skatepark stood a simple Café...the Coffin Fish Café. Amira looked up at the Café, putting on her working Cap and grabbing a ring of keys from her pocket. Amira selected one key and used it to open the door to the Café, walking inside and flipping the "Closed" Sign to "Open".
Amira walked down the Café and up a set of stairs, approaching a scratched up door, she gently knocked on the door and leaned close to it, opening her mouth to speak.
Amira:'s time to wake up.
Amira sat and waited for a couple of seconds...but heard nothing from the other end of the door. Amira sighed and opened up the door slowly, looking inside and seeing that Cynthia's room was a complete mess. There were Soda cans, chip bags, and clothes all over her floor.
Amira slowly walked into Cynthia's room, stepping over trash and trying not to step on anything that looked valuable. Amira approached a mattress on the floor to see the Octoling girl herself.....snoring with her body sprawled out through the whole mattress, wearing a simple sports bra and boxers instead of panties.
Amira: Cynthia?....
Cynthia: *snooore*
Amira:......*taps her face*
Cynthia: mmmmm....
Amira: wake up.
Cynthia slowly opened her eyes and looked right at Amira, letting out a tired groan as she rubbed her eyes, leaning up on the mattress.
Cynthia:...shit....I forgot I gave you a key to this place....
Amira: you stated that you wanted me to be your "Personal Alarm".
Cynthia: Mhm....*stretches* you did a good job. must clean your room....
Cynthia flopped off of her mattress and stood up next to Amira, continuing to stretch while raising an eyebrow at her.
Cynthia: Cod, you sound like Gabs....
Amira: does this not bother you?
Cynthia: nope.
Cynthia walked past Amira and over to her Tv, which was still on and playing the news. Amira watched Cynthia from behind....looking at all of the scars, wounds, and burn marks on her body...with some looking very painful. Cynthia grabbed the Tv remote and turned the TV off, turning back around and looking right at Amira.
Cynthia: *smirks* I know I'm sexy, but you don't gotta stare at me like that.
Amira:....I know you had scars...but you never told me where you got them from.
Cynthia: Octagon.
Amira: isn't that place dangerous?
Cynthia: yup. But it's also fun. so?
Cynthia: well, it just has that action that gets your ink pumpin', ya know?
Amira:.....I suppose.
Amira looked down at Cynthia's fingers... seeing that they were also scratched up pretty badly, and looked as if they've been through many tough battles.....Amira looked at Cynthia in concern, feeling a bit of fear flow through her body.
Amira: Cynthia......
Cynthia: yeah?
Amira: have you ever........killed anyone?
Cynthia:.....*shrugs*...yeah....but it was just one guy.
Cynthia pointed right at her burn mark, smirking right at Amira.
Cynthia: it was the same guy who gave me this burn mark.
Amira:.......does it hurt still?
Cynthia: nah. But when he shot me with that flamethrower....*chuckles* Cod, that was the worst pain I've ever felt in my entire life.
Amira: can you see well?
Cynthia: eeeeeh. My vision in my right eye is....meh. kinda blurry, but I can manage.
Cynthia walked out the room and into a door that was next to her bedroom, looking back at Amira, pointing finger guns at her.
Cynthia: imma hit the shower. You work the register, kay?
Amira: *nods*
Cynthia closed the bathroom door behind her, and Amira walked back downstairs by herself. She reached the main lobby area of the Café, looking at how beautiful it now looked; the Chairs were repaired and recolored, they added more Tvs, the booths looked squeaky clean and brand new, the floor was repaired, and now they were serving breakfast meals instead of just coffee.
Amira couldn't help but feel a bit proud of herself, letting out a nice sigh while walking behind the counter. Amira didn't even need to wait that long, because the door already opened and the little bell ringed, catching her attention and signaling that she had a customer.
Amira: hello. Welcome to the Coffin Fish Café-.....
Amira looked over at her customer, seeing that it was a familiar looking Inkling boy, with a scarf wrapped around his lower face......but his eyes.....the eyes made Amira realize who she was talking too, causing her to tense up a little.
Amira: Miles?..
Miles removed the scarf from his face as the door closed behind him. He walked over to Amira, giving her a little smile, holding a bag and a tiny box with him. Amira watched Miles sit down at one of the chairs at the front counter, placing Lola down on the counter.
Miles: h-hey....
Amira: hello...what are you...doing here?
Miles: well left your clothes at my house after you took a shower yesterday. I washed them and folded them for ya.
Miles reached over the counter and handed Amira the bag with her clothes. Amira took the bag while feeling a little embarrassed of herself, looking away from Miles.
Amira: oh. I deeply apologize for that....I appreciate you for returning them.
Miles: it's fine. Oh! I also made these for you.
Amira saw Miles hold the mini box he was carrying earlier, up to her. Amira hesitated, but placed down her bag of clothes and grabbed the box. She opened the box and saw a bunch of little cookies inside of it. Amira pulled out one cookie that was shaped like the letter "A", confusing her a little.
Miles: u-uh.....they're cookies spelling out your name. A-M-I-R-A, ya know?....I also made some more cookies in the shape of your face...I know it's lame, but...... nevermind.
Amira pulled out another cookie that was covered in icing and it looked exactly like her face and hair. Amira felt a giant thump in her chest, catching her off guard for a second. Amira opened her mouth, but no words came out. She couldn't do anything but just sit there in awe as Miles rubbed the back of his head.
Miles: it's kinda like a Thank you gift....for making me feel better yesterday.
Miles: ok?
Miles leaned over and snapped his fingers in front of Amira's face, snapping her out of her trance. Amira shook her head and placed the cookies back in the box, closing it and hugging it close to herself, catching Miles off guard a little.
Miles:...w-well I guess I should leave and let you work now.
Amira's eyes shot wide open, seeing Miles grab Lola and place her on top of his shoulder. Just as Miles was about to stand up, Amira shook her head really fast, catching his attention. Miles looked at Amira and saw her just..... staring at him now....but they didn't break eye contact at all....
Amira: please remain here...I....I'll prepare you a coffee. I'll pay for it.
Miles sat back down and Lola hopped right back off his shoulder, looking at all of the pastries through the glass and drooling just a bit.
Miles: you don't have to, Amira. I'll stay, but I'll pay for the coffee.
Amira: I insist...
Miles: you're already low on cash, so I don't want you to stress yourself.
Amira placed down the cookies and only responded with a tiny nod, signaling to him that she understood. Miles gave her a smile and pointed at the new Menu that was above him.
Miles: can I get an Iced Coffee and a doughnut?
Lola: *whimpers*
Miles:.....two doughnuts.
Amira: *nods* alright.
Amira turned around and began making Miles' coffee while Miles just sat there silently, turning around in his chair and looking up at the Tv, which was playing the news.
News squid: this just in; deep down in the deepsea metro, Two Inklings and Two Octolings were found, brutality murdered by the hands of an unknown being.
The camera showed a picture of the Two Inklings and Two Octolings on the screen, showing that it was two Octoling girls, one Inkling boy, and one Inkling girl.
News Squid: these four cephalopods were a part of a squad known as the "kelp coral" squad that roamed around is an Inkling girl, who was friends with the squad.
The camera shifted over to a crying Inkling girl, rubbing her eyes and sniffling. The News squid walked over to the girl and patted her on the back, holding the microphone a little lower towards her.
News squid: do you care to explain why your friends were down in the deepsea metro in the first place?
Inkling girl: wasn't my fault!....they....*sniff* they wanted to go down there to explore it.......they tried to get me to tag along....but I refused!......they left me behind and said they would be gone for 5 minutes......but.....hours.....days.....passed...and they still didn't return.
News squid: there you have it....if you live on the surface....please stay away from the deepsea is too keep yourself safe ladies and gentlesquids.
Cynthia: and that's why you stay away from the metro.
Amira and Miles looked over to see Cynthia with very messy and ruffled tentacles, putting her hands on her hips while wearing some sweatpants and a tank top.
Cynthia: oh, sup Miles.
Miles: um....can I talk to you in private, Cynthia?
Cynthia: sure thing, buckaroo. Just follow me. Hold down the fort, Amira.
Miles stood up just as Amira placed down his ice coffee and two doughnuts. Lola crawled over to the doughnuts and began eating them while Amira just stood there and watched Miles walk away with Cynthia.
Amira:.....this...isn't a fort...
Cynthia opened up her bedroom door and let Miles inside, walking in behind him and closing the door. Cynthia stood in front of him while smirking and crossing her arms in a smug way.
Cynthia: what's up?
Meanwhile, Amira was bored out of her mind, watching Lola eat the two doughnuts. The second Lola finished, she crawled over to Miles' drink, but Amira's hand blocked her from getting any closer to it.
Amira: no.
Lola: *whimpers*
Amira: that is Miles' drink.
Amira heard a little "ding" from a bell, signaling that someone walked into the Café. Amira looked up and saw the police squid herself, letting out a long sigh and rubbing her eyes.
Gabby: I hate my coworkers...
Amira: do you wish for some coffee?
Gabby: yeah...
Gabby sat down at the front counter and noticed the Ice coffee just....sitting there. She noticed Lola was next to it, giving her a tiny wave, so Gabby waved back at the little cucumber.
Gabby: I'm guessing Miles is here?
Amira: *pours the coffee* yes.
Gabby: where is he?
Amira: with....Cynthia.
Gabby: um...why?
Gabby and Amira both went silent....and just....didn't say a single word...Gabby was completely dumbfounded, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance while Amira was completely stiff.....she didn't know what to think.....she snapped out of her trance when she heard the sound of coffee hitting the floor. Amira looked down and saw that she was overfilling Gabby's cup....since she got so....distracted.
Amira: oh....
Upstairs, Miles instantly released his hands from around Cynthia's neck, with a look of disgust on his face.
Miles: why?....
Cynthia: ey man, you started choking me without any warning. I honestly thought we were doing some type of kinky roleplay.
Miles: I don't want to roleplay.
Cynthia: oh, so you wanna get straight to it?
Miles: No! That's not why I was choking you!
Cynthia: then why were you?
Miles: because this is all your damn fault.
Cynthia: what? Ok, so what if I took a bit of cash from off your card. You'll get it back.
Miles: wait, you took cash off my card?! What do you mean?
Miles: *sigh* I mean the whole.....Echo thing, ya know?
Cynthia: ooooooooh. Dude, I already apologized though?
Miles: I know...but I want to make up with Echo....I just don't know how to.
Cynthia: did you come to me for romance advice?
Cynthia: *smirks* so the romance queen is back once more.
Miles: just tell me what I should do.
Cynthia: hm....alright, but I have a question.
Miles: and that is?
Cynthia: do you like Echo? Like, do you Love her?
Miles:......*looks away*
Cynthia: so you do?
Miles:.....I........I don't.....
Cynthia: do you want a girlfriend? times...yeah.
Cynthia: well this is simple. Talk to Echo, tell her how you really feel, HOPEFULLY you two get on good terms, and then you move on with life and get with Amira.
Miles: wait what?
Cynthia: come on dude. I saw Amira holding cookies with her little face on them, and I know you made them.
Cynthia: *shrugs* I'm telling ya, if you want any type of chance with getting a girlfriend, Amira is your best bet.
Miles: and how can you be so sure that this will work out?
Cynthia: I'm not sure that the Echo part will, but everything else is full proof. C'mon, you're technically stuck with Amira now.
Miles: how so?
Cynthia: I locked your souls together because I'm the romance queen. I already said that I've gotten couples together before and they've never broken up. I'm just THAT good.
Miles: *rolls his eyes*
Cynthia: don't worry man, you're playing Turf War with Amira right now anyway......
Miles: what?
Cynthia: hm.... alright, let me explain to you how relationships work.
Cynthia wrapped her arm around Miles' shoulder and smirked right at him while letting out a chuckle.
Cynthia: right now, you're playing Turf war with Amira, getting to know her, making her fall for ya, showing her what you're capable of.
Cynthia: soon two are going to start dating and playing's a little more extreme and you two are going to be nervous around each other at first, but you'll get used to having each other around, visiting and cuddling each other until you two finally kiss...
Cynthia: THEN and Amira will start playing League battles...and your regular kissing will turn into neck kissing and ass grabbing. Amira will allow you to explore the parts of her body that she's never let anyone else explore before.....and she'll probably let you slide in a finger or two.
Miles: uh.....C-Cynthi-
Cynthia: and FINALLY, you two will start doing private battles all alone together~ and that is the time when she'll allow you to shove your big Ngyes into her Womby an-
Miles: ok Cynthia, I get it!
Cynthia: *chuckles* sorry, I have a dirty mind at times.
Miles: *sigh* basically you're telling me to actually go for Amira?
Cynthia: yeah dude, she seems like a girl that would dig you a lot.
Cynthia: look Miles, I know I can be stupid, and perverted, and weird, but in all honesty *shrugs* I'm trying push you in the right direction here.
Cynthia: you said you don't like Echo, so she's out of the "girlfriend" picture...and Amira is right there sooooooooo.
Cynthia: start off simple, ya know? Ask her out on a double date with Coraline and Leon.
Miles looked down and let out a sigh of defeat, looking back at Cynthia and giving her a tiny nod.
Miles: I'll do it AFTER I apologize to Echo.
Cynthia: good...because Gabs just texted me and said that Echo
Miles: she is?! Oh carp.....uuuuugh....
Cynthia: just stay calm. you got this.
Miles nodded, then him and Cynthia walked out of her room and back into the main Café to see that many Inklings and Octolings were now sitting down and chatting while having their cups of coffee. Miles looked over to see Echo.... sitting at the front counter.... looking very.....pissed and miserable. He gulped and walked over to Echo, sitting next to her and twiddling his fingers.
Miles: u-uh..........hey.....Echo.
Miles sighed to himself but saw an Iced coffee placed right in front of him. He looked up and saw Amira tilting her head at him.
Amira: I apologize...I tried to stop Lola from drinking your other coffee...but she played me for a fool....
Miles: *chuckles* it's alright Amira.
Echo: *glares*.....mmmm....
Amira: Miles....may I ask what you and Cynthia were doing in her room earlier?
Miles: w-well uh.......
Miles began to sweat bullets when he felt Echo glaring at him from his side. He avoided eye contact with Echo, then let out a nervous smile and chuckle.
Miles: we were just talking about some stuff, ya know?
Amira:.....I see...
Miles: y-yeah! Like umm.....Cynthia asked me if I could teach her how to cook. understand.
Coraline: *walks in* Yo yo YOOOOOOoooh.....oh...
Coraline and Leon stood in the Café in a very awkward way, staring at Echo. Coraline looked at Miles, and all Miles could do was shrug. Coraline gestured Leon to follow her and the two tried their best to act "normal".
Coraline: hey guys...uh....what's up?
Leon: y-yeah...
Gabby: *rolls her eyes*
Miles: hey....
Amira: hello.
Coraline: oh, and Miles, I heard that you and Amira were hanging-....
Echo: *glaring at her*....
Echo: *scoffs*
Cynthia: *Washing the dishes* awkward..
Gabby: *sigh* alright, look you two.
Gabby placed down her coffee and stood up, glaring at Miles and Echo while crossing her arms.
Gabby: can you two just please make up? It's been days since that stupid incident happened, so just please talk this out.
Echo looked over at Amira to see her nibbling on a cookie that looked like her face, and since she already knew who made those cookies she stood up from her chair and grabbed her phone, putting it in her pocket and walking towards the door.
Echo: what's there to talk about anyway?..
Miles: Echo don't!
Miles hopped out of his chair and ran after Echo, but the second he opened the door to the Café he saw Echo had already super jumped away, but he still saw her soaring through the sky.
Echo:.....(why did I even agree to meet up in the first place?....this is so-)
Echo's thoughts were cut off when she felt something grab onto her ankle. She looked back and saw Miles holding onto her while glaring at her.
Echo: Miles, let go of me!!!
Miles: No!!
Echo: Just leave me alone!!!
Miles: I want to talk this out with you!!!
Echo: Miles, GET OFF!!!
Echo used her other foot and kicked Miles straight in the face really hard, but Miles didn't let go, he instead tightened his grip on her ankle as she kicked him again and again.
Miles: I'm not letting you go!!!
The two began to spin and tumble in mid air, completely missing flounder heights entirely. Miles hugged Echo from behind, but she just elbowed him in his stomach, causing him to grunt in pain. Miles looked down and saw that they were slowly approaching the water, but they were going to land on Bluefin Depot instead.
Miles, knowing that the landing was going to be painful and rough, raised Echo up and looked down at the water.
Miles: I'm sorry Echo!
Miles chucked Echo downwards, sending her straight into the water. Miles looked down and saw that he was approaching Bluefin Depot, then closed his eyes and braced for impact.
Miles: this is gonna hurt.
Miles fell onto Bluefin Depot, skidding and sliding on the tough concrete ground. Miles tumbled through the area until he hit the wall, holding in his screams of pain. Miles began panting like crazy, feeling his body going numb as he looked down and saw that one of his arms was completely covered in his blood and it felt as if it was on fire.
Miles used his other hand and SLOWLY pushed himself back up on his feet. He held onto his bloody arm and limped over to the edge of the map where he saw Echo grab onto the ledge and pull herself up, throwing up water and coughing.
Miles: Echo!
Miles reached his good hand out to Echo to help her up on her feet, but she just slapped his hand away and glared at him with tears in her eyes.
Echo: you just don't get it, do you?!
Echo: I just want you to leave me alone!!! I don't want anything to do with you anymore!!!
Miles: I just wanna be your friend, Echo!!! I just want things to go back to normal!!!
Echo: A Friend?! You just chucked me into the fucking water, dude!!!!
Miles: we were going to have a rough landing on Bluefin!!! I didn't want you to get hurt!!!
Echo: this would've never happened if you just would've let me go earlier!!!
Miles: if I did let go then you would've left me!!! I just want you to hear me out!!!
Echo: no!.....because you think you know how I feel right now....but you don't!!
Echo: I've been in love with you for years!!! You've never took the time to acknowledge my feelings!!!
Miles watched Echo as more tears began to flow down her face, and she rubbed her eyes while letting out little sniffles.
Echo: you don't know how it feels to be deeply in love with someone....pushing away your feelings just to see them happy......but when you finally think you have a chance.......they continue to do the same thing......leaving you behind because they've found someone new.
Echo: back at Inkopolis plaza...I started to doubt my feelings for you....but they kept coming back.
Echo: but look where that's got me... following you around like an idiot... supporting you through these stupid relationships...
Echo: but now I realize that.... becoming your friend back at Camp Triggerfish.....all those years ago.....was the worst decision I've ever made in my entire life......
Miles stood there....completely shocked... feeling as if his heart just got shattered into a million pieces....he looked at Echo...watching her tears flow down and hit the ground....along with his blood.
Miles:.....*looks away*.....
Echo: I know you made Amira those cookies.....when was the last time you made me cookies?
Echo: when was the last time you taught me how to cook?
Echo: when was the last time you thought "hey, I'm gonna go hang out with Echo today".
Miles:....I.........I know.....and I'm sorry.....
Miles began to feel his own tears start to flow down his face, covering his eyes so Echo couldn't see him crying.
Miles: I'm just stupid......I never really think before I were the only person in my life that would hug me and tell me that it was ok....when I made mistakes.....
Miles: Echo.....I just be your friend.....I just want things to go back to normal between us......please.....
Echo looked away from him for a second, putting her hands in her pockets and letting out a sigh. She walked closer to Miles and looked him in his eyes, shaking her head.
Echo:.....I'm sorry......but ever since the Inkopolis Ball....I've already decided that I don't want anything to do with you anymore......
Echo: my stuff is already in boxes.....I'm moving away from Inkopolis....I'm gonna start fresh and try to find new friends....become someone different......
Echo: my mind is set and aren't going to change my actions.
Echo walked past Miles, but looked back at him one last time.
Echo: don't try to come and look for me.....I hope you can understand.
Miles didn't look at Echo....and he didn't even say a word.....he just heard the sound of her super jumping away....Miles fell to his knees and allowed his tears to completely flow down his face....letting out a depressed sigh.
Miles:......I'm so pathetic....
Miles! ^
Amira cookies! ^
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