Chapter 20: A Date With Amira?

A couple days have passed ever since the whole....Inkopolis Ball incident. Everyone was back in their respective apartments, living out their lives like normal. Miles walked through his apartment with a broom, sweeping up the last bit of dust on his floor. He heard a tiny burp and looked over to see Lola completely stuffed next to an empty plate.

Miles: well, someone's full.

Miles cleaned up the rest of the dust and walked over to Lola, picking up her plate and placing it in the sink. Instead of wearing his regular clothing, Miles actually was wearing something a bit... different today; he wore a Tan colored turtleneck sweater along with a pair of black jeans, and he used a purple tie to tie up his ponytail.

He washed Lola's plate and placed it in the drying rack. Miles let out a tiny sigh, catching Lola's attention and causing her to let out a little whimper.

Miles: *straightens his curtains* I'm fine, Lola.

Lola: *tilts her head*

Miles: *opens a window* no....I'm not getting all fancy fancy because I'm planning on talking to Echo.

Lola: hmph.

Miles: Lola, you heard what Coraline said. Echo doesn't want to see or talk to me ever again......I'm just respecting her wishes.

Lola: *sigh*

Miles: hush...luckily Leon has been hanging with Coraline for the past couple of least his romance life is decent.

Lola: *points at Miles*

Miles: oh, I'm dressed like this because Amira is coming over today, ya know?

Lola: hmph!

Miles: what? I was just planning on hanging with her. *shrugs* we could talk for a bit, then head out.

Lola: *glares*

Miles: yes, I'll take you with us.

Lola: *adorable sea cucumber sounds*

Miles let out a tiny sigh and sat down at the table within the dining room, catching Lola's attention. She crawled over to him, then placed one of her nubs on his hand.

Miles:...yeah....I know...I seriously do want to make up with Echo...and explain to her that this was all a misunderstanding.

Miles rested his head on the table and groaned to himself, letting Lola crawl on his face and sit on top of his head.

Miles: I suck with romance.....I suck at making my friends there anything I don't suck at?

Lola: *points to the kitchen*

Miles: well, I know I'm a good cook...

Lola: *hugs him*

Miles: *smiles* at least I'll always have you, Lola.

Just then, a knock was heard at the door and Miles slowly got up from the table, allowing Lola to stay on top of his head. He walked over to the door and opened it to see Amira standing there, but instead of wearing her casual facemask, she was wearing a Yamagiri Beanie, a Light Bomber Jacket, and a pair of Punk White boots.

Miles: hey Amira *chuckles* you look...a little different.

Amira: I could say the same for you. I just finished working at Cynthia's Café, so that's why I'm dressed like this.

Miles: it looks nice, and it's fall, so it's getting a bit chilly out, ya know?

Amira: indeed. I am looking forward to this date.

Miles: it's not a date...but....*sigh* just come inside.

Amira walked inside and looked around Miles' apartment, seeing how nice and neat everything was. His apartment gave off such a nice, soothing, and clean smell, making her feel warm and fuzzy inside...but that wasn't the only thing she smelled; she could smell something....sweet.....yet spicy, which just made her instantly hungry and curious.

Amira: what is that...smell?

Miles: oh, I decided to make Cinnamon Apricot Danishes. I uh...don't know if you like apples bu-

Amira: do you mind if I try one?

Miles:...o-oh yeah, sure. I kinda made them for you and Lola so....

Miles walked over to the kitchen, then placed on some oven mitts while Lola hopped off of his head. Amira sat down at the table in the dining room and placed down her beanie, watching Miles open up the Oven and grab the tray of pastries.

Amira felt a little shiver go through her body when something touched on her leg. She looked under the table and saw Lola crawling up her leg slowly, so Amira just picked her up and looked right at the little cucumber, then began to poke it.

Amira: a Sea cucumber....

Miles: oh, that's Lola.

Amira: I see...when you said Lola...I thought it was your roommate.

Miles: well she's my pet cucumber. My roommate is off hanging with his crush right now.

Amira: crush?

Miles grabbed a container of powdered sugar, then began shaking the container and coating the Danishes, while letting out a cute smile.

Miles: yeah.

Amira: that?

Miles: um...a crush is kinda like, you really, really, REALLY like someone...more than just friendship, ya know? You want to have more with that person, share memories with them, care for them, love them dearly.

Miles Placed down the shaker and shrugged to himself a little while grabbing two plates from the cabinet. He grabbed a spatula and scooped a Danish from off of the pan, then onto a plate, and did the same to the other plate. He placed down a fork on one of the plates and walked over to Amira and Lola, handing them both their plates.

Miles: here you go, ladies. I hope you both enjoy my family's signature Cinnamon Apricot Danishes.

Lola began chowing down on her Danish while Miles sat across from Amira and saw her pick up her fork. Amira cut off a piece of the Danish and ate it, instantly feeling a rush of flavor shooting through her body. It felt amazing, as if she was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, in front of the chimney fire....that's how warm her insides felt. Amira sat there in silence, completely stunned, making Miles tilt his head at her.

Miles: do you like it?

Amira: it....was delicious....I've had Danishes before.....but....this is different.

Miles: *chuckles*'s just an old family recipe

Amira: it tastes so spicy at first....but then it turns sweet and it's so....soothing.

Miles: well unlike many squids and Octos who buy their cinnamon from Mako Mart, I make my cinnamon from scratch, it was something my grandma did. you wish to try it?

Miles: I'm alright.

Amira: *shakes her head* no.

Amira cut off another piece of the Danish, then used the fork to hold it in front of Miles' face, shocking and embarrassing him a little, even catching the attention of Lola.

Miles: U-Um....Amira..

Amira: try your is amazing.

Miles: already put your mouth on that fork.....

Amira: I know, But it's alright. Please try it.


Miles looked over at Lola, who just shrugged and went right back to eating her food. Miles let out a little sigh and leaned over, eating the Danish from off the fork.

Amira: is it good?

Miles: well....yeah.....

Amira nodded and continued to eat her food while Miles just sat there and felt on his lips a little, then looked over at the Inkling.

Miles: (does that count as an Indirect kiss? it doesn't....I just ate the damn food)

Amira finished her Danish and let out a tiny, yet adorable burp, snapping Miles from out of his thoughts.

Amira: excuse me....I apologize.

Miles: oh, it's okay. Let me get that for you.

Miles grabbed Amira's plate and Lola's, then walked over to the sink and began to wash the plates. Amira used this time to stand up and walk around Miles' apartment a little more, exploring it. She walked into his bathroom, which was very nice and organized like the rest of his apartment. She walked down his hallway a little more and opened a door, walking inside of a room, which she assumed to just be Miles' bedroom.

She saw a little bed on the floor, which she could obviously tell to be Lola's bed, and next to that was a desk with a little notebook on top of it. Amira grabbed the notebook and looked at it a little, reading the title of the book.

Amira: "My Notes"....

Amira opened the notebook and began to read through it, slowly getting sucked deeper and deeper into it.

*September 10th, 13032*

Hey Journal....just got out the hospital after being brutality attacked by a girl that I once loved. I guess romance just isn't for me, huh? Or maybe it's just girls....I really need to find more guy-friends. I wonder if my friends consider me to be pathetic and lame, because I definitely friends deserve better than this. Why can't I just live like a normal Inkling boy? I kinda just want a simple girl to share my life with...but after the Willow incident...I'm starting to hesitate on if I should even get in relationships anymore.


Miles: Amira?! Where did you go?

Amira quickly closed the notebook and placed it back where it was. Miles walked into the room and saw her looking down at the ground.

Amira: I decided to explore.

Miles: oh, makes sense. Well, since you're in here, you can hear me play my bass?

Amira gave him an adorable nod and sat down on the bed. Miles grabbed his Bass from out of his closet, then began hooking it up. Once he was done, he sat down next to Amira and let out a little sigh.

Miles: um...this is something I've been working it's not really good...or finished.

Miles began to play his Bass not too fast, but not too slow. He played at a very soothing, consistent rate, which sent another cute shiver through Amira's body. She was very impressed and he hasn't even been playing for a minute yet. Amira looked at Miles' fingers strumming the strings of his Bass very gently and beautifully, looking up at his face to see a little smile form.

Amira couldn't help but tilt her head at him, letting his music sink deep into her Inky body, every strum of his Bass linked into the felt so consistent and calming, yet it gave her a tiny rush...a rush that she couldn't describe just yet. Miles stopped playing his Bass and looked over at Amira, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.

Miles:...heh....I'm surprised that you didn't fall asleep.

Amira: *shakes her head* it was beautiful, Miles.


Amira: *nods* I really enjoyed it. Every note just....hit a very nice way. I'd love to hear you play more.

Miles: oh! Um...well, that's all I have...

Amira: I don't want to rush you it's alright.....

Amira placed her hand on Miles' lap, then gave him a little nod while looking into his purple eyes.

Amira: I'd wait for years just to hear the end. Please continue writing it when you have the time.


Amira pulled out her phone and looked at the time, then turned her head over to Miles.

Amira: we still have the day ahead of you wish to accompany me to Inkopolis?

Miles: oh um...sure.

Amira: yes. We can finish our date there.

Miles: this isn't a.......mmmm.

After getting themselves situated and ready, the two left Miles' apartment and splat tower, with Lola tagging along on Miles' shoulder. The two started to walk down the sidewalk, with Amira looking at Lola and poking her again.

Amira: what is the purpose of Lola?

Miles: what do you mean?

Amira: why is she your pet? Does she protect you? Help you? What is her reason to be your pet?

Miles:....*shrugs* she doesn't have a purpose, she just makes me happy.

Amira: how so?

Miles: well...even though I consider her to be a pet....Lola is more like sister, ya know? She goes wherever I go, eats whatever I eat, she loves being around me, and I love being around her.

Lola: *hugs Miles* you think I could build that bond with someone?

Miles: maybe. You just have to find someone that you truly feel like you have a bond with. that how you feel with Echo?


Amira: do you have...."the crush"....on her?'s hard to explain.

Amira: take your time.

Miles:'s just....I don't really have a crush on Echo. Me and her have a big bond...but to doesn't exceed past our friendship. I truly care for Echo, and she's my best friend...but me and her have nothing in I know a relationship between us wouldn't work, ya know?

Amira: *nods*

Miles: she's an Introvert, and I'm an extrovert. She's lazy and clumsy, and I'm Active and graceful. She's a night owl, and I'm a morning bird. She's more messy, and I'm more clean. You get it?

Amira: I do.

Miles: but I would never want Echo to change the way she is. I really care for her, and the reason why I'm friends with her is because of who she really is...but after the Inkopolis Ball she hates my guts and I can't bring myself to even talk to her and apologize.

Amira:....I believe you will know when to properly talk to her and tell her how you feel. I do not know much about I do truly apologize If I said anything wrong the other day.

Miles: it's alright.

Miles and Amira crossed the street and walked down just a bit farther until they reached Inkopolis square, where Inklings and Octolings were having fun and doing their own thing. Miles put his hands in his jean pockets and looked at Amira, tilting his head.

Miles: what do you want to do?

Amira:.....I'm running really low on

Miles: wait, you are? How?

Amira: I spent over 80 percent of my money on repairing and renovating Cynthia's Café...but it's nice to see her happy.

Miles: hm......oh! How about we ask Mr. Grizz if there are any open shifts available? I do need some money to pay rent after all.

Amira: I see...that sounds nice.


After putting on their suits, grabbing their caps, and sliding on their boots, Miles and Amira were now sitting on the boat, which was heading over to the Salmonid Smokeyard. Miles placed Lola down on the bench that him and Amira were sitting at, then stood up and walked over to Amira, who was leaning over the edge of the boat, looking at the dirty water.

Miles: you ok?

Amira: *nods* I'm thinking about things.

Miles: like?

Amira: I can't describe it...I don't know....but the boat stopped, so I recommend we jump now.

Miles: true. Stay here Lola, and remember what I told you.

Lola gave him a nod and saw him, Amira, and two other Cephalopods jump from the boat, onto the Smokeyard. The four stood up and looked at the weapons they had.

Miles: the splattershot? can work with this.

Amira: a Charger....

Miles: at least you got your weapon that you use in turf war. I suck with chargers, so I use Splatlings instead.

Mr. Grizz: alright, You kids know what to do. Fetch me my eggs and don't slack off.

The three heard a loud siren and began looking around to see the first boss of the day.

Octoling girl: Steelhead, 3 o'clock!

The four ran over and saw the Steelhead glaring at them, and everyone readied their weapons to get ready to take it down. The literal second the Steelhead began charging it's bomb, it exploded and three Golden eggs fell onto the ground. Miles turned around to see Amira giving him a nod and gesturing them to run and take the eggs.

Miles: wow....nice shot.

Amira: it....*looks away* was nothing....go and grab your egg.

First wave passed with a quota of 26 out of 20 eggs. The second wave passed with a quota of 29 out of 21 eggs, and now it was the final wave, and the four jumped back to the center of the map, spawning in with different weapons as usual.

Amira: the Jet squelcher...

Miles: *sigh* I knew I was gonna get the charger.

The wave started and they ran out to deal with the Bosses. Amira shot at the scrapper, stoping it in it's tracks, allowing Miles to swim up behind it and shoot the back of it with his charger, splatting it. They grabbed the eggs and tossed them in the basket, then automatically went back to find more eggs.

Miles: awe jeez...another steelhead.

Amira: concentrate. Use the Lazer on the charger for extra support on your aim.

Miles gave Amira a nod, and the Steelhead began charging up it's bomb, Miles followed Amira's advice, then shot the bomb, splatting the Steelhead and making it drop 3 more eggs.

Miles: hell yeah!

Amira: *grabs a egg* you did well.

Miles and Amira continued to battle the Salmonids, taking them down one after another, reviving teammates, and collecting eggs.

Miles: we just need one more egg.

Amira: a Maw.

Miles turned around and saw a bobble heading straight towards him at high speeds.

Miles: shit!

Miles jumped out of the way, only to notice that the Maw wasn't even coming for him, it was going straight for Amira, who jumped back from it. Amira tried to pull out a splat bomb, but she noticed that she didn't even have enough Ink to produce a splat bomb. She saw the Maw right under her, getting ready to jump up and attack.

Miles: Amira, catch!!

Miles threw a splat bomb at Amira, and she caught it with one of her hands. She jumped up just as the Maw jumped up and tried to eat her whole. Amira threw the bomb in the Maw's mouth and landed safely on the ground while the Maw exploded and dropped three eggs. Miles and Amira reached their quota and sat down while slightly panting from exhaustion. The wave ended and Miles shook head and pinched his nose in disgust from himself.

Miles: cod I stink....this is the one reason I hate doing Shifts; we get covered in their slime.

Amira: indeed.....

Mr. Grizz: quit your whining and get back to the boat, Kid, or else I'm leaving without ya.

Time has passed and Miles was now back in his apartment, now wearing a shirt and shorts while sitting on the couch alone after taking a shower. Miles looked out the window and watched the moon shine brightly from above, making him smile just a little. Miles heard his bathroom door open, and looked over to see Amira standing in the doorframe with Miles' clothes on.

Amira: thank you for allowing me to use your shower and clothes.

Miles: don't mention it...

Amira sat down next to Miles and looked outside the glass door, leading to his balcony, watching the stars glisten in the night sky.

Amira: are you alright?

Miles:...a little, yeah...sorry if I've been acting weird or something. It's just, the Echo thing made me really down in the dumps, ya know?


Amira stood up and walked over to Miles' glass door. She opened it and walked out to the balcony, then turned around, gesturing him to follow her.

Amira: come with me.


Miles stood up and walked out to the balcony. He saw Amira turn into her squid form and super jump away, so Miles closed his balcony door and turned into a squid as well, super jumping with her through the sky.

After soaring through the sky, The two landed straight in Inkopolis, but things looked way different to Miles. Since it was dark out, there were barely any Inklings or Octolings there, but there were SOME Inklings and Octolings walking around the square, on their phones and relaxing.

Miles: wow...

Amira: you've never been here this late?

Miles: no actually...but the lights really make this place stand out and look pretty

Amira: it's more quiet...I come here sometimes to think.

Amira sat down and Miles sat across from her, and Amira sighed a tiny bit, then looked at Miles.

Amira: answer me a question, alright?

Miles: sure, what's up?

Amira looked at Miles in concern, then folded her hands on the table, tilting her head a little.

Amira: Miles....why do you doubt yourself?


Amira leaned over the table and placed her hand oh his, but Miles just simply looked away in embarrassment.

Amira: please tell me.

Miles:......*sigh*....It's just.....I already know I'm not good enough, ya know? My friends deserve someone better than me.


Miles: I'm stupid, cowardly, and weird. Nobody wants a friend like that. I struggle so hard with romance...all of the girls I've dated, turned out to be...not what I expected of them. But then again, I'd mess up the relationship anyway...

Miles lifted up his shirt and showed Amira a giant scar across his stomach, shocking her a little.

Miles: the most recent girl I liked turned out to be a psychopath..and she nearly killed me...leaving me with scars that I will forever remember as one of the worst days of my life


Miles: she threatened to kill me when she gets out of her mental asylum, and ever since that day, I haven't been sleeping properly because I've just been so scared that I'm going to wake up to her standing right over me with a knife.

Miles shrugged a little, and saw Amira look down, gently grasping her chest.

Amira: don't think that way. You and your friends have been together for years, so if they hated you, they would've left you years ago, correct?

Miles:...I.....I don't know...

Amira: do not feel as if you're the only squid in the world that doesn't understand love...I do not understand it either...every girl...friend you've dated with wasn't a curse.... but a blessing.

Miles: how?

Amira: they helped you grow as a person. You learned more about relationships and how they effect you, which can build you into someone stronger.


Amira: like Turf war....sometimes you win...and sometimes you lose. You will not win every single game you come across, but that doesn't matter...what matters is if you're willing to try again and gain experience while also getting stronger mentally and physically.


Amira:.......I feel as if I can trust hope you can understand what I'm about to tell you.


Amira: when I was a little Mother was the only figure in my life that I looked up to....she cared for me dearly and treated me as if I was the only thing she had left. My Mother was a sick woman....struggling to even walk at father hated me because he saw me as a weird, abnormal squid.....he refused to refer to me as his daughter.


Amira: I have 2 older siblings, and both of them have green eyes and average intelligence like my father....but when I was born....I exceeded all of my expectations......I was a very smart child....spending my free time studying and minding my own business......and for some odd reason....everyone didn't like associating with me......because of my eyes.

Miles: your....eyes?..

Amira: my red eyes....I hate them....for some reason....when people look at me, they have to glance away, describing feels as if my red eyes are piercing right into if I'm staring into their soul.....I had no friends growing up because of that reason......which is why I turned out like this....


Amira: Isabella looks away......Cynthia looks away......Gabriella.........Obsidian...

Amira looked up at Miles and her red eyes stared right at his purple eyes....she let out a sigh and broke eye contact with Miles, looking down at the ground instead.

Amira: even you....


Amira: I thought that you'd have purple eyes.....that remind me of my mother....the only person that wasn't scared of me.

Amira stood up while continuing to look away from Miles. Miles saw her begin to walk off, shocking him a little.

Amira: I deeply apologize for wasting your time today.

Miles: Amira..

Miles grabbed Amira's hand and stood up in front of her. Amira looked back at Miles, shocked a little....the two looked at each other's eyes, and Miles let out a tiny sigh.

Miles: I'm sorry about all of those times I looked away from's not because of your eyes....I'm not scared of you at all. I'm just.....very embarrassed.


Miles: your eyes are...very cute in my opinion...they remind me of Rubies...and freshly picked's just.....You're a pretty girl, Amira! And I get embarrassed...when I'm near pretty girls. think I'm pretty?


Miles looked down and saw that Amira gently tightened her grip around his hand. Miles rubbed the back of his head and looked up at the moon, letting out a very embarrassed whimper. He quickly moved his hand away from Amira's, then backed away from her a little.

Miles: are.....yeah!, it's getting late! I'm gonna head home and stuff!

Miles waved at Amira and super jumped away back to Splat Tower, leaving Amira confused....she looked at her hand....the same hand that was locked with Miles' hand, then let out a tiny woomy.

Amira: he thinks....I'm pretty?

Miles landed back on his balcony and opened his glass door, walking inside of his house and letting out a long groan as he closed the door behind himself, waking up Lola in the process, who was sleeping on the couch, flat like a pancake.

Miles: Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid, Stupid.....UUUUUGH!

Lola: *confused*

Miles began to clean the apartment up a little more, while trying to calm himself down in the process.

Miles: I called Amira pretty!

Lola: *tilts her head*

Miles: I don't know! It just slipped out!....I'm going to strangle Cynthia when I see her....

Miles opened up the door to his bathroom, then he instantly saw a pile of clothes on the floor, slightly confused. Miles walked over to the pile of clothes and saw the Light Bomber Jacket, along with a purple shirt and black pants....along with a pair of panties.....Miles slapped his own forehead and let out a very long sigh in the process.

Miles:....oh...I forgot she....took a shower.

Lola: *sigh*

Miles: wait....she's!!!

Miles picked up Amira's clothes in a very embarrassed way, quickly walking over to his laundry room and shaking away the very.....awkward thoughts from his mind.

Miles: I'll just wash her clothes and give them to her tomorrow.

Lola: fufu~

Miles: why do you always do that when I touch a female's clothes?!

Miles tossed all of the clothes into his washing machine and turned it on. Miles heard his phone ringing from the living room, then walked over and saw that he was getting a call from Leon, allowing the ink in his body to stop pumping so damn fast from embarrassment. He grabbed the phone and put it up to his ear.

M: hey Leon.

L: Miles! I-I'm making progress!

M: what do you mean?

L: *oomi* me and Coraline did some finger painting today!

M: well at least you are getting along well with her...

L: also we were planning on watching a movie tonight, so I might not be home today, but if you want, we can meet up at Cynthia's Café tomorrow?

M: oh....I do need to actually head there tomorrow, so sure.

L: oh....and um.....speaking of Cynthia.....have you and Echo....ya on good terms yet?

M:......*sigh*....I forgot about it until you brought it up, man...

L: S-Sorry! I just....I don't like seeing you upset like this.....

M:...I know....luckily Amira came over today and made me feel better.

L: wait, Amira came over?

M: yeah.

L: why?

M: well, she wanted to hang out and hear me play my Bass.

L: well I'm glad she's actually making you happy. You do sound a bit better.

M: yeah.....but I just......*sigh* I just want to talk to Echo, ya know? Make things right.

L: then why don't you?

M: because I just.....don't feel like I deserve to talk to her....Coraline said that Echo doesn't want to see or speak to me ever again.

L: Echo only said that because she was mad. People say mean things when they're mad, Miles....that incident happened a couple of days ago, so I'm sure Echo is alright now.....

M:......*sigh*'re right....

L: so, are you gonna talk to her?

M: I'll....try to text her tomorrow.

L: Miles...I'm pretty sure it would be better if you did this face to face.

M:.....maaaaaan......I'll....... I'll try.

L: alright. I'll let you get some rest...ok?

M: yeah....thanks, man.

L: goodnight.

Leon hung up the phone and Miles flopped on the couch, letting out a long groan as Lola crawled into his lap and whimpered.

Miles:...*pets Lola* I'm alright......I just hope....that she'll understand.

*Chapterly art*

An Oc that I made a while ago...but I actually never put them to use in the story.

Chibi Miles

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