Chapter 19: Shifts Of Tide


Bella watched as the two Inklings directed their attention RIGHT at her, along with everyone else in the Ballroom. The two Inklings approached Bella and began....looking all around her body, poking her and feeling her skin.

Bella: I uh.......may I ask who you two are?

Gabby: *facepalms*

??? 1: I do not sense strength from her, brother.

??? 2: indeed....she seems to be lacking some body ink.

Bella: excuse me?

The two kids looked up at Bella, then stepped away from her while Bella just looked away, a little embarrassed.

Sol: *chuckles* sorry for that. The names Sol, and this is my sister, Luna.

Luna: pleasure, Isabella.

Bella: two are the ones that control literally everything when it comes to battles?

Luna: *nods* correct.

Sol: we've heard all about you, but we've never seen you before. It was kinda just a rumor that the Inktastic ten members were getting knocked down by some random squid named Isabella.

Luna: and Calvin could be the next target.

Bella: oh trust me, he is.

Calvin: *rolls his eyes*

Sol: hm....alright then.

Sol grabbed Bella's hand, and Luna walked over to Yumi, grabbing her hand as well. The two little squids began to pull them away, while also gesturing Calvin to come along as well. Calvin was about to walk off, but Sonia grabbed his shoulder and gave him a smirk from behind.

Sonia: you still owe me my dance, Calvie poo~


Calvin walked off with Bella and Yumi, along with the two Kids, and before they completely left the Ballroom, the two kids looked back and gave everyone a smile.

Luna/Sol: you may continue.

The twins, Bella, Yumi, and Calvin left the room, and everyone began to continue along with the Ball as the music started up again. Gabby let out a long sigh, but then she heard someone walk up behind her and let out a groan. Gabby turned around to see Cynthia holding her head in pain. Amira walked over to them as well and looked at Cynthia in concern before approaching her to lend a hand.

Amira: do you need help?

Cynthia: no, no...ugh.....I'm okay.

Gabby: *crosses her arms* and this is why I told you not to overdo it with the drinking.

Cynthia: heh...I feel bad for the guy who has to clean up the ladies room.

The three heard footsteps approaching them, then turned to see Miles walking over and eating from his own little plate of food with Aryll by his side, eating as well, with Lola and Sidon on their respective shoulders.

Lola: *waves at Sidon*

Sidon: *waves back*

Miles: *nom* hey guys.

Gabby: what are you eating?

Miles: I.....*looks* actually don't know...but it's good as hell *nom*

Amira: that's a sweet dish called Sundown seahorse.

Miles: *tilts his head* hm....*nom*...I've never had a Seahorse before. What part am I eating?

Amira: you're eating it's butt...

Miles:...........*gives his plate to Cynthia*.....I'm not hungry anymore....

Cynthia: hell yeah *nom*.

Aryll: fancy food is weird *nom*

Amira: yeah, well you're eating Sea snails.

Gabby: aren't those the things that Spike eats?

Amira: Spike eats super Sea snails, She's eating regular Sea snails.

Miles: what's the difference?

Amira: Super Sea snails are harder to find, and also they're sweeter than regular Sea snails.

Cynthia: shiiiit...I wonder how Goldies taste.

Gabby: not this shit again.....

Amira: what?

Cynthia: well you started bringing up rare creatures, and it made me think of Goldies.

Miles: I hate those things....

Gabby: why?



*Lost outpost*

Bella, Miles, Echo, and Coraline all began walking around with their own weapons, with Miles holding the N-Zap, Bella holding the Clash blaster, Coraline holding the splat charger, and Echo holding the splat roller.

Miles: that last wave was a hustle.....jeez.

Bella: well, let's see what's happening now.

Coraline: Bye Bye, Mr. Sun!

Bella, Miles, and Echo looked up to see the Sun setting slowly and the darkness creeping up towards them.

Mr. Grizz: the salmon are restless! Be careful out there!

Miles looked down and saw a bunch of glowflies swarming around him. His heart sank as he looked over towards the water and saw the eyes of a Goldie looking straight at him.

Miles: no no no no....

Bella: Miles, you'll be ok, as long as you stick near us-


Bella, Coraline, and Echo watched as Miles began running all around the Map with a giant hoard of salmon rushing straight at him.

Bella: *sigh*....

Echo: Miles, Lead them back over here!!!!

Miles: I'm trying, dammit!!!

Miles looked behind him and saw a Goldie literally RIGHT behind him, giving him a creepy smile and raising it's fin to swing it's frying pan, but before it could hit Miles, a large blast of Ink hit the Goldie, splatting it. Miles looked up and saw Bella using her Inkjet and splatting the salmon while Echo and Coraline tossed the eggs in the basket.

Miles jumped up to Bella and grabbed onto her legs, hugging them as tight as he could.

Bella: M-Miles, let go!!

Miles: hell no!!!

The Salmon were swarming under Bella and Miles trying to jump up and hit them. Bella began flying back and forth, Trying to shake Miles from off of her.

Bella: Dude! You're messing me up!!!

Miles: well I can't let go now!!

A Chum jumped up and hit Bella's Inkjet exhaust pipe, causing her Jet to start malfunctioning and flinging them everywhere.

Bella: oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!

The Inkjet began to heat up and shake, but instead of it exploding and launching Bella and Miles to Bella's landing spot, it launched the two very far away from the Lost outpost, straight into the water, splatting them both. Bella and Miles spawned in their lifesavers on the edge of the water, with Bella just....looking at Miles.

Bella: -_-....

Miles: look! That Goldie was staring right into my soul, okay?!

Bella:...*sigh* now it's all up to Echo and Coralin-



Bella:......when we get back to Inkopolis...I'm slapping the splat out of you...

*Flashback end*

Aryll: *Snickers* you got scared of a Goldie?

Miles: they freak me out, ok?

Gabby: so you're telling me out of all the boss're scared of Goldies?

Miles: it's just the way they look at's creepy as hell.

Cynthia: I remember when I played poker with a steelhead and Stinger.

Amira: what?....

Cynthia: I remember their names too. The Steelhead's name was Randy, and the Stinger's name was Carl.

Aryll: they have names?

Miles: *shrugs*

Gabby: did you win?

Cynthia: yeah, I won the game and took home a bunch of Cash....I usually go play poker with Salmon every Sunday.....and I always win.

Gabby: wha-....wait!...Is this why they never attack you?!

Cynthia: Mhm.

Gabby: no wonder the Grillers always go AROUND you...but always come for me.

Cynthia: I'm friends with every species. My uncle's friend is a Mantis shrimp, and he can put his whole claw in his mouth.

Miles: I'm really starting to wonder how your childhood was....

Cynthia: well besides Gabs, everyone else I hung out with was older than me. I learned how to steal, fight, and make some banging coffee.

Miles: you steal?

Cynthia: *pulls out a wallet* sometimes.

Miles:....wait....*feels his pockets* Is that my wallet?!

Cynthia: Octolings are very sneaky~ so I recommend you don't go running around with valuable stuff on ya.

Miles snatched back his wallet and put it in his pocket, letting out a sigh and crossing his arms while Cynthia couldn't help but chuckle at him.

Cynthia: yo, Miles.

Miles: what?

Cynthia: do you have girlfriend?

Miles: *blushes hard*

Cynthia: c'moooooon. Gabs is my girlfriend. You gotta have one.

Gabby: I'm not her girlfriend -_-

Cynthia: future girlfriend.

Gabby: no -_-

Cynthia: it's complicated.

Miles: um...well, I don't have one.

Cynthia: I can hook you up with one.

Miles: what?

Cynthia: trust me, Miles, I am the love queen! I can hook anybody up.

Miles: I find that hard to believe....

Cynthia: hm.....I know this Sea urchin girl down in the deepsea metro. Her name is Kate and she's pretty wicked. She's really prickly tho, so I recommend you stay away from her hair.

Miles: um....

Cynthia: not interested? Well, I have this one Inkling friend named Sophia.

Gabby: oh cod....why her?

Cynthia: see? Gabs knows who she is.

Miles: who is she?

Gabby: a very crazy, Psychopathic Inkling girl that's addicted to smoking seaweed. I arrested her 3 times.


Aryll: what's seaweed?

Gabby: don't worry about it.

Cynthia: awe come on! Sophia isn't all that bad.

Gabby: she was so high one time that she ran around Blackbelly skatepark NAKED, yelling very mean names to any Octoling she saw.

Cynthia:.....oh yeah, I remember that.

Gabby: *sigh* don't try it, Miles.

Miles: wasn't planning to....I've already had my dose of....Psychopathic Inklings.

Cynthia: hm.....well let me tell you something. I already stated that I'm the Love queen! And every single couple that I've gotten together has been successful.

Miles: *raises his eyebrow* uh-huh.

Cynthia: pssssh, watch me.

Cynthia straightened her beanie and gave Miles a big smirk, looking up and down his body, making him uncomfortable.

Miles: um....

Cynthia: you look like a gentle guy. Considering that you smell really fucking good, I'm guessing that your apartment is spotless, correct?

Miles: yeah?.....

Cynthia: you look like you want a simple relationship.

Miles: Mhm?....

Cynthia: with a girl that can understand you.

Miles: obviously. you date a jellyfish?

Miles: what?

Cynthia: down in Moray City, I know this Jellyfish girl who's very sweet.....but very stingy at the same time....she's kinda stupid too.

Miles:...I...I'm good.

Cynthia: not into Jellyfish?....that's understandable. You couldn't hold hands with about a clownfish?

Miles: I'm ok....

Cynthia: a shark?

Miles: no...

Cynthia: an Otter?

Miles: now you're just saying random stuff.

Cynthia: no, I seriously have a friend who's an Otter. She's very lonely and needs a big, strong man by her side.

Miles: well tell her to find an Otter just like herself.

Cynthia: hmmmm....Ooooooh, I'm stupid.

Miles: what?

Cynthia: so you DO want an Inkling girl, just not Sophia. Why didn't you just say so? Since you declined Sophia, I honestly thought you'd be the type to date a different species.

Miles: C-Cynthia....I really don't need the help-

Cynthia: well I'm not friends with a bunch of Inklings, but,*looks at Amira* hey, you wanna be his girlfriend?

Miles: WHAT?!

Amira: *tilts her head*...girl...friend?

Cynthia: yeah.

Amira: but...I am a girl.....and his friend.

Cynthia: closer than that.

Miles: now hold on just a sec-

Cynthia: do you know how to dance, Amira?

Amira: my mother taught me, yes.

Cynthia grabbed Amira and pushed her over towards Miles, causing her to tumble over a little, but catch herself on his chest.

Cynthia: take Miles out to dance.

Amira:...I see....

Amira grabbed Miles' hand and walked away with him, with Miles just confused as fucking hell, but Lola hopped off Miles and onto Aryll's other shoulder, looking at Sidon and blushing herself, seeing Sidon wearing an adorable bowtie.

Cynthia: I'm so good at this.

Gabby: you're gonna make his life a living hell, aren't you?

Cynthia: maybe.

Gabby: he's already had enough when it comes to girls.

Cynthia: what do you mean?

Gabby: he's the boy that was attacked in Splat Tower.

Cynthia:...wait....that was him?!

Gabby: yup.

Cynthia: that was just a rumor around Inkopolis...which explains why the Fireflies disbanded.

Gabby: Mhm.

Aryll: who are the Fireflies?

Gabby: a group don't wanna know.

Meanwhile, some beautiful music began to play in the Ballroom and Miles was looking away from Amira, confused and embarrassed, while Amira was holding her hand out to him...but after a second, Amira lowered her hand and tilted her head at him.

Amira: do you not wish to dance?

Miles:....I........I don't know! I'm just confused; aren't you?

Amira: a little......but....after fighting Isabella....she taught me....

Amira took off her facemask and tossed it aside, catching Miles off guard from her...surprisingly pretty face. Her Ruby red eyes shined within the Ballroom, and she held out her hand once more towards him.

Amira: that everyone deserves a chance...


Miles reached over slowly and grabbed onto Amira's hand, locking his fingers with hers. Miles placed his other hand on Amira's waist, and Amira placed her other hand on his shoulder. The two began to move in sync, slowly and genuinely moving along to the music.

Amira: you are good at dancing, Miles.

Miles: O-Oh...well um...yeah.....yeah, my sister...taught me how to dance.

Amira: I mother taught me how to dance....because I was attached to music.

Miles: heh...I love music too...I know how to play the bass....but I barely do it because...I'm usually doing other things, ya know.

Amira: do your friends not like it?

Miles: well....I play my bass when Echo is at my apartment sometimes...but she usually falls asleep because it's boring. *Chuckles* which is understandable.

Amira:....I wish to hear you play. do?

Amira: *nods* it would be nice.

Miles: *looks away*

Amira: are you free after the Ball?

Miles: oh uh....yeah...y-yeah I am.

Amira: good. I will prepare for our date when I return to splat tower.

Miles:.....w-what? Date?

Amira: isn't that what...boy...friends? And girl...friends do?

Miles: w-well yeah, but we aren't boyfriend and girlfriend.

Amira: aren't you a boy?

Miles: I am...I.....Y-You...*sigh* I'm tired.

Amira: do you wish to get drinks and sit at a table?

Cynthia couldn't help but smirk right at Gabby while crossing her arms, making Gabby roll her eyes and sigh.

Cynthia: told ya.

Gabby: all they did was dance.

Cynthia: I know you saw that blush on his face.

Gabby: you're stupid...

Echo: hey guys, have you seen Miles?

Aryll: *points*

Echo looked over and saw Miles walking along with Amira with the two of them holding their glasses of MPU. Echo tilted her head slightly and looked over at Aryll while pointing at them.

Echo: that's random. The hell is Miles hanging with Amira for?

Aryll: um....basically Cynthia managed to get those two to be Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

Echo: wait what?....woah, woah, woah, woah, woah....excuse me?

Aryll: *shrugs*...

Echo:....Cynthia, is this for eel?!

Cynthia: well, if I said no, I'd be lying, if I said yes, I'd be lying, so......Ngyes?

Echo:....*looks at Gabby*...

Gabby: I'm not getting involved in this.

Echo: there's no...way....*glares* I've gotta see this for myself.

Echo stormed off, leaving Cynthia, Aryll, and Gabby to a very.... awkward silence between the three.

Cynthia: oops.

Gabby: nice going, Dumbass.

Echo walked straight past some Inklings and Octolings, pushing them out of the way and storming straight up to Miles and Amira, who were having a simple chat and sipping some MPU together. Echo slammed her hands on the table and glared at the two, shocking them a little.

Echo: I just....I don't fucking understand.

Miles: what? What's up?

Echo: Amira, are you Miles' Girlfriend?!

Amira: I believe so, yes.

Miles: No! Echo, she isn't!

Echo: oh really? Because Cynthia and Aryll said otherwise.

Miles: you've got the wrong idea!

Echo: do I? Miles, you don't even know her! You've known me for way longer!


Echo: what does she have that I don't?! The one time I actually believe that I have a chance....I turn around for two fucking seconds to see you already in ANOTHER relationship?!

Miles: Echo....

Echo: all of these fucking years I would support you through the relationships you've gone through.....but you're still too stupid to notice.

Miles: what do you mean? Echo, I appreciate everything you've done for me. You literally saved my life from're my best friend. know what?

Echo reached in her purse and pulled out her laptop...the same laptop that Miles got her years ago....she glared at Miles and raised the laptop up, then slammed the laptop right down on her knee, completely breaking it in half right in front of him....Miles watched as Echo tossed the broken laptop in front of him then raised her middle finger up right at him.

Echo: fuck you, Miles.

Echo turned around and stormed away, shoving Inklings and Octolings out of the way and leaving Miles completely....shocked and upset....he picked up the broken laptop and let out a small sigh.

Miles:....why cod....why....

Amira:....I'm sorry, Miles...I made it worse.....I shouldn't have said anything.

Miles:'s ok....I know you don't understand romance and stuff...

Just then, Leon and Coraline ran over towards Miles' table and looked at him, concerned and slightly confused.

Leon: Miles, what happened? Me and Coraline saw Echo storm off....

Coraline: she looked really mad and upset.....

Miles:....she's very mad at me..but....I'll go and talk to her...

Coraline: no, it's ok. I'll talk to her...girl to girl, ya know? Also, I don't want you to get punched in the face, so...

Coraline walked off and left Leon with Amira and soon later, Cynthia, Gabby, and Aryll walked over to the table, with Cynthia rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment.

Cynthia: look dude, I'm very sorry about that...we didn't hear what Echo said, but we could tell that she was pissed.

Gabby: plus she just destroyed a laptop in front of you so....yeah.

Aryll: are you alright, Miles?

Lola hopped off of Aryll's shoulder and crawled over towards Miles, letting out whimpers, causing Miles to let out a very tiny smile and pet Lola.

Miles: I'm ok.....

Cynthia: do you want me to go talk to Echo? I'll explain everything.

Miles: Coraline is talking to her.

Gabby: *looks back* well...that talk wasn't very long...

Everyone looked over to see Coraline walking over to them with a very concerned expression on her face. When she got to the table, she rubbed her arm in a very uncomfortable way.

Coraline: uh....she said she was taking a cab and going home.....and also, Miles....she told me to tell you that she never wants to see or talk to you ever again.

Miles:....*sigh*...just my luck.

Meanwhile, Bella and Yumi were panting like crazy and stumbling to even stand on their feet. Calvin stood there without a single scratch on him, holding his Tenta Brella and glaring at the two.

Sol: hm....alright, times up!

Bella and Yumi fell to their knees and dropped their weapons, Sol and Luna walked over to Bella and Yumi and looked at them, slightly disappointed.

Sol: do you two know why you failed so badly?

Bella: *pant*......*pant*....

Luna: you lack teamwork. Isabella, you need to realize that you can't do everything on your own.

Sol: yup. You have squadmates for a reason.

Luna:'re filled with self doubt. It prevents you from pushing yourself to your limits.

Sol: just because you're an Octoling, doesn't mean you can't do the same things that Inklings can.

Sol/Luna: do you two understand?


Sol: good. Remember, we will be watching your next match...

Luna: you have potential... don't disappoint us.

Luna and Sol left the room, leaving Bella with Yumi and Calvin. Calvin walked up to Bella and Yumi, then pulled out two rags from his pocket and handed them to the two.

Calvin: please don't push yourself. You need to rest from turfing every once in a while...


Calvin: Isabella....I do not see you or your friends as enemies...

Bella: then what do you see us as?

Calvin walked towards the door, then opened it, giving them one last look.

Calvin: the ones that can change everything for the better....

Calvin left the room, leaving Bella and Yumi completely shocked. The two stood up and Bella took off her heels, rubbing her feet in pain.

Bella: I can't believe I had to fight that guy in heels. you really think that we can change everything?

Bella: of course I do. Even if he didn't believe me, I know damn well I can change everything. As long as you're with me, we can show all of those Inklings that Octos are strong too!

Yumi couldn't help but let out a tiny smile at Bella. She leaned forward and kissed Bella's cheek gently, which made both of them blush a little, and Yumi backed away, even more embarrassed than Bella.

Yumi: S-Sorry.....that......just happened....

Bella let out a tiny smile and started walking out of the battle room they were in, while gesturing Yumi to come along.

Bella: it's cool...wanna end this night off with a dance?

Yumi:.....I'd love too....


Oh no, the romance plot thickens @-@

*Chapterly art*

New cover for Lbs for the time being.


Chibi Calvin and Sonia

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