Chapter 18: The Inkopolis Ball

Beautiful sunlight shined right in front of Yumi's least she thought it was sunlight....The Octoling girl brought her hand up to shield herself from the bright light until it dimmed down a little. Yumi moved her hand away from her face and looked around to notice that......everywhere around her was white.....she was in a completely white area....she looked down and saw that she was standing on top of....nothing....but also noticed that her shoes were all dirty and beaten up....Yumi took a second to look at her arm to see that her sleeve was completely torn off....and her arm was badly bruised.

Yumi began to feel scared....but the fear deeply hit her when she looked over at her other arm to see wasn't there.....her lower arm looked as if it got completely cut off....Yumi's thoughts began to overwhelm her too much, that is until a hand grabbed onto Yumi's shoulder, shocking the paranoid Octoling. Yumi looked over and saw Bella......but......she looked different......her tentacles were completely white and her body looked worn down and broken....Bella let out a tiny smile, and just as Yumi was about to speak, something caught her off guard.



Yumi's eyes slowly opened and she noticed that someone was shaking her a little. Yumi looked over a little and noticed Echo shaking her, but stopped when their eyes locked onto each other.


Echo: wake up, sleepy head. We're here.


Echo: the ball, remember? You fell asleep on the ride here.

Echo hopped out the car and looked back at Yumi before pointing next to her and smirking.

Echo: oh, and wake up Bella while you're at it.

Echo walked off and Yumi slowly looked over and noticed Bella sleeping upright, slowly breathing silently. Yumi blushed a little when she noticed that she fell asleep on Bella's shoulder, so she quickly moved her head and began rubbing her eyes.


Yumi looked around the car....well.... actually it wasn't a was a fucking limo, then noticed how much space was in there. She saw empty cups and bags of chips on the floor, showing that her and her friends must've had a nice time during the ride.

Yumi looked over at Bella, who was still sleeping, then slowly poked her cheek.

Yumi: Bella....Bella, wake up....

Bella: mmmmm....

Yumi: we're here.

Bella's eyes slowly opened and she let out a yawn, looking around a little before locking her eyes with Yumi.

Bella: long were we sleeping? hour probably.

Bella: *rubs her eyes* makes took 2 hours to get here.

Bella stretched before standing up and stepping out of the limo. Yumi followed behind her and the two heard their heels click when touching the ground. The two looked up at the moon as the limo drove off. Yumi looked over at Bella to see that she was still wearing her straw boater, but her hair was in a ponytail, along with her slightly green dress.

Yumi: *blushes* m-maybe we should head inside...

Bella: oh! True. Sorry, It's just....

Bella looked out once more and saw the beautiful neon lights from the city that shined brightly down below.

Bella: this place is beautiful...

Yumi: it is...

Bella smirked while flicking Yumi's forehead and turning around with her hands on her hips.

Bella: well, let's get this show on the.......road?

The two of them stood there, completely shocked at the gigantic mansion that stood before them, shining brightly. Some Inklings and Octolings stood outside the mansion, drinking some liquor and enjoying themselves a little.


Yumi looked over at Bella and held out her hand in a very adorable way, causing Bella to get a little confused.


Bella:....*giggles* oh, so we're playing that game?

Yumi: *blushes*....

Bella took Yumi's hand and walked with her towards the mansion. Yumi couldn't help but blush even harder when she felt Bella's soft and cute hand cuddle around hers. The two walked along, past the Inklings and Octolings outside, then up the steps to see two guards in tuxedos, holding out their hands.

Guard: tickets please?

Bella: oh, sure!

Bella reached to her side with one hand while the other was still holding onto Yumi's hand, then she grabbed onto a tiny carrying purse that Echo forced her to wear. But as she was digging through her bag she heard someone call her name near her.

Obsidian: B-Bella!

Bella looked next to her and saw Obsidian and Aryll sitting on a bench, waiting for them. Obsidian stood up and walked over to Bella and let out a nice sigh of relief, while Aryll walked over to Yumi and puffed her cheeks at her.

Obsidian: see? I-I'm her guest.

Bella: why aren't you inside?

Obsidian: they wouldn't let me and Aryll in without you two. So Echo walked back to the limo and woke you guys up.

Bella: oh!

Guard: tickets please?

Bella: alright alright. Hold your seahorses.

Bella pulled out her ticket while Yumi pulled out her own, then handed them to the guards. They looked at the tickets and nodded at them before pointing to Aryll and Obsidian.

Guards: are these your guests?

Yumi/Bella: yeah.

The guards nodded and stepped aside, allowing Yumi and Bella to walk in with Obsidian and Aryll. Obsidian looked past Bella and saw her and Yumi holding hands, making her smile a little, then poke Bella's cheek.

Obsidian: I guess I was wrong...

Bella: what?

Obsidian pointed to Bella and Yumi's hands locked together, causing Bella to tense up a little and quickly move her hand away from Yumi's, making the Octoling confused. Bella sighed a little and looked away from Yumi, mumbling to Obsidian.

Bella: *mumble* shut was a joke...

Yumi looked down at Bella's hand, and was hesitating. She wanted to reach for Bella's hand again....but would if she snatched her hand away once more? Yumi's thoughts were interrupted by Aryll letting out a big "woooooooah" next to her. Yumi looked up from Bella's hand and saw the gigantic Ballroom, seeing Inklings and Octolings talking to each other with fancy attire. Calm and quiet music played as everyone held their glasses and drank from them ever so often.

Bella: wow...

Aryll: *giggles* I feel like I'm in a princess movie.

Obsidian: *smiles* me too.

Bella couldn't help but let out a tiny smile of her own, but her smile was interrupted by a tap on her back, catching Bella's attention, and she turned around to see who tapped her, but when she did, nobody was there. Bella heard giggles and felt another tap, but when she looked at where she was tapped again, she didn't see anyone. Bella sighed and felt yet another tap on her back, so she turned around expecting to see nobody, but instead was met with an Inkling girl with very roughed up tentacles and sharp teeth.

???: Boo! *Giggles*

Bella stumbled back a little and that caught the attention of Yumi, Obsidian, and Aryll, who looked over to see the scary-looking Inkling girl smiling right at Bella. Now that Bella could officially look at the Inkling...she just..stared at her...noticing that the Inkling only had one eye, and her skin.....made her look like a zombie squid from a movie.

The girl was covered in scars, and to put the cherry on top, the Inkling girl was missing her left arm, which even caught the attention of Yumi. Obsidian began to shake in fear, then hid behind Aryll as the Inkling let out a smirk and put her one hand on her hip.

???: So you're Isabella? *Fufu* Calvie poo told me all about you!

Bella: um.....who the hell are you?

Sonia: *hmph* I'm Sonia! Rank 7 in the Inktastic ten!

Bella:! You're my-...

Sonia: yup! I'm your next opponent after Calvie poo, girly~

Sonia got super close to Bella and began looking up and down her body, making Yumi just.....stare at her while letting out very concerning Octoling noises.

Sonia: can I call you Boaty?

Bella: what? Why?

Sonia: because of your straw Boater. *Snickers* boat.....*salutes* eyeye, Captain!

Obsidian: *whimpers*...Z-Zombie Squid....

Sonia: hm? Oh! You're referring to my appearance *whispers* don't tell anyone, but I'm one of the most cutest squids here.'re rank 7?

Sonia: that's right! you're stronger than Calvin?

Sonia: of course! *Giggles* Calvie poo could never beat me in a one-on-one.

Sonia: well, I am the most skilled Dynamo user known to squid~

Bella: w-wait! You use a Dynamo? With one arm?

Yumi: it's coming back to me....

Sonia: hm?

Yumi: I knew I saw you somewhere before.....a couple of months ago I was watching a top level match....and she demolished the Flowing Reef squad; a squad that's known for being very coordinated in their team play.

Sonia: oh yeah, those guys were easy peasy!

???: Sonia....

Everyone looked over and saw an Inkling girl in a black and white dress walking over to Sonia. The Inkling had purple tentacles that covered her eyes, and very, very pale skin.

Sonia: *gasp* Susie!

Susie walked over to Sonia and raised her fist in the air, then swung down and knocked Sonia on the head with it.

Sonia: *rubs her head* owie...

Susie: stop acting like a child.

Sonia: *smirks* can't help it. *Gasp* Susie Susie Susie!! This is the girl that Calvie poo was telling us about!

Susie looked over at Bella and she slowly walked over to her. Bella began to feel slightly uncomfortable when she saw Susie raise her hand and gently pinch onto her cheek, letting out a "hm" in the process.

Susie: your skin is too wouldn't be of proper use....

Obsidian: w-why are there so many scary squids here?....

Susie:....*looks at Aryll*.....*poke* is too soft....

Aryll:....*looks at Obsidian* should I take that as a compliment, or an insult?

Obsidian:...s-she....said you had soft skin....and....soft skin is a compliment!

Aryll: hm....*pokes herself*

Yumi: Bella....

Bella: hm?

Yumi got a little close to Bella and pointed at Susie, and the second she did, Bella sighed and looked at her.

Bella: please don't tell me that she's....

Yumi: *nods*.....

Susie: mm...

Bella: you're rank 6 apparently?

Susie: that is correct.

Bella: u-uh......what weapon do you use?

Susie: *pokes Sonia* the Dualie squelchers.

Bella: oh, Just like you, Yumi.

Yumi: well...yes...but she uses the regular Dualie squelchers. I use the custom ones...

Bella: how do you know all of this?

Yumi: I...*looks away* like watching top level matches on my free time....

Susie: are you two lovers by any chance?


Yumi: *blushes*....

Sonia: do you two do kinky stuff?


Miles: Bella!

Luckily before the conversation got very awkward, Miles ran over to Bella and everyone else while panting a little.

Bella: what's up Miles?

Miles: h-have you guys seen Lola?

Yumi: *shakes her head*

Bella: nope. We just got in here, man.

Miles: dammit. I was at the snack table and I put her down for a second, then when I looked back at her, she was gone!

Bella: that cucumber must move pretty damn fast then.

Miles: can you guys help me find her?

Bella: *shrugs* yeah. Oh, by the way.

Bella pointed at Susie and Sonia while letting out a smirk at Miles.

Bella: these two are next in line after Calvin. You guys, this is my squad mate: Miles. C'mon Yumi, let's go find that cucumber.

Bella and Yumi walked off while Miles just....stood there, slightly uncomfortable seeing the two girls just stare at him. Sonia walked up to Miles and poked his nose in a very flirty way.

Sonia: you're a cutie~

Miles: um.....thank-

Sonia: I would date you! But alas *looks away* my Calvie poo....still rightfully owns my heart!

Susie: you're not even dating Calvin....

Sonia: yes I am! We've been dating ever since we first met!


Miles: *visibly confused*.....

Bella and Yumi walked around the Ball room, and searched around for the tiny cucumber, making their way past many squids and Octos.

Bella: where is that Cucumber?

Yumi: Bella....

Bella: yeah?

Yumi: *points* Cynthia....

Bella looked at where Yumi was pointing and saw Cynthia sitting in a separate room from the ball room. A room that looked much like a bar. Bella and Yumi looked at each other and braced themselves before walking into the little bar area, seeing Cynthia laying her head on the counter, while Gabby was leaning against the wall, and Amira was standing next to her, holding a glass of her own.

Cynthia: maaaan....yo, Bar tender.....fill me up with that sprinkle special again.

Bar tender: I believe you've had enough, ma'am.

Cynthia: I know the definition of enough!....and....*hic*.....I did NOT have enough yet!

Gabby: *sigh* Cynthia...we just got here and you're already drunk....

Cynthia: bitch! I'm not drunk...I'm just....woozy...

Gabby: *rolls her eyes*

Amira: Bella...Yumi?

Yumi: *waves*

Bella: Hey Amira. Hey Gabby.

Gabby: hey....what are you doing?

Bella: we're looking for Lola. Have you seen her?

Amira:....the pet of Miles?

Bella: yup.

Amira: *shakes her head* sorry...but I cannot recall seeing a cucumber anywhere near here. I apologize.

Bella: it's ok. We'll just keep looking.

Cynthia: l-look look look look...I don't know what a cucumber is...but I saw ugly booger go outside of here!

Yumi: outside?

Bella: Lola probably went out to the courtyard then.

Yumi nodded and walked along with Bella outside of the gigantic Mansion. The two walked out into a beautiful courtyard together that had a giant water fountain flowing clear and fresh water. The two cephalopods walked towards the fountain, with the clicking of their heels being the only sounds coming from the two.

As they approached the fountain, they saw a figure sitting on the edge of the fountain, after walking a little closer, the two saw that it was the Tuxedo wearing Inkling Inkling boy himself; Calvin.

Bella and Yumi didn't say a single word when they saw the Inkling, but instead....they just...watched him. Calvin was holding Lola in his hands and feeding her a lollipop with a tiny smile on his face. It looked as if he was......actually enjoying himself.

Calvin: looks like you're lost, little one...

Lola: *nibble*

Calvin looked over and saw Bella and Yumi looking right at him in the courtyard. The second he saw them, his face just.....became emotionless....his smile disappeared and he stood up with Lola In his hands. Calvin walked over to Bella, then held out Lola towards her.

Calvin: I believe this belongs to you, Isabella.

Bella: o-oh...yeah. sorry.

Instead of Bella taking Lola, Yumi took her instead, since Lola didn't like being touched by Bella. Bella looked at Calvin and tilted her head at him slightly as the Inkling dusted off his Tuxedo.

Bella: you seemed like you were enjoying yourself.

Calvin: mm?

Bella: with Lola. You were smiling.

Calvin:......*looks away*....nonsense....

Calvin walked past Bella and back into the Mansion, leaving Bella and Yumi confused. Before the two had a chance to question anything though, Miles came running outside and approached the two, instantly taking Lola from Yumi's hands.

Miles: L-Lola! Are you alright?!

Lola: *nods*

Miles: *sigh* don't run off please. Thanks for finding her, guys.

Bella: *smiles* no prob.

Miles: let's head back inside. I saw the squid sisters in there, and I never got a chance to ask for an autograph.

Miles began walking back into the Mansion, and Bella was about to walk after him, but she felt a hand grab onto her shoulder. Bella turned around and saw Yumi looking into her eyes while her face turned a little red, making Bella slightly confused.

Bella: um...what's up, Yumi?


Yumi looked away a little, letting out a tiny sigh while letting go of Bella's shoulder.

Yumi:....I don't......understand...



Yumi could feel her heart throbbing from inside of her. This was the perfect was just them.....alone within the courtyard....the beautiful moonlight shining down on the two.....Yumi opened her mouth....and struggled to even speak. She clenched one of her hands tightly and her blush became even wider.

Yumi:.....ever since that kiss.......I've just.......been thinking about you........


Yumi: I know that kiss meant nothing to made me experience and feel things I've never felt before.


Yumi:....this is random to bring up...but....I just can't hold it in anymore....

Bella saw Yumi start to shake a little. Yumi unclenched her hand and looked at it, seeing that her sharp Octoling nails stabbed deep into her hand. Yumi watched the blood drip from her hand, causing her lip to quiver a bit.

Yumi:......I started to realize that......the more I think about you.....the more I doubted myself around you.....I know nothing about you.....


Yumi: when Obsidian showed up in Inkopolis for the first time......I felt so.... jealous.....she knows everything about you.....she's so close to you.......and....even though she told me that you and her are just friends.....I still can't shake the feeling that you two have something more.......something that I'll never be able to achieve.

Yumi looked straight at her sharp claws, which were now covered in her blood.....she began to realize what she was.....questioning everything she's done up to this point......why the hell is Bella even hanging out with someone like her? An awkward, emotionally confused, stupid Octoling?

Yumi: but I thought hard yesterday........I..... decided that I just want to get this off my chest so I can leave this in the past forever.....and leave you alone.

Bella saw tears start to flow from Yumi's eyes. Yumi started to sniffle a little, and cover her eyes with her other hand. Bella was left completely speechless; Yumi, a very quiet and calm Octoling....was crying right in front of her. Bella watched as the tears flowed down Yumi's face while she gritted her teeth.

Yumi: I'm in love with you, Isabella.....b-but I know I don't deserve you at all. I'm just a stupid Octoling.......and you're a beautiful, kind, brave, and inspiring Inkling.......I'm dirt compared to you......


Yumi: I'm sorry.......I just-....I.....*looks down*.....I know......let's just enjoy the Ball.....

Yumi turned away from Bella and began to walk away, feeling a bit better that she finally got her feelings out....but it definitely wasn't in the best way. She didn't even bother to patch up her bloody hand, so she just allowed her blood to drip from her finger tips and onto the sidewalk. Just as Yumi was about to approach the stairs....she heard Bella speak to her, slightly catching her off guard.

Bella: you sure love doubting yourself....don't you?


Bella: turn around...and look at me....please...

Yumi turned around and saw Bella approaching her, reaching down towards her own wrist and pulling off a little rag that was wrapped around it. When Bella pulled off the rag, Yumi saw a symbol on her wrist, along with the numbers 005, shocking her a little.

Bella: don't talk low about yourself like that, Yumi. It just....really pisses me off.....I never wanna hear such words leave my friend's mouths.....


Bella: I can understand why you think this however.....but....I don't want you or anyone else to get the wrong idea. Obsidian is just my friend, and she's been by my side for 18 years....she's the only one that's....*shrugs* ya know, been there for me.

Bella wiped Yumi's tears away and grabbed onto her bloody hand, gently holding it and feeling on her rough fingers.

Bella: yeah, Obsidian knows everything about me....that's why she is usually worried when a random squid or Octo tries to get close to me, because she knows I wouldn't.....ya them....

Bella wrapped the rag around Yumi's bloody hand, then looked her in the eyes while giving her a tiny smile of her own.

Bella: what did I tell you when we first met?

Yumi:.....*looks away*..

Bella: don't let your type of species control your actions and what you want to do in life; If you desperately want something, don't let any obstacle be your limitation on what you can and can't do.

Bella looked away a little, letting out a tiny blush of her own. She chuckled a bit while holding onto Yumi's hand.

Bella: sorry about not noticing earlier....I can be very oblivious when it comes to and Obsidian specifically have a Platonic relationship.


Bella: a platonic relationship is when two beings are sharing a form of bond that has no form of romantic or sexual form of affection. The relationship is basically a "more than just friends" type of thing, ya know?.....


Bella: we held hands as kids, hugged as kids, escaped our past as kids......we did everything together......when I first met her 5 months after my creation.......she was already broken and treated like an outcast.....and she was known as Code 10....while I'm Code 5....

Yumi:....y-you and her are...5 months apart?......

Bella: yeah....heh......this is random....but our birthdays were based off of our numbers birthday is May it's on the 5th day on the 5th month of the year. Obsidian is the exact same, with her birthday falling on October 10th.....


Bella: what we have is for you......I did.....n-notice that you were acting different ever since that kiss.....

Bella looked back at Yumi a little, then gently booped her nose.

Bella: I'm happy you told me this, Yumi.


Bella: it's just weird for me to understand...I don't know why...ya know? *Rubs the back of her head* why me of all squids?

Yumi: b-because you're cute and.....*looks away*......I love your were the only ever make me smile.


Bella covered her mouth and let out a tiny sigh, hiding a little blush of her own.


Bella looked down at her wrist to see those numbers....and the symbol......Yumi looked at the numbers and symbol as well....seeing Bella clench her own hand a little.

Bella: I'm sorry that I've never....opened up to's just....I have trust issues, ya know?...


Bella: I have.....been thinking about you a little as well....

Yumi: Y-You.....have?

Bella:....y-yeah......p-promise you won't tell anyone about this symbol?.....

Yumi:.....I promise.

Bella:.........*Siiiiiiiiiigh*......alright, alright, alright......

Yumi: *tilts her head*

Bella walked closer to Yumi and began to get even more embarrassed, but she just shook her head a little and looked Yumi in her eyes.

Bella: and....promise to not tell anyone about this either.....

Bella grabbed Yumi's face gently and pulled her in, connecting her lips with Yumi's. Yumi's eyes widened in shock, but they slowly began to close as she sank deeper and deeper into the kiss... embracing it and once again.... feeling Bella's soft, warm, and comforting lips touching hers. The two continued to kiss, and Yumi hesitated, but she grabbed Bella's waist and held it gently, feeling pure Bliss.

Yumi slowly opened her mouth, along with Bella, then their tongues connected slowly. The tips of Yumi's tentacles slowly began turning purple, while the tips of Bella's tentacles began turning sky blue. Before the kiss could continue for any longer, Bella pulled away and a trail of mixed saliva broke between them. Bella rubbed the back of her head once more, then puffed her cheeks a little.

Bella: there........and....that kiss wasn't an accident this hope you enjoyed it.....

Yumi:......*opens her mouth*-...

Bella: A-And I don't want you to start thinking that we're girlfriend and girlfriend!.....but....

Bella rubbed her arm and sighed a little, trying her hardest to calm herself.

Bella: let's just say........we're.....a little closer than....just me and Obsidian....f-for now at least.........I can tell.....that we could eventually.......uh.....go further in this relationship in the future......when I achieve my dream......

Yumi smiled at Bella, then slowly lifted her hand up to the cute Butterfly hair clip that Bella bought her, causing her to blush a little more.

Yumi: Bella.....


Yumi: I.....want to get to know you open up to me when you can.....

Bella:.....I'll......try, Yumi.......for you.....and this bond,...I'll give you everything I have.....physically and mentally....

Yumi:......thank you.....s-so much......even I will throw in my all......

Bella:......t-thanks Yumi.......

Gabby: Isabella!! Yumi!!

Bella and Yumi looked at the Mansion doors to see Gabby standing there, crossing her arms at them, looking just as grumpy as ever.

Gabby: c'mon! They're almost here!

Bella: they?

Gabby: just hurry up!

Gabby walked inside, then Bella and Yumi looked at each other, slightly confused, but they walked out of the courtyard and back into the Mansion. The music was completely turned off, not a single word was being spoken at the moment. The two walked through the Ballroom and they saw Gabby standing next to Amira and the squid sisters.

Bella walked up to Gabby and tapped her on the shoulder, then began to whisper in her ear.

Bella: what's going on? Why is everyone all silent and junk?

Gabby: just shut up and stand straight.

Bella, still confused, just stood still and Yumi did the same. Two doors opened in the Ballroom and everyone looked over to see two very short squids walking into the room. One of them was an Inkling boy with burning red tentacles and yellow eyes. The Inkling had a toothy smile on his face as he stood beside an Inkling girl with very dark blue tentacles and grey eyes. Her face was less emotional than the Inkling boy's, so she seemed to be more formal.

Butler: everyone, please welcome the Twins of Turf.

Everyone began to clap as the two kids walked along the Ballroom, past everyone, including Calvin, Sonia, and Susie, who all looked completely formal and respectful towards the little squids.

Bella: *whispers to Gabby* twins of turf??

Gabby: *sigh* yes....the Twins of Turf.....they are the ones who control the rankings and how high, or low a squad will drop on the leaderboards.

Bella:....two kids?

Amira: yes. They are a really big deal, so I recommend you make a good first impression. They could take away your Turfing privileges if you're not careful.


???: Alright! Which one of you is Isabella?!

Chapterly art:

Lola! ^

Sonia and Susie Character bios! ^

Inkopolis Ball Bella and Yumi ^


Cute shit u-u

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