Chapter 17: Preperation

Dayna: nah, I'm good.

Yumi stood there dumbfounded, not knowing how to respond to Dayna's answer. She looked at the golden ticket in her hand, then saw her friend walk past her and flop onto the couch, turning on the TV and relaxing with a bag of chips by her side. Yumi clenched her ticket a little, then walked over to Dayna and tapped her shoulder.

Yumi: w-why?...

Dayna: *shrugs* dances aren't really my thing, Yumi. If you took me, I'd just be sitting there, doing nothin'.


Dayna: plus, I don't like wearing dresses.

Yumi let out a little sigh just as she saw Mia walk past her with some laundry in her hand. Yumi opened her mouth to speak, but Mia put a hand in front of Yumi's face, gesturing her to be quiet.

Mia: I know what the Inkopolis ball is, and all I have to say is--no thanks.

Yumi: but....who am I supposed to bring as a guest?

Mia: you'll figure it out, Yumi. The Ball is tomorrow, and didn't you say you and your friends are going out shopping or whatever?

Yumi's eyes widened a little and she quickly pulled out her phone to see that it was 12:47 PM. She opened her phone and looked in the group chat that Bella made with all of her friends in it, including her of course.


M: yo, where are you guys?

E: yeah. Me and Miles are at Moray City.

B: my bad, I had to do something; but I'm super jumping over there rn.

G: why am I in this group chat?

B: because you are our friend, Gabby.

G: shut up.

Cy: me, Gabs, and Amira are at the entrance. Where are you two?

E: the eel Arcade.

Cy: oh hell yeah.

E: where's Yumi?

B: Idk.

Cy: yoooo, Yumi?!

G: Yumi, it's been 10 minutes and we're waiting for you. Where the hell are you?


Yumi began to silently panic to herself, so she quickly texted on her phone before grabbing her wallet and running out the door. Yumi Superjumped out of Flounder heights, and began soaring through the sky, seeing many places below her such as Inkopolis, the street with Cynthia's Café, BlackBelly Skatepark, but in the far distance, she saw Moray City, then let out a tiny sigh of relief.

Yumi landed on top of a building, since she could only Super Jump so far. She looked next to her and saw a virtual billboard, showing a news reporter walking up to an Inkling boy in a tuxedo.

*On the billboard*

News Squid: so, you're the rank 8 squid within the Inktastic ten, sir?

Calvin: *nods* that is correct..

News squid: I see that you've just came out of Deca tower with your trusty weapon. Were you fighting a fierce battle, sir?

Calvin: a fierce battle?

News Squid: yes.

Calvin: *shakes his head* "fierce" wouldn't be the right term to use for the battle...

News squid: care to explain?

Calvin pointed over towards Deca tower to show everyone 4 Cephalopods crawling out of the tower, with looks of pure fear on their faces, even shocking the News squid.

News Squid: w-were those your opponents?

Calvin: *nods* yes.

News squids: um....*leans over* call an ambulance for that squad. A-Anyway, sir.

Calvin: *raises his eyebrow*

News squid: I'm pretty sure you've heard of Isabella! And her trusty squad. Since you're next in the ranks, do you feel any sense of fear, knowing that Isabella is coming for you next?

Calvin: fear?...

News squid: that is correct, sir.

Calvin:......*walks off*...

Inkling girls: AAAAAAAAH, CALVIN!!!

News squid:....w-well, there you have it! Will Isabella defeat this squid like the others? Find out soon! *leans away* I told you to call an ambulance for those squids!


Yumi couldn't help but feel a chill go straight down her body at that moment. But she quickly shook her head and super jumped once more towards Moray towers. Yumi soared through the sky in her human form and saw Moray towers getting closer, and closer in her eyes.

Yumi: (...what...should I buy?....I...want to look nice for them...for Bella..)

Yumi felt her heart thump for a second, causing her to put one hand on her chest and let out a tiny sigh.

Yumi: ( at least...I can control myself around her...)

Yumi landed right in front of Moray city, then ran into the city to see many cars driving down the street. Yumi ran down the sidewalk until she saw the giant sign that said "Eel Arcade", making her let out a sigh of relief and walk into the store.

When Yumi walked inside, she was instantly greeted by a bunch of little squids running around and screaming while playing. Yumi ignored the children while walking inside and looking down the isles of Arcade machines

Yumi: where...are they?

Cynthia/Coraline/ Echo: GO, GO, GO, GO, GO!!!

Yumi heard the voices of her friends and followed the voices until she saw all of her friends standing and watching Bella and Miles dancing on a giant gaming machine. Yumi walked over to them and gently tapped on Cynthia's shoulder to get her attention.

Cynthia: oh shit! What's up Yumi? You're finally here!

Yumi: *points* what are they...doing?

Cynthia: oh, well since you took so long, Bella and Miles decided to play "Deep Sea Dancing Frenzy" together. So far, they're killing it.

Bella: *dance dance dance* ooooh! What's the matter, Miles?! Getting tired?!

Miles: *dance dance dance* pssssh! As if! You can't handle my moves!

Obsidian: *whimpers* G-Go, Bella!!!

Echo: Mop the floor with her, Miles!!!

Video game squid: your dance moves are crazy fresh!! Time for a frenzy!!

Bella: awe yeah, a frenzy!

Miles: *smirks* I hope you're ready to get styled on.

Bella: *smirks back* give me your best shot.

A bunch of arrows began flowing down the screen, and everyone watched as Miles and Bella shifted their feet at crazy speeds.


Cynthia: if they can move that fast, just imagine how good they are in bed....

Gabby: *sigh* shut up. I'm just waiting for this game to be over so we can go shopping.

Cynthia: what's wrong? Can't dance?~

Gabby: I-I can dance!

Cynthia: Mhmmmmm~

Gabby: fuck off...

The game ended and Miles, along with Bella, began panting like crazy while holding onto the railing of the game.

Video game squid: amazing dance moves! Let's see your scores!


Bella---10,875 points!

Miles---10,763 points!


Bella: ooooooh! Suck it!

Miles: you barely won!!

Bella: still won though.

Miles: I want a rematch!

Gabby: no! Can we just go shopping now?! Look, Yumi is here now. I want to get out of this Arcade...these kids are giving me the creeps.

Bella: *giggles* alright alright, let's go.

Everyone in the group began to walk out of the Arcade, but before they reached the exit, they heard coughing from behind them. They all turned around to see Bella covering her mouth with one hand and coughing into it slightly. Miles walked up to Bella and gently put a hand on her shoulder, looking at her in a concerned way.

Miles: Bella, are you alright?

Bella:...y-yeah, I'm cool. Actually, you guys go ahead. I'm gonna go to the bathroom...

Echo: you sure?

Bella: yeah, I' up with y'all.

Gabby:...mmmmm...alright...let's go, guys.

Cynthia: we'll be at Seashell paradise, alright?

Bella gave them a nod and walked back into the arcade towards the bathroom, while everyone walked off....well... everyone except Obsidian. Obsidian patted Aryll's head and pointed towards their group of friends.

Obsidian: you go with them, I'll stay here to see if she's ok.

Aryll:...*nods* o-ok..

Aryll walked off while Obsidian walked back into the Arcade, passing a bunch of squiddos before reaching the ladies bathroom. Obsidian gently opened the door and heard coughing....she slowly walked inside and saw Bella coughing more violently into her hand while leaning over the sink.

Obsidian: Bella?.....

Bella: O-Obsidian?!...what ar-

Obsidian: what's wrong with you?

Bella: I-I'm fine...It's head was feeling a little body....


Bella: it feels as if my shifting violently inside of hurts.

Obsidian: how long has this been going on?

Bella: *shrugs* It's been random ever since I beat Amira.


Bella: it's cool, Obsidian. don't worry about it. the pain is only for a brief minute anyway.

Obsidian: we should still take you to a doctor before this gets worse...

Bella: come on. every time I go to a doctor, they always say "I'm sorry, but I don't know what's wrong with her".

Obsidian: B-But-

Bella gently poked Obsidian's nose and gave her a little smile, seeing Obsidian whimpering, clearly being worried about her. Bella grabbed Obsidian's cheeks and leaned a little closer to her.

Bella: trust me, right?

Obsidian: *nods* I do.

Bella: No matter what?

Obsidian: a-always...

Bella: then, can you promise me something?

Obsidian: Mhm...anything.



Bella: I don't want you to tell the others anything about this.....I don't want them to worry about me.


Bella: It's just....I don't want them to get involved.....with anything when it comes to me or you.

Obsidian: but why?

Bella:......because they could get hurt....

Bella sighed and looked away, but soon felt Obsidian's arms slowly wrap around her and squeeze her a little while letting out little sniffles.

Obsidian: I promise...

Bella:....thanks.....*giggles* are you crying?

Obsidian: *sniff* No! are!

Bella smiled and patted Obsidian's head before walking out of the bathroom, with Obsidian trailing behind her.

Bella: big baby.

Obsidian: *whimpers*

Bella and Obsidian walked out of the Arcade, but when they did, they saw Yumi standing there with her hands in her pockets and smiling a little.

Yumi: are you alright, Bella?

Bella: yeah *smiles* I just had a little cough, but I feel fine actually. *shrugs* it was probably something I ate earlier that came back up, ya know?

Yumi: *nods* of course.


Meanwhile, everyone else was walking inside of Seashell paradise: a store that looked very beautiful and smelled really nice on the inside, with clothes hanging everywhere they looked. Echo was walking along with Miles and inside of a isle together. Echo let out a tiny blush as she grabbed two dresses, while Miles was holding Lola and inspecting her.

Miles: hm....what dress would go good with you, Lola?

Echo: Miles?

Miles: hm?

Miles looked over to see Echo holding two dresses. one dress was Blue with white stars all over it, while the other dress was black, and coated with red lines.

Echo: which do you think would look better on me?

Miles: um....I'd have to say the blue one. It matches your eyes.

Miles walked off with Lola while Echo looked at the blue dress, and couldn't help but smile a little.

Miles: now, where's the baby section so I can get you a dress as well.

Lola: *points to Miles' ticket*

Miles: yeah? what about my ticket?

Lola: *points to Echo*

Miles: I know I'm bringing Echo as a guest.

Lola: *points to herself*

Miles: *smirks* don't worry. I'll sneak you in there.

Miles walked along towards the baby section while passing the men's section of the store. Miles saw Leon in a isle all by himself, pacing back and forth. Miles and Lola looked at each other before walking over to Leon and gently tapping his shoulder.

Miles: are you ok, man?

Leon: I-I-I-I......I don't know....

Miles: what's wrong?

Leon: I......It's just....I've never been to a ball before....and Coraline said she was bringing me as her guest...

Miles: yeah?

Leon: but.....I.....I want to.....ask Coraline if she wants to dance with me at the ball tomorrow....

Miles: it's easy man, Coraline is a very nice girl, so I know she'll say yes.

Leon:...*looks away*...mmmmmm.

Miles: hm....ok, look at me.

Miles placed down Lola on the ground, then backed away from her a little, while looking at Leon.

Miles: pretend that Lola is Coraline, and I'm you.

Leon: o-ok...

Miles walked up to Lola and kneeled down In front of her, extending his hand and giving her a smile.

Miles: hey Coraline, I know this sounds sudden and all...but I was wondering if you'd accept this dance with me?

Lola: fufu~ *grabs Miles' hand*

Miles pulled Lola up and put her back on his shoulder, then shrugged at Leon, only to see him even more worried than before.

Miles: um.....see? that easy.

Leon: y-yeah just make it look easy.

Coraline: what's going on? I heard Miles say my name, and "dance".

Miles:.....uh... nothing!

Coraline walked up to Leon and Miles, but especially up to Miles, giving him a smirk and poking his forehead.

Coraline: you're choosing squids to dance with aren't ya?

Miles: w-well, not really...

Coraline: *smirks* I suggest you dance with Echo~

Miles: wait, why?

Coraline: *shakes her head* you really are clueless.


Coraline looked over at Leon and gently poked his forehead too, giving him a smile, but Leon looked away from her to hide his blush.

Coraline: I hope you know who you're gonna dance with, Leon.


Coraline: but...if you don't know....Leon....I just wanted to tell you tha-

The two were interrupted by Cynthia looking down the isle while smirking and holding her phone out.

Cynthia: yo guys, there's a child breakdancing on isle 4!!

Coraline: *gasp* I wanna see!

Coraline ran off with Cynthia, leaving the two idiots to just....stare at each other.

Miles: wanna go to the baby Isle with me?

Leon: I'm ok...I'm gonna go continue to look for suits....while slowly crying to myself

Miles: heh...*finger guns* SUIT yourself.


Miles:.....yeah, I'll go...

Miles walked away and into the baby Isle, seeing a bunch of tiny dresses, perfect for Lola. Miles placed her down and gestured her to pick out a dress. Lola began to crawl around the isle and look at the dresses while Miles let out a sigh until he felt a tap on his back. he turned around and saw Bella, Yumi, and Obsidian standing there.

Bella: hey Miles.

Miles: hey.

Obsidian: why are you in the baby isle?

Miles moved out of the way and showed the three Lola, who was holding two little dresses.

Bella:...heh.....wait, I thought you used your invite on Echo?

Miles: I did. I'm gonna sneak Lola inside.

Bella: for eel? would if you get caught?

Miles: I won't. Lola can curl up into a small ball and fit in my pocket.

Bella: ooooooh. *smirks* smart thinking.

Miles: *chuckles* thanks. what about you, Obsidian?

Obsidian: m-me?

Miles: are you bringing Ginger?

Obsidian: *shakes her head* Ginger said she wanted to stay home and watch Tv.

Bella: as always.

Aryll: Bella! Obsidian!

Bella and Obsidian saw Aryll walk up to them and hold up a black dress. Bella and Obsidian smiled, but Miles looked at them a little concerned, then pointed at Aryll while looking at Bella.

Miles: I thought you were inviting Obsidian?

Bella: I am?

Miles: but....didn't you tell us that Calvin said each of us can bring only one guest?

Bella:.....*mumbles* fuck....fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck....dammit....

Aryll tilted her head and watched as Bella turned away from her and began tapping her foot fiercely.

Bella: *mumbles* I forgot...

Miles: *mumbles* h-how?

Bella: *mumbles* shut up...uuugh

Obsidian: *mumbles* it's should take Aryll instead of me...

Bella: *mumbles* no!

while the three began to argue, Aryll began to realize what they were talking about, causing her to get a bit upset and walk away to go put her dress back, but her shoulder was grabbed, stopping her. Aryll looked behind her and saw Yumi looking at her and giving her a tiny smile. Yumi looked back at Bella, Miles, and Obsidian, who were still arguing, then slowly opened her mouth to speak.

Yumi: G-Guys...

Bella: what? what's up?

Yumi: *holds up her ticket*.I'll take her as my guest.

Bella:.....w-wait what?...

Bella walked up to Yumi and gave her a tiny look of concern, then put her hands in her pockets.

Bella: what about Dayna? and Mia? I thought you'd bring one of them?

Yumi: I asked, but they turned down my request.


Yumi: I don't mind....I can tell she wants to go.


Yumi was caught off guard, feeling Bella quickly wrap her arms around her. Yumi blushed a little, then hugged back, burying her face into Bella's shoulder. Miles smiled at them, then felt Lola tap him from behind. He turned around and saw Lola holding up a tiny pink dress. Miles kneeled down and picked her up, then took the tiny dress from her.

Miles: you want this one?

Lola: *nods*

Obsidian: awwwe, it matches her bow. C-Can I hold her?

Miles: yeah, I don't mind.

Miles handed Lola over to Obsidian, but the second Lola touched Obsidian's hands, Lola looked right at Obsidian's wrist to see something imprinted on her skin underneath her long sleeve.....a very....familiar symbol, which made her begin to whimper and shake fiercely. Obsidian tilted her head a little, along with Miles, who saw Lola shaking as if she was.....scared of Obsidian. Lola turned around and begged for Miles to take her back, so Miles picked her back up and she instantly calmed herself down. Obsidian felt a little embarrassed, and looked down at her hands, while Miles petted Lola a little while Yumi, Bella, and Aryll walked over.

Bella: what happened?

Yumi: we heard whimpering.

Obsidian: I....I don't know....

Miles: I placed Lola in Obsidian's hands, and Lola started to freak the hell out.

Obsidian: is something......wrong with me? I didn't do anything to her...

Bella: *shrugs* it's not that big of a deal. Lola does the exact same thing when I touch her.

Miles: she does?

Bella: yeah. Why do you think I never touch your stupid pet?

Lola: hmph!

Obsidian: but...I gave her treats in the hospital?...

Bella: didn't pick her up then.

Miles: but that's weird. Like, Echo picks up Lola all the time, along with everyone else that I know.... except you two? This makes no sense.

Miles lifted Lola up and looked straight at her, while tilting his head in a concerning way.

Miles: what's the matter, Lola? Why don't you like them?

Lola:.............*points to Obsidian's wrist*....

Miles: her...wrist?...what's wrong with that?

Bella and Obsidian's eyes died at that moment. Their hearts started beating rapidly the second they realized what was going on. Bella quickly threw her hands in the air like an idiot, then gave everyone a creepy smile.


Miles: uh....sure?

Bella: you're tagging along with us!

Bella pushed Miles ahead of them and he began to walk toward the dresses. While Aryll and Yumi were having a nice chat, Bella and Obsidian were trailing behind them and Bella slowly wiped the sweat from her forehead.


Obsidian:....she knows...

Bella: never expected a tiny cucumber to know about that symbol......

Obsidian pulled her sleeve down slightly and looked at the symbol on her wrist. Below the symbol were imprinted numbers of [C: 010]. Bella pulled down her own sleeve as well and saw the same symbol, with her imprinted numbers under the symbol reading [C:005].

Bella:....something probably happened to her and she remembers this symbol....that's probably why she's so scared... think so?...

Bella:..... probably....*sigh*...this is getting out of hand........

Bella pulled up her sleeve and looked over at Obsidian.

Bella: let's just...have fun.....

Obsidian: *nods* mm.


After their shopping session, everyone was walking out of Seashell paradise and holding bags, now walking through Moray city.

Cynthia: I still don't know why I have to wear a dress thooooooough...

Gabby: Because it'll make you look nice. Plus, I paid good money for it.


Gabby: you'll look nice in yours too, Amira.

Amira:...thank you..

Cynthia: mmmmmm....

Miles: uuuuugh, my legs hurt!

Aryll: y-yeah! Can we sit, please?

Gabby looked over to see a bunch of tables and chairs outside, then she looked across the street and saw a food truck. guys want something to eat as well?

Miles/Aryll: yes, please!

Echo: I could go for some grub.

Amira: me as well...

Leon: m-me too...

Coraline: meeeee!

Yumi: *nods*

Gabby: alright. Bella, Obsidian?

Everyone directed their attention over to the two, only to see them standing there in deep thought. Gabby snapped her fingers, making the two jump a little.

Bella: W-What? What?

Gabby: we're gonna get some food. Do you guys want anything?

Obsidian: I-I'm ok.

Gabby: alright. Anything for You, Bella? I'll get you those fries they have. Extra salt! Just the way you like 'em!


Obsidian looked at Bella and saw that her eyes were....lifeless for a second.....Bella looked away and slowly opened her mouth to speak, while putting on a fake smile.

Bella: o-oh, yeah!....I wouldn't mind!...

Gabby: *smirks* see? I know you all too well, Bella.


Obsidian:.....m-me and Bella will find a table.

Gabby and the gang walked off before giving them a nod. Obsidian grabbed Bella's hand and walked with her over to a table, the two sat down and Obsidian looked over at Bella once more, seeing her let out a tiny sigh.

Obsidian: you were so...happy...

Bella: yeah, it was before all of this nonsense came I feel shitty.

Obsidian:.... it's alright.....I know how much you hate getting reminded of your past....

Bella: yeah. I know everything will be better by tomorrow.

Obsidian: *smiles* that's the spirit.

Bella:.... you wanna spend the night at my house?


Obsidian: I'll make you your fries...I know you can't resist them.

Obsidian poked Bella's forehead, then snatched her straw boater, causing Bella to get embarrassed and try to take her hat back. Obsidian dodged and smiled while putting Bella's boater on her head, swaying her head from side to side.

Obsidian: you're antennas are beeping, Bella!

Obsidian reached over and touched the two Ahoges at the back of Bella's head, watching them wiggle as if they were actual antennas.

Bella: o-ok, you saw them Obsidian, now give me my hat back!

Obsidian: cheer up Bella~ cheer up!

Bella: haaat....

Obsidian: only if you promise to cheer up!


Obsidian: *glares* mmmmm...

Bella:.........*Snickers* stop trying to look threatening.

Obsidian: *giggles* there ya go!

Obsidian smiled and gave Bella back her hat. Bella put it back on just as everyone came back and grabbed some spare chairs. Everyone began to eat together while Bella sat in front of her fries.


Gabby: are you gonna eat, Bella?

Bella slowly picked up a Fry and just....stared at it for a minute. Obsidian began to whimper a little, slowly seeing the fry go closer and closer towards Bella's mouth. Obsidian quickly slapped Bella's fry from out of her hand, then she slapped Bella's container of fries off of the table, letting them spill all over the sidewalk, making Gabby's jaw drop.

Cynthia: damn *nom*...


Obsidian: I-I....uh......*shruuuuuuugs* oops?

Gabby: *sigh* I'll go get you some more fries, Bella-

Obsidian: N-No! She's doesn't need them!

Gabby: *puts her hands on her hips* ok, now I'm really starting to question if you two are a thing or not.


Cynthia: now that I think about it *nom* you two have been all up on each other today.

Bella: *glares* is that a problem?

Cynthia: woah sister, I was just sayin', that's all. *Shrugs* if Obsidian is your girlfriend then you might as well say it.

Miles: wait, I thought Bella liked Yum-

Echo: *slams a burger in his mouth*.

Miles: mmmph!

Bella:.....*stands up*.....I'm gonna head home, Guys....

Cynthia: really? This early?

Coraline: yeah, it's only 7.

Echo: I was hoping we could all go to the undertow.

Cynthia: pssssh, count me in.

Bella: nah, I'm not in the mood for drinking.

Bella picked up her bag with her dress in it, then gave her friends a tiny wave.

Bella: *smirks* I'll see you guys at the Ball tomorrow?

Echo: sure thing.

Gabby: yeah, see you there.

Amira: yes *nods* I shall see you there.

Bella walked off with her bag, but the second she did, Obsidian stood up with her bag with an embarrassed look on her face. She bowed down to them multiple times with a tiny blush on her face.

Obsidian: t-thank you all! I'll be taking my leave as well! C-Come on, Aryll.

Obsidian waddled away to catch up with Bella while Aryll did the same. Cynthia put her feet up on the table while letting out a very long sigh, catching the attention of everyone.

Cynthia: yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if those two were secretly dating.

Gabby: yeah, but Bella isn't even the type of relationship gal.

Cynthia: I can tell...but I guess I'm the only one who noticed what was going on with her?

Gabby: what do you mean?

Cynthia: Bella looked uncomfortable the whole day. But when Obsidian was next to her, she seemed to look more relaxed.

Coraline: well Bella and Obsidian ARE childhood friends after all. Of course she'd feel more comfortable around her.

Cynthia: wait, for eel?

Coraline: yeah. They've known each other for a very long time. Obsidian was Bella's only friend back then.

Cynthia: awe jeez...*looks at Yumi* you got some competition, girl....very....tough competition.

Yumi looked down and couldn't help but clench her fists under the table while feeling slightly upset.

Yumi: but........Obsidian told me that her and Bella were just close friends.......

Cynthia: you sure? 'cuz being "close friends" can lead into a relationship if the two become even closer. After all... having 1 friend like that for a very long time can lead to some...issues.....specifically trust issues.


Gabby: what are you talking about? Bella trusts us.


Cynthia placed her shoes back down on the ground and stretched a little, then stood up and pointed over towards the Undertow.

Cynthia: this relationship talk is junky. Let's just hit the undertow like Echo said.

Echo: true...I just wanna drink this drama away.

Everyone stood up and began walking over to the Undertow together, but Yumi just....sat at the table still. She began scratching her thighs in a nervous way... feeling the sense of sadness and jealousy rile up in her body.

Yumi: (does me?......she does....right?)


Obsidian once more*

Hm...I wonder what's on her wrist?

Some more Aryll, cuz why not?
Again- strqbeary

And she also made crying Yumi^

Sad, yet cute.

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