Chapter 16: Just The Beginning
It was pretty early in the morning, about the time for many Inklings and Octolings to rise and shine for the day. Bella sighed while walking down the sidewalk all by herself, thinking while staring up at the clouds. The morning air felt a little dense, most likely because it rained the night before. Bella looked down at the grass and saw the rain droplets from last night, slowly sliding down and dripping off of the grass.
Inkling girl: come on, man! shoot the ball!
Bella looked up from the grass to see a caged in basketball court with Two Inklings and Two Octolings playing basketball together; She heard the dribbles of the ball and saw an Octoling boy shoot the ball at the net, making it in and scoring two points. The Octoling boy let out a sigh from exhaustion, and let out a tiny smile at the Inklings, who were also panting a little.
Inkling girl: *grabs the ball* I gotta admit--that was a good shot.
Inkling boy: you Octos aren't so bad.
Octoling boy: *smiles* thanks. wanna take a little break?
Inkling girl: sure.
The four cephalopods sat down next to each other, then the Octoling boy felt a cold object touch the side of his face. The Octoling looked over and saw the Octoling girl handing him a cold bottle of water while giving him a little smile. The Octoling boy took the bottle and chugged it down, then saw the girl slowly stretch her body and drink from a bottle of her own water.
Inkling girl: ya know....after this game is over, do you two Octos wanna head to Inkopolis? we can run a couple of turf war matches.
Inkling boy: yeah. even though we never really hung out with Octolings before, you two seem pretty fresh, ya know?
Octoling girl: *giggles* we'd love to.
Bella couldn't help but smile at the sight of the two species getting along. She let out a nice sigh and looked next to her to see an empty bench, which was covered in minor droplets from the rain.
Bella: I guess I'll just wait here until she arrives...
Bella wiped off the bench and sat down by herself, tapping her shoes gently on the concrete while watching the cars drive by. she tapped her fingers on her thighs while letting out a bored groan. just as Bella was about to pull out her phone, she heard someone sit down next to her and let out a nice, long sigh. Bella looked next to her to see the same coffee Octoling girl from before, wearing a tank top and shorts, while having a rag wrapped around her neck. The Octoling girl felt on the bench and let out an "oh shit" expression, then sighed.
Cynthia: wet benches....the bane of my, this is cooling off my ass *shrugs* so this is fine.
Bella: Cynthia?
Cynthia: *looks at Bella* oh snap! wassup girl?! the hell are you doing here?
Bella: I could be asking you the same thing.
Cynthia: I'm just finding a way to pass time. The Café doesn't open for about another 15 minutes, but it's not like I'll have a lot of customers anyway.
Bella looked down and saw Cynthia holding a skateboard between her legs, then pointed at it while tilting her head.
Bella: you skate?
Cynthia: hell yeah. Skating is something I do when I have free time.
Bella: are you good?
Cynthia: *shrugs* I've busted my ass a couple of times, but I know how to grind.
Bella: ooooh!
Cynthia: well....kinda.
Bella: what do you mean?
Cynthia: let's just say I need an Icepack for my "lips".
Bella:...*tilts her head* your mouth looks fine to me.
Cynthia: not talking about my upper lips, pal.
Bella:....oh.....*eyes widen* OOOOOOOH......oh....
Cynthia: yup. I tried to grind on a rail, but the rain from last night kinda fucked me over.
Cynthia: fell off my board and WAM. It felt as if my ovaries were knocked up into my stomach.
Cynthia: I guess you could say I "grinded" on the rail in more ways than one.
Bella: are you gonna be ok at least?
Cynthia: It might be swollen later, but I'll manage. I've taken way worse.
Yumi: Bella?...
Bella looked past Cynthia and saw Yumi standing there, holding her phone and giving her a confused look. The two just....stared at each other until Cynthia pointed at Yumi while looking at Bella and giving out a smirk.
Cynthia: Isn't this your girlfriend or something?
Yumi:....*tiny blush*
Bella: no no no no no! she's friend.
Cynthia: uh-huh. *looks at Yumi* yo.
Yumi: mm?
Cynthia: is Bella your girl?
Yumi:*looks away*
Cynthia: shit....*shrugs* well, I already know who's the bottom bunk out of you two.
Bella: Cynthia!
Cynthia: *chuckles* alright, alright, alright. I'll stop now.
Bella: anyway. Yumi, what are you doing here?
Yumi: Amira...told me to meet her here.
Bella: too...huh....
Yumi: I can see she's not here yet. *points at Cynthia* who's she?
Cynthia: *shrugs* Just a side friend of Bella.
Yumi: hm..
Cynthia: do you like coffee?
Yumi: at times.
Cynthia: at times? bitch, my coffee will make yo-......y-you......oh fuck.....
Bella: you ok?
Cynthia: the pain is starting to kick in.....
Yumi: pain?
Bella: she banged her "veemo" on a rail.
Amira: Bella...Yumi?
while Cynthia was clenching her crotch in pain, Bella and Yumi looked over to see Amira walking over towards them while wearing a simple hoodie and pants, but keeping her facemask on.
Bella: Amira.
Yumi: what did you call us for?
Amira: I just...need to tell you something important.
Within Obsidian's apartment, Obsidian and Miles were carrying the last bit of grocery bags into her kitchen. Miles placed down the last bag and smiled as Obsidian opened her fridge and began to place the groceries in, then Miles walked over and was about to start helping, but before he did, he placed Lola on the counter and pointed towards the living room.
Miles: go hang with Obsidian's pet.
Lola: *looks away* hmph!
Miles: Lola, I know how much you hate other pets, but you're gonna have to deal with it. I'm busy.
Miles: look, just go hang with her. see? she's watching TV.
Lola looked over and saw Ginger silently sitting on the couch by herself and pressing on the Tv remote to change the channel. Lola looked back at Miles, only to see him smile and gesture her to go. Lola let out a tiny sigh, then hopped off the counter. she slowly made her way onto the couch and was sitting right next to Ginger, watching a simple cooking show.
Ginger: *turns up the Tv*
Lola: *pokes her nubs together*
Ginger: *looks at Lola*
Ginger: *tilts her head*
Lola: *looks away* hmph!
Ginger:....*looks at the Tv*
Baker: and as you can see, this is how you properly bake a cake.
The Baker cut a slice of cake and dropped a few strawberries on it, allowing the camera man to zoom in and get a good look at the slice.
Baker: look at it....beautiful~
The baker cut off a bit of the slice with a fork and ate it, then smiled at the camera.
Baker: and delicious too~
Ginger: *drooling*
Lola: *drooling*
Miles and Obsidian let out smiles of their own when they saw the two pets bonding, then the two got back to work with putting the groceries in the fridge.
Obsidian: thank you for helping me with this, Miles.
Miles: no prob. I was only at the store to grab some squid chips, that's all.
Obsidian: you like squid chips?
Miles: I don't. They were for Lola.
Obsidian: you went to the store to buy her chips?
Miles: of course. *tilts his head* don't you go to the store and buy your pet stuff when they want it?
Obsidian: mmmm....n-not all the time...
Miles: hm?
Obsidian placed an Orange juice container on a shelf, then pointed towards her window to show Miles a long ceramic pot with a bunch of strawberries growing from it.
Miles: woah....
Obsidian: I grow some of my food at home. Ginger loves fruit, so I decided to get into gardening when I was a little squid so I could grow my own fruits for her.
Miles: you must've had Ginger for a long time then.
Obsidian: Mhm! Bella got Ginger for me back then.
Miles walked over to the window and looked at the strawberries closer, then pointed at them while looking at Obsidian.
Miles: can I?...
Obsidian: *smiles* go ahead.
Miles took a strawberry from off of a stem, then took a bite of it, smiling to himself and quickly eating the rest.
Miles: my cod, Obsidian! these strawberries are so good!
Obsidian: awe, thank you!
Miles: you're really good at gardening.
Obsidian: well, it was years of practice. there are more fruits on the balcony, if you wanna try them.
Miles opened the door to the balcony and saw a bunch of ceramic pots in many different sizes with many different fruits ranging from Blueberries, Bananas, tomatoes, and even watermelon.
Miles: oh my cod....
Miles grabbed a couple of blueberries and a banana, then walked back into the house while eating the blueberries, only to see Obsidian putting up the last bit of the food. Obsidian closed the fridge and let out a nice sigh before walking over to the stove and turning it on.
Miles: what are you cooking? *nom*
Obsidian: I'm about to make breakfast.
Miles: you know how to cook everything, huh?
Obsidian: most things, yes. *smiles* I heard that you can cook too.
Miles: eeeeh, it's nothing to brag about in my standards. everyone in my family is an amazing cook.
Obsidian: awwwe. I'm guessing your parents taught you how to cook?
Miles: actually no. It was my big sis. my parents were usually always busy at work and stuff, so they weren't at the house a lot.
Obsidian: oh...
Miles: my dad was a profreshional Chef, so he was always traveling around the world to cook for squids. my mom was just a simple truck driver. she was driving around for days, delivering things back and forth, and when she got home, she usually fell asleep on the spot.
Obsidian: so both of your parents were hard workers?
Miles: yeah *shrugs* but that didn't get me down.
Obsidian: was your big sister nice?
Miles: awe, she was the best! she taught me how to do everything! cook, clean, show respect....she was amazing.
Obsidian: where is she now?
Miles: *sigh*..she couldn't take care of me forever, ya know?
Miles: so, when I was 13, she signed me up to attend camp triggerfish. *nom* and that is where I met Echo, Bella, and Coraline. My sis went on to live her own life. now she's married and has a kid of her own.
Obsidian: *gaaaaaaasp* you're an uncle?! that's adorable!
Miles: *chuckles* yeah, I have a niece, and she's 4 years old.
Obsidian: your sister is an amazing woman!
Miles: thanks. what about you?
Obsidian: what about me?
Miles: ya know, who were your parents? do you have siblings?
Miles saw Obsidian's face change from absolute happiness, to slight sadness. Obsidian turned around and grabbed an egg from the container, then cracked it. Miles thought to himself for a moment, then realized what he said, causing him to drop his fruit and instantly start apologizing to the shy Inkling while leaning down and slowly picking the fruit back up.
Miles: I'm so sorry! I-I forgot you and Bella grew up together! and....ugh! I'm an Idiot!
Obsidian: It's ok, Miles. You have nothing to be sorry for.
Obsidian:....the closest person......and only person I have is Bella...
Obsidian: *smiles* we've known each other for 18 years.
Miles: wow.... it's kinda crazy on how you two are so close, but you both are so....different.
Obsidian: *cooks bacon on the side* Mhm. I know everything about her.
Miles: really?
Obsidian: yup; every little thing.
Miles: hm...ok.....what's Bella's favorite movie?
Obsidian: space squids 2. she hates the first one, but loves the second.
Miles: favorite Tv show?
Obsidian: the depths of Ink. she watched it 3 times. cake?
Obsidian: strawberry shortcake. she hates it from the store, so she prefers me to make it for her.
Miles: favorite drink?
Obsidian: urchin eclipse, specifically the burst berry and strawberry tentatek ones.
Miles: favorite color?
Obsidian: Midnight blue.
Miles: wait, what? I thought it wa-
Obsidian: purple?
Obsidian: she only chose purple to fit with me. her tentacles used to be white.
Miles:....f-favorite book!
Obsidian: Bella doesn't read regular books, but she reads comics. her favorite comic is the "Legacy of scars", and it's been going on for a while.
Miles: favorite cupcake?!
Obsidian: she doesn't like cupcakes all that much, but she likes muffins. her favorite flavor is burst berry.
Obsidian: *tilts her head*
Miles: h-how does Bella like her fries?
Obsidian: a little crispy, but not too crispy; seasoned with some paprika, with a bit of dried parsley, and only a BIT of salt, mainly because salt makes her stomach feel funny. sometimes she's in the mood for barbecue sauce, and sometimes she's in the mood for ketchup. she doesn't like when you ask her what dip she wants though. but her favorite flavor of dip is honey mustard.
Miles: *jaw drops* jeez. when I made Bella fries, she'd just say she wants them plain.
Obsidian: *giggles* because most squids can't make it right.
Miles: you're good...
Obsidian: 18 years.
Miles saw Obsidian place the plate of eggs and bacon on the counter, then sit down next to him with a little smile on her face.
Miles: so.....if I were to ask Bella the same questions about you....
Obsidian: she'd answer all of them with no hesitation.
Miles: well.....I have one more question for you.
Obsidian: mm?
Miles:.....does Bella have a crush on anyone? the moment?
Obsidian: nope.
Miles: woah....are you sure?
Obsidian: Mhm.
Miles: positive?
Obsidian: Mhm.
Miles: super positive?
Obsidian: 100 percent. are you so sure?
Obsidian: Bella tells me everything.
Miles: wow.....
Obsidian: I-I know Yumi...has a crush on Bella....
Obsidian: but....this isn't the first time someone has had a crush on
Miles: maaaan, Aren't they cute?!
Miles: do you think Yumi has a chance with Bella? I believe so., Aryll!!, Breakfast is ready!!
Miles looked behind him and saw an Inkling girl walk from out of a room while rubbing one of her eyes and whimpering. A tiny sea bunny hopped from off of Aryll's head, then onto the couch to see Ginger and Lola watching TV together.
Lola/Ginger: *look at Sidon*
Lola: *pats Sidon*
Sidon: *moves from Lola*
Aryll: you went grocery shopping?...
Obsidian: Mhm!
Aryll: really *yaaaawn* early.....
Aryll sat down and began to eat, smiling from how good the food was. She looked at Miles and lazily pointed her fork at him.
Aryll: I know're a part of Bella's team...
Miles: yup. Nice to meet ya, kid.
Aryll: nice to....*yaaaawn* meet you too...
Miles looked over at Obsidian and saw her looking down at the deep thought. Miles tilted his head and tapped Obsidian, snapping her out of it.
Miles: yo, you ok? You're kinda zoning out.
Obsidian:....oh...I-I'm ok.....just... thinking about something important...
Miles: ooooh, like Bella?
Obsidian: it...has something to do with her, yes.
Obsidian gently grabbed onto her own wrist and let out a tiny sigh, feeling some slight pain from it, and drifting back into deep thought once more.
Obsidian:......(it hurts....Bella....I know yours does as well....)
Meanwhile, Bella, Yumi, Cynthia, and Amira, were all walking down the sidewalk together, and Yumi looked over at Bella to see her holding onto her wrist as if it was in pain. Yumi tilted her head and gently tapped Bella on the shoulder, catching her attention.
Yumi: is your wrist ok?'ve been holding it for the past two minutes.
Bella: o-oh, I'm ok!
Cynthia: *wiggles her fingers* bitch was getting freaky.
Bella: *rolls her eyes*
Amira: what does....she mean?...
Bella: you don't wanna know....
the four of them walked across the street together, then up to Cynthia's Café, only to see the police squid herself, leaning up against the wall while holding a piece of paper.
Cynthia: yooooooooo Gabs-
Gabby: *holds up the paper* care to explain yourself?
Cynthia grabbed the paper and began to read it, then rolled her eyes before crumpling it up and stuffing it in her pocket.
Cynthia: *sigh* alright, alright, alright.
Cynthia opened the door with a key, then flipped the sign to open before walking inside along with everyone else following her behind.
Cynthia: it's just some pimp Inkling boy that wants to buy the Café from me and granny.
Gabby: what? why?
Cynthia: he wants to turn it into a clothing store.
Bella: so...why don't you give it to him?
Cynthia: hm....ok, let me put you in a scenario, Bella.
Bella: *tilts her head*
Cynthia: your hat.
Bella: my hat?
Cynthia: imagine if that hat was very special to you because someone important gave it to you. if Someone strolls along and says "hey, I wanna buy that hat off of you". would you let them buy that hat?
Cynthia: see? Fuck that shit.
Gabby: but don't you get money out of it?
Cynthia slowly began to make coffee for the four girls while letting out a tiny sigh, hearing them sit down at the front counter.
Cynthia: yup. I get a fuck ton.
Gabby: then why don't you just use that money to open up a brand new Café?
Cynthia: just as I explained to Bella; this place is very special to me, Gabs. Sure, it may be a dump, but it's my family's dump, and I'll do anything to keep it open and running.
Cynthia let out a nice smile as she dumped in a bit of cream into the girls coffees.
Cynthia: this place may look like an ordinary crummy Café to you guys, but this place is a storybook to me.
Bella: how so?
Cynthia: well *chuckles* I remember my gramps was sitting in a chair, and that shit broke from under him. *Snickers* the words I remember him saying we're "holy Zapfish...I just shit my pants. Cynthia, get me my spare undies"
Amira: wait, which chair was he sitting on?
Cynthia: the one you're sitting on right now.
Amira's chair broke from under her and she fell straight onto the floor, with Cynthia laughing her ass off while Yumi leaned down and helped Amira up, and even Gabby and Bella let out little giggles of their own.
Cynthia: did you shit your pants, Amira?
Amira: *rolls her eyes* throw that chair away...
Cynthia: nah, I'll just stick it back together with duck tape again.
Amira pulled up a new chair, then sat down on it while getting her coffee placed down in front of her, along with Yumi, Bella, and Gabby.
Cynthia: well, yeah, that's the reason why I don't wanna give this place up to that tuxedo-wearing weirdo.
Amira: tuxedo-wearing....oh....Isabella, now I remember what I wanted to speak to you and Yumi about.
Bella: yeah? *Sip*
Amira: it's....about the other Inktastic ten members.
Bella: I'm listening.
Amira:....I'm going to be honest, Isabella; I'm nothing compared to the remaining 8.
Bella: how so?....
Amira: I.....*blushes*...I haven't developed my own...especial stream yet...
Bella: your especial what now?
Amira: well....the Inktastic ten leader members have something unique about them that.... distinguishes them from every normal Inkling and Octoling.
Bella:....I'm...sorta catching on.
Amira: an especial stream, or E.S for short, is a unique ability that every member in the Inktastic ten least the top 8.
Bella: so you're saying the remaining 8 all have something different about them? Like, something big, big different?
Amira: *nods* an E.S is something that could drastically turn the tides of battle. The main reason why they're so high up in the leaderboards is because no squad can figure out how to work around their especial streams.
Yumi: but...isn't that cheating?
Cynthia: yeah, I was kinda thinking the same thing. Like, would if an Inkling has a very overpowered E.S? Wouldn't that just ruin the fun?
Amira: that Is why the E.S must be shown, demonstrated, and explained in front of the higher-ups, and they'll choose if the ability can be used in battle.
Bella: well...this number 8 squid is my next opponent.....I wonder what their E.S will be...
Amira: you're going up against Calvin.
Bella: Calvin?
Amira: yes. he is rank 8 in the Inktastic ten, and he is....very different than me in terms of strength.
Bella: can you give me some tips?
Amira:...the only advice I can give is...Calvin has a very....aggressive, yet passive fighting style.
Bella: what weapon does he use?
Amira: the Tenta Sorella Brella.
Bella: of course....
Amira: you are catching the attention of many top level squids now. Your rank is impressing them.
Bella: oh, right! What is my rank now, since I beat you?
Amira: you have advanced from rank three hundred and twelve, to rank one hundred and ten.
Bella: woooooooooooo!!! *Holds her hand up*
Slap me up, Yumi!
Yumi: *smiles and high-fives Bella*
Cynthia: yo, let me get some skin too!
Everyone began to high-five each other, except Gabby, who was thinking hard to herself while looking down at her coffee.
Cynthia: what's up, Gabs?
Gabby:....*sigh* I'm just worried on if you're actually going to lose the Café, that's all...
Cynthia: *smirks* because you like my coffee?~
Gabby: duh. Cynthia, would if that Inkling boy brings a health inspector into the Café? He's definitely going to shut this place down.
Cynthia: yeah, that's the one thing I'm worried about *shrugs* but I don't have the money to afford repairs.
Amira stood up, catching everyone's attention at first. Amira let out a tiny sigh and pointed straight at Cynthia, confusing her.
Cynthia: what? Is there ketchup on my shirt? Damn...
Amira glared at Cynthia and slammed her hand down on the counter, while using her other hand to pull down her facemask to reveal her mouth.
Amira: please! Give me a job here!!
Cynthia: 0-0....yo, what?
Amira: I wish to help you.
Cynthia: help me?...
Amira: I.....
Amira looked over at Bella, and Bella saw a tiny smile appear on her face, making her surprised. Amira looked back at Cynthia with a very calm expression, while silence filled the Café.
Amira: I want to change myself....I want to turn myself into a better squid....and being around you all...makes me....happy.
Bella: awwwwe!
Gabby/Yumi: *tiny smile*
Cynthia: I'm still confused. Like, you want to work in a place like this?
Amira pulled out her credit card and placed it down onto the counter, then gave Cynthia a tiny nod.
Amira: we can start fixing it up right away.
Amira: and yes, even the chair your grandfather fell out of.
Cynthia: *smirks* now you got my attention.
Bella: you're really willing to do all of this, Amira?
Amira: *nods* yes.
Gabby: *looks at Cynthia* the girl is determined.
Cynthia: reminds me of my uncle when he told me "if you see some juicy ass, go for it with no hesitation"
Bella: why would he tell you that?
Cynthia: I was in the backseat of his car when he was picking up prostitutes.
Gabby: I'm really starting to question your family...
Cynthia: I'm starting to question when your chair is going to break from under you.
Gabby: *chair breaks* AAA-!
Cynthia: there it is. Anyway, yeah, you can work here *shrugs* it'll be nice to have some company.
Amira: thank you, Cynthia.
Cynthia: no prob. So, what's going to be our first plan?
Gabby: *stands up* your first plan IS FIXING THESE DAMN CHAIRS!!!
Cynthia: awwwwe, did someone bust their ass on the wooden floooooor?~
Gabby: I hate you sometimes...
All of a sudden, many screams and squeals we're heard from outside the Café, from many Inkling and Octoling girls, confusing everyone inside of the Café. The door to the Café opened slowly, then an Inkling boy walked inside with a glare on his face. The boy had a black bowl cut, blue eyes, and he wore a clean tuxedo, slightly dusting off his shoulder when he stepped completely inside.
Amira's heart instantly died when she saw the Inkling boy walk into the Café, looking around and giving a slightly disgusted look at the interior. The Inkling let out a little sigh and straightened his bowtie, making Amira sweat a little from just his appearance alone. Amira looked over at Cynthia and saw her crossing her arms, with a slightly ticked off look on her face.
Cynthia: aaaaand he's back....
???: Cynthia...
Cynthia: look man, I'm not giving you the Café.
???: You will one day....*looks at Amira*.....
Amira began to sweat even more, feeling the boy's glare burn a hole deep into her heart. She looked away in embarrassment and heard the boy's footsteps slowly getting louder as he approached her. Amira felt the boy's hand gently grab onto her chin and direct her attention back at him, forcing her to stare into his eyes.
???: Amira.....
???: You disgust me....deeply...
???: You lost your title.....your squad....and what are you now? Some low-life Inkling girl once more....walking around the streets...dressed in such....disgusting clothing....
Bella: alright...
Everyone's attention was directed straight towards Bella, who drank the last bit of her coffee before standing up and getting in between Amira and the Inkling boy. Bella glared right into the Inkling's eyes and pointed directly at his chest.
Bella: listen Bud, I don't know who you think you are, but you can't just barge in here, insult my friend, and think you're hot shit with that stupid tuxedo.
Bella: like, you honestly have the audacity to insult Amira, but I already know she could wipe the floor with your ass!
Amira: Bella...
Bella: so why don't you take that rich boy attire of yours and leave. We don't need stupid squids like you to ruin our nice hangout session.
Amira: *tap tap* Bella...
Bella: what?
Amira: should stop.......
Bella: why?
Amira:...because.....that's....Calvin....the squid I was telling you about...
Bella: 0-0...................oh.....
Cynthia: sheesh. She's even worst at making first impressions than me....
Cynthia was caught off guard by Calvin placing a bit of money on the counter in front of her, while not breaking his glare at Bella.
Calvin: Latte...not too sweet...
Cynthia: oh...well shit, alright.
Cynthia began to make the Latte while Calvin was looking right at Bella, with the awkward silence filling the room.
Calvin: what happened to your confidence?
Bella:....*rolls her eyes*...
Calvin: it makes sense that it completely disappeared when you realized who I was.
Bella: you're rank 8, huh?
Calvin: *nods* that is correct.
Bella: *glares* I guess you're the next obstacle in my way from making it to the top.
Calvin:.....*looks at Amira*....did you not tell her?
Amira:....*looks away*
Bella: tell me what?
Calvin: Isabella.....I want you to be honest...
Calvin: *raises his eyebrow* do you believe you won the matches against rank 9 and 10 fair and square?
Calvin: against the Fireflies.....
Calvin looked over at Yumi, and gave her a menacing look, then lazily pointed towards her.
Calvin: you distracted their charger by kissing this Octoling....
Bella: well yeah, but that was an accide-
Calvin: against the Ravens...
Calvin shifted his attention at Amira, then shook his head in disappointment.
Calvin: Amira and her squad gave you free points, and that backfired on her, which is why she lost the game by 1 point.
Calvin: you got lucky, Isabella....and all I'm going to say is...*glares* luck will not be on your side if you try to face me.
Calvin: rank 9 and 10 aren't even important... didn't you know?
Bella: what?
Calvin: Amira barely passed the entrance exam into the top 10. The 10th and 9th squads are just..... placeholders. They always get changed out. There are many squads out there that deserve Amira's spot. But you got lucky, didn't you, Amira?
Amira:......*looks away*....
Bella: what are you exactly talking about?
Calvin: if you manage to even make it into the Inktastic ten, you must now work up another latter to become number 1, while also defending your title. Rank 8 and above are the squads that secured their spot, and their spot will only change if the higher ups say so.
Calvin shrugged a little and reached into his pocket while Cynthia placed down his Latte.
Calvin: but I could consider myself lucky since I found you here. I actually wanted to invite you to join us. I just showed up In here to remind Cynthia, since she wasn't here this morning.
Bella: wait, join you? For what?
Calvin pulled out 4 tickets and handed them to Bella, making her confused as she stared at them. The tickets were golden, while being coated in diamonds, clearly looking like they were worth a bunch of money.
Bella: what are these?
Calvin: tickets for you and your squad mates to attend the Inkopolis Ball *straightens his bowtie* you should be thankful.
Yumi: *confused*
Gabby: *rolls her eyes*
Amira: C-Calvin...but...I thought only Inktastic Ten members were allowed to attend the ball?
Calvin: and those Inktastic ten members can invite as many cephalopods as they please.
Bella: what the hell is the Inkopolis ball?
Gabby: a very special ball that happens only once a year, basically with the two higher-ups and Inktastic ten squads inviting whoever they want to attend the ball.
Calvin: *nods*
Gabby: so, I kinda agree with the guy when he said you should be thankful for getting those tickets.
Cynthia: yup, an Inkling would kill for those tickets. They're ultra rare.
Bella, instead of being happy, just tried to give Calvin the tickets back while rolling her eyes.
Bella: thanks, but I'm ok.
Cynthia: shiiiit...can I get 'em?
Calvin: I gave you those tickets because I want to talk to you when I see you there. Plus....the others want to see you as well....
Calvin: *raises his eyebrow* you want to make it to the top, you said?
Bella:....*sigh* yeah.
Calvin: then I recommend you accept the tickets and go to the ball. The ball is the day after tomorrow, so I highly suggest you go....find some better clothes when you get the chance.
Bella: duh...
Calvin grabbed his Latte and walked away from Bella towards the door, but before he opened it, he looked back at Bella and put up a finger to make one last point.
Calvin: one last thing....each member of your squad is allowed to bring one guest. Only one each; understood?
Calvin: good...and I'm serious, Isabella...
Calvin: This is just the beginning...luck will no longer be on your side...
Calvin left the Café and left everyone in silence. Bella walked over to Yumi and handed her a ticket, then let out a tiny sigh.
Bella: welp...he's our next opponent, Yumi.
Yumi: yes...but...*smiles* I know we can beat him.
Bella:......*smiles* yeah.
Cynthia: ey, sorry to break up your "moment", but if one of you two invite me, I'll totally eat your ass to repay you.
Bella:...uuh....sorry, but I already know who I'm gonna invite.
Yumi: me as well.
Cynthia: fuuuuuuuuck, man!!
Gabby: oh shut up, you big baby. You're already going.
Cynthia: wait, for eel?
Gabby: YES!!
Cynthia: how?
Cynthia: but how did you get a ticket?
Gabby: *shrugs* don't have one.
Cynthia: *visible confusion*...
Gabby: *facepalm* I'm going to be there for you're coming too, Amira.
Bella couldn't help but just...stare at her tickets and sigh to herself, catching Yumi's attention.
Yumi: what's the matter?
Bella: *shrugs* just thinking....but...there's one thing that Calvin is right about....
Yumi: what?
Bella:......this....really is just the beginning.
Name: Calvin
Rank: 8
Personality: quiet, slightly cold, civilized.
Main: Tenta Camo Brella
Description: Calvin is a very calm and collected Inkling boy. He is rank 8 within the Inktastic ten, and usually doesn't think about many other things besides his competition. Coming from a very wealthy family, it's what they expected and forced from out of him, they want him to win.....and that's what he....semi wants.
Gabby and Cynthia character bios:
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