Chapter 15: Broken Codes
A train rode down the tracks at remarkable speeds, carrying many passengers with it. Inklings, Octolings, and many other sea creatures, were either sitting down, or standing casually. a short Inkling girl was sitting down within the train with her earbuds in her ears as she watched something on her phone, something that made her smile in an adorable way. she watched as an Inkling girl slammed her fist onto her own chest in pride, yelling right at Amira.
Inkling girl:...Isabella...
The Inkling took one of her earbuds out when she heard the train intercom start to speak to all of the passengers.
Intercom: attention all passengers, we are now approaching Inkopolis, If this is your stop, please gather your belongings and exit through the doors when the train comes to a complete stop.
Inkling girl:.....I can't believe I'm....going to meet you....
An Inkling boy hugged an Inkling girl from behind, then buried his face in her back slowly. The Inkling girl grasped her suitcase tighter and let out a little sniffle when she felt the Inkling boy's tears seep through her shirt.
Inkling boy: please....don't go....
Inkling girl:.....I have order to properly walk in my mothers footsteps....I must go off to train by body, mind, and spirit....
Inkling boy: I'll come with you!! I'll travel with you!! I just don't want to be separated from you...I can't live without you.
The Inkling girl turned around to face the boy, then smiled at him before poking his forehead in an adorable way.
Inkling girl: you can't come with me...this is a path that only I can walk down....
Inkling boy:.....
Inkling girl: *smiles* don't hold onto the past...I want you to have a nice life....
The Inkling girl kissed the boy's forehead before waving goodbye and walking onto the plane.
Bella and Obsidian were both sitting together on Bella's couch while wearing their pajamas and sharing a blanket, along with Ginger, who was on the arm of the couch, watching along with them. Bella and Obsidian were both fighting back tears as Bella was holding an empty bowl, which used to be full of popcorn.
Obsidian:...*sniffle* this show!
Bella: *wipes her tears*'s fucking amazing.....and we still have 3 seasons to go, and the Squidmas special until we watch the finale.
Obsidian: wait! t-there's more?! b-but that seemed like a series finale right there!
Bella: I know, *pat pat* but we still have a lot more to go, my rocky friend.
Obsidian: *whimpers* well, start up the next season! I'm very excited now!
Bella: *looks down into her bowl* after a quick break. can you remake some more popcorn? I'm gonna go use the bathroom.
Obsidian: o-okay!
Obsidian took the bowl from Bella, and the two went their separate ways. Obsidian walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of uncooked popcorn, then took it out the plastic while humming to herself. she tossed the bag into the microwave and turned it on, then heard the doorbell ring.
Obsidian tilted her head and walked over to the door, then opened it to see a short Inkling girl standing in front of her with light skin, tan colored tentacles, and black eyes, she wore a skirt, dark bomber jacket, and school shoes, she also had a carrying bag on her side, along with an adorable smile.
Obsidian: oh, hello little missy. can I help you?
Inkling girl: *looks behind Obsidian*...mmmm.....
Obsidian:.....are you looking for something?
Inkling girl: o-oh! I'm sorry...
The Inkling girl held her hand out for Obsidian to shake, and Obsidian slowly moved her hand over to the Inkling's and confusingly shook her hand. Obsidian looked a little closer at the Inkling girl's hand and saw slight bruises on it, causing her to worry a little, but saw the Inkling pull her hand away and smile.
Aryll: my name is Aryll. I'm sorry for that rude approach.
Obsidian: oh....It's ok.
Aryll: it's just....I could've sworn she lived here....the lady downstairs said so.
Obsidian: who?
Aryll: Isabella, y-you're standing in her apartment.
Obsidian: oh, Bella? I know that *smiles* me and her were watching Tv together.
Aryll: were watching Tv with her?
Obsidian: mhm.
Aryll: a-are you her girlfriend or something?!
Obsidian: *blushes hard* w-w-w-w-what?! what made you think tha-
Aryll: that means.....*gasp* she's cheating on Yumi! with you!!
Obsidian: EEEEH?!!
Aryll: you're a big ol' meanie!! why are you ruining relationships?!
Obsidian: n-n-n-no! I think you got the wrong Idea-
Bella: Obsidian, who the hell are you screaming at?
Aryll saw Bella drying her hands with a cloth while glaring at Obsidian and raising an eyebrow.
Bella: it better not be the mailsquid again, I already told you that the guy is just doing his job.
Obsidian:......*slowly points at Aryll*
Bella: *looks at Aryll* oh...who are you?
Aryll:.....I-It's you.....
Aryll: *starts shaking like crazy*...I-I-I-Is.....Isa......Isab..ell...a...
Bella: um...kid, you're shaking quite a bit....are you ok?
Aryll:.....*passes out*
Obsidian:....Bella....she passed out...
Bella: I can see that, dumbass.
Obsidian: don't be a meanie!
Bella: ok, ok.....anyway, let's head inside and continue the series.
Obsidian: w-wait! what about the kid?! we can't just leave her in the hallway, unconscious.
Bella: she just randomly showed up, looked at me, and passed out, I'm sure the staff will come pick her up or something.
Obsidian: *puffs her cheeks* Ima did not raise us like this.....
Bella:.....maaaaaan..why do you always have to guilt trip me by bringing up Ima?
Obsidian: because you know I'm right....
Bella:.....*sigh* yeah....alright, lets pick the girl up and bring her inside, I guess.
Meanwhile, Gabby was standing right in front of Miles, with her hands on her hips as she wore her police squid uniform. she raised an eyebrow at Miles in a concerning way, hoping that he would reconsider his decision.
Gabby: Miles, are you sure about this?......personally, I don't believe this is a good idea.
Miles: *nods* I'm sure....
Gabby:....*sigh* fine. come with me....
Gabby unlocked a door and walked through it, with Miles following her closely down the deep and dark hallway. screams and wails of Inklings and Octolings were heard, and Miles caught a slight glimpse into a room and saw an Octoling girl in a straight jacket, screaming and slamming her head on the cushioned floor.
Octoling girl: stay away......STAY AWAY FROM ME!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE DOWN HERE ANYMORE!!!
Gabby: Deepsea fucked up her head....big time.... cod....
Gabby: Mhm. anyway, we're here.
Gabby: look in there, talk to her, and if anything gets out of hand, I'll be here to monitor you two.
Miles gave Gabby a nod and slowly walked up to the steel door, looking through the bars to see his own name written many times along the walls and floor....Miles felt a shiver rush through his body at that moment, then slowly looked over into a room to see an Inkling girl in a completely white outfit....well....almost completely white....but most of her uniform was stained in ink...
Willow:.....'s me....Miles...
Miles saw Willow slowly turn around to face him, and he saw the....cold....lifeless stare that she was giving him....Miles gulped a little, then raised his hand slightly to wave at her.
Miles: hey.....
Gabby: *rolls her eyes*
Miles:...Uh...I see you.....wrote my name everywhere.....
Willow:.....In my own took me days to finish....
Willow slowly stood up and began limping towards the door slowly, with her head tilted to the side and her body shaking fiercely.
Willow: why?....why didn't you just....go along with my plan?...
Miles: *glares* because I wasn't going to be your little puppet, Willow.
Willow, then instantly dashed towards the door and grabbed the bars while glaring straight into Miles' soul.
Willow: WHY NOT?!!! TELL ME!!!
Gabby was about to pull out her taser, but saw Miles put his hand up, gesturing her to stand down. Gabby nodded and leaned back up against the wall as Miles looked back over at Willow, who was clenching the bars with all of her strength, forcing veins to pop out of her hands.
Miles: because I have my own free will....
Willow: you low-life Inklings do not have free will....Octolings never had it to begin with....
Willow: I had everything......and you took it all and your friends ruined my life....
Willow: I had nice apartment...anything that I could ever ask for.....but when he left me......everything was ruined....
Willow: I wanted him I thought I'd make him jealous by trying to find the most stupidest Inkling I could lay my eyes on.....*glares* and guess who I found...
Miles: you can't just use people to get what you want. you have to show respect towards the people and not treat them like slaves.
Miles:......I have friends.....
Gabby: *nods and smiles*
Miles: real friends.....friends who don't care about my looks...or how famous I am....or how much money I have....and I know that you'll never achieve something like that, Willow....not in a million years.
Willow: you think I care about having friends?! I could care less about you disgusting dirt bags.
Miles: *glares* yo-
Willow: Miles.....I want you to leave....and I want you to remember the words that are about to come out of my mouth.
Miles saw Willow glare at him deeply, but she opened her mouth and began talking in a cold and emotionless tone.
Willow: when I get out of here......I'm going to kill you.....and your death...will be slow and painful....I will make sure you suffer before you die.....then I will kill all of your "friends" that you hold near and dear to your heart...
Willow: Mark. My. Words.....
Gabby: alright, alright, time to go.
Gabby grabbed Miles and gestured him to walk away with her. Miles nodded and slowly walked away from the steel door with Gabby by his side.
Gabby: just ignore her.
Miles: *looks at her*
Gabby: I know it sounds scary, but by the time she gets out of here, she'll be a completely different person.
Miles: how do you know?
Gabby: I've seen it happen, dumbass. This is one of my jobs, remember?
Miles: oh, right....
Gabby: she's gonna get some serious therapy you'll be fine.
The two walked out of the mental asylum and saw Echo sitting on the curb, while Lola was on her shoulder.
Echo: took you long enough.
Miles: yeah. sorry about the wait.
Echo stood up and walked over to Miles, letting him take Lola from her and let out a tiny sigh in the process.
Echo: I'm guessing she said some very dark and disturbing shit, huh?
Miles: yeah...
Echo: well, spill the beans, what did she say?
Miles: she said when she gets out of the asylum, she's going to kill me and make my death slow and painful....then she said she would kill everyone near and dear to me.
Echo: damn, she basically threatened Lola as well.
Lola: *sweats*..
Miles: *sigh*...welp...I know I'm gonna have nightmares about this for weeks...*shrugs* but I did this to myself so...
Gabby: *crosses her arms* I already told you that you'd be fine.
Miles: what would you do if a mentally ill squid just threatened to kill you and everyone you care about?
Gabby: I believe you guys always keep forgetting that I'm a cop. I've gotten death threats by multiple squids and Octos in the plaza, and they're not in mental asylums. *shrugs* but I'm not pissing my pants about it.
Gabby walked back towards the mental asylum and opened the door, but before she walked in, she looked back at Miles and gave him a concerning look.
Gabby: and I've already seen friends and family die in front of me shit like that.....doesn't faze me....there's only certain people I deeply care for now.
Gabby walked inside of the Asylum, leaving Echo and Miles speechless for a second, before Miles felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around to see an Octoling girl, holding a little bento box and coffee.
Cynthia: yo, are you Miles?
Miles: oh, yeah......and who are you?
Cynthia:.....*looks behind Miles*.
Miles:....what? have a tight ass....
Cynthia: can I-
Miles: no.
Cynthia: shit. anyway, the name's Cynthia, and I'm lookin' for Gabs.
Miles: Gabs?
Echo: I think she means Gabby.
Cynthia: bingo.
Miles: oh, she went inside the asylum.
Cynthia: good, I brought the bitch her lunch....and a packet of crackers.
Echo: I'm guessing that packet of crackers is for you?
Cynthia: nope.
Miles: Gabby?
Cynthia: nope.
Echo: then why do you have the crackers?
Cynthia: *shrugs* I wanna throw them at the people in the asylum.
Cynthia: to see how they'll react to them.
Miles: I'm pretty sure they'll just....stare at it.
Cynthia: doubt it. one time, I threw a jellybean at a crazy Inkling girl in the asylum, and she pulled down her pants and shoved it right up her ass.
Cynthia: never saw the jellybean leave her ass either, so now I wanna try with something bigger.
Miles: um....
Cynthia: you guys wanna tag along and watch?
Miles: No!!
Echo: yes!!
Miles: *looks at Echo*.
Echo: Uh...I mean, no, bleh, ew!
Cynthia: suit yourselves.
Cynthia walked away and into the asylum while Echo and Miles stood outside. Miles looked over at Echo with a very concerned and confused look on his face, making Echo tilt her head back at him.
Echo: what?
Miles: why would you wanna see someone shove a cracker up their ass?
Echo: *shrugs* it sounds funny.
Miles:......*walks away*
Echo: awe, come on! It does!
Bella: hey! Kid! *Tap tap tap* kid! Wake up!
Aryll's eyes slowly opened and she let out a tiny groan. Aryll's vision was blurry, but she after a little while, she managed to see a very concerned Bella and Obsidian looking down on her. Aryll slowly sat up and held her head, then looked over at Bella and Obsidian.
Aryll: W-What...happened?
Bella: *shrugs* you showed up, saw me, then passed out.
Aryll: *blushes* oh.....S-Sorry....
Obsidian: d-do you want a slice of cake?
Aryll looked over and saw Obsidian handing her a plate with a slice of cake. Aryll took the cake and grabbed her fork, then slowly cut off a piece of her slice and ate it. Aryll's eyes shot open and a huge smile appeared on her face.
Aryll: mmmmm!! This is delicious!! What flavor is this?!!
Obsidian: *smiles* Burstberry.
Bella: wait! You made a Burstberry cake?! Without telling me?!
Obsidian: I-I was gonna tell you!
Bella hopped over the couch and dashed into the kitchen, with Obsidian adorably running after her. Aryll watched as Bella grabbed a slice of cake and took a big bite from it, worrying Obsidian.
Obsidian: B-Bella, please don't eat big portions like that!
Bella: *shrugs* can't help it, mainly 'cuz your cake is delicious!
Bella placed down her cake and grabbed Obsidian, then pulled her in for a huge hug. Obsidian smiled, and began to giggle as Bella picked her up and began to spin with her. Aryll watched the two and began to think to herself slightly. She placed down her plate and slowly opened her mouth to speak.
Aryll: Ms. Isabella.
Bella: hm? Oh, you don't have to say "Ms.", Just call me Bella.
Aryll: o-oh...Bella?
Bella: *smiles* yeah?
Aryll: *points at Obsidian* is she your girlfriend?
Obsidian: *blushes hard* not this again...
Bella placed Obsidian back down, and silence filled the room. Aryll and Obsidian looked at her, and Bella's happy expression, turned into a more....depressed...and sad expression.
Bella: she's the only one who understands me...the only one I truly trust.....
Bella: *smiles* anyway, how did you get here? Why are you here?
Aryll: o-oh!, I just....I wanted to see you, Bella...
Bella: why? me....your fight with the Ravens....and....when I found out that you also have a a spark inside of me.
Aryll: you managed to beat them! You showed and taught me to not let my problems hold me back....
Bella: you... heart....
Aryll placed a hand on her chest and let out a tiny smile at the two. Bella and Obsidian looked at each other before looking back at the girl, hearing her let out a sigh.
Aryll: I could never keep up with the other heart problems always held me back...
Aryll: and all I wanna say is...*smiles* thank you...thank you for giving me hope and inspiring me.
Bella let out a kind smile, then walked over to Aryll. Bella placed her hand on the squiddo's head and gently rubbed it.
Bella: no problem.
Obsidian: A-Aryll?
Aryll: yeah?
Obsidian: If...I may ask--who are your parents? And where do you live?
Aryll: I live...pretty far from Inkopolis. And my parents......*looks away* I don't wanna talk about them....
Bella: just showed up here? Where are you gonna sleep?
Aryll:.....*points at Bella*....I....ran was hoping I'd....get to live with you...and start fresh...
Aryll: please.....I don't.......I don't wanna go back.....they....hurt me..
Aryll:.... you mind stepping out of the apartment for a second?
Aryll: o-oh.....
Aryll took her bag and walked out of the apartment. She closed the door behind her and let out a sigh, slapping her forehead from her stupidity.
Aryll: idiot, idiot, idiot!
Aryll felt her bag rustling a little, making her suddenly jump up and dig through her bag to pull out a small Sea Bunny. Aryll gently dusted the Sea Bunny off and sighed at it.
Aryll: Sorry, Sidon...I forgot you were in there...
Sidon: *shake shake*
Aryll: ugh...what was I thinking?....I can't believe I actually thought Bella would...take me in...take me away from my old life...
Sidon: *tilts his head*...
Aryll: I guess I should go home an-
Bella: I don't know what to do, Obsidian.
Aryll's ears perked up and she looked over at Bella's front door again. Aryll leaned close to the door and heard Bella and Obsidian talking to each other, while Sidon hopped on top of her head to listen as well.
Obsidian: we can't just leave her out there. She has nowhere to go.
Bella: look, I'll buy the kid some food, and a ticket so she can head back home. I'm not a responsible person...I know I can't take care of her.
Bella: don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind taking care of the girl...but....I know I can' know know I'm the worst one....
Obsidian: N-No you aren't!
Bella: shut up....I'm just gonna get this kid a good ride back home...
Bella was about to walk off, but Obsidian grabbed her shoulder and glared at her.
Obsidian: Bella, she was abused. I saw bruises on her hand....She didn't even want to talk about her parents when we brought them up. We can't send her back.
Obsidian: the reason she ran away was the same reason on why we ran away when we were little!
Bella: We ran away because all of the others were dying and getting slaughtered that day!! We didn't have a choice!!
Obsidian was shocked at first, but then puffed her cheeks and tightened her fists while glaring at Bella.
Obsidian: If it wasn't for their abuse towards us....then we would've died with them....
Bella: don't bring that up, Obsidian!
Obsidian's hands rested, and her face slowly went back to normal. She looked at Bella, seeing some slight tears coming from her eyes.
Obsidian: I know it's bad to mention......but it was necessary.....
Obsidian: I said "us" for a reason......I was right by your side...
Bella's angry expression, slowly subsided when she saw Obsidian let out sniffles and rub her eye.
Obsidian: you're the only one I have....left.....e-especially after E-Erid-
Bella: Obsidian....
Obsidian: if I lost you, Bella....I'd.....
Bella: don't say it...
Obsidian: I would lose
Obsidian: I'm sorry...I just...I thought that if we brought this girl in....w-we....we could have something more to live for......
Obsidian felt Bella's arms wrap around her gently and pull her in for a hug. Bella gently moved Obsidian's tentacle out the way, to reveal her damaged eye. Bella leaned over and gently bonked her forehead with hers.
Bella: won me over, you big baby.
Obsidian: *looks away*...
Aryll stood away from the door and quickly pulled out her phone when she heard footsteps approaching the door. Aryll heard the door open, then saw Obsidian looking at her, slightly concerned. Obsidian closed the door behind her and walked over to Aryll.
Obsidian: I...I know you heard us...I apologize...
Aryll:....I'm sorry for...eavesdropping...
Obsidian: it's...alright....
Obsidian looked at Aryll and gently rubbed her head with a concerned look on her face.
Obsidian: you...don't wanna go back because...they hurt you?
Aryll:...t-they....were mean...
Obsidian:....I see...well...*tiny smile* you'll be living at my apartment from now on. Now nobody can hurt you. Me and Bella will protect you.
Aryll: you...will?
Obsidian: *nods*...
Aryll:.....I'm sorry...if I made Bella mad...
Obsidian: it's ok. Bella always gets upset when I bring up things from our past.
Obsidian and Bella heard the door open, then saw Bella leaning on the doorframe while holding a bowl of popcorn and smirking at Aryll.
Bella: time to watch the rest of this damn series!
Obsidian: yeah!
Obsidian ran inside and flopped on the couch while Aryll just...looked at Bella while in deep thought, wondering who she truly was.
Bella: yo, kid.
Aryll: h-huh?!
Bella: you coming?
Aryll: oh!...yeah, yeah!
Name: Aryll
Age: 14
Main: Aerospray PG
Personality: Bubbly, nice, calm
Hobbies: eating, Dancing, hanging with Bella and Obsidian
Description: Aryll is a small girl who ran away from an abusive household, with her only friend, Sidon. She ran away to try and start a new life with her inspiration and role model, Bella, and Obsidian, who she believes to be Bella's real girlfriend.
Bella and Obsidian:
Bella and Aryll art by strqbeary
Bella, Obsidian, and Aryll Comic by me and strqbeary :
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