Chapter 14: Bonds

The sun rose for yet another day for the lives of many Inklings and Octolings; most of them getting up pretty early to start their day, while others stayed in bed to catch a couple more Z's. One of the Inklings that decided to get up pretty early was Miles, who slowly opened his eyes, laying in silence for a while before he finally decided to let out a long yawn and get out of bed. Miles looked back on his bed to see Lola laying near the edge, on her back and completely sprawled out like a yellow puddle of slime, which caused the Inkling to let out a tiny smile.

Miles, while wearing only a simple tank top and shorts, walked out of his room while stretching and feeling the sweet warmth of the sun, gently beating on his body through his windows. Miles walked into the Livingroom to see an Octoling boy, wrapped in a blanket and smiling as he was silently sleeping, causing Miles to smile as well, while also remembering what happened yesterday.

*Flashback to yesterday*

after saying their goodbyes, everyone walked their separate ways, with Miles and Coraline walking together, along with Lola, who was on top of the Inkling's head, playing games on his phone.

Coraline: *smiles* it's nice to see you on your feet again, Miles.

Miles: yeah. I really wish I could've helped you guys fight the Ravens though..

Coraline: it's ok. you were still recovering and we didn't want you to get seriously hurt.

Miles:.....I guess you're right....

The two continued to walk together back to splat tower, that is until Miles felt a tap on his shoulder, causing him to stop and turn around to see who tapped him. Coraline stopped as well and noticed Leon standing behind them with a very embarrassed look on his face, which caused Miles to get a little concerned for him.

Miles: what's up, Leon?


Miles: hm?

Leon slowly got down on his knees, with his head hanging low, catching Miles, and even Lola off guard.

Leon: please......C-CAN I STAY AT YOUR APARTMENT?!

Miles:.....e-eh?! why?! what's wrong with your apartment?!

Leon: I.....don't have an apartment......I live in the Octagon....

Miles: well...I don't know what the Octagon is, but why don't you go back?

Leon: because I hate it there!.....I have no friends gramps keeps urging me to find people I have a connection with...he wants me to grow up and become a man....


Leon: and.....I love it here......I love everything about your culture...I.....I wanna be the Fresh!!.like you guys!!


Leon: so please....can you allow me to stay at your place?.....

Miles:...*looks at Coraline*..

Coraline: *smirks* you already know what to do.

Miles:...I...*sigh*..alright, man.

Leon: *oomi* thank you so much!


Miles was cooking up some breakfast while still thinking to himself slightly about yesterday. He turned around and looked at Leon, who was still sound asleep on the couch.

Miles: (welp..I guess having a roommate wouldn't be so bad. he looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly)

Miles flipped the eggs and left them alone for a second to grab some extra sauces and some bacon as well.

Miles: ( I mean.....It should be nice having him around. having a guy friend should be pretty nice, since I hang around the girls a lot)

Miles added a bit of tiny ingredients to the eggs as he was cooking up the bacon as well, he let out a tiny sigh at himself as he looked at the stitched up wound on his hand.

Miles: (why, Willow?.....)

Miles waited for the bacon to cook properly, then he placed the eggs and bacon in three separate plates at his kitchen table. Miles walked over to Leon and gently tapped on his face.

Miles: Leon.

Leon: zzzz.....mmm?

Miles: breakfast is ready, man.

Leon's eyes slowly opened and he sat up on the couch while rubbing his eyes; his tentacle was all ruffled as he began to stretch a little. Leon looked over to see Miles walking over to the table and sitting down at it, so Leon slowly got up and put on his glasses, then walked over to the table and sat down across from Miles. Leon looked down at his eggs and smiled at them before looking up at Miles to see him calmly eating his breakfast.

Leon: *smiles* this looks really good, Miles.

Miles: thanks *nom* try it.

Leon grabbed his fork and cut the egg a little before putting it in his mouth, Leon's eyes shot open and he let out a tiny squeal, causing Miles to tilt his head at him.

Miles: is something wrong?

Leon: no.....These are the best eggs I've ever tasted!

Miles: oh, *smiles* thanks.

Leon: what did you put in these? they taste so.....unique and different.

Miles: just a little bit of spices and sauces.

Leon: this is amazing! *nom* also....Miles?

Miles: hm?

Leon: who's the third plate for?

Miles: *smirks* you know who.

Leon jumped a little when he felt something climbing up his leg from under the table. He looked under the table and saw the yellow sea cucumber herself, sticking to his leg and slowly, yet lazily making her way up his body. Leon smiled a little and picked her up, then placed her on the table.

Leon: *smiles* good morning, Lola.

Lola: *tiny wave*

Lola moved over to her plate and began to chow down on her food along with Leon and Miles. While Leon was eating his meal, Miles swallowed some of his bacon, then pointed his fork at Leon.

Miles: ok, Leon.

Leon: mmm?

Miles: if you're going to be living at my apartment, we gotta set some ground rules, ok?

Leon: *swallow* oh....

Miles: it's just very simple stuff, don't worry.

Leon: *nods*

Miles: just try not to break anything, make a mess, or feed Lola too many treats; she gets very hyper when you do....and...that's really it.

Leon: understood!

The three finished their food, and the second they did, they heard their doorbell ring. Miles stood up to check it, while Leon stood up and picked up the three empty plates.

Leon: you can check the door, I'll wash the dishes.

Miles gave Leon a nod and walked over to the door, then opened it to see Coraline wearing a nice shirt, sunglasses, and shorts, while carrying a purse as well.

Coraline: heyoooo!

Miles: hey Coraline. why are you...dressed like that?

Coraline: because, my dear friend *smirks*...we're going shopping.

Miles: shopping? why?

Coraline: well, Leon said he wanted to be "The Fresh" right?


Coraline: let's take him oooout! show him around Inkopolis a little more, get him some cool gear. guess that wouldn't be a bad idea.

Miles looked back at Leon to see him completely done with washing the dishes, and was now smiling while petting Lola's head.

Miles: hey, Leon!

Leon: yeah?

Miles: get yourself situated, *smirks* because we're going shopping.


Meanwhile, within a salmon run shift, the Hybrids were all working together to take down the salmonids. The wave ended and all four of them jumped back to their original location, switching weapons, giving Rubin the Jet squelcher, Bronwyn the Splattershot, Buttercup the Tri slosher, and Grey the Dynamo roller.

Buttercup: awwwwwe yeah!

Rubin: how many eggs do we need, Grey?

Grey: twenty-four.

Rubin: alright. fog is rolling in, guys; stay sharp.

the whole area began to get swarmed with fog, and the four cephalopods heard the sounds of pots rising up from the water. Grey's ear wiggled a little and he looked to his left, then pointed his Dynamo roller in that direction.

Grey: Stinger, nine o'clock.

Rubin: nice! you and Buttercup go take it out; me and Bronwyn will head the other direction.

The squad split up in pairs, and Grey ran alongside Buttercup to the stingers location. The two saw the stinger glaring at them, then it began to fire at them, but the two dodged and ran up close to it, taking it out with ease, watching it drop 3 golden eggs.

Buttercup: *picks up an egg* easy.

Grey: *picks up two eggs* mhm.

Grey placed an egg on his back, and held the other in his arm as the two ran back to the basket. they placed their three eggs in and Buttercup gave him an adorable smile.

Buttercup: can we eat burgers when we get home?

Grey: I made burgers two days ago...

Buttercup: but I want them again.

Grey: *sigh* how about hoagies instead?

Buttercup: 0-0.....under you....

Grey: what?

Buttercup: UNDER YOU!! LOOK!!

Grey looked below him and saw a green ring around him, indicating that a Maw was going to jump up to attack him. The Maw jumped up and was about to eat Grey, couldn't close it's's jaw was stuck. The Maw began to sweat when it saw Grey's Dynamo roller right in it's mouth, preventing it from closing it's jaw, while Grey was balancing on the handle of his dynamo. Grey pulled out a splat bomb and allowed it to fall off his hand right into the Maw's mouth, splatting it and dropping three golden eggs right next to the basket.


Grey: what?

Buttercup: please, have my babies.

Grey: *rolls his eyes*.


*Inkopolis square*

Coraline, Miles, Leon, and Lola were all within Inkopolis square, exploring what it has to offer. Leon was walking right next to Coraline and instantly began to get flustered from just being around her. Leon gulped a little and turned over to Coraline as they were walking, and opened his mouth to speak. very nice today, Coraline....

Coraline: *smiles* awe, Thanks, Leon. don't worry, I'm gonna make you look super fresh!

Leon: *blushes* o-oh!....o...okay.....

Miles/Lola: *look at each other*

Leon looked away from Coraline, obviously blushing like crazy, and putting his hands in his pockets and walking alongside her. Leon felt someone touch his face gently, then he looked over and saw that it was Coraline yet again. She grabbed his glasses and put them on her face in an adorable way, with Leon smiling gently at her.

Leon: y-you...look amazing...with those on...I.....I think...I can't see....

Coraline giggled and gave Leon back his glasses, making Miles smile a little and look over at Lola, who was on his shoulder blushing while letting out little noises.

Lola: *whimpers cutely*

Miles: indeed, Lola.

Coraline: Hey, Leon!

Leon: y-yeah?

Coraline: *smiles* what weapon do you play?

Leon: I....I um.....I don't....know....

Coraline: you don't?

Leon: I don't have a...weapon...

Coraline: *smirks* well, I know exactly where to go!

Leon: where?

Coraline grabbed Leon's hand and ran off with him while pointing off into the distance. Miles and Lola looked at each other, and Miles pointed in another direction with a casual smile on his face.

Miles: wanna go grab something to eat?

Lola: *nods*


Meanwhile, In Flounder Heights, Echo was sitting on her couch and casually typing on her laptop, waiting for a certain someone to arrive.

Echo:...*sigh* she's taking forever.

Echo heard the doorbell ring the second she finished her statement, causing her to jump a little on the couch. Echo closed her laptop and placed it on her coffee table before walking over to her door and opening it to see an Octoling girl standing there while wearing her usual attire.

Echo: sheesh, Yumi. You really did take your time getting here, huh?

Yumi: *bows* I apologize....I overslept....

Echo: eh, it's cool. Come inside.

Yumi walked inside of Echo's apartment and she sat down on the couch. Echo sat down next to her and began tapping her own thighs slightly. love Bella?


Echo: yes or no?


Echo:....I see....*claps her hands* welp, it's settled.

Yumi: *tilts her head*

Echo: I'm gonna help you, but I'm also not gonna help you.


Echo: I'm gonna help you get with Bella by giving you a little push, ya know? But I'm not gonna help you seal the deal with her.

Yumi: oh, I see.

Echo: *sigh* well, I'm pretty sure what made you fall in love with Bella in the first place was that kiss, right?

Yumi:......*looks away*.....yes....

Echo: well...why?


Echo: what exactly shot through your body when you kissed her?

Yumi: shot.....through?...

Echo: ya know like, how did you feel?

Yumi gently put her hand on her chest and began to blush a little from remembering the kiss that day.


Echo: *tilts her head*

Yumi: for those seconds....I felt as if we were alone......her lips were so....soft......and whenever I would think about body starts to feel funny......I want to feel safe again.....I want to....kiss her again.....

Echo: hm....well, you're lucky that you got to kiss your crush early, unlike me.

Yumi: *tilts her head*

Echo: ok so.....confession time....Bella is the only one that knows this but...I have a crush on Miles...


Echo: that's why I was acting all funny when you guys went to check up on me....after Miles' incident...


Echo: c'mon! I know that if you saw Bella bleeding to death in your arms you'd be super angry and upset.

Yumi:....*tiny nod*.

Echo: *sigh*.well....we got our secrets out the way. what's your plan here?

Yumi: plan?

Echo: ya know, your plan to get with Bella?

Yumi let out a tiny little "oh", then reached in her jacket pocket to pull out a tiny notebook. Yumi gave the notebook to Echo and she took it with one hand, then inspected it.

Echo: "Isabella notes"....huh....

Yumi: *tiny blush*

Echo: when did you get this?

Yumi: Dayna got it for me.....she said it would be good for writing my thoughts about it.

Echo: makes sense *opens the book*.wow...your handwriting is very neat...

Yumi:.....thank you.

Echo: definitely wrote a lot of notes in here.....shit....even I didn't know Bella's favorite muffin was burst berry.

Yumi: *blushes*...

Echo: *giggles* is this a picture of you and Bella kissing?

Yumi: *blushes even harder*.....

Echo: I gotta admit, you have some talent. You also filled up this book pretty fast

Echo closed the notebook and tossed it back over to Yumi, which she caught, but saw Echo smirk at her and put her hands in her pockets.

Echo: well, there's some stuff you don't know about Iz, an-

Yumi: why do you call her that?...

Echo: what? Iz?

Yumi: *nods*

Echo: sometimes I call her Iz, sometimes I call her Bella *shrugs* it's just random for me.

Yumi:....she told me to call her...Izzy...or Bella...

Echo: eh, she says that to everyone she meets.

Yumi: oh....

Echo: you should give her a different nickname, something that is unique to you, and only you.

Yumi: ( a different....nickname....)

Echo: ok, um, I technically have one more secret...

Yumi: mm?..

Echo: The nickname "Iz" was something I gave her way back then; back in Inkopolis Plaza.


Echo: when I first met her, I was confused at first and was going through a crisis.

Yumi: a crisis?

Echo: I was questioning my feelings on Miles, and if he even loved me or not.


Echo: but....when I began to talk with Bella more, I began to slowly fall in love with her.


Echo: I honestly don't know why, but it was just something about her that lit the spark for me, ya know?

Yumi: *nods*.

Echo: and day.....I.....confessed my feelings for her....

Yumi:....and she?....

Echo:....shot me down...yeah....

Yumi: why?..

Echo: she said she knew about my feelings for Miles and that I was losing hope. She continued by saying "Echo....I know that getting with Miles is your main goal...and you love him...if you have a goal, you may have to work your ass off to achieve it, but when you finally meet that'll feel so damn good"


Echo: and ever since that day, she does try to chime in and help me get with Miles.

Yumi: do you still love her?

Echo: not really. That was four years ago, but I still do like teasing her by sending her pictures of my ass and stuff.


Echo: trust me, me and Bella have seen each other naked a lot.

Yumi: 0-0...

Echo: *shrugs* we usually went to bath houses together. anyway, if I would've noticed your feelings for her before the Ravens match, I would've been scared for ya, but after Bella said that she wanted to make it to the top with you by her side....I've been thinking hard on that....

Yumi: *blushes*..

Echo: if you look on social media......things are getting a bit.....scary, ever since the Ravens match

Yumi: what do you mean?

Echo: well....some Inklings are starting to hate Bella, and they're calling her an "Octoling in disguise"....but Octolings love Bella and they're praising her.

Yumi: oh.....

Echo: but don't worry, Bella has also changed the hearts of many Inklings. They're going on social media and making videos of themselves saying that they were sorry for all of the horrible things they have done to Octolings, and they thanked Bella for slapping some sense into them.

Yumi: she really is....changing everything.

Echo: Mhm. Ever since her speech, Octolings are starting to fight back against racist Inklings.

Yumi: really?...

Echo: yeah, Octolings even made their own racial slur to call Inklings; they refer to them as "plp's"

Yumi: plp's?

Echo: yeah. Plp is an abbreviation for "promise land parasites".....and honestly....I don't get it...

Yumi: the promise land is....something that was told to us when we were down in the underground.

Echo: It's a thing that only Octolings understand?

Yumi: Mhm.

Echo: I see....well...*sigh* enough racial talk. it's time to give you some good advice.

Yumi: *pulls out her pen and notebook*


Meanwhile, Leon and Coraline were inside of Ammo Knights, Sheldon was inspecting all around Leon's body as if he was a test subject. Leon began to get a little bit uncomfortable from this, especially when he saw Coraline letting out a giggle at him.

Sheldon: hm....yes.....I see...

Leon: w-what?

Sheldon: I can tell by the way you look all around, I know EXACTLY what weapons to give you!

Sheldon ran behind the front counter, and Coraline walked up next to Leon, then gently patted his back.

Coraline: don't worry, Sheldon did that to me as well when I first moved here.


Sheldon: ah! here we are!

Leon and Coraline saw Sheldon place down a bunch of different weapons on his counter. Coraline let out an "ooooh" as Leon walked over and looked at them.

Leon: wow...

Sheldon: *smiles* just point at one and I'll tell you all about it.

Leon:.....*points* what's this one?

Sheldon: ah, the Kensa Rapid Blaster, It's a good weapon if you like to keep your foes at bay, with torpedos to assist you, and Baller as well.

Leon: hm...*points* this one?

Sheldon: oh, the H-3 Nozzlenose D, it's a fairly powerful weapon as long as you have a sharp aim. you get provided with a suction bombs and Ink armor to help yourself and your team.*gasp*..*points* can I see that one?

Sheldon: I see, The Octobrush Nouveau caught your eye, huh? well it is a more powerful and has more range than the Inkbrush, but you lack the speed that an Inkbrush gives. This weapon provides you with Beakons for you and your teammates to jump to, and Tenta missiles, which you can aim and fire at your enemies.

Leon puffed his cheeks in an adorable way and slammed down some money onto the counter, shocking Sheldon a little.

Leon: I'll take it!!

Sheldon: *chuckles* arighty, the brush is yours to wield.

Leon grabbed the brush and looked over at Coraline, who was smirking at him.

Leon: what?

Coraline: you look adorable when you puff your cheeks like that. ^^

Leon blushed a little as the two walked out of the store and all Sheldon could do was smile and rest his chin on his hand.

Sheldon: Inkling and Octoling couples are appearing a lot more frequently guess Callie and Marie were right about that Isabella girl.

Leon and Coraline walked out of Ammo Knights, and Leon began to instantly look around as if he lost something, causing Coraline to look at him, a little concerned.

Coraline: what's the matter, Leon?

Leon: w-where are Miles and Lola?!

Coraline: *giggles* they disappeared a while ago, silly *points* they're having a little snack.

Leon saw Coraline point over to Crusty Sean's food truck, and saw Miles and Lola, sitting at one of the tables and eating away. Leon ran over, while Coraline walked over towards the two.

Miles: alright Lola, toss it!

Lola: *tosses a shrimp fry at Miles*

Miles: *nom* yus!!

Lola: *claps*

Leon: w-why did you guys leave us?

Miles: *smirks* you were having a bit of fun with Coraline, so me and Lola grabbed ourselves some shrimp fries.

Lola: *nods*

Leon: * blushes* oh...

Miles: *tosses a Fry at Lola*

Lola: *nom*

Miles: nice!

Leon: b-but...can you come too?

Miles: why?

Leon: because you're a Fresh guy to me, and it wouldn't be super fun without having you come along.

Miles: oh...alright then. I guess I'll eat my fries along the way.

Miles grabbed Lola, who was holding onto her fries, and placed her on his shoulder. The two stood up and saw Coraline poke Leon on the forehead, then point to a store in front of them.

Coraline: let's go to "Ye Olde Cloth Shoppe"!


Miles: it's what the store is called.

Leon: oh!

Coraline walked inside of the store along with Miles and Leon, to which they were instantly greeted by Jelfonzo.

Jelfonzo: How dost thou, cousin?


Coraline: hey Jelfonzo! let's find you a nice shirt, Leon!

Leon: o-ok!

Miles and Lola began eating their fries together, while Leon and Coraline went off to find a shirt. But while Miles and Lola were eating, their fries were snatched away my Jellyfish tentacles. The two looked over and saw Jelfonzo holding their fries with a worried look on his face.

Miles: hey, what gives?!

Lola: mmm!! hmph!

Jelfonzo: I'm greatly sorry, cousins, but I do not allow Victuals within my boutique.

Miles:....*crosses his arms* man....

Lola: *growls*

Leon: hey, Miles?

Miles: yeah?

Leon: Coraline picked this out for me, what do you think?

Lola and Miles looked up and down Leon, to see that he was wearing a Green Cardigan, then he gave Leon a questioning look.

Miles: it looks nice but.....well, do you like how it feels?

Leon: it's...a little tight...

Miles: then pick something that feels comfortable to ya.

Leon: *smiles* ok!

Leon ran back over to Coraline and the two began searching again. Miles felt a little tap on his face, then looked over at Lola, who was pointing to his pocket and whimpering a little. Miles pulled out his phone and handed it to Lola. She took the phone and turned it on, but just as she was about to start playing games on it, she saw a text message pop up on his phone, so she handed it back to him, making him confused a little.

Miles: what? *takes it*.oh, Bella texted me.

*Miles/Bella Dms*

B: sup, baby.

M: sup, cutie.

B: whatcha dooooin'?~

M: at the clothes store with Coraline and Leon, hbu?

B: at home~

M: >->

B: by myself~

M: Bella, stop. XD

B: my bad, my bad. XD

M: but seriously, what did u text me for? you need something?

B: not really, I'm just bored, man.

M: well, what are you doing?

B: at Obsidian's house.

M: I thought you were at home.

B: I was joking, dumbass.

M: ok, sheesh. what are you doing at her house?

B: babysitting Ginger.

M: who's Ginger?

Bella sent a picture of the turtle to Miles, causing him to smile a little and like the photo.

Miles: cute...

Lola: *glares at him*

Miles: what?



After a little more shopping, Leon was standing in front of the couch within Miles' apartment, leaning his Octobrush against the wall and placing his bag of clothes on the couch. Leon sat down on the couch and let out a nice sigh, then he felt Miles poke his cheek and place a plate of Curry on his lap. Leon began to eat the Curry and smile from how good it was, while Miles sat down next to him and began to eat as well.

Leon: thank you for taking me out today, Miles.

Miles: no prob *nom*.


Miles: mm?

Leon: do you believe I could ever become.....The you?

Miles: you already are fresh, dude.


Miles: at least, in my eyes...

Leon: thank you *smiles* that means a lot.

Miles: really?

Leon: yeah....I've never had friends before.....

Miles: well, now you do.


Miles: you ok?

Leon: yeah, yeah....*wipes his tears*.

Miles:...*smiles* welcome to the group.


- Bella art by strqbeary

Name- Leon

Age- 18

Personality: shy, caring, joyful

Hobbies: cleaning, hanging out with Miles, Turf war

Details: Leon is a nice boy from the Octagon who has come to Inkopolis with Gabby and Yumi, and gets amazed by the scenery and culture of the Inklings. Leon, like many Octolings, escaped from the underground, but didn't live amongst the Inkling's. Leon was moved to the Octagon, where he lived with his Grandfather for years until he was old enough to face the world on his own.

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