Chapter 13: An Awkward Friendship
It was the next day within Splat Tower; Inklings and Octolings were talking like crazy ever since the game from yesterday. The cephalopods finally stopped when they saw an Inkling girl with purple tentacles red eyes walk down the hallway.
Inkling girl: *mumbles* it's her....
Inkling boy: Amira....
Octoling girl: why doesn't she have her facemask on?
Octoling boy: because Isabella punched it right off of her.....I guess she lost it after that.
Inklings and Octolings continued to mumble about Amira, but instead of Amira doing something about it, she just walked off and towards the elevator instead.
Lower down in Splat Tower, Bella was in her bathtub; Her tentacles were fully purple again and were all ruffled while completely covered in soap. Bella's head sank a little deeper into the water, leaving only her nose and eyes above as she began to think to herself.
Bella: ( I really pushed myself to my limit yesterday......)
Bella's head arose from the water along with her hands. She began to scrub her tentacles with the soap while smiling a bit.
Bella: ( least I can relax a little.....)
Bella looked at her arms and saw some cuts and bruises, then sighed while rolling her eyes.
Bella: ('ll all be worth the end...)
Bella washed herself up a little more before standing up in the tub and unplugging the drain to let the water out. Bella stepped out the tub and stretched a little before grabbing a towel and wrapping it around her body. She looked at her bathroom mirror and saw her ruffled tentacles, then raised an eyebrow at herself.
Bella: I weird without my hat....
Bella walked out of the bathroom and into her own room, then dried herself off with her towel. After sliding on a pair of panties, clipping on a bra, and putting on her gear, she walked into the living room while brushing her tentacles. The second Bella finished brushing, she heard a knock at her door. Bella walked over to her door and slowly opened it, but it was forcefully opened by someone. Bella was shocked a little when she saw an Octoling girl rush into her apartment and slam the door behind her; before she could even speak, the Octoling spoke before her.
???: You..... are you?...
Mia: *glares* Mia....I'm a friend of Yumi....
Bella: Mia?...oh! I've seen you befo-
Mia: Shut the hell up.
Mia grabbed Bella, by the hoodie and pinned her against the wall. Mia glared right at Bella, seeing that Bella was getting a little scared of her. Bella closed her eyes, expected Mia to punch the hell out of her.....but nothing came...Bella felt Mia's grip loosening on her, causing her to open her eyes a little.
Mia's head was looking straight down, but she kept her weak grip on Bella, and Bella began to get a little concerned when she saw Mia's legs start to tremble.
Mia: I hurt badly.....
Mia: I thought all Inklings were the showed me....that you truly have a heart of gold....
Bella saw Mia look at her face to face, seeing tears flow down her face slowly.
Mia: what you Amira yesterday......did you mean it?
Mia: are you really going to make it up there.....with Yumi by your side?....
Bella:....*tiny smile*...why on earth would I lie about that?
Mia looked as if she was going to start crying waterfalls, so she gently pressed her head on Bella's chest while slightly tightening her grip on her hoodie.
Mia:....please........just protect Yumi.......
Walking down the sidewalk and on her way to Inkopolis, Yumi had her hands in her pockets and was just....thinking deeply on what Bella said yesterday.
Yumi:....(She....wants me to be by her side...)...
Yumi began to get a little flustered, but calmed herself rather quickly. She was finally getting a little used to controlling her feelings....well...when she's not around Bella. Yumi looked down at her own rough hand and just.....couldn't get those words from out of her head.
???: Yumi?
Yumi's soul almost left her body for a couple of seconds, which snapped her out of her thoughts and made her stumble a bit before regaining her balance. Yumi turned her head over and saw an Octoling boy smiling at her.
Leon: yup!...a-also, I'm sorry that I startled you.'s ok...
Leon and Yumi stopped at a crosswalk near Urchin underpass; watching all of the cars drive by and waiting for the right time to pass. Leon looked down a little at Yumi, since he was taller than her, and gently tapped her shoulder in an adorable way to get her attention.
Yumi: mm?....
Leon: where are you heading?
Yumi:......Inkopolis... too! *Tiny smile* Miles got out of the hospital and I wanna see him.
The cars stopped and the little red squid turned green, signaling for Yumi and Leon to walk across the street. Leon looked around as if he was a little kid in a candy store; to which Yumi raised her eyebrow at.
Leon: hm?...o-oh, sorry!
Leon: it's just....I barely get to leave the Octagon. Everything around me looks so cool. *Gasp* look, it's Urchin Underpass!!
Yumi just looked away from Leon and allowed the boyo to enjoy the scenery. After a little more walking, Yumi and Leon made it to Inkopolis, then saw everyone walking around and minding their own business, but out of the corner of her eye, Yumi saw Miles sitting at a table while texting, and Lola was sitting on the table while eating a seanwich that Miles bought for her. Yumi walked over to the table, along with Leon, and Yumi gently tapped on the table.
Miles: *looks up* oh, hey Yumi! Hey Leon!
Leon: heya!
Yumi: where is...everyone else?
Miles: Echo and Coraline are at the food truck. They're getting food for all of us.
Leon: sweet! I've never had a crusty seanwich before!
Miles: *smirks* Trust me man, you're gonna love it.
Leon: I hope I do!...*tilts his head* also, how are you feeling?
Miles: pretty well. I can finally leave that stupid bed and return home with Lola.
Lola: *adorably nods*
Miles saw Leon lean down and start to pet Lola a little, making him smile a little, but when Miles looked over at Yumi, he saw her looking around a little as if she was looking for someone.
Miles: whatcha lookin' for, Yumi?
Miles: Bella? Oh, I invited her but I never got a response back. *Shrugs* she just left me on seen.
Yumi: maybe I should go get her-
Miles: it's cool, Yumi. Bella usually always arrives late to our hangouts.
Grey: Yumi...
Yumi turned her head and saw Grey crossing his arms at her with the Hybrids beside him. Buttercup ran up to Yumi and hugged her while smiling, shocking Yumi a little.
Buttercup: it's nice to see you again, Yumi.
Buttercup: don't worry *smirks* you'll warm up to me.
Rubin: we saw your match on Tv yesterday and we wanted to congratulate you guys.
Bronwyn: *nods* mm.
Buttercup: *looks behind Yumi* is that Miles?
Miles: huh?
Buttercup: you're that guy who helped Bella beat the Fireflies, but not the Ravens...what gives?
Miles: uh....*looks away* something personal.
Bronwyn: is that a pineapple next to you?
Lola: *glares*
Miles: *chuckles* nope. This is Lola, my Sea Cucumber.
Grey: *closes his book* what?
Buttercup: *gaaaaaaasp* oh my cooooood!! She's so cuuuute!!
Buttercup ran up to Lola and began to pet her, making Lola a little flustered.
Grey: how did you get that?
Miles: what?
Grey: your pet.
Miles: oh, she randomly showed up in my apartment and just...*shrugs* never left.
Grey:....I see...
Miles: is something wrong?
Grey: *shakes his head* it's just very rare to see a Sea Cucumber in the possession of an Inkling; usually it's Octolings that have them.
Echo: watch out, watch out, hot food coming through.
Coraline: excuse meee ^^
Echo and Coraline placed a bunch of plates on the table and then sat down, a little tired.
Echo: sheesh...all that waiting.
Coraline: it was worth it!
Leon: you guys really got food for all of us? What about the Hybrids? They have nothing to eat...
Echo: yeah they do, I planned this whole hangout session, you dummy.
Leon: you did?!
Echo: *smirks*
Everyone grabbed extra chairs and sat down at the table, then began to eat. Yumi looked over at a plate next to her....Bella's plate....with her crusty seanwich just...sitting there. Yumi slightly looked down, but Echo poked her on the cheek and gave her a smile.
Echo: she's probably just busy or somethin' *nom*
The second Yumi let out a sigh, she felt a hand touch her from behind, causing her ears to perk up just a little bit, then she quickly turned around to see who it was.
Yumi: Bella?
Obsidian: *pant* I'm sorry I'm late!
Meanwhile, Bella was walking down the sidewalk slowly by herself while looking down at her phone.
- Bella/Echo Dms -
E: yo, where are you?
B: I had a little....problem in my apartment.
E: what do you mean?
B: nothin'... don't worry about it.
E: Tell.
B: No.
E: Iz, if you don't tell, I'm sending you a picture of my ass again.
B: why do you always send me pictures of your ass when I do something that you don't like?
E: it's funny to see you flustered. XD
B: stfu.
E: just tell meeeee!
Bella rolled her eyes on her phone and was about to text Echo back, but she bumped right into another Inkling that was walking down the sidewalk. The Inkling dropped their phone, so Bella leaned down and picked it up for them while feeling slightly embarrassed of herself.
Bella: I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!
???: It's ok...I am to blame here as wel-
The two Inklings looked at each other, and Bella just...stared at the Inkling, then tilted her head at her.
Bella: Amira?
Bella: I um....uh...
Bella:...*hands Amira her phone* ya go.
Amira: *takes it* thank you.
Bella and Amira just stood in front of each other... without saying a word for a good while. Bella was trying to avoid eye contact with Amira as much as possible, but finally let out a sigh and rubbed the back of her head.
Bella: I'm sorry for.... punching you in the face yesterday....
Amira: *nods* no need to apologize.
Bella: it's just...I don't battle instinct...
Amira: *tilts her head*
Bella: like, has something ever happened within a battle that...triggered something within your body? A spark?...A spark of motivation?
Amira thought to herself for a little while...just thinking about the match yesterday, but instead of responding to Bella's question, she instead walked off, but turned back and looked at Bella.
Amira: coffee?...
Bella:.....I....*sigh*...ok...(looks like I'm not hanging with the gang today...)
Bella slowly walked along with Amira in silence, but out of nowhere, Bella saw Amira cross the street, which made her start to panic, but run across after her.
Bella: you asshole! You didn't even use the crosswalk!
Amira: *points up*
Bella looked up and saw a sign to a very mini store that they were in front of, but Bella has never actually seen this place before, so she just tilted her head slightly at the sign.
Bella: Coffin fish Café?
Amira: mm...*walks inside*
Bella stumbled for a second before walking in along with Amira, hearing a little "ding" from the door. The Café looked very...old....there wasn't any hip squid music playing...but rather...very soothing music. The floor was made of old wooden planks, and they would squeak whenever Bella took a little step. The two walked towards the front counter and Amira sat down, then gestured Bella to sit next to her.
Bella sat down next to Amira and continued to look around the Café; She only saw one Inkling boy sitting at a table by himself...but nobody else.
???: Welcome to Coffin fish Café...or whatever...
Bella looked over and saw an Octoling girl wearing a Café uniform. The Octoling's tentacles were pitch black, along with cyan eyes, and a very bad burn mark on the side of her face. The Octoling's tentacles looked very ripped and if she got into a terrible fight; she had bandages on her fingers and wore a beanie on top of her head.
Cynthia: the name's Cynthia, *sigh*...what can I get you?
Amira: a bla-
Cynthia: woah...what the fuck?
Cynthia: it's you two...the two girls that fought yesterday.
Amira: *nods*
Bella: yeah...
Cynthia: *chuckles* man, you two went ham on each other yesterday *shrugs* I fuck with it.
Cynthia:.....*rubs the back of her head* yeah, sorry; I'm not good at giving first impressions.
Bella: *smiles* it's ok, I understand.
Cynthia: I already like you. Anyway, what can I get you two?
Amira: black coffee....
Cynthia: mhm. a regular coffee with some cream.
Cynthia: ok then.
Cynthia turned around and began to make their coffee, but not that long later, the two saw Cynthia bang on the coffee machine while growling.
Cynthia: c'mon, you damn machine! help?
Cynthia: *burps* nope, this shit happens all the time. I seriously don't know why you two came here.
Bella: what do you mean?
Cynthia: *BANG* There we go. and you know what I mean.
Bella: *tilts her head*
Cynthia: girl, look at this place! It's a fuckin' dump.
Bella: well, I still like it.
Cynthia: *sigh* don't pity me. We don't even get customers.
Amira: and that's because it looks terrible...
Cynthia: well, that, but also because this Café is "run by Octolings"
Cynthia: oh, I'm sorry "Pit-Dwellers". That's what you Inklings like to call us, right?
Cynthia made their coffee and handed it to them, then sighed and leaned over the counter in front of them.
Cynthia: my bad, that insult wasn't pointed towards you. From looking at you, and seeing you play yesterday....and see you give that inspirational speech...I can tell you have a very sweet personality.
Bella:...*tiny smile* t-thanks...
Cynthia: and a tight ass.
Cynthia: *smirks* sorry. Perverted shit just slips out my mouth sometimes.
Bella: *rolls her eyes*, do you own this Café?
Cynthia: nah, it's my granny's. But I just work here sometimes when she's not available.
Cynthia: yup?
Amira: what happened to your hair?
Cynthia: fighting...
Bella: what about that burn mark on your face?
Cynthia: coffee.
Cynthia: *chuckles* nah, I'm just kidding; I got burned by a flamethrower.
Cynthia: *shrugs* shit happens.
Cynthia looked up at the Tv and saw both Callie and Marie smiling as a squid news reporter was right in front of them.
-on the Tv-
NR: how did it feel to see the that crazy action yesterday, girls?
Callie: honestly, it was amazing!
Marie: I see a lot of potential in Isabella, honestly.
Bella: *sip* well....squids and Octos are still talking about the match yesterday...I didn't expect that.
Cynthia: *points at Amira* I think it's mainly because you beat this girly girl.
Amira: *nods and sips her coffee*
Cynthia:...*pokes Amira*
Amira: *slaps her hand*
Buttercup: and that is how I managed to stuff 10 Octo buns in my mouth without dying!
Grey: *rolls his eyes*
Echo: *nom* you mean Squiddy cakes, right?
Buttercup: what?
Echo: Squiddy cakes.
Coraline: *giggles* nobody eats Octo buns; they're nasty.
Leon: *whimpers* Octo buns.
Buttercup: @[email protected]!!
Grey: mm..
Buttercup: Squiddy cakes or Octo buns?
Grey: *shrugs* both, I guess..
Buttercup: uuuuugh! Rubin? Bronwyn?
Rubin: Squiddy cakes.
Bronwyn: Squiddy cakes.
Miles: Octo buns. same for Lola.
Buttercup: um.....Yumi?!
Yumi: *mumble mumble*...
Buttercup:.....*tilts her head* Yumi?
Yumi: *mumble mumble*
Obsidian: she mumbles to herself when she's stressed.
Buttercup: what's she stressed about?
Obsidian: *shrugs*
Yumi: *hugs herself* (would if she's dead?'s ok.....I hope...I hope she's she mad at me? that why she didn't come? I should check on her....)
Everyone watched Yumi mumble and look down at the table, but to try to catch her attention, Miles tapped Yumi on the shoulder, then pointed down at her dish.
Miles: yo, Yumi? are you gonna eat that seanwich?
Yumi: *mumble mumble*
Miles: *takes it* thanks.
Echo rolled her eyes and leaned over to Yumi, gently tapping her on the shoulder and whispering in her ear.
Echo: if you're that worried for her, then text her, don't you have her number?
Amira: friends?
Bella: yeah. don't you have any?
Amira: I can't recall.
Cynthia: bruh, same.
Bella: well....I'll be your friend. And maybe you can start looking for more as well.
Cynthia: wait, me or her?
Bella: *smiles* both of you.
Cynthia: you're gonna be our girlfriend?
Bella: w-what? no-
Cynthia: so like, is this gonna be some threesome shit?
Bella: wha-
Amira: what is a threesome?...a three squid squad?
Cynthia:....well....yeah? I guess?
Amira: Isabella, you want me to be a part of your threesome?
Bella: guys, I-
Cynthia: kinky ass squid. *licks her lips* lookin' like a whole squid ring that's just begging to be eatin'~
Bella: we're not having a threesome!!!
Cynthia: I know, *smirks* I just love fucking with people.
Amira: *visible confusion*
Bella puffed her cheeks at Cynthia, who returned her stare with a chuckle while rubbing the back of her head. While the three were enjoying themselves, the door opened again and the three cephalopods looked over to see a similar looking police squid entering the shop while helping an old Octoling woman inside with her.
Gabby: right this way, ma'am.
Bella: Gabby?
Gabby: Isabella?....shouldn't you be off hanging out with your idiotic friends?
Bella: well...yeah, but what are you doing?
Cynthia: helping ma Granny. *waves* Sup Gabs, sup Granny.
C Gma: hello, Cynthia.
Gabby: fuck off, Cynthia.
Cynthia: why the long faaaaace?
Gabby: you should be the one helping your grandma, not me!!
Cynthia: *shrugs* I gotta take care of the shop, and it's not like you don't like helping granny, you get coffee for free in return.
Cynthia: *smirks* I love you~
Gabby: I hate you.....just give me my usual.
Cynthia: gotcha!
Gabby sat down next to Amira and just let out a very....very...very long and tired sigh as Amira and Bella stared at her.
Gabby:.....why are you both staring at me like weirdos?
Bella: you look stressed.
Gabby: I'm always stressed.
Bella:.....more stressed.
Gabby:.....just very tired, I guess.
Cynthia: *gives Gabby her Coffee* there ya go, Gabs.
Gabby: *sips*.mmmm...
Cynthia: *smirks* c'mon, you know my coffee is fucking amazing.
Gabby: *looks away* always puts me in a better mood.
Cynthia: hah! yeeeeeeah! Now call me beautiful!!
Gabby: ok, shut up!! Don't push it!!!
Bella couldn't help but smile at Gabby and Cynthia's love-hate relationship they had. she saw Cynthia grab Gabby's police hat from off of her head and put it on her own head with a grin on her face.
Cynthia: oh no, miss police squid, I believe I was breaking the law~...aren't you gonna arrest me?~
Gabby: you are so immature...
Cynthia: *burps* I know.
Bella heard her phone notification go off and she pulled out her phone to see that she actually got a text from Yumi, so she opened her phone to see what Yumi said to her.
-Bella/Yumi Dms-
Y: hi.
B: hey.
Y: are you ok?
B: yeah, I'm pretty well. why do you ask?
Y: well, Miles said you were going to be at Inkopolis with us, but you never came.
B: I bumped into Amira on my way there, and she took me to a café instead.
Y: oh.
Y: Bella?...
B: hm?
Y: there's been something I've been wanting to ask....
B: shoot.
Y: about what you said yesterday...
B: yeah?
Yumi's hands were shaking like crazy as her thumb was hovering over the "send" button of her question. while everyone was talking and having a nice time, she was looking down at her phone away from everyone...just debating hard on sending the message. Yumi gulped and pressed send, then instantly shut her phone off and whimpered to herself.
-Bella/Yumi Dms-
Y: did you really mean what you said yesterday about me? do you really want me to stay by your side so we can...climb the top together? because....I wouldn't mind staying by you...
Yumi whimpered even more, but the second she heard her phone notification sound go off, she hesitated, but turned on her phone to see what Bella's response was.
B: awe, of course I do, Yumi; I meant every word that came out of my mouth yesterday. and I don't mind you staying by my side one bit. we are going to prove to them that inklings and Octolings are on the same damn level
Yumi blushed at the text and gently hugged the phone to herself, unaware of the Inkling girl standing behind her and smirking like crazy.
Echo: yeah, I knew it. you love Bella, huh?~
Yumi: 0-0......
I'm in a very good mood so...another chapter tomorrow or Tuesday?
Name: Cynthia
Age: 19
Hobbies: playing videogames, watching TV, fighting
Details: Cynthia is a carefree Octoling that moved in with her grandmother after her parents tragically passed away. Cynthia is best known for being pretty teasing and playful with people, and still cares for them deep down. When Cynthia started to notice how the Café might go out of business, she started secretly participating in Octagon tournaments so she could earn a lot of money to keep her grandmother's Café open for business, which is where she got her very deviating burn mark and her cut up tentacles from. Even though they get no customers, Cynthia loves what she does and she loves her grandmother even more.
Extra art:
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