Chapter 11: The Fourth Member

Bella: C'mon Miles! we need you now more than ever, man!

Miles, now awake in his hospital bed, was giving Bella an apologetic smile while holding Lola in his arms and feeding her little snacks as Bella was on her knees at the edge of the bed and pouting at him while Yumi stood by her side.

Miles: sorry Bella. The doctor said I need to rest for at least two more days before I can even head home so...


Yumi: *pats Bella's head* I-It's ok, Bella....maybe Echo can play with us.

Bella: *gasp* Echo!! you're right!!

Yumi:....*nods* mm mm.

Bella: where the hell is she?!..

Echo: right...*grunts* here...

Bella, Yumi, and Miles, looked over to see Echo opening the door and letting out a tiny sigh in the progress while carrying a tray of hospital food.

Bella: Echo!

Echo: That's my name.

Bella: we really need your help!

Echo: No.

Bella: what?! you didn't even know what I was gonna ask!

Echo: with the look of desperation you have on your face right now I'm guessing it has something to do with me playing in Miles' place as your backline.


Echo: *raises her eyebrow* do you always know what I'm gonna ask before I even ask it?

Echo: well one, you always ask me to play with you, and two, have you even seen the news at all?

Bella: what do you mean?

Echo pulled out her phone and walked over to Bella before giving it to her for her to read a news article that shocked her a little.

Bella: "weird ghostly squad is back at it again? This time fighting the Ravens?"

Echo: the internet is fast.

Bella:....w-well c'mon, Echo! please?!

Echo: nope.

Bella got on her knees and grabbed onto Echo's jacket, causing Echo to place down her tray of food and cross her arms at her desperate friend.

Bella: Echo....The Ravens said if we don't find a squadmate by four Pm....we are automatically forced to forfeit....


Bella:'re our best shot....

Echo:...*sigh*...Bella....get up...

Bella whimpered a little and stood up in front of Echo. She took her phone back and gently flicked on Bella's straw boater in a teasing way while giving her a little smirk.

Echo: Listen....I would help you if I could.....

Echo pointed over to Miles and her smirk faded, changing her expression to a more serious and sad look.

Echo: but I already dedicated my time to taking care of this dummy.....I'm sure you could find someone else that uses a backline.

Bella:....yeah....that makes sense....

Echo: what about Obsidian? she uses a Goo Tuber, right?

Bella:......It's my best shot....

Bella saw Echo lean in close to her face.....a little....too close....Yumi and Miles stared as Echo smirked at Bella and gently flicked her nose, causing Bella to get embarrassed and cover it.

Echo: you better kick Amira's ass.

Bella:.....*tiny nod*..

Bella and Yumi left the hospital room and Echo walked over to pick up her tray of food again. She sat down on Miles' bed and looked at him, but noticed that he looked a if something was bothering him.

Echo: Miles?...


Echo: you ok?....

Miles: yeah, I was just thinking.

Echo: about?

Miles:....*looks away*.nothin' important.

Echo:.....a-alright......well it's time for you to eat. I toasted your bread just the way you like it, extra mayo, two thin tomatoes, Turkey, cheese, and a pudding cup. I also got you a juice box.

Miles: awe hell yeah! you always know how to make my sandwiches perfectly, Echo.

Echo: *blushes* well.....thanks....


Yumi and Bella were walking down the sidewalk together while staying awfully silent for a little while. Yumi kicked a pebble, then looked over at Bella to see her thinking to herself while looking up at the clouds.

Yumi: (..Bella....)

The two walked into Flounder heights and throughout the huge apartment complex until Bella saw an apartment in the distance and pointed over towards it, signaling that was where they needed to go to see Obsidian, to which Yumi nodded at and they made their way over to the apartment. The two walked up the stairs and down the long stretch of doors until they reached a door with the number ten on it. Bella knocked on the door gently and the two waited there until both of them heard footsteps from the other side of the door, then saw the door open with Obsidian standing there with ruffled tentacles, looking as drowsy as ever.

Bella: hey Obsidian. I'm guessing you just woke up?

Obsidian: *rubbing her eye* mhm....

Bella: you mind if we come in?

Obsidian: not.....*yaaaawn* at all...

Obsidian walked back into her apartment and Bella walked behind her, with Yumi slowly trailing behind the two. Yumi, began to look around the apartment and noticed that it smelled very....fresh and sweet. Yumi looked over to Obsidian's window and saw strawberries attached to stems in her window which Yumi tilted her head at....the Inkling girl had a tiny strawberry garden? Obsidian grabbed one of the strawberries and gave it a good, long look before nodding to herself and plucking it off of the stem as Bella flopped on her couch and Yumi politely sat down next to her while looking over at Obsidian still to see what she was up to.

Obsidian: time for breakfast!

A single strawberry?.....for breakfast?...Yumi began to get really confused at what Obsidian said, but began to get even more confused when she saw Obsidian grab a kitchen knife and a tiny plate, then place the strawberry on top of the plate, and she began to cut it....that single strawberry.....for breakfast.

Bella: your apartment looks nice, Obsidian.

Obsidian: *cut cut* thank you. I stayed up all night designing it.

Bella: where's your daughter?

Obsidian: she's still asleep.


DAUGHTER?!..Yumi saw Bella give a very careless smile as she looked back, which made Yumi sink into deep thought as she began to get very very very confused....Obsidian has a daughter?!..since when?!.

Obsidian: I'll go get her. she'll be happy to see you after all of this time.

Bella: awwwwe. I can't wait ^^.

Yumi: @-@..... ok, Yumi?


Bella: Obsidian?...she what?

Yumi: she has a.....daughter?

Bella: Mhm.


Obsidian: here she is!

Yumi looked over at Obsidian as fast as she could but....didn't see a little squiddo anywhere....but instead, saw Obsidian holding something in her hands...something green?....Yumi's brain was fried at this point as Obsidian slowly petted the green object and walked closer to Bella.

Obsidian: come out, Ginger....auntie Bella is here.

Yumi saw something poke out of the green object and it open it's looked like a...Turtle?...Yumi saw Bella pick up the Turtle and smile at it, to which the Turtle stretched out it's neck and began to nuzzle on Bella's nose.

Bella: how ya doin' girl?

Ginger: *nuzzle nuzzle*

Bella: it's been a minute since we last seen each other. has Obsidian been a bad mommy?

Obsidian: I-I haven't been!

Bella: *smirks* suuuuure.

Obsidian puffed her cheeks and grabbed Ginger from Bella, then walked over to the kitchen. Yumi looked at Obsidian and saw her place the plate of the cut up strawberry on the floor, then place Ginger on the floor next to the plate.

Obsidian: *smiles* eat up.

Ginger:...*looks up at Obsidian* 0^0....

Obsidian: can't have too much sugar....n-no more sugar on your strawberries!.....


Obsidian: *whimpers* d-don't give me that look!...

Ginger: *staaaaare*.

Obsidian:.....mmmmmm..fine!....b-but this is the last time...

Obsidian walked over to the counter and grabbed a tiny pinch of sugar from out of a bag, then sprinkled it onto Ginger's strawberries before hearing adorable Turtle sounds come from her. Obsidian left Ginger alone and sat down on the couch next to Bella, then began to straighten out her ruffled tentacles with a brush on her coffee table.

Obsidian: *brush brush* b-being a hard...

Bella: I can tell.

Obsidian grabbed her tentacle and lifted it up to brush it, causing Yumi's eyes to widen in shock when she saw the big scar that went across Obsidian's right eye, but when Yumi looked over at Bella, she saw Bella paying no mind to it at all....Yumi started thinking to herself even more....thinking on how deep Bella and Obsidian's friendship much they trusted each other and cared for each other...

Bella: ok so um....Obsidian?

Obsidian: *brush brush* hm?

Bella: I need you to do me a favor...

Obsidian: o-oh...*smiles* your strawberry shortcake is in the fridge.

Bella began to drool a little, but wiped it away and shook her head at Obsidian.

Bella: No. I came for something else!...a different favor.

Obsidian: hm?

Bella: ok know how Miles is in the hospital and um.....

Obsidian: yeah?

Bella: I kinda need your help.

Obsidian: with what?

Bella: so the Raven's challenged us to a match yesterday and I need you to play in Miles' place ok?!

Obsidian:....X-0....*drops her brush*.

Bella: you know who the Raven's are, right?

Obsidian:......s-scary squad.....

Bella: yeah! the scariest squad of them all!

Obsidian: *whimpers*..

Bella: especially Amira! I want to see what she's really made of! I heard that she completely killed the previous teams that fought her!

Obsidian: KILLED?!

Bella: well not literally...

Obsidian: *starts shaking*

Bella: but seriously, Obsidian....I need your help....


Bella: you're my can you please do me this favor?

The room was silent for a while and both Bella and Yumi watched as Obsidian shook in fear, then she flopped backwards onto the couch and it looked as if her soul left her body. Bella let out a sigh and stood up, then gestured Yumi to follow her out the door.

Bella:...yeah I knew this was gonna happen.....let's go, Yumi.

Yumi: is...she ok?

Bella: yeah, she just passed out *shrugs* she does that all the time

just as Bella and Yumi were gonna walk out the door, Yumi saw Bella's ears perk up in an adorable way, then Bella ran over to Obsidian's kitchen and opened up her fridge to grab her strawberry shortcake and use a plastic fork to take a bite, to which Bella moaned in pure bliss from the taste.

Bella: Obsidian makes the best strawberry shortcakes...

Yumi: *tilts her head*

Bella: try some!

Bella smiled as she scooped some cake up with her fork and held it up in front of Yumi's face. Yumi hesitated, but ate the cake and...Bella was right...that cake was pretty damn good. Bella walked out of the apartment and waved to Ginger before walking away as Yumi shut the door and walked with her down the apartment complex.

Bella:...Yumi?.....what time is it?

Yumi: *looks at her phone* thirty....

Bella: *siiiiigh*...this is hard.....Echo wants to take care of Miles...and Obsidian passed out from being a wuss.....*gasp* Yumi!!

Yumi: hm?

Bella: what about Dayna?!


Bella: what?

Yumi:.....she....isn't good...

Bella: what do you mean? like......on a scale from one to ten, how good is Dayna?

Yumi:....*holds up one finger*

Bella: seriously?! she's THAT bad?!

Yumi: she misses almost every shot....

Bella: dammit!!.um....who else?!...what about that other Octoling that you're friends with?

Yumi: *shakes her head* she doesn't play...

Bella:....*sigh*...c'mon brain.....there must be someone....

Yumi and Bella began to think hard, but Bella's ears perked up again and she gasped before looking at Yumi with a smile on her face.

Bella: I KNOW WHO!!

Yumi: hm?

Bella: Follow me!


Within a Log cabin in the woods, far from Camp Triggerfish, an Inkling girl was sitting on her recliner chair while sipping on some tea and wearing pajamas. The Inkling let out a sigh of relief as she looked into her fireplace and listened to the wood crackle and snap. She rested until she heard knocking at her door, to which she sighed and gently put down her cup of tea, then stood up. The Inkling walked over to her door and opened it to see Bella and Yumi standing there, Yumi with her emotionless face as usual, and Bella with her perked up and joyful face as she held onto her plate of cake.


Gabby:....*slams the door*

Gabby sighed and was just about to walk away from the door, but heard Bella knock again. Gabby facepalmed herself and turned around to open up the door yet again.

Gabby: what do you want, Isabella?

Bella: Gabby! *finger guns* wassup?

Gabby:....why are you at my doorstep?

Bella: I just wanted to see how you were doooooin' 030

Gabby: I was enjoying myself...that is...until you showed up.

Bella: *nods nods* that sounds nice. that sounds nice.

Gabby: Mhm.....bye.

Gabby tried to close her door, but Bella jammed her foot in the door and stuffed her face in the door with puppy dog eyes, making Gabby sweat uncomfortably.

Bella: ok ok ok! please let us inside, Gabbs!

Gabby: hell no!

Bella: please!!

Gabby: you do realize that I'm an officer and I can arrest you right now, right?

Bella: no pleeeease!! I'll give you the rest of my strawberry shortcake if you let us in!!

Gabby: No-......did you say strawberry...shortcake?

Bella: yes!

Gabby bit her lip and hesitated, but let out a sigh and opened the door for Bella and Yumi to walk inside. Bella gave Gabby the rest of her strawberry shortcake, causing Gabby to drool just a little. Even though she was a hothead and pretty damn strict, Gabby LOVED sweets; Candy, Pie, Cakes, you name it. Gabby began to eat the cake as Bella and Yumi sat down in her Livingroom where her fireplace was, with Yumi staring at the fire and sinking into her causal thoughts again.

Gabby: ok.....*nom*.what do you want? today's my day off, so make it quick.

Bella: ok already know that Miles is in the hospital....

Gabby: *nom*.Mhm...

Bella: and.....The Ravens-

Gabby: I'm gonna stop you right there. I already know what you're gonna say, and my answer is no.

Bella: Gabby, please!!

Gabby: nope...*nom*

Bella: you're our last hope!! If we don't have a squadmate to replace Miles by four Pm...we're forced to forfeit...

Gabby: That sounds like a you problem...*nom*.maybe you should've said "we can fight after my friend recovers from the hospital".

Bella: Amira wanted her answer at that moment.....

Gabby: well she's very impatient...

Bella: I know so.....please me this favor....friend to friend?

Gabby: I do not consider you to be my friend.

Gabby took another bite from her cake and looked at Bella again....but Gabby saw a hint of sadness in Bella's face, causing her to stop chewing her cake for a second. Bella looked away from Gabby and puffed her cheeks a little.

Bella:....I consider you to be my're one of the coolest Inklings I've ever met....


Gabby began to feel the guilt kick in as she swallowed her cake and began to blush from Bella's comment, making her a little flustered. Gabby has never heard anyone call her their friend she spent most of her life as a lonely police squid....but being a police squid also comes with the flaws of people not liking her. She was always known throughout Inkopolis as "The annoying bitch" or "the strict Cunt". It's not like these cut Gabby deeply because she was a tough gal, and could take insults, and she was just doing her job. Gabby thought to herself for a second before letting out a sigh and eating the last bit of her cake.

Gabby:....*mumbles* owe me....


Gabby looked at Bella in a slightly adorable way while gritting her teeth and clenching her fists.

Gabby: you owe me big time....

Bella: d-does...that mean?....

Gabby:...yes....*sigh*.I'll fucking help you

Gabby saw Bella smile from ear to ear and run over to her from the couch, then hug her tight while nuzzling into her chest, causing Gabby to blush from embarrassment and grit her teeth a little, to not try and show her soft side.

Bella: Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you sooooooo much, Gabby!!

Gabby:....*looks away* o-ok whatever! just get off of me....

Bella let go of Gabby, but still kept her adorable smile on her face as she then pumped her fist into the air.

Bella: now we can head to Inkopolis EARLY, and fight Amir-

Gabby: wait.....


Gabby:....we can't yet....*sigh*.There's one thing I gotta do..

Bella: and that is?

Gabby bit her lip and looked away from Bella with some sweat starting to form on her face, which made Bella confused.



Gabby:......we have to go to the Octagon....

The second Gabby said that, It caught Yumi's attention, but definitely not in a good way. Yumi quickly looked over from the fire and stared at Gabby, and the still confused Bella. Explosher is there....we need to head over there and get it back.

Bella:.....*shrugs* ok. let's go.

Bella turned around to walk away, but then felt Gabby grab her shoulder with a worried look on her face, making Bella a little concerned as she looked over and saw Yumi giving her a look of concern as well.

Gabby: Isabella....*sigh* I'm guessing you DON'T know what the Octagon is?

Gabby: makes sense for your friend to know.....considering that she's an Octoling.


Bella: Yumi? you know what the Octagon is?

Gabby: of course she would know about it. every Octoling knows about the Octagon.....most Inklings wouldn't know about it.....and the ones that do....know it's a....bad place.

Bella: what do you mean?..

Gabby:......The Octagon is a very territorial area that only Octolings live at......and.....they HATE lot.


Gabby: most Inklings who step foot into their turf either get beaten up very, very, VERY badly.....or they just kill you on the spot.


Gabby: yeah. I know.

Bella: wait...then how come you can go? you're an Inkling, so wouldn't they hurt you too?

Gabby: luckily not. every Octoling in the Octagon knows me because I'm associated with the head Octoling that runs the place.

Bella: ok?....also why is your Explosher in a place like that?

Gabby: I allowed someone to borrow it....anyway....your friend can tag along can't.

Bella: *sigh*..fine...I'll head to the hospital and get Coraline as well.

Bella looked over at Yumi and gave her a thumbs up while smirking at her.

Bella: protect Gabby for me, kay?


Gabby: who said I need protecting, you asshole?!!



After heading off from Gabby's cabin and saying their goodbyes to Bella, Yumi and Gabby were on a tiny boat that was near Bluefin Depot, sailing across the water as Yumi was gently hugging herself and looking out to the endless ocean ahead of her. Both Gabby, and Yumi have been silent throughout their little adventure so far, that is until Gabby, who was controlling the boat, looked at Yumi and saw that she was in deep thought, without even showing it through her emotionless expression, causing Gabby to cross her legs and raise her eyebrow at the Octo.

Gabby: I'm guessing you're thinking about her?

Yumi: *looks at Gabby*..

Gabby: *sigh*'re acting like you can't go one day without seeing her...

Yumi: *blushes a little*.

Gabby: well....from that, I can tell that you deeply care for that Idiot.


Gabby:....and......I can tell that Isabella cares for you deeply as well...


Gabby: probably more than her other friends honestly. *rolls her eyes* Isabella literally put a paper bag over your head and snuck you into splat tower just so she could tend to your wounds, and lied to me and said "you drank too much MPU and got into a little problem"... and also lied and told me you were an Inkling. I'm not stupid and I could obviously tell what happened to you.

Yumi:.....*blushes more*.(she.....did that

Gabby: look....I don't know what makes Isabella so motivated to protect you and care for you....but....

Yumi saw Gabby uncross her legs and lean towards her a little, then let out a tiny sigh of embarrassment as another blush formed across her face.

Gabby: That're lucky to have someone like that by your side....

Gabby used her other hand and scratched the back of her head as she looked away from Yumi, and at the ocean.

Gabby: especially since she kissed you...

Yumi felt her cheeks getting even hotter than before as she remembered back at that moment....her lips....pressed against Bella's soft and cute lips....if only...she could feel Bella's lips again. just as Yumi was about to sink into deep thought about that one moment, she heard Gabby speak once more.

Gabby: obviously know how the public reacted to that.....


Gabby: you already know the drill....Inklings and Octolings shouldn't be together.....and trust me....the couples that have tried....broke up within a week because they couldn't take the backlash from their squadmates and the public


Gabby: and considering that you're blushing pretty hard right now.....I can tell that you're in love with I just have one thing to say....


Gabby:.....*glares*.give up.


Gabby: *shrugs* give up. I've seen so many Inkling and Octoling couples get destroyed....and....I don't want that to happen to you and Isabella.


Gabby: look, I know it sounds harsh but.....It's just the and Isabella are better off as friends instead of a couple. Even if you try to keep it a secret, one slip up, and it's over.

Gabby saw Yumi look down and away from her, staying silent as usual. The two continued to sail though the ocean as Gabby looked away from Yumi as well, but then saw Yumi curl her hand into a fist slightly, and start to mumble to her.

Yumi:.....Bella.....told me.....


Yumi: not to let my type of species control my actions, and what I want to do in my life....If I really want something....I won't let any obstacle be my limitation on what I can and cannot


Yumi:.....what gives you the right to tell me what to do?.....I do want something......and I want.....Bella......b-because......I' love with her.......

Yumi saw Gabby smirk a little, then let out a little chuckle, causing her to tilt her head, slightly confused on why the police squid was laughing at her, but soon later, her chuckling stopped and she looked at Yumi with a tiny smile on her face.

Gabby: I can tell that she really inspired you.


Gabby: have my respect.....I wish you the best of luck with her.....and if things get out of hand.....I'll help out...

The two shared a nice moment, just before Gabby looked ahead of Yumi and her face turned back into her serious police mode.

Gabby: we're here.

Yumi and Gabby stopped along the shore and got out of the boat to see a massive wall. The two walked up to the gates and saw two Octolings glaring at them, but just as they were about to pull out weapons, they saw that it was Gabby, then put their weapons away.

Octoling: *nods* Gabriella.

Gabby: hey.

Octoling 2: *points at Yumi* who's the outsider Octo?

Gabby: she's tagging along for the ride. I need to see Octo gramps.

Octoling: that's fine. head on inside.

The gates opened and Gabby walked inside as Yumi trailed behind her while looking around to see many Octolings walking around and enjoying their day, then saw them look over at Gabby and shrug her off, clearly showing that Gabby was respected amongst all of these hostile Octos. Yumi looked in the far distance and saw an arena, to which she could hear loud cheering and screaming coming from it. on the Octagon, Octolings would have their own type of...."turf war" which it would be....way more violent and bloody...something Yumi definitely didn't want to get herself involved in.

Gabby: *sigh* c'mon....Gramps is this way.

Gabby walked up to a house with Yumi, then knocked on the door gently and waited. Yumi heard footsteps from the other side, then eventually saw an old Octoling man open the door and smile once he saw Gabby.

Gabby: hey Octo Gramps.

Gramps: Gabriella! what brings you here, sweetie?

Gabby: I'm here for my Explosher....I let Leon borrow it.


Yumi and Gabby stood there as they heard quick footsteps coming down the stairs, then saw an Octoling boy with the default hairstyle, walk over towards the door while holding Gabby's Explosher.

Leon: H-Hey's been a while....

Gabby: yeah.

Leon: *smiles* thanks for letting me borrow your Explosher.

Yumi looked at Leon and just.....observed him.....the boy had light skin, a green tentacle, and cyan eyes. The guy sounded pretty nice...yet also shy. He wore a pair of Half-Rim Glasses, a Toni Kensa Baseball Jersey, and some Truffle Canvas Hi-Tops. Leon looked over at Yumi and the two just...stared at each other for a second before Leon gave her a gentle wave and a smile.

Leon: Hi.


Gramps: may I ask why you needed your Explosher back so soon?

Gabby: oh....well I'm gonna be helping someone take down the number nine squad in the Inktastic Ten.

Leon: You guys are going up against The Ravens?

Gabby: *nods*

Leon: oh wow....that sounds so fresh. can I tag along?

Gabby: why?

Leon: I wanna watch.....It would be so cool to see you kick butt, Gabby.

Gabby:.....*looks at Octo Gramps*

Gramps:....*sigh*.as long as my Grandson is back home safe and sound....

Gabby:.....I......guess you can come then.

Leon: *oomi*.


Miles: alright Lola....speak!


Echo: *crosses her arms*.

Miles: c'mon Lola!

Lola: *tilts her head*

Bella: Miles, I don't think she's even able to speak...

Coraline: yeah....

Miles: no she can! I heard her say "ah" before!

Echo: Miles....she just made a sound...Lola, say "ah"

Lola: *adorable tone* ah!

Echo: see?

Miles: hm.....Lola, make a fart sound.

Lola: pfft!

Miles: heheheheheh.

Coraline: *giggles* you're so immature, Miles.

Just then, the door to the hospital room opened up and Yumi, along with Gabby and Leon, walked into the room and everyone looked over at them.

Gabby: *sigh*...we are here.

Miles: I really appreciate you taking over my spot, Gabby.

Gabby: yeah yeah, shut up. also this is Leon. Leon, these are Yumi's friends.

Leon: *tiny wave* hey..

Bella: *smiles* nice to meet ya.

Echo: *waves back*.

Miles: wassup.

Coraline: It's very nice to meet you, Leon ^^


Coraline: *tilts her head* hm?

Leon: *looks away* It's nice to meet you too!

Coraline: *giggles* Coraline.

Leon:...(what a beautiful name.....)..C-Coraline....

Gabby: ok ok ok! can we please head to Inkopolis now? It's Three Forty.

Bella: oh shoot! you're right!

Miles: good luck, guys!

Echo: we'll be cheering you guys on.

Lola: *hop hop*

After running out of the hospital and super jumping over to Inkopolis, Bella and her squad saw Inklings and Octolings crowding around and taking pictures like crazy.

Inkling girl: oh my cod!! They're here!! The ghosts of Inkopolis!!

Octoling girl: It's that Octoling girl....I hope her and her girlfriend can take down the Ravens.

Bella: wow....people are very hyped about this huh?

Coraline: of course! I'd be too.


Gabby: There she is.

Bella and her squad walked into the middle of the crowd to see Amira and her squad standing there and glaring at them as the squid sisters stood behind them with microphones in their hands.

Amira: showed up....

Bella: *smirks* of course I did. I can't make my way to the top without kicking your ass first, now can I?

Amira: I remember the rules?

Bella: yup! Splat Zones! Skipper Pavilion! reduced respawn!

Gabby: r-reduced respawn?!

Bella: yup!

Gabby:....*sigh* for fucks sake....

Amira: is there a problem? there's still a chance to forfeit.

Gabby: don't play with me -_-

Callie: ARE YOU GUYS READY?!!!!!


The crowd roared as Bella and Amira looked at each other and glared as Bella grinned at her and straightened her classic straw boater.

Bella: Let's do this!


Amira vibes! ^

....and I'm running out of Lbs things to draw....fuck

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