Chapter 10: The Squid Sisters

during the afternoon of a nice day, Grey was walking home by himself while carrying a couple of bags full of groceries. Grey turned and walked down an alleyway to get to his apartment complex, but while he was walking through the alleyway, he also walked past a group of four Inkling girls that were chatting and giggling until he walked by. All of the Inkling girls looked at Grey walk by, then they smirked at him in a seductive way.

Inkling girl: hey, you big Octo boy~

Grey stopped in his tracks and turned around to see the four Inklings walking up towards him in a very sexualized way, making him raise his eyebrow at them.

Inkling girl 1: ya know....for an Octoling're pretty cute.


Inkling girl 2: and quite muscular~

Grey: *nods* thank you.

The four girls began walking around Grey as if they were birds circling around their prey. the third Inkling girl smirked at him and grabbed onto his shoulders from behind, then placed her body close to his.

Inkling girl 3: do you have a girlfriend, big boy?~

Grey: Mhm.

Inkling girl 4: you look like you got a lot of money on ya~

Grey: *shrugs*

Inkling girl 1: well now....

The Inkling girl lifted up her skirt to her school girl gear and showed Grey her panties while giving him a very seductive glare and swaying her hips in the process.


Inkling girl 1: for the right price, we can give you an experience that your girlfriend could NEVER give you~

It was pretty silent for a while until Grey gave the Inkling girl a glare while seeming completely unamused by her flashing. The Octoling boy opened his mouth and all of the Inkling girls leaned closer to him to hear his response, slightly exited.

Grey: why would I waste my hard-earned money just so I can get in your dirty panties?

All of the Inkling girls stood there completely shocked as Grey walked off and payed them no mind. one of the Inkling girls clenched her fist and gritted her teeth at Grey before yelling at the top of her lungs.


Inkling girl 3: hmph, his loss.

Grey walked along the sidewalk until he eventually reached Flounder Heights, where he walked up the stairs while letting out a tiny sigh in the process. he walked up to a door with the number ten on it, and then grabbed his keys out of his pocket. Grey opened the door and walked inside with groceries in hand, closing the door with his foot.

Grey: Buttercup....I'm home.

Grey walked over to the kitchen and placed down his groceries on the counter, but then looked around to hear not a single response or even see Buttercup.

Grey: Buttercup?

Grey stood still for a second, but his Octo ear wiggled a little and he let out a little sigh in the process when he realized what was going on. Grey held out his hands in a catching position and literally, Buttercup fell from the ceiling right into his arms, then gently karate chopped his afro while smiling at him.

Buttercup: I missed yoooou. long were you on the ceiling?

Buttercup: twenty minutes. I wanted to surprise you!

Grey: well I'm surprised.

Buttercup: you are?!

Grey: *nods*

Buttercup: yaaay!

Grey put Buttercup down, then walked over to the counter and began looking through the bags of groceries and sorting the stuff he bought.

Grey: I got groceries.

Buttercup: *gasp* did you get any sweets?

Grey pulled out a tiny box of Octopus shaped honey buns and tossed them at Buttercup. She caught the box and smiled at Grey before running over and hugging him.

Buttercup: You got me Octo buns! my favorite!

Grey: *sorting the groceries* Mhm.

Buttercup: I don't see how Rubin and Bronwyn can only eat Squiddy cakes. like, Octo buns are super delicious.

Grey: they're mostly popular underground....while Squiddy cakes are popular on the surface with Inklings.

Buttercup pulled out an Octo bun and took it out of the plastic before biting into it and nodding at Grey's little statement.

Buttercup: true true...*nom*

Grey finished putting up the groceries before walking over to the couch in the Livingroom and pulling out his book from his hoodie pocket. Grey began to read while Buttercup flopped on the couch and laid on his lap, and continued to eat her Octo bun.

Grey: *flips a page* it's not a good idea to eat while laying like that.

Buttercup: but I like laying on your lap...

Grey: you're going to choke.

Buttercup: naaah I'm fiiine.

Grey: *reading*.

Buttercup: *stuffs the rest of it in her mouth* shee?! I'm perfekle fi-*COUGH COUGH*.

Buttercup leaned up and began coughing as Grey patted her back to help her a little. Buttercup struggled for a second, but eventually managed to swallow the rest of the Octo bun without dying in the process. she looked over at Grey and saw him looking at her with an "I told you so" type of face.

Buttercup: don't look at me like thaaaat!

Grey:....*continues reading*.

Buttercup:.....wait, why didn't you take off your shoes? you never wear them in the apartment.

Grey: because I have a feeling we might leave soon.

Buttercup: wait why?

Just then, the two heard loud banging on their door and both stood up to go answer it. When they opened the door they saw Rubin, standing there and acting like he's just seen a ghost, making the two Octo's tilt their heads at him.

Buttercup: uh....hey Rubin? what's up?

Rubin: *pant* I.....*pant* came all the way over here as fast as I could to tell you guys something important.

Grey: oh?

Buttercup: is it something about turfing?

Rubin: no. something even crazier.

Buttercup: did Bronwyn rape someone?!! I knew she would one day!!

Rubin: what? No. I came here to tell you guys something else. everyone in Inkopolis is hyped up about it right now.

Buttercup: well spill the beans brotha!

Grey: *crosses his arms*

Rubin: this came out of fucking nowhere but......THE SQUID SISTERS ARE IN INKOPOLIS SQUARE AS WE SPEAK!!

Grey:...I see.


Rubin: no I'm dead serious. They're taking autographs right now before they head over to Splat Tower for...some reason. I have Bronwyn in line so she can keep a spot for us.

Buttercup: oh my cod, oh my cod, oh my cod, oh my cod, oh my cod! this is like a dream come true!!

Grey: *reading*

Buttercup: I've always wanted to meet the squid sisters!!! we gotta go now!! like, right now!!

Rubin: way ahead of ya! let's go Grey!

Grey: you guys can go without me.

Buttercup: whaaaat?!...but......Grey.

Grey: I need to cook dinner. *shrugs* plus it's just an autograph.

Buttercup: it's not JUST an autograph. It's an autograph from the two girls who saved all of us Octolings with their heavenly music of calamari inkantation. Including you as well.


Buttercup: pleeeeease?! I'll promise to cook dinner instead tonight.

Grey: you're never touching the stove.....but.....*sigh* you guys go ahead of me. I'll catch up.

Buttercup: *nods* mm. let's go, Rubin!

The two of them super jumped away as Grey walked back into the apartment. while the two were soaring through the sky towards Inkopolis, Squid Rubin looked over at Octopus Buttercup and raised his eyebrow at her, slightly concerned.

Rubin: how long have you and Grey known each other?

Buttercup: oh! ever since we were born!

Rubin: ooooh. so, childhood friends?

Buttercup: technically yeah. we were both created in the same lab and became a part of the octo army. our code numbers were right next to one another ^^


Buttercup: and I'm glad to see that Grey has never changed. even in the army he would always read books. I fell In love with him the first day I saw him.

Rubin: awwwwe.

Buttercup: eventually me and him became a couple and.....we even escaped to the surface together. That's how we ran into you guys!

Rubin: wow. You and Grey really have a history.

Buttercup: yup. we go waaaaaay back.

Rubin: oh! there's Inkopolis!

Rubin and Buttercup turned back into their human forms and landed right in Inkopolis square to see Inklings and Octolings EVERYWHERE In the square. an Inkling boy ran past Buttercup and Rubin with a huge blush on his face while looking at his hand.

Inkling boy: Callie gave me a high five.....I'm never washing my hand ever again!!!!


Buttercup: I am so excited!!

Rubin: c'mon. let's go find Bronwyn.

The two of them walked along while saying "excuse me" and "pardon me" like, a million times before they finally saw the big sweater wearing Inkling girl sitting up close in line. Rubin walked up behind Bronwyn and tapped her on the shoulder to get her attention.'re back....

Rubin: I brought Buttercup. Grey is gonna be here soon.

Bronwyn: *nods* ok.

Buttercup: where are they?! where are they?! where are they?!

Bronwyn: *points*

Buttercup looked ahead of the line a little and saw the squid sisters themselves, signing an Inkling girls splat charger, with Callie winking and Marie smiling at her.

Callie/Marie: stay fresh, squiddo!

Inkling girl:.....*passes out*

Buttercup:...*squeals* it's really them!!

Rubin: what are you gonna get them to sign, Bronwyn?

Bronwyn: just my sweater....with a very permanent marker.

Rubin: *smiles* I'm gonna get them to sign my cap. how about you Buttercup?

Buttercup: oh I'm gonna get them to sign my.....SHIT!!

Bronwyn: your poo?


Rubin: *shrugs* how about your shirt?

Buttercup: this shirt is lame though.....dammit!! I should've brought my weapon or something!!

Buttercup began tapping her foot and started to fiercely think to herself while Bronwyn and Rubin just...looked at each other, then back at her.

Buttercup: I'll get them to sign my face!! but the drawback is I'll never be able to wash my face ever again *shrugs* that's fine though.

Rubin: Buttercup......I'm pretty sure Grey would never kiss you again if he heard what you just said.

Bronwyn: *nods* mm mm.

Buttercup: true......ugh!! I hate this!!

Buttercup, then felt a tap on her shoulder and her, Rubin, and Bronwyn turned around to see Grey holding a book and tilting his head at them a little.

Grey: did I miss anything?

Rubin: not real-


all Grey did was let out a tiny sigh and pull out a Splattershot Pro that he had strapped to his back, then hand it to Buttercup.

Buttercup: *gaaaaaaaasp*!!!! my Splattershot Pro!! Grey, you found it!!

Grey: Mhm.

Rubin: wait...Splattershot Pro? Buttercup, you don't use the pro, you use the Squeezer.

Buttercup: I used to use the Pro when we first got up to the surface.

Buttercup snuggled into Grey's chest while he read his book and patted the top of her head a little.

Buttercup: The Splattershot Pro was too much for me to afford at the time, but Grey grinded Ranked and got it for me!

Grey: because you were acting like a baby.

Buttercup: shut up!

Rubin: what are you getting signed, Grey?

Grey: *shows Rubin the book* the first book I bought on the surface.

Rubin: sweet!

Marie: next!

The Hybrid squad looked forward to see that they were next in line, and Callie and Marie were smiling right at them. Buttercup's jaw dropped as she began to fiercely tap on Grey's afro, then run ahead of her friends and up to the squid sisters, but her friends caught up to her and watched as she bounced up and down like a kid in a candy store.

Buttercup: oh my cod, oh my cod, oh my cod!! it's actually you guys!!

Marie: sup.

Callie: *gasp* wait, I know you guys!

Buttercup: you do?!

Callie: yeah! you guys are the new Inktastic ten squad that everyone's been talking about. The Hybrids right? I was watching you guys on Tv the other day when you fought against the Shadow Squad. You guys kicked butt!

Buttercup: she was watching us on Tv......guys did you hear that?!

Bronwyn: *tiny woomy*

Rubin: It's an honor, Ms. Callie.

Callie: naaaah. But all I gotta say is you guys are definitely one of my favorite squads.

Marie: what do you guys want us to sign?

Buttercup: o-oh! my....Splattershot Pro....please.

Callie: sure thing.

Buttercup handed the two idols her Splattershot pro and they both pulled out permanent markers, then signed it before giving it back to her. Buttercup looked at the signature to see it say "show the world what the Hybrids are capable of~~Callie and Marie".

Buttercup: thank you so much!!

Marie: no prob. what about sweater girl?

Rubin, tapped Bronwyn and gestured her to go up to them. Bronwyn nodded to her brother and walked up to Callie and Marie, then pointed to her sweater.

Bronwyn: please sign my sweater.....

Callie: can do!

Bronwyn: but!


Bronwyn pulled out two markers that looked way different from Callie and Marie's, then handed them to the two.

Bronwyn: please use these markers instead.

Marie: "super, ultra, omega, permanent markers"?

Callie: wow....are you sure?

Bronwyn: Mhm.

Marie:.....if you say so.

Bronwyn stretched out her sweater and the two idols signed her sweater as neatly and carefully as they could before returning her markers and smiling at her.

Callie: enjoy!

Marie: you next, girly girl.

Rubin: I'm a boy ;-;....

Marie: bad. anyway, get over here.

Rubin walked over and took off his cap, then handed it to them. As the two were signing it, Marie looked at Rubin, then stopped halfway through her signature.

Marie: I'm sorry, but you're actually a boy?

Callie: Marie!! don't be rude!!

Marie: what?! I'm just asking him a question!

Rubin: it's ok. *chuckles* yeah, I get that a lot. that girl's sweater you just signed is my twin sister.

Callie: wait....for eel?! that's so cool!

Marie: *looking at Bronwyn and Rubin* did I not notice that?

Rubin: I keep my tentacles down just so I can keep the whole "twin" thing going.

Marie: I've never seen an Inkling boy with long tentacles like that. *shrugs* it's pretty sweet.

The two finished their signature and gave Rubin his hat back, then the two looked over at Grey, who was minding his own business and reading as always.

Marie: and last, but not least, the afro boy.

Grey looked up from his book and gently closed it before walking over to the two and handing them the book.

Callie: where do you want us to sign?

Grey: inner part of the cover.

Marie: hah, I dig this one. He seems mysterious.


The two signed Grey's book and gave it back to him before finally stretching and letting out long sighs.

Marie: I believe that's enough signatures for one day...

Callie: yeah.


The Hybrid squad looked over to see an Inkling boy with a default hairstyle "shooing" the Inklings and Octolings away.

Octoling boy: who the hell do you think you are, man?!

???: just back up -_-

Octoling boy: get out of my way!

The Octoling threw a punch at the Inkling, but he dodged it and grabbed the Octolings arm, then flipped him over, slamming him down onto the ground and leaving everyone in shock.

???:..anyone else?

all of the Inklings and Octolings walked off and pretended like the Squid sisters never existed as Buttercup pointed to the boy, then looked at the two Idols.

Buttercup: who's that?

Callie: oh, him? that's agent thre-

Marie: *elbows Callie* he's a bodyguard.

Callie: ow.....

Buttercup: a Bodyguard? *shrugs* that makes sense, since you guys ARE famous after all.

Marie: yeah. welp, I guess it's time to head over to Splat Towe-

???: excuse me.

Callie, Marie, and the Hybrids looked over to see another squad of four Inklings with dark purple tentacles walking over towards them, causing all of the other Inklings and Octolings to get out of their way as they approached. Buttercup gasped a little and gently grabbed onto Grey's wrist while holding in her excitement.

Buttercup: I-It's......The Ravens!

Rubin: rank nine.....what are they doing here?

Amira: hello.....Hybrids....

Amira walked over to the Hybrids as all of the Inklings and Octolings watched in silence. The Squid Sisters stared as well, while slightly feeling the...dark aura that Amira and her squad were giving off, sending shivers down their non-existent spines.'re the squad that took tenth place from the Fireflies.

Buttercup: yup! that's us! *holds out her hand* It's nice to meet ya!

Amira:.....I only shake the hands of the ones who've earned my respect.

Buttercup slowly put her hand down and her face became a little bit saddened, but she tried to hide it by looking away and down at the ground. Grey looked at Amira and he saw the menacing glare from her ruby red eyes, causing him to look away from her slightly as well, knowing how dangerous she was just by her looks alone. Amira walked over to Callie and Maire, then tilted her head at them while speaking in a very dead and emotionless tone.

Amira: I know why you're heading to Splat Tower......Take me to her.


Meanwhile at Yumi's apartment, Mia sat down a plate in front of herself, then a plate in front of Dayna, who was at the dinner table with her.

Dayna: *smirks* Steak and Baked potatoes I see.

Mia: Mhm..

Mia looked over to the third seat at the dinner table which was empty, causing her to sigh and walk back over to the kitchen to grab an extra plate that was on the counter, then place it in the fridge as Dayna looked over at her, while tilting her head.

Dayna: somethin' up?

Mia:.....Yumi has been leaving the apartment a lot more frequently lately....she isn't even eating dinner with us anymore...

Dayna: *shrugs* maybe she wants to chill in Inkopolis?

Mia sat down at the table with Dayna and looked down at her food. The two began to eat in silence until Dayna looked over and saw Mia glaring at her slightly, causing her to sweat a little.

Dayna: uh....yes?

Mia: are you hiding something....from me?..

Mia: are you sure?......don't you find it kinda weird that Yumi started going out more frequently after she kissed that Inkling?

Dayna: um....maybe a coincidence?

Mia: yeah.....sure.....

Dayna: uh...*points* what's that?!!

Mia turned her head to look where Dayna was pointing, but only to be met with nothing...that is until Mia felt Dayna's lips press up against her cheek fairly quickly and suddenly. Mia blushed a little and held onto her cheek as she looked over at Dayna to see her eating up her food, acting like nothing just happened.

Mia: w-what the hell, Dayna?!

Dayna: *nom* mm?

Mia: why did you kiss my cheek?!

Dayna: *shrugs* you looked kissable.


Dayna: *nom* damn! this steak is the bomb!

Mia:....*sigh*.(Yumi....where are you?)


Yumi: Cake..

Bella: Cake!

Yumi/Bella: it's done!

Bella put on some oven mitts and reached into the oven, then grabbed the unfrosted cake and placed it on the counter. The two of them were wearing cooking aprons and classic black shorts that every Inkling and Octoling girl in the plaza would wear. Yumi, looked over at Bella and saw that she had her long inkling tentacles tied up in a ponytail, causing her to let out a tiny blush from how cute Bella looked with her hair tied up, but Yumi snapped herself out of her "Bella trance" before she was completely pulled into her thoughts.

Bella: alright! time to put the icing on this bad boy!

Yumi: *nods* mm!

Bella and Yumi, both grabbed the big bowl of vanilla Icing and grabbed their separate spoons. The two began to spread their Icing onto the cake, and while Yumi was spreading the frosting softly and gently, Bella was spreading the frosting much faster and roughly, actually causing some of the frosting to fly up and hit Bella's cheek, which she didn't notice, but Yumi did.


Bella: I can't wait to see the look on Miles' face when he sees the cake we made for hi-

Bella's eyes widened when she felt something...soft...and wet....slide up her cheek. she saw Yumi, out of the corner of her eye, licking up her cheek in a very adorable way, causing Bella to look away in a uncomfortable way while blushing from embarrassment when she felt Yumi's tongue leave her cheek, yet Bella could still feel the trail of saliva that Yumi left on her...slowly tailing down her cheek.

Bella:... Icing on your cheek...

*Knock Knock Knock*

Bella:....I'll....go get that....

Bella walked over to her door and opened it up as Yumi continued to make the cake, but not that long later, Yumi could hear squealing, causing her to turn her head to see Bella covering her mouth with her hands and jumping around like a fangirl. Yumi, got concerned so she put down her spoon and walked over to the door and her eyes widened when she saw the Squid Sisters next to a group of five Inklings, The Ravens and the Squid Sister's "bodyguard".

Callie: heya!

Marie: so you're Isabella and Yumi?

Bella: y-y-y-y-y-y-you're....the.....

Yumi: 0-0....

Callie: yup! it's us!

Callie/Marie: *do their pose* The Squid Sisters!

Bella: This must be a dream....

Marie: Nope. We actually wanted to talk to you two.

Yumi: *visible confusion while freaking out*

Bella: b-but why?!

Amira: because of the match you had with the Fireflies.

Bella looked over and saw Amira glaring at her while walking in front of The Squid Sisters to look at Bella face to face. Bella's shocked expression turned into a more serious and calm expression as she untied her tentacles to let them fall to her sides and looked right back at Amira.

Bella: I know you...

Amira: it looks like I don't have to Introduce myself.

Bella: Amira....leader of the Rank Nine squad, The Ravens. What are ya doin' at my front door?

Amira: I became fond of you, did you exactly manage to defeat the Fireflies?....when you are in the low ranks?

Bella: *smiles* through hard work and dedication!

Amira: so...."hard work and dedication" is the reason on how you were able to super jump with that Booyah bomb and slam it into Otto's face?

Bella: yup. It's one of the many Booyah bomb techniques.

Callie: Yeah! Bella jumped into the air and said "SHWOOOO" Then she slammed that Booyah bomb on Otto's face like "BWAAAAAAAAH".

Amira: *glares at Callie*

Callie: and....I'll......shut up now....

Amira:.....anyway. I believe you won that game out of luck...

Bella: the hell do you mean?

Amira: It was Rainmaker. They should've picked something that took more strategy, like Splat Zones.

Bella: hm...true.

Amira: *glares* which is exactly what I challenge you to.

Bryan: wha-..Amira!!

Dustan: you can't be serious! I thought you were joking yesterday!

Lilith: she's just a waste of our ti-

Amira put up her hand and her squadmates shut their mouths almost instantly. She put her hand back down and tilted her head at Bella in a very....dead and threatening way.

Amira: do you accept my challenge?...


Amira: is there a problem?..

Bella:....I....It's just....*sigh* of my squadmates....they're in the hospital at the moment.

Amira: well get a temporary squadmate then...



Amira: I want an answer you accept my challenge...or not?

Bella bit her lip and clenched her fists, trying to think of what she could do, but then she sighed, held out her hand, and glared at Amira.

Bella:...I accept...I'll get a temporary squadmate.

Amira: good.

Amira and Bella shook hands as Callie and Marie looked at each other and smirked.

Callie: looks like we got some commentating to do, Marie!

Marie: definitely.

Amira: Splat Zones....Skipper pavilion....

Bella: easy! I love Splat Zone-

Amira: and..


Amira: I wanna make this a bit more're doing reduced respawn.

Marie: woah.....t-this girl is insane!...

Callie: 0-0...oh my cod...

Bella: reduced.....respawn?...

Amira: It's pretty self explanatory...Instead of always respawning after you get splatted, there is now a limit to how many times you can get splatted. think of it as a life system.

Bella: what happens if out of lives?

Amira: you do not respawn, and instead are kicked to the sidelines where you have to watch. If your whole team runs out of lives then we automatically win the play against us carefully....


Amira walked off, and her squadmates followed behind her, but Amira stopped and looked over her shoulder, back at Bella again and held up four fingers.

Amira: Meet me in Inkopolis square at Four Pm tomorrow. If you do not have a temporary squadmate at that will be forced to forfeit the match....

Amira walked off with her squad, and Callie and Marie, along with their "bodyguard", looked at Bella to see her completely shaking as if she was gonna lose it.

Marie: sheesh....that Amira girl is creepy...

Yumi: are you ok...Bella?.....

Bella:......I am so fucked...


Bronwyn ^

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