Chapter 3: Training
Tadayoshi: wake up, kid
Alex wakes up to find Tadayoshi sitting on her chair waiting for her
Alex: h-how long was I asleep?
Tadayoshi: you weren't that long, but we got work to do
Alex: work... what kind of work....
Tadayoshi: you will find out soon, get change and meet me outside
Alex: but... don't we have school?
Tadayoshi: it's the weekends kid, don't worry about it
Alex: ok....
Tadayoshi leaves out the room, as Alex changes into her clothes and heads downstairs
Alex quietly walks past her parents, who were eating and chatting to her brother on how successful he is
Father: you've done so well to get this far, don't disappoint me
Jason then notice Alex sneaking by as he squint his eyes
Jason: don't worry father.... I won't fail you... say sis, what are you doing come join with us!
Alex jumps a little as she turns at them
Alex: m-morning mom and dad...
Mother: how did you sleep
Jason: your looking well
Father: yeah, so I think you should be studying
Alex: but I-
Father: no buts, if you keep this up, I'm gonna throw you out of the house
Alex: ...yes father
She turns to leave upstairs
Tadayoshi: you coming kid
Alex turns to see Tadayoshi at the front door
Tadayoshi: I was still waiting for you
Father: who are you
Tadayoshi: I'm just a friend of hers
Mother: sorry, she can't come out and play, she has to
Tadayoshi: she and I planned to study together today
Mother oh...
Father: well then, go ahead Alex, you two study well
Tadayoshi: we will, come on kid
Alex: o-ok
Tadayoshi leaves out the door as Alex follows
They walk down the street for a few minutes
Alex: why did you have to lie?
Tadayoshi: hm?
Alex: n-nothing
Tadayoshi: tell me
Alex: but I-
Tadayoshi: you already say something, you can't take it back, tell me
Alex: w-why did you... have to lie to them...
Tadayoshi: it's either your stuck in your room studying, or me trying to help you
Alex: but... what are trying to help with today...
Tadayoshi: you are about to find out
Then soon arrive at an open area, with only some fake mannequin
Alex: w-what's this?
Tadayoshi tosses her a wooden sword
Tadayoshi: hit it
Alex: what
Tadayoshi: your gonna learn how to fight
Alex: but... I don't want to fight anyone...
Tadayoshi: when you are alone, you got to learn to fight back, then taking in the pain
Alex: o-ok
Alex walks over and hits one of the mannequin very light
Tadayoshi: your gonna hit it a little hard
Alex nods as she looks at the mannequin
She brings it up to her head and swings it down as hard as she can, while closing her eyes
Tadayoshi: ok, ok, now I'm gonna teach you the basic with a sword
Alex: umm... am I gonna be using a sword to protect myself
Tadayoshi: no
Alex: then why am I-
Tadayoshi: you will find out why
Tadayoshi then begins teaching Alex the basic moves on swinging the sword, which took time with her, for the next few hours
Time fly by, as Alex finally learn every move
Tadayoshi: you did good kid, you can relax now
Alex sits down next to Tadayoshi, catching her breath
Her stomach begins to growl a bit
Tadayoshi looks at her as she was a bit red
Tadayoshi: you hungry?
Alex: no...
He stomach growls again as Tadayoshi gives her a really look
Alex: yes...
Tadayoshi pulls out a wrapped tinfoil from his pocket and hand it to her
Tadayoshi: eat it up, don't be afraid
Alex slowly takes the wrapped tinfoil and opens it up to reveal a large rice ball
Alex: I.. I can't accept this
Tadayoshi: eat it
Alex: but it's your lunch, I can't just-
Tadayoshi: eat.... it!
Alex: ok...
Alex looks at it a it before taking a bite out of it
As soon she felt it touch her taste buds, she lets out a tear
She begins gobbling it down, as tears starts flowing down her face
Tadayoshi: how is it?
Alex: it's... it's good...
Tadayoshi then pulls out another rice ball that was wrapped in tinfoil
Tadayoshi: eat much as you want
Alex: what about you
Tadayoshi: I'm not hungry
Alex: ok
Alex begin chowing down the rice balls as Tadayoshi watches
Tadayoshi: slow down kid, you don't want to choke yourself
Alex continues chowing down the rice, not listening to him
After a while, she finishes the rice ball
Tadayoshi: you ready to train again
Alex nods as they get up and continue training
After a few hours, it was now sunset
Tadayoshi: alright you did good
Alex: t-thank you...
Tadayoshi: now then
Tadayoshi moves the mannequin, and gets a wooden sword
Tadayoshi: come at me
Alex: what
Tadayoshi: you know the moves, so I want to you attack a live person
Alex: I...
Tadayoshi: come on kid
Alex hands begins to shake
Tadayoshi: we have all day, you can do it
Alex finally starts swinging at him, but Tadayoshi just dodges and blocking her attack
Tadayoshi: too slow and weak
Tadayoshi hits her head with the wooden sword
Alex: ow....
Tadayoshi: you also have to learn to endure the pain
Alex stands back up again
Alex: I-I can't do it, it's impossible to hit you...
Tadayoshi: because your holding back
Alex: what
Tadayoshi: deep in you, you really want to hit something
Alex: n-no I don't...
Tadayoshi: think of the times your parents treat you, the way Alexa and her friends treat you at school, think of the times your brother treat you like a punching bag
Alex begins remembering the pain she went through, all begin to boil up
She yells as she charges at him, but as she was about to swing down at him
Tadayoshi dodges and she trips over and falls to the ground
Alex slowly gets up but notice his hand
Tadayoshi: congrats, you did it
Alex: what...
Tadayoshi: I finally got you to succeed
Alex takes his hand, as he pulls her up
Alex: but... I didn't hit you...
Tadayoshi: no, but you were able to let go of your pain
Alex: what?
Tadayoshi: you have been always holding back, you never yelled back at them, never had the courage to throw a fist at them, but you finally are able to let it go
Alex: oh...
Tadayoshi: starting tomorrow, you are gonna learn to let out your feelings, and to control it
Alex: control it?
Tadayoshi: there are times you have to hold back, which is why I gonna teach you
Alex: ok
Tadayoshi: come kid, lets bring you back home, don't worry about your brother beating you, or your parents yelling at you, I can handle that
Alex: Th-thank you
Tadayoshi: hmm
Alex: thank you... for teaching me... an giving me food and-
She then felt his finger on her lips
Tadayoshi: tell me that when I have finish my help with you
Alex: o-ok
Tadayoshi and Alex begins to walk home as the sun begins to set to begin another day to begin
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